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  TRIZ/USIT Paper: Creative Problem-Solving Methodologies TRIZ/USIT: Overview of My 14 Years in Research, Education, and Promotion  (Mar. 13, 2012), (Mar. 23, 2012)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Unversity), Jan. 6, 2012, To be published in "The Bulletin of the Cultural and Natural Sciences in Osaka Gakuin University", No. 64, March 2012; Posted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in Japanese, on Mar. 13, 2012; English translation: March 22, 2012.
This article is an overview of my activities for the 14 years (from Apr. 1998 to Mar. 2012) while I have been working for Osaka Gakuin University.  On retiring the University by the end of March at the preset age (70) (+ 1 extra), I wrote it for a Bulletin of OGU, and under the permission of the Bulletin I am posting it here in my Web site in Japanese and in English translation.  PDF  (32 pages, 795  KB).  Its  Absract is:
"The core of my working activities has been the research on TRIZ ('Theory of Inventive Problem Solving') and USIT ('Unified Structured Inventive Thinking'). I have attended and presented at international conferences on TRIZ every year, and extended USIT (i.e. a unified and simplified TRIZ) further to find a new paradigm called 'Six-Box Scheme' for creative problem solving. In the field of education, besides several other classes on ordinary information science, I have been teaching on this theme in a lecture class and also in 3rd and 4th year seminars, where my students and I have made several successful case studies of solving familiar problems.
On the basis of these research and education, I have been working for the promotion of penetration of TRIZ and USIT. I established a public Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" and have been operating it for these 13 years. Founding and joining the Japan TRIZ Society, we have held 'TRIZ Symposium in Japan' annually. With further development and wider penetration, the methodologies of creative problem solving will support the movement of technological innovation and will cultivate human resources having the capability of creative thinking, I hope."

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people who have been supporting me for these years.
Even after my formal retirement, Osaka Gakuin University will kindly contiue to support me operating this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" and using my email address at OGU just as before.  I wish to keep my activities going on as long as my health allows me. 

  TRIZ/USIT Talk Slides:  Overview of My 14 Years in Research, Education, and Promotion (Mar. 31, 2012)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gauin University), A talk at OGU, Mar. 17, 2012.  
The 38 slides of my talk to my colleagues of Faculty of Informatics, OGU, for one hour. The talk is a summary of the full paper posted here. I put slightly more weights on introducing TRIZ/USIT than on reporting education and promotion activities.  HTML pages   and PDF files .

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Keynote Lecture:  "Use of TRIZ for Prediction of the Future of Technological Systems"  (posted: Jun. 9, 2010)

Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman (Ideation International Inc, USA), Keynote Lecture presented at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
[Links to Official Site of Japan TRIZ Society] Slides in PDF , Slides in Japanese (translated by Shinsuke Kurosawa (SANNO Institute of Management), Aug 21, 2009) ;
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009', posted on Nov. 23, 2009 .
Mr. Boris Zlotin was a follower and coworker of Mr. Altshuller for many years and is a prominent TRIZ Master.  He has been working on the present topic of technology prediction for over 3 decades and has developed the Directed Evolution methodology.  Here he talks about the problems in technology prediction, the philosophy and methods in the Directed Evolution with some examples.  Technology prediction is still, or ever more, important issue in industries and in TRIZ research. 

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Keynote Lecture:  "TRIZ: Necessary But Not Sufficient: Customers And Theories Of Everything"  (posted: Apr. 18, 2010)

Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation Ltd, UK), Keynote Lecture presented at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Slides in Japanese (translated by Yoshihisa Konishi, Aug 25, 2009) ;
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009', posted on Nov. 23, 2009 ; In Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, on Apr. 17, 2010
This Keynote starts with the questions 'why more than 90 % of projects fail to deliver their products to the market' and 'why more than 90 % of products fail in the market'.  The Author's main postulates are 'Innovation happens when the Voice of the customer matches with the Voice of the system', and 'Understanding the Voice of the customer is crucial for the innovation, but TRIZ lacks in such a method'.  Thus he proposes a new general scheme for revealing the real Voice of the customer, on the basis of his team's 8 years of research.  It has 3 steps: (1) To identify the desired functionality.  (2) Combination of (a) to understand the change in population, (b) to understand the characteristics of the generation of customers, and (c) to consider the characteristic behaviors of customers.  (3) To understand many relevant trends of the market and the enforcing and conflicting relationships among such trends, and finally to consider the desires of solving the contradictions between trends as the Voice of the customers.  The Author tries to make this scheme general by adopting some 'Theories of Everything'; particularly Generation Cycles in (2b) and Spiral Dynamics in (2c) and by considering 1000 trends in (3).  The Author's endeavor to distill the essences from numerous methods and business books is amazing, and has resulted an interesting presentation of all insights at one place in the form borrowed from the Periodical Table of Atoms.  An excellent lecture from which we can learn a lot. 

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "On Patentability of Inventions Facilitated by TRIZ Methodology"  (posted: Dec. 30, 2009)

Tzu-Chang CHEN (Taiwan Textile Research Institute, Taiwan), Proceedings of The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Full Paper in PDF ,
Slides in Japanese (translated by Toshiaki Masaki (Nitto Denko), Aug 25, 2008) ;
Full Paper in Japanese (translated by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 29, 2009) in HTML , in PDF ;

Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.
Paper printed in the Proceedings both in English and in Japanese, but not presented because of the author's absence.  This paper poses a question: "TRIZ certainly helps us solve difficult problems containing contradictions.  Such inventive solutions, however, can smoothly pass the prosecution process of patent application?  TRIZ guides us to use various models, especially Inventive Principles and various examples in other fields.  Does this mean we are relying on prior arts?  Is there any risks that IPO examiners regard our inventive solutions obvious with respect to prior arts?" -- The Author demonstrates a case study of an inventive patent application in the field of functional textile design and examines its patentablity with respect to the prior arts.  His conclusion is: "Which methodology (e.g. TRIZ) is used during the problem solving is not a matter in the patent prosecution process.  Novelty or unobviousness matters wih respect to the prior arts.  Thus (inventive) solutions obtained with TRIZ have to be examined in this viewpoint before the patent application.  You have to search prior arts and limit your claims carefully to obtain patent protection."  Nakagawa has translated this fine paper into Japanese.  

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Computer-aided Problem-solving Assistant for Su-Field Analysis"  (Jul. 10, 2009)

D. Daniel Sheu and David Lee (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Slides in Japanese translation by Kozo Nakahata (Hitachi),
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.
This work has built a software tool which assists the users to input the initial Su-Field Model of the problem and suggests the users possible desirable Su-Field Models along with some examples.  The logic of Inventive Standards is installed in the software.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Creative Problem Solving Process Where We Use Only 12 TRIZ Principles: Generating Ideas and Combining Ideas"

[Creativity Study Group] Hiroto Hayashi (IWEL Co. & Iteq International Co.), Nobuhide Matsuda (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.), Hitoshi Kamijo (Iteq International Co. & IWEL Co.), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan, (Jul. 10, 2009)
Slides in PDF (4 slides in Engish) (32 slides in Japanese) ,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.
This presentation was based on the voluntary group acivities of over 20 people mostly located in Western Japan area.  In order to make the daily problem solving easier, they tried to concentrate on only 12 Inventive Principles and to build up a streamlined process of problem solving.  The group recently published a book on their method.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "The General Picture of TRIZ From the Viewpoint of Changing Objects
― A Method of Resolving Differences Based on the Concepts of Functions and Process Objects Part 3 ―"

Toshio Takahara ( ), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan, (Jul. 10, 2009)
Slides in PDF , Slides with narration notes in PPT , and Full paper in PDF
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.
"Differences" is the gap between the desire and the reality.  We want to resolve the differences in all the activities of goal setting, problem recognition, designing, problem solving, etc.  The author has been constructing his own theoretical framework to handling the difference resolution and has developed his way of diagrammatic representation of such systems and activities.  His 14 papers written since 2003 were posted last year in this Web site .  The author wants to summarize his work in this presentation of TRIZ Symposium 2008.  The slides with narration notes may be easiest for you to understand the author's thoughts.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "A Comparison of the Problem Solving and Creativity Potential Shown in Engineers using TRIZ or Lean/ 6 Sigma"

Paul Filmore (University of Plymouth, UK), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan, (May 7, 2009)
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008. (May 7, 2009)
The presentation is related to the concepts of 'Highly effective people/engineers'.  'Highly effective engineers' DOES NOT MEAN at all the skillful engineers who can work on a given job with high efficiency without thinking on the problem, on the contrary they mean the people (or engineers) who can break their own mindsets (or Psychological Inertia, in TRIZ terms) flexibly and can creatively solve their problems.  The Author leraned the concept of 'Highly effective people' from a large number of references, and applied it to obtain the concept of 'Highly effective engineers'.  In order to be 'highly effective', what kind of attributes are necessary, what kind of tools and methods are useful to cultivate such attributes and to apply to the real probelm situations, the Author is discussing.  Many tools in TRIZ can serve to do that, this is one of the main conclusions by the Author.  The Author also sent inquiries to several practitioners of Lean Engineering and Six Sigma.  And he found that these two methodologies have much room to enhance the methods in this sense.

Japan TRIZ Symp.2008 Keynote:  "Directions for Future TRIZ Development and Applications"

Sergei Ikovenko (GEN3 Partners / MIT, USA), Keynote Lecture presented at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.   (Mar. 8, 2009)  
A page of Introduction to Ikovenko's Keynote is posted both in English and in Japanese.  Dr. Ikovenko talks about the overview of TRIZ.  In the global scale, TRIZ is still in the Infancy stage in its S-curve.  Any product/service in the Infancy stage should find its proper niche for supporting its growth.  For TRIZ, the proper niche is the problem solving in technologies, without doubt.  Thus we must make TRIZ strong and successful in such an area.  For this purpose we need to have the eyes of business managers in technology.  The concept of Main Strategic Parameters of Value (MSPV) is useful.  There are some more research directions in TRIZ.  All together, TRIZ is proceeding towards 'the Science of Innovation'. -- This Keynote gives a clear view of the future of TRIZ.

  TRIZ/USIT Paper: "Extension of USIT in Japan: A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving"   (Sept. 18, 2008)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan
I have reviewed how USIT was introduced in Japan and has been extended in Japan for these 10 years. (1) I introduced USIT into Japan as an easy-to-learn TRIZ.  It forms a basis of my 'Slow-but-Steady Strategy' of introducing TRIZ into Japan.  (2) We reorganized all the solution generation methods in TRIZ into the framewok of USIT and constructed a system of USIT Operators, having 5 principal methods and 32 sub-methods.  This makes USIT a next-generation TRIZ, forming a basis of 'Steady Strategy' of penetrating TRIZ in Japan.  (3) Data-flow repesentation of USIT gave the concept of 'Six Box Scheme', which has been realized as a New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving.  (4) Teaching to university students and training of industrial engineers have been estabished, and applications to real industrial projects have been carried out in companies.  With all these activities, USIT has been contributing to promote TRIZ in a way easy to learn and apply, i.e. a unique feature of the TRIZ community in Japan in comparison to other countries.  In the English page: Paper , paper in PDF, slides in PDF; In the Japanese page: Paper, paper in PDF, and slides in PDF.

  TRIZ Paper: "No Need for Methods?"   (Sept. 7, 2008)

Peter Schweizer (MethoSys GmbH, Switzerland), Presented at ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2007" Conference, Held at Frankfurt am Main, Germany on Nov. 6 - 8, 2007
An interesting paper discussing about the people's psychological reactions to TRIZ and how we should promote TRIZ. Paper and the presentation slides are posted in PDF in Engish and also in Japanese translation by Mitsuo Morihisa.  Nakagawa's introducton is also posted by taking from my 'Personal Report of ETRIA TFC 2007'.

Keynote Lecture:  "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms" (Annotated slides, etc.)   (Feb. 27, 2008)

Larry Ball (Honeywell, USA), Annotated Slides of the Keynote Lecture Presented at The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan (Held on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007 at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama), Nov. 5, 2007;
On our request, the Author has kindly provided us with the full annotation of his Keynote presentation slides. This annotation is very helpful for us to understand the Author's thoughts in the lecture.  The new manuscript has been translated into Japanese by Toshio Takahara and Toru Nakagawa, just as the previous articles by the Author.  The following articles related to this Keynote Lecture are posted newly (or linked to the previous ones) both in English and in Japanese in parallel.  (1) Extended Absracts   , (2) Nakagawa's introduction (excerpt from Nakagawa's Personal Report)   , (3) Slides presented at the Keynote Lecture   , (4) Annotated slides of the Keynote Lecture   , (5) Example of Cause Analysis   , and (6) Series of postings of the Course Material (about 160 printed pages)   and corresponding eBook   .  I would like to recommend you these articles highly.

  TRIZ Paper: "A Method of Resolving Differences Based on the Concepts of Functions and Process Objects: Part 2"   (Dec. 9, 2007)

Toshio Takahara ( ), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
[This is a highly theoretical paper. Though the paper was presented in a Poster session, full papers were published in the Proceedings and posted here both in English and in Japanese.  The Author's way of representing 'Cause-Effect Diagrams' is clear and informative (Nakagawa's 'Personal Report of the TRIZ Symposium' explains this portion of the paper).  With the term of 'Resolving differences', the Author is trying to make a new integrated framework of problem solving, making new function, and idealization.  The paper is difficult to understand, but I now feel a new integral theory is emerging here.  The page contains Nakagawa's introduction, Extended Abstract, and the full paper in PDF .

Keynote Lecture:  "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms"  

Larry Ball (Honeywell, USA), Keynote Lecture Presented at The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007 at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama;
Larry Ball's Illustrated Course Material "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms" were published in the TRIZ Journal and then have been reposted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in Japanese translation  by Toshio Takahara and Toru Nakagawa. The course mateial is unique in its general structure and very attractive with a plenty of illustrated examples. Since the material has the volume of 160 pages, it is nice to listen to the author explain the general concept of the course material and his ways of applying TRIZ to real problems.  Abstract , Sides, and Japanese slides

Keynote Lecture:  "Variation of System Properties for New or Improved Function"  

Simon Dewulf (CREAX, Belgium), Keynote Lecture Presented at The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007 at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama;
CREAX has been carrying out an extensive patent analysis project and building knowledge bases with new frameworks in TRIZ. For improving existing functions and achieving new functions, they recognized the need of change in the attributes (or properties) of the relevant parts in the system. Thus the author proposes a new approach of utilizing the property changes, especially in the form of trends of evolution of technical systems, for creative problem solving.   Abstract , Sides, and Japanese slides

Keynote Lecture: "A Simple Theory Underlying Structured Problem-Solving Methodologies -ASIT, TRIZ, USIT (and others)"  (Jun. 24, 2007)

Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck, USA), Keynote Lecture presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita City, Osaka, Japan; Japanese translation of the paper by Keishi Kawamo (retired: Shibaura Institute of Technology) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Jun. 17, 2007.
[We have re-realized the importance of this paper.  Thus, besides the Japanese translation of the presentation slides posted earlier, we have translated the paper into Japanese and post it here, together with the original English texts. English page ; Japanese translation in HTML and in PDF . ]

  TRIZ Symposium paper and slides: "Technology Forecast by the 9-Window Method and the FDMS Cycle"   (Jan. 7, 2007)

Kunio Fukatsu (TOSHIBA Social Automation Systems), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka. 
[The Author has been working for developing social automation systems especially with paper and card handling functions.  In the present study, he characterizes the 4 stages of the S-curve evolution as the 'FDMS Cycle' composed of Function realization, Discrimination, Multifunction, and Standardization stages. Then he demonstrated the FDMS Cycles of the banks' ATM system in relation with those of its subsystems, i.e. passbook printer and page turning element, and concluded that the Function realization of a subsystem urges the system to proceed a step further in the FDMS Cycle.  Nakagawa's introduction , the presentation slides  , and the paper in Japanese are posted.]

  ETRIA TFC2006 paper and slides: "A New Paradigm of Creative Problem Solving (3) Six-Box Scheme in USIT"    (Nov. 1, 2006) (Slides in Japanese: Nov. 29, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan), Presented at ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2006" Conference at Kortrijk, Belgium, on October 6 - 8, 2006
[The 'Six-Box Scheme' which I had been advocating as a new paradigm of creative problem solving was illustrated.  The first half of the presentation explains the concept of the Six-Box Scheme, while the latter half describes the comparison of 'the Four-Box Scheme paradigm with traditional TRIZ' and 'the new Six-Box scheme with USIT' from 6 viewpoints.  Full paper in English and slides in English are posted in this site. The paper presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium forms a complementary pair with this paper.] [Slides in Japanese translation are posted in HTML and in PDF (Nov. 29, 2006)]

Keynote Lecture: "Innovation of the Integrated Product and Process Development by WOIS -- Contradiction Oriented Innovation Strategy" (Oct. 2, 2006)

Hans-Juergen Linde and Gunther Herr (WOIS Institute Coburg, Germany), Keynote Lecture presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ CB, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita City, Osaka, Japan.
[Professor Linde has been working to apply and extend TRIZ further in their own ways.  The principal aim of WOIS is to find strategic diretions for the development of new products and processes by analyzing the evolution of the technical systems, and to make a breakthrough to the contradictions brocking such directions.  Thus they show how to make an Innovative Shortcut. Slides (Watch out!  Huge.  14.6 MB, PDF) , Paper (397 KB, PDF) , Slides in Japanese (translated by K. Nakahata and T. Hayashi) (Watch out!  Huge. 14.6 MB, PDF)

Keynote Lecture: "A Simple Theory Underlying Structured Problem-Solving Methodologies -ASIT, TRIZ, USIT (and others)" (Oct. 2, 2006)

Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck, USA, Orignator of USIT), Keynote Lecture presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ CB, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita City, Osaka, Japan.
[Sickafus is the originator of USIT.  Any structured problem solving methodology, such as TRIZ, USIT, etc., teaches us to solve problems following clear structure.  However, Sickafus argues, the human brains work more freely, not only at the conscious level but also at the subconscious level.  Thus he advises us to utilize such a power of our brains.  While the consious uses logic, the subconsious can be activated with metaphores, such as images and words.  Thus he advises us to solve problems without being constrained with the structured logic.  In Japanese traditional art students are trained to "Enter the Form first, and then get out of it". Slides (PDF, 344 KB) , Paper (PDF, 77 KB) , Slides in Japanese (translated by Yuji Mihara) (PDF, 515 KB)

Paper in Japanese translation: "How to Deal with Cost-Related Issues in TRIZ" (Jul 18, 2006)

Ellen Domb (PQR Group and the TRIZ Journal, USA), Presented at the ETRIA World Conference "TRIZ Future 2005" held at Graz, Austria on Nov. 16-18, 2005.  Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU) on Jul. 12, 2006
[Paper presented last November, and has been waiting in the 'To Do List for TRIZ'.  Many of TRIZ beginners try to deal with cost-related issues, meet difficulties, and decide that TRIZ is of no use.  Since the cost problem covers a very wide range of issues, we need careful analyses, the author says.  Besides, we TRIZ experts should construct/re-arrange TRIZ methods in such a way that TRIZ beginners can tackle cost-related problems with TRIZ, the author says and actually suggests a version of such an approach.  Important paper for teaching/learning TRIZ.  Posted in HTML and in PDF (285 KB) .]

Paper in Japanese translation: "Success through Integration of TRIZ, DFSS, and Strategic Management" (Jul 18, 2006)

Johannes Pfister (Inter Quality Service AG, Germany), Presented at the ETRIA World Conference "TRIZ Future 2005" held at Graz, Austria on Nov. 16-18, 2005.  Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU) on Jul. 10, 2006
[Paper presented last November, and has been waiting in the 'To Do List for TRIZ'.  On the basis of over 30 years of experiences as a consultant, the author has evaluated a large number of techniques/methodologies for developing products and services, and then has shown recomendable techniques and their relations in several intensive diagrams for major stages of development.  Important paper/document worthy of close examination.  Paper in Japanese in PDF (2021 KB) .]

 Paper:  "A System for Preventing from Our Leaving Things Behind -- A Case in 2-Day USIT Training Seminar"  (Feb. 1, 2006) (Jun. 21, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at TRIZCON2006: the 8th Anual Conference of Alshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, Held on Apr. 30 - May 2, 2006, at Milwaukee, USA.
[Documents produced at a USIT 2-Day raining Seminar conducted on Sept. 28-29, 2005 in Tokyo are vividly reported.  A team of 5 members analyzed the problem and generated a set of conceptual solutions.  This case shows the effectiveness of USIT for the type of problems for generating a set of new concepts, process-oriented, software related, and vague at first. The paper is posted in PDF (503 KB) .

 Paper:  "A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving: Six-Box Scheme in USIT without Depending on Analogical Thinking"  (Nov. 30, 2005) (Apr. 25, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at the 27th Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, Held on Oct. 29-30, 2005, at National Center of Sciences, Tokyo.
English translation by Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 23, 2006.
[This is an extension of my TRIZCON2005 paper .  For creative problem solving, the Four-Box Scheme where the problem is solved at an abstract level has been accepted widely as the basic scheme.  The contents of the scheme, however, are not clearly described in general terms, and the analogical thinking depending on the searched hints is at the core of the scheme.  The author has represented the overall process of USIT in the dataflow diagram, and has obtained a new 'Six-Box Scheme'.  After examining the significance of this scheme, the author has concluded that the scheme provides a new paradigm for creative problem solving without depending on analogical thinking.  A concise paper of 6 pages in Japanese; 13 pages in English translation.  Posted both in HTML and in PDF format (391 KB) (210 KB) .  Slides for presentation in Japanese are also posted in PDF (39 KB) .  The English version will be posted in the TRIZ Journal, too.]

Paper: "A New Paradigm of Creative Problem Solving (2) The Six-Box Scheme in USIT Illustrated with a Simple Case Study" (Apr. 4, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Presented at the Third Symposium on Knowledge Creation Supporting Systems, held at JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology), Ishikawa Prefecture, on Feb. 23-25, 2006.
[Slides for 30 minute talk and paper of 8 pages.  The Six-Box Scheme in USIT is a new understanding of the basic scheme of Creative Problem Solving.  For various technical problems, we analyze the problem with a set of standard methods, generate ideas by applying USIT Operators, and bulid them up into conceptual solutions.  The whole pocedure of USIT is demonstrated with a simple case of 'How to make a knot with a string left shorter than the needle'.  Paper in HTML, Paper in PDF
and slides in PDF .]

Paper: "Back to Creatability"  (Apr. 4, 2006), (Apr. 25, 2006)

Klaus-Juergen Uhrner (KACO GmbH + Co.KG, Germany), Presented at ETRIA TFC2005: The 5th ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2005" Conference, Held at Graz, Austria, on Nov. 16-18, 2005;
(Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU) on Mar. 27, 2006; Posted on Apr. 4, 2006)

Introduction to Uhrner's Paper: "Benefits of TRIZ Have Been Proved with Real Industrial Data of Inventions".
by Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Dec. 29, 2005 and April 22, 2006; Posted (as a part of my ETRIA Report ) on Jan. 13, 2006 and on Apr. 25, 2006.

[Amazing paper presented last year at ETRIA Conference.  The author has been using TRIZ since 1996 and four other engineers joined since 2000.  The author has analyzed the 165 inventions made in his company for these 30 years and has demonstrated the effects of TRIZ on them.  The average number of inventions per year raised from 3 to 9.4 after the introduction of TRIZ.  The qualities of the inventions were evaluated with the criteria of 'Levels of Innovation', a refinement of Altshuller's criteria.  The average level of their inventions has been found to have made a jump from 2.4 to 3.4 by the effects of TRIZ.  Those who believe it shall be saved!  Introduction by Nakagawa in HTML,and Paper by Uhrner in PDF .]

Paper: "Software Engineering and TRIZ (2) Step-wise Refinement and the Jackson Method Reviewed with TRIZ" (Mar. 17, 2006)

Tor Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Presented at the ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2005" Conference, Held onNov. 16-18, 2005, at Graz, Austria, pp. 370-392
[Paper presented last November.  Step-wise Refinement is a basic concept in computer science; TRIZ could learn much from it but can contribute to it with the idea of refinement in 'Another Dimension'.  The Jackson Structured Programming advises to 'reflect the data structures of inputs and outputs onto the structure of processing'; this is an idea TRIZ and hard technologies can learn.  Paper in HTML, Paper in PDF
and slides in PDF .]

 Paper:  "A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving: Six-Box Scheme in USIT without Depending on Analogical Thinking"  (Nov. 30, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at the 27th Annual Conference of Japan Creativity Society, Held on Oct. 29-30, 2005, at National Center of Sciences, Tokyo.
[This is an extension of my TRIZCON2005 paper .  For creative problem solving, the Four-Box Scheme where the problem is solved at an abstract level has been accepted widely as the basic scheme.  The contents of the scheme, however, are not clearly described in general terms, and the analogical thinking depending on the searched hints is at the core of the scheme.  The author has represented the overall process of USIT in the dataflow diagram, and has obtained a new 'Six-Box Scheme'.  After examining the significance of this scheme, the author has concluded that the scheme provides a new paradigm for creative problem solving without depending on analogical thinking.  A concise paper of 6 pages.  Posted both in HTML and in PDF format (391 KB) .  Slides for presentation are also posted in PDF (39 KB) .]

  Paper: "Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation: TRIZ/USIT.  Its Philosophy, Methods, Knowledge Bases, and Software Tools"  (Nov. 30, 2005)

by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Published in "the Journal of Japan Creativity Society", Vol. 8 (2004), pp. 49-66.
[This paper was first presented at First Symposium on Knowledge Creation Support Systems, held on Feb. 27-28, 2004, at JAIST (Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku) near Kanazawa; and was posted in this site
in Japanese (Mar. 3, 2004) and in English translation (Aug. 26, 2004). The paper has been published in the Journal with minor revisions.  This paper was given the 'Journal Paper Award of Vol. 8' by the Japan Creativity Society on Oct. 29, 2005.
This paper introduces the whole aspects of TRIZ in a top-down manner on the basis of up-to-date understanding of the methodology.  Explains TRIZ/USIT and its usage in the "Steady Strategy" of introduction. Posted in PDF.]

Paper translated: "Analysis and Development Aspects of Laser Optical Disk Systems"    (Oct. 26, 2005)

by Serguei Khrouchtchev (Moscow State Technical University, Russia), Japanese translation by Kou Noguchi (NEC Electronics) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Oct. 26, 2005.
[The paper was originally published in the Proceedings of ETRIA World Conference "TRIZ Future 2003" held at Aachen, Germany, on Nov. 12-14, 2003, and was posted in this site in English (Jun. 16, 2004).
Detailed analysis of the technological evolution in the optical systems of Compact Disks and DVDs.  How various contradictions appeared and then solved is described from viewpoints of TRIZ principles. Giving technological background to the author's work on DVD cost reduction at Samsung.]

Paper: "Overall Dataflow Structure for Creative Problem Solving in TRIZ/USIT" (Mar. 24, 2005) (Jun. 16, 2005)
         Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presentation at TRIZCON2005, held near Detroit, on Apr. 17-19, 2005.
       [The overall structure, in addition to the overall procedure, has been examined both in TRIZ and in USIT. Instead of the ordinary four-box scheme with analogical thinking in problem solving, a six-box scheme is demonstrated in USIT for logical and yet creative thinking.  TRIZ has already been reorganized and unified into USIT. ]

Paper: "Software Engineering and TRIZ (1) Structured Programming Reviewed with TRIZ" (Jun. 16, 2005) (Brief introduction only in Japanese, Jun. 16, 2005)
         Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.);  Proceedings of TRIZCON2005, held near Detroit, on Apr. 17-19, 2005.
       [The first report of a research having three folded purposes. As one of major topics in software engineering, Structured Programming has been reviewed with TRIZ. Especially, the Goto-less dispute is reviewed with the TRIZ concept of contradiction. Various TRIZ principles are found applicable to software engineering, but it has been noticed that a number of principles in computer science should be introduced into TRIZ to extend it further.]

Paper: "Comparing the Classical and New Contradiction Matrix - Part 2. Zooming In" (Apr. 5, 2005)

by Darrell Mann (CREAX), TRIZ Journal, Jul. 2004. (Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 30, 2004)
[Examined the effectiveness of the two versions of Contradiction Matrix carefully in a verifiable way. For 100 US Patents granted after the publication of "Matrix 2003", the New Matrix has recommended 96%, while the Classical one has recommended 27 % of the Inventive Principles whsich were used by the original inventors.]

Paper: "Overall Dataflow Structure for Creative Problem Solving in TRIZ/USIT" (Mar. 24, 2005)
         Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 20, 2005;  Submitted for presentation at TRIZCON2005, to be hleld near Detroit, on Apr. 17-19, 2005.
       [Japanese translation of the paper to be presented at TRIZCON2005.  Instead of the four-box scheme with analogical thinking in problem solving, a six-box scheme is demonstrated in USIT for logical and yet creative thinking.  TRIZ has already been reorganized and unified into USIT. ]

  Paper:  "USIT Operators for Solution Generation in TRIZ: Clearer Guide to Solution Paths (Oct. 18, 2004)  (Nov. 16, 2004)
         by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Paper to be presented at ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2004" Conference, to  be held at Florence, Italy, on Nov. 5-7, 2004;  Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa on Oct. 17, 2004
         [In place of the 4-box scheme of probelm solving in TRIZ (and in science/technology in general), a 6-box model is demonstrated to represent the USIT problem solving procedure.  USIT Operators are the key to this logical procedure of creative problem solving.]

"Practices of Applying TRIZ/USIT in Japan" (May 13, 2004)  (Aug. 26, 2004)
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), presented at TRIZCON2004 held at Seattle, USA, on Apr. 25-27, 2004.   (Japanese translation of the preface and abstract only on May 13, 2004; full Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, Aug. 26, 2004)
        [For introducing TRIZ into industries, the current "Steady Strategy" in Japan is described.  We use USIT as a simple, unified, and effective TRIZ process.  Activities in a number of Japanese industries are described.]

  Paper: "USIT Approach in Japan for Simpler and Powerful Process of Creative Problem Solving in TRIZ"  (Dec. 11, 2003) 
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), presented at ETRIA World Conference: TRIZ Future 2003, held at WZLforum of RWTH Aachen, Germany on Nov. 12-14, 2003; Posted on Dec. 11, 2003
       [Simplification of TRIZ should be the key for TRIZ to be widely adopted in industries.  USIT Approach in Japan is is explained and demonstrated.  2-day training seminar is good enough for solving real problems and mastering USIT. ]

"Updating TRIZ: 1985-2002 Patent Research Findings"(Apr. 16, 2003)
      by Darrell Mann and Simon DeWulf (CREAX, Belgium), presented at TRIZCON2003 held at Philadelphia, USA, on Mar. 16-18, 2003; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) on Mar. 28, 2003.
        [Excellent and elaborate work.  All US patents granted during 1985-2002 were carefully analyzed to modernize thewhole TRIZ knowledge bases.   Method of research and its results concerning Level of Invention, Trends of Evolution, an d Inventive Standards are illustrated.]

"Updating the Contradiction Matrix"(Apr. 16, 2003)
      by Darrell Mann and Simon DeWulf (CREAX, Belgium), presented at TRIZCON2003 held at Philadelphia, USA, on Mar. 16-18, 2003; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) on Mar. 29, 2003.
        [Important paper.  On the basis of the Patent Research, the Contradiction Matrix were completely modernized in its contents, in its parameter set, in its user-interface, etc. The Matrix is now customizable, e.g. to software development field.]

"Usage of USIT Solution Generation Methods: A Simple and Unified System of TRIZ"(Jan. 22, 2003) (Apr. 3, 2003)
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Hideaki Kosha, and Yuji Mihara (Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd, Japan), presented at TRIZCON2003 held at Philadelphia, USA, on Mar. 16-18, 2003; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, on Jan. 3, 2003.
        [According to the Law of Evolution, the necessity of simplifying and unifying TRIZ is discussed.  Usage of USIT Solution Genration Methods are demonstrated for showing its easiness and effectiveness. ]

"Breakthrough Thinking" User's Manual  (Mar. 5, 2003)
        by Larry K. Ball (Honeywell, USA), TRIZ Journal, March 2002; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 1, 2003 (Posted: Mar. 5, 2003); Editor's Note (by T. Nakagawa) and Author's Message and Profile (by L. Ball) (Posted: Mar. 5, 2003).
          [Reorganized the whole TRIZ methods and presented it as a linearlized 6 steps of problem solving process.  The process is composed of many smaller steps and visualized with a large number of diagrams and illustrated examples.]

"Reorganizing TRIZ Solution Generation Methods into Simple Five in USIT"(Nov. 19, 2002)
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Hideaki Kosha, and Yuji Mihara (Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd, Japan), Presented at ETRIA World Conference "TRIZ Future 2002" held at Strasbourg, France, on Nov. 6-8, 2002; Japanese translation, Sept. 8, 2002 (posted: Sept. 18, 2002); Posted in English on Nov. 19, 2002.
        [TRIZ Solution Generation Methods (including Inventive Principles, Inventive Standards, Trends of Evolution, and Separation Principle) have been reorganized in the frame work of USIT, forming a simple and powerful system of solution methods.]
        [Slides presented at the Conference in the PDF file:  Poste in English on Nov. 19, 2002.]

"Experiences of Teaching and Applying the Essence of TRIZ with Easier USIT Procedure" 
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Proceedings of TRIZCON2002: Fourth Annual Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies International Conference Held at St.Louis, Missouri, on April 28-30, 2002.
        [Including: Discussions by Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck, USA); and  Slides in PowerPoint prepared for the talk.]
      [Describes the experiences with the USIT method in detail on the basis of 3-Day Training Seminars in Japan. ]
        [Japanese translation version was posted earlier on Jan. 7, 2002.]

"Systematic Technology Transfer from Biology to Engineering"
     by Julian F. V. Vincent and Darrell L. Mann (University of Bath, UK), presented at ETRIA Conference "TRIZ Future 2001", held on Nov 7 - 9, 2001, at Bath, UK, pp. 165-176; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Mar. 21, 2002.  (Mar. 28, 2002)
      [Technologies developed in nature by plants and animals through their evolution over 4 billion years include fantastic/miraculous designs.  Even though the TRIZ knowledge base contains very few of them yet, the keys to accumulate and incorporate such nature's technologies into our knowledge base are the TRIZ functionality classification.  Nature's technologies, such as  'to stay wam', 'to keep clean or wash', and 'to join surfaces', are illustrated for possible systematic transfer into engineering.]

"Ideality and 'Self-X'"
     by Darrell L. Mann (University of Bath, UK), presented at ETRIA Conference "TRIZ Future 2001", held on Nov 7 - 9, 2001, at Bath, UK, pp. 135-143; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Mar. 16, 2002.  (Mar. 28, 2002)
      [Ideal Solution in the TRIZ sense achieves the desired function 'by itself' without introducing extra resources and complication of the system, and thus differs from ordinary automation and automatic systems. The author has examined the US patent-base and found over 2000 'Self-X' patents in the real TRIZ sense, and has classified them in their functionality X.]

  "Experiences of Teaching and Applying the Essence of TRIZ with Easier USIT Procedure"  (Jan. 7, 2002)
         by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), submitted in English for presentation at TRIZCON2002 (to be held on Apr. 28-30, St. Louise, Misouri, USA)  on Nov. 26, 2001; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa on Dec. 28, 2001.
      [Describes the experiences with the USIT method in detail on the basis of 3-Day Training Seminars in Japan. ]

  "TRIZ in the Process Industry" (Dec. 17, 2001)
         by Gert Poppe and Bart Gras (Innovation Quotient, The Netherlands), presented at ETRIA World Conference, TRIZ Future 2001 (Held on Nov. 7-9, 2001 at Bath, UK); posted here by courtesy of the authors.
        [Even though many TRIZ novices feel TRIZ inapplicable in the process industry, the authors illustrate that TRIZ is very useful in the process industry, too.]

  "Learning and Applying the Essence of TRIZ with Easier USIT Procedure"  (Aug. 23, 2001)  (Nov. 16, 2001)
         by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), presented at ETRIA World Conference, TRIZ Future 2001 (Held on Nov. 7-9, 2001 at Bath, UK); submitted on May 16, 2001 in English to ETRIA World Conference; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa on Aug. 9, 2001.
      [The Essence of TRIZ is presented in 50 words.  Then the author recommends to learn and apply USIT as a much easier porblem solving procedure which implements the essence of TRIZ.]
        [English full text of the paper is now posted (Nov. 16, 2001)]

  "Approaches to Application of TRIZ in Japan" (May 8, 2000)  (Japanese translation, Feb. 28, 2001) 
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), TRIZCON2000: The Second Annual AI TRIZ Conference, Apr. 30 - May 2, 2000, Nashua, NH, USA, pp. 21-35.
              [Posted here  in English under the permission of the Altshuller Institute.]
              [Reviews the situations around TRIZ in Japan, and address that the difficulty for TRIZ penetration is in mastering the thinking way.  USIT developed at Ford is introduced as a simplified TRIZ procedure, and the "Slow-but-Steady" Strategy is recommended for introducing TRIZ into industries. ]

   "USIT -- Creative Problem Solving Procedure with Simplified TRIZ"(Apr. 24, 2000), (Apr. 24, 2000)
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2000, pp. 111-118.  (in Japanese); English translation by Toru Nakagawa (Apr. 7, 2000).
              [Posted here in Japanese and in English under the permission of JSDE.]
              [Introductory paper to USIT.  Full and concise description of the whole USIT procedure along with two case studies.  Author's practises of USIT Training Seminar in Japan.]

  "Creative Design Methodology and the SIT Method"(Mar. 8, 2000) (Mar. 23, 2000)
          by Roni Horowitz and Oded Maimon (Tel-Aviv University, Israel), DETC'97: 1997 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Sept. 14-17, 1997, Sacramento, California; Japanese translation by Toru Nakgawa (Mar. 6, 2000)
             [Posted here (in Japanese translation) by courtesy of the authors.  See Editor's preface in the English page.]
             [SIT was developed in Israel by extracting the essence of TRIZ.  "Two jointly suffcient conditions"  of inventive solutions are stated, and a simple procedure for finding such solutions are illustrated.]

"Lets Learn 'TRIZ'! -- A Methodology for Creative Problem Solving" (Oct. 1, 1999)
             by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)
        Plant Engineers, Vol. 31, No. 8 (1999),  pp. 30-39.
             [Introduction for beginners; newly written with latest information and understanding of modern TRIZ.
              Posted here in Japanese and then in English under the permission of Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance. ]

"Dialectical Systems Thinking for Problem Solving and Decision Making"
         by Phan Dung (CSTC, Vietnam National Univ. - Hochiminh City)
  7th Intern'l Conf. on Thinking,  June 1-6, 1997, Singapore     [posted here on the author's request on Jul. 16, 1999]

"A Rationale for Adopting SIT into a Corporate Training Program "
        by Ed Sickafus (Ford Scientific Laboratory)
      TRIZCON99: First Symposium on TRIZ Methodology and Application,
        Held by Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, at Novi, Michigan, on March 7-9, 1999, pp. 247-252.
           (Translated into Japanese by Toru Nakagawa and posted here on May 8, 1999
               under the permission of Altshuller Institut, Ford Motor Co.,  and the author.)
               [Dr. Sickafus desribes the process and reasonings of his choosing SIT and introducing it into Ford:
                why and how he chose SIT instead of TRIZ itself, why he focuses on the pre-engineering concept
                generation phase, why he emphasizes rapid problem solving in place of invention, etc.
                Full of insights for promoting the TRIZ methodology in industries.]

"Injecting Creative Thinking into Product Flow "
        by Ed Sickafus (Ford Research Laboratory)
        4th Annual International TPD Symposium - TRIZ Conference,
             at Industry Hills, California, on Nov. 17-19, 1998, pp. 129-132.
              (Translated into Japanese by Toru Nakagawa and posted here on Jan. 22, 1999
               under the permission of ASI, TRIZ Institute, and the author and Ford Motor Co.)
               [A four-membered team used SIT (Structured Inventive Thinking), a simplified version of TRIZ, for
                helping engineers to generate inventive concepts in their real corporate problems.  They achieved
                the goal of "saving the company one hundred million dollars per year".  Team's philosophy and
                way of working are helpful for readers who are struggling in the application and promotion of TRIZ.]

   "Problem-Solving Systems:  What's Next after TRIZ?  (With an Introduction to
          Psycological Inertia and Other Barriers to Creativity) "
        by James Kowalick (Renaissance Leadership Institute)
         4th Annual International TPD Symposium - TRIZ Conference,
              at Industry Hills, California, on Nov. 17-19, 1998, pp. 67-86.
              (Translated into Japanese by Toru Nakagawa and posted here on Jan. 8, 1999
               under the permission of ASI, TRIZ Institute, and the author.)
              [The author recognizes the TRIZ approach as being in a mature stage in the S-Curve in Russia
                and yet in an infancy stage in the western countries, discusses the "limitations and problems" of
                TRIZ, and introduces advanced approaches for the next-generation TRIZ.]

"TRIZ: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving -- Understanding and Introducing It" 
           by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), (May 17, 1998, in Japanese), 
        Published in Bulletine of Cultural and Natural Sciences in Osaka Gakuin Univ.,
              No. 37, pp. 1-12, September 1998.
             (Posted on the ITD/TRIZ Home Page of Mitsubishi Res. Inst., on May 29, 1998)
             (Posted in the Japanese page of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" on Nov. 1, 1998)
      Translated into English by Nakagawa and posted here on Feb. 18, 1999.

Case Studies

  TRIZ Paper: "Problem Solving in Everyday Life: On Methods and Tools for Weeding (or Removing Weeds)" (Nov. 18, 2011)

Takahisa Miyake, Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), 7th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 8-10, 2011 at Toshiba Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan; and also Toru Nakagawa, Takahisa Miyake (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference, on Nov. 2-4, 2011, at Inst. Tech. Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland.  Extended Abstract: , Presentation slides
'Removing weeds' has been a much labor work since ancient days.  It appears to be a simple problem at first sight, but actually is a complex problem containing a diversity of requirements.  Thus in the present study we have considered to reveal the problem in various aspects, such as purposes, goals of finishing, problem situations (e.g., ground, sorts of weeds, distributions of crops and weeds, etc.) and have thought of a variety of methods in the aspects of their intentions, tools, mechanisms, etc. and have evaluated the methods.  The paper stress that before trying to solve a specific problem, we need to understand the structure of the problem from such a variety of aspects, regardless of using TRIZ or not. 

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Paper:  "Study on USIT Operators Application Examples" (posted: Jul. 11, 2010)

[MPUF USIT/TRIZ Study Group] Hideaki Kosha (Fujifilm Corp.), Yuji Mihara, Noritaka Nakayama, Kouichi Nakamura, Hirotake Makino, Poster Presentation at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
Poster Slides in Japanese ; Poster Introduction Slides in English ,
Introduction (in English) by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009' posted on Dec. 24, 2009 ; Introduction translated into Japanese by Toru Nakagawa on Jul. 23, 2010
This paper aims at analyzing a number of new technologies familiar to us with the eyes of USIT and accumulating them in a collection of case studies.  The analysis puts much emphasis on the close observation of mechanism/process of the problem system and on the understanding of the root causes.  The Authors classify the problems into 4 classes, i.e., A: Excess of function, B. Insufficiency of function, C: Instability of function, and D: Harmful effects, and further into 16 sub-classes in accordance with the generalized categories of root causes.  In the analysis of case studies, the Authors try to assign the essence of inventors' ideas in terms of the USIT Operators (i.e. a set of 32 sub-operators derived from all the idea generation methods in TRIZ).  In this manner, the Authors are developing an Index Matrix where appropriate frequently-used USIT Operators can be obtained for each type of problems.  In comparison to the Altshuller's Contradiction Matrix, the USIT Index Matrix is much more generalized (i.e. only 16 problem types in place of 39x39) and straightforward. 

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Paper:  "TRIZ Activities in Korea and Its Success Factors until 2009" (posted: Jul. 25, 2010)

KyeongWon Lee (Korea Polytechnic University, Korea), Oral Presentation at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Slides in Japanese (translated by Toru Nakagawa (OGU)) ;
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009', posted on Dec. 24, 2009 ; Introduction translated into Japanese (by Nakagawa)
The paper overviews the history of introducing TRIZ in Korea, and states that TRIZ in Korea is now at the stage of rapid growth of the S-curve.  The most important trigger of the growth was the successful technical case studies achieved in Samsung group companies by the Russian TRIZ experts around (or just before) 2004 and the fact that the managements of the big companies recognized them and promoted TRIZ actively.  Then the needs of training engineers in the companies led to the effective use of on-line training courses.  According to the Author, many books on TRIZ were published in the Korean language, and several universities have started the regular classes on the subject of creative engineering design on the basis of TRIZ.   The Author summarizes 9 main success factors of TRIZ promotion in Korea.
In Nakagawa's Personal Report, I briefly discussed on the current situations of TRIZ activities in Japan from K.W. Lee's 9 viewpoints plus 6 more different ones .  Various ways of TRIZ promotion in countries and in companies should be discussed further.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Paper:  "Engineers' Understanding of TRIZ As a Consequence of Questionnaire Survey" (posted: Jun. 9, 2010)

Yojiro Fukushima, Tsutomu Hata (Panasonic Corp.), Oral Presentation at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Slides in Japanese ;
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009', posted on Dec. 24, 2009 .
The Authors have promoted TRIZ in the Corporate R&D Division of Panasonic Corp. since 2003 and have applied TRIZ to 156 real projects of their jobs in the IT & Software field.  Questionnaires were carried out at the end of each TRIZ application project, and their answers written in a free format have been analyzed in the present paper.  The engineers' answers well address the keypoints and are mostly positive.  The number of patents issued by each employee every year was also examined and demonstrated the fact that the employees who had TRIZ experiences (together with their senior colleagues) in their first year of employment have produced much larger number of patents in the 2nd and 3rd years of employment than those without such TRIZ experiences.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Paper:  "The potential of OTSM-TRIZ as a frameworking method for modern regional, integrated energy planning and modeling" (posted: Jun. 9, 2010)

Atom Mirakyan, Nikolai Khomenko, Laurent Lelait, Igor Kaikov (European Institute for Energy Research, Karlsruhe, Germany), Oral Presentation at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Full paper in PDF , Slides in Japanese (translated by Makoto Unno (Kawasaki Heavy Industries), Aug. 26, 2010) ;
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009', posted on Dec. 24, 2009 ; In Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, on Jun. 5, 2010
As the goal of  a regional (i.e. sub-national) integrated energy planning, the project states that the plan must be "environmentally friendly, technically reliable, institutionally sound, socially acceptable, cost-effective, and supporting long-term regional sustainable development".  The project must manage a complex and large-scale task which involves not only technical issues but also social, economic, and many other issues.  The present paper has introduced the OTSM-TRIZ methodology as the framework of planning. OTSM-TRIZ is a further extension of TRIZ, started by Altshuller and later developed mostly by Nikolai Khomenko.  The present paper serves as an nice introduction to the OTSM-TRIZ. 
The methodology aims at understanding the complex, large-scale problem in the framework of Altshuller's powerful thinking, representing the routes from the reality to most desirable solutions with a network flow diagram for revealing the barriers or contradictions, and solving those contradictions with TRIZ.  They also have a practical overall process model for preparing, analyzing, prioritizing & decision-making, and implementing & monitoring, in the cooperation with other groups of people including decision makers. 
This paper may be useful for you to learn about OTSM-TRIZ before the coming lectures by Nikolai Khomenko: Keynote Lecture at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 (on Sept. 9-11) and one-day lecture in "OTSM-TRIZ Introduction Seminar" (on Sept. 8, 2010).

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Paper:  "Practical Use of Scientific Creative Techniques for the Development of Telecommunication Devices"  (posted: May 30, 2010)

Takahiro Shoji and Yosuke Koga (Panasonic Communications Co.), Oral Presentation at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Japanese slides ;
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009', posted on Dec. 6, 2009 ; In Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, on May 2, 2010
Panasonic Communications Company (PCC) introduced TRIZ since 2001 and has been actively used the integrated set of scientific techniques including QFD-TRIZ-Taguchi Method (as well as CAD/CAE) in a company-wide scale.  It is perhaps the company where TRIZ has been applied most actively and widely in Japan. Nevertheless, engineers in development projects are apt not to use such TRIZ-based scientific techniques because of being too busy to apply them in their orthodox forms.  Thus the Authors made the methods 'scalable' corresponding to the demands of the projects and easier to apply.  The new method has a process of 3 main phases: (1) First, to generate many fundamental (or preliminary, existing) ideas of functions and to make a tree-style Function Map.  (2) Then, to select the areas for addressing the solution efforts and to force the members to create new/inventive ideas in managed brainstorming sessions. (3) Finally, to evaluate various ideas generated so far and to enhance the highly-evaluated ideas by combining subsidiary ideas, thinking deeply, and looking from competitors' eyes, etc. and to make them the solutions for possible implementation and patent filing. This method, though not appearing like a TRIZ any more t first sight, is firmly underlaid by TRIZ.  The industrial TRIZ practitioners have really digested TRIZ into a new form for real applications.   This paper won the Award of 'Best Presentation For Me' as the results of Japanese participants voting at the Symposium.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Paper:  "Case Study of Introducing and Applying TRIZ to Real Projects for Obtaining Results (= Profits)  (Part 2): Having Used QFD → TRIZ → TM, What are the Results?"  (posted: May 9, 2010)

Tomohiko Katagiri, Toshiaki Tsuchizawa, and Shuichi Hosaka (Koganei Co., Japan), Oral Presentation at The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center 'NWEC), Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan,
Slides in PDF (English translation by Toru Nakagawa, Aug 25, 2009), Japanese slides ;
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009', posted on Dec. 24, 2009 ; In Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, on May 7, 2010
The Authors introduced TRIZ together wth QFD and TM and applied them to the real project of developing a new product, i.e. a high-speed response pneumatic air valve. They have tried to capture real voices of customers with QFD.  The technical problems thus assigned were challenged by the Authors with TRIZ. Some of the new solution concepts obtained with TRIZ were beyond their experiences and expertise. Thus for minimizing the risks in the new product development, they applied TM (Taguchi Method) in designing the test parameters and used CAD/CAE software for the simulation testing of various design choices. The report describes details of the newly developed product, in its performance, inner structure, cases of applications, etc.
The three methods were all new at first to the Authors and to the company, they report.  They requested only one Japanese consultant to instruct all the three methods and to coach the project throughout the course. This presentation obtained "The best presentation for me" Award by the voting of Japanese participants during the Symposim.  Congratulations!

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Usage of TRIZ and USIT in Developing a Novel Duplex Printing Machine"  (posted: Dec. 30, 2009)

Hiroshi Kanno (Tohoku RICOH Co., Ltd.), Presented at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.; and its Japanese translation (translated: Apr. 18, 2009)
This is an excellent case study paper which reports on the development of a duplex printing machine 'RICOH Satelio Duo 8' with the help of TRIZ and USIT.  The digital duplicator uses the mimeography, which uses the pseudo drying of printer ink due to penetraton into the paper fibers.  Thus the paper having printed fresh on a side can not be printed on the other side without making the printer roler dirty.  This problem has long made a dual printer impossible.  On learning basic TRIZ, the Author got the idea of using only one printer drum for printing the both sides and challenged the development of the dual printer.  After various trials, the SLP modeling helped to solve the dirty-ink problem by developing a beads-roler.  Author also learned USIT later and used it for solving many subsequent problems.  The new dual printing machine thus developed with relatively simple modifications has doubled the throughput.  -- This presenration has won the Award by the prticipants voting.  The Japan TRIZ Society is requesting the company for the permission to post the full set of presentation slides publicly in its Web site, but has not obtained it yet.  Nakagawa has translated his introduction to this paper into Japanese and is posting here.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Application of TRIZ to Noise and Vibration Problem Solving -- Fusion with Traditional Theoretical and Empirical Approach --"  (posted: Dec. 30, 2009)

Masao Ishihama (Kanagawa Institute of Technology), Presented at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Slides inPDF in English    and in Japanese

Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.
The Author writes in the Abstract: "Conventional textbooks on noise and vibration (NV) control almost always describe analysis methods only and don’t provide methods of solving problems. On the other hand, handbooks contain solutions of “specific” problems, but they don’t necessary give readers solutions to general problems. In this study, the author tries to connect NV theory with TRIZ idea of solving problems for giving engineers rules of thumb of NV technology. This method converts specific concrete problems into abstract general problems by sorting symptoms by frequency, time dependency, etc. Then these general problems are placed in suitable categories classified by equation of motion in NV theory. Then rules of thumb described with problem solving manner is given."  The paper of this work has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (IJVNV).  Thus the presentation slides are now posted here in English and in Japanese.

  TRIZ/USIT Case Study: "How to Prevent Cords and Cables from Getting Entangled: A Study of Systematic Classification of Various Solutions" (Nov. 23, 2009)

Toru Nakagawa, Tomoyuki Itoh, and Masanobu Tsukamoto (Osaka Gakuin University), Presented at Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center (NWEC), Saitama, Japan; and also presented at ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2009" Conference, Held on November 4-6, 2009 at The Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania.
This paper is an extension of my students' thesis works.  Cords and cables often cause troubles by getting complex and entangled.  Instead of trying to find some specific solutions to this common widely-spread problem, we thought it worthwhile to collect many known solutions and to systematize them.  We collected various solution examples and then tried to classify them in terms of their functions.  A system of solutions achieved by a bottom-up classification, however, was not found convincing, so we needed a more systematic approach.  Introduction and extension of the scope of system was found useful.  The scopes of (A) a single cord/cable, (B) multiple cords/cables, (C) connecting parts between cords/cables and devices, and (D) the whole system with cords/cables and devices were considered step by step.  This approach has provided a consistent system of known solutions, and has given us some clews to think further ahead.   The English page holds the full paper in HTML and in PDF   and the pesentation slides in PDF ; the Japanese page also contains the full paper in HTML and in PDF and the slides in PDF

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "TRIZ and innovation culture at Samsung Electro-Mechanics Company"  (Jul. 10, 2009)

SeHo Cheong; Vasily A. Lenyashin; Alexander T. Kynin; Naum B. Feygenson; YongKwan Lee; Seungheon Han
(Samsung Electro-Mechanics Company, Korea), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Slides in PDF , Slides in Japanese translation by Makoto Unno (Kwasaki Heavy Industries), Paper in PDF
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.
Korea, especially Samsung group, seems to be most active in the world in pomoting TRIZ in industries.  This paper was presented by the manger who leads the Corporte R&D Institute of Samsung Electro-Mechnical Company and takes care of the innovation methods including TRIZ.  Thus the present paper attracted much attention during the Symposium.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Test Pogo Pin (Gold Pins) Reuse Program" (Jul. 10, 2009)

Paul Devaraj, Si Wai Chiang (Intel, Malaysia), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Slides in PDF Slides in Japanese translation by Kazumasa Yokoyama (Toshiba) ,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.
This is one of the four case study presentations given by Intel at the Symposium, besides the Keynote Lecture provided by Amir Roggel (Intel, Israel).  With these presentations you may be able to understand how the global innovation company uses TRIZ for their real projects and businesses.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Problems to be solved and Technological Evolution of Magnetic Recording Media"  (Jul. 10, 2009)

Hiroyuki Suzuki (Hitachi, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory), Poster Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Slides in PDF , and Full paper in PDF
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), An excerpt from 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.; Japanese translation (Jul. 8, 2009)
On the basis of 5 patents which the Author's group developed in the period from 1986 to 2005, the Author describes their intentions and thoughts in the R&D field of magnetic recording media, e.g., what they wanted to solve, what kind of technolgoies they have developed, and what kind of principles they have found and applied, etc. by reviewing their work with the eyes of TRIZ. 
-- It was our surprise and pity that Mr. Hiroyuki Suzuki has passed away two weeks ago.  This paper, fully described both in Japanese and in English, is the descriptiong of his life work viewed with TRIZ and is given to us all as his message.  We heartily wish the heavenly peace for him and for his family.

TRIZ Paper & Case Study: "The Super Stream Augmented Approach for TRIZ and its Application to Aviation Safety."   (Posted: Jun. 16, 2009)

Shahid Saleem A. Arshad, Ph.D.(Applied Innovations, Sydney, Australia), May 15, 2009. 
This paper deals with the problems of the speed sensoring system of airplanes. The Author explains the weak points of the current "pitot + static system", whose defects caused several big airplane crash accidents in the history. He suggests 25 concepts for impoving and resolving the problem, as a case study for demonstrating his own problem solving method.  Two weeks ago, on June 1, an Airbus A330 of Air France plunged into the Atlantic Ocean off Brazil, causing 228 victims.  The trouble in the speed sensor 'pitot + static' system is most the possible cause of the accident.  Just after such an unfortunate accident, the present paper is timely for you to learn.  Paper: 37 pages in PDF   (1.1 MB).

TRIZCON2009 Presentation:  "USIT Case Study: A Mom’s Bicycle for Safely Carrying Two Children"

Hiroshi Sakata (Hitachi Research Lab., Hitachi Ltd.), Tetsuya Sudo (Sekisui House Co.), Keiichi Hasegawa (Bridgestone Co.), Katsura Hino and Akira Kato (Kokuyo Furniture Co.), and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan), Presentation at TRIZCON2009 (The 11th Annual Meeting of the Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies), Held on Mar. 16-18, 2009 at Hilton Woodland Hills, CA, USA (May 7, 2009)
This is an extension of our Poster Presentation at our Japan TRIZ Symposim 2008 held last September.  In Mar. 2008, the five-membered group worked on this problem in a 2-day USIT Training Seminar instructed by Nakagawa.  The results at the seminar and some further refinement afterwards were presented in the Japan TRIZ Symposium .  Some further discussions were written in Nakagawa's Personal Report of the Symposium.  The work was further refined for TRIZCON2009, resulting a 20 page full paper and 29 slide presentation .  This is a full case study describing the procedure of USIT, i.e., problem definition, analysis of the current system and the ideal system from various angles, and solution generation.  We tried to describe the thinking process in the procedure, reflecting the actual history of extension and refinement.

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "USIT Approach for Compact Umbrella"

MPUF (Microsoft Project Users Forum) USIT/TRIZ Study Group: Kouichi Nakamura (SONY Corp.), Etsuo Yamada (MPUF USIT/TRIZ WG), Minoru Takimoto (Fuji Xerox Corp.), Hirofumi Hasaba (MPUF Secretariat), Noritaka Nakayama (Konica Minolta Technology Center, Inc.), Hirotake Makino (Yokogawa Electric Corp.), and Yuji Mihara (Creative Technology Institute Co., Ltd.), Poter Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan, (May 7, 2009)
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008. (May 7, 2009)
The USIT/TRIZ Study Group was started in Apr. 2007 as one of nealy 20 Groups inside the network-based loose organization MPUF, having over 10,000 voluntary users interested in Project Management methodologies.  Its 7-membered working group worked to apply USIT to a real problem by about 20 times off-line meetings.  The problem is 'how to fold the wet compact umbrella easily'.  By virtue of rich backgrounds of members, they applied USIT and other methods, including QFD and TOC, together to the problem and also generated a lot of ideas stimulated with various products and techniques.  They have demonstrated several interesting prototype models of novel 'compact umbrella' at the Poster Session, attracting much attention by the participants.  Their solutions tend to be unique and not practical to be adapted in the current system, in my feeling.  

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Case Study of Introducing and Applying TRIZ to Real Projects for Obtaining Results (= Benefits): Innovating the Product Development Process by use of QFD, TRIZ, and TM together"

Tomohiko Katagiri, Toshiaki Tsuchizawa, and Takeshi Yamanouchi (Koganei Co., Ltd.), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008. (Apr. 21, 2009)
A page of Introduction is written by Nakagawa to the case study of promoting TRIZ in an SME.  Koganei Co. is a manufacturer of aero pneumatic equipments, having about 800 employees.  Under the severe competitive situations, the Authors were convinced  2 years ago with the needs of innovating their product development process.  Thus the Authors started to introduce and apply the set of QFD, TRIZ and TM (Taguchi Method) to their three pilot projects.  It is interesting that the company requested only one consultant to guide the team in all the three methods.  The users, not the consultant, reported their current activities and achievements vividly.  This presentation has won the Second Place of the Presentation Awards according to the votes by Japanese participants.  Congratulations!! It is a pity that only 4 slides are translated into English from the 28 slides in Japanese (English translation was supported by J. Shigeta (Hitachi)).

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "Why Water Striders can stand and slide on the Water?: A Summer Homework by Son and Father with TRIZ"

Taichiro Miyanishi (2nd Grader, Kenroku Junior High School, Kanazawa /Son), Katsuya Miyanishi ( /Father), Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008. (Apr. 21, 2009)
A page of Introduction written by Nakagawa to Miyanishi family's wonderful presentation is posted here in English and in Japanese.  The story presented at the Symposium started when a 12 year boy, Taichiro, talked to his father: 'As a summer homework, I want to learn why water striders can stand and slide on the water surface'.  Father, Katsuya, thought it could be an interesting work by use of TRIZ thinking, which he learned only half a year ago.  With the promice of 'Never to scold', the boy worked on this problem under the Father's guidance.  They tried to think of various ideas for standing on the water surface, with reference to various phenomena and effects.  Then they checked their ideas at the library, and further built toy models of water striders with the materials available at home.  Thus their work is neither a book/internet survey of knowledge, nor observation of the facts, but rather idea generation and verification on the basis of TRIZ thinking.  At the end of the Symposium presentation, the boy made a video talk and said 'I enjoyed the work very much and found the TRIZ thinking process interesting'.  This presentation won the First Place of the Presentation Award according to the votes by the participants.  Congratulations!!  This is a monumental work where TRIZ was actively used by a 12 year boy in Japan. 

Japan TRIZ Symp.2008 Invited Talk:  "TRIZ activity in Corporate R&D Division -Application to system, method, and software technology -"

Yojiro Fukushima (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.), Invited Talk presented at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.   (Mar. 8, 2009)  
A page of Introduction to Fukishima's Invited Talk is posted both in English and in Japanese.  Fukshima has reported his 5-years experiences of applying TRIZ to 150 real projects in the field of IT and software.  The TRIZ team gives TRIZ trainings to engineers and also guides/supports engineers in real job projects.  In the early stages of planning, problem definition, problem analysis and solution generation, the TRIZ team guides the engineers with TRIZ and some other tools.  Such projects have to pass the interim review and final review by the managers and staff of the division; this scheme makes the TRIZ application serious and practical so as to fit with the organization's policies.  They have applied TRIZ in a flexible manner adopting it into IT/software fields.  The TRIZ team is the first eager readers of Japanese draft version of Umakant Mishra's book "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology". -- Fukushima's presentation is amazing in the new field of TRIZ application, i.e. IT/software. 

Japan TRIZ Symp.2008 Keynote:  "TRIZ Development at Intel Corporation"

Amir Roggel (Intel, Israel), Keynote Lecture presented at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan,
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008.   (Mar. 8, 2009)  
A page of Introduction to Roggel's Keynote is posted both in English and in Japanese.  Amir Roggel presented on the promotion of TRIZ in the manufacturing divisions in Intel since around 2002.  In the field of manufcturing they have 4 main areas of problem: Ramping new products into high volume manufacturing, Yields, Tool productivity, and Cost and agility.  For each area they use proper TRIZ tools.  By training engineers and applying TRIZ in real projects, they have made a lot of accomplishments.  3 case studies were reported by colleagues in Intel Malaysia.  TRIZ is now the indispensible tool for innovation in Intel, Amir Roggel says. 

  TRIZ/USIT Case Study: "Applying TRIZ/USIT to A Social & Technical Problem: Auto-locking Door System of Apartment Building" (Mar. 2, 2009)

Toru Nakagawa and Arata Fujita (Osaka Gakuin University), Presented at ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2008" Conference, held on November 5-7, 2008 at The University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
It is a well-known security problem that unauthorized persons can enter the auto-locking entrance door of apartment buildings just by following the preceding residents.  Students' discussions were facilitated with TRIZ/USIT to tackle this problem.  We found three root causes: the door is closed slowly for safety reasons, residents allow unauthorized persons to enter, and there is no effective social rule to follow when two parties happen to meet at the entrance door.  Solution ideas were generated step by step by discussions.  A concept of an IT-based logical door system was built to monitor the number of persons who were authorized and also the number who entered.  Any group leader has to authenticate himself and to declare the number of accompanied persons whenever the door is open or not.  With the new design choice in technology, all the associated psycological and social problems have been solved, hopefully.  Paper and slides in English.  Note the earlier version (Sept. 2007) in Japanese and inEnglish .

  Research Note: "Benefits of Drawing Diagrams (1) Experiences from the USIT Case Study: A Mom’s Bicycle for Safely Carrying Two Children"   (Feb. 22, 2009)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Feb. 22, 2009
Here I have written down my recent experiences that by drawing a diagram we realized some important findings.  In relation to the USIT case study of "A Mom's Bicycle for Safely Carrying Two Children", I have written the followig topics: (1) Effect of the height of children's seats: front view figure at the critical timing of falling over. (2) Image of an Ideal system: a figure where no concrete things are drawn.  (3) Functional diagram of a mom's bicycle carrying two children: strength of simpler and clearer diagrams.  (4) Solution concepts coming from the Functional diagrams.  (5) Separating the parent far from the front wheel: Separation of the handlebar shaft and the front fork shaft, carrying two children in front of the parent.  These cases are described with the patterns of: Problem situations, Guideline of the method, Former/conventional drawings, New drawings, New findings from the new drawings, and Lessons learnt.  These articles also serve to record know-hows of USIT. 

  TRIZ Paper: "40 Inventive Principles in Microelectronics"   (Nov. 16, 2008)

Gennady Retseptor (AVX Israel Ltd., Israel), posted in the TRIZ Journal, Aug. 2002; Japanese translation by Katsusuke Ichikawa, Oct. 22, 2008
The original paper was posted in the TRIZ Journal 6 years ago.  K. Ichikawa, a retired engineer from Shin-Dengen Kogyo, Ltd., has voluntarily translated it into Japanese and contributed to this Web site.  He actually translated it long ago and read it often during his R&D work in microelectronics for enhancing his own ideas, Ichikawa says.

  TRIZ Case Study: "Introduction of the Activity to Promote TRIZ for Engineer and its Application Examples in Hitachi GST"   (Mar. 9, 2008)

Toshihiro Arisaka, Kazushi Tsuwako, Hiroyuki Suzuki (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Japan, Ltd. ), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan 2007 Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
[For making TRIZ easy to access for engineers working in the field of HDD (Hard Disk Drive), the Authors made a table of converting technical terms in HDD into the Contradiction Matrix parameters and listed application examples in HDD area in correspondence to 40 Inventive Principles.  The paper demonstrates two interesting case studies of applying TRIZ: A hardware error recovery mechanism using low RPM operation, and a new design in an actuator mechanism.  English page contains Extended Abstract , Nakagawa's introduction and the Presentation slides in PDF ]

  TRIZ Case Study: "Challenge to Increase TRIZ Users: Original Tool Development at Miyagi TRIZ Society "Wisdom Cards" "   (Feb. 8, 2008)

Rikie Ishii (Dunamis Co., Ltd. / NEDO) and Toshinori Ito (Industrial Technology Institute, Miyagi Prefectural Government), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan 2007 Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
[Presented in a poster session of Japan TRIZ Symposium and attracted and stimulated a large number of visitors.  TRIZ 40 Principles are made into a set of Playing cards for idea genration, with the design to be attractive for young engineers.  The two authors are working to penetrate TRIZ in the SMEs and in students in Miyagi Prefecture.  Introduction by Nakagawa in Engish , and the full paper and presentation slides in Japanese.  ]

  TRIZ/USIT Case Study: "Technical Knowledge Transfer by USIT Application for Paper Handling Mechanism"   (Jan. 7, 2008)

Kunio Fukatsu (Toshiba Social Automation Systems), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan 2007 Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
[Technical knowledge transfer is a current big issue in Japan because many active people in the after-war baby-boom generation are going to retire around the age of 60.  The Author has built an intensive intranet Web site of professional knowledge, but has realized its negative effect because such knowledge get obsolete rapidly.  Learning TRIZ/USIT recently, he has realized the need to transfer the capability of creative problem solving. He describes a case study carried out in a 2-day USIT Training Seminar. English page contains Nakagawa's introduction and the Presentation slides in PDF , whereas the Japanese page holds Extended Abstract and Presentation slides .]

  TRIZ Case Study: "Improvement of Material Properties of Printable Adhesive"   (Jan. 29, 2008)

Jae-Hoon Kim, Joon-mo Seo, Young-Ju Kang and Byoung-Un Kang (LS Cable, Ltd., Korea), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan 2007 Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
[In the process of printing the adhesive on a PDB, the adhesive lifted up with the mask sometimes generates bubbles, breading-out, and clogging and they later cause various defects.  This problem was analyzed and solved by using various TRIZ tools in a standard way.  With the help of Effects knowlede base, the adhesive was improved in its properties on the basis of its microstructure.  This paper is useful because of its detailed description of the problem solving process. English page contains Abstract, Nakagawa's introduction, full paper in PDF and the Presentation slides in PDF .]

  TRIZ Case Study: "Application of Contradiction Table to Computer Architecture -Sub-matrix and Invention Principles for Computer Problems -"   (Jan. 7, 2008)

Toru Shonai (Hitachi, Japan), Shun Kawabe (Meisei University, Japan), and Naoki Hamanaka (Hitachi, Japan), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan 2007 Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
[This case study paper is, as far as I know, the first publication in the world on the application of TRIZ to a real problem in the IT field.  The Authors worked on TRIZ for IT around 1999-2000 in the Central Resaerch Lab of Hitachi, to adapt the Matrix parameters and Inventive Principles to the field of computer architecture and to make a reduced Contradiction Matrix for IT of size 14x14.  They also applied the Matrix to real problems such as the IT systems for Internet Data Center and succeeded to obtain paptents and to implement the ideas in their company's products. English page contains Nakagawa's introduction and the Presentation slides in PDF , whereas the Japanese page holds Extended Abstract, Full paper, and Presentation slides .]

  TRIZ Case Study: "Application of TRIZ to Manufacturing Phase -- Case Study of Eliminating Defects in Printer Assembly Process --"   (Dec. 23, 2007)

Yosuke Koga ( Panasonic Communications Co.), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan 2007 Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
[Excellent paper presented at the Japan TRIZ Symposium 2007. This case study is most impressive in many points: achieving to solve a big problem in a short time by generating many solution ideas, deriving effective measures, executing many measures at once, etc. In the photos of the slides we can see that people seriously got involved in this project and had experienced the change in their mind. This is also an excellent case study for stepping up the TQC style activities into much elaborated one with the philosophy of TRIZ. The page contains Abstract, Nakagawa's introduction, and the Presentation slides in PDF , besides the Japanese pages .]

  TRIZ/USIT Case Study Paper: "Education and Training of Creative Problem Solving Thinking with TRIZ/USIT"   (Nov. 18, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at ETRIA 'TRIZ Future Conference 2007' held on Nov. 6 - 8, 2007 at Frankfurt on Main, Germany
[This paper reports my expereiences of training industry engineers and educating undergraduate students on how to think creatively with TRIZ/USIT in problem solving. The focus is what to teach them. I gradually shifted my emphasis from TRIZ to USIT.  For training engineers, 2-Day USIT Training with group practices of real problem solving is found effective.  For educating students, giving motivations and basic knowledge is necessary for the education of TRIZ/USIT concepts.  Case studies of technical and everyday-life problems are useful for bose targets of people. English HTML page , full paper in PDF, and presentation slides . Abstracts in Japanese .]

  TRIZ/USIT Case Study Paper: "How to Prevent Unauthorized Persons from Entering the Auto-locking Door of Apartment Building: Applying TRIZ/USIT to A Social & Technical Problem"   (Sept. 13, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa and Arata Fujita (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' at TOSHIBA Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan, on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
This paper is an extension of Fujita's Thesis work supervised by Nakagawa.  A concise case study of solving everyday-life problem.  Residencial apratment building equips auto-locking door system at the entrance.  However unauthorized persons can enter the door easily simply by following a resident, during about 10 seconds of the oen door.  This is not a pure technical problem, but rather the problem in the psychology of residents who allow and in the lack of social consensus what to do when two groups happen to meet at the door.  With the discussion in the Thesis Class, the root causes of the problem were revealed to find solutions.  Rules are now displayed clearly that inside the door is a private zone, that every group must get authenticated, that the authentication should be done regardless the door is open or closed, and that the group should input the current number of memebers, etc.  At the same time, a new control system with real-time image recognition capability is installed in order to monitor the number of people who entered the door, and to alarm when any person enters the door exceeding the nuber of authenticated persons.  The door is mechanically and physically operated slowly as before for the sake of safety, but an invisible logical door based on information processing is working instantaneously to show signs, notices, and alarms.  In this manner the problem of human psychology and social rule is solved and the new rule is ensured by a new technical system.  An expert in the security problem commented me 'a cool solution!' in the Symposium.  Extended Abstract , Abstract of the Thesis , Full paper in Japanese , and presentation slides are posted. ]

  TRIZ Case Study Paper: "Super Effects: The Synergistic Effects of TRIZ (The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving): Significance of the Insulated Wirebonding Technology X-Wire"   (Sept. 13, 2007)

Gunter Ladewig (PRIMA Performance Ltd., Canada) and Robert Lyn (Microbonds Inc., Canada), Presented at TRIZCON2007: The 9th Annual Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies Conference, Held at Louisvile, Kentucky, USA, on Apr. 23-25, 2007.
Japanese translation by Katsunori Ishikawa (Shindengen Electric Manufacturing) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Sept. 6, 2007
[This is an excellent case study presented at TRIZCON2007.  In semiconductor devices, the perfomance of the chip is limited by the interconnection between chips and between chip and substrate.  The current wirebonding technology with non-insulated wires uses only the peripherals of chips for the connection.  More advanced technology is currently the Area Array Flip Chip.  With reference to the TRIZ Trends of Evolution (especially the Geometrical Evolution of Lines), the phase of 2D lines/curves has not been fully deployed and skipped without solving contradictions, the Author says. They have developed the insulated wires, developed a kit to use the insulated wires on the ordinary widely-spread wirebonding equipments.  Their new technology ('X-Wire') can make wirebonding densely and freely without worrying about shortening. The new technology would make a lot of chain reactions of benefits (socalled 'Super Effects') in the semiconductor industries, the Authors expect.  It is remarkable that TRIZ has given a clear guideline in the technology development.  Nakagawa evaluated this paper highly in his Personal Report of TRIZCON. Japanese translation of the paper has been posted in HTML and in PDF .  In the English pages, Nakagawa's introduction in HTML and the original paper in PDF are posted.]

  TRIZ Case Study Paper: "New Motor and TRIZ Evaluation"   (Aug. 17, 2007)

Vratislav Perna (PERNA Motors, Czech Republic), Bohuslav Bušov (Brno Univ. of Tech., Czech Rep.), and Pavel Jirman (Tech. Univ. of Liberec, Czech Rep.), Presented at ETRIA World Conference 'TRIZ Future 2006' Held at Kortrijk, Belgium, on Oct. 9-11, 2006.
Japanese translation by Masahiro Saitoh (Yanmar Co.) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Aug. 4, 2007
[This is a paper on an amazing invention and its evaluation with TRIZ.  The invention is a new type of Motor (in its basic meaning of 'generating motion') which does not use electricity.  The invention is 'A new type of Motor having two (or multiple) rotors of nonlinear spiral teeth'.  Though ordinary combustion engines generate reciprocal motions of a piston, the new motor generates rotational motions of shafts directly.  By applying a part of this invention concept, pumps and screws (or marine propeller) can be realized.  In fact, the authors built a new type of marine propeller and demonstrated it successfully in a public experiment.  The area of application of this invention is suposed to cover combustion engines, Diesel engines, rotary engines, turbines, electric motors, pumps, compressors, vaccuum pumps, propellers, marine propellers, etc.  Reading this brief introduction, you must feel confusing, puzzled, and unbelievable; then why don't you read the original paper three times closely.  As a matter of fact the new marine propeller was demonstrated successfully in May 2004.  I reported this paper in my 'Personal Report of ETRIA TFC2007' .  Japanese translation of the paper has been posted in HTML and in PDF .  In the English pages, Nakagawa's introduction in HTML and the original paper in PDF are posted.]

  TRIZ Case Study Paper: "TRIZ Predicts Major Shift in Information Technology"   (Jul. 3, 2007)

Filip Verhaeghe (Self-Star Corporation, Belgium), Presented at ETRIA World Conference 'TRIZ Future 2006' Held at Kortrijk, Belgium, on Oct. 9-11, 2006.
Japanese translation by Jiu Ishino (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Jun. 22, 2007
[In using IT, we currently buy hardwares, buy software, and run our own IT centers ('On Premise' IT); in future suppliers will operate the IT centers to run sotware on the servers while business users use them through browsers bysending their data to the centers ('On Demand' IT).  Google for searching is the example of On Demand IT.  The Author finds that many TRIZ Principles and Trends of Evolution support this shift, thus possibly turning into a major shift in IT. -- This is a valuable paper for viewing IT with TRIZ and for obtaining guiding principles in IT from TRIZ. We have translated this paper into Japanese and posted here both in Japanese and in English .]

  TRIZ Case Study Paper: "Using TRIZ to Develop New Corrosion Protection Concepts in Shipbuilding -- A Case Study"   (May 23, 2007)

Jan R. Weitzenbock and Stefan Marion (Det Norske Veritas,Norway), Presented at ETRIA World Conference 'TRIZ Future 2006' Held at Kortrijk, Belgium, on Oct. 9-11, 2006.
Japanese translation by Youichi Hasegawa (Fuji Film, Co.) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), May 22, 2007
This paper has applied TRIZ to the old and important problem of protecting ship surfaces from corrosion.  Their approach follows Darrell Mann's textbook HOSI.  On the basis of Probelm Definition, Function-Attribute Analsyis, and IFR, they have generated solution concepts by use of Effects and Trends of Evolution databases and built up the road maps.  This is a sound and well-described case study from which we can learn much.   Nakagawa's introduction is taken from his 'Personal Report of ETRIA TFC 2006'The original English version is posted in PDF .  The Japanese version is posted both in HTML and in PDF .  ]

  TRIZ Education Paper: "Classes of 'Creative Problem-Solving Thinking -- Experiences at Osaka Gakuin University--" (May 6, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Presented at TRIZCON2007: The 9th Annual Conference of Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, held at Louisville, Kentuckey, USA, on Apr. 23-25, 2007.
[A full report of experiences of teaching Creative Problem Solving Thinking.  Lecture Class for the 2nd year students, Seminar Class for the 3rd year, and Thesis Class for the 4th year students.  Contents of the classes and some results produced by students are described.  Paper in HTML, in PDF and slides in PDF.  The paper in a wider scope was posted in Japanese beforehand.]

  TRIZ Case Study Paper: "TRIZ Application in Device & Manufacturing Electrostatic Discharge Control"   (Apr. 5, 2007)

Teong-San Yeoh (Intel Technologies Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia), Presented at TRIZCON2006: The 8th Annual Conference of Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, on Apr. 30 - May 2, 2006, at Milwaukee, USA.
Japanese translation by Katsusuke Ichikawa (Shin-Dengen Industires, Ltd.) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Apr. 2, 2007
[Due to getting smaller and smaller, semiconductor devices face with the increasing risk of being damaged by Electrostatic discharge (ESD).  ESD control need to be installed in the devices themselves and also in the manufacturing and handling processes.  The present paper reviews the existing techniques of both the device ESD control and the manufacturing ESD control with the eyes of TRIZ, and explains them in terms of TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles.  The paper is a nice case study to understand a specific field of (empirical) technology on the basis of TRIZ.  This approach seems to be effectively applicable to various fields, e.g., engineering, agriculture, health care, software development, business and management, etc.  Nakagawa's introduction is taken from his 'Personal Report of TRIZCON2006'.  The Japanese version is posted both in HTML and in PDF .  The original English version is posted in PDF ]

  Case Study: Problem Solving with VE: "Development of a Movable Office of Ticket Vending Machines for the Construction Works of Remodeling JR Osaka Station"   (Apr. 5, 2007)

Kouji Katayama (Western Japan Railroad), Presented at The 38th Kansai Value Engineering Conference, Held by Japan Value Engineering Society, on Feb. 16, 2007, at Osaka International Communication Center, Tennoji-ku, Osaka. 
[For the construction works for remodeling JR Osaka Station, an office of ticket vending machines was found necessary to move and reinstall several times.  Conventional way of moving the office takes 40 days with temporary enclosures at the new or old location, causing much inconvenience with narrowed pathways.  The author developed a method of moving it just one overnight and performed it successfully.  The keypoint in the problem solving method in this report seems to be the processes of clarifying the problem in a hierarchical scheme, converting the expressions of problems into those of tasks/targets, and then generating a hierachical system of target solutions.  This is one of VE methods, the author says, but it should certainly be useful in problem solving with TRIZ/USIT.  An excellent case study!  The paper is posted in PDF .]

  TRIZ Symposium slides: "Introducing USIT in Matsushita Electric Works"   (Mar. 1, 2007)

Kouji Tsuji and Jiro Hashizume (Matsushita Electric Works), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka. 
[After holding in-house 2-day USIT training seminars conducted by Toru Nakagawa three times, the two authors have been conducting 2-day USIT workshops in their company.  The paper reported the results of 14 such workshops performed on the projects in the fields of mechanical (6 cases), electrical and IT (5 cases), and chemical and biological (3 cases).  In each workshop, five-or-so engineers were guided along the USIT procedure by the authors and generated 27 ideas in average during the 2-day group practice.  92 % of the participants of the workshops evaluated the USIT method worthy of recommending to other engineers.  Thus the authors have established a good scheme of actual practice of applying/penetrating USIT.  Nakagawa's introduction written in the Personal Report of TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006 is translated into Japanese, and the presentation slides   are posted in PDF.]

  Education Case Studies: "Experiences of Teaching How to Think for Creative Problem Solving"   (Jan. 11, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Nov. 27, 2006; to be published in the "Bulletin in Humanities and Science" of Osaka Gakuin University (Issue of Mar. 2007)
[This report describes most of my education activities in Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin Univ., especially in the area related to creativity education.  I am trying to teach the students to obtain the ways of creative thinking and problem solving of various problems ranging from everyday-life to technologies.  Trainings are also made for students to express their thoughts, to write reports, and to give presentations.  They include the following classes: (a) 1st year Seminar Class for expressing, writing, and presentation trainings and for teaching how to write an official report or paper; (b) 3rd (or 4th) year specialty classes in information science, especially on free-theme programming in Numerical Computation Course and on group practices of free-theme software planning & designing in Software Engineering Course; (c) 2nd year latter-semester lecture class on the Methodologies of Creative Problem Solving, where TRIZ and USIT are introduced fully; (d) 3rd year Seminar Class for mostly group practices and 4th year Thesis Course both on the themes of 'How to Think Creatively in Problem Solving'.  The contents and ways of teaching in these classes are described together with brief introductions to the case studies performed by the students.  Posted in HTML and in PDF (391KB).]

  TRIZ Symposium slides: "Changing the Paradigm in Business English Learning Using TRIZ"   (Dec. 23, 2006)

Padma Rajeswari Tata and Manoj Kumar Jaiswal (Infosys Technologies Limited, India), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka.
[This is the only-one (in the Symposium) and a very nice presentation of applying TRIZ to non-technical area. Applying Darrell Mann's method, the Authors solved their own problem very smoothly.  They collected the answers to the inquiry 'The Business English learning is not effective because ...', represented them in Perception Mapping, found the contradictions, and solved them with Matrix 2003 for Business & Management.  They have set certification tests pre and post the learning and established a flexible course with the combination of classes, self-learning, language labs, etc.  This presentation is nice, simple, and easy to reproduce. Nakagawa's introduction (an excerpt of his 'Personal Report of Second TRIZ Symposium) , full paper in English  , the presentation slides , and the slides translated into Japanese by Toshiaki Masaki are posted.]

  TRIZ Symposium slides: "Using TRIZ in Project-Based-Learning Assisted by CAE and Manufacturing Experiences"   (Nov. 29, 2006)

Masao Ishihama (Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka.
[Project-Based Learning is pro-actively persuit in Kanagawa Inst. Tech.  Two case studies are reported here in detail taken from the special PBL course carried out in the Department of Automobile Sytem Development Engineering.  One of them is related to the development of a racing car for the 'Formula SAE' World Competition held every year in Michigan State.  Imporvement of performance of the Air Intake Part of the combustion engine was the task solved with TRIZ by using Contradiction Matrix and Inventive Principles.  The student who obtained the inventive idea could also recognized its feasibility on the basis of his 3D CAD and machining capabilities learned in the class.  This is a wonderful case showing that TRIZ has been used in real problem by university students.  Nakagawa's introduction (an exerpt of his 'Personal Report of Second TRIZ Symposium) , full paper in English  and the presentation slides   are posted.]

  TRIZ Symposium slides: "A Novel Joint Structure To Realize Welderingless Pipe Structures"   (Nov. 29, 2006)

Minoru Yokouchi (Takano Co., Ltd., Japan), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka.  [English transation of slides by Toru Nakagawa (OGU).]
[A manufacturer with 65 employees in Nagano Prefecture started to develope a new product of their original ideas.  Beginning with idea generation of what to make, they made progress step by step to solve difficulties in developing a new product of pipe-frame structres without weldering.  Their whole process of development including effective use of TRIZ has been presented in detail.  It is an excellent report of case study received very high appriciation at the Symposium.  Nakagawa's introduction (an exerpt of his 'Personal Report of Second TRIZ Symposium)  and the presentation slides   are posted.]

Lecture slides: "Promotion and Application of TRIZ in High-Tech Companies: Lectures by a TRIZ Expert Who Guided Samsung Electronics, Korea"   (Nov. 1, 2006)

Valery Krasnoslobodtsev (TIC, USA), Presented at TRIZ Special Open Seminar Held by IDEA Co. on August 28, 2006 at World Trade Center, Tokyo.
[Lecture slides presented by Valery Kraev, who led the introduction of TRIZ into Samsung Electronics in Korea with a splendid success.  Part 1 "For Managers" is especially interesting.  The best key which removed the barriers against TRIZ penetration was the fact that they applied TRIZ to the real industrial problems, built solution prototypes in 3, 4 months, and demonstrated the results effectively.  The fact moved the top managements, engineers, and later Six-Sigma specailists.  Part 2 "For Engineers" describes the methodology base on ARIZ and demonstrates 3 case studies in Samsung. All the slides in English are posted here in the PDF format, while those in Japanese translation (translated by Nakagawa) are posted in the Web site of IDEA Co. and a brief introduction is given in the Japanese page of this site.

Keynote Lecture: "How Should We Utilize TRIZ for Managing Industries?" (slides) (Oct. 2, 2006)

Kazuya Yamaguchi (Panasonic Communications Co., Japan), Invited Lecture presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ CB, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita City, Osaka, Japan.
[Since 2001, the author has been leading a new division for introducing 'scientific methodologies' for the technology R&D into his whole company.  He first introduced the Taguchi Method, then TRIZ, and then QFD.  He has trained and establish several tens of members who work as in-house consultants for applying the methodologies to their real projects.  His current goal is to pursue Quality of Management by extending the use of these methodologies.  The author enthusiastically talks about these methodologies and his activities for promoting them in the Matsushita group companies.  Slides in PDF (1.3 MB) ,  Japanese slides in PDF (1.3 MB).

Paper: "TRIZ Application in Development of Climbing Robots" (Mar. 6, 2006)

Valeri Krasnoslobodtsev and Richard Langevin (Technical Innovation Center, USA), Presented at The First TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by the Collaborative Bord of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Sept. 1-3, 2006 at Shuzenji, Shizuoka.
[Paper presented last September. During 1986 through 1998 at St. Petersburg State University, the author developed robots which could climb various walls with uneven and clacked surfaces.  The paper describes in detail how the author applied TRIZ to the development, especially with ARIZ.  Paper in PDF
and slides in PDF .]

 USIT Case Study:  "A System for Preventing from Our Leaving Things Behind: A Case Developed at the 2-Day USIT Training Seminar (on Sept. 28-29, 2005, in Tokyo, under Multi-company Situation)"  (Feb. 1, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Oct. 2, 2005.
[A detailed and vivid report of problem solving at the 2-Day USIT Training Seminar conducted by the present author.  A group of three engineers of different companies and two graduate students worked on this case.  Images of the 10 big sheets of paper generated by the group are shown and the processes of such generation are described.  This is a problem for planning/designing a new product, related to processes of time change, in the field of both software and hardware, and necessary to build up a whole solution concept; USIT has been applied smoothly in such a problem. ]

Case Study: "Introducing USIT in Matsushita Electric Works"(Mar. 18, 2005)

Kouji Tsuji and Jiro Hashizume (Matsushita Elctric Works),  Presented at the "TRIZ/USIT  Seminar for Industrial Practice", held by Technical Information Institute, in Tokyo, on Feb. 24-25, 2005.
[Started to introduce USIT in Dec. 2003, held 2-day on-site USIT training seminars three times, for solving real problems in the fields related to mechanics, software systems, and materials.  Planning to promote USIT further. ]

  Case Study:  "Practicing TRIZ: from the activities at Panasonic Communications Co.", (Feb 7, 2005)

by Narumi Nagase (Panasonic Communications Co.),  Jan. 31, 2005; Presented at  Knowledge Creation Symposium (Shuzenji 2004), held at Laforet Shuzenji, Izu, on Sept. 8-10, 2004.
[Six essentials in practicing TRIZ: Clearly defined target; in-house group capble to discuss on TRIZ seriously; struggling with real problems; producing our own successful cases; improving the methodology further and further; strong mind not to give up.  An impressive presentation by the young leader of the in-house TRIZ promotion group.]

  Promotion of TRIZ:  "How to Apply TRIZ at Samsung"      (Jun.16, 2004)
         by  Hyo June Kim (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea), 4th Japan Invention Machine User Group Meeting, held at Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan, on Sept. 10-12, 2003 (E & J); posted at the Web site of Mitsubishi Research Institute  on Oct. 7, 2003 (J).
          [An Outstanding success story of introducing and applying TRIZ in industry in Korea.  Since inviting Russian TRIZ Experts in 2000, the team quickly learned and showed the power of TRIZ in technology and business.  Having applied TRIZ in 150 projects, they achieved success in business for 30 %, and in high-level patents for 70 % of them.]

  Case Study of TRIZ:  "Decreasing Cost of DVD Pickup"      (Jun.16, 2004)
         by  Hyo June Kim (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea), 4th Japan Invention Machine User Group Meeting, held at Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan, on Sept. 10-12, 2003 (E & J); posted at the Web site of Mitsubishi Research Institute  on Oct. 7, 2003 (J).
          [The TRIZ Trimming method induced an innovative scheme in the DVD pickup optics.  Reduction of cost of $3.7 for each is going to bring in $100M saving.]

  Case Strudy of TRIZ + VE:  "Case Study in JR-East of Promoting and Applying A Value Improvement Methodology: Unification of TRIZ-DE and VE. -- Development of Confortable Toilet Space in a Railway Car"      (Jan. 28, 2004)
         by Keiji Inoue, Masao Matsuno, Yuichi Hamamoto, and Shuji Tanaka  (R&D Center, Japan Railway - East, Japan), Jan. 8, 2004; first presented at 36th All Japan VE Conference, held on Nov. 6-7, 2003, in Tokyo. 
          [TRIZ'  9-window method and Trends of Evolution concepts are used together with the VE method.  Future 10-year vision of confortable toilet space has been developed for JR's famous bullet train 'Shinkansen'.  This demonstrates a new TRIZ-based method for developing products with clear future visions.]

  Paper/Case Study:  "Practical Case Study of Resolving the Physical Contradiction in TRIZ;  Super Water-Saving Toilet System Using Flexible Tube"     (Jan. 8, 2004)
           by Hong Suk Lee and Kyeong-Won Lee (Korea Polytechnic Univ., Korea), TRIZ Jouranl, Nov. 2003; Japanese translation by Eiji Fukuzawa (TOTO, Japan) and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Jan. 8, 2004. 
             [To the well-know world-wide problem of saving water in the ordinary water-washing  toilet systems, a Physical Contradiction was derived from the analysis of  user needs and then solved with the Principle of Separation in time.  This is an excellent case of applying TRIZ, especially because the problem has been widely known for probably 100 years without solution and yet once the route is shown with TRIZ, even school children can answer the right answer!]

  TRIZ promotion and case study: "Promotion of TRIZ in Panasonic Communications Company and a Case Study: Developing an Electronic Whiteboard in Half-Sized Packaging."   (Nov. 27, 2003) 
      by Kazuya Yamaguchi and Noriyoshi Nagase, contribution received on Oct. 22 and Nov. 26, 2003; originally presented at the 4th IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, on Sept. 10-12, 2003; Note of the discussion (by Toshio Ooura (NEC Electronics))
       [Yamaguchi, being in the position responsible for technolgoy process innovation, is convinced with the usefulness of TRIZ and started and led the installation/application of TRIZ for these two years.  TRIZ has been applied to a large number of products already.  Case study of an electronic whiteboard is described in detail.  Discussion at the presentation session was really exciting and is posted vividly.]

  TRIZ promotion and case study: "Installing TRIZ in Nissan Motors Company"   (Nov. 27, 2003) 
      by Takahisa Hirade and Akira Mochizuki (Nissan Motors Co., Japan), contribution received on Oct. 24, 2003; originally presented at the 4th IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, on Sept. 10-12, 2003
       [For installing TRIZ, first formed a voluntary core group in Intellectual Property Division, then gradually trained IP specialists into TRIZ keypersons, and are now applying TRIZ/USIT in the research, technology, and production divisions.  Medium-term goal is to train all the IP employees capable in TRIZ. ]

  TRIZ case study: "TRIZ Case Study in Ricoh Corporation: Improving a Reusable Packaging"   (Nov. 6, 2003) 
      by Kazuo Gotoh and Sakae Ishikawa (Ricoh Corporation, Japan), contribution received on Oct. 22, 2003; originally presented at the 4th IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, on Sept. 10-12, 2003
       [Immediately after a TRIZ Training Seminar conducted by Gotoh, Ishikawa applied TRIZ to his real task.  Copier machines are delivered to customers in special packages, which are reused many times without leaving any trash at the customers.  One component of the pachaging, which was sometimes damaged while delivering, was redesigned with the assitance of TRIZ principles. ]

  TRIZ promotion and case study: "TRIZ Installation Activities in Fuji Xerox Corporation: Recent Results, New Features, and Case Studies"   (Nov. 6, 2003) 
      by Shigeru Kasuya and Katsumi Sakamaki (Fuji Xerox Corporation, Japan), contribution received on Oct. 16, 2003; originally presented at the 4th IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, on Sept. 10-12, 2003
       [Current state of TRIZ installation in the company is shown with some data.  Describes two technical case studies on the paper handling processes in a copier and a managemental case study on the improvement of the Carrier Advisors System.]

  TRIZ practices: "There's No Useless TRIZ!"   (Oct. 21, 2003) 
      by Hiroto Hayashi (Idea Corporation, Japan), contribution received on Oct. 12, 2003; originally presented at the 4th IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, on Sept. 10-12, 2003
       [Slides are shown here in the order actually presented at the UGM.  The author has developed his own way of applying TRIZ in industries, where he uses a uniques method ('Dona-dona Deployment'') for root casue analysis, stimulates to generate a very large number (e.g. 500) of solution concepts, and constructs three generations of conceptual design for a product.  Encouraging/challenging messages coming from his expereinces of consulting at multiple industries in Japan.]

  TRIZ case study: "TRIZ in Anritsu Corp.:  TRIZ Implementation Activities and an Application Case-Study"   (Nov. 19, 2002)
      by Toshimitsu Kataoka and Masaya Nanami (Anritsu Corp., Japan), contribution received on Nov. 18, 2002; originally presented at the 3rd IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shuzenji, Shizuoka Prefecture, on Aug. 28-30, 2002
       [Since 1996, a group has been working for the implementation of TRIZ in a Japanese instrument manufacturer.  A successful application of TRIZ and its tool is reported here, showing patent applications filed two years ago.]

  TRIZ promotion and case studies: "TRIZ in Ricoh Co.: Current Status of TRIZ Implementation and an Application Case-Study"
      by Kunitoshi Sugiyama, Kazuo Gotoh, Hisao Yasuda, Hideo Saitoh, and Minoru Suzuki (Ricoh Co. Ltd., Japan), contribution received on Sept. 30, 2002; originally presented at the 3rd IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shuzenji, Shizuoka Prefecture, on Aug. 28-30, 2002  (Posted: Oct. 1, 2002)
       [TRIZ study group of pioneering engineers has organized and conducted in-house TRIZ Training Program.  Application to a printing problem is also reported.]

TRIZ promotion and case studies: "TRIZ in Fuji Xerox Corp.: Promotion activities and four typical cases of applications"
      by Shigeru Kasuya and Yoshiya Imoto (Fuji Xerox Corp., Japan), contribution received on Jan. 8, 2002; originally presented at the 2nd IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Moriyama, Shiga Prefecture, on Sept. 13-14, 2001  (Posted: Mar. 28, 2002)
       [Originally presented last September aurally.  This articles is composed of five PDF files of prensented slides.  It is remarkable that in a Japanese company TRIZ has been adopted well and their real cases of applications are publicly posted in this Web site.]

Main part:  TRIZ promotion activities in Fuji Xerox Corp. (in PDF file)
Case study A:  Application of TRIZ to solve the darkening problem in a fluorescence lamp.  (in PDF file)
Case Study B.  Application of TRIZ to solve a trouble in implementing a flexible board for photo-electricity conversion.  (in PDF file)
Case Study C.  Cost-down of a part of the copier.  (in PDF file)
Case Study D.  Creative policy making for human-power development. (in PDF file)
USIT example & introduction:  "Commentary on "The Picture Hanging Kit Problem""(Jul. 31, 2001 and Aug. 23, 2001) (Aug. 23, 2001)
             by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.); and discussion by Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck)
             [For the USIT textbook example by Sickafus, Nakagawa prepared a set of 40 slides for a training seminar and wrote a full explanation of them.  Some comments by Sickafus are added for discussion.  A good text for understanding the USIT process.]

   "Staircase Design of High-rise Buildings Preparing against Fire - TRIZ/USIT Case Study -"  (Apr. 4, 2001) 
             by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)
             TRIZCON2001: The Third Annual AI TRIZ Conference, Mar. 25-27, 2001, at Woodland Hills, CA, USA.
             [Creative way of thinking with TRIZ/USIT spirits in a free, informal manner for everyday problem solving.]

    USIT Textbook Example: "The Picture Hanging Kit Problem"(Japanese translation, Mar. 23, 2001) 
          by Ed Sickafus (Ford Research Lab. & Ntelleck): "Unified Structured Inventive Thinking: How to Invent", Ntelleck, 1997, pp. 403-432.
          Japanese translation by Toru Nakgawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 9, 2001.
          [Extended record of a USIT demonstration to highschool science students.  USIT Textbook example is translated into Japanese and posted here after author's kind permission.]

   "TechOptimizer Implementation Example:  High Efficiency DC-DC Converter for Liquid Crystal Display Watches" (TRIZ Case Study of a Past Invention) (Nov. 1, 2000) ; (full English version: Feb. 28, 2001) 
             by Mitsuo Morihisa (Sharp Corporation)
             [Analyzed the author's own process of technology development work in early 1970s for evaluating possible effectiveness of TRIZ software tools supposing they had existed at that time. ]
             [English version was published in the TRIZ Journal, January 2001 issue; re-posted here under permission.]

   "Staircase Design of High-rise Buildings Preparing against Fire" (TRIZ/USIT Case Study) (Aug. 24, 2000) (Aug. 24, 2000); (English translation: Feb. 28, 2001) 
             by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)
             [A full description of an invention/proposal, together with a trace of the author's way of thinking in the problem solving with TRIZ and USIT. ]

   "Edge Suck Off: Towards the Ideal System" (Jul. 27, 2000) (Jul. 27, 2000)
             by Ian F. Mitchell (Ilford Imaging UK Ltd., UK)
             TRIZCON2000: The Second Annual AI TRIZ Conference, Apr. 30- May 2, 2000, at Nashua, NH, USA.
             [Full English text; and Japanese version transltated by Toru Nakagawa.  Posted here under the permission by the author].

   "Windshield/Backlight Molding -- Squeak and "Buzz" Project  --  TRIZ Case Study" 
              by Michael Lynch, Benjamin Saltsman, Colin Young (Ford Motor Company)
              American Supplier Institute Total Product Development Symposium,  Nov. 5, 1997, at Dearborn, Michigan, USA;
              The TRIZ Journal, Dec. 1997.
  (Translated into Japanese by Toru Nakagwa and posted here under the permissions by the authors, Ford Moter Co., ASI, and the TRIZ Journal, Sept. 6, 1999).

"USIT Case Study (1)  Detection of Small Water Leakage from a Gate Valve"
        by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)
        in Japanese  on Jul. 8, 1999.  English translation on Aug. 26, 1999.
               [Appied in the USIT Training Seminar (Mar. 10-12, 1999) under the instruction by Dr. Sickafus.  Analysed with the Closed World Method in USIT.]

  "USIT Case Study (2)  Increase the Foam Ratio in Forming a Porous Sheet from Gas-solved Molten Polymer"
        by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)
        in Japanese  on Jul. 8, 1999.  English translation on Aug. 26, 1999.
               [Appied in the USIT Training Seminar (Mar. 10-12, 1999) under the instruction by Dr. Sickafus.  Analysed with the Particles Method in USIT.]

Technical Reports, Research Notes, Introductory Articles, and Reviews

  TRIZ/USIT Paper: TRIZ in Japan    (Mar. 31, 2012)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Unversity), Keynote Lecture presented at 2nd Conference on Problem Solving Strategy and Techniques (PSST 2012), Held by IIITS and IUST (Iran), at Tehran, Iran, on Feb. 22-23, 2012.
The Keynote was requested to describe "How TRIZ entered to Japan, What has happened in the story of your country with TRIZ, and What are predicted for future". Thus I tried to present the history of introducing and penetrating TRIZ in Japan, from a public standpoint with my own view by using 16 slides.  Besides the PDF file of the sides , I posted Abstract and annotated slides in HTML for your better understanding.  No translation into Japanese is planned.

Report: Evolution of Safety Technologies of Automobiles (Mar. 6, 2012)

Yuuki Yamada (2nd-year Student, Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin University), Report submitted to the "Scientific Information Methodologies" Class of OGU, Jan. 31, 2012
The Author is a student of Nakagawa's two classes; Seminar IIA on "A variety of Input devices and methods -- Learning the evolution of technologies" and Lecture class on "Methodologies for creative problem solving".  He has chosen the report theme for himself and has written an excellent survey report.  He surveys the current status and near future of automobile safety technologies by referring to home pages of various makers, and interpret such technologies in terms of 40 Principles of TRIZ.  He also suggests a proposal of temporary floating behavior on water in case of some emergencies.  I was amazed with this report and am happy to post it here in my Web site.

TRIZ/USIT Introduction: Lecture: TRIZ: Problem-Solving Methodology for Innovation (Jan. 9, 2012)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Invited Lecture at Faculty Development Seminar of Material Science Graduate School of Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Dec. 26, 2011
I am much honored to be invited to deliver a lecture at FD Seminar of NAIST, the top-most graduate school in science and technology in Japan.  To 80 faculty members I talked about TRIZ/USIT in a compact way for 50 minutes.  "A methodology for creative problem solving has been established in the form of  TRIZ/USIT and penetrating in the world; it can be applied to real problems in R&D in industries and in graduate schools, and can be incorporated into education in universities and graduate schools to empower for innovations."  PDF file of the lecture slides  and its table of contents are posted.  In Japanese, only.  

TRIZ/USIT Introduction: "Breaking Through the Barriers of Conflict with TRIZ ". (posted: Mar. 21, 2011)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Lecture at the Training Seminar "Designing at Up-stream for Winning in the Market: Design Methods and Tools for Connecting Markets with Technologies", held by Design Engneering & Systems Section of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, on Feb. 23, 2011, at Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Hongo, Tokyo). 
At the seminar seven lectures were delivered by specialists on the topics of Designing at Up-stream for industrial engineers.  Thus I made an introductory lecture on TRIZ/USIT with special focus on "How can we use TRIZ/USIT for overcoming difficult technical probems in the up-stream designing to generate creative solution concepts".  The main contents are: (0) Introduction, (1) Overview of TRIZ, (2) How to solve technical problems creatively with TRIZ/USIT, (3) TRIZ knowledge bases and their usage, (4) Learning, applying, and promoting TRIZ, (Appendix) New paradigm of creative problem solving (USIT Six-Box Scheme) in comparison with the convetional one.  Presentation slides in PDF (64 slides, 1.4 MB). 

Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008 Presentation:  "How to Use TRIZ Quickly and Effectively in Small Companies -- A Challenge with 4 Findings from Inquiries and with 3 Tools under development -- "

Rikie Ishii (Dunamis Co., Ltd.) [Miyagi TRIZ Study Group], Oral Presentation at The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008 at Laforet Biwako, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan, (May 7, 2009)
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Originally written in 'Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008', posted on Oct. 26, 2008. (May 7, 2009)
The Author has organized a TRIZ study group in Sendai City and is actively promoting TRIZ to SMEs. On the basis of Inquiries to over 1000 SMEs in Miyagi Prefecture, the Author's group has developed three handy and useful TRIZ tools. They are: (1) Small 8x8 Contradiction Matrix, with the 8 parameters of the top-most concerns by the SMEs; (2) Worksheets for solving problems concerning to the 8 parameters by guiding to three Inventive Principles from each parameter; and (3) 'Guiding Sheet for New Product Development' with the map of 31 Technological Trends grouped into top 11, middle 11, and bottom 9 trends according to the degree of recognition by the SMEs. The vivid presentation attracted much interest of the Symposium participants. 

  TRIZ Paper:"A Brief History of TRIZ" (Nov. 16, 2008)

Valeri Souchkov (ICG Training & Consulting, Netherlands), Posted in the Web Site of ICG Training & Consulting, May 2008; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Oct. 8, 2008
This article describes when and how the so many tools and methods of TRIZ have been developed.  The works and events are summarized in the chronological manner, for the whole range of the TRIZ methodology up to the recent days.  A valuable article for mid- to upper-level TRIZ learners.  Japanese translation is posted in this Web site.  The English page gives the introduction and a link to the original version in the ICG Web site.

  TRIZ Papers: "Theory of Resolving Differences: A Collection of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2003-2007) with Annotated Bibliography" (Mar. 30, 2008)

Toshio Takahara, Dec. 27, 2007
[This page contains all the 14 papers published by Toshio Takahara for these five years and a brief guide to these papers.  The 'Difference' stands for the gap between the reality and what we want or what should be.  Recognition of such Differences and trials of resolving them are the fundamentals in human activities, the Author understands.  Such human activities take various forms and phases, including goal setting, problem recognition, designing, problem solving, etc.  The Author is trying to present a unified method of understanding and representing the whole process of Resolving Differences.  Behind the Author's unique and hence not-easy-to-adopt terminologies, I realized the clarity in the representations and the significance of the theory last October when I was reviewing his paper presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2007.  So I asked the Author to record and post all his works here together.]   

  Introduction Series of USIT (5) (Final): "Introduction to USIT: A Simple Method for Creative Problem Solving. Part 5: Practices of USIT"  (Dec. 9, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Machine Design " (published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun), Dec. 2007, pp. 89-97, (published on Nov. 10, 2007)
Practices of learning, applying, and mastering USIT are explained. (1) For what purposes can we use USIT?; (2) How can we learn it?; (3) Trainings of USIT [Bringing in real problems and solving them by multi-company engineers; Agenda of 2-Day USIT Training Seminar]; (4) Keypoints foe mastering USIT [Problem finding and probem definition phase; Problem analysis phase; Phases of idea generation and solution construction; Solution imlementation phase; The roles of TRIZ in the USIT procedure]; (5) Practices and promotion of USIT [How to penetrate, apply, and fix USIT in organizatons; Applicaton activities of USIT; Practice method of solving real problems in a short period]; (6) Case studies of promoting TRIZ/USIT; (7) Concluding remarks.   Short summary of the Series in English .

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (22) (Final): "How to Introduce, Apply, and Promote TRIZ/USIT (2) Case Studies Recenltly Published " (Part 22 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Nov. 18, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Oct. & Nov. 2007, pp. 48-55, (published on Oct. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 22 of a long-run series.  Optronics Ltd. decided to stop publishing itsmonthly journal "InterLab", and this TRIZ Series will finish with this issue.  I am grateful to Optronics for the valuable opportunities of writing this series.  In the Final issue, 8 real case studies are introduced to help readers understand the current active usage of TRIZ/USIT around the world. (1) International conferences in TRIZ; (2) Case Studies in Technologies [Stainless Steel Frameworks of joint sturcture without welderling; Corrosion protection in ship building; Novel 'motors' invented by V. Perna; Preventing static electric discharge in semiconductor devices; Insulated wire-bonding technology]; (3) Case Studies in IT/Software field [A big shift in IT: 'On Demand'; Mishra's new book "TRIZ Principles for IT/Software"; Auto-locking door system in apartment buildings].  In HTML and in PDF (518 KB).

  Introduction Series of USIT (4): "Introduction to USIT: A Simple Method for Creative Problem Solving. Part 4: Creative Solution Generation with USIT"  (Nov. 1, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Machine Design " (published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun), Nov. 2007, pp. 100-107, (published on Oct. 10, 2007)
As an introductory article, the methods of USIT in its latter half part of procedure are explained by using the two case studies of everyday-life problems described earlier in Part 2.  (1) Outline of the Solution Generation Stages in the Six-Box Scheme in USIT [Notes on the representation with data-flow diagram; The meaning of 'Ideas for the new system'; The Idea generation phase in USIT; The Solution construction phase in USIT; The Solution implementation phase]; (2) The USIT Operators [Establishing the USIT Operators; Overview of the USIT Opertors; Examples and usage of USIT Operators; Thinking procedure and guidelines of USIT Operators]; (3) Guided thinking in the Solution Generation Phases [Ways of thinking with the images of ideals;  Solving contradictions and USIT Solution Combination Methods; Hierarchical system of solutions].   Short summary of the Series in English .

  Introduction Series of USIT (3): "Introduction to USIT: A Simple Method for Creative Problem Solving. Part 3: Problem Definition and Analysis with USIT"  (Oct. 15, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Machine Design " (published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun), Oct. 2007, pp. 90-96, (published on Sept. 10, 2007)
As an introductory article, the methods of USIT in its first half part of procedure are explained by using the two case studies of everyday-life problems described earlier in Part 2.  (1) Overview of the Problem Definition and Problem Analysis [Problem definition and problem analysis; Concepts of Objects-Attributes-Functions]; (2) How to Define the Problem [Well-defined problem in USIT; Remarks on the problem definition phase]; (3) Problem Analsyis: Understanding the Present System [Analysis of space characteristics; Analysis of time characteristics; Understanding the functional relationships in the present system; Understanding the attributes involved in the problem of the present system]; (4) Problem Analysis: Understanding the Ideal System [Significance of considering the ideal system in the problem analysis phase; To imagine the ideal results; Magical Particles (Smart Little People); Application example of the Particles Method].   Short summary of the Series in English

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (21): "Basic Concepts in TRIZ (7) Basic Scheme for Problem Solving" (Part 21 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Sept. 13, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Sept. 2007, pp. 25-28, (published on Aug. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 21 of a long-run series.  Basic concepts of TRIZ are explained one by one.  Basic scheme for problem solving, i.e., not the process of individual methods but the overall general process of problem solving in TRIZ is discussed. (1) Analogical Thinking and ET Thinking [Being enlightened with a hint; Equivalent Transformation Thinking by Kikuya Ichikawa]; (2) Solving at the abstract level in the 'Four-Box Scheme' [Four-Box Scheme of poblem solving; Significance of the Four-Box Scheme in problem solving; Four-Box Scheme in various methods of TRIZ; Limitation and change in the Four-Box Scheme]; (3) 'Six-Box Scheme of creative problem solving in USIT [Describing the overall structure of problem solving in USIT; Six-Box Scheme of problem solving in USIT; Features and significance of the Six-Box Scheme].  In HTML and in PDF (311 KB).

  Introduction Series of USIT (2): "Introduction to USIT: A Simple Method for Creative Problem Solving. Part 2: Simple Case Studies of USIT"  (Aug. 17, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Machine Design " (published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun), Sept. 2007, pp. 92-98, (published on Aug. 10, 2007)
As an introductory article, two case studies of everyday-life problems are demonstrated through out the whole process of problem solving with USIT.  Both of them are taken from the thesis works of my students at OGU.  (1) Overall structure of problem solving with USIT.  (2) How to prevent the staple from being crashed [Problem definition; Problem analysis; A new understanding of the problem; The idea for a new system; Generating the solution concept with Smart Little People's Modeling; Constructing a solution]; (3) How to fix a string shorter than the needle [Problem definition, Analysis of time characteristics and space characteristics; Analysis of functions; Analysis of attributes (or properties of components); Various known solutions; Building an image of ideal system; Generating solution ideas; A novel tool made of a straw; A novel needle specialized for making a knot; Remarks on the idea generation stage of this case].   Short summary in English .

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (20): "Basic Concepts in TRIZ (6) Contradictions and Their Resolutions " (Part 20 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Aug. 17, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Aug. 2007, pp. 31-34, (published on Jul. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 20 of a long-run series.  Basic concepts of TRIZ are explained one by one.  Concepts of contradictions and the methods to resolve them are the real core part of TRIZ and significant contributions to the methodology of innovation in general.  (1) Technical contradicitons and the method with the Contradiction Matrix. [Trade-offs and otimization; Resolution with the Conradiction Matrix; The intrinsic nature of the Contradiction Matrix method.]; (2) Physical contradictions and their resolution methods [Position of the Physical Contradictions;  Solving Physical Contradictions with the Separation Principles; Case study of a water-saving toilet system; dialectics;  How to derive the Physical Contradictions; Extension of the conditions for separating Physical Contradictions; The basic idea of Solution Combination Method; Resolving contradictions without formalizing the contradictions]. HTML page and PDF file (270 KB) .

  Introduction Series of USIT (1): "Introduction to USIT: A Simple Method for Creative Problem Solving. Part 1: What is USIT? FAQ"  (Jul. 22, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Machine Design " (published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun), Aug. 2007, pp. 56-63, (published on Jul. 10, 2007)
Starting a new series of articles for the introduction of USIT.  So far I have written many introductory articles on TRIZ, with reviewing various trends in TRIZ in the world; in such articles, USIT has been mentioned part by part in different contexts.  In this new series of 5 Parts, I am going to explain USIT in its entire form with minimum mentioning to TRIZ.  Part 1 explains the overall view of USIT in the Q&A style with the novice. (1) Introduction; (2) What is USIT? Its History of Development; (3) Information Sources and Textbooks of USIT; (4) Motive and Features of USIT; (5) Process of Problem Solving with USIT; (6) Practices in USIT; (7) Penetration Status and Significance of USIT.  Short summary in English .

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (19): "Basic Concepts in TRIZ (5) Resources and How to Utilize Them Fully" (Part 19 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Jul. 22, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Jul. 2007, pp. 39-42, (published on Jun. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 19 of a long-run series.  Basic concepts of TRIZ are explained one by one.  (1) What are Resources in TRIZ? [Ordinary meaning of the word resources; Meaning of Resources in TRIZ]; (2) Introducing Various Types of Resources [Purpose of thinking of Resources in TRIZ; Different types of Resources; Resources in the form of Evolution Potential]; (3) "Introduce Resources and reduce Resources" [Ideality requires the reduction of Resources; Introduce AND reduce the Resources]; (4) Methods towards Introduction AND Reduction [Trimming; Introducing voids; Closed World concept in ASIT; Use of the waste; Turning harm into benefit; Using trends of evolution]. HTML page and PDF file (264 KB) .

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (18): "Basic Concepts in TRIZ (4) Ideality and How to Improve It" (Part 18 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Jun. 24, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Jun. 2007, pp. 31-34, (published on May. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 18 of a long-run series.  Basic concepts of TRIZ are explained one by one.  (1) Concept of Ideality in TRIZ [Necessity of thinking about Ideality; Definition of Ideality in Classical TRIZ; Understanding of Ideality in recent TRIZ literatres; Ideal Final Result (IFR)]; (2) Improving the Ideality and the S-Curve [S-Curve of Evolution; Invention & business focus along the S-curves]; (3) Making images of Ideality [Importance of making an image of Ideality; Making an image of Ideal results; Ideal solution by Itself in TRIZ; Self-X patents].  HTML page and PDF file (300 KB) .

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (17): "Basic Concepts in TRIZ (3) 'Fields': A Concept Which Contains Any Form of Force, Interaction, Field, and Energy." (Part 17 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (May 6, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), May 2007, pp. 37-40, (published on Apr. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 17 of a long-run series.  Basic concepts of TRIZ are explained one by one.  (1) The concept of 'Fields' in TRIZ [Concept of Fields in Physics; The term of 'Fields' in TRIZ; Variety of 'Fields' in TRIZ; Concept of Levels of Fields in TRIZ], (2) Effective Use of TRIZ 'Fields' Concepts, (3) Substance-Field Model in TRIZ [Altshuller's Su-Field Model; Interpretation in Terms of Function; Aims of Building Su-Filed Models; Concept of Function in TRIZ].  HTML page and PDF file (307 KB) .

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (16): "Basic Concepts in TRIZ (2) 'System': A system of Problems and the Concept of Technical Systems" (Part 16 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Apr. 5, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Apr. 2007, pp. 31-34, (published on Mar. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 16 of a long-run series.  Basic concepts of TRIZ are explained one by one.  (1) The word of 'System' ['System' in dictionaries; Properties of a 'System'], (2) Udestanding a problem as a system of problems, (3) Concept of 'Technical Systems' [Hierarchical nature of systems; Selecting relevant components of a system; Laws of Completeness of Technical Systems; Evolution from tools to autonomous machines; Understanding minimal problems; Auxilliary laws related to the completeness of technical systems; 9-Windows method (System Operator)].  HTML page  and PDF file (269 KB).]

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (15): "Basic Concepts in TRIZ (1) Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words" (Part 15 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Mar. 1, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Mar. 2007, pp. 45-48, (published on Feb. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 15 of a long-run series.  Essence of basic concepts (or philosophy) of TRIZ is expressed in 50 words in English (T. Nakagawa, 2001).  (1) Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words [How this essence was obtained; Essence of TRIZ expressed in 50 words], (2) Recognition by TRIZ [Essence of TRIZ is a recognition of technology; Recognition that technicl systems evolve; Evolution towards the increase in Ideality; Overcoming of a contradiction is a step in the evolution; Minimal introduction of resources], (3) Creative thinking methods for problem solving [TRIZ provides thinking methods for solving problems creatively; Dialectic thinking; Understanding the problem as a system; Making an image of ideal solution first; Thinking method to solve contradictions].  HTML page  and PDF file (262 KB).]

  Lecture Studies: "Keypoints in Creative Problem Solving with TRIZ"   (Mar. 1, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Presented at the Second Seminar for Celebrating the Publication of "7 Tools for Innovation" by "Nikkei Monzukuri (Mafufacturing)" Journal with the theme of "Keypoints of QFD, TRIZ, and Taguchi Method", on Dec. 16, 2006, at Tokyo Conference Center-Shinagawa.
[In the issues from April 2004 through July 2006 of the monthly journal "NIkkei Monozukuri", lectures of 7 tools for innovation were published in series with the title of 'Aha! of the method'.  These lectures have been published in a book recently.  The Seminar for celebrating the publication attracted more than 200 people.  Such a history and references are briefly summarized and linked in my Editor's Note.  In my lecture, 5 keypoints for understanding and using TRIZ are explained.  Lecture slides are posted in PDF .]

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (14): "How to Introduce, Apply, and Promote TRIZ/USIT (1) Keys for Managers" (Part 14 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Feb. 15, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Feb. 2007, pp. 47-50, (published on Jan. 15, 2007)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 14 of a long-run series.  For the managers, the keys to introduce, apply, and promote TRIZ/USIT in industries are explained.  (1) The current turning-point situations of TRIZ penetration, (2) For what should we use TRIZ? [For what should we use TRIZ?; Problems where we do not use TRIZ; Application fields of TRIZ/USIT], (3) Cases having proved the benefits of TRIZ usage [Cases showing business benefits; A case study having proved that TRIZ has really improved the creativity of engineers], (4) How to introduce TRIZ/USIT [Practical ways of introducing TRIZ in industries; The moments of breaking through the barriers of RIZ introduction/penetration; Roles of top-down promotion; Key points for breaking through].  HTML page  and PDF file (331 KB).]

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (13): "Everyday-life Case Studies of TRIZ/USIT (3) How to Prevent the Staples from Being Crashed" (Part 13 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Jan. 7, 2007)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Jan. 2007, pp. 31-34, (published on Dec. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 13 of a long-run series.  Using a simple everyday-life problem, the whole pocedure of problem solving with TRIZ/USIT is demonstrated.  (1) Difficulty of binding over 30 sheets of papers with a stapler [Initial setting of the problem; Observing and speculating root causes; Analyzing the lateral play of the stapler arm], (2) Discovery of an unexpected root cause [Observing an unexpected fact; Examining the mechanism to find the root cause; A desirable solution blocked by a contradiction], (3) Solution ideas generated with TRIZ/USIT [Altshuller's Smart Little People (SLP) Modeling; Smart Little People supporting the staple from the inner sides; Interpreting the SLP's ideas in terms of technology], (4) Constructing the solution concepts [Construct the basic mechanism; Design new systems with proactive use of the new idea].  HTML page  and PDF file (311 KB).]

  TRIZ Symposium slides: "TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students": Understanding TRIZ/USIT by Solving Everyday-Life Problems "   (Jan. 7, 2007)

Masayuki Hida, Tsubasa Shimoda, Naoya Hayashi, Mizuo Omori, and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka. 
[The four students of Nakagawa's Seminar Class who graduated last March gave this presentation with the assistance by myself as a coauthor. In their thesis work they have individually solved everyday-life problems by using TRIZ/USIT and also jointly built a Web site on TRIZ for students and beginners.  The record of students' discussion, just before their graduation, on "What have we learned through TRIZ/USIT ?" is interesting. Nakagawa's introduction and the presentation slides   are posted.]

  TRIZ Symposium slides: "'Phenomena-Attributes Analysis (PAA)' in USIT Demonstrated for the 'Picture Hanging Kit Problem'"   (Dec. 23, 2006)

Hideaki Kosha (Fuji Photo Film Co.), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka.
[The Author has been applying and promoting USIT in his company for these 6 years.  In this Poster presentation, he proposes a method for analysing the mechanism of a phenomenon by considering its sub-processes in detail.  This helps us reveal the plausible root causes and hence obtain solutions effectively.  Nakagawa's introduction taken from his 'Personal Report' , the poster slides in Japanese , and 2 slides of them in English are posted.]

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (12): "TRIZ Utilizes Knowledge Bases (6) 'Contradiction Matrix' for Obtaining Recommendations of Inventive Principles" (Part 12 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Nov. 29, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Dec. 2006, pp. 35-38, (published on Nov. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 12 of a long-run series.  Altshuller's Contradiction Matrix and its modernized version by Darrell Mann et al. are introduced.  (1) Introduction: 'Types of Problems' [Different concepts of 'Types of Problems', Altshuller's concept of 'Types of Problems'], (2) Altshuller's Contradiction Matrix: Its construction and usage [Construction of the Matrix by Altshuller, How to use the Contradiction Matrix, Practical remarks for usage, Historical change in the evaluation of the Matrix], (3) Updated version Matrix 2003 [Construction of Matrix 2003, Parameters in Matrix 2003, Easier ways from problems to Inventive Principles, Verification of the effectiveness of Matrix 2003, Matrices for software development and non-technology fields].  HTML page  and PDF file (277KB).]

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (11): "TRIZ Utilizes Knowledge Bases (5) '40 Inventive Principles': How to Learn and How to Use Them" (Part 11 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Nov. 1, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Nov. 2006, pp. 48-51, (published on Oct. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 11 of a long-run series.  Altshuller extracted the essence of inventions from a huge number of patents and constructed them into the '40 Inventive Principles', which are most popular among many TRIZ tools.   (1) How to learn Inventive Principles [References to Inventive Principles, Table of the 40 Inventive Principles, Description of the Principles: Sub-principles, Narrower and wider understanding of the Principles]; (2) Understanding the essences of existing patents by use of Inventive Principles [Understanding the essence of an invention, Understanding the guiding principles of a field of subject, Understanding the direction of evolution of a technical system]; (3) Using Inventive Principles as the hints for solutions [Studying application examples of Invention Principles, Applying the essence appropriately]; (4) Extension of application areas of Inventive Principles [Collection of application cases in different areas, Interpretation of Inventive Principles in new areas, Should we add more Principles?].  HTML page  and PDF file (283KB).]

  TRIZ Symposium slides: "A New Paradigm of Creative Problem Solving (3) Usage and Significance of the Six-Box Scheme in USIT"    (Nov. 1, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan), Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita, Osaka.
[The 'Six-Box Scheme' which I had been advocating since 2 years ago was presented with illustrations.  The first half of the presentation explains the concept of the Six-Box Scheme, while the latter half demonstrate two everyday-life case studies, i.e. 'How to fix a string shorter than the needle' and 'A system for preventing from our leaving things behind'.  Slides in English and slides in Japanese are posted in this site.  Also see the paper and slides which I presented at the ETRIA TFC 2006.]

  Introduction Series of TRIZ (10): "TRIZ Utilizes Knowledge Bases (4) Knowledge Base from Target Function to Solution Means" (Part 10 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Oct. 4, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Oct. 2006, pp. 35-38, (published on Sept. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 10 of a long-run series.  In technical projects, we often have a target we want to achieve and then we have to look for some means to reach the goal.  In such a case we need to clarify the goal in terms (or languages) of functions, and then search a knowledge base (i.e., Functional Knowledge Base) with the clews of those terms for obtaining some hints of implementation means.  TRIZ has a rich collection of knowledge and sfotware tools for this purpose.  (1) Hints from something having the same function; (2) Classification of functions and functon DBs [Function as a target, Function classification and DB in IM's TechOptimizer, Function classification in Mann's textbook, CREAX' Function DB]; (3) Active use of Function Databases [Is the target function really clear?  Case studies with full use of Function DBs].  HTML page  and PDF file (313KB).]

Introduction Series of TRIZ (9): "TRIZ Utilizes Knowledge Bases (3) Knowledge Base of Evolutionary Trends of Technical Systems" (Part 9 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Sept. 6, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Sept. 2006, pp. 47-50, (published on Aug. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 9 of a long-run series.  A unique knowledge base in TRIZ is that of 'Trends of Evolution of Technical Systems', where the directions of evolutional development in technical systems are extracted so as to be adaptable in the whole range of technologies. It gives us knowledge easy to learn and yet very powerful to use.  An example of Trends of Technical System Evolution; Basics of Trends of Technical System Evolution (Concepts and terminalogy of Trends of Evolution; Concepts of evolution in technical systems; Schemes of showing Trends of Technical System Evolution); Usage of Trends of Technical System Evolution (Studying Trends of Evolution; Thinking along Trends of Evolution; Activating the 'Potential of Evolution'; Problem solving with the use of Trends of Evolution).
In HTML and in PDF (417 KB).]

Introduction Series of TRIZ (8): "TRIZ Utilizes Knowledge Bases (2) Database of Scientific and Technical Principles (Effects) and Their Usage" (Part 8 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Sept. 6, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Aug. 2006, pp. 48-51, (published on Jul. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 8 of a long-run series.  As the most basic component of the TRIZ Knowledge Bases, the database of Scientific and Technical Principles and Phenomena (i.e. Effects, in TRIZ terms) is explained here first.  Methods of collecting information in science and technology (Accumulation of knowledge in individual desciplines; Collecting information by information retrieval; Exhaustive survey of patents by researchers; Automatic analysis of documents with Semantic Analysis Tools); Usage of Science and Technology Database (i.e. Effects DB) (Constuction of Effects DB; Basics of using Effects DB; Using Effects DB on the basis of the "S-A-O Concept"; Searching for new knowledge by chaining and extending the "S-A-O"; Classification of knowledge by Functions; Classification of knowledge by Atributes (or Properties); When should we use the Effects DB?) 
In HTML and in PDF (295 KB).]

Introduction Series of TRIZ (7): "TRIZ Utilizes Knowledge Bases (1) Overview of TRIZ Knowledge Bases and Software Tools" (Part 7 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Jul. 4, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Jul. 2006, pp. 37-40, (pubished on Jun. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 7 of a long-run series.  Starting with the present part, I am going to introduce the TRIZ knowledge bases and software tools to the engineering people who are struggling in the frontiers of technologies.  The position of Knowledge Bases within TRIZ; Significance of TRIZ Knowledge Bases; Construction of TRIZ Knowledge Bases; Utilization of TRIZ Knowledge Bases (Publications and Web information; TRIZ software tools; e-Learning tools on TRIZ); When to use TRIZ Knowledge Bases in the problem solving process. 
In HTML and in PDF (311 KB).]

Introduction Series (6): "Everyday-life Case Studies of TRIZ/USIT (2) How to Prevent from Shoplifting in Bookstores" (Part 6 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Jun. 6, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Jun. 2006, pp. 43-46, (pubished on May 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 6 of a long-run series.  A case study of applying TRIZ/USIT to an everyday-life problem is shown with reference to Naoya Hayashi, Thesis, Osaka Gakuin Univ., Jan. 2006 posted in "TRIZ Home Page by Students for Students" .  The problem is based on his experiences while woking for a small bookstore in a suburban shoping center.  Problem definition; Problem analysis (Process of shoplifting, Relevant objects, Attributes of the objects, Space and Time characteristics, Core difficulty (or contradition) of the problem); Solution generation (Reviewing conventional methods, New solution ideas).  In HTML and in PDF (365 KB).]

 Lecture Slides:  "TRIZ: Innovative Problem Solving Methodology - Its Significance and Current Status in Japan and the World"  (May 9, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at the 2nd Technology Symposium "Toward the World-Leading Edge Manufacturing (2)" Held by 'Ohkan Rengo' on Apr. 17, 2006, at Hitach Building, Ochanomizu, Tokyo.
[A lecture for 40 minutes for the introduction of TRIZ to managers and engineers in manufacturing industries.   Needs for methods of breaking through technical barriers; Overview of TRIZ; Essence of TRIZ philosophy; Knowledge bases in TRIZ; TRIZ ways of thinking for problem solving; Easy practice of problem solving with USIT; Real cases demonstrated the benefits of TRIZ; Current status of penetration; Significance of TRIZ; How to introduce TRIZ into industries.  PDF file of the presentation slides (500 KB). ]

Introduction Series (5): "Everyday-life Case Studies of TRIZ/USIT (1) How to Fix the String Found Shorter Than the Needle" (Part 5 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (May 9, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), May. 2006, pp. 49-54, (pubished on Apr. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 5 of a long-run series.  As an easy introduction to TRIZ, student's case study of applying TRIZ/USIT to an everyday-life problem is shown.  (Ref. Tsubasa Shimoda, Thesis, Osaka Gakuin Univ., Jan. 2006; also see "TRIZ Home Page by Students for Students" and Nakagawa's Introduction to it.)  How to learn TRIZ case studies; Problem definition; Problem analysis (space and time characteristics, objects-attributes-functions, imagine an ideal solution); Solution generation(various known solutions, introducing extra things, modifying needles and strings, noble small tools, how the solution ideas were generated); lessons of this case study.In HTML and in PDF (365 KB).]

Introduction Series (4): "History of TRIZ (3) Acceptance and Penetration in Japan and Korea " (Part 4 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Apr. 4, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Apr. 2006, pp. 40-43, (pubished on Mar. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 4 of a long-run series.  History of TRIZ in Japan and Korea: Prehistory and pioneers of introducing TRIZ in Japan; Introduction by "Nikkei Mechanical" journal; Activities by Mitsubishi Research Institute; Activities by SANNO Institute for Management; Nakagawa's activities with "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"; TRIZ textbooks in the early stage; Introducing TRIZ into industries at the early stages; 'Slow but Steady Strategy' for introducing TRIZ; Early stages of introducing TRIZ in Korea; Development of TRIZ in Japan; Current situations of TRIZ penetration in Japan; Company-wide penetration of TRIZ in Samsung, Korea. In HTML
and in PDF (316 KB).]

Introduction Series (3): "History of TRIZ (2) Further Development in the USA and in Europe" (Part 3 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Mar. 6, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Mar. 2006, pp. 44-47, (pubished on Feb. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 3 of a long-run series.  History of TRIZ after the end of the Cold War: Bases prepared for the immigration of TRIZ experts, Implementation into software tools by Invention Machine Inc., Activities by Ideation International Inc., The TRIZ Journal and other situations in USA, The Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies and its TRIZCONs, Propagation of TRIZ in Europe and organization of ETRIA, Darrell Mann and CREAX, Simplified methods of TRIZ.  In HTML
and in PDF (338 KB).]

Introduction Series (2): "History of TRIZ (1) Birth, Development, and Establishing in the former USSR" (Part 2 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Feb. 1, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Feb. 2006, pp. 44-46, (pubished on Jan. 15, 2006)
[Introduction to TRIZ, Part 2 of a long-term series.  G.S. Altshuller, the Father of TRIZ; The birth, severe time, and growth of TRIZ (1946-70); Public institute of TRIZ (1970-74); Contents of TRIZ in early 70s; Further growth and penetration (1974-85); Contents of 'Classical TRIZ'; Variety of extentions (1985-).   In HTML
and in PDF (298 KB).

Introduction: "What is TRIZ?  FAQ" (Part 1 of "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation") (Jan. 13, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Jan. 2006, pp. 48-51, (pubished on Dec. 15, 2005)
[Introduction to TRIZ for novices.  What is TRIZ?, Information sources and textboks, Basic approach, Thinking way for innovation, Penetration situations, Penetration in Japan, New generation of TRIZ.  In HTML
and in PDF (326KB).]

Introductory/Series : "TRIZ: Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation" (Jan. 13, 2006)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "InterLab" (Optronics Ltd.), Series starting in Jan. 2006.
[Start of a long-run series for introduction to TRIZ.  "InterLab" is a commercial monthly journal with the aim of promoting/supporting the collaborations among academia, public institutions, and industries, having about 12,000 subscriptions.]

Introductory/Series : "TRIZ Up-to-Date (Part 6, Final) Practice of Simplified TRIZ by Use of USIT" (Oct. 26, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Nikkei Monozukuri" (Nikkei BP), Aug. 2005, pp. 124-127.
[Final Part of the series of introductory articles published in the monthly Journal, "Manufacturing" published by Nikkei BP. Practical use of USIT is explained, on the basis of the overall structure and procedure explained in the last issue.  Practices of USIT training and usage of USIT along the process of problem solving are described.]

Research Note : "Study of Patents with TRIZ: 'Production of Auxetic Fibers: Artificial Fibers which become broarder if extended' (US Patent 6,878, 320) " (Oct. 26, 2005) (Slides: Dec. 21, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jul. 6, 2005 (Insertion on Sept. 12, 2005)
[Written as a sample of description for the Collaborative Study of Patents with TRIZ. 'Auxenticity' represents a peculiar property as expressed in the title (having a negative Poisson ratio).  While bulk-form auxentic materials were known, this US patent by Kim Alderson et al. has produced auxentic fibers for the first time.  With a trigger of introduction by Darrell Mann, I have studied the patent and analyzed it with TRIZ.]
[Slides presented at IM Users Symposium (2005 Lake Biwa) on Dec. 2, 2005 are posted as well in PDF (Dec. 21, 2005).]

  Research Note:  "Software Engineering and TRIZ (3)  The Jackson Method Reviewed with TRIZ" (Oct. 12, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jan. 6, 2005
[Third of a series of research which aims to review principal issues in sftware engineering with TRIZ views, to feedback the knowledge in software engineering to TRIZ, and thus to form a basis for applying TRIZ to software related problems. The Jackson Method (or Jackson Structured Programming, JSP) is reviewed here.]

Keynote (2) of First TRIZ Symposium in Japan: "TRIZ Critical SWOT: Systematic Innovation Today and Tomorrow" (Sept. 20, 2005)

Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation Ltd. UK), Keynote Speech (2) presented at the First TRIZ Symposium in Japan, held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' on Sept. 1-3, 2005, at Laforet Shuzenji, Izu.
[TRIZ is approaching a critical point in its history, either becoming widely adapted in the world or shrinking into cult-like obscurity. Thus, in this presentation, the strengths, weaknesses, oportunities, and threats of TRIZ are examined. The biggest threats for TRIZ is that the people who follow the tradition of TRIZ would not help make TRIZ adaptable to the world. The isolation of TRIZ from academia and from policy making must be overcome. On the other hand, many big (technical) problems for the human kind are waiting to be solved; these are the big opportunities for TRIZ.]

Keynote (1) of First TRIZ Symposium in Japan: "A New Generation of TRIZ" (Sept. 20, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Keynote Speech (1) presented at the First TRIZ Symposium in Japan, held by 'Japan TRIZ CB' on Sept. 1-3, 2005, at Laforet Shuzenji, Izu.
[Along the progress in penetration and understanding of TRIZ, it has become clear that the confuzing situation of TRIZ overall procedure and the missing in establishing the overall structure of TRIZ are the root causes for the obscurity in TRIZ for novices. It is necessary to extract the essences of TRIZ, unify and integrate them, and re-structure them in a way easy to understand and effective to apply. This is the process for creating a new generation of TRIZ. The present author believes that USIT has been developed towards this goal. In particular, the Six-Box Scheme in USIT provides a new paradigm for creative problem solving.]

Introductory/Series : "TRIZ Up-to-Date (Part 5) Overall Process of Problem Solving in TRIZ/USIT" (Aug. 28, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Nikkei Monozukuri" (Nikkei BP), Jul. 2005, pp. 100-103.
[Part 5 of the series of introductory articles published in the monthly Journal, "Manufacturing" published by Nikkei BP. The reason for rather slow penetration of TRIZ is attributable to the fact that TRIZ, having so many individual tools, has not well established the overall process of problem solving and more deeply to the fact that it has not established the overall structure (representable in data flow diagrams) of problem solving. USIT established a clear oveall structure and a clear overall procedure. The Six-Box Scheme in USIT provides a new paradigm for creative problem solving. ]

Introductory/Series : "TRIZ Up-to-Date (Part 4) The Essence of TRIZ Ways of Thinking"    (Jul. 29, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Nikkei Monozukuri" (Nikkei BP), Jun. 2005, pp. 122-125.
[Part 4 of the series of introductory articles published in the monthly Journal, "Manufacturing" published by Nikkei BP. The 'Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words' is shown first and then typical TRIZ ways of thinking are illustrated with short examples. They include: to think about the system and its evolution (by using 9-windows method and the Trends of Evolution), to make an image of an ideal solution first (by using the Smart Little People's Modeling), to resolve contradictions (with the example of a water-saving toilet system which was obtained by solving a physical contradiction with the Separation Principle).]

Introductory/Series : "TRIZ Up-to-Date (Part 3) Refreshing the TRIZ Knowledge Bases and Systematic Innovation "    (Jul. 20, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Nikkei Monozukuri" (Nikkei BP), May 2005, pp. 120-123.
[Since year 2000, Darrell Mann and CREAX started a big research project of analyzing all the US Patents granded from 1985 up to the resent. With the results of the project, they have thoroughly refreshed the TRIZ knowledge bases, rebuilt a new edition of Contradiction Matrix, and established the methodology named 'Systematic Innovation' by integrating TRIZ with various creativity studies in the Western countries.]

Introductory/Series : "Series 'Aha! on the Methods': TRIZ Up-to-Date"    (Jul. 20, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Nikkei Monozukuri" (Nikkei BP), May through August. 2005.
[A new series of introductory article on TRIZ has been published in the monthly journal, "Manufacturing". Mr. Tsukasa Shinohara, Nikkei BP Consulting Co., wrote Parts 1 and 2, and then Nakagawa is going to write Parts 3 through 6. Nakagawa's parts of the series will be posted here from now on.]

Introductory/Proposal: "Viewing MOT from the Standpoint of Development & Design Engineers: Management of Development Process Based on Technology"  (Jul. 20, 2005)

Toshihiro Hayashi (Hitachi Co., Ltd.), "Management Systems" (Jouranl of Japan Management Engineering Society), Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. (Apr. 2004).
[It is not MOT (Management of Technology) but 'Management of Development Process Based on Technology' (MOT) that is necessary for manufacturing industries in Japan, the author adovocates. The author proposes to develop a wider-scoped methodology for development and design, including the scope of TRIZ.]

Introductory: "Introduction to the TRIZ/USIT Methodology for Creative Problem Solving"    (Jun. 22, 2005)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), "Value Engineering" (Magazine of Japan VE Association), No. 228 (May 2005), pp. 31-36.
[An introduction to the up-to-date TRIZ methodology. This article describes the essence of TRIZ philosophy, TRIZ knowledge bases (especially in its modernized form), and TRIZ ways of thinking and thinking tools, towards readers novice to TRIZ. This gives an overview of TRIZ, especially on its structure and characteristic features. This serves as a new first page of 'Introduction to TRIZ' in this Web site.

Lecture slides :  "Creative Problem Solving in USIT, Simple and Effective", (Mar. 18, 2005)
       Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at the "TRIZ/USIT  Seminar for Industrial Practice", held by Technical Information Institute, in Tokyo, on Feb. 24-25, 2005.
      [49 slides of the 2-hr lecture given at the seminar on Feb. 24-25, 2005.  Introduction to the whole procedure of USIT and its philosophy. Also explains the implications of the Six-Box Scheme in USIT expressed in the dataflow model. ]

Lecture slides :  "Up-to-Date Understanding and Application of TRIZ" (Mar. 18, 2005)
           Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at the "TRIZ/USIT  Seminar for Industrial Practice", held by Technical Information Institute, in Tokyo, on Feb. 24-25, 2005.
      [50 slides of the 2-hr lecture given at the seminar.  Introduction to the whole aspects of TRIZ in its modernized version, especially based on Darrell Mann's work. ]

Research Note:  "Our Contributions to "Matrix 2003"",  (Mar. 24, 2005)
         Boris Zlotin and Alla Zusman (Ideation International Inc.), Jan. 12, 2005, Contribution received;  Japanese translation by T. Nakagawa.
       [The two TRIZ Masters remark their decades long reseach approach to improve the Contradiction Matrix. Gives light to the role of Matrix 2003 for solving somewhat confusing situations in TRIZ.]

  Research Note:  "Software Engineering and TRIZ (2)  Step-wise Refinement Reviewed with TRIZ"  (Feb. 7, 2005)
       by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jan. 5, 2005
       [Second of a series of research having 3-folded purposes: to extend TRIZ appliccation to the field related to software engineering/science, to clarify topics of software engineering with the TRIZ views, and to feed the principles/knowledge in software engineering more into TRIZ.  Reviewing the method of step-wise refinement in software development, a case of a failure in the sense of software engineers is found to be a correct refinement in "Another dimension" in the sense of TRIZ.  The concept of Step-wise Refinement should be introduced with more stress into TRIZ and ordinary 'hardware' technologies. ]

  Conference paper:  "Differencial Research of Patents and Inventions from Known Technologies", (Nov. 16, 2004)
          by Hiroshi Ueda (Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative, Japan), Presented at the 26th Conference of Japan Creativity Society, held at Tokyo University of Technology, Hachiouji, on Oct. 15-16, 2004.
           [While generating ideas of invention and preparing them for filing patents, it is recommended to build functional models of known technology and new inventions to examine their differences.]

  Presentation:  "Enhancing Intellectual Properties by use of TRIZ", (Nov. 16, 2004)
          by Hiroshi Ueda (Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative, Japan), Presented at Systematic Innovation Forum for Celebrating the Publication of the Japanese  Edition of Darrell Mann's "Hands-On Systematic Innovation", in Kyoto on Sept. 6, 2004 and  in Tokyo on Sept. 7, 2004.
           [Discusses the usage of TRIZ for utilizing and enhancing intelectual properties.  Retrieval and anlysis of existing patents, using them as triggers, evaluation and enhancement of new inventions, etc.  28 slides in PDF.]

  Lecture slides:  "Hands-On Systematic Innovation:  Evolving the World's Most Powerful Creativity & Innovation Processes"  (Oct. 7, 2004)   (Oct. 18, 2004)
          by Darrell Mann  (CREAX, UK), Lecture given at Systematic Innovation Forum for Celebrating the Publication of the Japanese  Edition of Darrell Mann's "Hands-On Systematic Innovation", in Kyoto on Sept. 6, 2004 and  in Tokyo on Sept. 7, 2004.
             [Lecture given in Kyoto and Tokyo at the Forum for celebrating the publication of the Japanese Edition of HOSI textbook.  GIves a vidid overview of his textbook and current activities, in the scope of  "Systematic Innovation"  much wider than traditional TRIZ.   103 slides in PDF.]

  Presentation slides:  "Software Engineering and TRIZ (1)  Structured Programming Reviewed with TRIZ"  (Sept. 22, 2004)
         by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Presented at MRI's Users Study Group Meeting (Knowledge Creation Study Group, Creativity Techniques Section), on Sept. 17, 2004, in Tokyo
          [Presentation of the Research Note posted on Aug. 26, 2004.  66 slides in PDF.]

  Introductory:  "Big and Deep TRIZ:  How can we learn it easily and apply it smoothly?" (Sept. 22, 2004)
        by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Invited talk at Mitsubishi Research Institute's Knowledge Creation Symplsium (Shuzenji 2004), held on Sept. 8-10, 2004, at Laforet Shuzenji, Izu.
         [Has given an overview of current understanding of TRIZ, the question shown in the title is posed.  Its solution is to extract the essence of TRIZ and reorganize it.  USIT is such a solution.  USIT has become clear and effective more and more, and is now easy to learn and smooth to apply.] 

  Talk slides: "Introduction to Darrell Mann's 'Hands-On Systematic Innovation' "(Sept. 22, 2004)
       by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), talk at Systematic Innovation Forum for Celebrating the Publication of the Japanese  Edition of Darrell Mann's "Hands-On Systematic Innovation", in Kyoto on Sept. 6, 2004 and  in Tokyo on Sept. 7, 2004.
          [Intorduction to Mann's HOSI textbook, with high recommendation, points of improvement in the Japanese Edition, background knowledge, etc.  Also advised to learn simplyfied TRIZ together with this comprehensive textbook.]

  Research Note:  "Software Engineering and TRIZ (1)  Structured Programming Reviewed with TRIZ"  (Aug. 26, 2004)
       by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Aug. 7, 2004
       [Start of a series of research having 3-folded purposes: to extend TRIZ appliccation to the field related to software engineering/science, to clarify topics of software engineering with the TRIZ views, and to feed the principles/knowledge in software engineering more into TRIZ.  First the concepts of Structured Programming have been re-examined with TRIZ.  When we see the historical dispute on the "goto-less" issue from the TRIZ' viewpoint of contradictions, we have found it not correct to teach "the Structured Programming is a proposal to use only three basic control constructs and no gotos, and it is a compromise with practice to add four more constructs". ]

Paper/Lecture: "Analysis and Development Aspects of Laser Optical Disk Systems"    (Jun. 16, 2004)
        by Serguei Khrouchtchev (Moscow State Tchnical University named after Bauman, Russia), Proceedings of ETRIA Worle Conference "TRIZ Future 2003" held at Aachen, Germany, on Nov. 12-14, 2003. 
        [Detailed analysis of the technological evolution in the optical systems of Compact Disks and DVDs.  How various contradictions appeared and then solved is described from viewpoints of TRIZ principles. Giving technological background to the author's work on DVD cost reduction at Samsung.]

Paper/Introduction: "Problem Solving Methodology for Innovation: TRIZ/USIT.  Its Philosophy, Methods, Knowledge Bases, and Software Tools"    (Mar. 3, 2004) ; (Aug. 26, 2004)
        by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), presented at First Symposium on Knowledge Creation Support Systems, held on Feb. 27-28, 2004, at JAIST (Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku) near Kanazawa.; English translation by Toru Nakagawa on Aug. 14, 2004.
        [Introduced the whole aspects of TRIZ in a top-down manner on the basis of up-to-date understanding of the methodology.  Explained TRIZ/USIT and its usage in the "Steady Strategy" of introduction.  This is the up-to-date Introduction to TRIZ in this Site.]

  Paper/Proposal:  " 'Technological Methodologies on Development and Design Processes' for Empowering Manufacturing:  Its Scope and Signinficance and the Necessity of Teaching It to Engineering Undergraduates"   (Mar. 3, 2004)
          Toshihiro Hayashi (Hitachi, Japan), presented at Panel Discussion of 2003 Faculty Conference of All Japan Electrical Engineering Departments/Colledgs, held on July 24, 2003 at Akita View Hotel.
           [For empowering the technology/product development, the author advocates the necessity of 'Process Engineering Methodologies' which support and lead the development process in general without restricted to specific disciplines of science and technology.  He is now leading the promotion of QFD, TRIZ, Taguchi Method, CAD/CAM/CAE, etc. corporate-wide in Hitachi.  This also reflects the proposal by a new academic/industrial movement in Japan to establish/promote the "Transversal Foundation in Science and Technology". (Note:  there may be some other official Engih wording, but I don't know at moment.)

Keynote Speech:  " 'Updated Understanding' of TRIZ in the Steady-Introduction Stage"
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), presented at the 4th IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, on Sept. 10-12, 2003; Posted on Oct. 3, 2003
     [Recently the understanding of TRIZ was much updated.  Darrell Mann and CREAX made most TRIZ data up-to-date as a result of their patent research, and produced new textbook and new software tool.  All TRIZ tools have been reorganized into unified USIT solution generation methods.  It is recommended to use USIT process and TRIZ software tools in a complementary way.]

Guide:  "Brief Guide to Nakagawa's TRIZ/USIT Articles"
      by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jan. 21, 2003; Posted on Feb. 18, 2003
     [Perspective guide to 14 articles on TRIZ and USIT posted in this site, mentioning their positions and the paths for reading.  Written for new readers in English, in Japanese, and further in Spanish.]

Introductory:  "The Principles of Inventive Thinking -- Introduction to the Course of 'Development of Inventive Thinking' According to the SIT System" (Oct. 1, 2002)
     by Peretz Manor (Israel), Regba Communications, Dec. 6, 2000; Posted here on Oct. 1, 2002; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 24, 2002  (Oct. 1, 2002)
     [Clear introduction saying "Inventive Thinking is not characterized by diffused thinking but rather by concentrated thinking with certain constraints".]

Review:"On Current Research Trends in TRIZ"(Sept. 18, 2002)
       by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Invited Talk at The 3rd IM User Group Meeting in Japan, held at La Foret Shuzenji, Shizuoka, on Aug. 28-30, 2002.
       [10 topics including: New TRIZ textbooks, New TRIZ software tools, USIT, Cause analysis with Problem Inversion, Ideality and Self-X, Applications to software development, Applications to business problems, Learning from animals and plants, Cooperation with other methodologies, and Creativity education.]

Research Report: "A Web Project for Creativity Education: Development of Course Materials for Cultivating Creative Idea Generation on the Network" (Jul. 25, 2002)
      by Koji Harada and Kunio Takahashi (Chiba Gakugei Highschool, Japan), contributed on Jul. 14, 2002; first presented at the Meeting of E-Square Project, Center for Educational Computing, Tokyo, on Mar. 8-9, 2002.
      [A trial of making Web pages of creativity education on the basis of Equivalent Transformal Thinking and TRIZ.  First report on TRIZ from a highschool in Japan.]

  Research Note:  "TRIZ and Software - 40 Principle Analogies"  (Feb 4, 2002)
         by Kevin C. Rea (Global Platform Corp., USA), TRIZ Journal, September and November, 2001; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa on Jan. 13, 2001.  (Feb. 4, 2002)
      [In the frontier of Infotmation Technology R&D, the author has found the usefulness of TRIZ' 40 Principles of Invention and describes the anaolgies of them in terms of computer science.  A nice introduction of TRIZ in the new and important application field of IT.]

   "Introduction to TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving): A Technological Philosophy for Creative Problem Solving"  (Nov. 16, 2001)  (Jan. 7, 2002)
         by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), presented at The 23rd Annual Symposium of Japan Creativity Society, Held at Toyo University, Tokyo, on Nov. 3-4, 2001 (in Japanese); English transl. by Toru Nakagawa on Dec. 25, 2001
      [Introductory article for TRIZ novices in 4 printed pages.  Concise and up-to-date introduction. ]

Essay:  "Israeli SIT methodology and its use (3): Using ASIT to Develop New Products" 
          by Roni Horowitz (, Israel), TRIZ Journal, Nov. 2000; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), posted on Dec. 10, 2001.
             [By applying 5 ASIT tools to existing products, new types of products and their markets can be invented. ]

Essay:  "Israeli SIT methodology and its use (2): ASIT's Five Thinking Tools with Examples
          by Roni Horowitz (, Israel), TRIZ Journal, Sept. 2000; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), posted on Dec. 10, 2001.
             [Usage of 5 tools (i.e., unification, multiplication, division, breaking of symmetry, and object removal) is illustrated in simple 5-step procedures.]

Essay:  "Israeli SIT methodology and its use (1): From TRIZ to ASIT in 4 Steps" 
          by Roni Horowitz (, Israel), TRIZ Journal, Aug. 2000; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), posted on Sept. 11, 2001.
             [Intentions in transforming TRIZ into easier ASIT are described in plain words.  Introduced Closed-World constraint and Qualitative Change requirement for inventive solutions, reduced 40 TRIZ principles into 5 solution methods, and eliminated others]

Essay:  "Metaphorical Observations - Viewpoints Conducive to Innovation" 
          by Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck), URL:; Japanese translation by Hideaki Kosha (Fuji Phot & Film Co., Japan) and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), posted on Jul. 31, 2001.
        [One aspect of USIT philosophy is described concisely.  USIT first focuses sharply on the problem, then expands the thinking, and finally generates insights for solution by use of metaphores.]

"Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words"
         by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)  May 16, 2001  [Posted on May 22, 2001]  [Japanese translation posted on May 22, 2001]
         [An answer to the question "What is the essence of TRIZ?", stated in 50 words and then explained in 2 pages.  Originally written as a section of my paper to be presented in ETRIA Conference (Nov. 2001). ]

   "USIT Development and Its Evolution":  (A) Development of USIT at Ford from Israeli SIT, (B) From USIT Textbook to the USIT Seminar in March 1999, (C) Recent Refinement by Nakagawa in Introducing USIT in Japan.   (Posted: Mar. 23, 2001)
        (A) by Ed Sickafus (Ford Research Lab. & Ntelleck): "Unified Structured Inventive Thinking: How to Invent", Ntelleck, 1997, pp. 439-442; Japanese translation by T. Nakagawa, Mar. 10, 2001.
        (B)(C) Notes by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)  Mar. 10, 2001 and Comments on the Notes by Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck)  Mar. 11, 2001
        [To learn the intention of the developer for better use and understanding of USIT.]

   "Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving: ARIZ"    (Historical reference)
        by Hiroaki Kawashima (Hitachi Kenki Co.),  in "Handbook of New Product and Development Methodologies", 1986.
  [Posted here by courtesy of the author on Feb. 8, 2000; English page on Mar. 23, 2000]
        [6 page introduction to ARIZ in Japanese in 1986 on the basis of Altshuller's 1969 textbook.  Some early history of TRIZ in Japan is introduced in the preface of this page.]

"TRIZ and Total Product Development:  New Millenium Status Report"
       by Deborah Hoerner and James F. Kowalick (Renaissance Leadership Inst.) Nov. 23, 1999; Revised Dec. 8, 1999.
       [Posted here by courtesy of the authors on Dec. 16, 1999.  Japanese translation (by Nakagawa) is also posted on Dec. 16, 1999.]
          [A concise, clear, and persuasive introduction to TRIZ in the framework of Total Product Development.  Emphasizes the effectiveness of experiential training, i.e. 'learning by doing'.]

   "Super-Inventive Methodology TRIZ for the Creativity of Engineers" 
        by Hiroshi Ueda (Minolta Corp., Japan),  Kansai Design & Manufacturing Solutions Exhibition, Keynote speach at a technical session, Oct. 12, 1999.
        [Contributed by the author and republished in this Web site as the first significant article from Japanese readers. (Nov. 15, 1999) (added: Dec. 16, 1999).  English translation is not planned at moment.]
        [Verifies the effectiveness of TRIZ by using former historical inventions and his company's inventions, and discusses TRIZ in comparison with seveal other methodologies.]

"On the Basic Program "Creativity Methodologies for Problem Solving and Decision Making" Being Taught by the CSTC"
         by Phan Dung (CSTC, Vietnam National Univ. - Hochiminh City)
  in  "Creativity's Global Correspondents 1999"     [posted here on the author's request on Jul. 16, 1999]

"Four Views on TRIZ"
        by Vareli Souchkov (Insytec B.V., The Netherlands), TRIZ Journal, March 1999 
          (Translated into Japanese by Toru Nakagawa and posted here on Mar. 30, 1999
                under the permission of the author and TRIZ Journal.)
          [An expert introduction to overall view of TRIZ, not each of Trees but the whole Forest.]

"Software Tools for TRIZ -- Mechanism, Usage, and Methodology Learning --
    Invention Machine's TechOptimizer Pro Version 2.5"
         by Toru Nakagawa, Osaka Gakuin Univ., June 7, 1998.
        (First published on the ITD/TRIZ Home Page of Mitsubishi Res. Inst., on Jul. 3, 1998)
            (Republished here under the permission of Mitsubishi Res. Inst., Nov. 2, 1998)
             Translated into English by Nakagawa and posted here under the permission of MRI and IMC, Feb. 25, 1999.
             [Originally written self-training manual of TechOptimizer usage and TRIZ methodology learning.
              Over-20 displays of TechOptimizer help you understand how the TRIZ software can support you in solving
              your own problem.  Especially useful for those who do not have an access to the expensive tool yet. ]

"New Software That Assists 'Invention' -- by Linking Science & Technology Principles
           and Proposing Composed Technologies"
               by Toru Nakagawa, Nikkei Mechanical, Nov. 1998 (No. 530), pp. 26-31. 
          (Republished here under the permission of Nikkei Mechanical, Dec. 12, 1998)
               [Usage and evaluation of Invention Machine's software "Invention Magic", i.e. a low price version of IM Phenomenon.]

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