TRIZ Papers
Injecting Creative Thinking into Product Flow
     Ed Sickafus (Ford Research Laboratory) 
    4th Annual International TPD Symposium - TRIZ Conference, at Industry Hills, California, on Nov. 17-19, 1998, pp. 129-132.

Preface for the publication in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"
           (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 22, 1999)

This paper by Ed Sickafus was presented at the First TRIZ International Conference
as cited above, and translated into Japanese by Toru Nakagawa under the kind
permission of
   American Supplier Institute ,
   The TRIZ Institute (The TRIZ Journal) , and
   The author, Dr. Ed Sickafus and Ford Motor Company.

The Japanese version has been published in the Japanese page of the "TRIZ Home Page
in Japan" under the permission.  We are grateful to ASI, TRIZ Institute, Ford Motor Co.,
and Dr. Sickafus for their permissions which help Japanese readers understand how to
promote TRIZ in their companies.

In my personal report of the TRIZ Conference, I have cited Sickafus' presentation most
impressive and helpful for us to promote  TRIZ in our company situations.
Dr. Sickafus adopted SIT (Structured Inventive Thinking), a simplified version of TRIZ, and
has promoted its application for these three years to real corporate problems leading a
four-member team.  The SIT team works together with customer engineers and helps generating
innovative concepts for their real design problems.  The team's goal was set,
by Vice President of FRL, as to "save the company one hundred million dollars per year".
The team uses a criterion of "cost to customer" as carrots for their engaging in a problem,
and evaluates their contribution only for the projects in which a concept generated by the SIT
team has successfully turned into real company products.  In-house SIT seminars and joint
work with various engineering departments have resulted in achieving the above mentioned goal,
he reports.  The team's philosophy and way of working are quite suggestive.
(Note:  SIT/USIT methodology may be refered at  )

The original, English version is not published here, because it will appear in the TRIZ Journal
in the near future.   [Note (April 1):  It appears in the author's Web site:  ]

Access to the author should be:
   Ed Sickafus, Ford Research Laboratory, Dearborn, Michigan, USA
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Last updated on Apr. 1, 1999.     Access point:  Editor: