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Conference & Seminar Reports
Forum: Conference Report (24): "Personal Report of The Seventh TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2011 (Held by the Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 8-10, 2011, at Toshiba Kenshu Center, Yokohama, Japan)" (Oct. 28, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Oct. 24, 2011
The Japan TRIZ Symposium 2011 was held with the participation of 115 people (including 11 from overseas countries) and 40 presentations. The Symposium is reported here personally in English (and its brief summary in Japanese). I am going to post my reports in about 10 categories step by step from now on to review all the presentations. This Parent page reports the outline of the Symposium and its organizing policies. I wish that my Personal Report convey you how TRIZ is understood, applied, and promoted in Japan and in the World. I sincerely thank you, all the TRIZ people in the world, for your prayers, encouragements, and support especially after the March 11 Japan Disaster.
Forum: Conference Report (23-11): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Miscellaneous and Concluding Remarks " (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Apr. 30, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Apr. 28, 2011
Sections of Miscellaneous and Concluding Remarks are written in the Parent page of my Personal Report. This finishes the posting of my Personal Report. See also in PDF (25 pages, 295 KB).Section of Miscellaneous summarizes several activities in the Symposium other than presentations.
Concluding Remarks review general features including number of presentations, number of participants, contributions by industries, by TRIZ specialists, and by university people, etc. Several presentations are recommended with brief introduction in each area of the Symposium topics. Having written this Personal Report to introduce you to all the presentations in some detail, I am very happy to find the presentations have contributed much to better understanding TRIZ and further extending TRIZ in wider fields of applications. On the basis of big success in TRIZ Symposium 2010, we are now preparing for holding the 7th TRIZ Symposium in coming September 2011. Why don't you join us!!
Forum: Conference Report (23-10): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part H. Applications to Soft & Non-technical Areas" (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Apr. 14, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 30, 2011
In Part H of my Personal Report, I have reviewed the following 8 papers (5 in detail, and 3 briefly) presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . See also in PDF (21 pages, 1.2 MB).Yojiro Fukushima ( ) et al. : "How to use TRIZ in software and IT problem solving". --- One of five Special Interest Lectures given at the Symposium. Since the slides are not ready in English translation, only the Abstract is shown at moment.
Satoshi Hasegawa et al. (Konica Minolta Business Technologies) : "Expansion of USIT Operators’ Matrix to Software Technical Domain". --- To understand the USIT Operator System better, the Authors arranged the sub-operators in a tabular form (named as 'USIT Operator Matrix') and have shown frequently used sub-operators after their analysis of 600 patents in their specialty field of electrophotograph technology. Similar usage pattern has bee observed in the 100 patents in the field of mechanical-control software technology.
Takuo Maeda (Takumi System Architects) : "Japan-oriented Creative Monozukuri (manufacturing and production) with TRIZ". --- This is an intensive and bird-view presentation on the future directions of Japanese industry, especially software industry, with a keen sense of crisis. The Author proposes a basic framework of monozukuri and has strived to integrated the TRIZ/USIT thinking into the whole process of business and technology innovation. He recently made "Workbook to Innovate Business and Technology". Onto the workbook, users write down their specific thoughts/ideas step by step under the guidance of the Workbook.
Ikuo Yoshizawa (SANNO Institute of Management), et al. [Business & Management TRIZ Application Sub-Team, Japan TRIZ Society] : "An Application of TRIZ Way of Thinking and Its Tools to Develop a New Business Model". --- This is the third report of the Study Group. Selecting a specific case of 'Large-Screen Television System' as an example, the Authors developed and discussed how to develop a new business model. They focus on the phase of 'drawing the scheme' (or building the viewpoints for defining/differentiating) of the new business model.
Atsuko Ishida (Hitachi Consulting) : "Evaluation of Methods for Creativity by Applying the TRIZ-based Business Idea Database to Business Problem Solving". --- The Author has found that creativity methods should have four essential capabilities; i.e., 'Experiences' for understanding the problem, 'Abstraction' for revealing the essence of the problem system, 'Flexibility' for generating new solution ideas, and 'Comprehensiveness' for relating the solution to the original problem. The Author suggests that improving the 'Comprehensiveness' is important for both business and technology people to remove the barriers against successful innovation.
Hideto Sanjou (DOCOMO Systems) et al. : "A Practical-type Approach Applying TRIZ to the Mind Field – Toward the Establishment of a TRIZ Mind Training –". --- The Authors working for 'Mind Training', e.g., employee training in companies, eliminating individual’s worries, etc., have met TRIZ and incorporated it well. They have rephrased TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles into Mind Principles, and applied them to the training of people to overcome their psychological inertia. I will introduce this paper in some more detail after translating their slides into English.
Yukie Hanaoka (Wisdom, Inc.) et al. : "Practice of Creative Thinking through TRIZ Mind Cards – Everywhere with Essence of TRIZ –". --- Combining 40 Mind Principles (coming from TRIZ, as shown in the above presentation) and 12 patterns of mental conflict, the Authors made a set of 'Mind Cards'. Using them just like playing cards, the Authors have built a new model of Mind Training for the trainees to help themselves overcome their mental conflicts. I will introduce this paper in some more detail after translating their slides into English.
Toshio Takahara ( ) : "The Ideal of TRIZ: TRIZ as the Way of Life? Part 2". --- This is a philosophical and sophisticated paper. The Author wants to explain/describe everything not only in technology, but also in human and society world, in a systematic manner. He expanded the concept of 'Objects' to be 'Everything we can recognize', thus containing not only substances, systems, ideas, etc. but also movements, changes, processes, etc. With these widened concepts, he tries to describe the 'Ideal of TRIZ' in a formal way as the transformation from the problem situations to the solutions. He suggests the importance of Radical Thinking for Enumeration as the basis for theoretical thinking. A much elaborated paper, I believe.
Forum: Conference Report (23-9): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part G. Patent Studies and Tools" (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Apr. 2, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 20, 2011
In Part G of my Personal Report, I have reviewed in detail the following 3 papers presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . See also in PDF (16 pages, 1.2 MB).Kimihiko Hasegawa et al. [Intellectual Property Creation Study Group, Japan TRIZ Society] : "Analysis of Inventions in Patent Journals -The 3rd version". --- Nine coauthors of the voluntary study group are reporting their progress in the collection of patent analysis. They record the analysis of patents in a standard detailed format, from the viewpoints of Technical Contradictions and Trends of Evolution.
Gaetano Cascini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) et al.: "Computer-Aided Problem Solving: A Dialogue-based System to Support the Analysis of Inventive Problems". --- Examining the requirements for Computer Aided Problem Solving, the Authors started to build an intelligent and flexible coating system. They introduced OTSM as the framework of the algorithm and build a modularized dialogue system.
Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation, UK), Paul Filmore et al. (Univ. of Plymouth, UK) : "Computer-Aided (Systematic) Innovation: New Tools and New Ways of Thinking". --- The Auhors have developed interesting software tools. (a) For generating a variety of different images by semi-automatic mutation, (b) for evaluating a (group of) IP(s) from the viewpoints of current and future stages, and (c) for finding the Voice of Customers, the TrenDNA algorithm has been implemented into a software tool. Logic in each software tool is interesting.
Forum: Conference Report (23-8): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part F. Usage of TRIZ in Education and in Academia" (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Apr. 2, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 18, 2011
In Part F of my Personal Report, I have reviewed in detail the following 4 papers presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . See also in PDF (24 pages, 1.4 MB).Kai Miyanishi (Kenroku Junior High School/Son), Katsuya Miyanishi(/Father) : "Let's think in Little People’s and Person's Worlds! – A Summer Homework by Son and Father with TRIZ (2nd Time)". --- Miyanishi Family's 2nd report, done by Kai (13 years old) with the guidance by his Father. They try to understand how a screw nail is magnetized with a magnet, in the words familiar for the son; thus they used the personaliztion, or animation. Human relationships, such as getting good friends with or giving an influence on other, are considered as the hints for desingn physical experiments.
Seiji Watanabe et al. (Kushiro National College of Technology) : "Present State and Problems in Creative Education at Technical College".--- National College of Tech., or usually called KOSEN in Japanese, accepts graduates of junior high schools and gives engineering education for 5 years. In the education with emphasis on technical training, new approaches for creative thinking have been introduced.
Kurumi Nakatani and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) : "A Large Variety of Writing Instruments: Studying the Evolution of Technologies in Familiar Items". --- Nakagwa's Seminar Class for 2nd year students was reported by a student, Ms. Nakatani. No lectures but group practices facilitated by the teacher. Students are requested to collect different Writing Instruments, think of their mechanisms, classify them, think of different usage, classify the usage, think how such devices have been evolved, etc. Introduction to TRIZ, without using TRIZ terms nor tools.
Minami Hamada (Kanagawa Institute of Technology) : "Concept Design of a Child-Seat by TRIZ Style Problem Identification Second Report". --- The Author's pevious idea of 'swing child seat on a spherical swibel' had a problem of no controll and no damping of motion. Using TRIZ tools she found solutions of introducing an oval swibel to suppress yaw motion and a magnet for damping with the Eddy current.
Forum: Conference Report (23-7): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part E. Promotion of TRIZ in Industries" (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Mar. 21, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 8, 2011
In Part E of my Personal Reoport, I have reviewed in detail the following 3 papers presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . See also in PDF (21 pages, 1.2 MB).Hisataka Izawa et al. (Sony Corp.) : "Approach of Reverse TRIZ Using Industry Newspaper Articles". --- For promoting TRIZ in the company, the Authors found the up-to-date technological/business articles in industry-oriented newspapers are useful. They reviewed and analyzed such articles from the TRIZ viewpoint and introduced/disributed them regularly with the intranet Web site and in training seminars.
SeHo Cheong et al. (Samsung Mobile Display, Korea) : "TRIZ at SMD: Unique Situation, Unique Goals, Unique Approaches". --- An impressive report of the company-wide and advanced approaches for promoting TRIZ. They set their goals to keep the position of technology leader in the global business of mobile displays. Thus their main appraches are “How to make things that nobody in industry has made yet?” For this purpose they have the top-down movement from CEO, TRIZ training to all the employees, bringing up 20 members of 'Creative Elite' a year, etc.
Tanasak Pheunghua (Inventor Development Co., Thailand) : "Implementing TRIZ in Thailand".--- The Author reviews the history of introducing TRIZ in Thailand since around 2002. On the basis of his experiences of training TRIZ there, the Author describes his basic recommendations for promoting TRIZ in developing counries like Thailand.
Forum: Conference Report (23-6): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part D. Case Studies in Industries" (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Mar. 21, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 5, 2011
In Part D of my Personal Reoport, I have reviewed in detail the following 8 papers presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . See also in PDF (24 pages, 1.4 MB).
Seung-Hyun Yoo et al. (Ajou University, Korea) : "From Technical to Business Contradiction: An Example of New Gantry Crane". --- The Authors have developed a nice technical solution of Gantry Crane which can improve the throughput of loading/unloading containers with a vertical rotating system of the trolleys. The solution is demonstrated well in the simulation. However, the Auhors has faced with a new contradicton in business because no one wants to take the risk of installng the idea for the first time.
JinHa Jeong, Jeong-Su Han, et al. (Samsung Electronics, Korea) : "Development of a New Weight Sensor for a Washing Machine by Using TRIZ Problem Formulation". --- A practical case study achieved by the reconsideration with TRIZ. An accurate and inexpensive weight sensor has been formed by using an already existing damper.
Yoshiharu Isaka (IDEA Co.) : "Development of New Products through Concept Mining and TRIZ – Thinking of New Innovations for Golf Course Lawn Mowers –". ---Demonstrating the case of Golf course lawn mower, the Author explains how to develop the targets of new products to match the market needs. He uses 'Concept Mining Chart' (in a matrix form) having columns of users' personal needs (derived from more general 'common needs') and rows of scenes of usage.
Kouichi Nakamura et al. [MPUF (Microsoft Project Users Forum) USIT/TRIZ Study Group] : "Application of USIT to Useful Paper Fastener".--- A study group of engineers voluntary coming from different industries worked to develop various concepts for improving simple paper fasteners. They used their 'USIT Workbook' step by step for proving its effectiveness. Processes of analyses and idea generation are recorded fully with a large number of illustrations.
Masao Ishihama (Kanagawa Inst. of Tech.) :"Guiding Noise and Vibration Design along General TRIZ Process by Misunderstanding Case List". --- The Author previously developed a TRIZ-based standard process for guiding engineers to work on the Noise and Vibration Design, especially for vehicles. However, in addition to such a normal guidance, he has found the importance of showing them negative lessons, i.e., cases of misunderstanding. So he built up a knowledgebase of misunderstanding cases of Noise and Vibration design.
Hong-Wook Lee (Hyundai-Kia Motor Co., Korea) : "Concept Development of a Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using TRIZ". --- An excellent record of TRIZ thinking for developing improved solution cocepts further and further. The Authors learned the merits of Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) Engines, which are of course patent protected. Thus they circumvented the patents by use of Trimming, strengthen the resultant idea with 'Antidote', solved a secondary problem with ARIZ, and extended the cocept further with the use of Function oriented search.
Jung-Bae Kim et al. (Samsung Electronics, Korea) : "Real-Time and Realistic 3D Facial Expression Cloning". --- The Authors wanted to develop a software method for cloning the user's facial expression vividly onto his/her avatar in the virtual world. Two methods were known: precise Motion-capture method uses many markers and is expensive; while vision-based method is convenient without markers but in precise. The Authors' solution is to separate various feature parameters by their nature. Parameters different for each user are measured by vision and fixed beforehand, while the parameters dependent on time for a user are traced real time by the vision method. This solution is cheap, convenient, and precise.
Song-Kyoo Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea) : "Design of Regional Code Adaptation for Mobile Advertisement by Using Theory of Inventive Problem Solving". --- Advertisement to mobile phones are effective. When the user is out of home country, sending advertisements to the mobile phone may cause extra charges to the user. The Author has proposed to set a Regional Code in the protocol, with which the sender can restrict the regions to send the advertisement. .
Forum: Conference Report (23-5): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part C. Integral Use of TRIZ with Relevant Methods" (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Mar. 13, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 3, 2011
In Part C of my Personal Reoport, I have reviewed in detail the following paper presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . See also in PDF (7 pages, 319 KB).
Yuji Mihara (Creative Technology Institute Co.), Tetsuya Hamaguchi (The University of Tokyo), et al.: "The Techniques to Detect and Solve Innovative Problems - The Proposal regarding “Two types of Redesigned Contradiction Matrix” for TRIZ Beginners -". --- This paper is an excellent result of discussions by six coauthors having quite different specialties besides TRIZ. Their main framework adopted here is the 'Expansion of Thoughts Diagram' well-known in the field of design engineering. They have placed the role of the TRIZ Contradiction methods in this framework. They have proposed to divide the Contradiction-Matrix parameters into two groups; one group to be considered in relation to mechanism, and the other structure. Thus, they have derived two Revised Contradiction Matrices, neglecting the crossterms between the parameter groups.
Forum: Conference Report (23-4): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part B. Methodologies in TRIZ" (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Mar. 13, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Feb. 28, 2011
In Part B of my Personal Reoport, I have reviewed in detail the following six papers presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . See also in PDF (14 pages, 1.3 MB). Here I will write brief introduction to them, on the basis of my personal understanding and impression.
Kurosawa, Shinsuke : "What are “The Laws of Systems Evolution” – TRIZ, Phenomenology and the General Systems Theory". --- By examining Altshuller's paper "History of ARIZ Development" (1986) closely, Kurosawa challenges a basic dogma in TRIZ. Traditional understanding in TRIZ is 'Observed patterns in systems evolution reflect laws of the Objective World', he says. And he proposes a phenomenological view, i.e., 'Observed laws reflect the common structure of existing Subjects who live in the actual world'. A vaulable paper discussing on the deep basis of TRIZ.
KyeongWon Lee (Korea Polytechnic Univ., Korea) : "Quick TRIZ Process and the Related TRIZ Activities in Korea". --- The Author uses a diagram taken from TOC for representing the Technical and Physical Contradictions together, and says it is easy for beginners to understand and apply it.
Hongyul Yoon (TRIZ Center, Korea) : "OTSM-TRIZ Guide to Increase Effectiveness of Root Conflict Analysis". --- In order to make the Root Cause Analysis (or Root Conflict Analysis) more effective for problem solving, the Author introduces the (Ideal) Cause-Effect Chain Model. On the basis of the ENV model of OTSM-TRIZ, the Cause-Effect Chain can be expanded into the models of problem solving, he says.
Masahiro Kuwahara (IDEA) : "How to Make Good Concepts from Your Ideas Created by TRIZ". --- The Author explains the 4-step procedure: (1) Find the essence of the problem, (2) Generate ideas from various viewpoints, (3) Make use of ideas for converging into solution concepts, and (4) Decide the strategic development solutions. Presentation in Japanese.
Shinichi Matsueda (West Japan Railway Co.) et al. [TRIZ Spreading/Use Study Group of Japan VE Association Kansai Branch] : "Study of Development-type TRIZ tool (part 4) – Case Study on Substance-Field Analysis / Standard Inventive Solutions–". --- The Study Group of 20-25 voluntary engineers from different industries have been actively working since 2003. In Part 4, they report their discussions on their trials of Su-Field Analysis by using typical cord-entangling problem of vacuum cleaners and the improvement in the model representation.
Hideaki Kosha et al. [MPUF-USIT/TRIZ Study team] : "Study on USIT Operators Application Examples (2)". --- This is another voluntary discussion group of multi-company members. The group analyzes a few hundreds of good inventive products with the eyes of USIT Operators (i.e., a reorganized system of solution generation methods derived from the whole body of TRIZ knowledge). The problems which those inventions have solved are classified into 16 categories and the USIT Operators which solved the problems are identified in the analysis. Accumulation of the anayses is represented in the Problem-Viewpoint Index Matrix. The matrix gives a more general and direct way than the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix.
Forum: Conference Report (23-3): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Four Invited Lectures " (Detail in English) (Brief in Japanese) (Dec. 30, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 8, 14, 22, and 25, 2010
In my Personal Reoport I am reviewing in English 4 Special Interest Lectures, i.e. invited lectures, presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . The review report of each lecture is posted in a different page according to the topic categories. For the sake of easier access, each lecture is also posted in its own page both in Japanese and in English. Introduction of each lecture as an new article is posted not here but in the part for individual article.
Introduction to: "Application of TRIZ for Product Planning – Development of Innovation-oriented TRIZ –" by Manabu Sawaguchi (Waseda Univ.) --> Posted in "Personal Report. Part B. Methodologies in TRIZ"
Introduction to: "TRIZ for Managers -- Approach and Management Using Scientific Methods --" by Kazuya Yamaguchi (MOST LLC) --> Posted in "Personal Report. Part E. Promotion of TRIZ in Industries"
Introduction to: "Intellectual Property Strategy of TRIZ Usage and Practice" by Toshimitsu Kataoka (Patbrain Co.) --> Posted in "Personal Report. Part G. Patent Studies and Tools"
Introduction to: "Education with TRIZ: For New Perspectives" by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) --> Posted in "Personal Report. Part F. Usage of TRIZ in Education and in Academia"
[Note: The fifth lecture: "How to use TRIZ in software and IT problem solving" by Youjiro Fukushima (-) and Toru Shonai (Hitachi) will be reviewed later, because its presentation slides are not available yet in English translation.]
Forum: Conference Report (23-2): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010: Part A. Part A. Keynote Lectures" (Nov. 28; Dec. 4, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 28, 2010
In my Personal Reoport I am going to review all the presentations given at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 and introduce them in English to the readers. Two Keynote Lectures are introduced in Part A .
Mahmoud Karimi (IIITS, Iran) talked on "TRIZ Activities in Iran". He got interested in TRIZ around 1999. In 2004 he started publishing a column on TRIZ and creativity every week in a newspaper and also in a weekly magazine. IIITS made a TV lecture seiries of 5 volumes (35 min. each) and broadcast them several times. Furthermore, since 2007, he has broadcast live TV Talk Shows more than 160 times (30 min. each) on a few TV channels. It is really amazing that TRIZ is now widely known among intellectual people in Iran!! Thus he talks about 'transfer to a new nationwide paradigm by TRIZ application and promotion'. See . (In the Official site of Japan TRIZ Society, full presentation has been posted in PDF , and in Japanese translation by Hiroshi Sakata (Hitachi) .) [Thanks to a feedback from Mahmoud Karimi, minor revisions are made in the review of his Keynote Lecture. (Dec. 4, 2010)]
Nikolai Khomenko (Canada) gave a Keynote Lecture on "OTSM (General Theory on Powerful Thinking)". OTSM was originally envisioned by Altshuller in mid 1970s and has been developed by Nikolai Khomenko since mid 1980s for extending TRIZ out of technology area into a general, area-free theory for developing tools of solving non-typical problems creatively. Khomenko's lecture summarizng his 25 years of research is introduced here with a clear framework of OTSM: (a) Key problems for OTSM, (b) Axioms in OTSM, (c) Main models of OTSM, and (d) OTSM tools. In the current stage of OTSM, complex and large-scale problems can be handled with OTSM-TRIZ Problem Flow Network (PFN) approach, Khomenko says. He also discussed about the education of creativity. See . Full presentation has been posted in JTS's Official Web site in PDF , and in Japanese translation by Shinsuke Kurosawa . (An Award was presented to Nikolai Khomenko by the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation .)
Forum: Conference Report (23): "Personal Report of The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010 (Held by the Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 9-11, 2010, at Kanagawa Institute of Technology , Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan)" (Oct. 27, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Oct. 24, 2010
The Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 was held with the participation of 165 people (including 41 from Korea and 5 from other overseas contries) and 40 presentations. The Symposium is reported here personally in English (and its brief summary in Japanese). I am going to post my reports in about 10 categories step by step from now on to review all the presentations. This Parent page reports the outline of the Symposium and its organizing policies. I wish that my Personal Report convey you how TRIZ is understood, applied, and promoted in Japan and in the World.
Forum: Conference Report (22) (Finish): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009" (Mar. 11, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 9, 2010
I have just finished writing the concluding part, and adding the table of presentations in each category. For your convenience a set of PDF files ae also made.. The whole set of Personal Report in PDF (129 printed pages, 6.2 MB). This report introduces you to the overview of the Symposium and comprehensive detailed reviews of all the 42 presentations.
Forum: Conference Report (22-H): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part H. Non-technological Applications of TRIZ" (Feb. 4, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jan. 30, 2010
7 Contributed presentations are reviewed. Atsushi Takeuchi is promoting TRIZ/USIT in the R&D of agricultural field, especially on how to grow rice. Ikuo Yoshizawa reported the discussion and results obtained at the Business & Management Study Group of Japan TRIZ Society for developing a new business model, in case of a large-screen TV system. Atsuko Ishida (Hitachi), Vitali Altholz (Germany), and Shigeru Kasuya gave presentations in the business applications of TRIZ. Toshio Takahara presented his philosophical view of the whole world on the basis of TRIZ theory and proposed the 'Ideal Way of Life', reagarding it as 'TRIZ Way of Life'. Yukio Matsubara (Niigata Univ.) reviewed the education/apprenticeship system in Japanese history and suggested that the balance of tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge is essential for the healthy growth of a country/society. These presentations demonstrate that TRIZ has been extending its application areas steadily in Japan as well.
Forum: List of Postings of the Presentations given at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008 (Updated: Dec. 30, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Dec. 30, 2009.
Presentations posted in the Official Web site of Japan TRIZ Society and in the "RIZ Home Page in Japan" are listed. This will be the final form.
Forum: Conference Report (22-G): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part G. Patent Studies and Tools" (Dec. 24, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 24, 2009
2 Contributed presentations are reviewed. Kimihiko Hasegawa et al. reported their activities at Intellectual Property Creation Study Group, Japan TRIZ Society, and won the Award by participants voting. They analyzed more than 50 patetents with emphasis on the technical contradictions and documented each in the standardized formats. Hideaki Kosha (Fujifilm Co.) et al. also reported on a scheme of analysis of patents/techniques/products from the view point of USIT. This is a work carried out in a voluntary multi-company group, named MPUF USIT/TRIZ Study Group. They intend to build a matrix for indexing from (16 generalized) categories of problem to frequently-used USIT sub-operators, by accumulating the analyses.
Forum: Conference Report (22-F): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part F. TRIZ in Education and in Academia" (Dec. 24, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 24, 2009
3 Contributed presentations are reviewed. Masao Ishihama et al. (Kanagawa Inst. Tech.) reported on a conceptual design of child seats for automobiles; Minami Hamada (1st year MC student) gave a vivid presentation and won the Award by the participants' voting. [Introduction to this paper will be enhanced in a couple of weeks.] Yutaro Ueda et al. (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) reported on 'how to help recall passwords'; Ueda is a 4th year undergraduate student of Nakagawa's Seminar Class. Toru Nakagawa et al. (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) reported on the systematic classification of various known solutions on 'How to prevent cords/cables from getting entangled'. Restricting and then expanding the scope of the system step by step was the key to the systematization.
Forum: Conference Report (22-E): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part E. Promotion of TRIZ in Industries" (Dec. 24, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 24, 2009
7 Contributed presentations are reviewed. Yojiro Fukushima et al. (Panasonic Corp.) has reviewed the acceptance of TRIZ by their engineers through 156 real projects in IT/sofware field and has shown that the engineers who were in the TRIZ application projects in their freshman-year produced much more patents during their 2nd and 3rd years in comparison with the engineers without TRIZ experiences. Tomohiko Katagiri et al. (Koganei Co.) introduced and applied QFD-TRIZ-TM (Taguchi Method) in an integral way to the development of new products. They developed a novel air valve which satisfies the customers' requirement of very high-speed response, is made possible by new design of solenoid achieving good performance and high robustness and reliability [an Award winning paper]. Atom Mirakyan et al. (EIFER, Germany) reported an integrated energy planning project achieved by implementing a methodology supperted by OTSM-TRIZ. This is a useful model for tackling a large-scale complex problem which needs not only technical problem solving but also social/ecological decision making. KyeongWon Lee (Korea Polytech. Univ.) reported the TRIZ activities in Korea, saying TRIZ is in its rapid growth stage in Korea. In response to Lee's 'success factors in Korea', Nakagawa evaluates the current TRIZ situations in Japan.
Forum: Conference Report (22-D): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part D. Case Studies in Industries" (Dec. 6, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 5, 2009
10 Contributed presentations are reviewed. Takahiro Shoji et al. (Panasonic Comm. Co.) has developed a 'scalable' process by unifying QFD-TRIZ-TM methods almost at the 'implicit' level and applied it to a real project of new product development from problem setting to idea generation to patent application. Intel Malaysia has delivered four real case-study presentations, to our great pleasure. They solved the problems of (1) stabilizing the ionizer equipment, (2) leakage detection of coolant, (3) making easy to maintain a handler, and (4) testing the S/N ratio of digital devices from outside; they seem to use rather basic TRIZ tools effectively and have achieved useful /beneficial results. Takuo Maeda et al. (MPUF USIT/TRIZ Study Group) has developed a Workbook of USIT applicable to SW/IT problems; they are going to use the Wookbook for generating ideas of new SW/IT systems.
Forum: Conference Report (22-C): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part C. Integral Use of TRIZ with Relevent Methods" (Dec. 6, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 5, 2009
3 Contributed presentations are reviewed in this category. Toru Shonai et al. (Hitachi) reported a survey on 'Thinking Methods for Invention and Discovery', with emphasis on Japanese-origin methods. Osamu Kumasaka et al. (Pioneer) also reported an extensive survey and has shown a very useful Index Matrix for referencing from tasks in the Monozukuri (or the whole R&D and manufacturing) process to various methods/tools for engineering and problem solving in a wider sense. The Matrix is of size 37×73, and has been used in the intranet.
Forum: Conference Report (22-B): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part B. Methodologies in TRIZ" (Nov. 23, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 22, 2009
7 presentations are reviewed in this field. The Italian group (Gaetano Cascini, Davide Russo, et al.) gave 3 presentations on the basis of their 'Network of Evolutionary Trends (NET)' representation of relevant technologies; they apply it to systematizing the current technologies, maturity assessment, and technology forecasting. Makoto Unno (Kawasaki Heavy Industries) et al. reported their views on handling Physical Contradictions on the basis of their multi-company discussion activities. The 24-membered Study Group inside Japan VE Society have been working regularly since 2003 to develop and refine their ways of TRIZ applications.
Forum: Conference Report (22-A): "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009: Part A. Keynote Lectures" (Nov. 23, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 22, 2009
Two Keynote Lectures are introduced/reviewed closely. They are: Boris Zlotin (USA): "Use of TRIZ for Prediction of the Future of Technological Systems" and Darrell Mann (UK): "TRIZ: Necessary But Not Sufficient: Customers And Theories Of Everything". Mann illustrates his amazingly wide-scoped view for us to understand the world.
Forum: Conference Report (22): "Personal Report of The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2009 (Held by the Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009, at NWEC, Saitama, Japan)" (Nov. 23, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 22, 2009
The Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009 was held with the participation of 137 people (including 19 from abroad) and 43 presentations. The Symposium is reported here personally in English. I am going to post my reports in about 10 categories step by step from now on to review all the presentations. This Parent page reports the outline of the Symposium and its organizing policies. I wish that my Personal Report convey you how TRIZ is understood, applied, and promoted in Japan and in the World. (The Japanese page will be just a brief summary of the English pages.)
Forum: List of Postings of the Presentations given at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008 (Updated: Jul. 10; Sept. 18, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), July 10, 2009.
In the Members' Only area of JapanTRIZ Society's Official Web site, are posted the presentation slides (in Japanese) and optional full papers (in Japanese and in English) of all the presenters (both from Japan and from overseas) in PDF (Jul 1 and 10, 2009).
In the present site, I have publicly posted 6 more selected pesentations.(Jul. 10, 2009). 3 more papers added. (Sept. 18, 2009).
Forum: List of Postings of the Presentations given at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008 (Mar. 8, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Mar. 8, 2009.
Presentations which are pblicly posted eiher in the Official page (of Japan TRIZ CB) or in the ordinary pages of this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" will be listed and the links will be provided. The Policies of Japan TRIZ Society and of "TIZ Home Page in Japan" are described in the beginning.
Forum: Conference Report (21): "Personal Report of ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2008" Conference (Held by European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) on Nov. 5 - 7, 2008, at University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands)" (Mar. 2, 2009)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 2, 2009
[Annual TRIZ conference in Europe. 80 participants, 4 keynotes, 3 tutorials, 35 papers, and 5 posters presented. I have closely reviewed all the papers presented at the conference and introduced them here as a personal report for the people who are interested in TRIZ. A number of universities in Europe are carrying out research in TRIZ and thus there seem to arise successful cases of collaboration among universities, industries, and consultancies for introducing and applying TRIZ. Presentations and participations from industries are decreasing, to our pity. There are a number of good presentations especially in the field of furthering TRIZ methodology itself, extending TRIZ for integral use with other relevant methods, penetration of TRIZ in university education, usage of patent databases with the eyes of TRIZ, and non-technology applications of TRIZ, etc. Report in English in HTML and in PDF ( printed pages, 8.4 MB), and its summary in Japanese . ]
TRIZ Forum: "A Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008" (Nov. 16, 2008)
Toru Nakagawa, (OGU), Presented at the ETRIA Members' Meeting, in ETRIA TRIZ Future 2008 Conference, Held at University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, on Nov. 5 - 7, 2008.
On the request from ETRIA, I reported about our recently held Japan TRIZ Symposium, with 8 slides. The report contains 3 slides quoted from the Opening Address by Toshihiro Hayatoshi (Board Chairperson of Japan TRIZ Society), and 3 more explaining our Symposium policy: i.e. (1) Open and active conference on TRIZ, (2) Much opportunities of presentation and communication, and (3) Primarily National AND Partially (but as muc as possible) International. We are very pleased to learn that most overseas presenters in the Symposium and also many people in ETRIA highly evaluated our style and achievements of the TRIZ Symposium. English version in HTML and in PDF , and Japanese translation in HTML and in PDF .
Forum: Conference Report (20): "Personal Report of The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2008 (Held by the Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2008, at Laforet Biwako, Japan)" (Oct. 26, 2008)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Oct. 26, 2008
The Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008 was held with the participantion of 180 people (including 15 from abroad) and 46 presentations. Besides the official reports and documents (to be posted later) , the Symposium is reported here personally by reviewing all the presentations. This report in English is posted both in HTML and in PDF (65 printed pages, 4.2 MB). The review covers the two Keynote Lectures by Amir Roggel and by Sergei Ikovenko, an Invited talk by Yojiro Fukushima, and all the contributed papers presented either in the Oral or Poster Session. The papers are reviewed according to their categories, e.g., Methodologies, Industrial case studies, Promotion in industries, Usage in education and in academia, Patent research, Nontechnical applications, etc. You can see how TRIZ is understood, applied, and promoted in Japan. (Japanese page just contains links at moment ; the summary will be posted after my coming back from ETRIA TFC.)]
Forum: Conference Report (19): "Personal Report of ETRIA "TRIZ Future 2007" Conference (Held by European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) on Nov. 6 - 8, 2007, at Frankfurt am Main, Germany)" (Feb. 8, 2008)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jan. 30, 2008
[Annual TRIZ conference in Europe. 140 paticipants and 46 papers presented. I have closely reviewed all the papers presented at the conference and introduced them here as a personal report for the people who are interested in TRIZ. A number of universities in Europe are carrying out research in TRIZ and thus there seem to arise successful cases of collaboration among universities, industries, and consultancies for introducing and applying TRIZ. There are a number of good presentations especially in the field of furthering TRIZ methodology itself, extending TRIZ for integral use with other relevant methods, pentration of TRIZ in university education, usage of patent databases with the eyes of TRIZ, etc. Report in English in HTML and in PDF (89 printed pages, 4.7 MB), and its summary in Japanese . ]
Forum: Conference Report (18): "Personal Report of The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2007 (Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007, at Yokohama, Japan)" (Nov. 18, 2007)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 14, 2007
[Besides the official documents reported in , the Japan TRIZ Symposium 2007 is introduced here to you personally by reviewing all the presentations. This report in English is shown both in HTML and in PDF (78 printed pages, 2939 KB). The review covers the two Keynote Lectures by Larry Ball and by Simon Dewulf, and three invited talks given by T. Hayashi, S. Tamai, and N. Okuzumi, respectively. Many presentations given by Japanese industry people (and all others) are reviewed/explained closely with citing several slides for each. You can see not only the TRIZ activities in Japan but also how TRIZ is understood and applied in Japan. The policy of this Symposium, i.e., 'Primarily Japanese National AND partially (but as much as possible) International' can be seen in this report. In Japanese, abstracts only are posted . ]
Forum: Conference Report (17): "Personal Report of TRIZCON2007: The 9th Annual Conference of the Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies (Held at Louisville, KY, USA, on Apr. 23 - 25, 2007)" (Jul. 3, 2007)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jun. 28, 2007
[App. 70 participants, 22 papers published in the Proceedings. Reviewed all the actually-presented papers from my personal point of view and reported in English (summary alone in Japanese). A Keynote Lecture was given by Alla Nesterenko (Russia) on her experiences of teaching school children (K-12) on the basis of TRIZ; during TRIZCON2007 Education Workshop was held in order to make a proposal for a similar education project in USA. For further development of TRIZ methodologies, two papers presented by Hyman Duan at al. (China) and by Sergey Malkin (USA) are remarkable in their trials of developing new easy-to-learn TRIZ software tools. We had two excellent case study papers in technologies: Gunter Ladewige et al. (Canada) developed, with the guidance of TRIZ principles, a novel wirebonding technology, 'Microbonds', where wires insulated with 1 micron-thick coating can be bonded densely and flexibly; the new technology is expected to have super effects (i.e. a lot of chain effects) in the microchip industries. Tzu-Chang Chen (Taiwan) reported a powerful way of evaluating patent portfolios with ordinary IP methods plus TRIZ. It is a pity that contributions from US industries and US academia in research are decreasing for these several year in TRIZCON even though contributions from Asian countries are increasing. ]
Forum: Conference Report (16): "Personal Report of ETRIA 'TRIZ Future 2006' Conference (Held by European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) on Oct. 9 - 11, 2006, at Kortrijk, Belgium)" (Jan. 7, 2007)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 31, 2006
[App. 120 participants (and other 80 at the joint Quality Conference of Flemish Quality Management Center), 50 papers published in the Proceedings. Having reviewed all the actually-presented papers from my personal point of view and reported in English (summary alone in Japanese). Organizers (or ETRIA leaders) tried to give/find bases of TRIZ on the scientific desciplines in the West, e.g. design engineering, Axiomatic Desgin, etc. See the Keynote Lecture by Professor Stephen C-Y. Lu (USC, USA). On further extension of the TRIZ methodology, Keynote by Aleksey Pinyayev (P&G, USA) and a contributed paper by Simon Dewulf (CREAX, Belgium) are interesting to me. As a case study report, the invention of "A New Motor" by Vratislav Perna (Czech) and its evaluation by TRIZ experts, Bohuslav Busov (Brno Univ. of Tech., Czech) and Pavel Jirman (Tech. Univ. of Liberec, Czech), are tremendous. The new motor is composed of a pair of 'nonlinear screws' and can be, in future, a disruptive technology against normal combustion engines, rotary engines, and jet turbines! They made a marine propeller with the new concept and demonstrated its superb characteristics in their video presentation. -- Anyway, by reviewing the Conference papers we can learn the current state-of-the-art and future directions of the TRIZ methodology and its applications. ]
Forum: Conference Report: "Personal Report of the Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan (Held by Japan TRIZ CB, on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita)" (Nov. 8, 2006)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 4, 2006
[The goals and outcomes of our Second TRIZ Symospium in Japan are reported here in English from Nakagawa's personal views. All the Keynotes, Oral, and Poster presentations are reviewed and introduced to you, in the categories of Keynotes, Industrial case studies, Promotion in industries, Usage in adademia, Methodologies, Patent studies, and Software and non-technical applications. Many presentations by Japanese authors are introduced here with their original slides.]
Forum: Conference Report: "Personal Report of TRIZCON2006: the 8th Anual Conference of Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies (Held on Apr. 30 - May 2, 2006, at Milwaukee, USA)" (Jun. 21, 2006)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jun. 19, 2006
[80 + 50 Participants, with 3 tracks of Tutorials, 2 Keynote speeches, 20 oral presentations in 2 tracks, and 2 workshops. All the presentations are reviewed; written in detail in English. Tatiyana Sidorchuk and William Brown gave Keynote Lectures on Creativity education for children. Boris Zlotin and Alla Zusman gave an intensive paper on the Patterns of Evolution. Experiences of promoting TRIZ in Samsung Electronics were reported by Valery Krasnoslobodtsev. Several case studies were reported especially from Asian countries, including Malaysia, China, Korea, Hong Kong, India, and Japan.]
Forum: Conference Report: "Personal Report of the 5th ETRIA Conference 'TRIZ Future 2005' (Held on Nov. 16-18, 2005, at Graz, Austria)" (Jan. 13, 2006)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 29, 2005
[130 Participants, with 2 Tutorials, 3 Keynote speeches, 39 oral presentations in 2 tracks, and 9 posters. All the presentations are reviewed; written in detail in English. K. Uhrner examined 164 inventions of his company for these 30 years, and demonstrated clearly the effects of TRIZ on them in numbers, quality, and personal inventive capability. Several papers discuss how to use TRIZ strategically for developing new products; it seems to be a general consensus that TRIZ and some other methods/tools should be used in an integrated manner in some general framework of the whole R&D/business project management. Usage of TRIZ in various problems and situations has also be shown.]
Forum: Conference Report: "Personal Report of the First TRIZ Symposium in Japan (Held by Japan TRIZ CB, on Sept. 1-3, 2005, at Shuzenji, Izu)" (Oct. 12, 2005)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Oct. 9, 2005
[The background of the TRIZ Symposium is decribed to introduce you to the current situations of TRIZ in Japan. All the presentations are briefly reviewed in the categories of Keynotes, Vendor presentations, TRIZ promotion, Methods of application, Case studies, and Closing Discussions. You can get the overview of TRIZ in Japan from the presentations by the original authors. Written in detail in English.]
Personal Report of TRIZCON2005: The 7th Annual Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies Conference (Apr. 17-19, 2005, near Detroit, MI, USA) (Posted on Jun. 16, 2005)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, May 31, 2005
[A personal report reviewing important presentations/papers. Several interesting case studies of technical TRIZ application, combining TRIZ with Lean Engineering philosophy, and importance of promoting TRIZ in non-technical divisions and top executives in (even manufacturing) businesses. Detailed in English and brief summarry only in Japanese.]
Seminar Report : " Report of "TRIZ/USIT Seminar for Industrial Practice" Held by Technical
Information Institute, in Tokyo, on Feb. 24-25, 2005",
(Mar. 18,
Reported by Toru
Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 13, 2005
two-day public seminar coordinated by T. Nakagawa and held by a
training firm. 2 lectures were given by Nakagawa, 6 presentations
were given by 5 Japanese industried (Hitachi, JR-East, Fuji Photo Film,
NISSAN Motors, and Matsushita Electric Works) and by Prof. Kyeong-Won
Lee (Korea). ]
Conference participation
report: "Personal Report
of ETRIA World Conference: 'TRIZ Future 2004' (Held at Florence, Italy,
on Nov. 3-5, 2004)" (Dec. 14,
(Dec. 14, 2004)
by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 12, 2004.
[125 participants. Personal report with reviewing all the keynote
speeches and presentations in some detail. The strength of
Europe in
TRIZ promotion is in its cooperative work among universities,
consulting firms and user industries. Trials to adapt TRIZ to
propagate into smaller firms as well as big industries.]
Report of TRIZCON2004: The 6th Annual Altshuller Institute for TRIZ
Conference (Apr. 25-27, 2004, Seattle, WA, USA)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, May 11, 2004 [Posted on May
13, 2004]
[6th TRIZCON was held in success with about 85 participants.
stories of introducing TRIZ into industries were reported from UK, USA,
Korea, and Japan. A personal report reviewing all the
Personal Report of
World Conference: TRIZ Future 2003 (Nov. 12-14, 2003, Aachen, Germany)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Dec. 11, 2003 [Posted on Dec.
11, 2003]
[3rd ETRIA Conference was held in success with about 70
TRIZ case studies and promotion experiences in industries are presented
and discussed. All the 32 papers presented at the Conference are
reviewed briefly. ]
Report of TRIZCON2003: The 5th Annual Altshuller Institute for TRIZ
Conference (Mar. 16-18, 2003, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Mar. 27, 2003 [Posted on Apr.
3, 2003]
[A personal report, with brief reviews of almmost all
(In Japanese, abstract only.)]
Personal Report of ETRIA World Conference: TRIZ Future 2002 (Held at
France, on Nov. 6-8, 2002)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Dec. 5, 2002 [Posted on
Dec. 6, 2002]
[A personal report, with brief reviews of almost all
Personal Report of ETRIA World Conference: TRIZ Future 2001 (Held at
UK, on Nov. 7-9, 2001)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Nov. 15, 2001 [Posted
Nov. 16, 2001]
[A personal report, with brief reviews of almost all
Report of TRIZCON2001: The Third Annual Altshuller Institute for TRIZ
Conference (Mar. 25-27, 2001, Woodland Hills, CA, USA)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Apr. 4, 2001 in Japanese;
25, 2001 in English translaton.
[A personal report, with reviews of presentations/papers in accordance
with topics.]
TRIZCON2000: The
Second Annual AI TRIZ Conference (Apr. 30- May 2, 2000,
Nashua, NH, USA)
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, May 7, 2000.
[A personal report, in Japanese (May 8, 2000)]
USIT Training Seminar (Mar. 10-12, 1999, Detroit) (Instructor: Dr. Ed
Participation Report by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Mar. 30,
[Two case studies carried out by Nakagawa in this Seminar are also
in Japanese and in English (Aug. 26, 1999)]
First Symposium on TRIZ Methodology and Application (Mar. 7-9, 1999,
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Mar. 15, 1999
1998 (The First) International TRIZ Conference (Nov. 17-19, 1998, Los
by Toru Nakgawa, Osaka Gakuin University, Nov. 23, 1998
Two papers of this conference are translated into Japanese and posted(Jan. 27, 1999)
Book Reviews and Introduction to References
Announcement: Larry Ball's Course Material "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms" is now available in CD-R Edition in Japanese. (Nov. 1, 2007)
The illustrated Course Material translated by Toshio Takahara and Toru Nakagawa nd posted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" is now available in CD-R Edition from Sozo Kaihtsu Inititive Co. (SKI). 160 pages, 5250 yen. The series posted in this Web site will not be removed.
TRIZ Forum: IT & TRIZ book: "Introduction: Umakant Mishra's Draft Edition of "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" " ) (Aug. 17, 2007; Sept. 13, 2007)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Aug. 17, 2007
[This is an introduction to a new book written by Umakant Mishra (India) and prepublished from Technical Innovation Center (USA) as a draft edition. In this book, all sorts of techniques in the field of IT, mostly software, are collected and classified with respect to the essences of innovative/improving ideas of them according to the TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles. In this process, the TRIZ 40 Principles need to be explained, adopted, extended, and modified so as to match the IT/software field; the Author has done this work excellently, I have found. The book describes 1000 items of techniques (in 1-3 lines each), 100 patents (in 10-20 lines), and 100 case studies of techniques (in 10-20 lines) according to the hierarchical classification of Principles, subprinciples, and keyword items. So far we heard many people say 'TRIZ is not applicable to IT/software field'. This book is a wonderful collection proving that 'TRIZ is applicable everywhere in IT/software field'. I wish to translate this book into Japanese and to publish (or more exactly get it published) in Japanese edition. I think this book should be addressed not to small TRIZ audience but to much larger IT/software audience; thus the book title would better be something like "Innovative Ideas in IT/Software Technologies Classified with TRIZ Inventive Principles". My Japanese page is composed of (1) Introduction of this book (an excerpt of my 'Personal Report of TRIZCON2007'), (2) Contents of the book shown by outlines and examples, and (3) Request of volunteers for the translation project. (The page has been fully translated into English. (Sept. 13, 2007))].
TRIZ Textbook: Japanese Edition and Q&A's on the English
Edition" [Posted: Nov. 22, 2000]
(Yuri Salamatov: "TRIZ: The Right Solution at the Right Time", [English
Edition, Insytec, 1999], [Japanese Edition, Nikkei BP, 2000 Nov.])
to Japanese Edition by Yuri Salamatov, Valeri Souchkov, and Toru
Nov. 22, 2000]
and Q&A's on the English Edition by Valeri Souchkov and Toru
Nov. 22, 2000]
and Their Solutions tabulated by Toru Nakagawa [Posted:
Nov. 22, 2000]
Creative Problem Solver's Toolbox", Richard Fobes (1993)
by Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 30, 1999
Communications, Discussions, Questions, Opinions, Comments, etc.
From the Editor: "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Operation Policy (Apr. 9, 2012)
Toru Nakagawa (Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University), Apr. 6, 2012
By the kind arrangement of OGU, even after my retirement of OGU, I am allowed to operate the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in the Web server of OGU. .As the Editor, I am going to operate "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" essentially in the same policy as before. On this occasion, I have written down the policy more explicitly. It includes: purposes of the site; submitting your contributions; copyrights of the articles; rules for using the articles; requests for voluntary support for translating the articles; updating schedule and update announcemnts, etc. I would like to ask you for your contribution, collaboration, supports, and subscription of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", as ever.
From the Editor: Message: On Retiring Osaka Gakuin University (Apr. 9, 2012)
Toru Nakagawa (Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University), Apr. 6, 2012.
I have retired Osaka Gakuin University by the end of March at the fixed age (plus 1). During these 14 years while I was working at Faculty of Informatics of OGU (and even during many more years while I was a student, and was working for the University of Tokyo and later for Fujitsu Limited), I have been owing much to you among many others for your kind support and collaboration. I am sincerely grateful to you all.
On the retirement, Osaka Gakuin University has given me the title of Professor Emeritus of OGU, and has allowed me to use my OGU email address permanently and kindly further to continue the operation of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in the OGU Web site. In addition, on a voluntary basis, I am going to continue my work as one of the Board Members of Japan TRIZ Society, NPO, and as the Program Chairperson of TRIZ Symposium in Japan to be held by JTS. Thus I am going to continue my TRIZ/USIT activities in a way almost same as before.
TRIZ Forum: Visiting Iran for PSST2012 Conference, February 2012 (Mar. 31, 2012) (Apr. 9, 2012)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Mar. 30, 2012.
Last February 20-27, I visited Iran and presented a Keynote and a research paper at the PSST 2012 Conference held in Tehran on Feb. 22-23. This was my first trip to Iran, and I accompanied my wife Masako. We were warmly accepted by the Iranian group of TRIZ promoters and enjoyed much in Tehran and the old capital Isfahan. In contrast to our previous images of Iran formed through newspapers and TVs in Japan, I have found different faces of the country and its people. Thus, I am reporting my personal experiences and impressions during the visit, along with some pictures. The page is composed of: History of communications with Iranian TRIZ group since 2006, Decision of the visit, Trip outline, Report of PSST 2012 Conference, About the TRIZ promoting group in Iran, Experiences and impressions in Iran. --- English page is now posted (Apr. 9, 2012).
TRIZ Forum: Messages from Readers: On One-year Anniversary of the 3.11 Japan Disaster and on the Occasion of Professor Nakagawa's Retirement from Osaka Gakuin University (Mar. 23; Apr. 9, 2012)
S. Saleem Arshad (Australia), and many others, Jan.- Mar., 2012; Edited by Toru Nakagawa
(Added: Apr. 9, 2012) many others. Mar.- Apr. 2012.
Last January and recently in March, I have received a number of messages from my readers and TRIZ colleagues. I would like to post some of them here, either in the English page or in the Japanese page, with sincere thanks.
Forum: Teaching Practices: Nakagawa's Seminar Class of 1st-year Students for Learning with "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey: Part 4: Nine-Students' Reports and Nakagawa's Comments (Posted: Mar. 6, 2012)
9 Students and Toru Nakagawa (Faculty of Informatics, Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Feb. 1, 2012.
A collection of reports (excerpts) by nine students and Nakagawa's comments is posted in a new Japanese page, as a detailed record of communications between the students and their teacher. This is a result of Nakagawa's Seminar Class at OGU, which was described first on Jan. 3, 2010 in detail in Japanese and briefly in English . The Seminar Class is for basic training of 'Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Presenting', and uses the book shown above as the text for discussion. Students were requested to write reports four times with the theme of 'What I learned and thought in the Class'. Reports of all the classmates were fed back to the whole class with Nakagawa's comments. This serves as the training of not only writing, but also mental attitude and real activities in life.
TRIZ Forum: Contributed article: From Encountering TRIZ to Deeper Understanding (My TRIZ Learning History): Towards a Unified Methodology of Problem Solving for Resolving Various Contradictions (Dec. 5, 2011)
Youichi Hasegawa (An engineer living in Kanagawa Prefecture), Nov. 27, 2011
Nowadays, especially after the disaster of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear plant accident, we have many and complex contradictions in Japan in its social, economical, and political aspects. For solving such contradictions, methodologies for problem solving should be penetrated and applied widely in some unified and simple-to-learn forms of techniques, Youichi Hasegawa says. For a step toward such a unified methodology, Hasegawa has contributed to this Web site an article which introduces his personal history of learning TRIZ. He encountered TRIZ and USIT in 2006 through his colleagues in his company and learned various TRIZ references, especially the ones posted and introduced in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", for himself step by step. Reading such references, he tried to understand them with digesting and examining and to incorporate them in his understanding of problem-solving methodologies. He now has a hope of unifying currently-different methodologies, e.g., QFD, TRIZ/USIT, TOC, Hatamura's method, Breakthrough Thinking, etc., into a much simpler and universal one. This article is an excellent case study of learning TRIZ/USIT step by step and obtaining a much wider vision of problem-solving ethnology. We thank Youichi Hasegawa for his contribution. In Japanese, only.
TRIZ Forum: Interview to Ayano Sato: First-time Experience of Participating and Presenting in English at International Conference, ETRIA TFC 2011, Ireland (Dec. 5, 2011)
Ayano Sato (2nd year Graduate Student, Shibaura Inst. Tech.); Interviewer: Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 2, 2011
As reported in a separate page, Ms. Ayano Sato attended at ETRIA TFC 2011, held on Nov 2-4, 2011 in Dublin, Ireland. She gave a very nice presentation. So Nakagawa interviewed her just after her presentation and also communicated with her via emails later. She says: She wanted (without being pushed) to give the presentation. She used to be very shy and did not like studying English language, but at her 2nd year of high school her parents arranged her to go and study at an English language school in USA for 2 weeks. During the stay she realized the necessity of communicating in English, and started to learn English for herself. She met much difficulty to pass the review process of TFC. The keyword 'Kando' in Japanese was especially difficult for her to present to the reviewer and to the audience. ('Kando' is a very deep and strong impression which moves the person later even for years.) When a number of audience said 'Nice talk!' to her, she felt much relieved and delighted. She found people at TFC talked about TRIZ much positively and widely than she learned so far in Japan, and she was impressed by aggressive TRIZ activities in Korea. -- I wish that Ayano's young and fresh heart/mind gives 'Kando' to readers of this TRIZ site in Japan. (Only in Japanese.)
TRIZ Forum: From Readers: Participation Reports of ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference 2011 (by 6 Japanese Participants) (Dec. 5, 2011)
Koichi Makino, Heikan Izumi, Manabu Sawaguchi (Waseda Univ.), Ayano Sato, Hiroshi Hasegawa (Shibaura Inst. Tech.) and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 12, 2011.
The ETRIA TFC2011 was held on Nov 2-4, 2011 in Dublin, Ireland. Six people from Japan attended at it and delivered 5 presentations. Here are the reports written by all the members individually. Four members who attended at TFC for the first time report their strong, positive impressions. In Japanese.
Forum: From the Readers: Congratulations to the 13th Annivrsary of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (Nov. 13, 2011)
Messages, photos, and an article received from the readers are posted here, with my thanks.
Congratulations from Iran (Messages and Photos): from Mahmoud Karimi (IIITS, Iran)
Karimi writes: 'In my institute in Iran, we have celebrated the 13th Anniversary of your "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" with our home made Birthday Cake, as shown in the attached photos'. I feel so much honored. Thanks.Message and Article from China: "TRIZ Situations in China" by Xian-yong Zhou (Southwest Jiaotong Univ., China) and
A brief but valuable report from mainland China: 'TRIZ was inroduced into China about 1998, but was known to only limited number of academic people for next 9 years. In 2007, the TRIZ situation has greatly changed when the Ministry of Science and Technolgy recognized TRIZ as the Innovation Method and started its promotion actively. Two provinces, Heilongjiang and Sichuan, became the 'Pilot Provinces' of innovation methods, and Innovation Method Society (IMS) was established under the Ministry for the purpose of research, development, and penetration of Innovation Method (i.e., TRIZ). At least three conferences/seminars in China are operated for high level communications on TRIZ, though not yet international.' PDF in English , in Chinese , and in Japanese translation . We need to watch the rapid progress of TRIZ in China.
Attached: “The Research and Popularization of TRIZ in Mainland China: the Situation and Problems” by Prof. Guang Chen (Southwest Jiaotong University, China), 2009. (in Chinese)
TRIZ Forum: "Current Situations and Information Sources of TRIZ".
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), written for Postscript of the Japanese Edition of Umakant Mishra's Book: "A Collection of Problem Solving Ideas in IT and Software Technologies -- Classified with TRIZ Inventive Principles --" (Aug. 22, 2011)
This article is written for people coming new to TRIZ. The basics of TRIZ concepts are assumed to be read elsewhere, say the Introduction by Umakant Mishra. I introduce the current situations of TRIZ in the World and in Japan, and show information sources in TRIZ. In the latter part several excellent papers of application and promotion case studies are introduced by using recent presentations reported at Japan TRIZ Symposia.
Announcement: Japanese Translation Project of Umakant Mishra's IT & TRIZ Book (3) Japanese Edition Completed!! Will Be Published Soon.
Toru Nakagawa (OGU) and Masatoshi Hotta (SKI) , (Aug. 22, 2011)
The Japanese Translation Project of Umakant Mishra's TRIZ & IT Book has now completed, after 4 years of struggling, its Japanese Edition, including an ellaborated hierarchical Index of IT terms. We are now negotiating with the author and preparing for the publication. "A Collection of Problem Solving Ideas in IT and Software Technologies -- Classified with TRIZ Inventive Principles --". During the coming Japan TRIZ Symposium, Sept. 8-10, 2011, a sample of the new Japanese Edition will be displayed for sales promotion.
A wide variety of IT/Software techniques are collected and their essence of ideas are classified with TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles. A lot of interesting cases ae described for IT/SW engineers and users. If you read this book while having some problems/tasks in your mind, you will find a number of hints. For readers more or less familiar with TRIZ, the way of adapting/extending TRIZ to the new field, IT/SW, will be helpful for applying TRIZ to your own field of problems. TRIZ has now certainly covers the IT/SW field. In this site we posted: Preface (II) by Nakagawa , Introduction to the Index of about 2700 IT terms hierarchically classified , and "Current Situations and Information Sources of TRIZ" (written by Nakagawa in place of Postscript).
Forum: Current Situations in Japan after the March 11 Disaster: Information Sources and Notes (Posted: May 19, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), May 18, 2011.
This page intends to summarize the Current Situations in Japan after the March 11, 2011 Disaster. Since there are a large variety of issues you want to know and the situations are changing rapidly, I will show you some references and information sources rather than try to write down the situations in detail. Recently Japanese Government has posted a report: "Japan’s Challenges Concerning the Domestic and International Implications of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station" (METI, May 12, 2011) . It is a comprehensive and facts-based report covering most of the issues you would like to know. Thus I have introduced it and illustrated a map of Japan, for showing the locations of the Quake center, Tsunami area, Fukushima nuclear plant, and Tokyo & Yokohama. In short, even though the process of cooling down the nuclear plants needs some more months and careful watching, the general situations in Japan are getting recovered and everyday life of people in Japan are safe and active as usual except in the restricted area (20 km range) around Fukushima Nuclear Plant. Thus we are now almost confident to be able to hold the TRIZ Symposium in September without troubles.
In the Japanese page , I made a collection of information sources on the topics, e.g., Disaster, Earthquake, Tsunami, Fukushima Nuclear Plant accident, Radioactive contamination, Nuclear power plants, Social life, Energy and ecology, For proposals, etc.
Sad News: Mr. Nikolai Khomenko Passed Away on Mar. 27, 2011 (Apr. 2, 2011)
We received the sad news on Mar. 30. He was an active TRIZ Master and visited Japan last September to give us a Keynote Lecture and a one-day OTSM Seminar on the occasion of our Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010. The photo is Nikolai Khomenko giving the Keynote Lecture . Please refer his activities at the page announcing the Award presented to him by the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation. We deeply miss him forever.
Forum: From the Readers: On The East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Power Plants: Editor's Message; Messages from Overseas (Posted: Mar. 23; Apr. 2, 2011)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU) and 52 Readers from Overseas (26 Countries), Mar. 22, 2011.
On March 11, 2011 a huge earthquake (of Magnitude 9.0) and the subsequent tsunami hit Japan in the north-eastern part and caused terrible disasters, including about 30,000 (and still increasing) dead and unfound, and critical difficulty in cooling down the nuclear power plant complex. I sincerely mourn for the victims and pray for comfort for the people in the disaster. Having received many email messages of condolence and encouragement from our readers overseas, I am posting them in the Japanese page for transferring wam messages and also in the English page for sharing information and warmth of hearts. We Japanese thank you all so much. (Mar. 23, 2011)
Short Report on the current situations. (Toru Nakagawa) (Apr. 2, 2011)
Forum: Teaching Practices: Nakagawa's Seminar Class of 1st-year Students for Learning with "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey: Part 3: 23 Students' Reports and Nakagawa's Comments (Posted: Mar. 13, 2011)
23 Students and Toru Nakagawa (Faculty of Informatics, OGU), Feb. 16, 2011.
This page reports the results of Nakagawa's Seminar Class at OGU (See the last year documents ). For the purpose of basic training of 'Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Presenting', the Seminar Class studied with the textbook shown above. Students were requested to write reports four times with the theme of 'What I learned and thought in the Class'. A collection of students' reports (excerpts) and Nakagawa's comments is posted in the Japanese page, as a record of communications between the students and their teacher.
TRIZ Forum: Follow-up Discussions on "Current Status and Future Directions for TRIZ" (May 16, 2010)
[From the Editor:] On the article "The Journey So Far and the Way Forward for TRIZ" written by S. Saleem Arshad, comments and responses contributed to this site are posted as follow-up discussions. This site will be updated every Sunday night, for a while. Check the Index page of discussions .for keeping track and go ahead to the articles. In the page for May 2010 , the following articles are posted:
Comments on Arshad's Article by Ellen Domb (USA) (May 12, 2010) (posted: May 16, 2010)
Comments on Nakagawa's Note by Ellen Domb (USA) (May 12, 2010) (posted: May 16, 2010)
TRIZ Forum: Issues for TRIZ: "The Journey So Far and the Way Forward for TRIZ"
S. Saleem Arshad (Applied Innovations, Australia), Contributed on May 6, 2010 ; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU) on May 8, 2010. (posted: May 9, 2010)
This is a very valuable article containing a lot of important issues which need to be discussed. The Author writes in the Abstrct as: "Increasing global emphasis on innovation as an agent of change and recovery from the economic crises, places new demands on the development of advanced tools for technical innovation. Four contributing causes for the apparent lack of success of TRIZ in mainstream usage are identified and examined. Consequently, eleven aspects are presented to highlight a way forward for TRIZ and for the overall field of innovation sciences."
I wish many TRIZ leaders in the world to read this and respond to it if possible. My brief comments on this article are posted at the bottom of the article.
TRIZ Forum: Collabo: "Collaboration Pages with the Promoters of TRIZ and Related Areas" Are Started. (posted: May 9, 2010)
From the Editor (Toru Nakagawa): New categories of pages are now started in Japanese. Several Japanese promoters of TRIZ and related areas are going to contribute (relatively) short articles regularly or from time to time. For each contributor an HTML page will be operated for posting his/her articles in a cumulaive manner. The readers who are interested in the articles will visit the contributors' original Web site or Blog site. Thus a collaborative network of promoters' Web sites will be formed with stronger connections that simple mutual hyperlinks; The "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" is going to serve as the Hub. The following pages are now open:
-- Masahiro Kuwahara's Page (IDEA, Inc) (Open: May 9, 2010) "Learning TRIZ with Real Examples" (1) (May 9, 2010)
Forum: TRIZ Activities in Iran (2) Applying TRIZ for Promotion of TRIZ (Mahmoud Karimi (Iran) ) (Mar. 24, 2010)
Mahmoud Karimi (IIITS, Iran), Mar. 24, 2010; Japanese translation: Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 24, 2010
Following the overall report posted a month ago, Mr. Karimi has written for us about the stories how he introduced TRIZ in Iran. The initial stage of learning TRIZ in Iran and how he organized the first TRIZ Workshop by Russian specialists (in 2001). Then, instead of repeating meetings with managers at basic levels, he shifted his efforts for writing a column "Innovation Elixir" weekly in a popular newspaper (in 2004). Vivid stories full of much insights.
Forum: How I Have Been Learning,Applying, and Teaching TRIZ (Mar. 24, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 14, 2006; Video Presentation at PSST 2006 International Conference on Problem Solving Strategies & Techniques Held at Tehran, Iran, on Nov. 26-27, 2006
This presentation was done in video recording 3 and half years ago in Iran, on the request of PSST2006. 8 slides are posted here both in PPT (with animation) and in PDF . The talk briefly describes my personal history how I got involved in TRIZ since 1997.
Forum: Students Reports: "'What I learned and What I thought in the Seminar Class" (Excerpts): Teaching Practices: Nakagawa's Seminar Class of 1st-year Students for Learning with "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey (Posted: Mar.11, 2010)
Written by 15 students of Nakagawa's Seminar Class (Osaka Gakuin Univ.); Edited by Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Mar. 11, 2010.
A collection of excerpts of Students' Reports have been posted in Japanese. All the 15 students who submitted their reports have contributed to the page. I posted them with the hope that our readers understand what the students learned and thought in the Seminr Class and also some results of the Class.
Forum: "TRIZ Activities in Iran" (Feb. 22; Mar. 13, 2010)
Mahmoud Karimi (Iranian Institute of Innovation and Technology Studies (IIITS), Iran), Dec. 8, 2009; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU). Feb. 20, 2010.
This is a two-page communication outlining how TRIZ has been introduced and penetrated into Iran. The country where people do the most internet search on TRIZ is Iran, to our surprise. TRIZ has become a known term among educated people in the country, the Author says. Introduction of TRIZ in Iran started in 1999 by Prof. H. Salimi's group in the university, and led by IIITS (where the Author is the Vice President) since 2001. They invited a number of TRIZ Masters for training, and they published books, performed consultings and trainings, etc. It is remarkable that they have used mass media effectively; a series of 5 TV programs were made and broadcasted three times already, and interviews and discussions on TRIZ were broadcasted in popular TV talkshows. ... We are very much looking forward to the Author's vivid Keynote Lecture in our coming TRIZ Symposium, in Sept. 2010!!. PDF:
7 photoes provided by Mahmoud Karimi are inserted in this page. Most of them are taken from TV programs. (Mar. 13, 2010).
Communications: TRIZ World Survey Final Report (D. Cavallucci); TETRIS (TRIZ Education at Schools) Project Materials; Translation Project of U. Mishra's TRIZ & IT Book. (Posted: Jan. 19, 2010)
Edited by Toru Nakagawa. Only in Japanese at momemt.
Forum: Teaching Practices: Nakagawa's Seminar Class of 1st-year Students for Learning with "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey (Posted: Jan. 3, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Jan. 2, 2010.
This page intends to describe the background of my writing 'Toru Nakagawa's Mission Statement' posted in a separate page . The Seminar Class is for the basic training of 'Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Presenting'. Triggered by Paul Filmore's papers, I learned about the books "7Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey and "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey. I am much impressed with these concepts of '7 Habits' or rather '7 Principles'. Thus, starting in Oct. 2008, I am learning the Sean Covey's book in the Seminar Class. In the Japanese page, I further describe the way of learning in the class, how I handle students' Reports, and examples of my comments to individual students' Reports.
Forum: Toru Nakagawa's Mission Statement (Posted: Jan. 3, 2010)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Jan. 1, 2010.
First appearance: A Collection of Students' Reports of the Seminar IB S53 & S54 Classes at the Faculty of Informatics of Osaka Gakuin University: 'What I Learned and Thought with Sean Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" ', Dec. 15, 2009
Last December I wrote my own 'Mission Statement' for the first time, during my Seminar Class with 1st-year students. It has 5 items: 1. Be sincere and serious. 2. Move the ego out of the way, and have the open, warm heart. 3. Take care of the health and have a positive mind. 4. Think flexibly and creatively. 5. Serve for people and society. Further description is written only in Japanese.
TRIZ Anime: TRIZ Tales Animation in Japanese: TETRIS Project for TRIZ Education at Schools
Original story: Genrich Altshuller, Story: Getano Cascini (Italy), Pictures: Harry Flosser (Germany), Japanese translation: Katsuya Miyanishi and Toru Nakagawa, Oct. 10, 2009. (Oct. 12, 2009)
TETRIS Project is financially supported by the Euroean Commission's Life Long Learning Program 'Leonardo da Vinch', and aims at building materials to teach TRIZ at schools. They made animation movies of "TRIZ Tales" on the basis of Altshuller's stories in "And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared". Being invited by the project, we have translated the movies' texts into Japanese. Miyanishi's colloquial wordings fit nicely to the pictures. The Japanese version is now available in the TETRIS Project's Web site. The present page provides the introduction written by Nakagawa.
Announcement: An Award Was Presented to Mr. Darrell L. Mann for His Contributions to TRIZ and Systematic Innovation by the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation
Toru Nakagawa (Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"), (Oct. 12, 2009)
"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) has recently established the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation, for the purpose of further penetration and development of TRIZ in Japan and in the World. As the first initiative, an Award was presented to Mr. Darrell L. Mann for his contributions and services over many years in the field of TRIZ and Systematic Innovation. His contributions through the research, writing, development, and training are highly appreciated and thanked.
TRIZ Forum: "Suggestion of Several Activities To Do for TRIZ in the Current Severe Siuations"
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Apr. 6, 2009 (Posted: Jun. 16, 2009)
A suggestion originally sent to the Management mebers of the Japan TRIZ Society. Under the current severe econimic situations in Japan, the promotion of methodologies like TRIZ has to face difficulties. In this situation, we should consider some effective/useful activities to be carried our by the Society or by individuals and groups outside the Society.
TRIZ Forum: From the Editor: "Global Network of Public Web Sites in TRIZ: A Proposal for Building Global TRIZ Community" (2) (Nov. 16, 2008)
Toru Nakagawa, Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (OGU), Poster Presented at ETRIA TRIZ Future 2008 Conference, Held at University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, on Nov. 5 - 7, 2008.
On the proposal which I posted here on May 25, 2008, I have newly made several illustrative drawings and presented them as an additional Poster at the ETRIA TFC 2008. Various types of Web sites are considered from 4 different aspects: (1) ways of posting, (2) ways of reading, (3) ways of financial support, and (4) ways of description language. Desirable ways of Public Web sites are shown from these 4 aspects. The vision of the Global Network of Public Web sites having both Outward-Looking and In-ward Looking Windows is illustrated in a slide. The 10 slides well illustrate my original proposal. English version in HTML and in PDF , and Japanese translation in HTML and in PDF .
TRIZ/USIT Forum: "Comments on “Extension of USIT in Japan: A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving” Toru Nakagawa" (Sept. 18, 2008)
Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck, LLC, USA), Aug. 23, 2008
Comments by Ed Sickafus, the developer of USIT, on Nakagawa's paper presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008. Sickafus says the transition from TRIZ to SIT to USIT has been guided by simplification, i.e. to reduce structure and to reveal the underlying logic. (See his Keynote Lecture at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2006.) He recognizes that USIT in Japan is 'regressing' to TRIZ in order to address the demands in Japanese industrial environment. He suggests about his experimental projects of 4-membered USIT team to address the bottom line of the company.
TRIZ Forum: IT & TRIZ book: "Japanese Translation Project of Mishra's IT & TRIZ Book: "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" Preliminary Sample Edition" (Sept. 7, 2008)
Masatoshi Hotta (Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative) and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Sept. 7, 2008
The Japanese Translation Project has completed its first draft of the whole volume by the end of July. The Author, on the other hand, has been working for the brushing up of the whole book and sent us the 'final revised version' by early August. Thus we are working further for brushing up our translation manuscripts so as to reflect the Author's final version. We have just prepared a 'Preliminary Sample Edition' for displaying at the 4th TRIZ Symposium in Japan. Some early readers of our manuscripts say "This book explains quite different IT & software techniques from aspects of principles. The descriptions are interesting and useful for software engineers without knowing TRIZ."
TRIZ Forum: From the Editor: Global Network of Public Web Sites in TRIZ: A Proposal for Building Global TRIZ Community (May 25, 2008)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), May 24, 2008.
When I rebuilt my page of 'TRIZ Links in the World', I felt much that the language barriers have preventing TRIZ from its better understanding and smoother penetration in the World. As a practical solution to this problem, I am now proposing here "Let's build many Public Web sites in TRIZ in different TRIZ communities in the World and form a Global Network of them". Each Public Web site plays the role of the hub site in TRIZ in the community (i.e., typically a country), and posts various papers/articles contributed by many auhors under fair leadership of the Editor(s). It posts papers/articles/news of the outside world after translaing them into their own language, and also posts the works and news of thier own after translating them into a common language, i.e. English. By forming a global network in Internet of such Public Web sites in defferent communities, we can build an autonomous and sound TRIZ community in the global scale. This model of Public Web sites was established partly by the TRIZ Journal and in a more typical form by the TRIZ Home Page in Japan. There are also other possible bases of forming such Public Web sites in various countries, as discussed in the text. Full text in English and Abstract only in Japanese .
TRIZ Forum: IT & TRIZ book: "Japanese Translation Project of Mishra's IT & TRIZ Book: "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" (TIC, 2007) " (Mar. 9, 2008)
Masatoshi Hotta (Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative) and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 2, 2008
[We have started an English page for reporting the progress of our Japanese Translation Project of Umakant Mishra's book, which was introduced here last August . Corresponding to our Japanese page , some important parts of the book are posted here in English under the kind permissions by the Author and by the English-edition publisher, Technical Innovation Center. The following parts are posted in English (as well as in Japanese), for the purpose of introducing the book in advance to official publication especially to IT and software people in the world. [1] Preface to the Japanese Edition (Manuscript by Toru Nakagawa), [2] Table of Contents (serving also as a list of 40 Inventive Principles for IT and Software) (by Mishra), [3] Introduction (by Mishra), and [4] Chapter 4: Asymmetry (by Mishra) (as a sample chapter of the main body of the book).]
TRIZ Bibliography: List of TRIZ Selected Papers Written by Overseas Authors and Contributed to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" since 1998 (Feb. 8, 2008)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Feb. 7, 2008
[Selected Papers in TRIZ are listed here; the papers written by Overseas (i.e. non-Japanese) authors and posted (or to be posted) either in English and/or in Japanese in this Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" for these 10 years since 1998. All these are excellent papers I have learned much; many of them are openly available in English (or in Japanese) either in this Web site or in their original sources, but still many others are waiting for translation into Japanese and for posting. We recently obtained the approval by TRIZCON and ETRIA of posting original English versions here after several months of the conference even prior to Japanese translation under the permissions by the authors and the conference organizers.]
From the Editor: To Do List for TRIZ (Volunteers Wanted!) (Feb. 8, 2008)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Feb. 5, 2008
[Selected papers from ETRIA TFC2007 are added in the list with brief introductions for the purpose of calling volunteers for translating them into Japanese.]
TRIZ Forum: "Letters from the Readers" (Jan. 29, 2008)
[1] "Reading "Application of TRIZ to Manufacturing Phase"": Kouji Tsumagari (LOGO), Dec. 28, 2007. (Posted: Jan. 29,2008)
[2] "Just like Having Won a Million Dollar Lot!": Katsuya Miyanishi (Panasonic Mobile Communications R&D Lab.). Jan. 10, 2008. (Posted: Jan. 29,2008)
TRIZ Forum: IT & TRIZ book: "Japanese Translation Project of Mishra's IT & TRIZ Book: "Collection of Problem Solving Ideas for IT and Software: Classified with TRIZ 40 Invenive Principles" " (Dec. 19, 2007; Jan. 7; Jan. 29; Feb. 8, 2008)
Masatoshi Hotta (Sozo Kaihatsu Initiatives) and Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 18, 2007
[We have officially started a project for translating into Japanese the Umakant Mishra's book with the original title of "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" (see the page posted on Aug. 17, 2007). In our Japanese page, we are going to post on project's aims, current status in progress, some examples of translated parts, related documents, etc., in order to introduce the book in advance to publication especially to IT and sotware people. We have already posted [1] Preface to the Japanese Edition (Manuscript by Toru Nakagawa) . We are further going to post soon [2] Table of Contents (serving also as a list of 40 Inventive Principles for IT and Software) (Posted: Jan. 7, 2008),[3] Introduction (by Mishra, Japanese translation by Y. Konishi and T. Nakagawa)(Posted: Jan. 29, 2008), and [4] Chapter 4: Asymmetry (English/Japanese and Japanese (Posted: Feb. 8, 2008)) (as an example chapter of the main body of the book). We wish to publish the Japanese Edition during 2008. Please inform of this book to your colleagues.]
Forum: Symposium Presentation and Discussion: "Introducing TRIZ into Thailand " (Nov. 18, 2007)
Position Paper by Kritaya Suparnpongs, Saranya Chandravat, Chiraphon Rayakaeo, and Yuthapong Matejitkul (SCG, Thailand), Presented at The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, on September 1, 2007 at Toshiba Kenshu Center, Yokohama; Note of Discussion during the Special Session.
[A record of the 'Special Session' held on the third day of Japan TRIZ Symposium. Four participants from Thailand gave a joint presentation on their current positions of introducing TRIZ into their counry in the form of extension of and integration with their TQM activities. After the presentation, on request by the people from Thailand, TRIZ leaders on the floor made free discussions to suggest/advise how to introduce TRIZ into Thailand (or any other country). Brief (20 minutes) but friendly and positive discussions were done. Notes were checked and annotated by the discussants. HTML page , presentation slides , and discussion note .]
TRIZ Forum: From the Editor: "The Role of 'TRIZ Home Page in Japan': Towards a Public Site" (Nov. 1, 2007)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Nov. 1, 2007 (posted: Nov. 1, 2007)
On the 9th Anniversary day of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", I describe about the current situations and the target direction of this site. Since the Japan TRIZ CB finishes its role, its Official Pages which have been hosted in my Web site are now fixed without new updates (and wihout removing). The Japan TRIZ Society has opened its Official Web Site in its own server and has (temporarily) started its operation. Under the situations, The "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" continues to be edited and operated by Toru Nakagawa with the hope of serving as a 'Public Web Site'. It means that this site should not be a private site but intends to be a public one which accepts contributions by many authors and readers (in Japan and the world) and publicizes various TRIZ-related information actively from public viewpoints. A lot of things shoud be done for this purpose, and several tasks are now back-logged. I should very much appreciate your voluntary support for such a goal.
TRIZ Forum: "Start of the 'USIT/TRIZ Study Group' in MPUF" (Apr. 5, 2007)
Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Apr. 3, 2007
[MPUF (i.e., Microsoft Project Users Forum) is a network-based organization of voluntary members for the purpose of studying and penetrating various techniques relevant to project management. The study group metioned above is going to be started in MPUF among other 17 existing study groups. Any person may join MPUF and its Study Group by registration, free of charge. On the request by the MPUF office, Nakagawa and Yuji Mihara have become the founding secretaries of the study group. The Aims of the Study Group and its explanation are posted. This Study Group in MPUF is independent from those of Japan TRIZ CB and from TRIZ Home Page in Japan.]
TRIZ Forum: "Introduction to the Update of "TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students" "(Mar. 19, 2007)
Updating by Tomoyuki Ito, Masashi Niitsu, Masatoshi Nishioka, Arata Fujita, and Shingo Yokota (Students of Osaka Gakuin University, Faculty of Informatics), on Mar. 19, 2007.
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Mar. 19, 2007.
[The 5 students of Nakagawa's Seminar Class who are just graduating the universtiy have posted their thesis works briefly in their Students' HP. They have applied TRIZ/USIT to various everyday-life problems. A trial was made to systematize the methods of preventing from tangling of cables/cords. On the topics of 'How to use the mobile phone in a train without causing trouble to the people around' and 'How to prevent from unauthorized persons entering the auto-locking door of an apartment building', we have tried to apply TRIZ/USIT to the fields not only technical but also human- and society-related issues. Introduction by Nakagawa , and Students' Home Page .]
TRIZ Forum: Conference Report: "A Note on The 2nd TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006" (Jan. 7, 2007)
Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck LLC., USA), U-SIT and Think News Letter - 68, Dec. 24, 2006.
[Ed Sickafus, the original developer of USIT, was invited to give a Keynote Lecture at the 2nd Japan TRIZ Symposium. He wrote in his mail magazine, his impressions about the TRIZ/USIT activities in Japan and the Symposium. Posted here under the permission by the author.]
Forum: Introduction to: "TRIZ Home Page by Students for Students" (Mar. 17, 2006)
Built by Masayuki Hida, Tsubasa Shimoda, Naoya Hayashi, and Mizuo Omori (Students of Osaka Gakuin University), on Mar. 17, 2006; Introduced by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)
[Four students who are just going to graduate our univeisity at the end of this month have buit a Web site named as "TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students". They wrote the pages in my seminar class on 'Methodologies for Creative Problem Solving'. The students frankly discussed on 'What have we learned in this class?' in early February and made a vivid record on their thoughts just before the graduation. They also describe the activities in the seminar, group practices of problem solving, and their thesis works. The site was initially planned to introduce TRIZ/USIT to students more formally, but was now built to describe much more frankly what the students learned and thought about. The students pages are published in this site but separately in the editorship.]
Forum: Proposal: "'Study of Patents with TRIZ and Study of TRIZ with Patents': A Proposal and Introduction to the Collaborative Study Project at MRI's Knowledge Creation Study Group" (Oct. 26, 2005) (Slides: Dec. 21, 2005)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Sept. 11, 2005
[This is an introduction to my proposal of the Collaborative Study Project among the TRIZ users in the users' Study Group organized be MRI. This proposed to study selected patents closely with TRIZ viewpoints, and thus simultaneously to study the usage of TRIZ with these patents. A collection of 6 short documents on the proposal, ways of study/analysis, and ways of documentation.]
[Slides presented at IM Users Symposium (2005 Lake Biwa) held by MRI on Dec. 2, 2005 are posted as well in PDF (Dec. 21, 2005).]
Introductory/Guide: "Practices of USIT 2-Day Training Seminars (For Wider Penetration of Easy-to-Learn TRIZ" (Jul. 20, 2005)(Photos added, Jul. 29, 2005)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jul. 19, 2005.
[The USIT 2-Day (or 3-Day) Training Seminars have been carried out by the present author 20 times so far. Practices and principles of the training are described here in detail. 15 to 25 engineers (may mostly be novices of TRIZ/USIT) take part in the training and try to solve three real problems in group practices by following the USIT procedure. In addition to in-house training in industries, the training has been re-started in an open way with the participation of people coming from multiple companies. Some practical and easy-yet-effective ways of applying USIT are descibed for the seminar graduates.]
communication: "Practice and
Application on TRIZ in China" (Nov. 16, 2004)
by Zhao Xinjun (Northeastern Univ., P.R. China), Nov. 3, 2004
[TRIZ has been introduced into China since 1998, and currently has
about 10 research groups. TRIZ activites in China are currently
focused on the development of Chinese editions of TRIZ software tools,
training/education of engineers/students, and trials of applying TRIZ
in to industrial problems. 4 pages in PDF.]
from Readers and Q&A: "How to Introduce and Install TRIZ/USIT"(Oct.
21, 2003)
by Hideaki Kosha (Fuji Photo
Japan) + Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Email communications, Oct.
10-11, 2003; Posted on Oct. 21, 2003
[Installation activities of USIT in Fuji Photo Film; experiences in
TRIZ/USIT; 2-day USIT Trainnig Seminar; etc. ]
from Readers: "Learning TRIZ/USIT in Agricultural Field ---
Planning USIT Training Seminars "
(Dec. 10, 2001)
by Atsushi Takeuchi (Niigata Prefectural Research Center for
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Email communications, August -
[Fresh eyes onto TRIZ/USIT and eagerness to master the TRIZ/USIT
way. Nakagawa's intention for USIT Training Seminars.]
Q&A: "How to learn USIT"
(Sept. 26, 2001)
[Q:] Toru Nakagawa and [A:] Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck, USA), URL: www.u-sit.net;
Japanese translation by Toru Nakgawa.
[Sickafus describes varoius types of chances to learn USIT (or other
in general) and finally advises "to catch any opportunity". ]
Q&A: "How
do I start up a USIT program in my company?"
(Sept. 11, 2001)
[Q:] Matt Smith (USA) and [A:] Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck, USA), URL: www.u-sit.net; Japanese translation by Toru Nakgawa (Osaka Gakuin
[Question from an engineer who already mastered USIT. Sickafus
what and how to convince the management to start an USIT program. ]
Essay & History: "My
Experiences with My Teacher Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller" (May 8, 2001)
by Phan Dung
National Univ.), TRIZCON2001, Mar. 25-27, 2001, Supplementary document
of the Keynote Speech
describs the communications between Mr. Altshuller and his students. It
is really happy for us to learn that Mr. Altshuller's enthusiathm,
and love to mankind have founded TRIZ.]
from Readers: "On Studying TRIZ/USIT"
(Dec. 13, 2000)
by Shinobu Tanaka
[With a response by Nakagawa; a one-day USIT Seminar is announced in
to the readers' requests.]
to Learn/Teach TRIZ -- A Personal View on Savransky's Book "(Comm.)
(Dec. 13, 2000)
by Kalevi Rantanen (TRIZ OY, Finland), TRIZ Journal, Dec. 2000. [Re-posted
here together with correspondences between Nakagawa, Rantanen, and
[Recommends to learn/teach
starting with the concepts instead of heuristics and instruments;
on the basis of interviews to former seminar participants.]
Q&A: "How
to Define Problems with the USIT Method"
(Jul. 3, 2000)
by Eiichiro Otsuki (Toshiba); Toru Nakgawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.).
[in Japanese]
[Exercise to define a compact Problem Statement (in USIT style) by
a news article.]
Training Seminar in Japan: (2) 3-Day Seminar with Multi-company
(Feb. 8, 2000)
(Mar. 23, 2000)
by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ. )
USIT Training to solve four real problems brought in by
coming from different companies. Much easier way of applying the
essence of TRIZ in industries.]
from Readers: "On Nakagawa's Trip Report"(Nov.
1, 1999)
by Semyon Savransky (The TRIZ Experts); Nikolai
(Minsk TRIZ School); Kalevi Rantanen (TRIZ OY, Finland); Michiaki
(LCA Japan); Hideaki Kosha (Fufi Film); Toru Nakagawa (Osaka
Univ. )
[Comments and discussions by 3 TRIZ Experts from abroad, and
by two Japanese readers.]
Yourself to Write in English"(Essay)
(Sept. 27, 1999)
by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ. ) [originally
written in Fujutsu Labs. on May 28, 1997 ]
TRIZ Center and OTSM-TRIZ (General Theory
Strong Thinking)" (Comm.)
(Sept. 27, 1999)
by Nikolai Khomenko (Minsk TRIZ Center), Sept. 23,
(preface in Japanese)
of A Personal Trip to TRIZ Mother Countries (Russia & Belarus, Aug. 1999)" (comm.)
(Sept. 10, 1999)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ. ), Sept. 4, 1999
(in English) , Sept. 9,
(in Japanese),
Sept. 20, 1999 (Photos inserted)
[Interviews with about 20 TRIZ Specialists in Moscow, St.Petersburg,
and Minsk.
TRIZ Schools; life of Mr. Altshuller; Applications in technology,
services, etc.; Education of children, etc.]
Training Seminar in Japan: First Trial in a
(Sept. 10, 1999)
by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ. ), Sept.
1, 1999
(in Japanese),
Sept. 9, 1999 (in English)
"TRIZ System Operator" (Comm. & Discussion)
Semyon Savransky (The TRIZ Experts, USA), May 8, 1999 and Jun. 9, 1999
Discussion by Toru Nakagawa, May 26, 1999.
and Creativity Education in Vietnam" (Comm. & Response)
Phan Dung (Vietnam Nat'l Univ.), May 18, 1999 and Jul. 15, 1999
with Response by Toru Nakagawa, May 26, 1999.
Top of this page | Conference & Seminar Reports | Book Reviews | Communications,
Discussions, Questions, Opinions, Comments, etc. |
Last updated on Mar. 6, 2012. Access. point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp