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An Award Was Presented to
Mr. Darrell L. Mann for His Contributions
to TRIZ and Systematic Innovation

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation
Toru Nakagawa
Posted on Oct. 12, 2009

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Announcement (Toru Nakagawa, Oct. 5, 2009)

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) has recently established the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation.

The present Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" was established voluntarily on November 1, 1998 as a public Web site for information exchange for better understanding and usage of TRIZ.  Since then for over 10 years, the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has posted a large number of articles and papers useful for promoting the penetration and application of TRIZ, thanks to the contributions and supports by many authors and readers in Japan and in the World.  I have decided to deposit a part of the income obtained from my activities based on the present Web site to the Foundation for utilizing it for the purpose of further penetration and development of TRIZ in Japan and in the World. 

As the first initiative, the newly established Foundation presented an Award to Mr. Darrell L. Mann, Systematic Innovation, Ltd., United Kingdom, for his contributions and services over many years in the field of TRIZ and Systematic Innovation.  On September 12, 2009, at the Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2009 the Certificate and Award Money (200,000 yen) was presented to Mr. Darrell Mann by Toru Nakagawa (the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation) under the witness of Mr. Toshihiro Hayashi (President of Japan TRIZ Society) and Mr. Masatoshi Hotta (Secretary of Japan TRIZ Society). 

The Certificate of Award (originally in Japanese) and its description (in English) are shown below. 

For Your Contributions

Mr. Darrell L. Mann

In recognition of your contributions and services over many years in the research, writing, development, and training on TRIZ and Systematic Innovation for guiding people in the World and in Japan, an award is hereby presented with sincere appreciation and gratitude.

September 12th, 2009
"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Foundation
Toru Nakagawa

The profile of Mr. Darrell L. Mann is quoted here from his own article:

Following a fifteen year spell working in aerospace R&D, since 1995, Darrell has researched, taught and consulted in the field of innovation. With over 600 systematic innovation-related papers, patents and articles to his name, plus the best-selling 'Hands-On Systematic Innovation' books, Darrell is now one of the most widely published authors on the innovation subject in the world. His consulting clients include Fortune 100 companies from every corner of the globe, in just about every industry. Darrell also coordinates a full-time research team of around 30 people. The task of this team is to uncover the DNA of innovation success, whether it be in technology, business, IT, arts, social or governmental domains. Averaging around 25 days per month on the road, Darrell has an average velocity of 40kph and an average altitude of around 200m.

The activities and achievements by Mr. Darrell L. Mann range so extensive and in different fields.  Here is a list of some links and his representative books and articles, especially those familiar to Japanese TRIZ community through the present Web site (abbreviated as "TRIZ HP Japan" in this list).

Web site of Systematic Innovation, Ltd. (UK):

Archive of articles in the above Web site:       (Papers and presentation slides publicized from 1998 to the end of 2007).

Darrell Mann: 'Ideality and 'Self-X' ', ETRIA TRIZ Future 2001 Conference, Nov. 2001; Japanese translation (T. Nakagawa) , TRIZ HP Japan  (Mar. 28, 2002).

Darrell Mann, Simon DeWulf: 'Updating TRIZ: 1985-2002 Patent Research Findings', TRIZCON2003, Mar. 2003; Paper in English and in Japanese translation (T. Nakagawa), TRIZ HP Japan (Apr. 16, 2003).

Darrell Mann, Simon DeWulf: 'Updating the Contradiction Matrix', TRIZCON2003, Mar. 2003; Paper in English and in Japanese translation (T. Nakagawa), TRIZ HP Japan (Apr. 16, 2003).

Darrell Mann: "Hands-On Systematic Innovation", CREAX Press, Belgium, 2002; Japanese Edition, "TRIZ Practices and Benefits, Vol. 1, Systematic Technological Innovation", translated by Toru Nakagawa et al., Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI), 2004; Announcement of publishing Japanese Edition and Q&A documents, TRIZ HP Japan, in Japanese and in English , Jun. 18, 2004.

Darrell Mann, Simon DeWulf, Boris Zlotin, Alla Zusman: "Matrix 2003: Updating the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix", CREAX Press, Belgium, 2003; Japanese Edition, "TRIZ Practices and Benefits, Vol. 2, New Contradiction Matrix (Matrix 2003) (for Technologies in General)", translated by Toru Nakagawa, Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI), 2005; Announcement of publishing Japanese Edition and Q&A documents, TRIZ HP Japan, in Japanese and in English , Apr. 5, 2005.

Darrell Mann: "Hands-On Systematic Innovation for Business& Management", IFR Press, UK, 2004.

Darrell Mann: 'TRIZ Critical SWOT: Systematic Innovation Today And Tomorrow', Keynote Lecture, First TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Sept. 1-3, 2005; Presentation slides in English and in Japanese translation (T. Nakagawa), TRIZ HP Japan (Sept. 20, 2005).

Darrell Mann: "Systematic (Software) Innovation", IFR Press, UK, 2008.

Darrell Mann: 'TRIZ – Necessary But Not Sufficient – Customers & Theories Of Everything', Keynote Lecture, Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Sept. 10-12, 2009, at NWEC, Saitama. (See Nakagawa's introduction in TRIZ HP Japan  (Nov. 25, 2009))

I have been impressed by Mr. Darrell Mann with his wide-scoped big vision and his amazingly vital activities for realizing the vision.  A tall handsome man, carrying around only one overnight bag during the 3-week business trip to Japan in summer and Australia in winter, processes about 150 emails everyday, reads new books, and writes original papers as usual even during the trip.  He is one of the world-top leaders in modernized TRIZ and Systematic Innovation, and yet listens to people without any authoritarian attitude but some sign of shyness from time to time.  He uses staircases without escalators for his health.  We wish Mr. Darrell Mann extend his work further and lead us in Japan and in the World to a new horizon of Systematic Innovation.

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Last updated on Nov. 25, 2009.     Access point:  Editor: