"Japan TRIZ  CB"   (Official Page):


The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2008
To Be Held by Japan TRIZ Society, NPO,
on Sept. 10-12, 2008, near Kyoto

Plan, Call for Papers, Keynotes etc., Notice to Presenters, Advanced Agenda, Abstracts, Call for Participation

Web Master:  Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)

Note:  This page is operated on a temporary basis until the Official Web site of NPO Japan TRIZ Society begins its stable operation in English.

Compiled on Dec. 12, 2007; Updated: Dec. 23, 2007, Feb. 20; Mar. 19; Mar. 30; Apr. 28; May 18; May 25; Jun. 11; Jun. 17; Jun. 23; Jul. 12; Aug. 4; Aug. 25; Sept. 2; Oct. 26, 2008; Feb. 4, 2009
For going back to Japanese  pages, press  buttons.

Documents and Reports after the Symposiunm , please refer to a separate page.  (Posted on Feb. 4, 2009)

The 4th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2008 was held with the participation by 180 people (including 15 from abroad) and resulted in much success.  Official Reports and Documents will be posted in the near future.  "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008"  was written in English by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University) and posted in his Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  (Oct. 26, 2008)

Obtaining 4 invited and 48 contributed papers, we have set up the Agenda of "The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2008". Abstracts of all the papers are posted in English. We are now calling for your paticipation at this internationally recognized, active TRIZ event held anually in Japan. Venue and registration procedure are also announced. (Jun. 17, 2008) Detail of Visa application procedure is added. (Jun. 23, 2008).  On receiving the Final Manuscripts from the authors, we have adjusted the adgenda slightly and posted it here (See * marks).  You will enjoy Catherine Thom Guitar Concert in the evenings.  (Aug. 4, 2008) Registration for Participation will be accepted till Aug. 29 (Fri.) 12:00 JST.  (Aug. 25. 2005)  Agenda is updated (Sept. 2, 2008)

Application of contributed papers was already closed by May 22. (May 25, 2008).

Call for Papers is now announced officially.  Due date of Extended Abstract is May 15, 2008. (Feb. 20, 2008)
Keynotes Speakers are announced. (Mar. 19; Mar. 30, 2008)

The Japan TRIZ CB has decided to hold the 'Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2008' on Sept. 10-12, 2008 near Kyoto. This is a preliminary announcement. We wish you to join us and present your works in this active TRIZ event to be held in Japan in September 2008!! (Dec. 12, 2007)

Top of this page Sympo. outline Message Agenda Features Pro-ceedings Venue Fees & Registration For Presenters Previous Sympo. Japan TRIZ CB Japan TRIZ Society HP Japanese page


 "The Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2008", Outline  (Official Announcement) (Feb. 20; Jun. 11; Aug. 4, 2008)      [Note:  * stands for the revised version (Aug. 4, 2008)]

TRIZ Symposium Leaflet: Front page (Outline)  + Back page (Agenda)**     (Jul. 12; Aug. 4, 2008)


Sept. 10, 2008 (Wed) through Sept. 12, 2008 (Fri.) (3 days)

Preliminary Session: Sept. 10 (Wed) 10:00-12:00
Symposium: Sept. 10 (Wed) 13:00 through Sept. 12 (Fri.) 16:20

=> Agenda

Held by: 





Japan TRIZ Society - Non-Profit Organization 

The Japan TRIZ Society is the official successor of 'The Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promotors and Users in Japan' (or shortly 'Japan TRIZ CB') .  It was approved as an NPO by Tokyo Metropolitan Government in December, 2007. 

See the Message by Toshihiro Hayashi (Chairperson of Board) on the start as an NPO.

=> Japan TRIZ Society

=> Organizers

  • To provide an opportunity for openly presenting, discussing, and communicating on TRIZ, a methodology for creative problem solving and innovation, and its related areas.
  • To encourage the improvement of the TRIZ methodology itself and to enhance penetration, promotion and application of TRIZ.
  • To provide opportunities for making personal relationships among the people interested in and working with TRIZ in Japan and in the World, and to encourage the understanding and penetration of TRIZ.
=> Message for Symposium by Hayashi
  • To openly call for contributions of presentations and participation not only from Japan but also from all over the world, so as to make the Symposium an open conference.
  • To help establish deeper and wider understanding of TRIZ and promote real use of TRIZ in industries and in academia.
  • A Symposium primarily Japanese domestic and partially (but as much as possible) international.
  • To hold the General Assembly Meeting of Japan TRIZ Society within the Symposium period.
Main themes:

"Towards Further Deployment and Penetration of TRIZ"   (Jun. 10, 2008)

  • Studies for furthering the TRIZ methodology and case studies of applying TRIZ to real problems in industries, in academia, etc.
  • How to apply and promote TRIZ, especially in wider perspectives of technological development and innovation
  • Current situations and future of TRIZ promotion in Japan, in Asia, and in the World.

Advanced Agenda and the Abstracts are posted. (Jun. 10; *: Aug. 4; Updated ** Sept. 2, 2008)

Agenda outline*, Agenda in a sheet**, Agenda in a full table**,
Abstracts of all the presentations * (in English)

=> Agenda**
Presentations Preliminary Session (2 hrs.): Tutorial (in Japanese) / Introductory discussion (in English) => Tutorial
Keynote lectures (2 lectures), Invited talk (1 talk);
Contributed Oral presentations (26 talks, 40 minutes each, double-track)
Contributed Poster presentations (22 presentations, 3 sessions, 100 minutes for each session (including Introduction and Poster presentation) )
=> Session styles
Special Features

Keynote Lecture (1) Amir Roggel: "Can TRIZ Work for a Large, Innovative Semiconductor Company?  Intel's Learning"
Keynote Lecture (2) Dr. Sergei Ikovenko
: "Directions for Future TRIZ Development and Applications"
Invited Talk (1) Yojiro Fukushima: "TRIZ Activity in Corporate R&D Division: Application to System, Method, and Software Technology"   [Note: Changed. (Jun. 11, 2008)]
Tutorial for TRIZ Basics: Masatoshi Hotta: "Introduction to Systematic Innovation: For The First Step to Real Use of TRIZ"

=> Special Features
Official languages:

Japanese and English

  • For all oral presentations in the plenary and international sessions, slides are projected on two screens in parallel, one in Japanese and the other in English.
    (Translation of slides from English to Japanese will be serviced by the members of Japan TRIZ Society.)
    (Note that there can be a limited number of domestic sessions where slides are projected only in Japanese.)
  • Interpreter services will not be provided for the oral presentations themselves but will be given during the official discussions in the plenary/international sessions on a voluntary basis.

Extended Abstracts and Proceedings will be published and handed out in two language editions.

  • For overseas participants: in English (including the papers presented by Japanese authors)
  • For Japanese participants: in the original language and in Japanese translation
=> Proceedings
Scale: About 250 participants expected.
          Last year: 202 participants (including 10 from overseas). 
=> Previous Symposia

Laforet Biwako, Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan

A resort hotel and convention facility on the shore of Lake Biwa;
1 hour by local train and bus from JR Kyoto Station.
Web site in English:  http://www.laforethotels.com/biwako/index-e.html

=> Venue



Guest rooms in Laforet Biwako.  Room sharing by 2 persons is the default.  Single use needs extra cost.    

=> Accommodation
Fees: Full participation of 3 days: Preliminary session, 3-day symposium, 2-night stay of room sharing, 2 Buffet-Dinner and Communications; Non-speaker:   74,655 yen; Discount for speakers (Please inquire us). Including Proceedings, Lunch, Soft drinks during intermissions, and accommodation with breakfast and set-dinner. =>Fees

Fill in the Registration Form and send it to: info@triz-japan.org .

Due date: 
    Jul. 10, 2008 (Thu) 18:00 JST  whoever needs Japan visa application.
    Jul. 28, 2008 (Mon.) 18:00 JST  for Presenters (w/o Japan visa application)
    Aug. 25, 2008 (Mon.) 10:00  JST for ordinary participants (w/o Japan visa application) 
    Aug. 29, 2008 (Fri.) 12:00  JST for ordinary participants (w/o Japan visa application)  (Due date extended: Aug. 25, 2008) 

=> Registration

=> Japan visa application

Final Manuscripts: Submit the Final Manuscripts by Jul. 28 (Mon) 18:00 JST => For Presenters
Call for Papers

Call for contributed papers for Oral and Poster presentations

Send us an Application (Form A) and Extende Abstract (Form B) via email
Due date:  May 15, 2008 (Thu.)  18:00 JST
Application was already closed by May 22. (May 25, 2008: TN)

=> Call for Papers
Call for Demos  [Under preparation.  See Japanese page.] (Jun. 17, 2008)  
Important Dates for Preparation

      Feb. 20:      Announcement of Plan, and Call for Papers
      May 15:     Due date of Submitting the Extended Abstract for Presentation
ca. Jun. 6:        Announcement of Advanced Agenda and Call for Participation

      Jul. 10 (Thu):  Due date of registration who needs Japanese visa application.

     Jul. 28 (Mon):  Due date of final manuscripts of presentations, and of registration for participation for the presenters

ca. Aug. 4:  Revised Agenda

      Aug. 28 (Thu):  Due date of registration for paricipation

=> Due dates
Access points:

On general information:  info@triz-japan.org
On presentation:            sympo@triz-japan.org 
[Mar. 19, 2008]

=> Organizers
Symposium Web sites

(A) Japan TRIZ Society's Official Web site:  http://www.triz-japan.org/
(B) Japan TRIZ CB's Official Page in the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".

 Note:  Since the new site (A) may have some time delay in posting, especially in English, you are advised to see this site (B) which is managed by Nakagawa directly.  [Apr. 28, 2008]

Previous results:
  • First TRIZ Symposium: Sept. 1-3, 2005, at Shuzenji, Izu
  • Second TRIZ Symposium: Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Suita, Osaka
  • Third TRIZ Symposium: Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007, in Yokohama
=> Previous Symposia



On Announcing the Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2008
(Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008)
June 11, 2008
Toshihiro Hayashi
Chairperson of the Board, Japan TRIZ Society, NPO

Since TRIZ, i.e. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, was introduced to Japan in 1996 as a philosophy, methodology and knowledge engineering tool to support technology innovation strongly in the industrial arena, a lot of application know-how and experiences have been accumulated in Japan by Japanese users interested in TRIZ. Nowadays, it has been applied in a variety of contexts as an effective tool for business innovation. Until now, three TRIZ Symposia have been organized annually by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan, and last year, it was particularly prosperous with over-200 attendees including participants from abroad.

With such a background, the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan intensified its activities and changed the organization into a more public one, i.e., The Japan TRIZ Society (NPO), last December. The coming Fourth TRIZ Symposium in Japan (or Japan TRIZ Symposium 2008) will be the first symposium of this nonprofit organization, Japan TRIZ Society, and will be held at Laforet Biwako by Lake Biwa, near Kyoto under the theme of “Toward Further Deployment and Penetration of TRIZ.”

The application due date for presentation at this symposium was May 15th. Owing to past symposia achievements and the steady national TRIZ penetration coupled with the establishment of this NPO membership organization, we have received 48 applications, much more than the 29 of last year, and the number of presentations totals 51 including the 3 invited ones.

On this occasion, especially, we have invited Mr. Amir Roggel from Intel and TRIZ Master Dr. Sergei Ikovenko for keynote lectures to speak on the experience in company-wide TRIZ undertaking within Intel (Keynote Lecture 1 and many related case study presentations) and the direction toward which TRIZ is heading to in the future (Keynote Lecture 2). And from Japan, we have asked Mr. Yojiro Fukushima from Matsushita Electric Industrial for a special lecture about TRIZ application to system, method and software technology in their R&D division.

As for the contributed presentations, the applicable scope of TRIZ is expanding from existing big companies to small and medium-sized enterprises and from industries to independent researches at school education. The number of participating countries from abroad has increased to 7, and the lineup of the presentations has widened just to suit the first-year event of the Japan TRIZ Society.

This time, we have also arranged in the forenoon of the first day a tutorial for those who are relatively new to TRIZ and a preliminary session for those with TRIZ experience where the participants mutually learn the involvement in TRIZ and the use of TRIZ to enable smooth transition into the symposium.

As we have received far more presentation applications for this symposium than last year, all the contributed oral presentations will run in double-track and the posters will be presented in 3 sessions.

Because a multitude of more interesting themes than ever before will be presented in this Fourth Symposium as described above, we look forward to active participation of TRIZ practitioners, TRIZ promoters, TRIZ starters, TRIZ-minded people, both the Japan TRIZ Society members and future members, and we also hope that this symposium will help all the participants to innovate at different situations in their operation and business.

Looking forward to seeing you by Lake Biwa!

Agenda and the Abstracts

Outline of the Agenda*   (* Updated: Aug. 4, 2008)

Agenda (one-page sheet)**  in PDF (54 KB) (Updated Sept. 2, 2008)

Agenda ( 6 page table with full titles and authors)**   in PDF (263 KB) (Updated Sept. 2, 2008)

Abstracts (of all the presentations, in English)* in PDF (187 KB, 19 pages)

 Keynote Lectures and Invited Talks              (Mar. 18, 2008) (Jun.. 11, 2008)

Title and brief introduction [See more detail in the Abstracts]
Keynote (1) Amir Roggel
(Intel, Israel)

"Can TRIZ Work for a Large, Innovative Semiconductor Company?  Intel's Learning"
Mr. Roggel is the Innovation/TRIZ Leader at Intel Corp., US. Last November in the ETRIA TRIZ Future 2007 Conference, Intel Corp. gave a presentation of an aspect of their recent TRIZ activities. In 2003 they 'restarted' their introduction of TRIZ with much stress on the training of engineers and on the application of TRIZ to real problems in the company-wide scale. Over-one-thousand engineers have been trained in TRIZ, up to MATRIZ Level 3 for 4 % of them and Level 2 for 6 % of them. They have applied TRIZ mostly (i.e. 95%) to manufacturing process improvement. Mr Roggel is the leader of such TRIZ promotion in Intel. In April at TRIZCON2008 he is going to give a Keynote while his colleagues several presentations of case studies. Thus, in our TRIZ Symposium in Japan we would like to listen to and discuss with Mr. Roggel in his Keynote on promotion and application of TRIZ in the leading-edge company. 

Sept. 10,
(60 min.)
Sergei Ikovenko
(GEN3 Partners, MIT, USA)
"Directions for Future TRIZ Development and Applications":
Dr. Ikovenko visited Japan many times in the early period of TRIZ introduction in Japan (from 1997 to around 2000) as an instructor of Invention Machine Corporation, US, and taught how to use TRIZ (and its software tools) in open seminars and companies around the country. With his personality and his comprehensive instruction, many TRIZ users from those old days in Japan feel much familiarity with Dr. Ikovenko. He is a student of Mr. Altshuller and is one of the TRIZ Masters. Currently, he is a consultant working for GEN3 Partners (Boston, US), Professor Adjuncts of MIT, and Vice President of MATRIZ (International TRIZ Association). Recently, as reported in the ETRIA TFC 2007, Dr. Ikovenko has guided several big industries in the US and Europe (including Intel and Siemens) and succeeded in promoting TRIZ company-wide on the basis of solid understanding of TRIZ. In the Keynote Lecture, he is going to talk not on a specific topic but on the general topic of future directions for TRIZ development and application.
Sept. 12
(60 min.)

Talk (1)


Yojiro Fukushima
(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.)

"TRIZ Activity in Corporate R&D Division: Application to System, Method, and Software Technology"
Mr. Yojiro Fukushima has been promoting TRIZ since 2003 in System Engineering Center, Corporate R&D Division of Matsushita Electric Industies Co., Ltd. Aiming at the skill-up of the engineers and the innovation of development process, they have been applying TRIZ to the problem solving of their real jobs; 150 cases were solved already. Nearly 80 % of the problems are in the areas of systems, architecture, and software technologies, they say. Applying TRIZ to such areas of IT and software technologies have long been dreamt and wanted by many people in Japanese industries, but such works have rarely been reported so far in the World. Thus the present work by Mr. Fukushima and their group is an amazing job, already performing 150 projects for 5 years! Because of new areas of application, they have had to overcome various difficulties, they say. The speaker is going to talk about their approach of TRIZ application. We are looking forward to the talk! 

Sept. 11,
10:00 -
(40 min.)

[Note:  The Invited Talk (1) was changed in the speaker and topic because of Mr. Shinohara's withdrawal. (Jun. 10, 2008)]

 Preliminary Session  (Tutorial and Introductory Discussion)

These are optional and need registration with charge for the Tutorial but without charge for the Introductory Discussion.

Title and brief introduction

Tutorial of TRIZ Basics

(in Japanese only)

Masatoshi Hotta
(Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative)
"Introduction to Systematic Innovation: For The First Step to Real Use of TRIZ"
Every year, in the inquiries of TRIZ Symposium, about one third of the participants answer that they (though not novices) have been studying TRIZ seriously or working for TRIZ promotion for just one year or less and that they wanted in the Symposium to understand the overall view of TRIZ, real situations and practical ways of applying and promoting TRIZ in industries. Thus, we have organized this tutorial for the purpose of introducing the fundamentals of TRIZ mainly to these people as the target. The lecturer this year will be Mr. Hotta. He had been, since 1997, the chief of the Knowledge Creation Research Department at Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI), which engaged in the introduction and penetration of TRIZ in Japan tying up with Invention Machine Corporation. Mr. Hotta spun off from MRI in 2003 and built a TRIZ consulting firm 'Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI)'. He has been serving as the General Secretary of Japan TRIZ CB and also that of Japan TRIZ Society, and has worked for the TRIZ Symposia. SKI published the Japanese Edition of Darrell Mann's TRIZ textbook "Hands-On Systematic Innovation". On such a basis, Mr. Hotta has been teaching TRIZ in a new scope for systematic innovation in industries.
Sept. 10
(120 min.)

Introductory Discussion :

(in English)

(SANNO Inst. of Management)

"Learn about TRIZ from each other":
This is an English session. The session has two aims. First, the session gives you a chance to learn about TRIZ through discussions with other participants of the Symposium. At the begging of the session all the participants are requested to make a two minutes speech on "What is TRIZ to me?" or "Why I have come to participate this Symposium?". Then Q and A among participants regarding each other's understanding and/or uses of TRIZ. The second aim of the session is to make friends with other participants of the Symposium before its opening.

Sept. 10,
(120 min.)

  Styles of Sessions    

Keynotes Plenary session.  Lecture in English.  Slides are projected in English and in Japanese in parallel.  Interpreter service: No during the presentation, but Yes during discussion in both directions. 45 min talk + 15 min discussion.
Invited talk Plenary session.  Presentation in Japanese.  Slides are projected in English and in Japanese in parallel.  Interpreter service: No during the presentation, but Yes during discussion in both directions.  30 min. talk + 10 min. discussion.
Oral presentation (double tracks)

Parallel double track sessions in two rooms.  Presentation either in Japanese or in English.  Slides are projected in English and in Japanese in parallel.  Interpreter service: No during the presentation, but Yes during discussion in both directions.  30 min. talk + 10 min. discussion. The two sessions will be synchronized, having at least 5 minutes of break for moving to the other room.
[Note:  A limited number of sessions marked with "Japanese Only" will project sides only in Japanese.]

Poster introduction session Plenary session.  All the presenters of Posters give brief introduction, one after another, of the Poster for 3 minutes each.  30 min. in total.  Presentation either in Japanese or in English.  Slides are projected in English and in Japnese in parallel.  No interpreter service, no discussion.
Poster session In the Poster rooms, several (about 8) presentations are given in parallel in corners.  Presentation and discussion either in Japanese or in English, no interpreter service available.  About 65 minutes each session. Paticipants visit posters of their own choices for listening and discussing with the presenter.  The first round of talk and discussion is quited in 15 minutes and then the second round is started simultaneously.  Talks and discussions after that will be carried out without any further regulations.  The posters will be posted in the Poster rooms all through the Symposium period. 
Demos and exhibits Corners of vendors will be open for demos, exhibits, and communication.  They are available during intermissions, lunch time, Poster & Demo sessions, etc.
Lunch Will have lunch together at the dining hall inside the Facility.  Lunch is covered in the Symposium fee.  60 minutes of lunch break.
Buffet Dinner and Communications In the evenings of the first and the second days, we will have buffet dinner togeher without seating for the purpose of reception and informal personal communications.  At the dining hall inside the Center.  2 hours each.  All of you are welcome, but participation is optional; you need to state and pay at the registration.
Informal Communication Time * After the 'Buffet Dinner and Communications', two rooms with the capacity of 20-30 people will be arranged for the people who want to chat even more in informal situations.  Any drinks and snacks need to be arranged and paid privately.
Guitar Concert * Arranged in two evenings after the 'Buffet Dinner and Communications'.  Catherine Thom, an internationally active guitarist, plays a classical guitar.  Welcome to the relaxing time of 60 minutes, as an unofficial event.  Please pay 1000 yen at the concert entrance.  (Aug. 4, 2008)*  


The Annual Meeting of the Japan TRIZ Society

This is the Annual Business Meeting of the Japan TRIZ Society. The meeting is a closed session for members of the Society. It is carried out in Japanese. No interpretations.


  Abstracts and Proceedings   (Notes for participants)

The Abstract and Proceedings will be publicized and handed out in the following versions:

For Overseas Participants:

English Editions

Prior Posting Abstracts Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract) of all the presentations.  All in English.  (Japanese authors are requested to submit their abstract in English translation.)
Published at the Symposium Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract, Extended Abstract, in max. one page) of all the presentations.  All in English. 
Proceedings Presentation Slides and/or Papers of all the presentations.  All in English.
For presentations by overseas speaker: Keynotes: Slides and (if available) Paper; Contributed (Oral or Poster) presentations: Either Slides or Paper, as chosen by the author.
For presentations by Japanese speaker: Invited talk: Slides and (if available) Paper; Contributed Oral presentations: Slides (or Paper instead if the author specifies); Poster presentations: Either of Slides, Paper, and Introduction Slides, as specified by the author.

For Japanese

Language +

Prior Posting Abstracts Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract) of all the presentations.  In Japanese for presentations by Japanese authors, and in English for presentations by overseas authors.
Published at the Symposium Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract, Extended Abstract, in one printed page) of all the presentations.  In Japanese for presentations by Japanese authors, and in English for presentations by overseas authors. 

Presentation Slides and/or Papers of all the presentations. 
For presentations by overseas speaker: In Japanese tanslation: Slides of Keynotes and Contributed Oral presentations; In English: Slides and (if avaiable) Paper of Keynotes, and either Slides or Paper of Contributed (Oral or Poster) presentations, as chosen by the author.
For presentations by Japanese speaker: In Japanese: Invited talks: Slides and (if available) Paper; Contributed (Oral or Poster) presentations: Either Slides or Paper, as specified by the author.

Note:  Tutorials will be included in the Abstracts and in the Extended Abstracts, but not in the Proceedings.  The texs of Tutorials will be handed out only to the Tutorial participants.

  Call for Participation

We have started the Call for Participation of people not only in Japan but also over the World.

Due to the capacity of the conference hall and the guest rooms, we are going to accept max 250 participants on the first-come-first-served basis.

Please make a contact with us and register your participation as soon as possible in accordance to the guidance described below.

Due date of Registration:  Aug. 29, 2008 (Fri.) 12:00 JST     (Note: extended Aug. 25, 2008)

  Venue: Laforet Biwako and its Access         ==> See Detail Page

Laforet Biwako, Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan

A resort hotel and training facility on the shore of Lake Biwa;
1 hour from Kyoto by local train and hotel's Shuttle bus.
Web site in English:  http://www.laforethotels.com/biwako/index-e.html

Location:  Jukkenya 2876, Imahama-cho, Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture, 524-0101 JAPAN
Phone:     +81-77-585-3811

Access Map to Laforet Biwako:

Access from JR Kyoto Station by Train and Bus   => See time table in the Detail Page

At JR Kyoto Station take JR Kosei Line (local train) to Katata Station (for about 25 minutes)

Then take a Shuttle Bus of Laforet Biwako (free) (about 10 minutes) (almost one service every hour)

How to get to JR Kyoto Station  => See any  Travel Guide to Japan Detail Page

  Accommodation at Laforet Biwako

The Symposium reserves a certain number of guest rooms.  They are mostly rooms for 2 persons. 
    Room sharing by 2 persons is the default way in this facility for conferences.
    Request of single use of such (2-person) rooms is acceptable only in some limited number, in some special situations, etc. and costs extra charges.

See the Web site of Laforer Biwako.  http://www.laforethotels.com/biwako/index-e.html

  Symposium Fees    => See Detail Page

Symposium Fees (including tax)

The following Symposium Fees include Proceedings, Lunch, Soft drinks during intermissions, and accommodation with breakfast and set-dinner.

Presenters (only one person for each presentation) may have a discount.  (Please inquire at the Symposium Secretariat.)

Discount of 10,500 yen for the Japan TRIZ Society Members.  (Note:  The annual membership is 8,400 yen.)

The followings are optional:

Optional Item Fees Remarks
Buffet Dinner & Communications  (with beverages): 2,100 yen/day  on the evening with stay
5,250 yen/day on the evening without stay
Tutorial Session (for Symposium participants) 1,000 yen Need registration for the Tutorial
Preliminary session (for Symposium participants) no extra charge Need registration for the Preliminary session
Lunch on the first day 1,500 yen  
Staying on Sept. 9 (Tue) or Sept. 12 (Thu)
with breakfst and set-dinner  
8,400 yen/night room sharing
13, 650 yen/night single use


Fill in the Symposium Registration Form and send it to the Symposium Office

Registration Form:  Download and fill in the Form: (MS Excel)  
    [This form is designed to be used for inquiry and for final registration.]

Address for Inquiry and Registration:  Email:  info@triz-japan.org     (M. Hotta and R. Ichikawa)

Due date of Registration (Please inquire with us much earlier than the due date):    

Jul. 10, 2008 (Thu) 18:00 JST  whoever needs Japan visa application  (see below).

Jul. 28, 2008 (Mon.) 18:00 JST  for Presenters (without Japan visa application)

Aug. 25, 2008 (Mon.) 10:00  JST for ordinary participants (without Japan visa application)
Aug. 29, 2008 (Fri.) 12:00  JST for ordinary participants   (Note: extended on Aug. 25, 2008)

Payment:     Prior payment on the basis of invoice either by bank transfer or by credit card (VISA or MC)


  Japanese Visa Arrangement   => See Detail Page  

Important:  Citizens of Russia, Ukraine, China, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, etc. need to apply for Japanese visa. 

See the official information in the Web site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Japan.
==>     http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html

Since the procedure usually takes about 2 months and needs a lot of formal paper work, please write your intention of participation as soon as possible if you need or might need the Japanese visa.
=> Visa Application Procedure   (Jun. 23, 2008)

  Guide for Presenters: Instructions for Submitting Your Final Manuscripts

Instructions for submitting your Final Manuscrits are posted in PDF by slighty revising the Call for Papers:

List of materials to be submitted:  "Table of Items of Manuscripts, Presentations, and Proceedings" in PDF ( 12 KB, 1 page)

Outline of the Materials to be submitted and their Template forms: (Presenters from overseas)


Template Form
[At the stage of Final Manusript submission]

Keynotes Oral presentations Poster presentations
Submission Message Form A2 for an Oral (and similar) presentation Necessary Necessary --
Form A3 for a Poster presentation -- -- Necessary
Extended Abstract Format B (MS Word) Necessary Necessary Necessary
Slides for presentation Format not specified Necessary Necessary Necessary
Slides for Introduction to Poster Format not specified -- -- Necessary
Full Paper Format D  (MS Word) Optional Optional Optional
Participation Registration Form

Registration Form   (MS Excel) [Add link: Aug. 15, 2008]

Necessary Necessary Necessary

Due date of Final Manuscripts Submission:  Jul. 28, 2008 (Mon) 18:00  JST

Email to: sympo@triz-japan.org     (Symposium Program Committee)

 Call for Papers   (Feb. 20, 2008)          [Closed already] (May 25, 2008)

Application to Contributed Papers (for both Oral and Poster presentations)

Please send us the followings via email
(A) Application in Form A  (including brief profile of the presenter) and
(B) Extended Abstract in Form B (containing Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Abstract of about 100 words, and Extended explanation) in one page in A4.

Due date: May 15, 2008 (Thu.) 18:00 JST         [Closed already] (May 25, 2008)

Send email to:   sympo@triz-japan.org                   [Apr. 28, 2008]           

See more details:    

"Call for Papers"  in PDF    (  KB,    pages)

"Table of Items of Manuscripts, Presentations, and Proceedings" in PDF (  KB, 1 page)

Form A (Application of Presentation):  A template in MS Word

Form B (Extended Abstract of Presentation):  A template in MS Word

Current Status of Application of Contributed Papers to the Symposium. (May 25, 2008: TN)

Accepted:  49 Presentations (35 from Japan + 14 from overseas).
Note: Last year:  30 Contributed presentations (21 from Japan + 9 from overseas)

  Important Dates for Preparation

Feb. 20, 2008 (Wed.)    Announcement of the plan and Call for Papers.

May 15, 2008 (Thu.)    Due date of Submission of Extended Abstracts   (Closed already)

Jun. 6, 2008 (Fri)       Announcement of Advanced Agenda and Call for Participation

Jul. 10, 2008 (Thu.)    Due date of registration for any person who needs the Japanese visa

Jul. 28, 2008 (Mon.)     Due date of Final Manuscripts of Papers and Presentation Slides.
                                 Due date of registration for the presenters    

Aug. 25, 2008 (Mon.)    Due date of registration for ordinary participants
Aug. 29, 2008 (Fri.) 12:00 JST    Due date of registration for ordinary participants (Extended: Aug. 25 2008)

  Organizers of the Symposium

Japan TRIZ Society:  Chairperson of the Board:
  Toshihiro Hayashi (T. Hayashi Professional Engineer Office)
The Fourth TRIZ Symposium,
General Organizer:
  Yuji Mihara (Creative Technology Institute)
  Masatoshi Hotta (Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative)
    Ryoko Ichikawa (Japan TRIZ Society)
Site management:
  Eiichi Mizuno (MRI Reseac Associates)
Program Chairperson:
  Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)
Program Vice Chairperson:
  Yoshihisa Konishi ( )
Program Committee:
  Kazuyasu Ikeda (Sekisui Engineering Co.)
  Tateki Oka (Konica-Minolta Business Technologies)
Care Taker of Overseas Participants:
  Toru Nakagawa (OGU)


Previous Symposia Held by Japan TRIZ CB:  

Symposium name date and place presentations and participants Documents and Reports
The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007
Toshiba Kenshu Center (Yokohama)
2 Tutorials,
5 Invited talks (2 overseas);
29 Contributed talks (9 overseas);
202 Particiants (11 overseas)

Official Page for Preparation

Official Reports and Documents

Personal Report by Toru Nakagawa (OGU)

The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006
Pana-Hills Osaka (Suita, Osaka)
5 Invited talks (2 overseas);
30 Contributed talks (9 overseas);
157 Particiants (18 overseas)

Official Page for Preparation

Official Reports and Documents

Personal Report by Toru Nakagawa (OGU)

The First TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Sept. 1 - 3, 2005
Laforet Shuzenji (Naka-Izu, Shizuoka)
6 Invited talks (1 overseas);
15 Contributed talks (2 overseas);
104 Participants (4 overseas)

Official Page for Preparation

Official Reports and Documents

Personal Report by Toru Nakagawa (OGU)


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Last updated on Feb. 4, 2009.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp