TRIZ Forum: Conference Report (15)

Personal Report of
The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006

Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan
on Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006, at Suita, Osaka, Japan
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan), 
Nov. 3, 2006
[Posted on Nov. 8, 2006] [Information added: Nov. 29; Dec. 23, 2006; Jan. 7; Mar. 1, 2007] 

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 22, 2006; Nov. 3, 2006)

We held the 'Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan' with 157 participants (including 18 from overseas) and 34 presentations (including 11 by overseas presenters). Here is my personal report of the Symposium for the purpose of introducing this significant TRIZ event held in Japan to people over the world who are interested in TRIZ and its applications. Please refer to the Official Reports and Documents posted in the Official Pages of the Organizer, i.e. 'Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan' (or 'Japan TRIZ CB')

The present report is written 'personally' along the line of my series of 'Personal Reports' of important TRIZ conferences, including TRIZCONs in USA, ETRIA TFCs in Europe, and TRIZ Symposia in Japan. I would like to introduce you to the present Symposium, especially in its scientific contents, in a manner as fair as possible even under the limitation of my personal view. I served as the Chairperson of the Program Committee of the Symposium, but my main face here is just a researcher in TRIZ who has been working to promote TRIZ. A report of this kind would be helpful, I believe, for you to understand the current TRIZ situations in Japan and the world and for you to read some further documents. 

1. Outline of the Symposium
2. Organization of the Symposium (with some pre-history)
3. Keynote/Invited Speeches including an Introductory Lecture
4. Case Studies in Industry
5. Promotion of TRIZ in Industries
6. Usage of TRIZ in Academia
7. Methodologies in TRIZ
8. Patent Studies
9. Applications to Software Development and Non-technical Areas
10. Concluding Remarks

Agenda and List of Presentations


Top of this page 1. Outline 2. Organization 3. Keynotes 4. Case Studies 5. Promotion 6. Academia 7. Methodologies 8. Patent Studies
9. Software and Non-technical 10. Concluding List of Presentations TRIZ Symp 2006 Official page TRIZ Symp 2006 Official page   TRIZ Symp 2005 Official page TRIZ Symp 2005 Personal Report Japanese page


1. Outline of the Symposium

Name of the conference: The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Date: Aug. 31, 2006 (Thu.) 13:00 -- Sept. 2, 2006 (Sat.) 16:00 (2 days and half)
Location: Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
(A resort and conference facility owened by Matsushita Electric Industries, and located in the suburbs of Osaka)
Held by: Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan
(Abb. 'Japan TRIZ CB') (Chairperson: Toshihiro Hayashi (Hitachi Co.))
Participants: 157 in total (139 from all over Japan, and 18 from overseas)
Presentations: 5 Keynote/Invited Speeches, 17 Oral Presentations + 12 Poster Presentations, + 2 Opening/closing addresses








Please refer to the Official pages for the Agenda (in a sheet) , the detailed Agenda , Proceedings (Abstracts) , etc. The Opening Address by Toshihiro Hayashi (Chairperson of Japan TRIZ CB) is also useful as an overall view of the present Symposium. 

At the bottom of this Personal Report, a list of all the presentations is shown in the order of their appearance in the Proceedings (i.e., at the same time, in the actual order of presentation). The Keynote/Invited talks have been published already in the Official pages of Japan TRIZ CB, and some of contributed presentations will be posted later in this Web site, "TRIZ Home Page in Japan". [See the List of Presentations for the information of postings. (Nov. 29, 2006)]  Presentations are referred here with the numberings in the Proceedins by enclosing them in [ ].

2. Organization of the Symposium (with some pre-history)

Last year we had the 'First TRIZ Symposium in Japan' , on Sept. 1 - 3, 2005 at Shuzenji, Izu. It was the open conference in TRIZ organized by the 'Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan' for the first time. The CB was established earlier last year to provide a unified and open opportunity for different groups of promoters and users of TRIZ in Japan. Thus, as you might have read in my Personal Report , one of the main events in the First Symposium was the special Vendors' Session where four vendors/promoters presented their position papers in front of all the users. We had 100 participants from all over Japan and 4 more from abroad (giving 3 presentations).  We had 20 presentations in total, and 3 of them were given by authors coming from abroad.  Thus the First Symposium was successful as a National symposium in Japan but was much limited in the sense of International communication. 

For the Second TRIZ Symposium this year, we set its goals in three main points. 

The first goal is to make the Symposium an open and active conference of all the people involved in TRIZ on the basis of a standard procedure as an academic conference. This procedure was actually carried out very smoothly: In February we announced the plan of Symposium and called for papers openly (both in Japanese and in English), while in March we announced five Invited/Keynote speakers. In May, by receiving one-page abstracts of contributed papers, we reviewed them and set up a tentative agenda. In early June, we announced the agenda together with the abstracts and called for participation openly . The final manuscripts of slides and (optional) full papers were collected by the end of July (the official due date), and prepared for publishing the Proceedings. We are very happy and proud of having done this smoothly, as you see the agenda carried out actually has only very minor changes in the agenda announced in June, i.e. three months prior to the Symposium.

The second main goal was to provide as much opportunities of presentation and discussion among all the participants.  We would like to have as many and as high-quality presentations as possible.  The Progam Committee (of three members) reviewed all the submitted abstracts and decided to accept them all and to arrange them in an Agenda composed of plenary invited sessions, plenary contributed sessions, double-track oral sessions, and 6-track poster sessions.  The period for each presentation was set as 60 minutes for invited talks, 40 minutes for contributed oral presentations, and 80 minutes for poster presentations, all including the time of Q&A.  The time setting in this manner was evaluated highly satisfactory for the presenters as well as for the audience. 

Our way of Poster presentations should be remarked more:  Just before lunch time, we had a short 'Introduction to Posters' session where every author outlines their work in 2 minutes and then just after lunch we had the Poster session of 6 posters in parallel. Almost all the Symposium participants visited several poster presentations one after another.  Presenters at the Poster sessions reported afterwards that they presented and discussed for full 80 minutes with eager participants and that they were glad to have given their presentations in the form of posters.  -- We feel that in the next year we will be able to accept even (slightly) larger number of presentations essentially in the same scheme.

The third main goal was to increase the International nature of the Symposium by somehow overcoming the language barriers. This point was discussed in the last section of my Personal Report of the First TRIZ Symposium. 'Either National OR International' is a form of contradiction. We set the target of the Symposium this year as 'Primarily National AND Partially (as much as possible) International'. 

The ordinary solution of overcoming language barriers (between Japanese and English languages, in the present case) would be using interpreters. This solution faces with the difficulties in getting skilled interpreters and in cost, and moreover, the sequential interpretation loses half of the time and the simultaneous interpretation needs special facilities. In contrast to such a temporary/contemporary/oral assistance, we have chosen a new solution of translating the slides beforehand and projecting the slides in two languages in parallel, and publishing the Proceedings in the two language editions. This is a solution based on 'Prior Action' and 'Using Another Sense' (visual assistance). The solution was implemented by the cooperation of Japanese authors to provide both Japanese and English slides and by the CB members' voluntary work of translating English slides into Japanese.  The application of this solution to poster presentations were limited to the 2-4 slides each used in the 'Introduction to Posters' Session, and its application to other slides was left to each author.

This solution has been evaluated highly by most of the participants and even the authors, according to their answers to our post-conference inquiry. It is useful and good enough for most of Japanese people, who understand English more or less in listening. For people from overseas, however, this solution is helpful to a large extent but not fully, depending on the ways of making slides.  When the authors writes only keywords and shematics in the slides and presents the logics only in talks in Japanese, overseas participants feel much frustrations.  Hence, some overseas people have suggested to use full papers in English; but it would put much burden on Japanese authors.  Thus, in the present Symposium, full papers in English (or in Japanese) are accepted on an optional basis.  All the authors from overseas submitted full papers in English, but rather few authors from Japan submitted their full papers either in English or in Japanese. -- This issue need to be considred and improved further step by step.

Anyway, the Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan received 18 overseas participants giving 11 presentations. The presentations were given by the people coming from USA, UK, Germany, Russia, Korea, India, Taiwan, and China (Hong Kong). We are very happy to have received world leaders in TRIZ and also people working actively in Asian countries. We have learned that TRIZ is now penetrating gradually or even rapidly in these Asian countries. The communication and understanding among Japanese and overseas participants was one of the biggest results of the present Symposium. It is my personal impression that active contributions of papers by overseas TRIZ leaders encouraged much the presentation and participation by Japanese TRIZ promoters and users. Then, good presentations and a large number of participants naturally encouraged much all the participants and resulted in a big success of the present Symposium, to our thanks.

3. Keynote/Invited Speeches Including an Introductory Lecture

We had 5 Keynote/Invited Speeches. In this section I am going to describe three of them ([2], [3], [25]), leaving two others ([7], [9]) to be discussed in later sections. 

The first invited talk was given by Professor Manabu Sawaguchi (SANNO Inst.) [2] just after the Opening Address, for the purpose of introducing TRIZ to the participants relatively new to TRIZ. According to the answers to the inquiry of last year's Symposium, about 1/3 of the participants had TRIZ experiences of less than a year. Thus we set this Introduction Session for 60 minutes. Professor Sawaguchi talked about basics of TRIZ with the title of "Fundamental Philosophies of TRIZ and Its Potentiality, as Problem-Solver". -- It was nice, but I also felt that this task of introduction was never an easy one. Every TRIZ teacher should be prepared to give such introductions, in 15 minutes, in 1 hour, in 2 hours, etc.  In the coming few years we should try several styles of introduction by different people, to find some appropriate ways. 

Then Professor Shozo Hibino (Chukyo Univ.) [3] gave an Invited Talk on his work of "Breakthrough Thinking". In 1990, he and Professor Gerald Nadler (Univ. of Southern California) published the well-accepted book of this title. His emphasis was to think the purposes of purposes in solving a problem and to combine the idea of intended function with another idea of means in different area. (Please read his original paper and his books.) He has shown several examples of products developed with his consultancy. One of them is a mask sold last winter in Japan by Unicharm Co. It is made of nonwoven fabric and fits to the face nicely with much inner space. The idea was stimulated with children picture books which pop up animals etc. when opened. [The following figure is cited here from Unicharm's Web site  under permission.]

-- This seems to be a nice and popularlized way of thinking. As a methodology, it may be correct to say that TRIZ covers the whole area and techniques of this "Breakthrough Thinking"; however, it is always important to master and use the way of thinking, rather than to know the theories of inventing/thinking.

On the third day morning Dr. Ed Sickafus (Ntelleck, USA), the developer of USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking), was invited to give a Keynote Lecture [25]. His title was "A Simple Theory Underlying Structured Problem-Solving Methodologies -ASIT, TRIZ, USIT (and others)". Please read his paper  and his slides which are posted already. I would like to list up the statements in his slides:

-- Ed Sickafus' papers always have much deep insights. Sometimes we do not understand them at first and try to refuse them.  (Emphasizing the limitation in the structured way of thinking may be such a case.)  And then, eventually we would find them true. In Japan, there has been a traditional way of mastering anything: "First study and enter the Form, and finally leave the Form". The 'Structure' in Sickafus' paper is the Form in the Japanese saying. Beginners have to learn the Structure first, because it is the means of communication from masters (or teachers) to beginners (or students). When they have learned and practiced it sufficiently they would come to the stage of using or applying it more freely without bounded by the Structure. 

-- Sickafus talks about logic and structure on one hand and image and metaphore on the other. We recall that Altshuller also emphasized the importance of imagination besides logical thinking in ARIZ, etc. (See CID Course for Children by Natalia Rubina .  CID = Creative Imagination Development.)

In this section, I would like to mention about Shinsuke Kurosawa's short talk (SANNO Inst.) [24]. On the second day evening, after dinner and just before the Free-Communication Meeting, he gave a 20-minute talk entitled as "TRIZ Dogmas". The three dogmas of TRIZ he discussed are Ideality (and Ideal Final Result), Contradictions, and Patterns of technological systems evolution. Reading Altshuller's original texts in Russian, he discussed about the origins (or historical references) of these concepts and dogmas, and (assuming that everybody knows the merits of them) further discussed about their limitations. -- Since the logic is very delicate, I would not describe his logic here. I look forward to his full paper in future.

4. Case Studies in Industry

One of the best papers in the present Symposium was given by a young owner of a small manufacturing company of 65 employees. Minoru Yokouchi (Takano Co.) presented a paper with the title of "A Novel Joint Structure to Realize Welderingless Pipe Structure". His slides for presentation will be posted in my Web site in the near future. [See   : posted on Nov. 29, 2006]  The paper describes their entire process of developing a new product of their own idea, with the help of Nagano National College of Technologies and a TRIZ consulting firm. Their development process are:

(1) Idea generaton of various products 
(2) Evaluation of ideas
(3) Decision making of the ideas: Decided to develop a wilderingless structure made of SUS pipes.
(4) Patent survey and marketing study
(5) Clarifying technical problems and setting the target of development: Realization of wilderingless structure.

(6) Solving technical problems with TRIZ:

a) Function and attribute analysis;
b) Idea generation using Trends of Evolution: Obtained ideas such as Press-formed joint structure, Foaming-material structure, Polyurethane rubber structure, Thermosetting-adhesive structure, Caulking joint structure, and Elastic pipe-end structure.
c) Preliminary evaluation of generated ideas: Caulking join structure was selected.
d) Further problems in the selected idea: Many different forms of joints are necessary.
e) Solving further problems in the selected idea: Contradiction Matrix and Segmentation Principle stimulated a concept of 'Dice Joint Structure'.
f) Yet another problem to solve: Too many parts of dice joints are necessary.
g) Solving the new problem: Contradiction Matrix and 'Prior Action' Principle stimulated a concept of 'TAKA-nut (or High Nut)'. 

(7) Designing and manufacturing
(8) Product evaluation: Evaluation with CAE (3D CAD) and real testing at a governmental organization
(9) Developed products and Proposals to customers:

a) Products: 'TAKANO Dice Joints' and TAKA-nut ('High nut')

b) Proposals to customers: Eco-friendly and clean without weldering; Capable to assemble on the sites; Reusable many times.
c) Merits of the products: Higher quality, cost reduction by 30-50%, delivery time reduction by 80 %.
d) Patents: 5 patents obtained from the ideas generated with TRIZ
e) Current status of business: big customers, cooperative companies, and R&D grant from a governmental organization
f) Future:

(10) Conclusion: TRIZ has supported us to solve difficult technical problems. The Product Development Process with the full use of TRIZ is expected to be much useful for SMEs to try to convert themselves into product-development companies.

-- Their actual process of developing a new product is described vividly and in detail in the slides. It is most impressive that they have made the progress step by step with a clear logic recorded and presened here. This project was done 3-4 years ago in Nagano Prefecture, not in a metropolitan area. We were surprised and delighted to listen to this presentation, feeling it as an evidence of steady penetration of TRIZ in Japan. 

Hiroshi Ueda (Souzou Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI)) [23] gave a presentation with the title "Practice of TRIZ, Systematic Creation Process: An Example of Chestnut Peeler". He, as a TRIZ consultant, has developed a set of work sheets along the procedure of Darrell Mann's Systematic Innovation. It is remarkable that the work sheets contain the case study of the problem of chestnut peeler all through the procedure. He says that he uses these work sheets in his classes of TRIZ training in schools and in companies.

In the present Symposium there were several more presentations where actual examples of applying TRIZ to industrial problems were demonstrated as a part of their talks. But almost all of them had more emphases on the presentation of their methods and tools or of their promotion activities.  See Section 5 and Section 7 of the present report.

5. Promotion of TRIZ in Industries

Invited Speech presented by Kazuya Yamaguchi (Panasonic Communications Co.) [9]   was really impressive. His title was "How Should We Utilize TRIZ for Managing Industries?" . Since 2001 he has been leading a division (now named as 'Management Quality Innovation Center') in his company to promote scientific methodologies for actual use in product and process development. He claims that 'Trans-Disciplinary Fundamental Technologies' are necessary and that they should include QFD, TRIZ, and Taguchi Method. He shows their progress in the company in the following fugure.

His division currently has 40-50 specialists of these methods, who are working full time as in-company consultants to collaborate with engineering peole throughout the 18000 employee company. He leads these specialists in developing the application methods of methodologies and also pushes the top managements of his company and of Matsushita Group companies to promote these methodologies. 

In the presentation, he explained the basic philosophy, strength of the method, examples of application, points of effective application, etc. for the three methods one by one. By example, two actual cases of applying TRIZ to product development were described: One is the case of reducing the package size of electronic board into a half, and the other is the development of speaker-phone for teleconferencing with clear voices by suppressing the surrounding noises. These products were developed and delivered to the market successfully with the joint use of the three methodologies (i.e., QFD, TRIZ, and Taguchi Method), digital engineering, project management, etc. 

He summarizes his methodology in the following slide.

-- Panasonic Communications Co. (PCC) is supposed to be the top industry leader in TRIZ in Japan. Their ways of promotion organization, cultivating members, methodology development, deepness in application, results of projects, etc. seem to be a very good model for Japanese (and other countries) industries. 

Takehiro Suzuki et al. (NEC) [2] reported with the title: "TRIZ Promotion Activities in NEC Corporation".  Even though NEC had a long history of trials of introducing TRIZ in their engineering divisions since 1997, a new promotion team based on the intellectual properties divisions restarted the promotion activities in February 2003.  Lectures and Training Courses (with the themes of 'Simplified practice for TRIZ', 'TRIZ practice with TOPE', 'Problem solving exercises', etc.) were carried out, as are usually done in many other companies.  They have reported that two events starting on October last year triggered much interests in their engineers.  One is the Seminar for Executives; the executives attended at the Seminar began to encourage their engineers to study and practice TRIZ.  The other is an easy e-Learning Course on TRIZ uploaded in their intranet.  The 'Crash Course for TRIZ' attracted more than 1250 people in 6 months. The Course served them to understand the overview of TRIZ before participating the practical training.  -- The lessons of these two key events can be learned and can be carried out without so much difficulty in many companies, I suppose.

Darrell Mann et al. (UK and Hong Kong) [15] presented the paper "Case Studies from a Breakthrough Innovation Product Design Programme for Local Industries".  This paper was published in the Proceedings of TRIZCON2006 without actual presentation. Recognizing its importance for Japanese (and over the world) industries, we asked the authors to present this paper in our TRIZ Symposium. See my Personal Report of TRIZCON2006 . (Though I wanted to translate this paper into Japanese after TRIZCON, I have been too busy to do so yet.) 

Tateki Oka et al.(Konica Minolta BT) [10] gave a poster presentation with the title of "Practices of Applying TRIZ/USIT in Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc.".  Their Abstract is cited below:

The practice of applying TRIZ/USIT in product development has been advanced by a Working Group since two years ago, with the following three points in particular.
(1) The databases of TRIZ and USIT are arranged and unified in a manner for the engineers easy to utilize them in practice.
(2) An in-house USIT 2-Day Training Seminar was carried out, resulting in our appreciation of the importance of problem analysis.
(3) Training program of engineer was implemented in the field of problem analysis by linking TRIZ/USIT with TM (Taguchi Method) which is widely used in our company.
On the basis of these activities, a practical process flow of using TRIZ and USIT in parallel has been set up to maximize the user-friendliness and has been implemented in practice.

Kouji Tsuji and Jiro Hashizume (Matsushita EW) [28] also gave a poster presentation with the title of "Introducing USIT in Matsushita Electric Works".  In this company, Nakagawa gave a short lecture on TRIZ/USIT in Dec. 2003 and then three times of 2-Day USIT Training Seminars till Feb. 2005 (and three more times in Matsushita Electric Industies, where the two authors attended as observers). 

On such a basis the two authors have developed their own course materials and have conducted 2-Day USIT Problem-Solving Workshops for solving real projects in the company.  They have selected, in the prior discussion with directors, important problems to solve and then organized a USIT Workshop for each problem with a team of 5 (or sometimes up to 8) people.  Typically, the team members are composed of three engineers working on the project (including the group leader), another engineer having different background, an IP person who is responsible for making resultant ideas into patents, and USIT expert(s) (the authors) as the Instructor/Guide.  Their USIT Workshop seems to be essentially the same with Nakagawa's 2-Day USIT Training Seminar, after eliminating the introduction to TRIZ and reducing three parallel problems to handle into just one. 

The results obtained during the fiscal year of 2005 are summarized in their slide as follows:

 -- I was surprised and pleased to read their slides.  It is remarkable that they have created many (average 27) ideas for the problems and have obtained high evaluation from the Workshop participants.  The authors have established a steady way of creatively solving their real problems together with their engineers and a solid strategy of penetrating USIT (as an easy and effective version of TRIZ). . 

6. Usage of TRIZ in Academia

Five papers were presented on the usage of TRIZ in university education, one from Russia and four from Japan.  This shows the penetration of TRIZ into universities in Japan, mostly by senior people who mastered TRIZ in industries and later moved to universities.

Victor Berdonosov et al. (Russia) [18] gave a presentation on "Conception of Application of TRIZ to the University Education".  The author has the experiences of over 20 years of teaching TRIZ at Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University and is now the head of 'Projection and TRIZ' department.  The heart of their conception, according to the wording in their Abstract, is: "TRIZ must become a basic subject (like mathematics, physics, and information science) which all other subjects rely on".  His department currently has five TRIZ specialists having various fields of background.  And the authors show a vision of expanding the TRIZ education to students of much wider fields (i.e., other departments of Machine Manufacturing Faculty, and further other Faculties in technologies) step by step in the future.

Masao Ishihama (Kanagawa Institute of Technology) [6] gave an oral pesentation on the first day with the title of "Using TRIZ in Project-Based Learning Assisted by CAE and Manufacturing Experiences".  [See the full paper in English and slides in English and in Japanese  : posted on Nov. 29, 2006.]  Professor Ishihama, Department of Automobile Systems Developing Engineering, was an engineer working for Nissan Motor Co.  Kanagawa Inst. of Tech. has drastically shifted its teaching methods to Project-Based Learning (PBL), he says.  The present paper reports their trials to teach students how to invent and also their efforts for enriching the contents of PBL curriculum with TRIZ.  The Author presented two case studies by students in detail, but only the first one is summarized here:

Kanagawa IT has been taking part in the world 'Formula SAE' competitions, which are held by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) annually in Michigan State, USA, for the aim at encouraging experience-based technology education.  The following picture shows the Formula SAE racing car which their students team designed and developed under the regulation of the competition. 

Kanagawa Inst. Tech. has established a special class for the Formula SAE projects, involving the students from 1st to 4th year together and containing lecture series, design reviews, designing and manufacturing practices, and traveling for the competition, etc. They have built a small model course in the campus, have tested their cars with the engines desinged for themselves.  One of the main issue of the engine performance was the design of the air intake.  The figure left-below is a conventional design of the intake.  The design has contradictory requirements:

a) The intake tube must be long and straight.
b) The collector must have enough volume.
c) The collector must give each cylinder equal air flow with minimum turbulence.
d) Each component must be made with simple tools.
e) Overall intake system must lie in a small space.

Students used the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix for solving these contradictions and found Inventive Principles of Nesting, Spheroidality, Another dimension, etc. as the hints.  The new design invented by one of the students is demonstrated in the right above.  The student evaluated the performance of the intake system with 3D simulation.  This student already had the experiences of machining and weldering in the project classes, and hence could readily see the feasibility of the invention, the author says.  The following is the Conclusion of the paper:

Through the two case studies, important lessons in teaching students invention were acquired.  Students' skill of using computer aided engineering (CAE) software and their manufacturing experience has an important role in learning invention.  It was also found that project based learning is a good environment to teach TRIZ.

-- This presentation was amazing.  Students have learned a lot in the PBL through their own experiences.  The Author says that the stress in teaching is placed on the PBL at momemt and that teaching TRIZ is still in the preliminary stage.

Shigeru Kasuya (Yamaguchi Univ./Pro-Engineer Institute) [17] gave a pesentation on "An Educational Challenge in Yamaguchi University for Engineering & Manufacturing Technology Innovation Project and TRIZ Education".  Yamaguchi University has introduced entrepreneurship education since 1997, MOT program since 2002, and TRIZ lectures in the MOT program since 2003.  The Author, a former engineer of Fuji Xerox Corp., has given the TRIZ lectures since 2005 as a part-time instructor.  He teaches a project course named 'Global Design Engineering' to 4th-year undergraduate students and another to 1st-year graduate students.  Case studies done in the undergradute course are shown:

The subject of the project was: To create and design a mobile robot which can move around in the university campus to serve people.  The students are advised to find real customer's needs by use of QFD, and then to solve problems in design by use of TRIZ.  Four teams of 3 students each worked on this project and made their own designs, at a conceptual level.  Their robots are for returning books to the original shelves in the library, for warming box lunches, for guiding people in each building, etc.  The students found TRIZ useful but still difficult to understand, the author writes.

Mitsuo Morihisa et al. (Kyoto Univ.) [21] reported a paper with the title of "Educational Seminar Project: Introduction to the Inventive/Creative Thinking System 'To instruct students how to invent creatively' ".  In Professor O. Katai's Laboratory of Kyoto University, TRIZ has been taught to a small Seminar class since 1998.  During the academic years of 2004 and 2005, Mitsuo Morihisa, an ex-engineer of Sharp Co., joined the lab and gave lectures on TRIZ and patent specification writing in the Seminar class.  The combination of these two themes helped the students to think about the process of problem solving.  The length of the Seminar class is doubled into 1.5 hrs × 12 starting in fall 2006.

Masayuki Hida et al. (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) [31] gave a poster presentation with the title of " 'TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students'-Understanding TRIZ/USIT by Solving Everyday-Life Problems-".  The four students of Nakagawa's Seminar Class who graduated last March gave this presentation with the assistance of myself as a coauthor.  They studied in my lecture class of 'Scientific Information Methodologies' (1.5 hrs × 13), and in my seminar class of 'Creative Problem Solving Methodologies' (1.5 hrs × 13 × 4).  As their thesis works I requested them to find and solve an everyday-life problem individually and also to jointly build a public home page on TRIZ addressed to students. 

They built "TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students" (in Japanese, of course) and publicized it last March as an independent site located under my "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  The following slide shows the needs for such a home page for students: 

The students' home page demonstrated three case studies in detail.  They are: How to fix a string shorter than the needle; How to prevent from shoplifting at a bookstore; and Trains for getting on/off smoothly. 

The most interesting feature in the site (for me and for you, I suppose) is a record of students' discussions on 'What we think we obtained by studying TRIZ/USIT'.  This discussion was actually done on Feb. 1, 2006, i.e., two months before their graduation.  Masayuki Hida had not yet found a proper style/way of introducing TRIZ to students and was just posing a question to the members, when I happened to enter the seminar room. So the four students discussed, and I encouraged their discussion and recorded their talks on the white board in a mind-mapping style, as we often do in my seminar classes.  The discussion lasted for only 30-40 minutes.  Then Masayuki Hida realized that they should frankly write their thoughts which they just talked, and he made the discussion record in a readable form.  Their main message is: 'By solving everyday-life problems with TRIZ/USIT, we became familiar with TRIZ and received the influence of TRIZ on our own life style, feeling it pleasant and interesting.'  On the other hand, they realize their limitations: 'Even though possible to challenge a number of problems, it is often impossible to really make prototypes and examine the solutions due to lack of technologies and practical environment.  (Especially in Faculty of Informatics we do not have a machineshop.)'  For more detail, please read the Student's home page (in Japanese) and the presentation slides (both in Japanese and in English) to be posted here shortly. 

-- This was the first case where (former) students at the undergraduate level presented their experiences and findings in the TRIZ community in Japan.  Masayui Hida talked passionately and attracted eager industry people who are trying to penetrate TRIZ in their companies.  The education style in this presentation (i.e., at Osaka Gakuin Univ. by Nakagawa) is in a good contrast to the one in Kanagawa Inst. Tech. (by Masao Ishihama [6]) reflecting the different background situations of the departments.  It is of course desirable to combine these two in future, somewhere, and by somebody. 

7. Methodologies in TRIZ

Several presentations have discussed on the methodologies in TRIZ and related areas, together with some case-study examples for illustrating the methodologies. 

Professor Hans-Juergen Linde, Dr. Guenther Herr, et al. (WOIS Institute Coburg, Germany) [7] gave a Keynote Lecture with the title of "Innovation of the Integrated Product and Process Development by WOIS -- Contradiction Oriented Innovation Strategy".   Professor Linde learned TRIZ in 1980s in Russian texts and has been working for stepping up his methodological approaches.  The following side shows such steps of his approaches in history:

The following slide shows the intention of WOIS, i.e. their way of calling TRIZ, I think:

The strategy for overcoming the barriers is summarized in their following slides:

Professor Linde's slides are always beautifully designed and contain a lot to be talked, as you see.  For further detail, please read their full paper and their slide PDF file , which are already posted in the Official Pages of Japan TRIZ CB (currently located within this web site).

Isak Bukhman et al.(Invention Machine Inc., USA) [26] gave a paper with the title of "Computer-Assisted Problem Analysis via Semantically Extended Experience".  This paper is the same as the one the authors presented at TRIZCON2006.  Please refer to my detailed review of it in my Personal Report of TRIZCON2006 .

Ik-Cheol Kim (Tecinfo/Korea TRIZ Association, Korea) [20] gave a paper with the title of "TRIZ as the New Product Concept Development Tool".  This paper is an extension of the author's paper presented last year in our First TRIZ Symposium in Japan.  The Author, an independent TRIZ consultant and Chairperson of Korea TRIZ Association, has published a book in Korean language earlier this year and states his approach clearly in the Abstract of the present paper:

There are two kind of new product development strategy. "Needs oriented" that comes from market demands, "Seeds oriented" that comes from new technology. These are useful, but have some limits. These methods are too risky because they have much possibility of failure. The major reason of failure is that engineers do not understand what the real problem is. They chose the wrong problem, and they try to find the right answer. What does that mean? Their time and money are wasted. New product is thing that solve the problems of present product by improving the performance, reduced the cost, modifying the function. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the problem to generate the concept of a new product. "Problem oriented new product concept development" finds the problem of present product for the new product development by 31 categories. To analyze the current product by these 31 categories, you can generate the concept of new product. In this paper, example is showed through the vacuum cleaner.

-- In many R&D laboratories in industires, engineers/researchers often try to extend their research further in the 'Seeds-oriented' approaches, whereas their managers often try to make them work in the 'Needs-oriented' approaches, and the consequences often result in much fustration and loss of energy in engineers/researchers due to a large gap between them.  The present paper clearly pointed out the risks in both of these two approaches, and proposed a third approach, i.e., 'Problem-oriented' appoach. This approach is pragmatic and step-by-step improvement of the current products to develop new improved products.  Developing a 'new product concept' (not just a 'new improved product') by overcoming the inherent problems of the present system and by viewing ideal solutions should be the key of this approach.

Masahiro Kuwahara (IDEA Co.) [35] gave a presentation on "A Method of Solving Engineering Contradictions".  His way of solving technical contradictions is summarized in the following slide, especially with the six Keys:

Valery Krasnoslobodtsev et al. (Technical Innovation Center, USA) [22] presented a paper with the title of "Solving Physical Contradictions with Modeling".  His method of hierarchicl modeling of a technical system is represented in the following figure, with the illustrative example of a case study of 'Improving printing quality of ink jet printer'.

-- On the occasion of visiting Japan, Valery Krasnoslobodtsev gave a Special Open Seminar in Tokyo with the title of "Promotion and Application of TRIZ in High-Tech Companies: Lectures by a TRIZ Expert Who Guided Samsung Electronics, Korea".  The lecture for 4 hours had two parts, Part 1 for Managers and Part 2 for Engineers.  I would like to recommend you highly the full document of his lecture slides  which are already posted in this site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", with the permissions by the Author and the Seminar organizer, IDEA Co.

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) [27] presented a paper with the title of "A New Paradigm of Creative Problem Solving (3) Usage and Significance of the Six-Box Scheme in USIT" .  My intention of this presentation was to explain the concept of the new paradigm which I have been proposing since two years ago (See my papers in ETRIA TFC2004, in TRIZCON2005, in Japan Creativity Society Conference, in Japan TRIZ Symposium 2005).  The new paradigm is represented with the 'Six-Box Scheme' as shown below:

The first half of the presentation explains the concept, while the latter half demonstrates its usage with two case studies.  One is the case of 'How to fix the string shorter than the needle', which is based on the thesis work of my student, Tsubasa Shimoda (2006).  The second is 'A system for preventing from our leaving things behind', which is based on the results obtained in my 2-Day USIT Training Seminar in September 2005, as reported fully in TRIZCON2006.   Since I have just uploaded my slides in English and in Japanes in my Web site, please refer to them for more detail. 

-- At ETRIA TFC 2006 I also presented a paper with the title of "A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving:  Six-Box Scheme in USIT" .  I wrote the ETRIA TFC paper in early July while the Japan TRIZ Symposium slides at the end of July.  My ETRIA TFC paper is almost in parallel with the present paper in the first half but describes the implications of the new paradigm contrasting with the traditional paradigm with TRIZ.  -- I have posted my ETRIA paper already for making the two papers complement each other.

Hideaki Kosha (Fuji Photo Film Co.) [12] gave a poster presentation on “ 'Phenomena-Attributes Analysis (PAA)' in USIT Demonstrated for the 'Picture Hanging Kit Problem' ”.   [See the slides   : posted on Dec. 23, 2006]  The author has been working to apply and penetrate USIT in his company for these 6 years.  In this presentation he has refined the initial step of the USIT procedure.  He shows his basic model of a function in the following figure, by extending Ed Sickafus' OAF (Object-Attribute-Function) Model.  A (natural) phenomena of an action of Object 1 onto Object 2 can be regarded as a Function (if the effect is human controllable or for use) and at the same time as an Unwanted effect (if the effect is human uncotrollable or not for use), he says.  Technical problem occurs either from the gap between the target and the current degrees of the Fuction or from the unwanted effect.

The Author focuses on the step of revealing plausible root causes at the initial stage of USIT.  He proposes to speculate the mechanism of the technical problem in detail by expanding a phenomenon (or a cause-effect relationship) into its sub processes.  He illustrates his Phenomena-Attribute Analysis (PAA) method in the following slide by using a case of the 'Picture-Hanging Kit Problem', originally handled by Sickafus in his USIT textbook.

Toshio Takahara [29] gave a poster presentation with the title of "A Method of Resolving Differences Based on the Concepts of Functions and Process Objects ― Or a Comment on “Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms” -".  This is an extension of his theoretical work presented at TRIZ Symposium last year.  He regards Processes as a sort of Objects. -- I am not convinced yet how this treatment makes the problem situation clearer and easier to solve.

-- The Author, Toshio Takahara, has voluntarily translated Larry Ball's illustrated course materials "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms" into Japanese.  He and Nakagawa have been posting the Japanese version  in series in my Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  We are now half the way of this project.  

Setsuo Arita et al. (Hitachi) [33] gave a poster presentation with the title of "Proposal of Fault Analysis Method Merging Kepner-Tregoe Method in TRIZ". Their Abstract writes as follows:

The Failure Analysis of TRIZ is very useful to extract the candidates of failure causes by analyzing the inherent problem of the system. However, some effort is required to find out the true cause from the candidates. The KT (Kepner-Tregoe)-PA (Problem Analysis) is known as one of the strong tools, which can help us to find out the most probable cause from presumed causes. So, we have merged the KT-PA in TRIZ to realize an effective failure analysis and proposed the two methods; one is to extract the true failure by TRIZ after finding the reasonable candidates from the roughly presumed causes by the KT-PA, and the other is to find out the true failure by the KT-PA after extracting the candidates of the failure causes by TRIZ. The former method was applied to a practical system and was confirmed to be effective.    

The former method was applied to a problem of radiation detectors installed inside a nuclear plant.  I can not describe the details here because the Authors provided the poster slides only in Japanese.

Kunio Fukatsu (TOSHIBA Social Automation Systems) [34] gave an oral presentation on "Technology Forecast by the 9-Window Method and the FDMS Cycle".  The Author has been working in designing social automation systems, especially with paper/card handling functions.  With historically reviewing such systems, the Author has characterized the four stages of S-curves in the following way and defined the terms of the FDMS Cycle as:

Then, he extended the TRIZ 9-Window representation in a way as shown in the following slide.  Here shows (in the rows) the hierarchy of systems in the case of the ATM system and its subsystems, and (in the columns) characteristic stages of the evolution in terms of the FDMS Cycle.  In the actual case of ATM systems, shown in this fugure, it was found that the FDMS Cycle of the Subsystem (Passbook printer) has been shifted by one phase of the FDMS Cycle of the System.  The Author explains that the 'Function realization' in a subsystem urges the System to proceed to the next step in the FDMS Cycle.

This kind of graphs are useful to think of the next generation of the current syetems, the Author says. -- This is an elegant explanation about the hierarchy of S-curves and the evolutionary relationships between a system and its subsystems.

Jahau Lewis Chen (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) [32] gave a poster presentation with the title of "Using TRIZ One Parameter Method to Solve Empty Cells Problem in TRIZ Contradiction Matrix". In Altshuller's Contradiction Matrix, there are number of empty cells where no Inventive Principles are suggested.  The Author has developed a table where the Inventive Principles are classified with respect to their frequencies of appearance in the whole row of each parameter to be improved.  Thus the problem solver should find the parameter to improve and can refer to this table for obtaining suggestion of Inventive Principles. -- In case of Matrix 2003, Darrell Mann et al. already used a similar method systematically and made a table of recommended Inventive Principles referrable with single parameters, i.e., the parameters to be improved.  

Hsiang-Tang Chang et al. (Tunghai University, Taiwan) [14] gave a poster presentation with the title: "Using TRIZ Tools for Eco-Innovative CAD Software Development".  His Abstract is quoted below:

In this paper, the new edition Chinese eco-innovative CAD software “Eco-Design Tool V.1.0.0 CHT” will be proposed. Different from other TRIZ software, Eco-Design Tool focuses on eco-innovative design. After couple of times of updating, the software became more conducive to development of eco-product. The software composed of eight worksheets, including “Instruction to User,” “Design Strategy Making,” “Estimation for Product,” “Recommended Design Parameters,” “Problem Resolutions,” “Inspiration by Animations,” “Eco-Product Examples,” and “Solution by Su-Field Modeling.” A design engineer could make a proper strategy through AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), and then find out some feasible principles through the match of recommended parameters. Next he could be inspired by the detailed solutions, fascinating animations, and eco-product examples. Finally his idea of new eco-product would be completed. If his design problem is still perplexing, the Su-Field Modeling could assist him to obtain some clues for resolution.

8. Patent Studies

Toshimitsu Kataoka (Patbrain Corp.) [19] presented a paper with the title of "Using TRIZ as a Strategic Tool for Intellectual Properties".  The Author's main theme in this presentations can be seen in the following slide:

The Author is discussing five key points in using TRIZ as a strategic tool in IP Division, and presents 4 case studies by using well-known patent cases.  -- Sorry but I have to skip them here for the lack of space.

Kimihiko Hasegawa (SANO & Associates International Patent Firm) [30] presented a paper with the title of "Defining Technical Concepts in TRIZ Practices and in Patent Claims: Filing Patents Effectively with TRIZ Helps Promoting TRIZ".  His Abstract is show below:

It will be effective to exhibit the result of TRIZ early for those who are in a position to promote TRIZ or for those who are considering as to whether to adopt TRIZ. A means to release the technical result intended for objective rating most early is a patent application. In order to carry out patent application, you have to summarize the solution concept obtained by TRIZ to a “patent claim”. From a viewpoint that “patent claim” is defined as a technical concept, I will describe how to complete a “patent claim” efficiently by comparing the technical concept definition used by TRIZ and the “patent claim”.

The Author explains several ways of expressing a technical concept in words; they include (a) Function definition in VE and in TRIZ, (b) OAF (Object-Attribute-Function) Statement in USIT, (c) Function definition in QFD, and (d) Technical concept definition in the 'cε-dictionary method' in ET (Equivalent Transformation) Theory by Kikuya Ichikawa.  Then he discusses a standard way of stating a claim in Patent filing.  He also demonstrates his method by using 3 case studies of well-known patents.  -- I do not have enough space here to summarize them.

Toshiaki Masaki (NITTO Denko Co.) [11] gave a poster presentaton with the title of "Patent Analysis by 'Function Diagram' ".  His Abstract is:

In the initial stage of research and development, the existing patent must be investigated and duplication on the technology already invented and devised must be avoided. Unobviousness is asked in order to patent the result of research and development. Unobviousness can be referred to as being by adding a new function to the conventional technology. By performing functional analysis of a precedence patent, it becomes clear how a function should be added and the direction of new research and development can be found out. As this analysis means, a "functional diagram" is considered to be effective.

-- The Author shows examples of his Functional Diagrams only in a slide in Japanese without explanation.  I am not clear if there is any unique point by the Author.

Jinkichi Miyai et al.(DKK-TOA Corp., etc.) [13] gave a poster presentation with the title of "Study of Selected 100 US Patents with TRIZ Views-An Interim Report of the WG of Creativity Techniques Part of Knowledge Creativity Study Group Organized by Mitsubishi Research Institute".  This is an interim report of a voluntary group of 9 members, including myself, coming from different institutions.  Nakagawa proposed this group study in May 2005.  The interim results are summarized in the following two slides:

-- This project has done very little yet in comparison with the goal initially set.  The discussions in the group have found a lot of different views to each patent; such views are often different from Darell Mann's view in his paper.  This reveals the importance to understand each patent from various aspects and from different contexts; excellent patents can have many faces and can have many points of novel ideas.  And it is also important to understand the real significance of each patent in its heart; we will need proper background knowledge for this purpose.  Anyway the Format we set above will encourage us to read and think excellent patents in such multiple views with criticism.   

9. Applications to Software Development and Non-technical Areas

Darrell Mann (UK) [8] presented a paper with the title of "Re-Structuring TRIZ to Meet the Needs of Software Engineers".  We had expected much of this presenatation, because many of us knew that the Author has almost finished writing his new textbook "TRIZ for Software Engineers" since at least 2, 3 years ago.  The presentation seemed to be the outline of his book.  -- Unfortunately, however, the Author presented 69 slides with very generic keywords for the 40 minutes talk, thus it was not easy for the audience to understand the core points of the presentation.   

The Author pointed out the following 4 points as the 'Root Causes of poor software quality', and recommended the keys to solutions (or thinking bases of solutions) as briefly summarized beneath each Root Cause:

1) Isolation from other desciplines:
       Law of system completeness
       Ideality-driven evolution path for shortcutting the complexity increase and then decrease

2) Insufficient planning, or setting the wrong targets
       Ideal Final Result and 'Self'
       Trend: Decreasing human involvement

3) 'Wicked' problems inconsistent with current process models
       Law of requisite variety: "Only variety can absorb variety"
       IFR -- Fixed and moving: IFR migrates to the super-system
       Evolution occurs through discontinuous shifts.
       Trends: Nesting in time; Damping; Dynamization

4) Massive rise in computing power
       Contradiction elimination:  'TRIZ for Software' Contradiction Matrix
       40 Inventive (Software) Principles
       Acceleraed system evolution
       Trend: Design for robustness
       Subversion analysis

The following is the Author's main message in the concluding slide of his talk:

-- At the Q&A time of his presentation, I as the Session Chair asked a question to the Author: "How many projects have you ever applied TRIZ to in the software field?  and How much percentage of the pojects were successful in the TRIZ application?"  The Author answered: "Over 500 projects, and 100 % successful!". 

Padma Rajeswari Tata et al. (Infosys Technologies, India) [16] gave a paper on "Changing the Paradigm in Business English Learning Using TRIZ".   [See the paper and slides   : posted on Dec. 23, 2006] This is the only-one (in this Symposium) and a very nice presentation of applying TRIZ to non-technical area.  The Authors attended a year ago at Darrell Mann's Seminar of Systematic Innovation for Business and Management held in India, and later applied Mann's method very smoothly to their own problem.  The problem was 'How to make the Business-English Training of their employees effective with minimum cost'. Their procedure of applying TRIZ is outlined below:

1) Defining Ideal Final Result: All Infosys employees learn Business English and get certified in the minimum possible time, with minimum possible effort and least possible cost.

2) Perception Mapping:  Answers to the inquiry "Business-English learning is not effective because ..." were collected, and their relations were shown in the form of Perception Mapping (as schematically shown in the following figure).  Analyzing the map revealed the Contradiction:  The improvement of effectiveness in BE learning was stopped by two factors, i.e. very little time available to spend for the BE learning and the perception by the employees that they are strong enough in BE.

3) 'Matrix 2003 for Business and Management' was applied to obtain Inventive (Business) Principles for solving the contradictions.  Then, with the guidance of such Inventive Principles, the Authors have generated specific solutions.

4) The solutions were implemented on the basis of BULATS (Business Language Testing Services) offered by Cambridge University, and were carried out successfully with the following results in several months:

(1) Certification Test was introduced pre and post the BE Learning Intervention.

(2) Approximately 80 hrs Intervention was created with the mix of
   2 days face-to-face classroom,
   44 hrs self-study (segmented with post-tests),
   English labs with video/audio, etc.,
   Pre-scheduled events, etc.

-- This presentation is nice and simple. Darrell Mann's method has been applied very smoothly to obtain actual results.  We can learn the method easily.

10. Concluding Remarks

In the Opening Address , Toshihiro Hayashi (Hitachi Co.) [1], Chairperson of Japan TRIZ CB, summarized the categories of contributed papers as shown in the following figure, in comparison with those for our TRIZ Symposium of last year:

Note: Lecture No. in ( ) is the same as the Presentation No. in [ ] in the present report.

Accoding to his classification, 6 papers are on Actual application examples, 19 on Methods/Methodologies (including university educations, etc.), and 4 on Promotion activities.  One of the speaker, Valery Krasnoslobodtev commented in his brief report to the TRIZ Journal that Japan TRIZ Symposium is 'mostly practical direction of TRIZ application'.  Significant increase in the number of papers (including posters) is clear in this table.

My Personal Report this year shows a large number of figures cited from the presentations, with the permission by the Authors.  This reflects the fact that most of Japanese presentations were translated into English for parallel projection of slides in two languages.  Thus our TRIZ Symposium in Japan has become much more understandable to international participants and international readers like you. 

After the Symposium, the Japan TRIZ CB has officially decided to hold our next symposium, The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan.  It will be held somewhere near Tokyo for 3 days in the period from end of August to early/mid September, 2007.  We are preparing for announcing the location and the date by the end of this year.

As announced in the Closing Address by Yuji Mihara (Fuji Photo Film) [36], Vice Chairperson of the CB, the Japan TRIZ CB is now discussing and making efforts for reorganizing the CB into a more public, social, and official organization, tentatively called 'Japan TRIZ Society'.  In the next year, we wish to hold The TRIZ Symposium in Japan by the new organization. 

We believe that the big success of TRIZ Symposium this year has given an encouraging impact on the TRIZ communities in Japan and in the World, and I wish that this Personal Report convey a brief summary of contents of the TRIZ Symposium to many readers in the World.  Papers and slides of Keynote/Invited talks are already posted in the Official Pages of Japan TRIZ CB.  Those of some sellected contributed presentations will be posted in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in the near future.


Agenda & List of Presentations

The First Day (Aug. 31, 2006), Thursday

Title of Presentation Web
[1] Opening
Toshihiro Hayashi
(Hitachi Co.)
Opening the Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan
(Sept. 20, 2006)
[2] Introductory Manabu Sawaguchi
(SANNO Institute)
Fundamental Philosophies of TRIZ and Its Potentiality as Problem-Solver  
[3] Invited 1 Shozo Hibino
(Chukyo Univ.)
Why Not Install “Breakthrough Thinking”
-- Get Rid of Copycats

(Oct. 5, 2006)
[4] Oral 1 MinoruYokouchi
(Takano Co.)
A Novel Joint Structure to Realize Welderingless Pipe Structure   
(Nov. 29, 2006)
[5] Oral 2 Takehiro Suzuki et al.
TRIZ Promotion Activities in NEC Corporation  

[6] Oral 3

Masao Ishihama
(Kanagawa Inst. Tech.)
Using TRIZ in Project-Based- Learning Assisted by CAE and Manufacturing Experiences   
(Nov. 29, 2006)


The Second Day (Sept. 1, 2006), Friday

[7] Keynote 1

Hans-Juergen Linde,
Guenther Herr, et al.

Innovation of the Integrated Product and Process Development by WOIS -- Contradiction Oriented Innovation Strategy



(Oct. 5, 2006)

[8] Oral 5

Darrell Mann

Re-Structuring TRIZ to Meet the Needs of Software Engineers  

[9] Invited 2

Kazuya Yamaguchi
(Panasonic Communications)

How Should We Utilize TRIZ for Managing Industries?

(Oct. 5, 2006)

to Posters A

All the Presenters
of Poster Session A
Introduction to Poster papers A  

[10] Poster A1

Tateki Oka et al.
(Konica Minolta BT)

Practices of Applying TRIZ/USIT in Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc.


[11] Poster A2

Toshiaki Masaki
(NITTO Denko Co.)

Patent Analysis by "Function Diagram"


[12] Poster A3

Hideaki Kosha
(Fuji Photo Film Co.)

“Phenomena-Attributes Analysis (PAA)” in USIT Demonstrated for the “Picture Hanging Kit Problem”  
(Dec. 23, 2006)

[13]Poster A4

Jinkichi Miyai et al.
(DKK-TOA Corp., etc.)

Study of Selected 100 US Patents with TRIZ Views-An Interim Report of the WG of Creativity Techniques Part of Knowledge Creativity Study Group Organized by Mitsubishi Research Institute  

[14] Poster A5

Hsiang-Tang Chang et al.

Using TRIZ Tools for Eco-Innovative CAD Software Development


[15] Poster A6

Darrell Mann et al.
(Hong Kong)

Case Studies from a Breakthrough Innovation Product Design Programme for Local Industries


[16] Oral 5

Padma Rajeswari Tata
et al. (India)

Changing the Paradigm in Business English Learning Using TRIZ

(Dec. 23, 2006)

[17] Oral 6

Shigeru Kasuya
(Yamaguchi Univ./
Pro-Engineers Inst.)
An Educational Challenge in Yamaguchi University for Engineering & Manufacturing Technology Innovation Project and TRIZ Education  

[18] Oral 7

Victor Berdonosov et al.

Conception of Application of TRIZ to the University Education  

[19] Oral 8

Toshimitsu Kataoka
(Patbrain Corp.)

Using TRIZ as a Strategic Tool for Intellectual Properties


[20] Oral 9

Ik-Cheol Kim

TRIZ as the New Product Concept Development Tool


[21] Oral 10

Mitsuo Morihisa et al.
(Kyoto Univ.)

Educational Seminar Project: Introduction to the Inventive/Creative Thinking System “To instruct students how to invent creatively”

[22] Oral 11 Valery Krasnoslobodtsev
et al. (USA)

Solving Physical Contradictions with Modeling

[23] Oral 12

Hiroshi Ueda
(Souzou Kaihatsu Initiative)

Practice of TRIZ, Systematic Creation Process: "An Example of Chestnut Peeler”

[24] Short talk

Shinsuke Kurosawa
(SANNO Inst.)

Discussing TRIZ Dogmas  


The Third Day (Sept. 2, 2006), Saturday

[25] Keynote 2

Ed Sickafus

A Simple Theory Underlying Structured Problem-Solving Methodologies -ASIT, TRIZ, USIT (and others)

(Oct. 5, 2006)

[26] Oral 13

Isak Bukhman et al.

Computer-Assisted Problem Analysis via Semantically Extended Experience

[27] Oral 14

Toru Nakagawa
(Osaka Gakuin Univ.)

A New Paradigm of Creative Problem Solving (3) Usage and Significance of the Six-Box Scheme in USIT slides
(Nov. 1, 2006)

Introduction to Posters B

All the presenters of
Poster Session B

Introduction to the Poster Session B



[28] Poster B1

Kouji Tsuji et al.
(Matsushita EW)

Introducing USIT in Matsushita Electric Works

(Mar. 1, 2007)

[29] Poster B2

Toshio Takahara
( , Japan)

A Method of Resolving Differences Based on the Concepts of Functions and Process Objects ― Or a Comment on “Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms” -


[30] Poster B3

Kimihiko Hasegawa
(SANO & Associates
Intern'l Patent Firm)

Defining Technical Concepts in TRIZ Practices and in Patent Claims: Filing Patents Effectively with TRIZ Helps Promoting TRIZ  

[31] Poster B4

Masayuki Hida et al.
(Osaka Gakuin Univ.)

"TRIZ Home Page for Students by Students"-Understanding TRIZ/USIT by Solving Everyday-Life Problems-

(Jan. 7, 2007)
[32] Poster B5

Jahau Lewis Chen

Using TRIZ One Parameter Method to Solve Empty Cells Problem in TRIZ Contradiction Matrix

[33] Poster B6

Setsuo Arita et al.

Proposal of Fault Analysis Method merging Kepner-Tregoe Method in TRIZ

[34] Oral 15

Kunio Fukatsu
Automation Systems)

Technology Forecast by the 9-Window Method and the FDMS Cycle

slides   paper
(Nov. 1, 2006)
[35] Oral 16

Masahiro Kuwahara
(IDEA Co.)

A Method of Solving Engineering Contradictions  

[36] Closing

Yuji Mihara
(Fuji Photo Film)

Closing the Symposium: Future Perspectives  



Top of this page 1. Outline 2. Organization 3. Keynotes 4. Case Studies 5. Promotion 6. Academia 7. Methodologies 8. Patent Studies
9. Software and Non-technical 10. Concluding List of Presentations TRIZ Symp 2006 Official page TRIZ Symp 2006 Official page   TRIZ Symp 2005 Official page TRIZ Symp 2005 Personal Report Japanese page


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Last updated on Mar. 1, 2007.     Access point:  Editor: