TRIZ/USIT Slides: | |
Introducing USIT in Matsushita Electric Works | |
Kouji Tsuji and
Jiro Hashizume (Matsushita Electric Works) |
Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan August 31 - September 2, 2006 |
[Posted on Mar. 1, 2007] |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 24, 2007)
The paper posted here was originally presented in a Poster session at the Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan held by the Japan TRIZ CB. Please refer to the official documents and reports of the Symposium posted in the official page of the Japan TRIZ CB. Nakagawa has also posted his 'Personal Report' of the Symposium for the purpose of introducing the Symposium in English by reviewing all its presentations.
In the Symposium, prior to the Poster Session, we had a short session of 'Introduction to the Poster Session', where the authors introduced their posters briefly by using max 2 slides which were projected both in English and in Japanese in paralle. In this English Home Page, the part of my 'Personal Report' reviewing this presentation is cited below for the purpose of introduction, and the two introduction slides in English are also posted in the PDF format. In the Japanese page , the full set of slides in Japanese are posted inPDF .
This poster presentation attracted much attention in the TRIZ Symposium. And hence later the authors were invited to the following two big conferences (having over 200 and over 300 participants, respectively) to give this presentation again:
-- Dec. 19, 2006: Nikkei BP, Special Seminar for Celebrating the Publication of "7 Techniques for Innovation", in Tokyo
-- Feb. 16, 2007: 38th Value Engineering Kansai Conference, in Osaka.We wish to express our sincere thanks to the Authors for their excellent presentation in the Symposium and for their permission to post it publicly in this Web site.
Introduction & Review of this Presentation (Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Nov. 4, 2006)
Excerpt from Nakagawa's 'Personal Report of The Second TRIZ Symosium in Japan' (posted on Nov. 8, 2006)
Kouji Tsuji and Jiro Hashizume (Matsushita EW) [28] also gave a poster presentation with the title of "Introducing USIT in Matsushita Electric Works". In this company, Nakagawa gave a short lecture on TRIZ/USIT in Dec. 2003 and then three times of 2-Day USIT Training Seminars till Feb. 2005 (and three more times in Matsushita Electric Industies, where the two authors attended as observers).
On such a basis the two authors have developed their own course materials and have conducted 2-Day USIT Problem-Solving Workshops for solving real projects in the company. They have selected, in the prior discussion with directors, important problems to solve and then organized a USIT Workshop for each problem with a team of 5 (or sometimes up to 8) people. Typically, the team members are composed of three engineers working on the project (including the group leader), another engineer having different background, an IP person who is responsible for making resultant ideas into patents, and USIT expert(s) (the authors) as the Instructor/Guide. Their USIT Workshop seems to be essentially the same with Nakagawa's 2-Day USIT Training Seminar, after eliminating the introduction to TRIZ and reducing three parallel problems to handle into just one.
The results obtained during the fiscal year of 2005 are summarized in their slide as follows:
-- I was surprised and pleased to read their slides. It is remarkable that they have created many (average 27) ideas for the problems and have obtained high evaluation from the Workshop participants. The authors have established a steady way of creatively solving their real problems together with their engineers and a solid strategy of penetrating USIT (as an easy and effective version of TRIZ). .
Slides in PDF
Brief Introduvtion Slides (in English) (PDF, 2 slides, 68 KB) Click Here.
Full set of Slides (in Japanese) (PDF, 20 slides, 4 slides/page, 285 KB) Click Here.
Top of this page | Nakagawa's introduction | Slides for Introductions PDF English (68 KB) | Slides in Japanese (285KB) | TRIZ Symposium (Official Rept.) | TRIZ Symp. (Nakagawa Personal Rept.) | Japanese page |
Last updated on Mar. 1, 2007. Access point: Editor: