The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006 |
Plan, Program, and Call for Participation |
Web Master: Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) |
*** The Symposium was held with the participation of 157 people (including 18 from outside Japan). See the separate page for Post-Symposium Reports . (Sept. 20, 2006)
Having received most of the presentation manuscripts already, we have updated the agenda etc. (blue letters or ** marks ).
** Emergency Announcement page : Please check this for any urgent announcement to participants in case of a typhoon, etc. (Aug. 5, 2006)The Program of "The Second TRIZ Symposiun in Japan, 2006" has been announced and Call for Participation is posted here. Receiving many contributed papers from Japan and over the world, we are going to have plenary sessions of 5 invited and 7 contributed papers, double-track oral presentations of 12 papers, and 2 poster sessions of total 12 papers. For all the oral presentations slides will be projected in English and in Japanese in parallel, and the Proceedings will be published in four Editions of Short/Full x English/Japanese. We heartily welcome you to take part in this Symposium intended to be National & International. (Jun. 6, 2006; Jun. 14, 2006)
Japan TRIZ CB is going to hold "The Second TRIZ Symosium in Japan, 2006 " on Aug. 31 through Sept. 2, 2006 at Suita, Osaka, for the purpose of providing an open forum for presentation, discussion, and partnership. Plan of the Symposium and Call for Papers have been posted here. English as well as Japanese are the official languages, and the slides of all the presentations will be projected in the two languages (without official intepreter services). The Symposium will be one of the major international TRIZ meetings in the world this year, too. (Feb. 22, 2006)
"The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006" Aug. 31 through Sept. 2, 2006 at Suita, Osaka
Outline of the Symposium (Feb. 22, 2006; Jun. 6, 2006)
Agenda ** , Agenda (sheet)** , Agenda (detail)** , Abstracts of all the presentations ** (Jun. 6, 2006);
Five Invited Speakers ** (Mar. 17, 2006 )
Call for Participation, Call for Participation (detail)**, Venue, Form of Registration (Jun. 14, 2006)
Guide to Presenters (for preparing the final manuscripts) (Jun. 6, 2006)** Emergency Announcement page to participants in case of a typhoon, etc. (Aug. 5 2006)
Call for Papers (Feb. 22, 2006 ) (See more detail in the PDF file: Feb. 22, 2006 )
Message by Toshihiro Hayashi, President of Japan TRIZ CB (Mar. 17, 2006)
"The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006", Outline (Jun. 6, 2006)
Date: Aug. 31, 2006 (Thu.) -- Sept. 2, 2006 (Sat.) (2 days and half)
Location: Matsushita's Pana-Hills Osaka, Suita City, Osaka, Japan
(A resort and convention facility of Matsushita Electric Industry, located near the Osaka Expo Park,
accessible in 30 min. from Osaka (Itami) Airport or from JR Shin-Osaka Station.)
Purpose: To provide with an open opportunity for presenting, discussing, and communicating in Japan on TRIZ and related area.
- Keynote Speeches, Invited Talks, Introductory Lecture.
- Oral Presentations of contributed papers (30 min. talk + 10 min. Q&A) in sigle or double tracks
- Poster Presentations of contributed papers (80 min. in parallel; 2 sessions)
- Reception and Informal Group Discussions in the evenings
Official language: Japanese and English.
Slides of all the presentations will be projected in the two languages in parallel.
Official interpreter services will not be provided. Discussions during the sessions will be supported.
Proceedings will be published both in English and in Japanese Editions.Accomodation: Pana-Hills Osaka (Guest rooms in the resort facilities)
Scale: Last year: 104 participants. This year, 120-130 participants expected.
Outline of Agenda and Abstracts (Jun. 6, 2006)(Note any possible change in future.)
Aug. 31, 2006 (Thu.) Sept. 1, 2006 (Fri.) Sept. 2, 2006 (Sat.)Morning
12:00 Registration
9:00 Keynote Speech
Oral presentation (1 paper)
Invited Paper
Introduction to the Posters
9:00 Keynote Speech
Oral presentations
(2 papers)
Introduction to the Posters
13:00 Opening
Introductory overview
Invited Speech
Oral presentations
(3 papers)
13:20 Poster presentations and Demos
Oral presentations
(8 papers in double tracks)
13:00 Poster Presentations and Demos
Oral presentations
(2 papers in double tracks)
15:50 ClosingEvening
Cocktail Party
Short talk
Group discussions
21:00Agenda outline (in a one-page table) (PDF 40 KB) ** (Jun. 6, 2006) (Updated: Aug. 5, 2006)
Agenda detail ( in 4 pages, with authors and titles of presentations) (PDF 224 KB) ** (Jun. 6, 2006) (Updated: Aug. 5, 2006)
Abstracts of all the presentations (in the order of submission) (PDF 202 KB) ** (Jun. 6, 2006) (Updated: Aug. 5, 2006)
Keynote/Invited Speeches (Posted: Mar. 17, 2006; Updated: Jun. 6, 2006)
Call for Participation (Jun. 6, 2006)
Refer to: "Call for Participation" in PDF (124 KB) (Jun. 6, 2006)
Number of participants: Accommodation at the site is limited to be around 100; the conference rooms have much larger capacity.
Charges: For the full attendace of the Symposium: 66,150 yen
(including meals and accommodation for the 2 nights in sigle use of a twin room)
(For the cases of partial attendance, twin use of a room, extra stay, etc.
please inquire to the secretary shown below by writing your plan in the registratin form.)Payment: In Cash in Japanese yen at the site on the first day.
Cancellation Policy: Please notice us no later than Aug. 22, 2006Registration: Fill in the Registration Form (in MS Word) and send it via email (or via FAX) to:
Masatoshi Hotta (SKI), Secretary of Japan TRIZ CB
Email: or FAX: +81-3-5777-8818and Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Email:
Note: If you have any further inquiries about Japanese Visa arrangement, transportation, extra stay, meals, etc., please wrtie them at the end of the Registration Form (even on a temporary basis, if you want). Either Hotta, Nakagawa, or Toshiaki Masaki (Nitto Denko) will respond to you.
Due Date of Registration: Jul. 31, 2006 (Mon.) 18:00 JST for Presenters
Aug. 17, 2006 (Thu.) 12:00 JST for other participants
Venue (Jun. 6, 2006)
Access: Also see the map
(a) From JR Ibaraki Station (of JR Kyoto Line): 5 to 10 min. by taxi
from JR Shin-Osaka Station (of JR Bullet Train Shinkansen) to Ibaraki Station: 5th stop with a local train of JR Kyoto Line;
from Kansai International Airport (KIX) to JR Shin-Osaka Station: about 45 min. with JR Limited Express Haruka (service every 30 min.).
See Web site of KIX: (map, train service, train timetable, etc., in English)(b) From Unobe Station of Osaka Monorail Line: 10 min. on foot; Shuttle bus services available every 20 min.
from Osaka (Itami) Airport to Unobe Station: about 20 min. with Osaka Monorail Line
Guide for Presenters for Preparing the Final Manuscripts (Jun. 6, 2006))
Guide for Presenters: See the separate page in PDF
Due Date of the Final Manuscript and other materials: Jul. 31, 2006 (Mon.) 18:00 JST
Call for Poster Presentations (Jun. 6, 2006)
A limited number of Poster Presentations will be accepted for late submission under the following conditions:
(a) Apply the presentation by submitting the Abstract and related materials by Jun. 30, 2006 (Fri.). We will reply after the review.
(b) Provide the Final Manuscripts and related materials by Jul. 31, 2006 (Mon.).
Access to Toru Nakagawa via email for more details.
Call for Papers for "The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006 " (Posted: Feb. 22, 2006)
Applications to presentations, etc.: Contributions are welcome.
Deadline for application: May 12, 2006 (Fri.) Requirements: Title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract (about 100 word),
additional explanation (of 1 page), and author's profile. Send via email to: Program chairperson: Toru Nakagawa
and Program Vice Chairperson: Yoshihisa Konishi Notice of acceptance and decision of the agenda: May 31, 2006.
Deadline for manuscript: July 31, 2006 (Mon.)
See more details:
Call for Papers and Other Contributions for "The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2006 ": [PDF file]
(Feb. 22, 2006 )
Sample of the Format for the Application to presentation: [PDF file]
(Feb. 22, 2006 )
Reference: "The First TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2005 (Held on Sept. 1-3, 2005 at Shuzenji) "
Official Reports and Documents
Personal Report by Toru Nakagawa (OGU)
Last updated on Sept. 20, 2006. Access point: Editor: