USIT Presentation (Poster Slides):

'Phenomena-Attributes Analysis (PAA)' in USIT Demonstrated for the 'Picture Hanging Kit Problem'
Hideaki Kosha (Fuji Photo Film Co.)
Presented at The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan
August 31 - September 2, 2006
[Posted on Dec. 23, 2006] 

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 22, 2006)

The paper posted here were originally given as a Poster presentation at the Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan held by the Japan TRIZ CB.  Please refer to the official documents and reports of the Symposium posted in the official page of the Japan TRIZ CB.  Nakagawa has also posted his 'Personal Report' of the Symposium for the purpose of introducing the Symposium by reviewing all its presentations. 

In the Symposium, the Author presented two slides both in English and in Japanese in the 'Introduction to Posters' Session, whereas the slides of the whole Poster presentation was given only in Japanese.  In this English page, the part of my 'Personal Report' reviewing Kosha's presentation is cited below for the purpose of introduction.  The two English slides are posted here in the PDF format, and the full Japanese slides in the Japanese page .   

We wish to express our sincere thanks to the Author for his excellent presentation in the Symposium and for his permission to post it publicly in this Web site.

Introduction & Review of this Presentation (Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Nov. 4, 2006)

Excerpt from Nakagawa's 'Personal Report of The Second TRIZ Symosium in Japan' (posted on Nov. 8, 2006)

Hideaki Kosha (Fuji Photo Film Co.) [12] gave a poster presentation on “ 'Phenomena-Attributes Analysis (PAA)' in USIT Demonstrated for the 'Picture Hanging Kit Problem' ”.  The author has been working to apply and penetrate USIT in his company for these 6 years.  In this presentation he has refined the initial step of the USIT procedure.  He shows his basic model of a function in the following figure, by extending Ed Sickafus' OAF (Object-Attribute-Function) Model.  A (natural) phenomena of an action of Object 1 onto Object 2 can be regarded as a Function (if the effect is human controllable or for use) and at the same time as an Unwanted effect (if the effect is human uncotrollable or not for use), he says.  Technical problem occurs either from the gap between the target and the current degrees of the Fuction or from the unwanted effect.

The Author focuses on the step of revealing plausible root causes at the initial stage of USIT.  He proposes to speculate the mechanism of the technical problem in detail by expanding a phenomenon (or a cause-effect relationship) into its sub processes.  He illustrates his Phenomena-Attribute Analysis (PAA) method in the following slide by using a case of the 'Picture-Hanging Kit Problem', originally handled by Sickafus in his USIT textbook.


-- (Note added on Dec. 22, 2006; Toru Nakagawa)  While I read the eitire presentation slides in Japanese a few times for the reposting work, I realized the importance of these two figures more and more.  Both of these two figures convey important messages for our better understanding about the Functions and about the mechanism in Problems.  I would like to encourage the Author to write a full paper on this presentation in Japanese and in English.

Poster Slides

Poster Slides (Summary in English)   (PDF, 2 slides, 2 slides/page, 49 KB)  Click Here. 


Poster Slides (Full Set in Japanese)   (PDF, 20 slides, 4 slides/page, 235 KB)  Click Here. 


Top of this page Nakagawa's introduction Slides PDF English (49 KB) Slides in Japanese (235 KB) TRIZ Symposium (Official Rept.) TRIZ Symp. (Nakagawa Personal Rept.) Japanese page


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