"Japan TRIZ  CB"   (Official Page):


The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2007
To Be Held on Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2007, in Yokohama

Plan, Call for Papers, Agenda, Abstracts, Call for Participation, Venue, Registration

Web Master:  Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)
Compiled on Dec. 23, 2006, Last Update: Jul. 8; Aug. 2; Aug. 22, 2007

For going back to Japanese  pages, press  buttons.

Obtaining 7 invited and 30 contributed papers, we have set up the Agenda of "The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2007".  Abstracts of all the papers are posted in English.  We are now calling for your paticipation at this internationally recognized TRIZ event held anually in Japan.  Venue and registration procedure are announced here. (Jun. 4, 2007)  Having received almost all the final manuscripts from the presenters, we have slightly adjusted the Agenda, as is posted here. (Aug. 2, 2007).  Final Advanced Agenda is posted with minor adjustment. Received more than 190 registrations. (Aug. 22, 2007)

Japan TRIZ CB is going to hold "The Third TRIZ Symosium in Japan, 2007" on Aug. 30 through Sept. 1, 2007 in Yokohama.  Outline of the plan is announced here (on a preliminary basis on Dec. 23, 2006) now officially on Feb. 20, 2007.  Official languages are Japanese and English.  Contributions of presentations are openly invited in Japan and over the World.  (Keynote and Tutorial Speakers are now announced. (Mar. 18; Apr. 15, 2007))


For the purpose of open presentations, discussions, and communications on the creativity & innovation methodology TRIZ and related topics, the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan is going to hold 'The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2007'. The Advanced Agenda is now announced here, containing 7 invited and 30 contributed presentations for three days.  You are very welcome to take part in the Symposium, an internationally recognized TRIZ event held annually in Japan. We wish the pesenters to prepare their final manuscripts and many of you to apply for participation in accordance with the information shown below.

 "The Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2007", Outline  (Official Announcement) (Dec. 23, 2006; Updated: Feb. 20; Jun. 4; Aug. 2; Aug. 22, 2007) 


Aug. 30, 2007 (Thu.) -- Sept. 1, 2007 (Sat.)    (3 days)

Tutorial:        Aug. 30 (Thu)  10:00 - 12:00
Symposium:   Aug. 30 (Thu)  13:00 --- Sept. 1 (Sat.) 16:20

=> Agenda

Held by: 



(Note Added: Aug. 22, 2007)


Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan (abb. 'Japan TRIZ CB')
           (Chairperson: Toshihiro Hayashi (Hayashi Professional Engineer Office))

Note (Aug. 22, 2007): Japan TRIZ CB has already built (voluntary-based) 'Japan TRIZ Society' and submitted for asking an official approval of 'NPO Japan TRIZ Society' by Tokyo Metropolitan Office.  The Official Approval is delayed (until Oct. or Dec., 2007).  We are going to hold a non-official meeting to report the activities and explain the future plan. 

=> CB
=> Organizers
  • To provide an opportunity for openly presenting, discussing, and communicating on TRIZ, a methodology for creative problem solving and innovation, and its related areas.
  • To encourage the improvement of the TRIZ methodology itself and to enhance penetration, promotion and application of TRIZ.
  • To provide opportunities for making personal relationships among the people interested in and working with TRIZ in Japan and in the World, and to encourage the understanding and penetration of TRIZ.
=> Message
  • To openly call for contributions of presentations and participation not only from Japan but also from all over the world, so as to make the Symposium an open event similar to an academic conference.
  • To help establish deeper and wider understanding of TRIZ and promote real use of TRIZ in industries and in academia.
  • A Symposium primarily Japanese domestic and partially (but as much as possible) international.
Main themes:
  • Studies for furthering the TRIZ methodology and case studies of applying TRIZ to real problems in industries, in academia, etc.
  • How to apply and promote TRIZ, especially in wider perspectives of technological development and innovation
  • Current situations and future of TRIZ promotion in Japan, in Asia, and in the World.

Advanced Agenda and Abstracts of the presentations are posted. (Updated on Aug. 2; Aug. 22, 2007)

Agenda in a sheet [minor revision: Aug. 2; Aug. 22], Agenda in full table [minor revision: Aug. 2; Aug. 22] ,
Abstracts of all the presentations [minor revision: Aug. 2] (in English)

=> Agenda

Features: Tutorials: a basic course and an advanced course  (Note: only in Japanese) => Tutorials

Two Keynote Lectures (80 or 60 minutes) and three Invited Papers (40 minutes each)

15 Oral presentations of contributed papers (40 minutes each, single/double tracks)

14 Poster presentations of contibuted papers, demonstrations and exhibitions (2 poster sessions, 80 minutes each)

1 Special Session for briefly presenting Position Papers and discussion (40 minutes)   (added:  Aug. 22, 2007)

Buffet dinner and communication meetings (2 hours on the first and second evenings)

=> Keynotes

=> Session Styles



Official languages:

Japanese and English

  • For all oral presentations, slides are projected on two screens in parallel, one in Japanese and the other in English. (Translation of slides from English to Japanese will be serviced by the members of Japan TRIZ CB.)
  • Interpreter services will not be provided for the oral presentations themselves but will be given during the official discussions.

Abstracts and Proceedings will be published and handed out:

      For overseas participants: in English (for all the presentations)
      For Japanese participants: in the original language and in Japanese translation

=> Proceedings
Scale: About 200 participants expected.
Last year: 157 participants (including 19 from overseas). 
=> Previous Symposia

TOSHIBA Kenshu Center (TOSHIBA Education & Training Institute)

555 Toriyama-cho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0035, Japan
Tel. 045-475-8270; FAX: 045-470-1480
20 minute walk from Shin-Yokohama station of JR Shinkansen.
A training facility for employees of TOSHIBA-group companies

Emegency call to the organizers during the symposium: Tel. 03-5777-8197 (Masatoshi Hotta, SKI; automatically forwarded to his mobile phone.) (Aug. 2, 2007)

=> Venue

=> Access



About 50 guest rooms in TOSHIBA Kenshu Center. 

Nearby hotels for your own choice.  Reservation is possible through Internet (in English).

=> Accommodation

For the full participation (excluding tutorials) are 56,000 yen plux 5% tax.

Accommodation needs to be paid separately.
Discount is available for presenters; please inquire at registration.

=> Fees

Due date:  Aug. 17 (Fri.) 12:00 JST

Use the Registration Form and send it via email jts-info@triz-jp.com

Note: People from some countries need to obtain Japanese visa.  This takes much paper work and time, say safely 2 months.  See more details. (Aug. 2, 2007)

=> Registration


=> Japanese visa

Final Manuscripts: Submit the Final Manuscripts by Jul. 23 (Mon) 18:00 JST => For Presenters
Call for Papers Finished (May 14).  Poster presentations may be accepted until the end of June. => Call for Papers
Call for Demos Demos, exhibitions, etc. will be accepted.  Please inquire us.  
Access points: On general information and participation:  jts-info@triz-jp.com
                  and nakagawa@utc.osaka-gu.ac.jp
  (Aug. 2, 2007)
On presentation:                                      jts-sympo@triz-jp.com
=> Organizers
Previous results:

First TRIZ Symposium: Sept. 1-3, 2005, at Shuzenji, Izu

Second TRIZ Symposium: Aug. 31 - Sept. 1, 2006, at Suita, Osaka

=> Previous Symposia


Message:   On Holding TRIZ Symposium 2007 in Japan

On Holding TRIZ Symposium 2007 in Japan

June 4, 2007
Toshihiro Hayashi
Secretary General of
Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan

    Since TRIZ, i.e. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, was introduced to Japan in 1996 as a philosophy, a methodology and a knowledge engineering tool to support technology innovation strongly, a lot of application know-how and experiences have been accumulated in Japan by Japanese users interested in TRIZ.

    With such a background, the TRIZ Symposium organized by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan is now in our third year of operation. In the first year three-day Symposium at Shuzenji on Izu Peninsula, we had 21 presentations and 104 attendees. In the second year at Osaka, the Symposium was much enhanced with an increased number of presentations and attendees (34 presentations and 157 attendees). Even though the dissemination of TRIZ in Japanese industries and academia is not yet wide enough, the Symposium ensured the participants that TRIZ has already penetrated steadily in a number of companies and has produced, and is able to produce if applied properly, significant results.

   We are going to hold our Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan in the location near Tokyo, i.e. at TOSHIBA Education & Training Institute in Shin-Yokohama. 35 invited/contributed presentations (including 10 presentations from overseas) will deliver new developments of TRIZ as a methodology, new applications and experiences of using TRIZ, and the ways of TRIZ promotion in their organizations. We are going to have two tutorial courses, i.e. one basic course for those who are relatively new to TRIZ and one advanced course on a specific but significant topic for those who want to study TRIZ more deeply.

    The Symposium this year consists of Oral sessions (either plenary or double-track), Poster sessions for more interactive presentation and discussion, and Networking events in the two evenings with buffet dinner and communications among participants.

    During the Symposium, we are planning to hold a General Meeting for the inauguration of "NPO: Japan TRIZ Society" , as an incorporated organization succeeding the current voluntary organization "Japan TRIZ CB". With the new organization, we are planning to obtain a larger number of members involved in TRIZ and to enhance our TRIZ dissemination activities for wider recognition, understanding, and usage of TRIZ in Japan.

    We wish many people take part in the Third TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2007, and are looking forward to seeing you at Shin-Yokohama, Japan in August.

Agenda and the Abstracts

Outline of the Agenda


Agenda (one-page sheet)  in PDF (50KB) (Updated: Aug. 2; Aug. 22, 2007)

Agenda (four page table with full titles and authors)   in PDF (192KB) (Updated: Aug. 2; Aug. 22, 2007)

Abstracts (of all the presentations, in English) in PDF (162 KB, 17 pages) (Updated: Aug. 2, 2007)

 Keynote Lectures and Invited Talks   

Title and brief introduction
Keynote (1) Larry Ball (Honeywell, USA) "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms": Larry Ball's Illustrated Course Material "Hierarchical TRIZ Algorithms" were published in the TRIZ Journal and then have been reposted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in Japanese translation by Toshio Takahara and Toru Nakagawa.  The course mateial is unique in its general structure and very attractive with a plenty of illustrated examples.  Since the material has the volume of 160 pages, it is nice to listen to the author explain the general concept of the course material and his ways of applying TRIZ to real problems. Aug. 31,
(80 min.)
Keynote (2) Simon Dewulf (CREAX, Belgium)

"Variation of System Properties for New or Improved Function": CREAX has been carrying out an extensive patent analysis project and building knowledge bases with new frameworks in TRIZ. For improving existing functions and achieving new functions, they recognized the need of change in the attributes (or properties) of the relevant parts in the system.  Thus the author proposes a new approach of utilizing the property changes, especially in the form of trends of evolution of technical systems, for creative problem solving.

Sept. 1,
(60 min.)
Talk (1)
Toshihiro Hayashi  (T. Hayashi Professional Engineer Office) "Design and Development Process Engineering Technologies and TRIZ":   For increasing the customer satisfaction, we should have methods, having wide applicability over different subject fields, in the development and design phases so as to specify requirements, devise the design solutions, and ensure high quality.  The author calls them 'Design and Development Process Engineering Technologies' in general, and points out that they are essential for development and design engineers.  He set TRIZ as an important component in them.

Aug. 30,
13:20 -
(40 min.)

Talk (2)
Seiichiro Tamai (Matsushita Electric Industries) "A New Intellectual Property Model for the Knowledge-based Society": Even though Japan is trying to be strong in IP, there remain varous weakpoints in the active use of IPs. The key to overcoming them, the author beliebes, is to link the IPs with the merchandises using them and to advertise them together.  Thus he proposes a model of 'Brand Value Creation with IP'.

Aug. 30,
(40 min.)

Talk (3)
Naoaki Okuzumi (Toshiba) "Introductory Review of Innovation Activities in Toshiba": Toshiba introduced Six Sigma company-wide since 1999, and added the 'i cube' program since 2005, for the purpose of deploying the innovation activities.  In these activities, some new techniques including TRIZ have also been introduced and examined.  The author will present the overview of Toshiba's innovation activities and their ways of applying various tools including TRIZ. Aug. 30,
17:40 -
(40 min.)


Tutorials will be given, for the first time in our TRIZ Symposim, just prior to the Symposium as a separate option.  Following two course will be given in parallel.  No English slides/texts/interpreter services will be provided for the tutorials.

(1) Basic Course Narumi Nagase (Panasonic Communications Co.) Tutorial intended for the people get interested/involved in TRIZ relatively recently.  Basics of the TRIZ methodology and the experiences of practises will be talked.
(2) Advanced Course Manabu Sawaguchi (SANNO Institute for Management) Tutorial on a specific but important topic. "Future-Generation Product Planning Activities Based on the Patterns of Technical Evolution".  The author will give an overall review on this topic and explain his own approach. 

  Styles of Sessions    

Keynotes Plenary session.  Lecture in English.  Slides are projected in English and in Japanese in parallel.  Interpreter service: No during the presentation, but Yes during discussion in both directions. Larry Ball: 60 min talk + 20 min discussion.  Simon Dewulf: 45 min. talk + 15 min. discussion.
Invited talks and Oral presentation (single track) Plenary session.  Presentation either in Japanese or in English.  Slides are projected in English and in Japanese in parallel.  Interpreter service: No during the presentation, but Yes during discussion in both directions.  30 min. tlk + 10 min. discussion.
Oral presentation (double tracks) Parallel double track sessions in two rooms.  Presentation either in Japanese or in English.  Slides are projected in English and in Japanese in parallel.  Interpreter service: No during the presentation, but Yes during discussion in both directions.  30 min. tlk + 10 min. discussion. The two sessions will be synchronized, hving at least 5 minutes of break for moving to the other room.
Poster introduction session Plenary session.  All the presenters of Posters give brief introduction, one after another, of the Poster for 2-3 minutes each.  20 min. in total.  Presentation withier in Japanese or in English.  Slides are projected in English and in Japnese in parallel.  No interpreter service, no discussion.
Poster session In the Poster rooms, several (6 to 8) presentations are given in parallel in corners.  Presentation and discussion either in Japanese or in English, no interpreter service available.  80 minutes each session. Paticipants visit posters of their own choices for listening and discussing with the presenter.  The first round of talk and discussion is quited in 20 minutes and then the second round is started simutaneously.  Talks and discussions after that will be performed without any further regulations.  The posters will be posted in the Poster rooms all the time for the three days. 
Demos and exhibits Corners of vendors will be open for demos, exhibits, and commnication.  They are available during intermissions, lunch time, Poster & Demo sessions, etc.

Special Session

(Newly set on
Aug. 22, 2007)

It was found lately that 4 people from Thailand are coming to attend our Symposium. So we asked them to write a bief position paper how they have been learning/working on TRIZ and what they expect in the Symposium.  In this Special Session (on the third day afternoon) such people are invited to talk briefly on their position papers, e.g. 'Introducng TRIZ into Thailand', and then we would like to discuss rather freely on the topic. 
Lunch Will have lunch together at the dining hall inside the Center.  Lunch is covered in the Symposium fee.  60 minutes of lunch break.
Buffet Dinner and Communicatons In the evenings of the first and the second days, we will have buffet dinner togeher without seating for the purpose of reception and informal personal communications.  At the dining hall inside the Center.  2 hours each.  Participation is optional; you need to state and pay at the registration.


What about Japan TRIZ Society

(Changed on Aug. 22, 2007)

(Aug. 22, 2007) Initially we planned to have a General Assembly Meeting of (expectedly newly-born) NPO Japan TRIZ Society.  But the official approval by Tokyo Metropolitan Office is not ready (delayed until October or December).  So we have decided to have a non-official, more informative meeting to report recent activities of Japan TRIZ CB and to explain future plans of NPO Japan TRIZ Society. 

Symposium participants are invited to join this meeting regardless of having entered Japan TRIZ Society or not.  Sorry but only in Japanese. 

  Abstracts and Proceedings

The Abstract and Proceedings will be publicized and handed out in the following versions:

For Overseas Participants:

English Editions

Prior Posting Abstracts Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract) of all the presentations.  All in English.  (Japanese authors are requested to submit their abstract in English translation.)
Published at the Symposium Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract, Extended Abstract, in max. two pages) of all the presentations.  All in English.  Each presetation is printed in one page with 2 up setting.
Proceedings Presentation Slides and/or Papers of all the presentations.  All in English.
For presentations by overseas speaker: Keynotes: Slides and (if avaiable) Paper; Contributed (Oral or Poster) presentations: Either Slides or Paper, as chosen by the author.
For presentations by Japanese speaker: Invited talks: Slides and )if available) Paper, Contributed Oral presentations: Slides (or Paper instead if the author specifies); Poster presentations: Either of Slides, Paper, and Introduction Slides, as specified by the author.

For Japanese

Language +

Prior Posting Abstracts Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract) of all the presentations.  In Japanese for presentations by Japanese authors, and in English for presentations by overseas authors.
Published at the Symposium Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts (Title, Authors, Abstract, Extended Abstract, in one printed page) of all the presentations.  In Japanese for presentations by Japanese authors, and in English for presentations by overseas authors. 

Presentation Slides and/or Papers of all the presentations. 
For presentations by overseas speaker: In Japanese tanslation: Slides of Keynotes and Contributed Oral presentations; In English: Slides and (if avaiable) Paper of Keynotes, and either Slides or Paper of Contributed (Oral or Poster) presentations, as chosen by the author.
For presentations by Japanese speaker: In Japanes: Invited talks: Slides and (if available) Paper; Contributed (Oral or Poster) presentations: Either Slides or Paper, as specified by the author.

Note:  Tutorials will be included in the Abstracts and in the Extended Abstracts, but not in the Proceedings.  The texs of Tutorials will be handed out only to the Tutorial participants.

  Venue: Toshiba Kenshu Center and Its Access    ==> See Detail Page

TOSHIBA Kenshu Center (TOSHIBA Education & Training Institute)

555 Toriyama-cho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0035, Japan
Tel. 045-475-8270; FAX: 045-470-1480

Emergency call to the organizers during the Symposium:  Tel. 03-5777-8197 (Masatoshi Hotta, SKI; automatically forwarded to his mobile phone)  [Aug. 2, 2007]

Note:  This center is an education and training facility for employees of Toshiba group compnies.  We have asked, through our Japan TRIZ CB member working for Toshiba, for its usage even though it is exceptional for them to offer it to an outside organization.  Please remember that there will be other seminars in the same building.  The number of accomodations for us is limited to be 50; and they have the regulation of closing the gate at 22:00.  In this situaion, the Center does not have its own public Web site.   (See some more detail in the detailed page. [Posted on Jul. 8, 2007])

Access Map to the Center:

From Shin-yokohama Station: 20min walk

Transportation:  See Detail Page


From Narita International Airport to Shin-Yokohama Station: By rail;

Take Narita Express from Narita Airport Station or Airport Terminal 2 Station
to Tokyo Station (1 hr) and change to Tokaido Shinkansen to Shin-yokohama station (20min).

You can use the following HP to find suitable access for your flight.


  Weather and clothes (Aug. 14, 2007) :

Typically at this time of season, high temperature is 30 - 33 degrees C while low temperature is 23-26 degrees C.  Mostly fine and very warm.  Sometimes a typhoon comes close.

Symposium building, hotels, trains, shops are usually well air-conditioned.

No formality in clothes is requested during the Symposium, including buffet dinners.
May or may not use ties. Comfortable and more or less casual clothes are welcome.

  Accommodaton: Toshiba Kenshu Center and Nearby Hotels    ==> See Detail Page

Accommodation at Toshiba Kenshu Center

50 single rooms are available. 
Charges:  6100 yen per night.
[Note (Aug. 14, 2007):  Corrected total charges are: 6100 + 400 + 325 = 6,825 yen per night, including the breakfast and sales tax.  Payment should be done to the registration desk of the Symposium in cash in Japanese yen at the time of your Symposium registration.]

Note: The entrance gate will be closed at 22:00. 

Registration:  Fill in the Symposium Regisration Form and send it to the Symposium Office:

Hotels within the walking distance           

There are several excellent/reasonable hotels.   
Please reserve a room for yourself via Internet in English,
or you may ask the Symposium Office for the assistance of reservation by filling in the Symposium Registration Form.

  Symposium Fees and Registration          ==> See Detail Page

Symposium Fees:  Categorization and ammount:

Tutorial:    Optional. (Note: only in Japanese language)          5,250 yen

Symposium:    Three days: 52,500 yen,  Two days:  42,000 yen,  One day:  31,500 yen
                      Discount for the presenters available:  Please inquire at Email: jts-info@triz-jp.com

Dinner & Communication:  Optional    3,150 yen/evening

Accommodation:  Please pay separately.  People who stay at Toshiba Kenshu Center should pay at the Registration desk of the Symposium, whereas those who stay outside should pay directly to your hotel.  (Corrected: Aug. 22, 2007)
[Note (Aug. 14, 2007):  Corrected:  The charges of accommodation at Toshiba Kenshu Center should be paid to the registration desk of the Symposium in cash in Japanese yen at the time of your Symposium registration.  Total charges are: 6100 + 400 + 325 = 6,825 yen per night, including the breakfast and sales tax.] .

Registration Procedure:

Registration Form:  Download and fill in the Form: (MS Word)   (Posted: Jun. 13, 2007)     [This form is designed to be used both for inquiry and for final registration.]

Send the Form via Email to the following two addresses:  
          jts-info@triz-jp.com       (Secretary of Japan TRIZ CB: Masatoshi Hotta (SKI))  and
         nakagawa@utc.osaka-gu.ac.jp  (Toru Nakagawa (OGU), supporting overseas participants)

Due date of registration:  Aug. 17, 2007 (Fri) 12:00  JST 
           [Note: Presenters must make the registration by  Jul. 23, 2007 (Mon) 18:00 JST.]

Payment of the Symposium Fees:  Either with bank transfer on the invoice basis or in cash at the Symposium

Japanese Visa: 

Citizens of Russia, China, India, etc. need to apply for Japanese visa.  ==> See Detail Page

Note: Obtaining a Japanese visa for entering Japan needs much paper work and time, say safely 2 months.  (Aug. 2, 2007)

  Guide for Presenters: Instructions for Submitting Your Final Manuscripts

Instructions for submitting your Final Manuscrits are posted in PDF by slighty revising the Call for Papers:

List of materials to be submitted:  "Table of Items of Manuscripts, Presentations, and Proceedings" in PDF ( 12 KB, 1 page)

Outline of the Materials to be submitted and their Template forms: (Presenters from overseas)


Template Form
[At the stage of Final Manusript submission]

Keynotes Tutorials Oral presentations Poster presentations
Submission Message Form A2 for an Oral (and similar) presentation Necessary Necessary Necessary --
Form A3 for a Poster presentation -- -- -- Necessary
Extended Abstract Format B (MS Word) Necessary Necessary Necessary Necessary
Slides for presentation Format not specified Necessary Necessary Necessary Necessary
Slides for Introduction to Poster Format not specified -- -- -- Necessary
Full Paper Format D  (MS Word) Optional Optional Optional Optional
Paricipation Registration Form Registration Form  (MS Word) Necessary Necessary Necessary Necessary

Due date of Final Manuscripts Submission:  Jul. 23, 2007 (Mon) 18:00  JST

Email to:  jts-sympo@triz-jp.com     (Toru Nakagawa and Yoshihisa Konishi)

  Call for Some Additional Poster Presentations

A few poster presentations may be accepted, if the documents specified in the Call for Papers are submitted by  Jun. 30, 2007 (Sat) 24:00 JST.  If accepted, the author has to submit the final manuscript in the standard way.

 Call for Papers   (Feb. 20, 2007)      -- Due date expired.

Application to Contributed Papers (for both Oral and Poster presentations)

   Please send us the followings via email
       (A) Application Form A  and
       (B) Abstract in Form B (containing Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Abstract of about 100 words,
                 Extended explanation, and brief profile of the speaker) in max. 2 pages in B5.

   Due date: May 14, 2007 (Mon.) 18:00 JST

   See more details:    
           "Call for Papers"  in PDF    (113 KB, 9 pages)   (Slightly updated: Mar. 8, 2007)
           "Table of Items of Manuscripts, Presentations, and Proceedings" in PDF ( 12 KB, 1 page)

        Form A (Application of Presentation):  A template in MS Word

Form B (Abstract of Presentation):  A template in MS Word

  Important dates for preparation:

Announcement of Call for Papers:                             Feb. 20, 2007 (Tue.)
Due date of Abstract submission for presentations:    May 14, 2007 (Mon.) 18:00  JST
Announcement of Acceped Papers, Progam, and Call for Participation:  Jun. 4, 2007 (Mon.)

Due date of Final manuscripts of presentations:        Jul. 23, 2007 (Mon.) 18:00  JST

Due date of Participation Registration:                      Jul. 23, 2007 (Mon) for presenters and
                                                                                Aug. 17, 2007 (Fri) 12:00 JST for others.


Japan TRIZ CB:              Chairperson: Toshihiro Hayashi (Hayashi Professional Engneer Office)
The Third TRIZ Symposium,
                            General Organizer: Yuji Mihara (formerly: Fuji Film)
                                          Secretary: Masatoshi Hotta (Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative)
                                Local Organizer: Naoaki Okuzumi (TOSHIBA)
                        Program Chairperson: Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)
                 Program Vice Chairperson: Yoshihisa Konishi (formerly: Mitsubishi Research Institute)
                          Program Committee: Shinsuke Kurosawa (SANNO Institute for Management)
            Care Taker of Poster Sessions: Kazuyasu Ikeda (Sekisui Engineering Co.)
  Care Taker of Overseas Participants: Toshiaki Masaki (Nitto Denko)

Previous Symposia Held by Japan TRIZ CB:  

Symposium name date and place presentations and participants Documents and Reports
The First TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Sept. 1 - 3, 2005
Laforet Shuzenji (Naka-Izu, Shizuoka)
6 Invited talks (1 overseas);
15 Contributed talks (2 overseas);
104 Participants (4 overseas)
Official Reports and Documents
Personal Report by Toru Nakagawa (OGU)
The Second TRIZ Symposium in Japan
Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 2006
Pana-Hills Osaka (Suita, Osaka)
5 Invited talks (2 overseas);
30 Contributed talks (9 overseas);
157 Particiants (18 overseas)
Official Reports and Documents
Personal Report by Toru Nakagawa (OGU)


Top of this page Outline of Symposium Message (Call for articipation) Agenda outline Agenda (sheet) Agenda (detail) Keynotes and other features Venue & Accommodation Fees and Regisration
Abstracts of all the presentations Call for Papers Call for Papers (PDF) Guide for Presenters 2nd TRIZ Symp. 2006 (Official Rept.) 2nd TRIZ Symp. 2006 (Nakagawa Rept.) Post-Symosium Report Top page of Japan TRIZ CB Japanese page
General index New Information Introduction to TRIZ TRIZ References TRIZ Links TRIZ News & Activities TRIZ Software Tools TRIZ Papers and Tech Reports TRIZ Lectures TRIZ Forum General index
Home Page New Information Introduction to TRIZ TRIZ References TRIZ Links TRIZ News & Activities TRIZ Software Tools TRIZ Papers and Tech Reports TRIZ Lectures TRIZ Forum Home Page

Last updated on Aug. 22, 2007.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@utc.osaka-gu.ac.jp