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How I Have Been Learning, Applying, and Teaching TRIZ | |
Toru Nakagawa
(Osaka Gakuin University) |
Presented at PSST 2006 (International Conference on Problem Solving Strategies & Techniques), Held at Tehran, Iran, on Nov. 26-27, 2006 | |
[Posted on Apr. , 2010; Added: Mar. 13, 2010] |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 14, 2010)
This article posts the slide file of my old video presentation which was delivered at the PSST International Conference in Nov. 2006 held in Iran.
We have already announced that we, Japan TRIZ Society, are going to invite Mr. Mahmoud Karimi (IIITS, Iran) as one of the Keynote Speakers at the coming Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 . Mr. Karimi has provided us an article describing the TRIZ Activities in Iran, as being posted in a separate page of this Web site (Feb. 22, 2010). 7 Photos have been added in the page on Mar. 13, 2010.
We noticed two photos among them where Mr. Karimi was talking about the Son & Father's TRIZ Study on Water Striders by the Miyanishi Family and about Nakagawa together with his photo in a morning Talkshow in TV. For clarifying the background of these photos, I would like to describe the prehistory between myself and Mr. Karimi/Iran, and to post here the slide file of the video presentation, (in PPT) and (in PDF). .
[A] Prehistory of communication between Nakagawa and Mr. Karimi/Iran.
Sorry but I do not have time to translate my Japanese descrption into English.
[B] How I Have Been Learning, Applying, and Teaching TRIZ
PowerPoint file of the video presentation with animation (8 slides, 323 KB)
Top of this page | PowerPoint file with animation | Article PDF | TRIZ Activities in Iran (Karimi) | Japan TRIZ Sympo 2010 | Japanese page |
Last updated on Apr. 18, 2010. Access point: Editor: