TRIZ Forum: IT & TRIZ | |
Japanese Translation Project of Umakant Mishra's IT & TRIZ Book (3) Japanese Edition Completed!! Will Be Published Soon. |
English Text: "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" (Final edition) (Mishra, Aug. 2008) | |
Publication Plan (tentative) |
Preface (II) to the Japanese Edition (T. Nakagawa) |
Toru Nakagawa (OGU)
and Masatoshi Hotta (SKI) Posted: Aug. 22, 2011; Updated: Jan. 15, 2012 ; Feb. 16, 2016 |
For going back to Japanese pages, press buttons.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 16, 2014):
The books published or prepared for publication by SKI are going to be re-published by CrePS Institute (Director: Toru Nakagawa) with some revisions in the renewed series "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" in the style of digital downloading.
This book Japanese edition of Mishra's "TRIZ for IT" is going to be re-published as Vol. 4 of the new series (possibly in April or May 2014) in the style of digital downloading from the DLmarket site.
On the former SKI editions, please refer to the detailed information shown in this page or in the pages linked from this page. On the new CrePS Institute editions, you may refer at the page opened on Feb. 16, 2014.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Aug. 20, 2011)
The Japanese Translation Project of Umakant Mishra's TRIZ & IT Book has now completed, after 4 years of struggling, its Japanese Edition, including an ellaborated hierarchical Index of IT terms. We are now negotiating with the author and preparing for the publication. During the coming Japan TRIZ Symposium, Sept. 8-10, 2011, a sample of the new Japanese Edition will be displayed for sales promotion.
On this Project, we have so far posted the following 2 pages (in English) in this site, "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":
(1) Introduction to the original English book (Toru Nakagawa, Aug. 17, 2007) .
(2) Introduction to the Japanese Translation Project (Masatshi Hotta and Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 9, 2008; updated Sept. 7, 2008) .
In the Japanese page, we have just posted the following information. In English, the items with * marks are posted here:
(a)* Outline of the Publication Plan (tentative) and the cover design.
(b) Contents of the book. (Main parts of the Table of Contents.)
(c)* Preface (II) for the Japanese Edition (Toru Nakagawa, Aug. 14, 2011).
(d) Index (Hierarchically classified Index of IT terms, by Toru Nakagawa) (Introduction page).
(e) "Current Situations and Infromation Sources of TRIZ" (in place of Postscript) (by Toru Nakagawa, Aug. 14, 2011). Posted in a separate page (in Japanese).
Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 15, 2012)
The Author's Web site:
The English Edition is currently available on the net through at . Sample pages of the book click:
Top of this page | Publication Plan | Preface (II) to the Japanese Edition | Current Situations and Informaion Sources | Japanese page |
Publication Plan (Tentative)
A Sample of the Japanese Edition will be displayed at Japan TRIZ Symposim, Sept. 8-10, 2011 at Yokohama.
English Text:
"TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" (Final edition) (Aug. 2008)
Author: Umakant Mishra (India)The Japanese Editon:
"A Collection of Problem Solving Ideas in IT and Software Technologies
-- Classified with TRIZ Inventive Principles --"Translation team:
Toru Nakagawa (OGU): Supervising translator,
Yoshihisa Konishi (SKI): Translator,
Toru Shonai (Hitachi): Translator,
Masatoshi Hotta (SKI): Translator and Project director,
Takuo Maeda (Takumi System Architects): TranslatorKazuo Gotoh (RICOH): Designer
Publicaton format:
Digita edition (PDF) in a CD-RPublisher: Sozo Kaihatsu Initiative (SKI)
CD Jacket
Preface (II) to the Japanese Edition (Manuscript, Toru Nakagawa)
Umakant Mishra:
"A Collection of Problem Solving Ideas in IT and Software Technologies
-- Classified with TRIZ Inventive Principles --"Preface (II) to the Japanese Edition (Draft)
Three years and half have passed since I wrote the Preface (I) to this book. Meanwhile, the Auhor revised the English texts twice (in May 2008 and in August 2008) and also published the Engsh Edition in the form of Print on Demand (in January 2010). We, the Japanese Translation team, finished its first draft of all the 40 chapers in August 2008, but took much time to revise and brush up the Japanese texts for making them correct and readable. We have just finished all the set of final manuscripts for publication. We are going to publish the Japanese Edition in the digital format in CD-R.
5 years since the initial draft version by the author and 3 years since the author's revised version make some examples in the text, e.g., names of exempler OSs, somewhat old-fashioned. We are sorry for our delay in the translaton work.
We sincerely hope, however, the readers are wise to understand that the concepts written in this book have not become old-dated and that various additional examples are coming out one after another. Basic ideas in inventions and core ideas for technology development are universal and do not change in their essence. This is the findings by TRIZ.
Let's think about today's fresh new products, technologies, and businesses in IT/Software. Let's think what is the essence of their novelty and excellence. Is such essence relevant to any of the concepts of 40 TRIZ Principles described in this book? Or is it completely new and different from the 40 Principles?
Thinking of such essence makes us understand more fully about the new products/technologies/businesses and thus deepen our understanding of the concepts of Princiles and strengthen our thinking capability. In this manner we can understand more deeply our own problems/tasks and generate new ideas for their solutions.
Recently TRIZ has been applied to the development of new products and technologies in the field of IT/Software. There are various such activities in Japan and in the world, and some of them are publicized. You may refer to the presentations at Japan TRIZ Symposia held by Japan TRIZ Society, and for example to Darrell Mann's book "Systematic (Software) Innovation" (IFR Press, Nov. 2008).
Even though the Index of the orignal English Edition is just a list of IT terms in the alphabetical order, in the Japanese Edition we have built a hierarchically classified Index of about 2700 IT terms. When you consider various aspects of your IT-related problems, the classified Index will be helpful, we hope. .
In place of Postscript of the book, I have written a new article "Current Situations and Information Sources of TRIZ". I wrote in both scopes of Japan and the world. In its latter part I have introduced several excellent papers of application and promotion case studies presented at recent Japan TRIZ Symposia. This article may be helpful for TRIZ new comers guided here by the present book.
The IT/Software field is developing rapidly through very severe competitions, and Japan is on a narrow edge in this field in the aspects of novelty and international competitiveness. The collection of problem solving ideas in this book and the deeper understanding of the essence of TRIZ Principles may help you, we heartily wish.
August 14, 2011
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)[English translation on Aug. 20, 2011. TN]
Top of this page | Publication Plan | Preface (II) to the Japanese Edition | Current Situations and Informaion Sources | Japanese page |
Note: The following links guide you to the pages written in 2007 and 2008, without updated to the the present Japanese Edition.
Preface to the Japanee Edition | 40 Principles for IT | Intoduction | Chapt. 4 | Preliminary Sample edition (Sept., 2008) | Mishra's Web site | Japanese page (2) latest |
Last updated onJan. 15, 2012. Updated: Feb. 16, 2014 Access point: Editor: