Preface for the publication
in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"
(Toru Nakagawa, May 8, 1999)
This paper
by Ed Sickafus was presented at TRIZCON99 as cited above, and translated
into Japanese
by Toru Nakagawa under the kind permission of
Institute for TRIZ Studies,
Ford Motor Company, and the author, Dr.
Ed Sickafus.
The Japanese
version has been published in the Japanese
the "TRIZ Home
Page in Japan"
under the permission. We are grateful to Altshuller Institute, Ford
Motor Co.,
and Dr. Sickafus
their permissions which help Japanese readers understand how to
promote the
TRIZ methodology (including SIT/USIT) in their
In the present
paper, Dr. Sickafus describes the process of his introducing SIT (Structured
Thinking; a much simplfied version of TRIZ) into Ford Motor Co. He
detailed reasonings
why and how he chose SIT in comparison with TRIZ itself, why he chose
to establish
an in-company specialist team in place of adopting outside consultants,
why he focused
on the pre-engineering concept generation phase instead of the engineering
phase, and why he is emphasizing rapid problem solving in place of invention.
His rationale
on these issues is full of insights which we readers should sit and think
The original,
English version is not published here. It will probably appear in
the near future
in the author's
Web site:
Readers are
advised to read Dr. Sickafus' preceeding paper
on his team's current activities;
it was presented
last November at the First TRIZ International Conference, and is posted
in the author's
Web site. Its Japanese
by Nakagawa can be seen in the
Japanese page
of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".
To understand
the SIT methodology itself, Nakagawa's
report of "USIT Training Seminar"
by Dr. Sickafus is a handy and thourough reference.
Access to the
author should be:
Ed Sickafus, Ford Scientific Laboratory, Dearborn, Michigan, USA
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Last updated
on May 8, 1999. Access point: Editor: