TRIZ Paper: Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009

TRIZ Activities in Korea and Its Success Factors until 2009
KyeongWon Lee (Korea Polytechnic University, Korea)
The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center, Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 13, 2009; Japanese translation on Jul. 21, 2010.
[Posted on Jul. 25, 2010] 

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 22, 2010)

This paper was presented by Professor KyeongWon Lee last year at the Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009 in an Oral session.

The paper overviews the history of introducing TRIZ in Korea, and states that TRIZ in Korea is now at the stage of rapid growth of the S-curve.  The most important trigger of the growth was the successful technical case studies achieved in Samsung group companies by the Russian TRIZ experts around (or just before) 2004 and the fact that the managements of the big companies recognized them and promoted TRIZ actively.  Then the needs of training engineers in the companies led to the effective use of on-line training courses.  According to the Author, many books on TRIZ were published in the Korean language, and several universities have started the regular classes on the subject of creative engineering design on the basis of TRIZ.   On the bases of these facts the Author summarizes 9 main success factors of TRIZ promotion in Korea; they are very interesting.

In this page, the presentation slides are posted both in English and in Japanese (translated by Toru Nakagawa).  Nakagawa's review written in the "Personal Reports" of the Symposium is also posted here again in English and in the Japanese translation (by Toru Nakagawa).

At the end of the above review, I briefly discussed on the current situations of TRIZ activities in Japan.  Besides the 9 viewpoints mentioned by Professor KyeongWon Lee, I added 6 more different viewpoints.  Such viewpoints are supposed to be useful for further discussions of future ways of TRIZ promotion; they are listed here.

1. Relation to previous background (10) TRIZ software tools
2. TRIZ champions (11) National center in TRIZ
3. Russian TRIZ experts (12) National conference in TRIZ
4. Strategic approach inside a company (13) Education with TRIZ at school
5. Books and Online education (14) TRIZ research/application centers
6. Business application of TRIZ (15) Governmental recognition
7. Education of TRIZ in academia  
8. Trainings and consulting  
9. Characteristics of people  

After the TRIZ Symposium 2009, Professor KyeongWon Lee and other TRIZ leaders in Korea organized a new national/international TRIZ conference; KoreaTRIZCON2010   was held for 2 days in March 2010 in Seoul.  In our coming TRIZ Symposium 2010, nine presentations will be given by Korean authors and a number of participants are also expected from Korea.  The present article is now posted with the hope of being useful for attending at such presentations by the Korean authors.

[1] Abstact


TRIZ Activities in Korea and Its Success Factors until 2009

KyeongWon Lee (Korea Polytechnic University, Korea)


Many big companies and Universities in Korea are very interested in TRIZ applications until 2009 more and more. In this paper the TRIZ activities at Samsung, LG, Hyundai Automobile and LS Cable are briefly summarized. The Departments of Mechanical Engineering of Korea Polytechnic University and Ajou University etc. have opened the TRIZ course for “Creative Engineering Design Education” certificated by ABET. Specially main factors on why TRIZ applications in Korea are most active in the World, will be explained in the view of the author with some demos on Korean TRIZ books, TRIZ online/ offline education (& consulting) programs and the good results that may be possible to be opened to public domain in Japan.

[2]  Presentation Slides and Full Paper in PDF     [Note: The dark-blue background used by the Author is changed into the white one for the convenience of printing by the readers.]

Presentation Slides in English in PDF (16  slides, 1.4 KB)

Presentation Slides in Japanese in PDF (16 slides, 792 KB) (Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU))

[3]  Introduction to the Presentation (by Nakagawa)

Excerpt from: 
Personal Report of The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2009, Part E
by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Dec. 13, 2009
Posted on Dec. 24, 2009 in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"

KyeongWon Lee (Korea Polytechnic Univ., Korea) [E15 O-4] gave an Oral presentation with the title of "TRIZ Activities in Korea and Its Success Factors until 2009".  [This paper was accepted late in mid August as a Poster presentation, and was actually presented in an Oral session on the First day afternoon due to a cancel of other speaker after only one-day notice in advance.]  The Author's Abstract is quoted here first:

Many big companies and Universities in Korea are very interested in TRIZ applications until 2009 more and more. In this paper the TRIZ activities at Samsung, LG, Hyundai Automobile and LS Cable are briefly summarized. The Departments of Mechanical Engineering of Korea Polytechnic University and Ajou University etc. have opened the TRIZ course for “Creative Engineering Design Education” certificated by ABET. Specially main factors on why TRIZ applications in Korea are most active in the World, will be explained in the view of the author with some demos on Korean TRIZ books, TRIZ online/ offline education (& consulting) programs and the good results that may be possible to be opened to public domain in Japan.

The first two sides shown (below) are the overview of TRIZ history in Korea.  The Author writes that TRIZ was introduced into Korea in 1996-1997, and it provided good case studies at Samsung Electronics, as reported in TRIZCON2004, and such good results stimulated much the penetration and usage of TRIZ.  And today TRIZ in Korea is at the stage of rapid progress with excellent industrial cases and education for engineers and in universities, the Author says. 

[*** On the TRIZ activities in Korea, we have met several presentations which support this paper.  They include:  Nikolai Shpakovsky et al. on TRIZ online training program (ETRIA TFC 2001) , Hyo June Kim (Japan IM User Group Meeting, 2003); Sun-Wook Kang et al. and Mijion Song et al. on TRIZ promotion (TRIZCON2004) , Valery Krasnoslobodtsev et al. (TRIZCON2005); Jung-Hyeon Kim et al. on the TRIZ propagation in Samsung Electronics (ETRIA TFC 2005); Valery Krasnoslobodtsev (A seminar in Japan, 2006); SeHo Cheong et al. on the TRIZ promotion in Samsung Electro-Mechanical Co. (Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008)]


After obtaining successful results with TRIZ in big industries, such as Samsung group companies, they put much weight in TRIZ education programs, especially online intranet programs.  Now they have online TRIZ education program in the public domain for a very cheap tuition (see slide below-left).  TRIZ books have been published in Korean language, including some original, non-translation ones (see slide below-right).  


The Author discusses on the factors contributed to the success of TRIZ promotion in Korea in the following two slides (below).  This summary is very interesting. 


The Author concluded his presentation with the slide (right).  The Author concludes that the TRIZ activities in Korea are now in the stage of rapid growth in its S-curve.  This conclusion seems to be supported by various facts presented here (and probably many more not presented yet publicly). 

[On the second point of this conclusion slide, Nakagawa made a comment during the Oral presentation session, saying: "The name of 'ASIA TRIZ conference' is not appropriate for the conference organized only by Korean people.  (Nakagawa claimed on the same point a year ago for the case of the 'First' event.)" -- After the Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009, the Author and people in Korea have thoughtfully changed their plan.  They are now calling for papers to "Global TRIZ Conference 2010 in Korea" (or shortly "Korea TRIZCON 2010") to be held on March 11-13, 2010 in Seoul.  See their Web site ]


*** It is interesting to think and discuss of various factors which contributed successfully or missed to contribute to the promotion of TRIZ in your own (and various other) country (or company, university, etc.)   I would like to try some comparison below in the case of TRIZ in Japan, on the basis of the Author's view points.

View points
Situations in Japan
1. Relation to previous background Japan has very strong backgrounds in various Quality Movements and also in Creativity methodologies.  TRIZ has absorbed only a small percentage of such people.  Integration and collaboration with various such movements/methodologies need to be sought further.
2. TRIZ champions TRIZ pioneers and leaders in Japan are mostly senior engineers and middle managers.  We have not succeeded in getting executive managers who strongly promote TRIZ in the company-wide scale.
3. Russian TRIZ experts In the early days of TRIZ introduction, we had various seminars by Russian (and US) TRIZ experts.  But soon afterward, we tried to study and apply TRIZ by ourselves while introducing various classical and new TRIZ thinking/tools through conferences, books, Web articles, etc. from over the world.  We do not think this a poor choice.  Japan has its own style of understanding and applying TRIZ, especially in the form of integral use of QFD-TRIZ-TM and in the form of USIT.
4. Strategic approach inside a company Various approaches have been made in each company.  Hitachi, Panasonic, Panasonic Communications, etc. are the known cases of establishing company-wide TRIZ promotion teams with success.  Many more companies have their own styles of promotion, mostly operated by middle managements and having bottom-up organizations.
5. Books and Online education Standard TRIZ textbooks have been published in Japanese translation since the early days, and several original Japanese TRIZ books have been published.  Online education course of TRIZ is not available in Japan.  However, public Web sites, especially "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", provide up-to-date high-quality articles in Japanese (and in English, as you see).
6. Business application of TRIZ Application of TRIZ in business and management areas is starting slowly. 
7. Education of TRIZ in academia There are about 10 universities, where TRIZ is taught.  However, they are mostly based on the individual work/interest by professors. We need to do much more for TRIZ (or creative engineering design) being accepted as regular subjects.  Research of TRIZ in Japanese universities is also still very weak.  TRIZ is not recognized in academic societies in Japan.
8. Trainings and consulting There are a number of TRIZ training/consulting firms, and also a number of in-company TRIZ training teams.  It is noticeable that many TRIZ practitioners join voluntary study groups on open multi-company basis to study and share TRIZ knowledge/experiences.
9. Characteristics of people Japanese people are sincere to work and study. 
(10) TRIZ software tools Big companies introduced TRIZ software tools (in Japanese edition) since the early days of TRIZ promotion.  Companies have different weights on TRIZ software tools, I suppose.
(11) National center in TRIZ TRIZ community in Japan has had close and friendly relationships since its early stage of 1997 and has progressed step by step to established Japan TRIZ Society, NPO, in late 2007.  The Society covers almost all the people working and interested in TRIZ in Japan, including vendors/consultants, industrial users, and university people.  Holding the TRIZ Symposium annually is its main job at moment.
(12) National conference in TRIZ TRIZ Symposium in Japan has been held every year since 2005.  It is an open national conference, and is partially international obtaining presenters and participants from overseas as well.
(13) Education with TRIZ at school Education of/with TRIZ in high schools and in elementary schools has not started yet in Japan.  We will need to get teachers interested in TRIZ.  In this relation, penetration of TRIZ in society is none at moment.
(14) TRIZ research/application centers There are some TRIZ teams inside industrial companies and in consulting firms.  But we do not have TRIZ research/application centers in universities nor in governmental institutes.
(15) Governmental recognition TRIZ is not recognized at all in the government or municipal organizations in Japan.  Not taken in the programs, projects, policies, organizations, etc.

*** Describing this table (and reading it again and agin for revision), I feel that we have a lot of things to do for TRIZ in Japan and in the World.


Top of this page Abstract Slides in PDF Slides in Japanese, PDF Nakagawa's Introduction Discussion by Nakagawa Nakagawa's Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 Japanese page


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Last updated on Jul. 25, 2010.     Access point:  Editor: