TRIZ Paper: 
Analysis and Development Aspects of Laser Optical Disk Systems
Serguei Khrouchtchev
(Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, Russia)
Proceedings of ETRIA World Conference "TRIZ Future2003", held at Aachen, Germany, on Nov. 12-14, 2003
  [Posted here under permission.  Jun. 16, 2004]
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, June 14, 2004)

This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of ETRIA Conference "TRIZ Future 2003".  At the Conference, I was looking forward to meeting the author and listening to his presentation, because I knew of his DVD work done at Samsung, Korea.   But the  chairman announced us: "The author cannot come because his wife gave a birth of their first baby yesterday".  Thus in my Personal Report of the ETRIA Conference, I introduced this paper in the following way:

     The paper [I-9] by Serguei Khrouchtchev  (Moscow State Technical Univ. named after Bauman, Russia), even though not presented orally, is an excellent analysis of the development of laser optical disk systems.  The author made a powerful cost-reduction invention of the DVD pick-up optical system at Samsung Electronics, Korea, during 2000-2002, as reported by Hyo June Kim at the 4th Japan IM User Group Meeting held on Sept. 12-14, 2003.  The paper [I-9] reviews the up-to-date development of technology in laser optical disk systems and discusses about the problems/contradictions and their solutions in terms of TRIZ principles.

After the Conference I wrote an email to ask for his permission of my posting his paper in my Web site both in English and in Japanese translation.  He kindly agreed and sent me his Word file.  He says this paper is one part of his series of lecture materials for fulfilling the requirement of pedagogy course in the graduate school at MSTU.  Reading this paper, you would agree with me to look forward to his forthcoming lecture series.  Being too busy to translate into Japanese, I have been postponing to post the paper in my Web site.  But I have naw decided that it is the time for me to post it here in the English page without waiting for our Japanese translation.  Please enjoy reading this wonderful paper and learn how to analyze the development of any specific technology. 

We wish to thank
    Mr. Serguei Khrouchtchev  (Moscow State Technical University, Russia).  Email:
     ETRIA (European TRIZ Association)

Analysis and Development Aspects of Laser Optical Disk Systems

Serguei Khrouchtchev
(Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, Russia)

Proceedings of ETRIA World Conference "TRIZ Future2003",
held at Aachen, Germany, on Nov. 12-14, 2003

Click here for the paper.  PDF 299 KB

Profile of Lecturer

   Serguei Khrouchtchev    Email:

Brief Résumé & job descriptions:


Date of Birth


Consulter at Moscow representatives of Samsung Electronics research center


Master of Optical Engineering at Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman (MSTU)


Optical engineer at DVD-players department of Samsung Electronics (Republic of Korea)

Since 2000

Post-graduate student at MSTU

Since 2002

Development Engineer at ODD department of DEUTSCHE THOMSON-BRANDT GmbH

Top of this page
Slides (PDF)
ETRIA Conference 2003
4th Japan IM-UGM
Promotion of TRIZ at Samsung (HJ.Kim)
Case Study: DVD (H.J. Kim)
Japanese page 

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Last updated on Jun. 16, 2004.     Access point:  Editor: