Archives of New Information of
"TRIZ Home Page in Japan"  (2018, 2019, 2020)

  New Information Posted in 2020

  New Information Posted in 2019

  New Information Posted in 2018

Brief introduction to all the new information posted in 2018, 2019, and 2020, listed in the historical order, latest at the top.

This page is formed: Mar. 23, 2021; updated: Nov. 10, 2022

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Posted in 2020

 WTSP: Close site introduction: "TRIZ Power Tools" (Larry Ball) (TN2F-06) (Dec. 23, 2020)

Larry Ball is the main author of a wonderful website "TRIZ Power Tools", coded as TN2F-06 and evaluated as Most Important ◎ in the World TRIZ-related Sites Catalogs, see (A1P) .  On my request, he wrote introductions to his site in the Standard format (b) and in Close free-format (c).  This page (in WTSP News 2020) records a full set, i.e., (a) Brief site introduction (TN, Sept. 2019), (b) Standard Site Description, (c) Close Site Introduction, and (d) Earlier communications (2003 - 2014), (e) Recent communications (Aug. - Dec., 2020) between Larry Ball and TN.  The Site Introductions are also set in the World WTSP Catalogs (A1)(A1P)(B1)(B1P) etc.  Larry Ball's introduction in (b) is shown here while skipping some sentences:

"This is a system of eBooks authored principally by Larry Ball with help from the rest of the coauthors. ... Immediately on entering the website, there are 4 short videos which include: [... How to navigate the eBooks by combining inventing Skills to accomplish inventive Jobs. ... How to use the eBooks to create your own innovation processes].
Larry was introduced to TRIZ by reading "TRIZ as an Exact Science" by G. Altshuller in 1989. Following that, he studied, used, and taught TRIZ and invention algorithms for many years, while continuing to read more TRIZ books and articles. ... The present eBooks "TRIZ Power Tools" were posted in May 2018, after much revisions. The contents are mainly based on TRIZ but reflects other methods including Design Thinking, Disruptive Innovations and Marketing, Blue Ocean Strategy, Theory of Constraints, and One Simple Idea. He believes that the best way to learn TRIZ deeply is to create your own product design and inventing algorithms after your own understanding, according to modern learning theory. ...  While written in English, each of the eBooks can be translated automatically into (practically) any language with the Google translator without waiting.
The contents are composed of two big groups. (A) Inventive Jobs (e.g., Discovering markets, Creating offerings (products/services), Designing and prototyping, Reducing offering burdens, Resolving problems, Selling of licensing your offering) and (B) Inventive Skills (e.g., Resolving contradictions, Working with functions, Idealizing useful functions, Idealizing informing functions, Idealizing harmful functions, Discovering cause, Discovering why targeted objects are required, Mobilizing function resources, Neutralizing harmful functions). These jobs and skills are to be used in various ways of appropriate combinations, as guided by the eBook navigation."

  TRIZ paper: Future of TRIZ:  Mapping the Un-Mappable: The History Of TRIZ 2020-2030 (Darrell Mann, & Mubashar Rashid (Systematic Innovation, UK) Japanese translation (Toru Nakagawa) (Nov.25, 2020)

This paper by Darrell Mann is an expansion of his presentation at TRIZCON2020 (held Online on Oct. 6-7, 2020) and published on Oct. 28, 2020 in his Systematic Innovation e-Zine, Issue 223, Oct. 2020, pp. 2-9.  I had a chance of listening his presentation video before TRIZCON and was impressed much.  So I asked and got permission from the author and TRIZCON for me to transcript the video and post the presentation slides and speech text both in English and Japanese translation in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  When he sent me his preprint of this paper, I also obtained similar permissions to post its English and Japanese editions in this Website.  See the original paper in PDF .

Table of Contents may be as follows   (where subsection titles in [  ] are inserted by Nakagawa):

[Crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic]  [Crisis and Innovation]
1. Societal Level Challenges:  [Fall of domino]  [Disaster Cycle and its 6 phases] [Timing for Innovation]
2. Business Level Challenges:  [Mindset in 20th century was Efficiency, while in 21st century is Effectiveness] [Complexity Landscape Model (CLM)]  [K-shaped 3 patterns of company's future in crisis] 
3. Innovation Challenges:  [Operational Excellence and Innovation] [Redefining the Innovation] [Innovation Capability Maturity Model (ICMM)] [Gartner Hype Cycle and the position of TRIZ] [For TRIZ to successfully make it out of the Trough of Disillusionment ] [Evolution direction for TRIZ and Systematic Innovation] [Strategy compatible with Complexity] [What TRIZ Community should do for 4-5 years from now]

I am grateful to the authors for their generous permission of my posting their excellent paper in this Website.  

  WTSP:  Some More Final Steps for Enhancing the World WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa) (Nov.22, 2020)

As we reported in the five conferences recently , the WTSP project has built Beta edition of World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites and has made clear 'Some more final steps for enhancing them'.  For paving the road for such steps, I have fully updated our '(A4) Guidelines for Building World WTSP Catalogs', with step-by-step instructions, templates, links to examples, etc.   And I wrote this page for guiding you to such activities, by using several slides from ETRIA TFC2020 presentation
The contents are:  1. World WTSP Catalogs (Beta Edition, Jun. 2020);  2. Three Basic Requirements from Users;  3. Practice Guide for Building Country/World WTSP Catalogs;  4. Evaluation of Sites;  5. Site Introduction (3b) Standard Form to be written by the site owner (Mandatory);  6. Site Introduction (3c) Close Introduction in free format to be written by the site owner (Optional);  7. Preparing Manuscripts of Country/World WTSP Catalogs;  8. Concluding Remarks: Let's work Together ! Connected !!

 WTSP:Five Conference presentations in Autumn 2020: World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)(3): World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites: Beta Edition (Jun. 2020) and Its Further Enhancement (Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov) (Nov.11, 2020)

This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic over the world, traveling and meetings were prohibited or suppressed widely.  Hence many international/domestic conferences had to be shifted to hold Online.  Presenters and participants communicate remotely on Internet.  This opened us the opportunities to participate in four international conferences on TRIZ and one domestic conference during this autumn.  We gave presentations on the WTSP Project/Catalogs as shown in the table below.  Considering the interests of audiences in different regions of the world, we adjusted our titles, emphases, and motives slightly.  We submitted papers, slides, and videos, as requested by the conferences.  Such documents are posted in this website. 


Place, date 

Presentation title Posting (date)

Documents posted 

(1) MATRIZ Online Forum 2020

Moscow, Russia,
Sept. 24-27, 2020

Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project

(1) MOF2020 (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Presentation slides (28 slides) (E)(PDF) ;
Digest slides (13 slides) (R)(HTML) ;

(2) Altshuller Inst. TRIZCON2020

Boston, USA,
Oct. 6-7, 2020

World Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites
Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project

(2) TRIZCON2020 (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Presentation slides (28 slides) (E) (PDF);
Video slide-show (28 slides, 38 min.) (E) (MP4)  

(3) ETRIA TRIZ Future Conf. 2020

Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Oct. 14-16, 2020

World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)(3): World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites: First Edition (2019) and Its Further Enhancement

[presentation is based on Beta Edition (Jun. 2020).]

(3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Paper (E)(HTML) ;
Paper published (E) (PDF) ;
Slides (28 slides) (E)(HTML) ;
(PDF) ;
Video slide-show (28 slides, 32 min.) (E) (MP4)

(4) I-SIM Intern'l Conf. Systematic Innovation (ICSI) 2020

Taiwan, Oct. 23-24, 2020

World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites: We Can Learn A Lot through These Active Information Sources

(4) ICSI2020 (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Slides (13 slides) (E) (HTML);
(PDF) ;
Video slide-show (13 slides, 15 min.) (E) (MP4)

(5) Japan Creativity Society Conf. 2020 

Tokyo, Japan,
Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2020

Websites on Various Methodologies for Creative Problem Solving: Development of World Catalogs (WTSP Project)

(5) JCS 2020 (Nov. 11, 2020),
(Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Paper (8 pages) (J)(HTML) ;
Paper published (J) (PDF);
Slides (26 slides) (J)(HTML) ;
Slides (26 slides) (J)(PDF) ;
Video slide-show (22 min.) (J)(MP4)

I would suggest you to watch/read in the oder: Video of ICSI (15 min.) ==> Video of ETRIA TFC (32 min.) ==> Paper of ETRIA TFC .
Their outline is: Aims of WTSP project, Process of building the WTSP Catalogs, Current outputs of World Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites, Reflection and Guidelines, Some more final steps for enhancing the Catalogs.  We received high evaluation and encouragement from users. In the 4th year, 2021, we wish to have site introductions by individual site owners, and team activities in various countries and specific fields.  World WTSP Catalogs will be helpful for many users in the world and also fruitful for ourselves.  Let's work Together ! Connected !!

  On the 22nd Anniversary of  "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":  Toru Nakagawa (Nov. 11, 2020)

This Web site "TRIZ Home in Japan" celebrated its 22nd Anniversary on Nov. 1.  I am very grateful to you all, including authors, translators, and readers in Japan and around the world, for your continuing support.  This site serves as an open forum of information exchange for better understanding and usage of Creative Problem Solving Methodologies.  Initially, I intended to introduce TRIZ, a Russian-based methodology for mostly technological areas, but along with the development of such methodologies the scope of this site became wider and deeper year after year.  TRIZ itself has evolved to wider application including business and marketing, and has been spreading widely in the world.  My own research has extended to USIT as an easy-to-learn TRIZ, the Six-Box Scheme as a new paradigm of creative problem solving, and CrePS (General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving) which intends to integrate and unify various methods by using the Six-Box Scheme.  I found the fundamental contradictions in Human Culture and their solution directions in the relationships of Liberty-Love-Ethics.  Such history of of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" is recently written in "Site Introduction (Features and Selected Articles)" (Feb. 13, 2020).

This site is meant to openly publish information and communications on a not-for-profit basis.  Though I have been operating this site as a volunteer, this site is not a personal site but a public forum to be composed of the contributions by readers, as you see already.  Most pages are published in Japanese and in English in parallel for the purpose of mutual understanding and collaboration between Japanese and overseas people.  Four Entrance Pages have been installed in 2012 for your easy access to articles.  Since November 2017, we have been working as World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) and reported the completion of World Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ sites at five conferences during this autumn (Nov. 11, 2020).  For enhancing them further, let's work Together ! Connected !!

I wish this Home Page be useful for you readers to solve your various problems.  Readers' contributions either in English or in Japanese are heartily welcome.


 WTSP: Close site introduction: JP-10 MOST LLC (Kazuya Yamaguchi) (Sept. 29, 2020)

K. Yamaguchi's site is listed in the World WTSP Catalog (A2P) as evaluated ○ with Nakagawa's introduction . Getting the contributions by him, a full set of site introductions is shown in the World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part) in Japanese. The set includes: (a) Brief introduction by Nakagawa as a surveyor, (b) Site description in the WTSP Standard Form (1 page in A4), and (c) Close site introduction in a free format (16 pages in A4) by the site owner.
In (c) Kazuya Yamaguchi writes a surprising statement "My belief based on my experience and achievements: 'You can solve difficult problems 100 %' ". The key is to borrow the powers of wise men in the world, namely to use the scientific methods for solving difficult problems. He recommends to do jobs in three steps: (1) To define the goal based on customers' demands, by using QFD; (2) To generate ideas and form them into concrete concepts, by using TRIZ; and (3) To provide with products endurable against various bad situations in the market, by using Taguchi method. He explains his approach step by step, convincingly. -- This is an excellent example of site introduction by a site owner. (English translation is expected in near future.) I hope many site owners in the world contribute their site introductions.

 WTSP: World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part) is posted in Japanese translation (Toru Nakagawa) (Sept. 29, 2020) (Jul. 14, 2019)

World WTSP Catalogs have been built in English first, and now I translated its Japan Part (containing 26 sites) into Japanese and posted. (Most of the information came from the Japan WTSP Catalog (containing 92 sites) built in Japanese (Mar. 17, 2018) and translated into English (Apr. 4, 2018).) From the top page , users may access to the Index page , Site description page , and Close site introduction pages of optionally contributed individual sites (currently including 2 sites: JP-01 TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Toru Nakagawa) (Feb. 13, 2020) and JP-10 MOST LLC (Kazuya Yamaguchi) (Sept. 29, 2020)).
All the site owners (in Japan and in the world) are encouraged to contribute their-own site introductions in the Standard Form (A4 1 page) and more closely in a free format (A4 2-5 pages or more). .

 WTSP: Table of TRIZ sites Written in Russian Language in the world. Revised. (Michael Orloff) (Aug. 19, 2020)

The table of Russian Language Websites in the world, originally posted last year by Michael Orloff, has been revised by him and posted here.   He made much efforts for surveying more sites and has added 18 sites, and revised the evaluation of some of the former sites, and incorporated the information contributed by Nikolay Shpakovsky on his 3 sites.  The table is the Russian Language Sites part of our World TRIZ Sites Catalogs.  You can see the whole scope of work being carried out (and shown publicly) in relation to TRIZ in the mother countries of TRIZ.  Since the information in individual sites is huge, we wish to have some more site introductions by the site owners in future.  The Catalog will be a reliable source of TRIZ-related references and activities; its merit is the open, readily-accessible, always up-to-date, and active nature of the information sources in individual sites. -- [Note (TN Sept. 29, 2020): Because of insufficient information about the Roles of sites, new sites added in this revised list are not yet included in the World WTSP Catalogs (A1)(A2).]

 Overview paper:  TRIZ in the World: History, Current Status, and Issues of Concern (Valeri Souchkov (Netherlands), 2016) (Japanese translation and Comments, Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 14, 2020) (Aug. 10, 2020)

This overview paper by Valeri Souchkov was originally presented in Nov. 2016 at a conference in Russia and was posted in his website.  I read the paper in Mar. 2018 with much interest, and happened to read it again recently.  Recognizing its importance, I have translated it into Japanese and posted the Japanese version in my Website on Aug. 10, 2020.  Valeri Souchkov is a TRIZ Master, originally from Belarus, and based in the Netherlands.  He provides consulting, training, education and dissemination activities on TRIZ and systematic innovation all over the world. 

In this paper, he describes the TRIZ history since 1990s in the western world by characterizing 4 stages: (1) software products, (2) interest of academic environment, (3) interest of professional community, foundation of companies, offering TRIZ services, and (4) development of TRIZ networks and associations.  Concerning to the present status, he discusses vividly on (1) TRIZ in industry, (2) TRIZ and education (academic education, professional education (or training), and distance learning), (3) TRIZ and science, and (4) TRIZ in non-technical fields.  Next he discusses on top challenges today and talks about possible main reasons why the TRIZ penetration getting slow recently.  He consider reasons (1) related TRIZ positioning at the market, TRIZ market and market segments, (2) directly related to TRIZ, and (3) related to TRIZ integration into a modern business environment.  It is the author's intention to describe how TRIZ has been evolving while interacting with its super-system, focusing on its adaptation to business environment and its development of methods for treating outer world, and not on internal details of TRIZ.

In the English page, only the Introduction section is posted.  Please refer the full text of the paper in the author's website .   We can learn a lot from this excellent paper. 

In the Editor' Note PS , I wrote comments:  (a) Introduction of TRIZ and deploying it systematically in company-wide scale in South Korea were remarkable success and are recognized to have contributed much to the country's success in the world economy.  TRIZ community in Japan (and Japanese industries) had various opportunities of direct communications with Korean partners, but could not recognize the importance fully and not utilize similar practices.  I discuss the comparison between South Korea and Japan (and other countries). 

(b)  Interaction of TRIZ with its super-systems provides various issues and requirements on TRIZ, and some of them onto the core part of TRIZ (i.e., Classical TRIZ).  We should consider some important evolutions in such aspects, even though the author does not discuss.  One of them is the complete updating of TRIZ knowledge bases carried out by Darrell Mann.  The new Contradiction Matrix 2003/2010 is much easier to use and more reliable in their recommendation of Inventive principles, but most TRIZ specialist and textbooks still use the old Altshuller's version.  This is a typical case of Traditionalism in TRIZ community, which does not accept the idea of Evolution of TRIZ itself despite its advocation of Evolution of technical systems.  Another point is how to make TRIZ easy to understand in its essence, especially in the TRIZ way of thinking.  TRIZ has huge knowledge bases, many methods, various theories and concepts; and they are growing in its complexity.  Difficulty of understanding is the main reason for slow/limited penetration of TRIZ.  The author writes negatively about the 'simplified TRIZ'.  But I believe simplifying/ unifying/ streamlining/ generalizing TRIZ is necessary. Thus I describe the USIT approach briefly:  Ed Sickafus (adopting simplified 4 solution methods from SIT) made the problem solving process streamlined and set the framework of viewing systems in terms of Objects-Attributes-Functions, We, in Japan, integrated all the TRIZ solution generation methods into the USIT Operator System, and represented the USIT process in the data-flow diagram and obtained the concept of the Six-Box Scheme, which we realized to be 'A new paradigm of creative problem solving in general'.  I also wrote how USIT is accepted and used in Japan, by showing a historical index of USIT presentations/publications. 

  TRIZ News:  Plans of TRIZ Conferences in the World and in Japan (Jul. 27, 2020)

Due to the serious Covid-19 Pandemic in the world, various plans of TRIZ Conferences have been changed in schedule/styles. 

  Altshuller Institute (USA) is going to hold Virtual TRIZCON2020 in September (date is not announced yet)    Now calling for Abstracts and video presentations.  See their HP :

MATRIZ has canceled TRIZfest-2020 and is going to hold MATRIZ Online Forum on Sept. 25-28, 2020 (in Moscow).   Abstract submission has been closed and under the review process.   See their HP

ETRIA is preparing for its TRIZ Future Conference 2020 to be held on Oct. 14-17, 2020 On Line (original Venue is in Romania). Now at the stage of submitting final papers.  See their HP

International Society of Innovation Methods (I-SIM) (Taiwan and China) is going to hold its ICSI/GCSI 2020 on line on Oct. 23-24, 2020.  Now calling for presentation abstract.  See their HP

Japan TRIZ Society (JTS) has postponed TRIZ Symposium in Japan (originally scheduled on Sept. 5-6, 2020) until next year. JTS has announced instead a plan of a series of Webinars  See their HP

Japan Creativity Society (JCS) is going to hold its Annual Conference On-Site/On-line on Oct. 31-Nov. 1 2020 in Tokyo, Japan.  Now calling for Abstract and Presentation/Paper .  See their HP

  WTSP: Why We Ask Site Owners to Write the Introduction of Their Own Sites (Communications between Michael Orloff and Toru Nakagawa) (Jul. 23, 2020)

This page records a series of communications (mainly) between Michael Orloff (Germany) and Toru Nakagawa from Jun. 1 to Jul. 10.  Michael Orloff,is one of WTSP Global Co-editors and served to make an extensive list of TRIZ Sites written in Russian Language last year.  We are now going to enhance our World WTSP Catalogs (the Beta Edition, Jun. 30, 2020) further, by getting closer descriptions of many more individual sites. He thought such work is very tough, and raised a fundamental question "What and Why we WTSP should do?".  So we made email communications of about a dozen turns.
Our Catalogs (just like Catalogs of  Excellent Hotels, Restaurants, etc.) must satisfy 2 basic requirements from users viewpoints: (1) Coverage and good selection (= evaluation) of useful sites in the world.  For this purpose we need wide and fair collaboration by many people in the world in TRIZ and related fields.  (2) Attractive and useful introductions of individual sites. We have 4 stages of description: (a) Basic information of the site and 'single line' description to be used in the Indexes.  (b1) A free-format introduction (3-10 lines) possibly written by surveyors.  (b2) Description in the WTSP Standard Form (1 page in A4) from various aspects (to be used for categorization) and brief introduction (about 5-10 lines), to be written by the site owners.  (c) Free-format, closer site introduction described by the site owners (2-5 pages in A4). Close description at the (b2) and (c) levels are wanted by users and can be written (properly) only by site owners.  Owners of ◎○ sites are proud of their sites and find (b2) too short and (c) necessary to introduce their sites fully. 
We need pioneers who write good lists of sites and good samples of site introductions.  Then many people will follow, seeing the merits of being introduced in the WTSP Catalogs.  Beta Edition is just at the start of quick growth, we believe.

  World WTSP Catalogs -- Beta Edition Is Ready, with Two pillars (TRIZ and Around TRIZ) and Catalogs (◎〇) for Print (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 30; Jul. 12, 2020)(Jul. 15, 2020)

We have built the World WTSP Catalogs (Jun. 2020 Edition) as a set of 8 Web pages of Indexes/Catalogs, as shown in the following list:
(A) World TRIZ Sites Catalogs 
    (A1) World TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎)
    (A2) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)     -- (◎ 23 sites, ○ 39 sites)
    (A1P) World TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print   (Jun. 7, 2020)
    (A2P) World TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (◎) for Print   (Jun. 30, 2020)
(C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs   
    (C1) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎)
    (C2) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○)   -- (◎ 33 sites, ○ 127 sites, □ 19 sites)
    (C1P) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print   (Jun. 15, 2020)
    (C2P) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (◎) for Print   (Jun. 30, 2020)
The data themselves have increased only very slightly from the Oct. 2019 Edition, but the usability has been improved much.  The "Index" pages (i.e., (A1)(A2)(C1)(C2)) are composed of the Index table of sites categorized and arranged well, where the site descriptions are accessed at their original Site description files by clicking the hyper-links. On the other hand, the "Catalog for Print"pages (i.e., ((A1P)(A2P)(C1P)(C2P)) contain the descriptions of sites arranged in the same order as the Index part. They are downloadable in PDF (under the copyright remaining at the WTSP project), readable in print, and usable on your PC with active hyper-links inside the Catalog and also going to external site URL. 
Thus our World WTSP Catalogs are at the stage of the Beta Edition which invites users and practitioners to read and use actively for learning and applying in their jobs.  Please use the WTSP Catalogs and feed us back your comments/suggestions.  We are going to enhance/improve them further through voluntary collaboration of many people working in the fields of TRIZ and relevant methodologies.  Enjoy using WTSP Catalogs ! and Let's work Together !! Connected !!!

Note (Jul. 12, 2020):  Many pages in the WTSP project site (under , mostly for building the Catalogs) have been renewed so that the outputs, i.e., the World WTSP Catalogs (under ), are readily accessible and useful for users.
The present announcement on the World WTSP Catalogs has been posted in LinkedIn, and in this Web site in HTML and in PDF .  Please feel free to forward the PDF to anybody.

World WTSP Catalogs -- (C1P) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print (Toru Nakagawa)   (Jun. 15, 2020)

Here we have the second pillar of our World WTSP Catalogs, namely (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs.  Even though we started the WTSP Project  in the TRIZ community, we would like to have a wider scope to various other methodologies and use/work in integrating/collaborative ways with them.  We have surveyed 'Around-TRIZ' sites with the keywords such as (a) Creative Thinking Method, (b) Creative/innovative/systematic Problem Solving, (c) Innovation Process/strategy/method/management, (d) Quality/value/cost/productivity Engineering/management, (e) Patent Analysis/mapping/strategy, etc.  Visiting about 1000 sites one by one, Nakagawa wrote brief descriptions of individual sites and evaluated them (tentatively) at 5 levels (◎〇□△-); thus we obtained 34 ◎ sites and 128 ○ sites.  We reported and posted the Oct. 2019 Edition of (C1) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎)and (C2) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎〇), where individual site-descriptions are accessible by clicking the hyper-links in the Indexes. 

We now have made the (C1P) Catalog in a form easier to read, where the site descriptions are merged in the Index.  The '(C1P) World Around-TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print' is posted as a Web page and also in PDF .  The PDF file is portable, where all the hyper-links (both internal and going-out) are active.  You may download and use the PDF file freely without charge/registration under the copyright by the WTSP Project.  We wish to enhance/improve our WTSP Catalogs further by the support and collaboration of many specialists/practitioners/users working in these wide fields.   Looking forward to your feedbacks and contributions.   [Note (TN, Jun. 30, 2020): Names of Catalogs/Indexes and their file names are readjusted in accordance with the Edition of Jun. 30, 2020.]

Introduction of the Site "MyTRIZ Official Site": Communications between Eng Hoo Tan and Toru Nakagawa (Jun. 15, 2020)

MyTRIZ (Malaysia TRIZ and Innovation Association) is very active.   Eng Hoo Tan (MyTRIZ) contributed the site descriptions.  Here is the record of our communications with him for refining the manuscripts.
(Note: In 2012, I was invited to their MyTRIZ Conference as a keynote speaker, and I was much impressed with their ways of promoting TRIZ in good collaboration among the government, universities, and industries.  See T.S. Yeoh's MyTRIZ President Address at that time and my Conference Report .)

  WTSP Site Introduction: MyTRIZ (Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association) Official Website Site (Eng Hoo Tan (MyTRIZ)) (Jun. 15, 2020)

Introduction of the site in our WTSP Standard form and a closer site introduction in a free format (3 pages) are submitted and installed in the WTSP Catalog. 

World WTSP Catalogs (A1P) World TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 7, 2020)

Here I start a printable file of WTSP Catalog, where the description of sites are arranged according to a WTSP Index.  In the present case, (A1P) World TRIZ Sites Top Catalog (◎) for Print shows all the ◎ TRIZ sites in their site description in the order of the (A1) World TRIZ Sites Top Index (◎) . Besides this HTML page, a PDF file is posted for printing.  Please read through this Catalog. What do you find? Please feed back your impressions and suggestions via email to Nakagawa.
 [Note (TN, Jun. 30, 2020): Names of Catalogs/Indexes and their file names are readjusted in accordance with the Edition of Jun. 30, 2020.]

Please Contribute to World WTSP Catalogs for Making Them More Attractive and Useful for Users (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 7, 2020)

This page is composed of messages addressed to 3 ranges of people.
[1] 110 TRIZ Leaders/Colleagues all overt he world, to whom [WTSP] Letter (19GC-2) was sent on May 26. The message in the Letter was written just after I submitted our WTSP papers to ETRIA TFC 2020 and Japan TRIZ Symposium 2020, and reflects our eager desire for getting collaboration by them.
[2] Many more Leaders/Colleagues/Practitioners in LinkedIn, especially in its 'TRIZ and Innovation' Group. Adding a short preface, I posted the Letter without change in LinkedIn on May 28. The 'TRIZ and Innovation' Group has 14,000+ members, including many leaders, specialists, users in TRIZ and relevant methodologies. 
[3] Many more ordinary practitioners, users, and learners in TRIZ-related methodologies (or 'TRIZ and Innovation'). Such people are expected to be the users/readers of World WTSP Catalogs. Their support and help is crucial for enhancing our Catalogs. Various ways of support/help are suggested. (Jun. 6, 2020)

WTSP Catalog Data: X2TL: 'Tools' SIG Source Data file (Bill Fowlkes) (May 25, 2020)

WTSP Catalog Data is contributed by Bill Fowlkes, forming a SIG (Special Interest Group) in the field of 'Tools' for various approaches with TRIZ and Around-TRIZ methodologies.  14 sites are originally listed, but after eliminating sites already cited in World WTSP Catalogs, 7 sites are found new.  The new sites are listed in the Index-X2TL and Sites-X2TL files, but are not included in the World WTSP Catalogs because of their further needs to enhance the site descriptions.

WTSP Mails and Letters: May 2020 (Editor Toru Nakagawa) (May 25; Jun. 15, 2020)

(1) Bill Fowlkes (USA) <==> TN:   Some comments on reviewing the World WTSP Catalogs
(2) TN ==> Readers in Japan:   HP Update Announcement: Lecture on Creativity (Keith Sawyer), on COVID-19 Pandemic (TN)
(3) Bill Fowlkes <==> TN:   WTSP Manuscripts of 14 sites on 'Tools'
(4) TN ==> Bill Fowlkes:   Thanks. After eliminating the duplication, 6 new sites will be included
(5) TN ==> Global Co-editors:   [WTSP] Letter (19M-1G): WTSP paper has been submitted to ETRIA TFC2020. Urgent tasks for WTSP.

(6) TN ==> WTSP Members/Colleagues: [WTSP] Letter: (19M-1) Update announcement
(7) TN ==> WTSP Members/Colleagues: [WTSP] Letter: (19GC-2) Request for your contribution to World WTSP Catalogs
(8) Eng Hoo Tan (Malaysia) <==> TN:   WTSP Manuscripts of MyTRIZ    (==> )
(9) TN ==> LinkedIn Posting: Please Contribute   (==>  )
(10) Zulhasni Abdul Rahim (Malaysia) <==> TN:  Comment  (==> )

Forum: Society: COVID-19 Pandemic: For Overcoming the Global Crisis:  Index page (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (May 10, 2020)

I have started this page in Japanese.  Even though I am not at all a specialist in this field, I would like to introduce various sites of information sources and activities which I noticed.

A.  (Government) Information and data in Japan:  HP of Cabinet Secretariat, HP of Prime Minister's Office, HP of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, HP of Voluntary members of epidemic advisory board to the Government, (private) Covid-19 Data Site in Japan.

B. Information and data in the world:  HP of WHO, HP: Our World in Data; COVID-19 site of Johns Hopkins Univ., Video & full text of German Prime Minister Angela Merkel (in German, English, Japanese).

C.  Private sites for Information sending, opinions, proposals:  HP of Prof. Shinya Yamanaka (Nobel Laureate), HP of Toshio Hirano (Former President of Osaka Univ.), Proposal for Overcoming COVID-19 by Toshio Hirano and 7 more big names (Apr. 28, 2020) (This is the most comprehensive, important document of proposal at the present stage in Japan, I think.)

D.  Scientific introductions and papers:  Introductory videos of Ninja Nerd Science (in English) , A paper by Takashi Odagaki on a mathematical analysis of COVID-19 spreading in Japan (in Japanese).

Lecture: Creativity Process: Unlock Your Creative Genius with These Habits (Keith Sawyer (UNC, Chapel Hill)) (May 10, 2020)

This article is taken from the YouTube video of Professor Keith Sawyer's talk given at Future Frontiers 2017 event.  I was guided to Prof. Sawyer's work through Ed Sickafus' USIT NewsLetters, and encountered the video.  Using its closed captions, I transcribed the speech into English text and further translated it into Japanese.  Under the kind permission by Prof. Sawyer, I am posting here the lecture text both in English and in Japanese  
Professor Keith Sawyer is famous in cognitive psychology, writing books and papers on creativity and creative processes. "Creativity is not mysterious.  You all can master it as habits and unlock your creativity genius." is the message of his talk.  I managed to split his talk into paragraphs and have shown the first sentences of paragraphs in boldface.  By following the boldface sentences, you will get the essence of his talk easily.  This is a very well-prepared, excellent talk, I have found.  
He talks about the Creative Process, as a life-long process where we wander around while encountering many different small ideas and searching and seeking for something we do not know well at first.  He did not mention any 'structured process of creative problem solving'.   I would like to pint out that at various points on the Jig-Zag way of creative process (in Sawyer's sense) we can apply 'Structured' creative problem solving methods effectively and successfully.  While noting this point, we wish to get the mind-set/practices/habits for the non-linear Creativity Process, advised here by Professor Sawyer.  We will certainly be able to unlock our own Creative Genius. 

WTSP Mails and Letters: Apr. 2020 (Editor Toru Nakagawa) (Apr. 21, 2020) (May 25, 2020)

(0) TN ==> WTSP Members: [WTSP] Letter (18M-1) Main Pages of Our WTSP Site Have Been Renewed  (May 25, 2020)

(1) Shireen Al Jaouni (Palestine) <==> TN:  Appreciation.  TRIZ sites in Arab countries? (Apr. 6)
(2) TN ==> LinkedIn posting: "Welcome to the WTSP Project / Catalogs" (Apr. 6) ==> See
(3) Igor Polkovnikov (USA) <==> TN: Q: Would you consider to include my site in the WTSP Catalogs? A: Process of making/enhancing WTSP Catalogs. (Apr. 6)
(4) Jean-Jacques Urban-Galindo (France) <==> TN:   TRIZ' capability for concentrating relevant information and clarifying disagreements (Apr. 7)
(5) Mahmoud Karimi (Iran) <==> TN: Great mind and great job! (Apr. 10)
(6) Yury Danilovskiy (Korea) <==> TN:  Introducing "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" to Russian people;  Korea-Russian way of TRIZ (improvement of TRIZ in Korea) (Apr. 10)
(7) TN <==> Ellen Domb et al.:   Please write the Site Introduction of the TRIZ Journal (Apr. 11)

(8) TN ==> WTSP Members: [WTSP] Letter (18M-2) Welcome to WTSP Project/Catalogs, Mails & Letters (Jan.-Apr., 2020), Introduction of "Altshuller Foundation" site    (May 25, 2020)
(9) Bill Fowlkes (USA) <==> TN:   Needs of including sites related to 'Tools' for creative problem solving (May 25, 2020)

From the Leader:  Welcome to the WTSP Project / Catalogs: Top pages of our site are renewed, for your easier access to the Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa) (Apr. 21, 2020) (Apr. 25, 2020)

This is an Article I posted in LinkedIn on Apr. 6.  The figure "Welcome to the WTSP Project / Catalogs" in our new page at the top of the WTSP domain is used to guide readers. We finished the Preliminary versions of World TRIZ Sites Catalog (62 sites at ◎〇 levels) and World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs (177 sites at ◎〇 levels).  They are much much better than any Internet surveys we can ordinary make.  However, many good and important sites in TRIZ are missing (because manuscripts are not yet submitted from 30-40 countries) and descriptions of individual sites are still weak.  We wish to enhance the WTSP Catalogs further to record many more, important and useful sites and to describe the individual sites more closely.  'Attractive and Useful' descriptions of individual sites in the world should be the value of our WTSP Catalogs.  Let's work Together ! Connected !! for such a goal.
One-page PDF file of this article, with active hyper-links, is attached here . Please forward it to your friends, colleagues, students, customers, etc.

Introduction of the Site "Official Altshuller Foundation": Communications between Larisa Komarcheva and Toru Nakagawa (Apr. 21, 2020)

Official Altshuller Foundation is operated by the ceased family of Mr. G. Altshuller, and its site opens publicly the extensive Archives of Mr. Altshuller's works and documents.  The site is naturally shown at the top of our World TRIZ Sites Catalog.  On Feb. 28, I asked Larisa Komarcheva (the site owner) to write a thorough introduction of the site.  On Mar. 9, she send me a site introduction in our standard format and an explanation "Why was this website created".  On Mar. 12, I wrote several questions which many readers would like to learn from the site, and asked her to write some more introduction.  Since she is currently very busy, we have decided to post the communications in Feb.- Mar. here, and to show her descriptions as the Site Introduction in our WTSP Catalogs, on a temporary basis, hoping its enhancement by her in the near future.

  WTSP Site Introduction: The "Official Altshuller Foundation" Site (Larisa Komarcheva (Official Altshuller Foundation), Mar. 9, 2020) (Apr. 21, 2020)

Introduction of the site in our WTSP Standard form.  Description: "The Official G.S. Altshuller Foundation, together with the Rights Holders of the Altshuller copyrights, created this website so that anyone can find amongst all the above of the original texts of the creator of TRIZ - RTV - TRTL, Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller (15 October 1926 – 24 September 1998)."  "Only works by Genrikh Altshuller and Valentina Zhuravlyova are posted on this site."  Why was this website created: "Briefly put: To serve as a reference point for people interested in learning about TRIZ independently; To present the undistorted (or sometimes little-known) works of G.S. Altshuller to users and developers of the theory".

WTSP Mails and Letters: Mar. 2020 (Editor Toru Nakagawa) (Apr. 12; Apr. 21, 2020)

(1) TN <==> Kurt Ed Sickafus (USA): Preparation for "Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives" (Feb. 18, Feb. 20; Feb 27)
(2) Carol Augustin (USA) <==> TN: "Loved the Compilation of Your WTSP Resources" (Feb. 28); See further communications in a separate page
(3) TN <==> Larisa Komarcheva (Russia): Please write a Site Introduction of your "Official Altshuller Foundation" site. See
(4) TN: THPJ Update Announcement: "Dr. Ed N. Sickafus Memorial Archives" Is Now Open (Mar. 25)
(5) Rinka Singh (India) ==> TN: Greetings (Mar. 25)

WTSP Mails and Letters: Feb. 2020 (Editor Toru Nakagawa) (Apr. 12, 2020)

(1) TN: [WTSP] Letter: (17M-1AB/DE) Attractive and Useful !! Our WTSP Catalogs Will Be !! (Feb. 14)
(2) TN: THPJ Update Announcement: 160 Selected articles of THPJ (Feb. 14)
(3) TN ==> Posting in LinkedIn: Site Introduction of WTSP Catalogs (1): "TRIZ Home Page in Japan": Features and 160 Selected Articles (Feb. 15)
(4) D. Daniel Sheu (Taiwan) <==> TN: Message; ICSI/GCSI 2020 (Feb. 15)
(5) Richard Langevin (USA) <==> TN: Posted the WTSP Letter in Altshuller Inst. site (Feb. 15)
(6) TN ==> WTSP Global Co-editors: [WTSP] Letter: (17G-1) Please write Site Introduction of yours (Feb. 17)
(7) TN ==> Posting in LinkedIn: Best 4 Slides from 21 Years of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan": Essence of TRIZ, Six-Box Scheme, CrePS, Liberty vs Love (Feb. 18)
(8) Michael Orloff (Germany) <==> TN: Plans of training workshops. Will work for WTSP in April. (Feb. 23)
(9) TN ==> Larisa Komarcheva (Russia) (and 3 more TRIZ Leaders separately): [WTSP] Letter (17-P1) Please write Site Introduction of yours for all TRIZ users in the world (Feb. 28)

WTSP Mails and Letters: Jan. 2020 (Editor Toru Nakagawa) (Apr. 12, 2020)

(1) TN: [WTSP] Letter: (16M-1AB, DE) For further improving the World WTSP Catalogs (Jan. 5, 2020)
(2) David Levy (UK) <==> TN:  Solving problems in AI with TRIZ (Jan. 6)
(3) TN: THPJ Update Announcement: Summary of postings (Aug.-Dec. 2019), Greetings New Year 2020 (Jan. 16)
(4) Czeslaw Cempel (Poland) <==> TN: Greetings (Jan. 16)
(5) Yury Danilovskiy (Korea) <==> TN: Creating short video about TRIZ for my grandson (Jan. 16)
(7) T J Yeoh (Malaysia) <==> TN: Plan of teaching TRIZ in a workshop for teenagers (Jan. 16)
(8) Harry Flosser (Germany) <==> TN: Chicko Character: Animation of TRIZ principles (Jan. 16)
(9) Don Masingale (USA) <==> TN: Former activities of promoting TRIZ in Boeing (Jan. 16)
(10) Vladimir Petrov (Israel) <==> TN: 27 TRIZ Books authored by Vladimir Petrov  (Jan. 18)
(11) Leonid Chechurin (Finland) <==> TN: Condolences to Toru; I lost my mother and father last year too. (Jan. 18)
(12) James Kowalick (USA) <==> TN: Q: TRIZ in automobile companies in Japan? Taguchi Method, Kanrisha Yousei Gakko (Jan. 21)

  WTSP:  Main Pages of Our WTSP Site Have Been Renewed (Toru Nakagawa) (Apr. 3, 2020) (Apr. 5, 2020)

Over 2 years of our trials and progress of WTSP project have made our site a lot of new and old information which may be sometimes confusing for you.  I have renewed the main pages with the intentions (1) Clarify various aspects of the WTSP project for smoother work to build the WTSP Catalogs, and (2) Easier to access the WTSP Catalogs for ordinary users/readers. All the main pages from (A1) through (A8) are renewed, while keeping the old pages in the Archives.  Some of the main points are:
(a) Guidelines to build the WTSP Catalogs are shown clearly. Orthodox bottom-up approaches in each country, and bypassing approach to gather Attractive and Useful introduction of good sites.
(b) Smoother practices of preparing drafts, refining them into manuscripts, and building small Web sites by Members in each country, while integrating them into World WTSP Catalogs and public posting in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" by the Project Leader .  The Bitrix24 platform will not be used.  
(c) Current Active Version of World WTSP Catalogs are shown clearly, while the previous versions are archived.
(d) "Welcome to WTSP Projects / Catalogs" page is now accessible with the site domain URL: . Users/readers are smoothly guided to the pages wanted.   See the figure.

 WTSP Communication: "Loved the Compilation of Your WTSP Resources" (Carol Augustin) (Apr. 3, 2020)

I received an email with the charming title, as shown above, from a person I did not know before.  Here I post several turns of our communications with her (or him ?).  She happened to encounter our site of WTSP Catalogs and contributed the information of their two sites for extensive e-learning courses in professional skills in business. Their 2 sites are accepted in a new category X1BZ (Business oriented sites) as shown below. It is my pleasure that we can obtain new information about important Web sites in the world by virtue of the WTSP Catalogs themselves.  It is a sign of possible autonomous growing of the World WTSP Catalogs.  

 Two Web sites: eduCBA (○) and WallStreetMojo (□)for e-learning courses of professional skills in business  (Apr. 3, 2020)

In a new category X1BZ (Business oriented sites) the following 2 sites are listed in our World Around-TRIZ Catalog.  The sites are described in the Standard Formats.
X1BZ-01   eduCBA (○)  Online training and video courses for learning finance, software and business skills to achieve professional success.
X1BZ-02   WallStreetMojo (□) Sharing secrets about the best ways to learn Investment Banking, Financial Modeling, Equity Research, Accounting, M&As, Valuations and more.

  Editorial:   "Dr. Ed N. Sickafus Memorial Archives" Is Now Open Inside "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (Toru Nakagawa)  (Mar. 22; May 25, 2020)

In memory of Dr. Ed Sickafus, (1931 - 2018), the original developer of USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) and great thinker, documents of his works and communications etc. are collected as Archives and made open inside the present Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  ("Welcome page" is newly made for easier access to the Memorial Archives and to various main pages. (May 25, 2020))  (Copyrights Notice:  All the works by Dr. Ed Sickafus are publicized here openly and without charge, but  are copyrighted by Dr. Ed Sickafus.  Please respect his copyrights by referring the information sources properly. (May 25, 2020))

The Archives has the page structure as follows:

(0)   Welcome Page    Accessible with the domain URL:   (May 25, 2020)

(0A) Top Index Page   (Mar. 22, 2020)

(1) Memorial Page     (Posted earlier) (Oct. 31, 2019; May 25, 2020)

(2) Historical Indexes to Papers, Case Studies, and Communications On USIT and Its Further Extension by Dr. Ed Sickafus and His Followers Especially in Japan   (Mar. 22, 2020)

(A) Papers:   Papers,  Presentations, Reports, Introductory articles, Lectures  

Papers (by Dr. Ed Sickafus
     and some other international authors)
Papers (by Toru Nakagawa) 

Papers (by Japanese authors)

(B) Case Studies :  Case study papers, Reports, Promotion activities

Case studies (by Dr. Ed Sickafus) Case studies (by Toru Nakagawa) Case studies (by authors in Japan)

(C) Communications:  Communications, Discussions, Questions, Comments, Conference reports, etc.

Communications (by Dr. Ed Sickafus)

Communications (by Toru Nakagawa)

Communications (in Japan)

Communications (International)

(3)  Sickafus' Books, Overviews, Tutorials, etc. (Mar. 22; May 25, 2020)
          USIT Textbook (1997), USIT Overview (eBook) (2001),
          Book "Heuristics for Solving Technical Problems (2004) , HI Textbook: "Heuristic Innovation" (2006)  ,
          Brief USIT Tutorial (2015)

(4)  Sickafus' Papers and Presentations   (Mar. 22, 2020):
           9 papers/presentations are posted.

(5) Sickafus' USIT Web site (  (Mar. 22, 2020)  
          Originally built in 1999, rebuilt a few times after mal hacking, and now accessible as was in 2007. 
          All the articles are restored in the Archives.

(6)  Sickafus' WordPress Blog site ( )  (Mar. 22, 2020)
          After the troubles in USIT Web site, Dr. Sickafus started to build a new Blog site in Cloud in Jul. 2015
          and left the half-done site in Nov. 2015.  All the articles are restored in the Archives.

(7)  Sickafus' "U-SIT and Think NewsLetters"   (Mar. 22; May 25, 2020) 
          NL-01 (Nov. 2003) to NL-28 (Oct. 2004) are posted both in English and in Japanese. 
NL-29 to NL-79 (Mar. 2009) has been posted in English. (May 25, 2020) Mini Lectures are interesting.

(8)  Sickafus' Communications and Miscellaneous Articles     (under construction)

(9)  Comments on Sickafus' Works by Others  (under construction)

(10)  Communications from Readers  (under construction)

From the Editor:  New information posted in 2017 has been moved to the archive page. (Feb. 23, 2020)

Editorial: Site introduction: Best 4 Slides from My 21 Years of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (Toru Nakagawa) (Feb. 21, 2020)

In my Site Introduction of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" ( Feb. 13, 2020), I select and show "Best 4 Slides" from my work for these 21 years.  They are shown here, along with a reference for each slide: (a) Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words, (b) Six-Box Scheme as a New Paradigm of Creative Problem Solving, (c) CrePS: A New Target beyond TRIZ, (d) 'Liberty vs Love' as the Principal Contradiction of Human Culture, and 'Ethics' as the Solution Direction

WTSP: Attractive and Useful !! Our WTSP Catalogs Will Be !! Plans for our 3rd year, 2020. (Toru Nakagawa) (Feb. 13, 2020)

What and how should we do this year?  (1) Forming WTSP teams in each country to build up County WTSP Catalogs, as I proposed last October is certainly the orthodox bottom-up way we should work.  In addition, I would like to suggest another way, based on the "20 - 80 percent rule" again:
Let's pursue to make our WTSP Catalogs Attractive and Useful !!  We may not pursue Full scale nor Completeness at first.   We just need Attractive and Useful introductions of Attractive and Useful Web sites in the world.  We should invite owners (or any key persons) who are proud of their sites being Attractive and Useful for many readers/users to describe Attractive and Useful introductions of their sites (in faithful, non-commercial attitude) and to contribute them to the WTSP Catalogs.  If you are ordinary readers/users of TRIZ supporting our WTSP project, please send emails to your leaders and owners of Attractive and Useful sites for writing Attractive and Useful introductions of their sites.  Once 5 or 10 sites demonstrate such Attractive and Useful introductions of sites, then many more sites will follow.
In practice, for describing/introducing individual sites, we will add the third level (c) to our previous (a) and (b):
(a) Single line in the Index table of the WTSP Catalogs --- Required for every site in the WTSP Catalogs.
(b) Site Description in the Standard Format (about 1 page of A4 size): --- Required for every site in the WTSP Catalogs.
(c) Close introduction of the site in free format (about 2-5 pages of A4): Describe remarkable features and articles. Introduce important/useful articles briefly and attach hyperlinks to them. --- Desirable for world important sites (◎○)in the WTSP Catalogs, and optional for □△ sites.
An example of (c) has been made for Nakagawa's site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" , and has been inserted in the Current WTSP Catalogs . Please contribute your manuscripts of Attractive and Useful introductions of Attractive and Useful Web sites in the world.  List of sites with such introductions (c) are shown in this page.
We are planning to give a presentation at ETRIA TFC2020 (Oct. 14-16, 2020, at Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

Editorial:  Site Introduction (Features and Selected articles in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan") for the WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa) (Feb. 13, 2020)

Here I introduce the features and selected articles of this site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan". This intends to be a manuscript of detailed site introduction for the WTSP Catalogs.  Features are explained briefly on: History, Editor, Purpose, Fields/types/scopes of articles, Special features (Parallel in Japanese and in English, Methods for accessing articles).  Then, articles are reviewed briefly according to the categories: (a) Introducing TRIZ (1997-2001), (b) Introducing USIT (1998-2001), (c) Extending USIT (2002-2003), (d) Absorbing Modernized TRIZ (2001-2004), (e) Finding 'Six-Box Scheme' (2003-2006), (f) Japan TRIZ Society and Japan TRIZ Symposia (2005-2008), (g) Education with TRIZ/USIT at OGU (2000-2012), (h) Activities of JTS and international relationships (2009-2012), (i) General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving (CrePS) (2012 - 2016), (j) Various topics in wider scopes (2011-2019), (k) Social Issues and the Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2015-2019), (l) WTSP Project (Dec. 2017 - present).  About 160 articles are listed with hyperlinks.

From the Editor:  New information posted in 2017 has been moved to the archive page. (Feb. 13, 2020)

Basic theory:  Papers by Toshio Takahara (2018 -2019): Never-Finished Notes on Philosophy: Logic, World View, Way of Life, and Preparing for Post-Capitalism  (Toshio TAKAHARA) (Jan. 14, 2020)

Contributed to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", Dec. 6, 2019.  This home page has been posting all the papers/presentations written by Mr. Toshio Takahara since 2003. The postings of Collections of Toshio Takahara's Papers include: First Collection (14 papers, 2003 - 2007) , Second Collection (13 papers, 2008 - 2012) , Third Collection (13 papers, 2013 - 2015) , and Fourth Collection (11 papers, 2016 - 2018) .  This time, we post his 9 papers in Japanese and 2 more in English , written from Sept. 2018 to Dec. 2019 .

[Paper No.]


Source (year)


Posting (HTML)

Full text (PDF)


Revised Abstract (2019) of "A Working Research Note on Philosophy (2018)"
― A Note on the Principle of Way of Life of Homo Sapiens Based on Contradiction Model and Radical Enumerable Thinking (2018)

THPJ (2019)




Logical Possibility of Ideal Way of Life; Barter as a Background of Homo Sapiens

FIT2018 (2018)




The Time to Realize the Way of Life in Which Happiness and Objective Value of the World are Compatible

CGK (2018)




For Logic, the World View and the Way to Live - Never-finished Notes on Philosophy, Part 1

Book, Published by Design Egg KK (2019)




For Logic of the intellects in the Universe and Preparation for Post-Capitalism - Never-finished Notes on Philosophy, Part 2

Book, Published by Design Egg KK (2019)




On the Structure of Building Dialectic

FIT2019 (2019)




A Note on Enumeration - For Essence and Totality of Facts and Values -

CGK (2019)




Logical Enumeration: Summary (Dec. 2019) of "Never-finished Notes on Philosophy"




In Aug. 2018, Takahara contributed an overview of his intensive research results to this Web site in the form of [44-47] with the title "A Working Research Note on Philosophy (2018)".  The work was posted with a top page [41-47] (containing Abstract in English ) and four parts [44][45][46][47], having about 80 A4 pages in total.  Since then for these year and half, he revised the Note many times and published it for himself in books, in March, in September, and in December, 2019.  The current revised version is posted here in two parts [50] and [51], with the slightly changed title "Never-finished Notes on Philosophy".  The full texts are posted in PDF, while Abstracts of them are posted in HTML as well (in Japanese).  For the English readers, the Abstract of [44-47] in English (2018) has been revised by reflecting some of his new findings and is posted as the Revised Abstract of [44-47]  in English.

There are many valuable insights found through his radical ways of thinking and stated clearly in Japanese.  It's a pity he (and I) do not have enough time and fluency in translating his whole work into English.  We heartily wish Mr. Toshio Takahara to be good in his health and active to investigate further.  It should be nice if you readers, including myself, would understand the contents and their significance of these pioneering works by Takahara and would adapt and develop them further in future.

From the Editor:  Message for the New Year 2020 (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 14, 2020 ) (Jan. 14, 2020)

On the start of New Year 2020, I wish you all the year be healthy, happy, successful, and the World be peaceful. (Sorry but because of the passing away of my younger brother Akira Nakagawa last March at the age of 75, I would refrain from celebrating the new year.)
Situations in the world, as well as in Japan, are getting unstable and more difficult in many aspects.  In such circumstances, we are studying and promoting 'Creative problem solving methodologies'.  I often feel what I can think and what I can contribute to the society and the world are quite small.  But we have only to accumulate such small things day after day.
Reflecting the last year, I am thinking what I should do this year.  A brief list of them are:
(1) World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP): Last year we have built the First, preliminary version of the World WTSP Catalogs.  This year we should extend and improve them much more.  We have to make them evaluated as "The WTSP Catalogs are useful to find good and important TRIZ-related sites with fair and close introductions".  For getting such evaluations we need to make good examples of site descriptions after close surveys. 
(2) Continuing the studies and promotion of Creative problem solving methodologies:  Study and introduce excellent papers and articles in the world, build the Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives (on USIT and his further extensions), make some overview maps of various relevant methodologies, translate the "CID course for children" (authored by Natalia Rubina) into Japanese, etc. etc.
(3) Further investigate my findings about "Liberty vs Love Contradictions and Ethics".
(4) Try to keep my own daily life creative, healthy, and peaceful. I am now learning photography; See the results:


Posted in 2019

Current Active Version of World WTSP Catalogs (A8) are updated (Dec. 31, 2019)

World WTSP Catalogs are accessible as before in its Current Active Version, which will be kept up-to-date with additions and revisions.  Users may set the following URLs in their bookmarks to access the WTSP Catalogs in its Current Active Version.  Its main pages are:
The management page:   eWTSP-A8-World WTSPCatalogs.html
The (A8) Current Active Version folder: eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-WorldCatalog/eWTSP-World Catalog-World/
The top page (for users):  World-Catalog-TopPage.html 
The source document page: World-SourceDocuments.html
(A) World TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page:   World-TRIZBasic-Index.html 
(C) World Around-TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page:  World-AroundTRIZ-Basic-Index.html 

Updating is going to be carried out every 3 months.  The update this time is very minor unfortunately.  We wish to improve the World WTSP Catalogs much further and to report the results at ETRIA TFC2020 in Oct. 2020.

Archived World WTSP Catalogs: (A8-A) (Archived 2019 Oct Version) Revised Preliminary Version of the World WTSP Catalogs (Dec. 31, 2019)

Main pages of the World WTSP Catalogs in the version of Oct. 20, 2019 (i.e.. Revised Preliminary Version) have been duplicated, and one set  of them are stored in the Archive with the version name (A8-A). They are:
The mangement page:   eWTSP-A8A-World WTSPCatalogs-191020.html 
The (A8-A) Archive folder: eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-WorldCatalog/eWTSP-A8A-World Catalog-World-191020/
The top page (for users): A8A-World-Catalog-TopPage-191020.html 
(A) World TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page:  A8A-World-TRIZBasic-Index-191020.html 
(C) World Around-TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page:  A8A-World-AroundTRIZ-Basic-Index-191020.html 
Note: Many subsidiary files, including the files of lists of sites and sites descriptions, will be updated in their Active Versions.
Every year, some main pages of WTSP Catalogs will be stored in the archives, for the purpose of record and backing up without any further changes.

WTSP Mails and Letters: Nov. - Dec. 2019 (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Dec. 31, 2019)  Index page of Letters from Readers (Dec. 31, 2019)

(1) TN :[WTSP] Letter: (15M-2) Significance of WTSP: Message from Bill Fowlkes (Nov. 4)
(2) Edward Blake (UK) <==> TN:  Invitation from Research Outreach for possible public outreach publication (Nov. 21-22)
(3) TN: THPJ Update Announcement: Introduction to TRIZ, and Introduction to Six-Box Scheme (in Japanese) (Nov. 23)
(4) TN ==> Posting in LikedIn: Significance of WTSP and WTSP Catalogs (Message from Bill Fowlkes) (Nov. 25)
(5) TN: [WTSP] Letter (15C-1) For starting the WTSP work in each country: UK, Netherlands, Taiwan, Korea, and Italy (Nov. 25, 26, 27, 28)
(6) TN:  [WTSP] Letter (15M-3) Please submit your WTSP Catalog manuscripts (Dec. 7)

Introduction to TRIZ:  TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) (Toru Nakagawa, published in "Encyclopedia of Design Science")   (Nov. 22, 2019)

This article is an introduction to TRIZ wrote in "Encyclopedia of Design Science" edited by Japanese Society for the Science of Design. It is a brief introductory article in 6 pages (pp. 550-555) in the Encyclopedia newly published by Maruzen Publishing (Oct. 20, 2019).  Under the permission by the publisher, I posted my article in this Web site both in original PDF version and in an HTML page with additional links to reference pages in this site.  (English translation is not ready.)
The contents include: Overview of TRIZ; Analysis and knowledge accumulation of patents and science & technology information; Essence of inventive ideas (Inventive principles); Laws/trends of evolution of technical systems and concept of ideality; Completeness of technical systems; Substance-field modelling and functional analysis; Standards of inventive solutions; Understanding and overcoming contradictions (technical contradictions and physical contradictions); Breaking psychological inertia; Extending the scopes and animation; TRIZ-way of thinking; Dialectical thinking; Overall processes of problem solving in TRIZ; Applications of TRIZ; Positioning of TRIZ; and References.  Putting classical TRIZ as the skeleton, the article mentions some of modernized TRIZ.
Please note that I also wrote about "Six-Box Scheme" (including USIT) as a separate article in this Encyclopedia. Furthermore, in another new book "Creativity Techniques Learning by Examples" (edited by Japan Creativity Society, to be published late January 2020), I have written an 8-page introductory article on TRIZ/USIT with an application example. Please read them as well.

"Encyclopedia of Design Science" was initially thought of around 2004, and was realized step by step with the collaboration of Japan Society for the Science of Design, Japan Society of Design Engineering, and the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. The three societies jointly held Design Symposia for these 14 years with the cooperation by Architectural Institute of Japan, Japan Society for Precision Engineering, and Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.  'Design' has two meanings: the design for designers who mostly think about culture and art, and the design for engineers who are engaged in science and engineering. And the two concepts of design are further related to many different disciplines.  Integrating the two design concepts and many related disciplines, the Encyclopedia intends to create the Science for Design as the foundation for all of them.  It was finally realized by the work of 32 editorial committee members/supporting staff from the above 6 academic societies and the contributions of 103 co-authors.  The Encyclopedia has 705 pages and costs as high as 20,000 yen.  It is a very valuable reference book, covering all the areas related to TRIZ and created with a broad perspective.

  Introduction to Six-Box Scheme: Six Box Scheme (Toru Nakagawa, published in "Encyclopedia of Design Science") (Nov. 22, 2019)

Three years ago when I was asked by "Encyclopedia of Design Science" to write about TRIZ, I wrote this additional article and contributed. I am very happy the article was accepted for publication as a section of (Part II) Design methodologies.  It is a brief introductory article in 4 pages (pp. 274 - 277).  (English translation is not ready.) 
Six-Box Scheme was developed in the process while I studied and extended further both TRIZ and USIT (developed by Ed Sickafus under the influence of TRIZ).  While integrating (big and elaborated) TRIZ into (concise) USIT, I realized the creation of a "new paradigm" for creative problem solving. [It was a miracle key that I integrated the big one into the small one instead of integrating the small into the big. ]
The article contains: Overview of Six-Box Scheme; Basic concepts of Six-Box Scheme; Overcoming the defects of the conventional Four-Box Scheme paradigm; Simple process of USIT for the practice of Six-Box Scheme; Systematizing creativity methods, problem solving methods, and design science techniques into CrePS; Development process of Six-Box Scheme; and References.
As I wrote in the concluding remarks, I am going to promote to understand various methods of creative problem solving (or various methods of Science of Design) uniformly in the Six-Box Scheme.  Such an approach will integrate the power of different methods which are apt to be claimed separately and promoted competitively and will facilitate the practices of solving various problems and achieving different tasks, I believe.

WTSP Mails and Letters (B3-News2019): Significance of the WTSP Project and its WTSP Catalogs: Communications with Bill Fowlkes (Bill Fowlkes (USA) and Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 4, 2019)

Dr. Bill Fowlkes is VP of (USA) and was an active user of TRIZ software (Tech Optimizer and IWB) many years ago.  While looking for new information about TRIZ software, he met my Web site (probably the page of 'World 120 TRIZ Links' (2008)).  So he sent me a message via LinkedIn.  I mentioned him about our WTSP project and the newly-completed WTSP Catalogs (2019).  He found it a terrific reference.  On my request, he wrote the introduction of his site (coded as TN3E-23 in WTSP Catalog) in our standard Site Description Form.  Since it is a so nice example written by a professional in Intellectual Properties (i.e., an area AROUND TRIZ), I asked him to write a message of his impression of WTSP.  For doing so, he wanted to understand the structure of the WTSP project and the WTSP Catalogs.  After my explanation he sent us his message.  It expresses the heart of the WTSP project and WTSP Catalogs.  I am very grateful to Dr. Bill Fowlkes and very happy to cite his message below. 
All the communications between Dr. Bill Fowlkes and myself are posted in the English page.  In the Japanese page, I explain the communictions briefly and cite his message in Japanese translation.

To the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) Global Co-editors:

I welcome the work you are doing to collect, organize, describe and link to the many internet sites that are of interest to students and practitioners of innovative methods such as TRIZ.

I have created a new bookmark folder with links to the WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ sites and the WTSP Catalogs of AROUND-TRIZ sites, and I expect that I will be referring to them frequently.

The aggregation of these sites is much better than trying to find the data with a Google search, because the information is curated and brief descriptions are provided.

I encourage TRIZ providers and other content creators working in TRIZ related fields to participate in this project and make the World TRIZ-related Sites Project the best it can possibly be.

Dr. William Y. Fowlkes                                                            Oct. 30, 2019
VP, Analytics and Workflow Solutions|

WTSP Mails and Letters: Sept. - Oct. 2019 (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 4, 2019)

(1) TN : [WTSP] Letter: (13M-3)  WTSP presentation at Japan TRIZ Symp.; Your urgent contributions requested. (Sept. 9, 2019)
(2) TN: [WTSP] Letter: (13GC-2) Urgent request for manuscripts of Revised World WTSP Catalogs (Sept. 9)
(3) TN: [WTSP] Letter: (13M-4) TRIZ Sites Catalogs and Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs (Sept. 12)
(4) TN: [WTSP] Letter: (14M-1AB/DE) WTSP Catalogs (version Sept. 30, 2019) World AROUND-TRIZ Sites Basic Index complete (Oct. 1)
(5) TN: THPJ Update Announcement (in Japanese): WTSP presentation at Japan TRIZ Symp., World WTSP Catalogs: (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Oct. 1)
(6) TN: Posted in LinkedIn: AROUND-TRIZ Sites in the World (WTSP Catalog, Basic Index (C)) Completed and posted (Sept. 30, 2019) ◎34, ○128 sites (Oct. 17)
(7) TN: [WTSP] Letter: (15M-1) ETRIA TFC2019 Presentation of "WTSP Catalogs (2019)"; For further revision (Oct. 21)
(8) TN: THPJ Update Announcement (in Japanese): ETRIA TFC2019 Presentation of "WTSP Catalogs (2019)" (Oct. 21)
(9) Michael Orloff <==> TN: On WTSP manuscript of TRIZ sites in Germany; WTSP Team activities in Germany (Oct. 21, 22)
(10) Shireen Al Jaouni ==> TN:  Appriciation of the WTSP project (Oct. 21)
(11) TN <==> Joanna Majchrzak, et al.: [WTSP] Letter (15C-1PL) For starting the WTSP work in Poland (Oct. 26, 27, 28)
(12) TN <==> Pavel Livotov et al.: [WTSP] Letter (15C-1DE) For starting the WTSP work in Germany (Oct. 29)
(13) TN ==> Roland De Guio et al.: [WTSP] Letter (15C-1Fr) For starting the WTSP work in France
(14) Bill Fowlkes (USA) <==>TN: (1) Start of our communications; (2) Introducing the site by filling in the WTSP Site Description Form; (3) Clarifying the page structure of the WTSP Project and the WTSP Catalogs; (4) Fowlkes' Message to the WTSP Project (Oct. 12, 17, 18, 29, 30)   *** See the full detail in a separate page 

  On the 21st Anniversary of  "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":  Toru Nakagawa (Nov. 1, 2019)

This Web site "TRIZ Home in Japan" celebrates its 21st Anniversary today, Nov. 1.  I am very grateful to you all, including authors, translators, and readers in Japan and around the world, for your continuing support.  This site serves as an open forum of information exchange for better understanding and usage of Creative Problem Solving Methodologies.  Initially, I intended to introduce TRIZ, a Russian-based methodology for mostly technological areas, but year after year the scope of this site became wider and deeper along with the development of such methodologies.  TRIZ itself has evolved to wider application including business and marketing, and has been spreading widely in the world.  My own research has extended to USIT as an easy-to-learn TRIZ, the Six-Box Scheme as a new paradigm of creative problem solving, and CrePS (General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving) which intends to integrate and unify various methods by using the Six-Box Scheme.  Since 2015, I have been trying to apply them to social problems, and in 2018 I presented papers on the fundamental contradictions in Human Culture and their solution directions in the relationships of Liberty-Love-Ethics.  Thus the scope and contents of this site have been slightly changing as a result of natural evolution.

This site is meant to openly publish information and communications on a not-for-profit basis.  Though I have been operating this site as a volunteer, this site is not a personal site but a public forum to be composed of the contributions by readers, as you see already.  Most pages are published in Japanese and in English in parallel for the purpose of mutual understanding and collaboration between Japanese and overseas people.  Four Entrance Pages have been installed in 2012 for your easy access to articles.  Since November 2017 I have initiated the World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for building catalogs of TRIZ-related sites in the world, and October this year we have reported the completion of the "World WTSP Catalogs (2019)".  We are going to improve them further by voluntary collaboration of many TRIZ leaders over the world.

The number of visits since November 2005 is (on Oct. 31) 239,693 (increasing by about 2,500 for the last 1 year) to the top page in Japanese and 44,785 (increasing by about 1,500) to that in English.  I wish this Home Page be useful for you readers to solve your various problems.  Readers' contributions either in English or in Japanese are heartily welcome.

TRIZ Forum: Memorial of Dr. Ed Sickafus (1931 - 2018) (Toru Nakagawa, Late Dr. Ed Sickafus, Kurt Edward Sickafus) (Oct. 31, 2019)

Dr. Edward Nathan Sickafus (the developer of USIT) passed away nearly a year ago, on November 15, 2018. 
I noticed the sad news on July 5, 2019 as a result of Internet search, after wondering why no email response from him for several months. I sent an air mail to his deceased wife, Mrs. Mary Sue Sickafus, and got an email resonse from his elder son, Dr. Kurt Edward Sickafus on Aug. 3, 2019. I am sorry to be late in announcing this sad news to TRIZ/USIT community, because I was waiting for some more information from the family. 
The present page posts: Heritage News (Nov. 2018); Communications between Nakagawa and the deceased family (Jul., Aug. 2019), Our last email communications with Dr. Ed. Sickafus (Sept. 2018), Messages in memory of late Dr. Ed Sickafus (from TRIZ/USIT community), Plan of the Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives.
Remembering Dr. Ed Sickafus' work of developing USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) and its further extensions and his insightful papers, news letters, and books, I am planning to open the Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", according to his permission I obtained 3 years ago.
Please contribute your tributes to Dr. Ed Sickafus to the present page. 

For Further Revisions of the WTSP Catalogs: Practice Guide and Schedule (Toru Nakagawa) (Oct. 20, 2019)

As reported in our ETRIA TFC2019 presentation , we have completed the Preliminary Version of our WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World, especially in the form of (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index and (C) World AROUND-TRIZ Sites Basic Index.  However, they are still very weak, especially TRIZ sites in many countries are missing and not introduced closely.  We wish to get voluntary cooperation by many TRIZ colleagues in every country, now that the goals and processes of building the WTSP Catalogs have become much clearer and convincing.  For further revising and improving the WTSP Catalogs, the Practice Guide is shown again in a compact form .  Manuscripts/updates by any country Teams or methodology groups will be accepted at any time by the WTSP Project Leader and will be publicized quickly in TRIZ Home Page in Japan.  And every 3 months such manuscripts will be integratged into the World Indexes for publication .  Let's work Together ! Connected !! and report much more useful WTSP Catalogs at the TFC2020 next year in Romania!!!

Presentation at ETRIA TFC2019:  World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) (2): To Build World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov)  (Oct. 20, 2019)

Presented at TRIZ Future Conference TFC2019, held by ETRIA, on Oct. 9-11, 2019 at ENSA, Marrakech, Morocco.  I sent the final paper to TFC on Jul. 24, and since then we made much progress in the WTSP project.  I.e., we made preliminary version of World TRIZ sites Basic Index (A) on Aug. 4 ; reported at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2019 on Sept. 5 ; and completed World AROUND-TRIZ sites Basic Index (C) on Sept. 30 .  Thus at TFC2019 on Oct. 10 we could give the WTSP presentation in a much advanced form than the paper in the proceedings, and even than the Japan TRIZ Symposium presentation. 
The following items are posted in the present page: (1) Abstract of the paper with a short note, (2) Link to the full paper published by Springer: DOI: , (3) Summary slides of the presentation , (4) Slides of the presentation .  

World WTSP Catalogs: (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Toru Nakagawa) (Sept. 30, 2019)

WTSP Catalog of "Around-TRIZ" Web sites in the world has been completed and posted aa an important component of the Revised Preliminary Version (Sept. 30, 2019) of the WTSP World TRIZ-related Sites Catalogs
This reflects our philosophy that we should think and work with a wider scope not limited to (classical and moderninzed) TRIZ but covering various methodologies and practices having common purposes and goals.  So we made intensive Internet surveys with the keywords including: Creative Thinking Method,  Creative Problem Solve; Innovation process/strategy,  Quality/value/cost/productivity,  Patent/Intellectual property, etc. In 6 cases of surveys, we detected 1008 sites in total and visited them one by one for undrstanding them roughly.  Thus we got and evaluated as ◎ 36 sites, ○ 137 sites, and □ 287 sites (allowing overlaps among the survey cases).  In addition, for the sense of 'TRIZ inclusive", some of ◎○ sites in the area of TRIZ (especially having some extensions from TRIZ) are included.  Also ◎○□ sites arround TRIZ in Japan are also included for showing the intention of the scope.
In the present 'World Around-TRIZ Basic Index', we took the ◎○ sites and categorized and arranged them according to their (main) roles of sites.  The categories are: (a) Information sending sites,  (b) Promotor organizations, (c) Public organizations, (d) Academia, (e) Developer organizations, (e5) Training organizations, (f) Publishing organizations, (g) Information sharing, (h) User organizations, (i) Personal.  The present version includes ◎ 34 sites, ○ 128 sites, and □ 13 sites.  All the sites are described to some extents mostly by using the excerpts of the top pages or 'About us' pages of the sites. 
-- All these sites in the WTSP Catalogs are valuable and useful information sources with repsect to TRIZ and related methods.  All of us, from beginners to experts in some of these areas, can learn much from them and may introduce them to many people in the world.

  Preliminary Internet Search (3E) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Patent OR IP OR "Intellectual Property") (Analysis OR Protect OR Circumvent OR Mapping OR Strategy) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Sept. 19, 2019)

This is the 6th survey with the keywords around TRIZ, and focusing on Patent or Intellectual Properties. 186 sites were output, and 95 of them from the top are visited and used.  Information in 'About us' and top pages is excerted as the quick alternatives for introductions. After tentative evaluation, we obtained ◎ 5 sites (including 4 L sites), ○ 18 sites (including 3 L sites), □ 37 sites, △ 15 sites, and - 17 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file . See also the sample description of the and sites in the HTML page.  The data are also set in the Index-TN3E file and the Site-TN3E file inside the documents of the World WTSP Catalogs (Preliminary vrsion).

  Preliminary Internet Search (3D) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity) (Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis) (Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")  (Toru Nakagawa)  (Sept. 12, 2019)

The main theme in the top-down survey has been extended further. These Key words are designed to specify the goals first (i.e., Quality, Value, Cost, or Productivity), then the action for achieving them (i.e., Deploy, Engineering, Management, Control, or Analysis), and finally the ways of processing (i.e., Method, Technique, Theory, Process, or Case study). These Key words intend to complement the former Key words, and have resulted in 223 sites most of which are new and not overlapping with the former surveys.  Among the sites, I evaluated as ◎ Most important 16 sites (including 8 sites L already listed elsewhere), ○ Important 38 sites (including 6 L sites), □ World Catalog 86 sites (including 2 L sites), △ Country Catalog 36 sites (including 0 L site), and - Irrelevant 41 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file . See also the sample description of the and sites in the HTML page.  The data are also set in the Index-TN3D file and the Site-TN3D file inside the documents of the World WTSP Catalogs (Preliminary version).

Presentation at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2019:  World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) (2): World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov)   (Sept. 7, 2019)

Japan TRIZ Symposium 2019, held by Japan TRIZ Society, on Sept. 5-6, 2019 in Tokyo.  The slides in English  (PDF ) and in Japanese (PDF ) are posted. 

From the start of our WTSP project in Dec. 2017, we took the Bottom-up strategy to build TRIZ sites Catalogs in each country first and then to build the World Catalog containing selected sites.  Even though we have about 70 TRIZ colleagues from 30+ countries who signed to work for WTSP, forming WTSP teams with Country Editors and drafting Country WTSP Catalogs were not achieved in most countries by the end of Mar. 2019, because active TRIZ colleagues are always too busy in their various jobs.
So we started Top-down approaches also. Realizing the necessity of a concrete image of the final product, we set in mid Jul. 2019 an urgent goal of completing the First Preliminary version of World WTSP Catalogs quickly.  We have completed it on Aug. 4, 2019. Manuscript documents contributed by Japan, Malaysia, China, and Russian region and two top-down surveys (in the world and in USA) are used.  WTSP Catalog of World TRIZ Sites Basic Index now contains 19 ◎ (Most important) sites and 41 ○ (Important ) sites.  It is remarkable that we have established a feasible, expandable and maintenable structure of Catalog documents, a flexible and practical ways of categorizing/rearranging the sites, and a useful top page of showing and handling WTSP Catalogs with various types of indexes.  We are going to improve it further by adding many more sites evaluated as ◎○□, extending our scope to the sites around TRIZ, and adding introductory descriptions of individual sites.  Emergence of bottom-up activities in every country is the crucial issue for our further success.

 WTSP: (A6-B) Preliminary Version of the World WTSP Catalogs (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 25; Sept. 30, 2019)

This page intends to give the overview of the Preliminary Versions of the World WTSP Catalogs (Aug. 4 and Sept. 30 versions).  It covers:
(1)  Source Documents and Document Structure of the Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs
(2) Top Page and Usage of the Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs
(3) A set of Word Indexes of the Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs
         (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019)
         (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Sept. 30, 2019)
(4) Announcements, instructions, communications, Q&A, etc. for building and improving the World WTSP Catalogs

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Q&A on World WTSP Catalogs: (1) Jul., Aug. 2019   (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 25, 2019)

(1) Michael Orloff <==> TN:   Q: Forms for Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs (Jul. 18)
(2) Michael Orloff <==> TN:  Q: Table of Sites  (Jul. 19)
(3) Michael Orloff <==> TN:  C:  Table of Selected Sites (in a combined format) (Jul. 19)
(4) Michael Orloff <==> TN:  Q: A List of Sites in Japan written in English ? (Jul. 22)
(5) Shireen Al-Jaouni <==> TN:  Q: Sites in the Middle East ? (Aug. 7)
(6) Tim Schweitzer <==> TN:  Q:  Login account to the WTSP Bitrix24 platform   (Aug. 21)

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Aug. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 25, 2019)

(1) I. Gutkovich, T. Sidorchuk (Russia) ==> TN: Preschool TRIZ (Aug. 2)
(2) R. Benmoussa (Morocco) ==> TN:  TRIZ in Morocco (Aug. 3)
(3) [WTSP] Letter: (13M-1AB,DE) World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) uploaded !!! (Aug. 5)
(4) S. Al-Jaouni (Palestine) <==> TN:   Appreciation to the WTSP project; TRIZ Web sites in Middle East ?
(5) TN ==>Readers of THPJ in Japan (in Japanese):   THPJ Update Announcement in Japanese pages. World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) uploaded !!! (Aug. 8)
(6) Posted in LinkedIn: World TRIZ Sites Catalog (Preliminary version) is now posted, including 19 ◎ sites and 41 ○ sites. Document and display structures are established.  (Aug. 17)
(7) TN ==>Readers of THPJ in the world:   THPJ Update Announcement. World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) uploaded !!!  (Aug. 21); Introduction to World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) (Aug. 21)
(8) Jim Bradley (USA) <==> TN:   Important work ! (Aug. 21)

World WTSP Catalogs: World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019) (Aug. 8, 2019)

This is the basic Catalog (or Core Catalog) of the World WTSP Catalogs.  It shows the sites in TRIZ in the world with the evaluations of ◎(Most important, about top 30) and ○ (Important,about top 100).  60 sites are arranged after categorizing them with the Roles of site.  The Index is shown in a tabular form.  By clicking the site code (or site number) in the table, description of the site will be displayed.  This is a preliminary version containing the data from only 4 countries (Japan, Malaysia, China, and Russian region) and 2 top-down surveys (TRIZ in the world, and TRIZ in USA).  By getting contributions from many more countries (hopefully 30-40 countries) and by improving the site descriptions, we are sure that this core part (World TRIZ Basic Index) of World WTSP Catalogs can tell us rich and useful information about TRIZ activities and their achievements in the world. 

World WTSP Catalogs: World WTSP Catalogs Top Page (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019)(Aug. 8, 2019)

This is the top page of our new World WTSP Catalogs !!!.   The World WTSP Catalogs form a system of various Indexes to the descriptions of sites.  Its structure (for the users) is illustrated in the following figure.
On the basis of the data of Table of sites and Descriptions of sites contributed by various country Teams and by Top-down surveys, the World WTSP Catalogs provide us with additional Indexes which show the sites in the world after various ways of categorization and rearrangement. We have just built the (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog, showing ◎ and ○ sites in TRIZ in the world.  We are going to build a few more Indexes containing the ◎○□ sites and also the sites around TRIZ  

(C) World Around-TRIZ SItes Basic Index (◎○) has been completed and posted.  (Sept. 30, 2019)


World WTSP Catalogs: Source Documents of the World WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019) (Aug. 8, 2019)

This page manages the source documents contributed by various WTSP Teams to the World WTSP Catalogs.  Such documents have to be examined to make sure that they match with the requirements of the mandatory information, suitable formatting, hyperlinks & anchor points, and working as a small Web site of each Team/Case.  For the document management, the structure of folders of documents has been designed in the figure shown below.  This design ensures easy handling and consistency of data throughout the stages of initial checking, preparation of World Catalogs, usage of Catalogs, and maintenance/updating the Catalogs. 

Currently we have the following source data:  From 4 country teams (Japan, Malaysia, China, Russion language), 2 cases of top-down surveys on TRIZ (TN2A, TN2F), 4 cases of top-down surveys around TRIZ (TN3A, TN3A2, TN3B, TN3C). (Aug. 4, 2019)
New source data: 2 cases of top-down surveys around TRIZ (TN3D , TN3E ).  (Sept. 30, 2019)


WTSP Working Material: Flat Table of TRIZ sites Written in Russian Language in the world (Michael Orloff) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019)

I received this manuscript from Michael Orloff on Jul. 24, and sent [WTSP] Letter (12C-2ru) to many Russian speaking TRIZ people, saying:

I have received an email yesterday from Michael Orloff and much impressed with the 'Flat Table of Sites' of Russian language Web sites for the preparation of World TRIZ-related sites Catalogs.
The present list of Russian language TRIZ sites are really nice and will make the World WTSP Catalogs useful and meaningful. The present table has been compiled by Michael Orloff with much efforts, and with some help by Nikolay Shpakovsky. We thank them much for their efforts.  ....

35 TRIZ sites written in Russian language in the world are selected and briefly introduced here.  The sites are listed in the form of 'Flat Table of Sites' for the preparation of the World WTSP Catalogs.  We can learn that there are many excellent sites written and operated by TRIZ masters which have not been known well in the world because most of them are written only in the Russian language.

Revision by Michael Orloff has been incorporated (Sept. 9, 2019) .   [Note (TN, Nov. 3, 2019):  The hyperlink to this page is corrected.]

WTSP New Strategy: New Strategy of the WTSP Project: To Show World WTSP Catalogs Quickly (Toru Nakagawa & 5 Global Co-editors) (Jul. 25, 2019)

This is an excerpt of Section 4 of the preprint of our ETRIA TFC2019 paper.  It is a comprehensive description of our new strategy since the beginning of June as described in the Practice Guide , its Short Summary , WTSP Mails and Letters etc.  Our original strategy was:  Bottom-up Approach: Build Country WTSP Catalogs first with many Web sites after thorough survey. Then we build World WTSP Catalgos with selected sites. -- This puts much burden on WTSP members. Hence, WTSP Teams have not started well in almost all countries.  Our new strategy is:  Try to show the World WTSP Catalogs quickly, relying on the "20 - 80 % Principle", i.e., "Do rough but essential 20 % efforts and get 80 % results".  -- Looking at the image of our final goal in a concrete form, many people will understand the vision clearly and will join us.   This strategy is explained concretely:  Structure of World WTSP Catalogs, Japan Part of World WTSP Catalogs as an example, Practice Guide, and Plans. 

WTSP Member List is updated (Jul. 25, 2019)

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Jul. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jul. 18; Aug. 25, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-5AB,DE) THPJ Updated: Survey (3C) with Keywords: Innovation (Process etc.) (Jul. 6)
(2) TN==> THPJ Readers in Japan: HP Updated: Progress of the WTSP project. (Jul. 8)
(3) [WTSP] Letter: (12M-1AB, DE) World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part); Please submit your WTSP Manuscripts (of ◎○ sites) by Jul. 28 (Sun). (Jul. 15)
(4) Richard Langevin: Announcement in the Altshuller Institute HP (Jul. 15)
(5) [WTSP] Letter: (12-G1) Plan of the First Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs (Jul. 15)
(6) Simon Litvin: Agree with Nakagawa's suggestion of '20-80' approach (Jul. 17)
(7) Posted in LinkedIn: World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part) is demonstrated with 26 sites. (Jul. 18)
(8) TN==> Russian-speaking TRIZ coleagues: [WTSP] Letter (12C-2ru) Manuscripts of World WTSP Catalogs (Russian-language Part) (Jul. 25)
(9) [WTSP] Letter: (12M-2AB, DE) New WTSP Strategy. Let's make World WTSP Catalogs quickly. (Jul. 26)

 World WTSP Catalogs (Japan Part): WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan for the people in the whole world (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jul. 14, 2019))

Japan Part of the World WTSP Catalogs has been demonstrated in the new page. This posting has 3 intentions:
(1) 'The Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan' posted last year in English was the English translation of 'Japan WTSP Catalogs' for the people in Japan .  Using the WTSP criteria, all the sites are re-evaluated; ◎〇□ sites to be shown in the World WTSP Catalogs (for all the people in the world), while ◎〇□ and △ sites in the Japan WTSP Catalogs (for people in Japan).  This sort of differences in the WTSP criteria between World and Country should be recognized in every country. 
(2) The new page demonstrates the manuscripts to be prepared by WTSP Teams in every country (i.e., Flat Table of Sites (in .xlsx) and Descriptions of Sites (in .docx), and at the same time a completed WTSP Catalog as a small Web site (i.e., Index page (in .html) and Descriptions of Sites page (in .html) connected with many hyperlinks).  The final form of the World WTSP Catalog is expected to be the integration of many World WTSP Catalogs (Individual Part) coming from Country Teams and Top-down Surveys.  Flat Tables of Sites are integrated into a single Flat Table in Excel, and it is sorted/rearranged in Excel to form a suitable Index page in HTML.  The 'Descriptions of Sites' files are converted into HTML files and are simply gathered in a folder. 
(3) For Completing the World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019, I am planning the following 2 steps .  (Step 1) Using the manuscripts submitted by Jul. 28, I am going to make a World WTSP Catalog containing the sites ◎〇 only and post it around Aug. 4.  (Step 2) Using the manuscripts submitted by Sept. 15, I am going to make the World WTSP Catalogs containing the sites ◎〇□ and post them around Sept. 30.  I wish many TRIZ colleagues in the world to contribute their WTSP manuscripts by following the WTSP Practice Guide .  The present page illustrates the manuscripts and the prototype of the completed  World WTSP Catalogs.

 Short Summary of WTSP Practice Guide:  Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs  (Toru Nakagawa) (Jul. 7; Jul. 14, 2019)

Short Summary is posted for the WTSP Practice Guide .  Structure of World WTSP Catalogs is shown, and the documents expected from each country as the country part of the WTSP Catalog are described along with the practical preparation process.   We coordially invite you to join this voluntary project for promoting TRIZ and related methodologies further in the world.

The final form of WTSP Catalogs has been changed from PDF (with links) to HTML (with hyperlinks). Two-step schedule for preparation is announced: WTSP Catalog of ◎○ sites (Manuscripts due: Jul. 28, 2019; Posting: Aug. 4, 2019); WTSP Catalogs of ◎○□ sites (Manuscripts due: Sept. 15, 2019; Posting: Sept. 30, 2019). (Jul. 14, 2019) 

 New WTSP page: (A6-A) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 26; Jul. 6; Jul. 14, 2019))

This page is started in place of '(A6) Publicized Outputs', for the purpose of encouraging the building, review, and revisions of the WTSP Catalogs openly.  Any  readers, TRIZ colleagues and users, are encouraged to contribute their information, suggestions, and thoughts about various TRIZ-related Web sites to be introduced in the WTSP Catalogs.  Please communicate with some nearby WTSP members or directly to the Project Leader.

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Jun. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 25; Jun. 26, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter (10M-4) WTSP articles posted in THPJ (Jun. 2) Records of Communications; Practical Approaches for WTSP
(2) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-1) Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019 (Toru Nakagawa)
(3) From Nikolay Shpakovsky: List of Selected Web sites in the Russian language
(4) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-2) Practice Guide: Summary of tasks for WTSP Teams (Toru Nakagawa)
(5) Posting in LinkedIn: Vision and tasks for WTSP Teams in every country (Toru Nakagawa)
(6) [WTSP] Letter: (11C): For forming the WTSP Team and building Your Country XX and World WTSP Catalogs
(7) From Eng Hoo Tan: WTSP Materials: D-my-Malaysia: List of 16 TRIZ sites
(8) From Eng Hoo Tan (to 3 countries in SE Asia): Introducing the WTSP project
(9) From Jinpu Zhang: WTSP Materials: D-cn-China: List of 15 TRIZ sites  in China (Runhua Tan)
(10) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-3) WTSP Working Materials: Survey (2B) Sites in Russian, (3B) Creative Problem Solving; Malaysia, China
(11) [WTSP] Letter (11M-4) THPJ Updated: Current Working Manuscripts of the WTSP Catalogs  (Jun. 26, 2019)

WTSP Working Material: Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs and Relevant Documnts from Various WTSP Teams (Jun. 23, 2019)

D-cn-China: Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs of China (Runhua Tan) (Jun. 23, 2019)

Recommended TRIZ-related Web sites (2 sites); Flat Table of TRIZ-related Web sites (16 sites);
Site Description: ◎ #1  National Engineering Research Center for Technological Innovation Method and tool (Hebei Univ.); ○□  #4  Innovation Method Website of Hebei Province

D-my-Malaysia: Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs of Malaysia (Eng Hoo Tan, T.S. Yeoh (MyTRIZ)) (Jun. 23, 2019)

List of TRIZ-relaed Web sites in Malaysia.  16 sites ae listed.  ○ Official MyTRIZ (Malaysia TRIZ InnovationAssociation) Website.

  Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019 (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 10; Jun. 14, 2019)

This article is our Practice Guide for completing our World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019 (to be held on Oct. 9-11, 2019 at Marrakech, Morocco).  It is based on the last two sections of our recently-submitted TFC2019 paper (written in black fonts), which reflects our recent discussions .  To make this an effective Practice Guide, I have added various notes, referring to existing information (in green fonts) and mentioning new and detailed information (in blue fonts).

This article has 2 important findings.  (a) I have obtained a clear and practical technical vision of World WTSP Catalogs in the form of Interactive Edition; composed of the Index file (.pdf) and many List of Sites files (.pdf), where both types of files can be built and updated easily. 
(b) Forming WTSP Teams with Country Editors in every country is most crucial for the success of WTSP.
We eagerly wish to work Together ! Connected !! with you for further proliferaion of TRIZ and related methodologies.

(Note:  TN, Jun. 14, 2019) Subsection 7. is added:  Summary of the Tasks requested to individual (Country) WTSP Teams(Jun. 14, 2019)

 Objectives of WTSP and Practical Approaches for Us: In Reply to Michael Orloff (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 2, 2019)

Probably, my recent articles on Internet surveys and Database System proposal give impression to M. Orloff and many TRIZ colleagues that the WTSP project is now expanding too big to follow. This misunderstanding might have come from the difference between my work for thinking about the final publication of WTSP Catalogs at the global level and the work expected for WTSP members to visit and describe individual sites at the country level. 
Thus using the 8 slides we presented at ETRIA TFC2018, I show that our aims and plans etc. are the same and even the difficulties we are facing now are essentially the same as before.  The crucial issues for us exist at the coutry level, to form a WTSP Team, to get Country Editor for coordinating the Team, and to build the WTSP Catalog in the county. Thus in this article I discuss about the practical ways of bottom-up approach for building Country WTSP Catalogs step by step.  I also show the practical process at the global level to build the World WTSP Catalogs manually without assuming the WTSP Database System now at the proposal stage.  

 WTSP Mails and Letters: May 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 2, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter (10M-1) THPJ Updated (May 18) Preliminary Internet Searches (3) of TRIZ-related Sites in wider scopes in the world
(2) [WTSP] Letter: (10M-2) Proposal of the WTSP Database System: As Catalog Generator and Inquiry System
(3) [WTSP] Letter: (10M-3) WTSP DB System Proposal posted in THPJ
(4) THPJ Updated (May 24) Surveys in wider scope / Proposal of WTSP Database System (Toru Nakagawa)
(5) From M. Orloff: Friendly request for understandable work!
(6) Posting in LinkedIn: Proposal of WTSP Database System for building Catalogs of hundreds of TRIZ-related sites
(7) From B. Busov: Situations of TRIZ-related Web sites in Czech Republic
(8) Nakagawa: Objectives of WTSP and Practical Approaches for Us (in Reply to Michael Orloff)

  Proposal of the WTSP Database System for the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) (Toru Nakagawa) (May 24,2019)

This is a proposal to build "WTSP Database System". It accepts the description of individual Web sites in a standard format, containing the answers in the aspects of Location, Language, Role, Application phase, Application fields, Methods, and Evaluation. The key to our system is these Multiple sets of Indexing Schemes. The System can generate WTSP Indexes and WTSP Catalogs in various ways of hierarchical classification and arrangements from these aspects, as specified by the control input. It also serves as an on-line Query System using the same mechanism of hierarchical classification.  The proposal is written conceptually yet thoroughly for implementation.  See the figure of the overall structure of the System .  Once having the WTSP Database System installed, we will be able to concentrate our efforts to survey and describe good Web sites in TRIZ and relevant methodologies.

  Multiple Sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System (Toru Nakagawa) (May 24; Jun. 6; Sept. 30, 2019)

This page posts the definitions of Multiple Sets of Indexing Schemes for the newly proposed WTSP Database System .  Indexing Scheme means a system of categories (or answers to users’ questions) in one aspect of users’ interest.  Defining the aspects and defining the system of categories in each aspect appropriately are very important as the basis of the WTSP DB System.  All the details of these Indexing Schemes should be discussed further and revised as soon as possible.  Please send me questions, comments, and revision proposals.

Minor revisions (mostly additions) in the Indexing Scheme (C) Roles of sites. (Jun. 6; Sept. 30, 2019)

  Preliminary Internet Searches (3) of TRIZ-related Sites in wider scopes in the world (Toru Nakagawa) (May 18; Jun. 23; Jul. 6; Sept. 30, 2019)

I started the '3rd round' of surveys of TRIZ-related sites in wider scopes by using keywords different from TRIZ.  At moment, I am going to focus the sites written in English and located in the whole world.  The choice of the keywords is important and delicate.  We will need several (or many) sets of keywords for the survey, on some trial basis.  Since we are surveying in a wider scope, we have to check many more sites and select useful sites from them.  This requires us hard work in somewhat not so familiar areas. 

  Preliminary Internet Search (3A) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords Creat* Think* Method*  (Toru Nakagawa)  (May 18, 2019)

I used the Keywords: Creat*  Think*  Method*  (with the wild card *).  The Yahoo.Japan search engine interpreted the keywords much widely such as: (Create, Creative, Make, Build, etc.) AND (Think, Thinking, Thoughts, feel, believe, etc.) AND (Method, Tool, Technique, Way, etc.).  Thus the outputs are much diluted.  Evaluating the sites quickly, I obtained the results: ◎ 1 site, ○ 4 sites, □ 15 sites, △ 3 sites, and - 84 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file .

  (3A2) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords Creative Think Method  (Toru Nakagawa)  (May 18, 2019)

The keywords: Creative Think Method.  This works well.  Among the 194 sites, I evaluated as: ◎ Most important 1 site, ○ Important 15 sites, □ World Catalog 65 sites, △ Country Catalog 31 sites, L (Listed already elsewhere) 15 sites, and - Irrelevant 56 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file . See also the sample description of the and sites in the HTML page. 

  (3B) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Creative OR innovative OR Systematic) Problem Solve (Method OR Process OR Technique)  (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jun. 23, 2019)

The main theme has been extended from 'Creative Thinking' in (3A2) to more objective one 'Creative Problem Solving' in (3B), and the result is very productive to find many useful sites. Among the 173 sites, I evaluated as ◎ Most important 10 sites (including 8 sites L alreday listed elsewhere), ○ Important 26 sites (including 7 L sites), □ World Catalog 64 sites (including 7 L sites), △ Country Catalog 32 sites (including 1 L site), and - Irrelevant 39 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file . See also the sample description of the and sites in the HTML page. 

  (3C) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: Innovation (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)  (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jul. 6, 2019)

The main theme has been further extended to the hot and big topic of Innovation.  For putting stress on its methodological aspects, either one of the keywords Process, Strategy, Method, Management, and Technology is requested in the survey.  The survey outputs many useful Web sites, most of them are not covered with the previous survey resulats.  Among the 207 sites, I evaluated as ◎ Most important 3 sites (including 3 sites L alreday listed elsewhere), ○ Important 36 sites (including 11 L sites), □ World Catalog 78 sites (including 8 L sites), △ Country Catalog 70 sites (including 0 L site), and - Irrelevant 19 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file . See also the sample description of the and sites in the HTML page.  Note the evaluations are tentative, and need to be reviewed by people familiar in this wider fileds.

  (3D) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity) (Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis) (Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")  (Toru Nakagawa)   (Sept. 12, 2019)

  (3E) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Patent OR IP OR "Intellectual Property") (Analysis OR Protect OR Circumvent OR Mapping OR Strategy) (Toru Nakagawa)   (Sept. 19, 2019)

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Apr. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)) (Apr. 9; Jun. 2, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter (9) THPJ updatged (Mar. 31); Results of Internet Surveys of TRIZ-related sites in the world
(2) Mail from Roland De Guio (France): WTSP Activities in France
(3) [WTSP] LinkedIn Posting: Results of Internet Surveys of TRIZ-related sites in the world

(4) [WTSP] Letter: (9M-1) THPJ Updated (Apr. 9): Survey results (2A)-(2F) in a tabular form,   (Jun. 2, 2019)

  Preliminary Internet Searches (2) of TRIZ-related Sites in the world (Toru Nakagawa) (Mar. 18; Mar. 31; Apr. 9, 2019)

Surveys of TRIZ-related sites are carried out in a top-down approach by use of Internet Search engines.  This series is named '2nd Round Preliminary Internet Search'.  The searches are carried out for the TRIZ-related sites in the whole world written (2A) in English, (2B) in Russian, (2C) in German, (2D) in French, (2E) in Spanish/Portuguese, and also (2F) the sites in USA written in English. 

Processes of the internet search and further data handling for understanding and evaluating the sites are devised and described in detail.  Quick visit of the sites and applying the Site search (i.e., searching TRIZ-related pages inside the site) are used to understand and evaluate the sites.  Evaluation of sites in 5 levels is introduced as: ◎ Most important, ○ Important, and □ Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog; △ Worthy  in Country WTSP Catalogs; and - Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs. Classifying the site types with the roles of the site (owners) are also introduced.

For confirming the survey strategy, the effectiveness of the 'Base Document' (i.e., the annotated list of 'Selected 120 TRIZ Links in the world', which was compiled by Nakagawa in May 2008) has been examined.  The present situations of the TRIZ-related sites in Europe listed in 2008 have been examined, to find that nearly half of them are gone/inactive while the other half are active and hence their descriptions 10 years ago are now obsolete. Thus it is clear that we should carry out our surveys newly without trying to revise the old documents. 

Results of the surveys (2A) through (2F) are shown in detail in the HTML pages.  The sites written in non-English languages are not evaluated yet because of language difficulty for me.  Description of introductions of sites is left to be done by the collaboration of many TRIZ colleagues.   

Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 6, 2019):  The Data Parts of these pages are shown in a tabular form. By the ordinary 'Copy & Paste' operation of the whole table into an Excel file, you can get the Table of sites, in a form handy to edit and sort as you like. The data of sites in different pages (2A)  to (2F) may be merged easily (with some ovbious care). (Apr. 9, 2019)

Note (TN, Apr. 4, 2019):  WTSP pages (A2) Organization (List of Members), (A4) Guidelines, (A6) Outputs have been updated.

  Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites (2A) written in English in the world  (Toru Nakagawa)  (Mar. 18; Mar. 31; Apr. 9, 2019)

Interner search with Yahoo.Japan outputs 106 sites.  Visiting sites quickly and applying the Site search, the sites are evaluated as: ◎ 6, ○ 13, □ 29, △ 33, - 25.  In the HTML page, top 81 sites are listed with their Evaluation symbol, site name, site URL, and number of pages hit by Site search.   Some more details are shown in the .docx file .

  (2B) written in Russian in the world   (Toru Nakagawa, Michael Orloff; Nikolay Shpakovsky)  (Mar. 18; Mar. 31; Apr. 9; Jun. 23, 2019)

Internet search outputs 106 sites.  They are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and site name, site URL, and URL for site search; but no evaluation yet.  Some more details in .docx
Michael Orloff used various Internet searches together with his background knowledge, and listed the URLs of 26 Selected sites operated by TRIZ profesionals, and 49 sites/pages of TRIZ users. He says: This list is not the best and last, but maybe not bad!. Posted both in HTML and in .docx .
Nikolay Shpakovsky worked on the Output of Internet search (by Nakagawa) and made a list of 36 Selected TRIZ Sites (by adding 15 new sites) and separated them from 73 other sites.  The 36 selected sites are shown in a tabular format in HTML , while all the 109 sites are shown in .docx . (Jun. 23, 2019)

  (2C) written in German in the world   (Toru Nakagawa)  (Mar. 31; Apr. 9, 2019)

Internet search outputs 107 sites.  They are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and site name, site URL, and URL for site search; but no evaluation yet.  Irrelevant 7 sites are omitted.  See .docx

  (2D) written in French in the world   (Toru Nakagawa)   (Mar. 31; Apr. 9, 2019)

Internet search outputs 90 sites.  They are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and site name, site URL, and URL for site search; but no evaluation yet.  Irrelevant 8 sites are omitted.  See .docx

  (2E) written in Spanish/Portuguese in the world   (Toru Nakagawa)   (Mar. 31; Apr. 9, 2019)

Internet search outputs 123 sites, but 73 of them are irrelevant because of a female singer's name Triz..  50 sites are (listed in the HTML page) with page title and site name, site URL, and URL for site search; but no evaluation yet.  See .docx

  (2F) written in English in USA  (Toru Nakagawa)   (Mar. 31; Apr. 9, 2019)

Interner search outputs 90 sites.  Visiting sites quickly and applying the Site search, the sites are evaluated as: ◎ 6, ○ 11, □ 27, △24, -22.  In the HTML page, top 68 sites are listed with their Evaluation symbol, site name, site URL, and number of pages hit by Site search.   Some more details are shown in the .docx file .

 Examining the Changes in TRIZ-related Sites since 2008 (in Europe as Samples)  (Toru Nakagawa)   (Mar. 31, 2019)

Effectiveness of the annotated list of 'Selected 120 TRIZ Links in the world' (compiled by Nakagawa in May 2008) has been examined.   And we get the conclusion that the list described 10 years ago is quite obsolete and we must carry out our surveys newly without trying to revise the old documents.  See .docx

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Mar. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)) (Mar. 18; Apr. 4, 2019)

(1) An appeal was posted in Linked In (Mar. 4, 2019)
(2) TRIZ Sites written in Russian language in the whole world are surveyed by Nakagawa, and listed by Michael Orloff.  TRIZ sites written in English in the whole world are surveyed by Nakagawa.  (Mar. 12-16, 2019) 

(3) [WTSP] Letter (8M-4)  Surveys of TRIZ sites in Russian and in English; we need much further extension
(4) [WTSP] Letter (8C-4)   Survey of TRIZ sites written (in German, in French, in Spanish/Portugues, in USA in English); Please extend it further.
(5) [WTSP] Letter (8C-eu4) Checking the TRIZ sites in the Base Document (2008); We should work with new Internet survey

  Creativity education: CID Course for Children: Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID) based on TRIZ: Methodical Guide-Books and Children Workbooks for Three Grades (Japanese Edition) (Feb. 24, 2019)

Author (in Russian): Natalia V. Rubina (1998, 1999); English Edition: translated Irina Dolina (2000, 2001), Posted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" ( 2000 - 2002); Japanese Edition: translated by Toshio Takahara, Chiharu Fukuda, and Toru Nakagawa, Posted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" Feb. 24, 2019

This education material is a set of 6 volumes of Guide Books for teachers and 6 volumes of Workbooks for children. It is a nice and vivid document for educating children at the 1st to 3rd grades in elementary school.  CID for children is to enhance their natural curiosity and creativity and to educate them to think with systemic understanding.  Such education is indeed challenging and need to be learned from experiences by pioneers.
We have just completed to translate the first volume of the documents into Japanese.  Both the Guide book and Workbook are downloadable in PDF files, which can be printed and bound easily in the pamphlets, just like the original Russion documents. 
Introductions to this texts (of English Edition), and policies of making the Japanese Edition are described in this HTML page in English.

  Creativity education: CID Course for Children:  (Japanese Edition) Introduction Volume (Feb. 24, 2019)

Guide book (A5 28 pages) in PDF

  Creativity education: CID Course for Children:  (Japanese Edition) Book 1. "Fairy Tales School" (1st Grade, 1st Semester) (Feb. 24, 2019)

Japanese translation by Toshio Takahara, Chiharu Fukuda, Toru Nakagawa (Feb. 20, 2019)
Guide book for teachers (A5 96 pages) in PDF  ;  Workbook for children (A5 60 pages)

WTSP News:  WTSP Mails and Letters: Jan. -- Feb. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)) (Jan. 14; Feb. 6; Feb. 14; Mar. 18, 2019)

This page intends to post various communications related to theWTSP project, e.g., [WTSP] Letters, [WTSP] Communicatios, [WTSP] Q&A, [WTSP] Announcement, etc.   (Note:  Latest at the top)

- [WTSP] Letters (8M-3): WTSP pages are updated: Need your help to WTSP at the present critical stage (Feb. 28; Mar. 1, 2019)

- Communications between Michael Orloff (Germany) and TN: On Preliminary Internet Searches and Main Goals for WTSP (Feb. 23 - 27, 2019)

- [WTSP] Letter (8M-G2) Dear Global Co-Editors: Need your help at the current critical stage (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 14, 2019)

- [WTSP] Letters (8M-2): Basic and useful WTSP pages posted in THPJ and uploaded in the Bitrix24 Platform. (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 10, 2019)

-  Posting in LinkedIn: Invitation to Voluntary work of building WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in your country and in the world. (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 8, 2019)

- [WTSP] Letters (8M-D)(8M-E): Invitation to join WTSP; Your help is needed by the global TRIZ community (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 8, 2019)

- [WTSP] Letters (8M-A)(8M-B): WTSP pages are updated today in THPJ. Let's work Together ! Connected !! (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 8, 2019)

- [WTSP] Letters (7M-A)(7M-B)(7M-D)(7M-E): List of WTSP Members, Tasks at moment, and Invitation to WTSP (Toru Nakagawa) (Jan. 13, 2019)
To the TRIZ leaders/colleagues who are not yet WTSP Members, I sent [WTSP] Letters (7M-E) or (7M-D) for inviting them to join WTSP, and for explaining our aims, ways of work, members, references, etc.  To the Members, I sent [WTSP] Letter (7M-B) or (7M-A) for showing the list of members and invitees, and for asking them to form teams and to start the actual work of surveying and describing the introductions of the sites one by one.  These 4 types of [WTSP] Letters are posted publicly as the basis of our practice. 

- Tan Eng Hoo of Malaysia reported me of their myTRIZ activities.  They have 11,000 members and organize conferences, seminars, etc. getting involved by people coming from ASEAN countries.  And he says myTRIZ is the only national-level Web site in Malaysia.  I responded: Please introduce various Web sites (even not national representative) operated by universities, laboatories, companies, community centers, consultants, individual users, etc. for the information for people in your country (i.e., Malaysia WTSP Catalog), and then recommend selected sites for the information for people in the world (i.e., Global WTSP Catalog).  Anyway, Malaysia seems to be an excellent model of TRIZ proliferation.


  TRIZ Forum:  Letters from Readers (Dec. 2018 - Jan. 2019)   (Feb. 6, 2019). Index of Letters from Readers   (Feb. 6, 2019)

During this period, we could post 2 important Keynote Lectures presented by Prof. Denis Cavallucci (presented at Japan TRIZ Sympo. 2012) and by Dr. Valeri Tsourikov (presented at TRIZ fest2014), both in English and in Japanese translation.  I was also working for the WTSP project.

[English page   ]  Toru Nakagawa; Don Masingale (USA), Walter Hermans, Christopher K. Ahoy (USA), Val Tsourikov (Belarus), Ellen Domb (USA), Alexander Shmonov (Russia)
This page ’Letters from Readers' is for recording various communications between readers in the world and the Editor, myself.  But communcations specifically on the WTSP project are posted separatety in the page of 'WTSP Mails and Letters' starting in Jan. 2019. .
Among various short communications I received, Walter Hermans' question on 'softTRIZ' and CrePS is worth mentioning here.  He seems to learn various TRIZ Web sites and references, so I recommended two of my articles as good entrance to my many papers.. 

[Japanese page ] Toru Nakagawa; Toshio Takahara
T. Takahara has found significance in Cavallucci's IDM approach, seeing some common viewpoints with Larry Ball's 'Hierarchical TRITRI Algorithm' and with his own theory. He has contributed to the translation into Japanese of both Cavallucci and Ball's references. 

 WTSP News:  List of WTSP Members (83 Members from 31 countries) is posted in the (A2) Organization page (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jan. 13; Feb. 6; Feb. 14; Feb. 28, 2019)

List of WTSP Members is updated .  Currently 78 persons have voluntarily joined WTSP as Members.  They come from 29 countries/areas.  In each country they are trying to form a WTSP team with several members.  We are going to survey TRIZ-related sites in each country and describe introductions of them individually.  Please notice our time schedule:
      (by Dec. 31, 2018)  Formation of WTSP teams in every country
      (by Mar. 31, 2019) Completion of Country WTSP Catalogs in every country, for open reviewing inside the project; First draft of Categorized World WTSP Catalog
Such activities have just started in each country, but very slowly yet.  We wish to have many more Members in most of the countries, especially in Russia and USA.  Could you please join WTSP, to work Together ! Connected !!  (Jan. 13, 2019)

I received only 2 new Membership Application Forms since a month ago.  We are much behind the schedule.  We have to form WTSP teams in every country and to start surveying TRIZ-related sites and describe thier introductins one by one.  (Feb. 6, 2019)

List of WTSP Members has been updated. (Feb. 14; Feb. 28, 2019)

  TRIZ News:  TRIZ News in Japan   (Jan. 10, 2019)

Japan TRIZ Society (JTS) is going to hold 15th TRIZ Symposium in Japan on Sept. 5 - 6, 2019 in Tokyo.  (Jan. 10, 2019)

Japan Creativity Society (JCS) is going to hold its 41st Annual Conference on     , 2019 at JAIST near Kanazawa, Japan.   (Jan. 10, 2019)

  TRIZ News:  TRIZ News Outside Japan   (Jan. 10; Feb. 6, 2019)

Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies (AI) is going to hold TRIZCON2019 on May 20-22, 2019 at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA . (Jan. 10; Jan. 15; Feb. 6, 2019)

International Society of Innovation Methods (I-SIM) is going to hold ICSI 2019 on Jul. 8-11, 2019, in Liverpool, UK. (Jan. 10, 2019)

International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) is going to hold TRIZfest-2019 Conference and related events on Sept. 11-14, 2019 in Heilbronn, Germany.  (Jan. 10; Feb. 6, 2019)

European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) is going to hold 19th TRIZ Future Conference (TFC2019) on Oct.  9 - 11, 2019 at ENSA Marrakech, Marrakech, Morocco. (Jan. 10; Feb. 6, 2019)

   TRIZ Paper: Computational Creativity: Path to Future Civilization (Valeri Tsourikov) (Jan. 10, 2019)

Valeri Tsourikov (Chief AI architect,, Minsk, Belarus), Keynote talk at TRIZfest2014 Conference, Prague, Sept. 5, 2014; Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa

Dr. Valeri Tsourikov started Invention Machine Project in mid 1980s in Minsk, Belarus, and after moving to Boston in early 1990s his Invention Machine Inc. built the TechOptimizer software  which fully implements knowledge bases and tools of TRIZ. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is his specialty area. He developed semantic analysis methods of natural language with the keys of SVO structure, and hence made it practical to process huge volume of patent and scientific/technical documents and output the essence of knowledge in compact and usable forms.  The software contributed much to the sensational debut of TRIZ in late 1990s in US, Europe, Japan, etc.   He also developed an epoch-making concept of 'software which assists inventions' and implemented it into a prototype ; his thoughts, however, seemed to be too early at that time.   In 2001 he left IMC, and never appeared in the TRIZ community for many years.

In 2014 he gave a Keynote lecture at MATRIZ TRIZfest conference, with the slides posted here. Last October at ETRIA TFC2018 he gave another Keynote Lecture, and I met him after 17 years of interval.   Dr. Tsourikov kindly contributed his two Keynote presentations to this Web site.   I have chosen to post his Keynote 2014 because it's more basic and easier for us to understand. "Artificial Intelligence is surely going to supercede human brains. It is natural and inevitable. AI will supercede much higher pretty soon.  AI techniques will handle not only practical and formalizable jobs (as many people say) but also creative jobs like inventions (in contrary to sayings by many) much better than human brains.   As the results of my research for these 20 years, I have already built such a prototype. " he says. Anyway please read his presentation slides posted here in English and in Japanese translation.

From the Editor:  Message for the New Year 2019 (Toru Nakagawa) (Jan. 10, 2019)

Greetings from Japan for a Happy New Year 2019!!  Wish the year be peaceful in the World, and healthy, happy, and successful for you all.
(Sorry to be late in greeting you.)  It is a tradition in Japan to send post cards for celebrating a new year.  In the Japanese page of this site I posted my New Year post card, which I sent to my friends whom I met before my TRIZ days.  Here is the card in Japanese (Figure), and its message in English. :

Happy New Year 2019 !!
I keep working for the research and proliferation of 'Methodologies of Creative Problem Solving (TRIZ/CrePS)'. This Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" celebrated the 20th Anniversary last November to my thanks to you all.
I have proposed a voluntary international project 'World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP)' and am endeavoring to build Catalogs for introducing TRIZ-related Web sites in the world. After an year of initial preparation, I have just made up my mind to complete its first Edition in October 2019, to update it completely in every 2 years, and to run the operation for 10 years, in cooperation with many TRIZ colleagues. 
Human Culture has chosen (or recognized) Liberty and Love as the two Principal Guiding Principles, but there exist intrinsic contradictions, inside each of them and between the two, which have not been resolved throughout the human history. It should be Ethics that motivates and coordinates both Liberty and Love; Ethics is the most basic Principal Guiding Principle based on the understanding that every person has the rights to pursue one's own happiness. Pursuing for the three goals together, i.e., to extend Liberty, to expand (or universalize) Love, and to deepen Ethics, is Good for individuals and for societies. Insisting and pursuing for 'Liberty alone / Love alone / Ethics alone' is NO Good. This is my understanding at the present stage. 
I wish you all your health, happiness, and success.
                                 January 1st, 2019       Toru Nakagawa


New Year Card 2019
(Click to enlarge)

This page also contains links to several relevant pages, the photo of the glacier in Switzerland, and 8 photos of swallows at my home.


Posted in 2018

 [WTSP] Letters (6C):  Greetings and encouragement of WTSP teams in each country. (Dec. 20-21, 2018) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jan. 13, 2019)

From the Editor:  New information posted in 2015 and 2016 has been moved to the archive page. (Dec. 13, 2018)

  Introduction/Summary (Social Problems): Principal Contradiction of Human Culture and Solution Directions : ‘Liberty vs Love’ and Ethics (Toru Nakagawa) (Dec. 13, 2018)

This article summarizes my present understandings on the (extremely big) theme shown above, briefly in a page of A4. Please refer the details to the following articles/papers: [1] Univ. Tokyo YMCA Bulletin (2016) , [2] Paper published in TRIZ Home Page in Japan (2018) , [3] Paper presented at ICCI2018

   TRIZ Paper: How TRIZ can contribute to a paradigm change in R&D practices? (Denis Cavallucci) (Dec. 13, 2018)

Keynote Lecture and Advanced Tutorial presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012, held by Japan TRIZ Society, Sept. 6-8, 2012 at Waseda University, Tokyo.  English page: Keynote Paper , Tutorial Slides ; Japanese page: Keynote Paper (translated by T. Takahara, H. Kosha, T. Nakagawa) , Keynote Slides (translated by T. Takahara, H. Kosha) .
This is the set of documents presented by Prof. Cavallucci 6 years ago at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012 in his Keynote Lecture and Advanced Seminar.  All the documents except the paper in Japanese translation were posted publicly in the HP of JTS in November 2012.  Half a year ago, the Japanese translators (T. Takahara and H. Kosha) and the author sent me their desires of making the full paper in Japanese translation publicly posted.  Under the permission by Japan TRIZ Society, the set of documents both in English and in Japanese are now posted here.   The paper in Japanese translation has been revised by Nakagawa. 
The full paper of the Keynote Lecture is excellent.  INSA Strasbourg in France has been operating a regular graduate course at the Master and PhD levels specialized in TRIZ, as one of the few universities in the world.  Professor Cavallucci's group started with classical TRIZ, introduced OTSM while inviting Nikolai Khomenko, and then built their own IDM (Inventive Design Method) so as to handle real complex problems in industries.  There are five limitations in TRIZ for such a purpose, he says, and IDM is designed to overcome them.  They also built the STEPS software for implementing their methodology.  The full paper seems to be his representative work describing his methodology thoroughly and systematically and guiding their further development.  We can learn much with the paper and the slides.

 WTSP Letters (6M)(6I):  Invitation to WTSP. WTSP pages in THPJ are updated (Nov. 21) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Feb. 6, 2019)

On Nov. 22, 2019, WTSP Letters (6M) were sent to the Members, and (6I) to Invitees for giving information of current status of WTSP as updated in the Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  Noticing the importance of recording official communications and announcements of the WTSP project, these two WTSP Letters are posted in a new page.

  TRIZ Forum:  Letters from Readers (Oct. - Nov. 2018)  (Nov. 21, 2018).  (Feb. 6, 2019) Index of Letters from Readers   (Nov. 21,2018)

During this period, I gave a paper presentation on WTSP at ETRIA TFC2018 and tried to invite the participants to the WTSP members.  And after TFC2018 I sent many emails for supporting to organize WTSP teams in many countries.  However, there are few receiving emails suitable to be posted here openly. 

  [Japanese page   ]  Toru Nakagawa; Tadayuki Shimada, Toshihiro Hayashi
T. Shimada sent me a comment on my work of 'Liberty vs Love' Contradiction, and it is posted in a separate page.  T Hayashi kindly sent me a congratulation message on the 20th Anniversary of this Home Page. 

Contributed article:  A Comment on Liberty-Love-Ethics from the Standpoint of Kitaro Nishida's Philosophy, (Tadayuki Shimoda; responded by Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 21, 2018)

   [English page] Toru Nakagawa, Valeri Tsourikov (Belarus)    (Feb. 6, 2019)
( When I posted the Japanese page of ’Letters from Readers (Oct. - Nov., 2018)' on Nov. 21, 2018, I was so busy that I missed to post its corresponding page in English.  Here it is in a slightly simplified form.) The communication by Dr. Valeri Tsourikov is very valuable.  He comments on the importance of consolidating all web sites in one place, to let people finding info on TRIZ easier, and talks about his great challenge of generating creative solutions automatically with Artificial Intelligence.  His Keynote Paper presented at TRIZfest2014 has been posted recently in this Web site both in English and in Japanese translaton. 

  [WTSP] Letters (5M)(5I)(5C):  Information and invitation for forming WTSP teams and starting the work (Toru Nakagawa)  (Nov. 21, 2018)

WTSP Letters were sent on Nov. 14 to 3 groups of people separately, i.e., (5M1) Members, (5M2) Members to be (not yet submitting the Membership Application Form), and (5I) Invited people.  Then on Nov. 15-17, WTSP Letters (5C) were sent to the people (of the type M1, M2, and I) in each country separately for helping them to form a WTSP team and to start making the WTSP Catalog in each country.  Letters (in a generalized style) are shown in the subsequent page.

 WTSP Mails:  Quick Reports of WTSP at ETRIA TFC2018 (Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 21, 2018)

At TFC2018, Nakagawa presented the WTSP paper and appealed the participants one by one to join WTSP.  We obtained 45 new persons who signed in the Membership Application sheet.  Emails were sent to the WTSP Members on Nov. 3 and to the new Members (to be) on Nov. 4, to report these results and urge them to start a new phase of forming WTSP teams in each country.

 WTSP Plan:  New Target: "To Report the Completion of the World WTSP Catalogs (2019) at ETRIA TFC2019 (in October 2019)" (totu Nakagawa) (Nov. 11, 2018)

We have just set our concrete target as shown above.  And the time schedule for achieving the goal is shown in the (A1) Policies page .  Let's work to complete the WTSP Catalogs of individual countries and the whole world in one year from now ! 

   TRIZ Promotion: WTSP Paper (TFC2018):"World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for Building and Maintaining Catalogs of Global TRIZ Resources (Nov. 11, 2018)

WTSP Global Co-editors: Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University, Japan), Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation Network, UK), Michael Orloff (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ, Germany) , Simon Dewulf (AULIVE, Australia) , Simon Litvin (GEN TRIZ, LLC., USA), Valeri Souchkov (ICG Training & Consulting, Netherlands); Presented at TRIZ Future Conference (TFC2018), held by European TRIZ Association (ETRIA) and INSA Strasbourg, on Oct. 29-31, 2018 at INSA Strasbourg, France.  Full paper (19 pages) (in HTML and PDF), Presentation slides (17 slides) (in HTML and PDF ), and Summary slides (8 slides/ 2 pages) (in HTML and PDF) .  In the Japanese page, the Summary slides are posted in Japanese translation . 

We made a presentation earlier at Japan TRIZ Symposium (Sept.13-14) with the same title.  But having a sense of crisis "Many people support the aims of WTSP, but very few actually join to work together", I prepared the slides short and clear, describing the background, aims, prototypes, working plan, difficulties and how to overcome them, etc. 

Handing out Summary slides printed on a sheet (8 slides, on both sides), I asked the TFC participants one by one for their voluntary help to WTSP.  45 people newly signed in the application to the Membership of WTSP, to our pleasure. The WTSP has nearly 70 voluntary members now, but is still very weak because all the people say very busy.  We need to work effectively under such a situation.  We set up our goal "Report the Completion of World WTSP Catalog (2019) at ETRIA TFC2019 in October 2019".  For this goal, we should organize WTSP teams in every country before the Christmas/New Year vacation.   

  On the 20th Anniversary of  "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":  Toru Nakagawa (Nov. 11, 2018) 

This Web site "TRIZ Home in Japan" celebrates its 20th Anniversary on Nov. 1.  I am very grateful to you all, including authors, translators, and readers in Japan and around the world, for your continuing support.  This site serves as an open forum of information exchange for better understanding and usage of Creative Problem Solving Methodologies.  Initially, I intended to introduce TRIZ, a Russian-based methodology for mostly technological areas, but year after year the scope of this site became wider and deeper along with the development of such methodologies.  TRIZ itself has evolved to wider application including business and marketing, and has been spreading widely in the world.  My own research has extended to USIT as an easy-to-learn TRIZ, the Six-Box Scheme as a new paradigm of creative problem solving, and CrePS (General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving) which intends to integrate and unify various methods by using the Six-Box Scheme.  Since 2015, I have been trying to apply them to social problems, and I recently presented papers on the fundamental contradictions in Human Culture and their solution directions in the relationships of Liberty-Love-Ethics.  Thus the scope and contents of this site have been slightly changing as a result of natural evolution.

This site is meant to openly publish information and communications on a not-for-profit basis.  Though I have been operating this site as a volunteer, this site is not a personal site but a public forum to be composed of the contributions by readers, as you see already.  Most pages are published in Japanese and in English in parallel for the purpose of mutual understanding and collaboration between Japanese and overseas people.  Four Entrance Pages have been installed in 2012 for your easy access to articles.  Since last November I have initiated the World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for building catalogs of TRIZ-related sites in the world by voluntary collaboration of many TRIZ leaders over the world.

The number of visits since November 2005 is (on Nov. 11) 237,172 (increasing by about 3,300 for the last 1 year) to the top page in Japanese and 43,275 (increasing by about 1,600) to that in English.  I wish this Home Page be useful for you readers to solve your various problems.  Readers' contributions either in English or in Japanese are heartily welcome.

 TRIZ/CrePS Paper (Social problem): ‘Liberty vs Love’ and Ethics: Principal Contradiction of Human Culture and Solution Directions   (Nov. 11, 2018)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University);  Presented at ICCI2018 (International Conference on Creativity and Innovation) held by Japan Creativity Society and Kindai University ICMI on Sept. 10-12, 2018, Osaka. 
In addition to the Abstract posted earlier (Aug. 14, 2018), the full paper (in HTML  and in PDF ) and the presentation slides (in HTML  and in PDF ) are posted in English under the permission by ICCI2018.  In the Japanese page, the presentation slides (in HTML  and in PDF ) are now posted in Japanese translation, in addition to the discussion part of paper posted earlier.   The findings in the present study is summarized in a slide as:

Obtained Basic hypotheses of Principal Contradiction (Liberty vs Love) and its solution directions (Ethics):
    ・ The 1st Guiding Principle 'Liberty' is to decide and act for oneself and aims at winning in competitions.  It brings in creativity and innovation in culture and society, but also ruling and conservatism by the winners.
    ・ The 2nd Guiding Principle 'Love' is to love people, serve for them, and aims at happiness of the members.  It brings in reformation, but also control and conservatism for protecting all the members.
    ・ The 0th Guiding Principle 'Ethics' is most basic, and inside human heart shows the directions towards Good.  Fundamental Human Rights, saying 'everybody has the rights to pursue happiness', forms the core of Ethics.
    ・ 'Liberty vs Love' is the Principal Contradiction of Human Culture, which has never been solved yet throughout the human history.
    ・  Keys to solve the Contradiction are Ethics, capable to motivate and coordinate both Liberty and Love.
    ・  The origin of Ethics is the inherent (i.e., DNA built-in) capability of heart to judge what is Good ('Conscience').

Confirmed the significance of present hypotheses in comparison with Ethics references:
  ・ Hypothesis (a)  Principal Contradiction = Liberty vs. Love :   Novel? (yes (?)), Valid? (yes),  Effective? (yes)
  ・ Hypothesis (b) Keys to solving the Contradiction = Ethics :    Novel? (yes (?)), Valid? (yes),  Effective? (yes)
   ・ Hypothesis (c) Origin of Ethics = Inherent capability 'Conscience' :    Novel? (yes (?)), Valid? (yes),  Effective? (yes)
   ・ Hypothesis (d) Good = Guidance of Liberty, Love, and Ethics, together :    Novel? (yes), Valid? (yes),  Effective? (yes)

  TRIZ Forum:  Letters from Readers (Sept. - Oct. 2018)   (Oct. 19, 2018). Index of Letters from Readers   (Oct. 19, 2018)

[English page   ]  Toru Nakagawa; Robert Adunka (Germany), Bohuslav Busov (Czech Republic), Shireen Al-Jaouni (Palestine), Anatoly Guin (Russia), Nikolay Shpakovsky (Russia), and Elena Guin (Russia)
Update Announcements of this home page contain mainly Collection of T. Takahara's Papers (2016-2018), WTSP paper presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium, and results of Preliminary Internet Searches in individual (33+) countries.  Since late September, TRIZ leaders in Germany, Czech, Russia, etc. responded to me to make some trials of surveying TRIZ related Web sites in their countries.  WTSP seems to be starting its activities slowly.

[Japanese page ] Toru Nakagawa; Katsushige Hino, Toshio Takahara
The 4th Collection of Toshio Takahara's Papers (2016-2018), containing 11 papers, is the important articles in Japanese during this period.  Takahara's Research Note 2018 has over 80 A4 pages and is posted in 4 parts.  Hino comments on Takahara and results in a nice discussion.

  Forum: Visiting Mr. Yasuyuki Takaguchi, ex-Chief Priest, of Isshinji Temple in Osaka  (Oct. 19, 2018)

On Sept. 9 and 10, I visited Mr. Yasuyuki Takaguchi, ex-Chief Priest, of Isshinji Temple in Osaka.  He is one of my best friends studying together at Koyo Gakuin, Junior and Senior High School, in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, playing (soft) tennis in a pair.  He studied Architecture at Kyoto University, and later happened to become Chief Priest of Isshinji Temple (Jodo Shu in Buddhism), and worked as Professor at Nara Women University and operated an office as the owner Architect, all at the same time.   Since he and I were working in different fields and living in different areas in Japan, we did not have so much chances of talking deeply even though we knew the hard working of each other.  In the visit this time, I re-recognized his personality and great achievements. So I asked him to contribute a series of articles on his thoughts, activities, and achievements, to TRIZ Home Page in Japan. 

Please take a look at the photo attached here. It shows the inside of a hall 'Sanzen-Butsu-Do', designed and built by Rev. Takaguchi in 2002.  He writes: "This Hall is built just outside of the traditional Isshinji square, facing to a public street and is open everyday from 9:00 to 16:00 for everybody freely, symbolizing an Open Temple. You may encounter with (or be embraced by) Amida Butsu (in the center) and Kannon Bosatsu and Seshi Bosatsu, who have come to save you over the peaks of Himalayas.  I wanted to build a Buddhist Hall with a brilliant chancel and with sky lights coming down through a high ceiling window.  For designing such a Hall, I visited Budhist halls in India, Islamic halls in Turkey, and Byzantine style Christian church in Venice, etc. and extracted the atmosphere common to them."  When I stepped in, I gasped in wonder, and while sitting quietly alone, I felt myself being purified. 

  TRIZ Forum:  Letters from Readers (Jun. - Aug. 2018)   (Oct. 19, 2018). Index of Letters from Readers   (Oct. 19, 2018)

[English page   ]  Toru Nakagawa
The Update Announcements of this home page are recorded. During this period, appeals for working together in the WTSP project are main activities.  Emails were sent to many TRIZ leaders in various countries, and responses were received. But they are not disclosed here.  Nakagawa posted his papers on the "Principal Contradiction of Human Culture: 'Liberty vs Love' Contradiction and Ethics" presented at (2C) ETRIA TFC2107, (2D) TRIZ Home Page in Japan, and (3A) ICCI2018. 

[Japanese page ] Toru Nakagawa; Tomomi Murata, Yasumasa Ikezoe, Tadasuke Mizutani
The Update Announcements are recorded here in Japanese. T. Murata sent me several photos of traditional fireworks (of 16th century) performed at Yoshida Shrine in Toyohashi City. Y. Ikezoe and T. Mizutani commented on my works of Principal Contradiction.

  WTSP Working Material: "Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites in Various (33+) Countries (Sept. 21; Sept. 25; Sept. 27, 2018)

Toru Nakagawa (OGU)
Preliminary Internet searches of TRIZ-related sites in various countries have been carried out.  On the basis of experiences in Japan, the search engine Yahoo!.Japan is used with the option of showing only one representative page for a site and a command URL for the internal search of the site.  Specifying the location country and appropriate languages, preliminary Internet searches were carried out for the countries UK, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Korea, Australia, and USA.  The search results are documented in MS Word and posted openly.  The search will be extended on request.

Searches are extended further for the countries: Spain, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Iran, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, and groups of countries speaking Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, etc. (TN, Sept. 25, 2018)

Searches are extended further for the countries: Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Argentina, and Brazil.  Thus the searches effectively cover 33+ countries individually.  See the table  of the .doc files of the searches. (TN, Sept. 27, 2018)

   TRIZ Promotion: WTSP Paper (Japan TRIZ Sympo): "World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for Building and Maintaining Catalogs of Global TRIZ Resources (Sept. 21, 2018)

WTSP Global Co-editors: Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University, Japan), Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation Network, UK), Michael Orloff (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ, Germany) , Simon Dewulf (AULIVE, Australia) , Simon Litvin (GEN TRIZ, LLC., USA), Valeri Souchkov (ICG Training & Consulting, Netherlands); Presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2018, held by Japan TRIZ Society, on Sept. 13-14, 2018 at Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo. Slides PDF
Outline:  Introduction and background, Proposal of WTSP, Building Japan WTSP Catalog, Current state and difficulties in WTSP, Findings with Japan WTSP Catalog.  Message is: "Many Wonderful TRIZ-related Web Sites - we already have in Japan ! Why don't you take a look and utilize the WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan  .  Let's work Together ! Connected !! We will be able to learn much more soon with the WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World !!!"

  Basic Theory: "A Working Research Note on Philosophy (2018): A Note on the Principle of Way of Life of Homo Sapiens Based on Contradiction Model and Radical Enumerable Thinking " (Aug. 30; Sept. 1; Oct. 10, 2018)

Toshio TAKAHARA, Contributed to TRIZ Home Page in Japan on Apr. 12, 2018; Revised on Jun. 13, 2018; Posted on Aug. 30, 2018.  Further revised on Sept. 16, 2018 and Posted on Oct. 10, 2018.
This is an up-to-date working research note written by Toshio Takahara in Japanese for the purpose of describing his system of theories as closely as possible.  Because of its big volume (over 80 pages), it is published here in four parts besides a top page.  Abstract written by the author in English (in 5 pages) is posted in HTML  and in PDF

Concept of Radical Enumerable Thinking (RET) and Contradictions (especially the Contradiction of Unity) are his main methods for investigation.  His up-to-date understanding (in Mar. 2018) of these concepts are described in Part 1 and Part 2.  Then in Part 3 he writes, Objectization (= analysis, seeing objectively, individualization, liberty, criticism, etc.) and Unification (= synthesis, taking subjectively, integration, love, modesty, etc.) should be used repeatedly, hierarchically, with nesting, etc. for the purpose of Resolution of Differences (i.e., problem solving, task achieving, etc.).  And it forms the basis of our ways of living, he says.  He also writes often about the importance of understanding the overview of human history (and its significance), such as the significance of the beginning of barter, and of agricultural revolution and industrial revolution as energy revolutions.  In its Part 4, he writes a preparatory discussion on post-capitalism.  The author describes his various insights clearly.

  Top page (Abstract, Table of Contents, Conclusion, References) (Aug. 30; Oct. 10, 2018)

  Part 1. Radical Enumerable Thinking (Mar. 2018)  (Aug. 30; Oct. 10, 2018)

  Part 2. Contradiction Model (Mar. 2018) (Aug. 30; Oct. 10, 2018)

  Part 3. World View and Value Generating Sense of Object (Liberty) and Sense of Unity (Modesty and Love)   (Aug. 30, 2018)

  Part 4. On Artificial Intelligence, Logics in the Universe, Unified Theory of Humans, and Preparation for Post-Capitalism   (Aug. 30; Oct. 10, 2018)

  Basic Theory: "World View, Attitude and Logic of Life to Survive in the Universe " (Aug. 30, 2018)

Toshio Takahara, FIT 2017 (Forum on Information Technology in Japan), O-018, September , 2017, Univ. of Tokyo.
On posting the 4th Collection of Papers written by Toshio Takahara (2016 - 2018), I feel it necessary to post this paper and its presentation slides in English, because his voluminous works are mostly written in Japanese only.  The phrase 'to survive in the universe' is somewhat peculiar, but it intends to eliminate various factors 'happened to be specific to the human kind on the Earth' and to extract really essential factors in the desirable ways of living and ways of thinking for humans, I suppose.

  Basic Theory: ‘The Fourth Collection of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2016 - 2018) : "Theory of Resolving Differences (4) Radical Enumerable Thinking and Contradiction Model for the Way of Life" (Aug. 30; Oct. 10, 2018)

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has been publishing all the papers presented by Toshio Takahara since 2003, resulting 47 papers in total for these 15 years.  This 4th Collection covers all the 11 papers published by the author from 2016 to 2018 in relation to TRIZ in a wider sense.  Most of them are written in Japanese and some in English.  All the documents are posted here in PDF with links, and some of them are posted in HTML pages as well.   The author is trying to think over everything radically, generally, and systematically for building his original system of theories.  Thus he defines/re-defines various concepts and terms, which make his theory not easy to understand for readers at first.  For getting introduced, you may read the introductions (or Editor's note by Nakagawa) to the the Collection (1)(2003-2007) , Collection (2)(2008-2012) , and Collection (3)(2013-2015) of Takahara's Papers.

In English pages, the paper presented at FIT2016 was published in Nov. 2016, and another presented at FIT2017 is now posted separately. The most important document in the 4th Collection is the Working Research Note (2018) posted now in 4 parts in Japanese , and its abstract written by the author is posted in English .   

 Forum: Software: Fuda-Memo is Open for Public Use: A Simplified Fuda-Yose Software without using Excel   (Aug. 14, 2018)

Akihiro Katahira ('Daiichi Kousha' ), Contributed to ”TRIZ Home Page in Japan" on Aug. 11, 2018.
The author is a unique thinker in creative problem solving (see (Jan. 18, 2015)) and the developer of Fuda-Yose Tool, which Nakagawa used much for Visual Thinking on social problems (see (Nov. 25, 2016)).  He has just developed Fuda-Memo software and introduces it in this home page.  It is another simple, nice, and useful software for Visual Thinking.  English version is not ready yet.

 TRIZ/CrePS Paper (Social problem): ‘Liberty vs Love’ and Ethics: Principal Contradiction of Human Culture and Solution Directions   (Aug. 14, 2018)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University);  Paper to be presented at ICCI2018 (International Conference on Creativity and Innovation) to be held by Japan Creativity Society on Sept. 10-12, 2018, Osaka.  Only Abstract is posted in English page (full paper will be after the Conference). 
The main purpose of this paper is (after presenting the Basic Hypotheses) to discuss on 'Implications of the present Hypotheses in Comparison with the conventional/standard theories of Ethics and Philosophy'.  The discussion section has subsections: 7.1 What is the real root of the directions of Ethics ?; 7.2 Nature of Ethical Principles/Rules; 7.3 Comments on modern Ethics, especially on Utilitarianism; 7.4 Liberty vs Love Contradiction in place of Sidgwick’s Dualism of Practical Reasoning; 7.5 Discussion on Rawls’ “Principle of Justice”; 7.6 Liberty, Equity, and Fraternity; 7.7 Concepts of Good and Happiness in the Present Study.  Having studied several books in Ethics closely in Japanese, I now have confirmed my understanding that the Basic Hypotheses postulated in the present study are quite different from various preceding works in reference and provide with new aspects and theory of significant importance.  In the Japanese page, Abstract, Discussions, and Conclusion are posted in Japanese translation

 WTSP Appeal:  An Appeal for Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (WTSP Global Co-editors) (Jun. 25, 2018) 

This is an Appeal to TRIZ Leaders/Colleagues over the World from the six WTSP Global Co-editors together; i.e., Toru Nakagawa (Japan), Darrell Mann (UK), Michael Orloff (Germany), Simon Dewulf (Australia), Simon Litvin (USA), and Valeri Souchkov (Netherlands).

While the activities and accumulated knowledge of TRIZ and relevant methodologies become larger and larger, Internet search for them comes more difficult because of so much noise. In order to solve such a difficulty, we propose to build Catalogs of TRIZ-related Web Sites in the world. We had a prototype in 2008 and have recently demonstrated WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan . On the basis of these experiences, we are going to form a WTSP team in every country and build WTSP Catalog of each country and then of the World.  Why don't you join WTSP ? Could you please post this Appeal in your own Web site or forward it to your colleagues, as a sign of your support for the WTSP project?

 Appeal:  We need Your Help to build WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Your Country: Toru Nakagawa  (Aug. 22, 2018)

  TRIZ Forum:  Memorial of Mr. Masatoshi Hotta (Toru Nakagawa)   (Jun. 25, 2018)

Mr. Masatoshi Hotta, the former Managing Director of Japan TRIZ Society, has passed away on June 8, 2018.
In 1997, leading a department in Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI), he started to introduce TRIZ into Japan in contract with Invention Machine Corp. He organized users group and users Consortium, and held study meetings every month and completed the Japanese Edition of IM TechOptimizer software, thus contributed much to the dissemination of TRIZ to industries in Japan. He was also involved actively in organizing and managing Japan TRIZ CB and NPO Japan TRIZ Society, serving as the Managing Director. At the end of 2012 he quitted his consulting firm SKI and resigned from management of JTS.  We remember him with his strengths in organization and practices and his warm heart of accepting people.  In memory of Mr. Masatoshi Hotta we have a memorial page here.  Please send us information of him and your messages for him. 

 TRIZ/CrePS Paper (Social problem): 'Liberty vs. Love': The Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2) The 'Liberty vs. Love' Contradiction and 'Ethics' at the Personal Level (D)   (Jun. 25, 2018) (Jun. 25; Aug. 14, 2018)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University); Extended paper in Japanese (D) published in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", Jun. 25, 2018.
 I extended the paper (A) presented in the Proceedings of Japan Creativity Society Conf. 2017 by adding much discussions, and submitted it to the Journal of JCS on Sept. 15, 2017.  But I received a rejection reply on Jan. 10, 2018, mainly because of not enough reference to preceding works on Ethics.  I revised the paper further on Jan. 14 and Feb. 27, 2018, but the review process was not opened again. ---- Since presenting my basic hypotheses thoroughly is important at this stage, I think, I am publishing the Extended Paper (D) here in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in the Japanese page .  English translation is not ready, but the headings of the Discussion section are shown in the brief note in English . (Jun. 25, 2018)

Full paper in English translation has been posted, in HTML and in PDF (Aug. 14, 2018). Its Discussion section has following sub-sections: 6.1 Contributions of the Creative Problem Solving Methodology (TRIZ/CrePS); 6.2 Verifications of problem situations, relevant references, and hypothesis setting; 6.3 Structure and significance of the Basic Hypotheses; 6.4 Possibility of Common Basis of Ethics in Human Culture; 6.5 Significance and influences of the First Principle Liberty: Reformism and conservatism; 6.6 Significance, influences, and limitations of the Second Guiding Principle Love: Reformism and conservatism; 6.7 Social roles of the 0th Guiding Principle Ethics; 6.8 Factors which make the Principal Contradiction of Human Culture 'Liberty vs Love' even more difficult to solve.

 TRIZ/CrePS Paper (Social problem): 'Liberty vs. Love': The Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2) The 'Liberty vs. Love' Contradiction and 'Ethics' at the Personal Level (C)   (Jun. 25, 2018)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University); Presented at European TRIZ Association (ETRIA), TRIZ Future Conference (TFC) 2017, Oct. 4-6, 2017 at Lappeenranta (Finland).  The paper has been published officially by ETRIA as: Nakagawa, T., 'Liberty vs. Love': The Principal Contradiction of Human Culture (2) The 'Liberty vs. Love' Contradiction and 'Ethics' at the Personal Level.  Journal of the European TRIZ Association, INNOVATOR, ISSN 1866-4180, 02/2017 Volume 04, pp. 97-104 .  . In this HP, I am posting the paper in HTML  and in PDF and the presentation slides in HTML and in PDF .

In September and October last year, I presented papers with the same title at 3 conferences: (A) Japan Creativity Society Conference (Sept. 9-10), (B) Japan TRIZ Symposium (Sept. 21-22), and (C) ETRIA TFC2017 (Oct. 4-6).  Presentations (A) and (B) were already posted in the page   (Sept. 28, 2017), so I am posting this presentation (C) in the same page.  The full paper together with the presentation slides describe the Author's findings fully in English. 

  TRIZ Forum:  Letters from Readers (Jan. - May 2018): Starting the World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP)    (May 19, 2018). 

[English page   ]  Toru Nakagawa (Japan); Alexander Kashkarov (Russia), Shahid Saleem Arshard (Australia), Maksymilian Smolnik (Poland), Juergen Jantschgi (Austria), Sebastian Koziolek (Poland), Simon Litvin (USA), Robert Adunka (Germany), Michael Orloff (Germany), Navneet Bhushan (India), Julian Vincent (UK), Tan Runhua (China), Yury Danilovsky (Korea), Denis Cavallucci (France), Dmitry Kucharavy (France), Roland De Guio (France), Sylvio Silveira Santos (Brazil), Shireen Al - Jaouni (Palestine - Jerusalem)
Starting the WTSP project is the main issue during this peirod.  Various trials for building the WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related sites has been carried out first in Japan, and are reported and demonstrated to many TRIZ leaders across the world.  Responses by 17 TRIZ leaders are posted in this Forum page. 

[Japanese page: Toru Nakagawa; Administrator of 'Idea Generator', Chiharu Fukuda
Reports and announcements of WTSP, especially the output 'WTSP Catalog of 92 TRIZ-related sites in Japan (in Japanese)', are sent to many readers of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan". Communications with two blog site owners are recorded.

 WTSP Organization:  List of current Members, and the WTSP organization are posted. (May 19, 2018) 

 WTSP Letter:  For Forming WTSP Teams to Build WTSP Catalog in Each Country (Toru Nakagawa) (May 19, 2018) 

A WTSP Letter was sent on Apr. 24 to about 100 TRIZ leaders in the world for asking their support for the WTSP project.  We are at the stage of finishing the preparation and starting the actual work of building the WTSP Catalog, but our WTSP project is still very small and weak for carrying out the actual work.  Voluntary cooperative work are urged not only to the TRIZ leaders addressed but also to any TRIZ practitioners and TRIZ learners. 

 In summary, the current jobs for us to do in the WTSP Project are:
   (a) Please join the WTSP Project by sending your Membership Application Form to Nakagawa.
   (b) Form a team of WTSP Members in your own country; Volunteer to be Country Editor.
   (c) Record the Internet survey of TRIZ sites in your country and list the sites.
   (d) Write down introductions to the TRIZ sites one by one in your own language first.
   (e) Collect the manuscripts and make a Catalog of TRIZ-related sites of your country in your own language first.
   (f) Make a Catalog of selected TRIZ-related sites of your country in English (translation), and integrate it into the World Catalog.
Let’s work Together ! Connected !!

  WTSP Project:  Current Working Manuscripts of the WTSP Catalog are posted (Toru Nakagawa)   (Apr. 24, 2018). 

Only the sites new or revised from the Base document (version 2008) are shown.  The .docx file for each Region will be updated every 1-2 weeks.
Update of Working files: (May 19, 2018)

  WTSP Outputs:  Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan (in English) (Toru Nakagawa)   (Apr. 4; Apr. 24, 2018). 

24 imporant TRIZ-related sites in Japan (type (a)) (and additional 68 sites) are introduced with annotation (and in shorter form) in English.  Most of the sites are written only in Japanese, but there are some sites written in English as well as in Japanese.  Some of the sites are particularly mentioned here briefly:
   01 (a) (d)  TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Toru Nakagawa):  Most active site since 1998 posting TRIZ articles and papers internationally.
   03 (a) (c)  Japan TRIZ Society (NPO):  Nation-wide center for promoting TRIZ, organizing Japan TRIZ Symposium every year.
   09 (a) (b) IDEA Corp. (Mamoru Zenko): Active consulting firm promoting integral use of QFD-TRIZ-TM and Goldfire software.
   10 (a) (b)  MOST (Kazuya Yamaguchi): Consulting firm promoting integral use of QFD-TRIZ-TM and AI (big data analysis).
   12 (a) (b)  Ideation Japan, Inc. (Teruyuki Kamimura):  Actively promoting Ideation-TRIZ, strong in IP field.
   14 (a) (g)  TRIZ Study (Shinsuke Kurosawa):  Posting many papers by G. Altshuller and other Russian authors in Japanese translation.
   16 (a) (b)  Pro-Engineers (Shigeru Kasuya):  An active consultant promoting TRIZ/USIT, posting many introductory articles.
   17 (a) (b)  IdeaPlant (Rikie Ishii):  Conducting workshops for enhancing idea generation; developed 'TRIZ Brainstorming Cards'.
   18 (a) (e) (Osamu Kumasaka): Active portal site connecting Issues in monodukuri (60 issues) to Methods for solutions (118 methods) by getting support of many professionals.  This is a nice new business model, I think.

Catalogs like this in each country and at the global level should be very useful for many people who want to learn TRIZ and creative problem solving methods.  Learning the existence and activities of these many TRIZ-related sites, we TRIZ practitioners are much sitmulated: Let's work Together!, Connected!! for building up the world Catalog in World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP)!!!

  WTSP Outputs:  Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan (in Japanese) (Toru Nakagawa)   (Mar. 17, 2018). 

In the Japanese page, a full manuscript for the Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan has been posted, as a preliminary part of the WTSP World Catalog.  It introduces 92 sites, describing in 2 to 8 lines each.  It is remarkable that about 2/3 of the sites are new sites in these 10 years.  Almost all the sites are posted in Japanese only. 
In the present English page, I temporarily show 25 important sites in Japan, by simply listing the site name and its URL to the main page, without any further description.  Please give me time for preparing the English version.

TRIZ News: "The TRIZ Journal" has been re-launched already under the operation by Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation, Inc.) (Jan. 30, 2018)

Thanks and Conglaturations!!!  Visit it with the URL:

WTSP Project: Starting the preparation of 'A Catalogue of TRIZ-related Sites in the World' (1) Findings through Practices in Japan (Toru Nakagawa) (Jan. 30,, 2018)  (2) For more practical ways of preparation (Toru Nakagawa) (Feb. 7; Feb. 11, 2018)

For the actual start of preparing 'A Catalogue of TRIZ-related Sites in the World', I am now working to search and collect TRIZ-related Sites in Japan and to write brief introductions to them.   I now realize that we need to handle a huge volume of information, even exceeding my expectation.  Here are some findings and suggestions for our work.  [** Notice: Depending on countries there seem various differences in the options of search engines and in the situations of TRIZ-related sites.  Thus in each coutry, please adapt/modify your practical procedures to meet our common goal.]
For the search of TRIZ-related sites, we should better use Yahoo! instead of Google, with the keyword of 'TRIZ' and with the settings of 'Local area', 'Our own language', and the option of 'Display the link for searching inside the site'. Copy the full results of the search onto an MS Word document while keeping the hyperlinks active.
For each site shown in the search results, carry out the search inside the site; then we can get the search results of many TRIZ-relevant pages inside the site.  Visit each site actually to take a look at important pages and write a brief introduction to the site. (Description in the Guideline is revised as: 'Single line introduction' ==> 'Brief introduction' (in 2 to 4 lines, in a free format).
Because of much diversity among the sites, we are going to classify them according to their nature into 9 Categories, such as (a) TRIZ information sending sites, (b) Consultants etc. in TRIZ, (c) Academic societies, etc. (d) Universities, etc.   Depending on the nature of the site, quality and quantity of information, and importance, etc., we should introduce important sites closely to some detail, while less important ones just briefly.
There exist many important relevant sites without mentioning TRIZ explicitly. So we should carry out broader searching for them at the second stage.  How to search them and how to arrange them in our (second type of) Catalogue of TRIZ-related Sites are now under consideration by our 'Global Co-editor' Darrell Mann.
Project members are encouraged to start the search and description work in their own country in the manner describe above and in the Guidelines.

On the basis of the policy in (1), a more practical way of describing individual TRIZ sites and list of them has been shown by relaxing the Guidelines. MS Word instead of Excel may be used, and plain text formats may be easier to write than tabular formats.  A Word file  of the 'Selected 100 TRIZ Sites in the World' (composed by Nakagawa in 2008) is going to be used as the sample and base document for updating and enhancement. Corresponding to this practical ways, the WTSP Guideline is revised partly. (Feb. 7, 2018)

The base document is posted openly in the WTSP platform ( )   and in this Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" .  File name is: WTSP-ListSItes-Global-Stage0-180210.docx . See the Instructions in the File how to review and revise this Catalog of Sites.   Revised versions of the document will be publicized in the WTSP platform (probably every month or two) and also in this Web site (probalbly in a shorter interval).  (Feb. 11, 2018).

Another important change in the Membership: WTSP members may or may not use the WTSP platform. Since many people are too busy to learn the Bitrix24 operations, they prefer to use their ordinary tools of MS Word and emails. See the page WTSP (A2) Organization . (Feb. 12, 2018) 

  TRIZ News:  TRIZ News in Japan   (Jan. 25, 2018)

Japan Creativity Society (JCS) and Kindai University are going to hold International Conference on Creativity and Innovation (ICCI2018) on Sept. 10-12, 2018 in Osaka, Japan  (Jan. 25, 2018)

Japan TRIZ Society (JTS) is going to hold 14th TRIZ Symposium in Japan on Sept. 13 - 14, 2018 in Tokyo. (Jan. 25, 2018)

  TRIZ News:  TRIZ News Outside Japan   (Jan. 25, 2018)

ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference 2018 will be held on Oct. 29 - 31, 2018 at INSA Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. (Jan. 25, 2018)

TRIZfest-2018 Conference and related events will be held on Sept. 13-15, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.   (Jan. 25, 2018)

ICSI 2018 is to be held on Jul. 18-21, 2018, in Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Jan. 25, 2018)

TRIZCON2018 will be held on May 6-9, 2018 at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA (Jan. 25, 2018)

 From the Editor:  Message for the New Year 2018  (Jan. 25, 2018)

Editor: Toru Nakagawa (Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University), Jan. 15, 2018
Greetings from Japan for a Happy New Year 2018!! Wish the year be peaceful in the World, and healthy, happy, and successful for you all.  Posted is an English translation of my New Year Card which I sent to about 200 friends in Japan whom I met before my TRIZ days. 

Happy New Year 2018 !!
Since my retirement of OGU in 2012, I have been continuing my research and proliferation activities on the methodologies of creative problem solving. I am trying to extend application areas of the methodology from technolgies to social/human areas.
At the base of social problems related to poverty, we find the conflicts in arguments for self-responsivility and for mutual help. And further down at the root, I have found the 'Principal Contradiction of Human Culture', as show in the figure (right). The two Principal Principles 'Liberty' and 'Love' do conflict everywhere. 'Ethics' is supposed to motivate and coordinate the two Principles, but it should overcome the basic inclination of 'Obedience' in old 'Morals' and stand on the basis of dignity and essencial equality of every person. The three Principal Principles, i.e. Liberty, Love, and Ethics, should be establlished in every person and every organization/society. 
The swallows in the photo show naturally and sincerely 'Liberty, Love, and Ethics'.
I wish you all for your health and success, and for a peaceful new year.
January 1st, 2018   Toru Nakagawa

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