WTSP Mails and Letters (B3-News2019) | |
Significance of the WTSP Project and its WTSP Catalogs: |
Posted: Nov. 4, 2019 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 2, 2019)
This is one of the communications which should be included in the page of 'WTSP Mails and Letters (Oct. 2019)'. But since the communications are so fruitful, I make it an independent page here, for wider circulation.
Dr. Bill Fowlkes is VP of IP.com (USA) and was an active user of TRIZ software (Tech Optimizer and IWB) many years ago. While looking for new information about TRIZ software, he met my Web site (probably 'the page of World 120 TRIZ Links' (2008)). So he sent me a message via LinkedIn. I mentioned him about our WTSP project and the newly-completed WTSP Catalogs (2019). He found it a terrific reference. On my request, he wrote the introduction of his site (coded as TN3E-23 in WTSP Catalog) in our standard Site Description Form. Since it is a so nice example written by a professional in Intellectual Properties (i.e., an area AROUND TRIZ), I asked him to write a message of his impression of WTSP. For doing so, he wanted to understand the structure of the WTSP project and the WTSP Catalogs. After my explanation he sent us his message. It expresses the heart of the WTSP project and WTSP Catalogs. I am very grateful to Dr. Bill Fowlkes and very happy to cite his message below.
All the communications between Dr. Bill Fowlkes and myself are posted in the English page. In the Japanese page, I explain the communictions briefly and cite his message in Japanese translation.
To the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) Global Co-editors:
I welcome the work you are doing to collect, organize, describe and link to the many internet sites that are of interest to students and practitioners of innovative methods such as TRIZ.
I have created a new bookmark folder with links to the WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ sites and the WTSP Catalogs of AROUND-TRIZ sites, and I expect that I will be referring to them frequently.
The aggregation of these sites is much better than trying to find the data with a Google search, because the information is curated and brief descriptions are provided.
I encourage TRIZ providers and other content creators working in TRIZ related fields to participate in this project and make the World TRIZ-related Sites Project the best it can possibly be.
Dr. William Y. Fowlkes Oct. 30, 2019
VP, Analytics and Workflow Solutions| IP.com
(3) Page structure of the WTSP site |
(1) Start of our communications
Bill Fowlkes (USA) (via LinkedIn) ==> Toru Nakagawa Oct. 12, 2019 Hello
Hello Toru-san. We have exchanged email's before, but it has been a while. Please accept my connection request so that I can send you a new message. Thank you
Toru Nakagawa ==> Bill Fowlkes Oct. 17, 2019 Reply
Hello, I'm glad to have connections with you. Toru
Bill Fowlkes ==> Toru Nakagawa Oct. 17, 2019 Looking for new references
Thanks for the reply.
I was looking to find the most up to date information about programs and apps for doing TRIZ.
Many years ago I used Tech Optimizer by Invention Machine and Innovation Workbench by Ideation, but there does not seem to have been anything new or better in a long time and my Tech Optimizer license is long since expired.
But, I think I found the information I was seeking on your website, confirming that most of the links are expired and nothing new seems to be out there. BillToru Nakagawa ==> Bill Fowlkes Oct. 17, 2019 My site and WTSP project
Please visit my Web site. http://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/
I am now working to build Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the world. You can find many new things. ToruBill Fowlkes ==> Toru Nakagawa Oct. 17, 2019 It's a terrific reference.
Thanks, it is a terrific reference. We all appreciate all the work you put into this. Bill
Toru-san, one other thing. You have my company in the database, but we are based in Fairport, NY, USA not Panama. Everything else looks good.
TN3E-23 ip.com https://ip.com/ Panama ==> USA
(2) Introducing the site by filling in the WTSP Site Description Form
Toru Nakagawa ==> Bill Fowlkes Oct. 18, 2019 Please introduce your site
Thanks. I found it on the 'Who Is' site. I will revise it.
Could you introduce your site in your words, in 5 -15 lines, or in our site description template?
Site description form (.docx): Instructions of indexing schemes:Bill Fowlkes (via email) ==> Toru Nakagawa Oct. 28, 2019 Introduction written in the Site Description Form
Toru-san, I have reviewed the Site Description form with my marketing manager, Erin Foster, and she approved me sending this to you to update our listing on the project page.
Thank you very much for inviting us to participate.
Regards, Bill
Site Description Form WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project) (Version: 2019/6/13 TN)
Team: __TN3E (Patent) Site Code: __TN3E-23 Writer: _ Bill Fowlkes Date: _Oct. 28, 2019
Site Name **
Site domain URL **
Site Location
**us-United States of America
Refer the codes
Site Language
Refer the codes
Roles of Site
**(e2) Software/tool developers,
(e4) Consultants,(f2) Publishers
(f5) Information retrieval,
(f6) Software/tool/application sellers
(f7) Patent/IP databases,Refer the codes
Evaluation **
(3) □ Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog
Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marksSingle-line Description *
Solutions that drive innovation forward faster.
Application phase *
(c1) Idea generation,
(c2) Solution building,
(c3) Solution evaluation and selection(e) Intellectual properties
Refer the codes
Application Fields *
(c1) Engineering in general,
Refer the codes
Methods *
(c1) Statistical analysis of current situations,
(c2) Cause-effect analysis of problem situations,
(c3) Logical and critical thinking,
(c4) Systematic thinking(e1) Functions and attributes,
(e2) Functional analysis,
(e3) Analysis of root causes,(f1) Survey of technologies,
(f2) Use of scientific and technical knowledge,
(f3) Use of scientific references,
(f4) Use of patent information,
(f5) Use of knowledge of technology evolution,(k1) Patent analysis,
(k2) Patent application,
(k4) Patent protectionRefer the codes
Description of Introduction
*IP.com: Driving Innovation Forward Faster: Game-changing InnovationQ intellectual property search software; Largest online prior art disclosure database in the world; Time-saving Professional Search Services
Insight Reports: Actionable Data to Drive Business Decisions: IP.com's Insight Reports use machine learning and statistical analysis to evaluate the strength of either a patent or an idea. They are ideal for business leaders to help discover new insights about patents, technology, competitors, the marketplace and more.
Free format, in 5-10 lines
Further Detailed Information
Note of description
This submission is to replace TN3E-23 ip.com
Remarks for further revision
Note: Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System" (2019/5/18 TN).
** Mandatory, * Desirable
(3) Clarifying the page structure of the WTSP Project and the WTSP Catalogs
Toru Nakagawa ==> Bill Fowlkes Oct. 29, 2019 Could you write a message? About 'AROUND-TRIZ'
Thank you very much, Bill.
Your contribution of the full description in the Form is very valuable for us and for the people to read our World WTSP Catalogs as an early and good example of site description.
Could you please write a message to me how you evaluate our project and its site descriptions ?
I would like to post your message in our "Letters from Readers" page concerning to the project.I think the dual pillars of "WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ sites" and "WTSP Catalogs of AROUND-TRIZ sites" are important for the both sides.
People working with TRIZ should have wider views about many other approaches and methodologies outside TRIZ, and various people who have been working with such other approaches and methodologies should better have some knowledge about the concepts and achievements of TRIZ.I know the wording of "AROUND-TRIZ" is not appropriate, because it is a wording from the TRIZ side.
But I can't find some good words yet concerning to the wide areas of approaches and methods we are going to cover in the WTSP project.
Creativity, Creative thinking, Creative problem solving, Innovation, Systematic innovation,
Quality, Problem management, Intellectual properties, etc.
These all cover their own specific approach/methodology.I am going to post your site information in a week, but have to find effective ways to handle many individual manuscripts and to publicize them in a way easy and useful for readers.
I wish that many people get interested in our WTSP project and collaborate to build widely-useful World WTSP Catalogs.
Thanking you again and looking forward to your feedback,
Best wishes, ToruBill Fowlkes (via email) ==> Toru Nakagawa Oct. 30, 2019 Need to understand the structure of the WTSP site
Toru-san, I need to do as you asked, give me some time to think about it.
Honestly, I have to say that I really like aggregator sites, they are very useful, because they are curated and Google is so polluted by SEO, that it is less and less useful for long-tail searches.
Having said that, however, the distinction you are drawing between TRIZ sites and Around TRIZ sites is a bit confusing.
Also confusing, is that you have links and pages but there is also a publication about the sites that comes up in searches and muddles things.
So, let me first see if I have the WTSP universe right.Is this the TRIZ sites catalog site: --- [No (Toru)]
Is this the AROUND-TRIZ catalog site: --- [Yes (Toru)]
I think this is a site describing the WTSP project: --- [No (Toru)]
And, this is the white paper describing the WTSP project: --- [Not quite right (Toru)]
Finally, is this an earlier site, perhaps a precursor to the WTSP project: --- [Yes (Toru)]Is that all correct?
I want to bookmark these sites and label them correctly. Perhaps the system diagram or 9-frames can help get the naming right.
Could it be the CORE-TRIZ catalog and the AROUND-TRIZ catalog?
Or TRIZ and SUPRA-TRIZ (supra- is a prefix meaning "beyond the limits of, outside of" (supramolecular; suprasegmental)?Thinking this through, it is hard to make things simple and clear! Bill
Toru Nakagawa ==> Bill Fowlkes Oct. 30, 2019 About the page structure of WTSP project and WTSP Catalogs
Thank you very much for your message and for your intention of understanding our project and catalogs correctly.
I will try to clarify our site pages concerning to our WTSP project and WTSP Catalogs.(0) The top page of my whole site (in English)**: https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/index.html
(-1) Predecessor: Extended 120 TRIZ Links in the World (in 2008):
---- We are NOT going to revise this old document directly. We should better build our WTSP Catalogs newly.(1) The top page of the WTSP project **: https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-index.html
(a) Appeal of the WTSP Project (at the initial stage, Jun. 2018)
(b) Report paper of the WTSP project (at the present stage, Oct. 2019)
(c) Near-future plan of the WTSP project (at the present stage, Oct. 2019)(2) Preliminary Version of the World WTSP Catalogs (2019): https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-A6B-Preliminary-World%20WTSPCatalogs.html
(2) Top page (for management) of the Current World WTSP Catalogs **: https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-A7-World WTSPCatalogs-index.html (under preparation, Nov. 2, 2019)(d) Source Documents of the World WTSP Catalogs **:
(3) The top page (for users) of the current WTSP Catalogs with instructions **: https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-WorldCatalog/eWTSP-World Catalog-World/World-Catalog-TopPage.html
(4A) (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index ** https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-WorldCatalog/eWTSP-World%20Catalog-World/World-A2-TRIZBasic-Index.html
(4C) (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index ** https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-WorldCatalog/eWTSP-World%20Catalog-World/World-AroundTRIZ-Basic-Index.html[Note (TN, Nov. 2, 2019): Both the WTSP project and its WTSP Catalgos are under develpment and will evolve further for many years. The pages with the ** marks will evolve and be kept up-to-date without changing their URL for the purpose of stable bookmarks. Other pages, especially those having the date in their file name, are posted at the date and stay fixed (sometimes with minor updates as stated in the page). For example the Preliminary version of WTSP Catalogs (i.e., WTSP Catalogs (2019)) is such a fixed page. ]
In my intention, "WTSP Catalogs" is the widest concept
including both Individual Country's WTSP Catalogs (for the people in each country)
and World WTSP Catalogs (for the people in the whole world)
and including both WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ sites
and WTSP Catalogs of AROUND-TRIZ sites
(i.e., the sites of various approaches/methods similar to TRIZ (maybe your SUPRA-TRIZ)
with less weight on TRIZ because of avoiding (or reducing) duplications)(SUPRA-TRIZ is also a wording on the TRIZ side, because it mentions TRIZ as a particular, representative method.)
I don't want to put (4C) over (4A) because we want to keep our original basis for our collaborative work.
[Note (TN, Nov. 2, 2019): I decided to change the full name of the WTSP project.
it used to be World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP),
it is now World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP).]I am wondering if this email is clear enough for you.
Thanking you, and Best wishes, Toru
(4) Fowlkes' Message to the WTSP Project
Bill Fowlkes (via email) ==> Toru Nakagawa Oct. 30, 2019 Message to the WTSP project
That is very clear and now my bookmarks are very organized. Thank you for that.
Your websites have the common feature of dense but thorough explanations.
I just need to slow down and take more time to read your text. But who has the time? I need to work on thatNow I am going to reply to your request:
Could you please write a message to me how you evaluate our project and its site descriptions ?
I would like to post your message in our "Letters from Readers" page concerning to the project.
To the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) Global Co-editors:
I welcome the work you are doing to collect, organize, describe and link to the many internet sites that are of interest to students and practitioners of innovative methods such as TRIZ.
I have created a new bookmark folder with links to the WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ sites and the WTSP Catalogs of AROUND-TRIZ sites, and I expect that I will be referring to them frequently.
The aggregation of these sites is much better than trying to find the data with a Google search, because the information is curated and brief descriptions are provided.
I encourage TRIZ providers and other content creators working in TRIZ related fields to participate in this project and make the World TRIZ-related Sites Project the best it can possibly be.
Dr. William Y. Fowlkes
VP, Analytics and Workflow Solutions| IP.comToru Nakagawa ==> Bill Fowlkes Oct. 30, 2019 Thanks for your encouraging and illustrative message.
Dear Bill, Thank you very much for your messages.
Your comment on our WTSP Project/Catalogs is very encouraging for us and illustrative for all the users of not only TRIZ but also various similar approaches and methods.
Communications with you will become a very nice page in the WTSP project.
Thank you and best wishes, Toru
(3) Page structure of the WTSP site |
(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | World WTSP Catalogs Top Page | ||||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | (B5) WTSP News 2021 |
Last updated on Apr. 2, 2020.. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp