TRIZ Papers :  Papers by Toshio Takahara (3rd Collection)

"Theory of Resolving Differences (3) Dialectic Logic and the Way of Life"
The Third Collection of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2013-2015)
Annotated Bibliography (in Japanese): Toshio Takahara
Oct. 18, 2015
Editing and Introduction by Toru Nakagawa
[Posted on Nov. 16, 2015]  Under the permission by the Author.   

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Editor's Note and Introduction (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 16, 2015)

This is the Third Collection of Toshio Takahara's papers, following the First Collection (2003-2007, 14 papers) and the Second Collection (2008-2012, 13 papers) .

In autumn 2007, I read Takahara's paper presented at the 3rd Japan TRIZ Symposium and was amazed with his deep insights and clear logic. So I decided to repost in the present site all his papers/presentations published by that time in the form of "Theory of Resolving Differences", (First) Collection of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2003-2007) .

'Resolving Differences' is a term coined by Takahara. Recognizing the differences between the wanted/desirable states and the real situations and then solving the gaps are the fundamental motives of human activities, which may take various forms and stages such as setting targets, problem recognition, designing, problem solving, etc.

For clarifying the issues of 'Resolving differences' as much as generally and logically, he has been struggling to establish fundamental concepts (and their representations) of the objects and their relationships. Objects, in Takahara's theory, are defined as 'everything which is recognizable', which includes not only 'things' but also processes, facts, thoughts, etc. 'Relationships' between Objects, in Takahara's terminology, contain not only static attributes of objects and functional relationships between two things, but also time-dependent changes (such as reactions), and more. He introduces the term 'Movement' for representing the generalized Relationships between the generalized Objects.

He puts much stress on defining specific Objects clearly by recognizing their scopes/ranges (such as which components, how far, till when, etc.). He uses the term 'Modularity' for representing the scope/range of the Objects. For composing logics, he proposes 'Radical Thinking for Enumeration', which requests thinking the essence deeply and enumerating all possible cases before deciding anything.

The Second Collection of Takahara's Papers were posted in this site in 2013, with the title of 'Theory of Resolving Differences (Continued)' (2008-2012). In February 2012, Takahara received the surgery on his heart to implant a pacemaker. On the day just before the surgery, he sent me the files of his publications for the 4 years since 2008. After the successful surgery, he produced several more papers in 2012. Thus the Second Collection was composed of 13 papers. Extending his study further, Takahara clarified and described various types and methods of 'Resolving differences' and 'Resolving contradictions'. While developing the theory of 'Resolving differences', he noticed the importance of 'Coexistence/Compatibility' newly in addition to the previously-thought solutions of 'Change'/''Modification', he says. The coexistence of two opposing states, such as 'conflict' and 'harmony', is such a case, which may be understood as a contradictory AND compatible situation between the two states.

He also notices that 'Resolving differences' is the principal motives which has been driving the development of the human culture. It has contributed to build not only 'technologies' but also 'institutions', which generally include human relationships, common understandings by the humankind, culture, society, etc. Considering the ways of empowering such motives in individuals, he has found and proposed 'TRIZ Way of Life'.   He further extended his basic logic, or the way of thinking, of 'Resolving differences' to reconstruct the dialectic logic/thinking.

Late 2012 he contributed a full paper to the TRIZ Home Page in Japan, which was posted in Aug. 2013, [THPJ2012] . The English version of this paper is his latest publication in English, at the present moment.  In January this year (2015), I had a chance of meeting him after a blank of over 3 years. He handed me 4 publications and a manuscript. I posted his FIT2013 paper in April for filling his 2-years absence in my Web site. After a few turns of discussions and revisions, he finally submitted a big manuscript of 55 pages last August. It was composed of 3 parts of research notes and fully describes Takahara's theory at the present stage.  To publish all these nine papers since 2013, I am now posting this Third Collection of Takahara's Papers

The 3-part Research Notes (in Japanese) are the highlights of the Third Collection.   "There are much more unknown things than known ones. It is important to write what are not known yet", he says.  Thus he dared to write the paper in the form of Research Notes. Since the present Web site intends to pursue wide and quick development and proliferation of practically-useful knowledge, rather than the formality of academic publications, I willingly accepted his Research Notes. We can read and trace Takahara's ever-developing thoughts up to date.

The papers discuss over the Theory of Resolving Differences, in its wider sense, ranging from the basic concepts, to detailed logic of the methodology, and to the application of concepts. Its core part is the methods of Resolving Differences based on the Radical Enumerative Thinking. By pursuing the thinking methodology, he extended the Dialectic Logic as wider and deeper ways of Resolving Differences. Since he understands that the motivative force of Resolving Differences comes from individual humans, he discusses about the sense of values, world views, attitudes, and ways of recognition, etc. in individual humans, and he regards the whole as the Way of Life of individual humans. In the unified framework of his theory, he discusses about the basic nature of technologies and institutions, detailed logic of the methods of Resolving Differences, and the Way of Life of individual humans, etc. Toshio Takahara has been developing a philosophy with surprisingly large scope.

By the way, it is my pleasure that he evaluated and adopted my two works on 'Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words' and 'Six-Box Scheme' in his philosophy. I hope that in the near future my concept of the System of USIT Operators will also become an important component in Takahara's theory.

In the table below, Takahara's papers in the present Collection are listed in English, with links to HTML pages and PDF files, mostly written in Japanese. Takahara writes an Annotated Bibliography in Japanese. The structure of 36 papers is represented by Takahara in the figure shown at the botom of this page.   The recent 3-part reseach notes are posted here only in Japanese. (English translation of them is a big task.)

For you to understand them, you may need to adapt yourself to the terminology of his logical theory and to read several key papers in the previous Collections. A novel and important philosophy, which is worthy of such reading, is being developed by Toshio Takahara, I believe.


A List of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2013 - 2015) 
(In the order of publication) (single authored, always)

[No.] Source, year Title Source (year) Language, form, pages, link Postings in this Web site
[28] THPJ2012 A Note on Movement and Contradiction in Technology and Institution

TRIZ Home Page in Japan (2013)

Jap. paper 20 p.

Received (Nov. 22, 2012); Posted (Aug. 4, 2013)
Japanese page:

Engl. paper 14 p.

English page:
[29] FIT2013 A Note on a Method and Granularity in the Structure of the World FIT 2013

Jap. paper 8 p.
Jap. slides 11 p.

Posted (Apr. 12, 2013)
Japanese page:


English abstract page:
[30] CGK2013
Function of Radical Thinking for Enumeration

CGK 2013 (2013)

Jap. paper 2 p.
Jap. slides 8 s.



[31] FIT2014 A Note on Abduction by Contradiction of a Proper Granularity FIT2014
Jap. paper 2 p.  
[32] CGK2014 Generation of Indefinite Contradiction

CGK 2014 (2014)

Jap. paper 2 p.
Jap. slides 12 s.


[33] FIT2015 The Structure o f Dialectic Logic and ‘Six-Box Scheme ’ by Nakagawa FIT2015  (2015) Jap. paper 8 p.
Jap. slides 8 s.
[34] THPJ2015-1 Research Note on 'Dialectic Logic and the Way of Life' (Part 1): A Note on Dialectic Logic by Granularity, Contradiction and Enumeration: Note 2015-1

TRIZ Home Page in Japan (2015)

Jap. paper 20 p.

Received (Aug. 10, 2015); Posted (Nov. 16, 2015)
Japanese page:

[35] THPJ2015-2 Research Note on 'Dialectic Logic and the Way of Life' (Part 2): A Comment on ‘Six-Box Scheme’ by Nakagawa: Note 2015-2

TRIZ Home Page in Japan (2015)

Jap. paper 15 p.

Received (Aug. 10, 2015); Posted (Nov. 16, 2015)
Japanese page:

[36] THPJ2015-3 Research Note on 'Dialectic Logic and the Way of Life' (Part 3): A Note on Application of Dialectic Logic: Note 2015-3

TRIZ Home Page in Japan (2015)

Jap. paper 17 p.

Received (Aug. 10, 2015); Posted (Nov. 16, 2015)
Japanese page:


Fig. The structure of 36 papers (T. Takahara)


Top of this page Introduction (Nakagawa) List of Papers Annotated Bibliography (Takahara) [THPJ2012] First Collection (2003-2007) Second Collection (2008-2012)     Japanese page


Collection of Takahara's Papers (1st Collection) 2003-2007

(2nd Collection) 2008-2012

(3rd Collection) 2013-2015

(4th Collection) 2016-2018

(5th Collection) 2018-2019

(6th Collection) 2020-20211


(1st Collection) 2003-2007

(2nd Collection) 2008-2012

(3rd Collection) 2013-2015

(4th Collection) 2016-2018

(5th Collection) 2018-2019

(6th Collection) 2020-20211



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