WTSP:  World TRIZ-related Sites Project:

World WTSP Catalogs: Five Conference Presentations (WTSP3) Online in Autumn 2020

(1) MATRIZ Online Forum 2020 (Russia, Sept. 24-27, 2020);
(2) Altshuller Inst. TRIZCON2020 (USA, Oct. 6-7, 2020);
(3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Romania, Oct. 14-16, 2020);
(4) I-SIM ICSI2020 (Taiwan, Oct. 23-24, 2020);
(5) Japan Creativity Sociiety Conf. 2020 (Tokyo, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2020)

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University, Japan),
Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation Network, UK),
Michael Orloff (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ, Germany),
Simon Dewulf (AULIVE & Innovation Logic , Australia),
Simon Litvin (GEN TRIZ, LLC., USA),
Valeri Souchkov (ICG Training & Consulting, Netherlands)

Nov. 8, 2020

Posted:  Nov. 11, 2020

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  Editor's Note@iToru Nakagawa, Oct. 30, 2020)     

Conferences this year were held in very special ways due to the Covid-19 pandemic.   In spring, ETRIA TFC called for abstracts and papers as usual, and we sent a full paper manuscript in May.   Then the situations of the pandemic became severer and severer, all the international and even domestic conferences were shifted to be held online in autumn.  

So we decided to submit our presentations to all the four international TRIZ conferences to be organized in Russia, USA, Europe, and Taiwan.   This is an exceptionally fortunate situation for us to report and appeal about our WTSP project to the TRIZ communities in most of the regions over the world.   We prepared presentations on the World WTSP Catalogs with slightly adjusting our titles, emphases, and motives differently to match the expected audiences.  It was new for me to make PowerPoint slide-shows with video and editing video files, with different max length of time (40, 30, 20, or 15 minutes). 

I experienced to use 4 different online meeting software systems, i.e., Zoom, Whova, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex.  We are grateful to the organizers of these conferences for their hard work to manage real time communications by many presenters and audiences who are more or less unfamiliar with the systems, sometimes in unstable network situations.   The numbers of participants seem not so many as expected in normal situations, I feel.   Conference organizers are arranging various ways to publicize the papers and presentation. 

In this website, we are going to post our papers and presentation slides/videos as much as possible, even though there are many duplications in our slides and talks among the conferences.   The present page serves as the index of the 5 presentations, by posting a Table of the 5 conferences and their documents, Abstracts of the presentations, and Authors' Profiles.


Top of this page

Table of 5 Conferences Presentations (WTSP3) in 5 Conferences (Autumn, 2020) (1) MATRIZ MOF (Russia, Sept. 2020)@ (2) TRIZCON2020 (USA, Oct., 2020) (3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Romania, Oct. 2020) (4) I-SIM ICSI2020 (Taiwan, Oct. 2020) (5) JCS Conf. 2020 (Japan, Nov. 2020) Abstracts of the 5 presentations Authors' Profiles Japanese page


@ Table of our WTSP presentations at 5 conferences during this autumn (2020):


Place, date@

Presentation title Posting (date)

Documents posted@

(1) MATRIZ Online Forum 2020

Moscow, Russia,
Sept. 24-27, 2020

Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project


(1) MOF2020 (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Presentation slides (28 slides) (E)(PDF) ;
Digest slides (13 slides) (R)(HTML)

(2) Altshuller Inst. TRIZCON2020

Boston, USA,
Oct. 6-7, 2020

World Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites
Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project

(2) TRIZCON2020@ (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Presentation slides (28 slides) (E) (PDF);
Video@slide-show (28 slides, 38 min.) (E) (MP4) @

(3) ETRIA TRIZ Future Conf. 2020

Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Oct. 14-16, 2020

World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)(3): World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites: First Edition (2019) and Its Further Enhancement

[presentation is based on Beta Edition (Jun. 2020).]

(3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Paper (E)(HTML) ;
Paper published (E) (PDF) ;
Slides (28 slides) (E)(HTML) ;
(PDF) ;
Video slide-show (28 slides, 32 min.) (E) (MP4)

(4) I-SIM Intern'l Conf. Systematic Innovation (ICSI) 2020

Taiwan, Oct. 23-24, 2020

World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites: We Can Learn A Lot through These Active Information Sources

(4) ICSI2020 (Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Slides (13 slides) (E) (HTML);
(PDF) ;
Video slide-show (13 slides, 15 min.) (E) (MP4)

(5) Japan Creativity Society Conf. 2020 

Tokyo, Japan,
Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2020

Websites on Various Methodologies for Creative Problem Solving: Development of World Catalogs (WTSP Project)

(5) JCS 2020 @(Nov. 11, 2020),
(Nov. 11, 2020)

Abstract (E)(HTML) ;
Paper (8 pages) (J)(HTML) ;
Paper published (J) (PDF);
Slides (26 slides) (J)(HTML) ;
Slides (26 slides) (J)(PDF) ;
Video slide-show (22 min.) (J)(MP4)


Pinpoint sugestion for easy reading: 

First:       Video of (4) ICSI2020 (13 slides, 15 min.) (MP4)

Then:      Video of (3) ETRIA TFC2020 (28 slides, 32 min.) (MP4)

Finally:   Paper of (3) ETRIA TFC2020 (HTML)



@@Abstracts of WTSP Presentations at Five Conferences


(1) MATRIZ Online Forum 2020 (Russia, Sept. 24-27, 2020);

Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project

TRIZ has been evolving and playing important roles in the world as one of most significant methodologies for creative problem solving and systematic innovation in technologies, societal and humanity fields.  However, getting reliable and up-to-date information of TRIZ and related methodologies is not easy, paradoxically in the flood of information in modern IT world.  So we started to build Catalogs of Websites in these fields (by volunteer-based World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) since Dec. 2017) .  We choose Websites as the units of information sources (instead of Web pages, papers, books, etc.), because of their open/ready accessibility and stable quality in the up-to-date ever renewing contents.

We have completed a beta edition of our World WTSP Catalogs, having two pillars, i.e., World TRIZ Sites Catalogs and World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs. The former covers the fields with keywords TRIZ/„S„Q„I„H (and some more), while the latter covers much wider fields surveyed with keywords including: Creative thinking, Creative problem solving, Innovation, Quality/value/cost/productivity, Patent, etc. The former are based on contributions by Country Teams and some Internet surveys, while the latter are built by intensive Internet surveys of nearly 1000 sites.  All the sites are described for introduction either by site owners or by surveyors who visited them one-by one, and are evaluated (tentatively) in 5 grades, i.e.,  Most important (about top 30), › Important (about top 100),   Worthy in World Catalogs, ’ Worthy in Country Catalogs, | Insignificant/irrelevant.

We have built World TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (Z), with 23  sites and 39 Zsites. This Catalog possibly misses many good sites, because only 4 countries (Japan, Malaysia, China, and Russian language region) contributed while 30 to 40 other countries have not.  World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Catalog (Z) contains 33  sites and 127 Z sites, supposed to be well balanced in coverage of the wide fields and brief yet reasonable site introductions.

The structure of the Catalogs are well established for collecting and updating many manuscripts of sites and for integrating them into World Catalogs.  The Catalogs have Indexes of sites, classified by their (main) roles of site.  In one form of the Catalogs, the site descriptions are referred by clicking the hyper-links in the Index to the original site description files.  In another form, i.e. Catalogs for Print, the individual site descriptions are arranged just after the Index; thus Catalogs for Print may be downloaded in PDF without charge/registration (under the copyrights remaining at the WTSP project), may be printed and used on PC just like in the WTSP site.  

The WTSP project is voluntary based, proposed by Toru Nakagawa, supported by many TRIZ colleagues, and having about 70 Members.  However, very few of them actually work for WTSP, because active TRIZ persons are always too busy in their jobs. Having a clear vision of the WTSP Catalogs and finding practical processes to build them are the keys for encouraging the people.  We have already demonstrated such goals and processes, and are now hoping active involvement by many TRIZ colleagues. 

Usefulness of Catalogs (and requirements for Catalogs) may be clear when we see Catalogs of good hotels, Catalogs of good restaurant, etc.  WTSP Catalogs should collect and select (= evaluate) good sites and should introduce individual sites closely, attractively, and fairly.  Such tasks can best be achieved by cooperation of many site owners and voluntary team members in every country.  Coordinators (or Country Editors) are the key persons we need for the WTSP project.  Let’s work Together ! Connected !! for further promotion of TRIZ and related methodologies.


(2) Altshuller Inst. TRIZCON2020 (USA, Oct. 6-7, 2020);

World Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites
Built by the Voluntary WTSP Project

For information sharing and cooperation among TRIZ and related methodologies, we started a voluntary World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) in Dec. 2017.  Instead of Internet surveys which give us messy collections of Web pages, we aimed at building Catalogs of Web sites.  Catalogs should collect and select good ones (after evaluation) and introduce them properly one by one.  Web sites are suitable as units of information source, because their contents are actively updated at certain quality and kept openly accessible. 

We have developed the beta edition of the World WTSP Catalogs, having good structure and practical processes of building them.  (A) World TRIZ Sites Catalogs currently have 23  (most important, about top 30) sites and 39 › (important, about top 100) sites.  Their data come from contributions by 4 countries (missing 30-40 countries) and Internet surveys in USA and in the world. (B) World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs have 33  sites, and 127 › sites.  The data are obtained by intensive )nternet surveys with keywords including Creative thinking, Creative problem solving, Innovation, Quality/value/cost/productivity, Patents, etc.  About 1000 sites are visited one by one, and graded and introduced briefly in 3-15 lines.  Both Catalogs are basically structured with Index files and Site-description files, separated but linked with hyper-links, for flexible and stable management.  Catalogs for Print are also made in PDF files which contain the Index and the Site descriptions together.  The PDF files may be downloaded without charge/registration (under the copyrights kept by WTSP), and printed and used on user’s PC with active hyper-links 

Voluntary cooperation by many TRIZ colleagues and contributions of Catalog manuscripts by site owners are indispensable for further enhancement of the Catalogs.    

@  @

(3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Romania, Oct. 14-16, 2020);

World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) (3):
World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Sites:  First Edition (Oct. 2019) and Its Further Enhancement

This is the 3rd report of the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP).  As the results of 2 years activities, we have completed the First Edition  (Oct. 2019) of the World WTSP Catalogs and are now working to enhance them further.  The Catalogs have 2 main products. (A) World WTSP Catalog of TRIZ Sites has been built with the site data contributed from 4 countries and the results of 2 Internet surveys for TRIZ sites in USA and in the world.  It contains 23 Most Important  sites and 39 Important › sites.   (B) World WTSP Catalog of Around-TRIZ Sites has been derived by using intensive Internet surveys (of about 1000 sites) covering the fields of  Creative thinking, Creative problem solving, Innovation, Quality/value/cost/productivity, Patent, etc.  It contains 34  sites and 128 › sites.  The Catalog system is composed of various indexes and many site description files.  Individual sites are described briefly on basic information, and more closely in 3-10 lines or in our standard form of one page, and are accessed from various indexes.  This system structure makes the building/updating/managing easy and stable.

The project is voluntary based and has a difficulty that “Many people support and join the project, but very few actually work for the project, because all of them are too busy”.  This was particularly true when the vision of WTSP seemed so big and the product image and the process were not clear.  Now that the First Edition is demonstrated nicely, the difficulty is much reduced.  Tasks for enhancing the Catalogs are easily divided into smaller jobs achievable by individual  members in parallel.  The crucial issue is the coordination work to be served by Country Editors.  We need volunteers having vision, passion, and leadership in TRIZ community in every country.  Let’s work Together ! Connected !! for making the World WTSP Catalogs more Attractive and Useful !!!  

@  @

(4) I-SIM ICSI2020 (Taiwan, Oct. 23-24, 2020);

World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites and Around-TRIZ Sites:
We Can Learn A Lot through These Active Information Sources

    We, as engineers, researchers, students, and citizens, want to solve various problems in our jobs and daily lives properly and creatively.  Some people say that there are various methods for creative problem solving, so we try to find/learn them through some books and on )nternet; but the )nternet surveys give us messy outputs.  On the other hand, there are many organizations, researchers, and practitioners working in such specialty methods.  They often operate their Websites for publicizing their methods openly, but their sites are not widely known and are accessed little.  For the purpose of connecting such users with such providers, we organized a voluntary project (WTSP) and have built Catalog of selected Websites in the world in the field of creative problem solving in general.

We (World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)) have just built Beta Edition of the World WTSP Catalogs and posted it publicly.
(A) World TRIZ Sites Catalogs currently have 23  (most important, about top 30) sites and 39 › (important, about top 100) sites.  The data came from contributions by 4 countries (Japan, Malaysia, China, and Russian region) and Internet surveys of sites in USA and in the world.  Data from 30-40 countries are missing yet. 
(B) World Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs have 33  sites, and 127 › sites.  The data are obtained by intensive )nternet surveys with keywords including Creative thinking, Creative problem solving, Innovation, Quality/value/cost/productivity, Patents, etc.  About 1000 sites are visited one by one, and graded and introduced briefly in 3-15 lines. 

Both Catalogs have a basic structure where the sites are shown in Indexes and accessible through hyper-links to their Site descriptions.  Sites are categorized and arranged according to their Roles of sites, and Evaluation grade.  Introductions of individual sites are described in 4 stages: (a) Basic information, (b1) Free-format introduction (by surveyors) in 3-10 lines, (b2) WTSP Standard Form (1 page in A4), and (c) Free-format close introduction (2-5 pages in A4).  Because (b2) and (c) are useful for users, site owners are asked to write (b2) and possibly (c) for their own sites.

The present WTSP Catalogs are much much better than ordinary )nternet surveys, but still need much enhancement.  Good sites should be collected and selected (i.e., after evaluation), and those sites should be described properly. We need voluntary collaboration by many site owners, and coordination work by leaders in every country and every specialty field.  And the Catalogs need users who learn a lot through these information resources and achieve good results in their jobs and lives.  Let’s work Together ! Connected !!

@  @

(5) Japan Creativity Society Conf. 2020 (Tokyo, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2020)

Websites on Various Methodologies for Creative Problem Solving: Development of World Catalogs (WTSP Project)@

For the purpose of promoting the utilization of TRIZ (Theory of Solving Invention Problems) further around the world, we launched the "World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP)" and have been working actively for these nearly 3 years. Our goal is to establish the "Catalogs of Excellent Websites in the World in TRIZ and Related Fields (WTSP Catalogs)".

We built and published the Japan WTSP Catalog 2 years ago and then the World WTSP Catalogs (β edition) at the end of June this year. They consist of TRIZ Sites Catalogs and Around-TRIZ Sites Catalogs; and the latter cover a wide range of "methodologies for creative problem solving" including most of the areas The Japan Creativity Society is aiming for.

We sincerely ask you for your cooperation in various fields to further improve, enhance, and utilize these WTSP Catalogs.



@ Authors' Profiles@ (Copied from (2) TRIZCON2020 Abstract):

Toru Nakagawa: 

Dr. Toru Nakagawa is Professor Emeritus of Osaka Gakuin University (2012-) and Editor of “TRIZ Home Page in Japan” (1998- ).  Since encountering TRIZ in 1997, I have been working for studying, applying, teaching, and promoting TRIZ in Japan and in the world.  My  main interest is to establish a ‘General methodology of creative problem-solving’ (CrePS), on the basis and as a further extension of TRIZ and USIT (‘Unified Structured Inventive Thinking’). The CrePS methodology should be applicable effectively to technical and non-technical fields.  For example my recent paper (2018) is titled: ‘Liberty vs Love’ and Ethics: Principal Contradiction of Human Culture and Solution Directions.  “TRIZ Home Page in Japan” is a public web site for posting papers and articles by many authors, including myself, in Japan and in the world.  In Dec. 2017, I started the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) and is serving as the Project Leader. @


Darrell Mann: 

Over the course of the last 25 years, Darrell has helped deliver over $6B in new value to clients across the world and has served as the spark behind a dozen spin-out companies. He is the author of over 1000 innovation related papers and articles and a dozen TRIZ-related textbooks, the latest pair focusing on innovation in start-up enterprises and the soft-side of innovation. Over the years, he has held Visiting Professorships at a range of different universities around the world. He is currently a Professor at the University of Buckingham in the UK.


Michael Orloff:

Prof. Dr. Michael Orloff is Founder, Director and Scientific Head of the Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ (from 2000), Berlin, Germany, main web-sites are www.mtriz.com and www.gramtriz.com. I got acquainted with TRIZ in 1963 through the first book by Genrikh Altshuller, and then we worked at the university (student, postgraduate student) with the methodological TRIZ-based instructions of the patent department. Then I applied TRIZ on my own, studying from books by Altshuller and other authors. Since 1995, I have been developing the Modern TRIZ educational direction, the main idea of ?which is to simplify the learning process and the initial use of TRIZ instruments by standardizing the basic procedures for modeling known solutions and creating new ones. Key models: extraction, reinventing, Meta-Algorithm of Invention (MAI) T-R-I-Z. I have published several books and developed educational e-programs of different levels. Springer's recent books: Modern TRIZ Modeling in Master Programs, 2020, and ABC-TRIZ, 2016. @


 Simon Dewulf:

@ @


Dr. Simon S. Litvin, PhD, TRIZ Master, CEO/President, GEN TRIZ, LLC, USA,  

Dr. Simon Litvin is one of the world's foremost experts on innovation methodology, including TRIZ, Value Engineering, Six Sigma, etc. He has more than 40 years of experience developing, teaching, and implementing innovative methods. Dr. Litvin is one of the architects of advanced TRIZ methodology - GEN TRIZ. Dr. Litvin is one of the authors of modern Function Analysis, Trimming and Feature Transfer techniques, Cause-Effect Chain Analysis, Function-Oriented Search, and Main Parameters of Value Discovery.
Dr Litvin was a direct student and close associate of the originator of TRIZ Mr. Genrikh Altshuller. Mr. Altshuller awarded Dr. Litvin with the title of TRIZ Master in 1998.
Dr. Litvin is the founder and CEO/President of GEN TRIZ, LLC the biggest TRIZ-based company in the world. Dr. Litvin led numerous international consulting projects for Fortune 500 companies such as Alcoa, British American Tobacco, Clorox, Colgate-Palmolive, General Electric, Intel, Kimberly-Clark, Mars, Novartis, Pepsi, Owens-Illinois, P&G, Siemens, Tyco, and Unilever.
Dr. Litvin has over 110 publications to his credit, including 7 books and more than 30 patents. Dr. Litvin is a member of R&D Council of International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) and Chairman of TRIZ Master Certification Board. He is also a member of Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies and European TRIZ Association (ETRIA).


Valeri Souchkov:

@ @ @



Top of this page

Table of 5 Conferences Presentations (WTSP3) in 5 Conferences (Autumn, 2020) (1) MATRIZ MOF (Russia, Sept. 2020)@ (2) TRIZCON2020 (USA, Oct., 2020) (3) ETRIA TFC2020 (Romania, Oct. 2020) (4) I-SIM ICSI2020 (Taiwan, Oct. 2020) (5) JCS Conf. 2020 (Japan, Nov. 2020) Abstracts of the 5 presentations Authors' Profiles Japanese page


Intorduction to WTSP Catalogs

World WTSP Catalogs  Top page

(A) World TRIZ Sites Catalogs

(A1) Index ◎

(A2) Index ◎〇

(A1P) Catalog for Print ◎

(A2P) Catalog for Print ◎〇

(C) World Around- TRIZ Sites Catalogs

(C1) Index ◎

(C2) Index ◎〇

(C1P) Catalog for Print ◎

(C2P) Catalog for Print ◎〇


Top of this page

WTSP Project Welcome page

WTSP Index page

(A1) Policies

(A2) Organization

(A3) Platform

(A4) Guidelines

(A5) Access to the Project Outputs

(A6) Publicized Outputs

(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version)

(A9) Introductions to WTSP Catalogs 

World WTSP Catalogs Top Page  

(B1) WTSP News 2017

(B2) WTSP News 2018

(B3) WTSP News 2019 (B4) WTSP News 2020 (B5) WTSP News 2021

(B6) WTSP News 2022

WTSP Appeal (Jun. 2018)

WTSP Paper (1) ETRIA TFC2018

WTSP Paper (2) ETRIA TFC2019

Summary slides (TFC 2019)

WTSP Paper (3) ETRIA TFC2020

WTSP Paper (4) ETRIA TFC2021

Japanese page of WTSP Index page




General Index  (A) Editorial (B) References Links News & activities Software tools (C) Papers, case studies, articles, Lectures, course materials (D) Forum   Search in this site General Index 
Home Page New Information for children and high-school students for students and the general public for engineers (introduction) for Practitioners CrePS System Documents USIT Manual & Case Studies Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives (USIT) WTSP Project World WTSP Catalogs Home Page

Last updated on Nov. 11, 2020..     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp