TRIZ Promotion | |
Malaysia TRIZ and its strategies |
TS Yeoh (MyTRIZ President; Intel Malaysia) |
Keynote Speech presented at Malaysia TRIZ Conference 2012 on November 7, 2012, at Penang, Malaysia |
Brief summary with annotation by Toru Nakagawa (OGU); [Posted: Apr. 6, 2013] [Minor correction: Apr. 11, 2013] |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 6, 2013)
Last November I was invited to Malaysia as one of the Keynote Speakers at MyTRIZ Conference 2012. As I reported briefly it was a very active and impressive event . Among various speeches, the Keynote Speech by the organizer, Dr. TS Yeoh was most impressive for me.
Dr. Yeoh's Keynote Speech is posted in the present site under the kind permission by MyTRIZ.
In the English page: the original slides in PDF and brief summary with selected slides and annotation (by Nakagawa) in HTML.
In the Japanese page : Slides in Japanese translation by Nakagaw in PDF , and slides with full annotation by Nakagawa in HTML.Slides in PDF (20 slides, 1.1 MB)
Brief Summary with Selected Slides (Edited and annotated by Toru Nakagawa)
Malaysia TRIZ and its strategies
by TS Yeoh (MyTRIZ President; Intel Malaysia)
The slide (right) shows the overall views of the present Keynote Speech. The issue is the lack of human resouces with problem solving skills. Thus, three parties have tried to solve it in collaboration. Their choice was to proliferate TRIZ to the nation of Malasia.
They made and carried out three strategies, as shown below:
Strategy #1 is to create National Platform:
MyTRIZ (Malaysia TRIZ Association) was formed as an organization of voluntary people who wants to study and promote TRIZ.
The crutial foundation of the movement was built in 2010 in the form of MOU signed by the three parties: Ministry of Higher Education (governing universities), Multimedia Development Corporation (promoting ICT as a government agency), and Intel Malaysia (well experienced in TRIZ).
Strategy #2 is to build and operate Learning Plataform:
In accordance to the MOU, the Ministry encouraged the universities to set up opportunities of training their lecturers, and Intel sent their TRIZ experts as the trainers without charge. 1057 lecturers were trained to be TRIZ practitioners of MyTRIZ Level 1, as shown in the slide (right). [Note: Corrected from MATRIZ to MyTRIZ. (TN, Apr. 11, 2013)]
The strategy selected the university lecturers as the key persons having earlier adaptation and wider proliferation capabilities. They are expected to teach the methodology to their students.
Strategy #3 is to build Sharing Platform:
As show in the two slides (below), MyTRIZ Conferences, MyTRIZ Workshops, MyTRIZ Competitions have been held by MyTRIZ with the support by the government, MDeC, Intel, universities, etc. MyInovasi Competition is a national innovation competition for universities and colleges organized by MOHE.
For the future, the success measures and target deliverables have been set and shown in the slide (right). The main efforts are going to be made for training people (university lecturers, students, industrial engineers, etc.) to be TRIZ practitioners. The slide (below) concludes the present Keynote Speech. --- Excellent strategies and achievements. Congratulations!!! Toru |
Last updated on Apr. 11, 2013. Access point: Editor: