WTSP Working Material:

Examining the Changes in TRIZ-related Sites since 2008 (in Europe as Samples)

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, Japan),
Mar. 28, 2019

Posted:  Mar. 31, 2019

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 31, 2019)

On Mar. 28, 2019, I sent a [WTSP] Letter to about 70 people in Europe who are related to the WTSP project. 
It reports my examination of the present stage of the TRIZ sites which were recorded in the "Selected 120 TRIZ Links in the World" (Toru Nakagawa, May 2008), which is regarded as our Base Document
Since I used the 37 sites in Europe as the samples of examination, I sent the report to the European colleagues.   But the situations may be essentially the same in the world, so I am posting the report here.

My conclusion is shown clearly in the title of the [WTSP] Letter:

Checking the TRIZ sites in the Base Document (2008);
We should work with new Internet surveys

Top of this page

Nakagawa's Report (Mar. 28, 2019)

Sample descritions

Summary of the examination of sites

Document of the examination (.docx)

Base Document (Selected 120 TRIZ Links) (2008)

Preliminary Internet searches (2nd round) (Mar. 2019)



  Nakagawa's Report:  [WTSP] Letter (8C-eu4)  (Mar. 28, 2019)


Toru Nakagawa ==> TRIZ leaders/colleagues in Europe related to WTSP (about 70 persons)

[WTSP] Letter (8C-eu4) Checking the TRIZ sites in the Base Document (2008); We should work with new Internet survey

               Mar. 28, 2019 Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)

Dear TRIZ leaders/colleagues in Europe,

(1) An annotated list of 120 World TRIZ Sites was compiled and posted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in 2008.

It is the most elaborate catalog of TRIZ sites in the world so far, and is regarded as the model (or Base Document) of our new World WTSP Catalog.
I knew it is old and need to be revised much, but I have not shown you explicitly how obsolete it is.

So I have just checked the TRIZ sites in Europe listed in the 2008 Document, and commented them individually.
Please see the .docx file  attached here.

(2) Some of my findings are:

(a) There are many sites which keep active and influential. Typically, they are TRIZ promotion organizations and leading consultants. Descriptions of them need to be updated and enhanced much.

(b) There are many sites which have changed their organization or their site URL, become inactive (without recent updates) or seem to have disappeared. They are typically consulting firms, group of people, etc.

(c) Apparently there are many more new TRIZ-related sites which have emerged after 2008 and become important. For instance, a number of countries in Europe did not have any TRIZ sites listed in the 2008 Document.

(d) In conclusion, the list of TRIZ sites we now have (i.e., made in 2008) is quite obsolete because of so much change/advancement of our society and technology for these 10 years.

(e) Thus we need to newly carry out thorough surveys for TRIZ-related sites in the world.
We should regard the 2008 List just as a model, and should better not try to revise it.

(3) I made Preliminary Internet Surveys in September 2018 (1st round), and again recently (2nd round, Mar. 2019).

1st round (Sept. 2018):
Using Yahoo.japan search engine and the keyword TRIZ, I made surveys of TRIZ related sites located in over 33 countries individually.
Table of the surveys and also the results of surveys recorded in .docx files are posted in the WTSP page of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".
Each survey covers top 30-100 sites in each country.

2nd round (Mar. 2019):
I made Preliminary Internet Surveys in a wider (top-down) view point.
They are surveys for:
     TRIZ sites written in English in the whole world,
     TRIZ sites written in Russian in the whole world,
     TRIZ sites written in German in the whole world,
     TRIZ sites written in French in the whole world,
     TRIZ sites written in Spanish/Portuguese in the whole world,
     TRIZ sites written in English in USA.

Each survey covers top 50-100 sites. The survey results are recorded in .docx files, and has essentially the same sort of information as the one in the 1st round.

The survey results are processed further, by visiting the individual sites quickly, recording the number of TRIZ pages inside each site,
and evaluating the sites roughly with the symbols:
    ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog
    ○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog
    ☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog
    △ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs
    - : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs

These results of the 2nd round have been sent to the relevant people connected to WTSP, and were posted or to be posted in a week in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".(==> (Mar. 31, 2019))

(4) Could you please work to build up the WTSP Catalogs of your country and of the whole world?

You can use the results of (3) in the 2nd round and also in the 1st round.
Please add various and many sites you think important.
You may use some more internet surveys or simply use your background knowledge.
Please visit individual sites and describe their introductions.

(5) For carrying out all these jobs in each country and in the whole world, you agree
that you need to have a number of colleagues who work together with you for your country and many more for the whole world, in a cooperative and coordinated way, and
that we all need a number of coordinators.

So, please volunteer to be Members, and Country Editors, Region Editos, etc. and please invite your colleagues to work together.

I am learning that there are many interesting and useful sites I did not know before.
Thus the WTSP Catalogs we are building now will serve as a very interesting and useful information source for TRIZ beginners as well as TRIZ experts.

Let's work Together ! Connected !!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best wishes,   Toru



  Sample descriptions:  Description of sites (2008) and Comments on it (2019)

Note:  In the manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs, the following text styles are to be used:

                Original (old) text:   In Green fonts
                New or updated text:    In Light blue fonts
                Comments & suggestions:  In Red fonts , with indentation
                Revised (finalized) text:     In Dark blue fonts

Toru Nakagawa (May 2008  <==> Mar. 28, 2019)    Excerpts from the .docx file

(A) Region A  Europe  Europe (West, Central, and North Europe)      --

01  ETRIA:  The European TRIZ Association    http://www.etria.net/    http://etria.net/portal/   (in English)  type ( )

A not-for-profit organization for promoting TRIZ in Europe and the world.  Established in 2000 by the voluntary board members coming from different countries in Europe.  Has organized the "TRIZ Future Conference" every year, in different countries.  Collaboration of academia, consultancy, and user industries has been persued.  Detailed information of the TFC is announced in the local organizer's Web sites.  Papers presented at TFC are stored in the ETRIA Web site and accessible by the ETRIA members only.

ETRIA TFC Conferences (2001- present):  http://www.etria.net/conference.htm

ETRIA TFC 2001 (Bath, UK)
ETRIA TFC 2002 (Strasbourg, France)
ETRIA TFC 2003 (Aachen, Germany)
ETRIA TFC 2004 (Florence, Italy)
ETRIA TFC 2005 (Graz, Austria)
ETRIA TFC 2006 (Kortrijk, Belgium)    http://www.triz.be/
ETRIA TFC 2007 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)    http://www.triz-network.de/
ETRIA TFC 2008 (Enchande, The Netherlands)   http://www.trizfuture.net/

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

URL of the site is either http://etria.net/portal/ or http://etria.eu/portal/ , going to the same site.
Site search 64 pages.
This is an active and important site, evaluated as ◎.  Type:  TRIZ promotion organization
We should list up all the tfc sites up to 2019, showing the URL of each tfc, and explain the URL of documents of recent tfc proceedings.
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27; Need to make up-to-date and enhance much . ]

A-uk-   UK

01  Systematic Innovation    http://www.systematic-innovation.com/    (in English)  type ( )

Consulting firm, doing research, publisher, and software tool development. 
Key person: Darrell Mann
Software tool:  Matrix 2003 plus (for technical, business, and software)
Darrell Mann: "Hands-On Systematic Innovation", CREAX Press, (2002)
D. Mann, S. Dewulf, B. Zlotin, and A. Zusman: "Matrix 2003: Updating the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix", CREAX Press, (2003)
Darrell Mann: "Hands-On Systematic Innovation for Business & Management", IFR, (2004)

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

Site search 369 pages.
This is an active and important site, evaluated as ◎.  Type: Developer/Consultancy
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27; Need to make up-to-date and enhance . ]

02  Oxford Creativity    http://www.triz.co.uk/    (in English)  type ( )

TRIZ consulting firm.  
Key person: Karen Gadd

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

Site search 97 pages.
This is an active and important site, evaluated as ◎.  Type:  Consultancy
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27; Need to make up-to-date and enhance . ]

03  Thames Valley Technology   http://www.tvt.co.uk/triz/index.htm   (in English)  type ( )

TRIZ consulting firm, education. 
Keyperson: Graham Rawlingson Rawlinson

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

This site, and the company, is not accessible any longer.  We should delete this.
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27;  Delete. ]

04  The Institution of Mechanical Engineers   http://www.imeche.org/   (in English)  type ( )

IMechE TRIZ Network      http://www.imeche.org/industries/manufacturing/triz/
TRIZ FAQ    http://www.imeche.org/industries/manufacturing/triz/triz-faq.htm

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

Site search 15 pages.  1-day training on TRIZ. The above two URL forward us to a more general page.
Type: Academic society.   This site is evaluated as △ (in UK). 
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27; Need to update. ]

05  Mulbury Six Sigma     http://www.mulbury.biz/   (in English)  type ( )

Independent publisher and reseller of the book:  "Pocket TRIZ for Six Sigma"

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

This site, and the company, is not accessible any longer.  We should delete this.
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27;  Delete. ]

06  Insight Center   http://www.insightcentre.co.uk/   (in English)  type ( )

Keypersons:  Paul Filmore

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

Site search 20 pages. 
Type:  Consultancy.   The team shows 9 members.  This site is evaluated as △ (in UK). 
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27; Need to update. ]

A-ie-   Ireland


A-es-  Spain

01  TRIZ XXI        http://www.triz.es/                (in Spanish)  type ( )

A project of Valencia Polytechnic University.  

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

Site search 6 pages. 
Type:  University and Consultancy.   This site is evaluated as ☐. 
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27; Need to update and enhance . ]

02  TRIZ.net             http://www.triz.net/Home.html       (in Spanish)  type ( )

Information resources operated by the TRIZ XXI project.

[Written by Nakagawa Toru, 2008/5/1; Original text posted in THPJ.  Need to make up-to-date and enhance.]

This site is not accessible any longer.  We should delete this.
[Comments written by Nakagawa Toru, 2019/3/27;  Delete. ]



  Summary of examining the present situations of the sites listed in 2008


Site name

Domain URL


Site search pages



ETRIA (The European TRIZ Association) 











Systematic Innovation





Oxford Creativity 





Thames Valley Technology




The Institution of Mechanical Engineers 




Mulbury Six Sigma 




 Insight Center 
















TRIZ.net http://www.triz.net/Home.html No


France Association TRIZ France http://www.trizfrance.org/ Moved 23
INSA Strasbourg Graduate School of Science and Technology http://www.insa-strasbourg.fr/en/ OK No detail
Solid Creativity   http://www.solidcreativity.com/ OK 31
IdealTech for Creativity and Innovation  http://www.idealtech-triz.com/ No


Avraam Seredinski's Web site http://as-triz.com/ No


Italy Apeiron  (Italian TRIZ Association) http://www.apeiron-triz.org/  OK No recent update ☐ or △
Belgium CREAX http://www.creax.com/ OK (Owner changed) 21
TRIZ.2Links.be http://www.triz.2link.be/ Moved Many but old (?) (?)
Netherlands Insytec http://www.insytec.com/ Moved to ICG


ICG Training& Consulting http://www.xtriz.com/  OK 191
Germany TRIZ-Online Startseite  http://www.triz-online.de/ OK 123
WOIS Institute Coburg http://www.wois-innovation.de/ OK 1
TQU (Transferzentrum Qualität und Umwelt)  http://www.triz.de/ Moved 6
Europäisches TRIZ-Centrum e.V.  http://www.triz-centrum.de/ No


InterQuality Service AG http://www.interquality.de/ OK Not accepted △ or  -
TriS Europe  http://www.tris-europe.com/eng/index.htm  OK 27
Switzerland MethoSys GmbH http://www.methosys.ch/ OK 30
Austria TRIZ Zentrum Austria http://www.trizzentrum.at/ OK 102
Luger Research (Austria)  http://www.lugerresearch.com OK 0
Czech Republic University of Brno http://www.triz.cz/ OK 9,870 (?)
Denmark -        
Norway -        
Sweden TIPS Innovation http://www.xtab.se/tips_innovation/ OK 11 (Old (?))
Finland Innovation Cards or Slides http://www.etzold.biz/index_e.htm No


TRIZ Oy http://www.kolumbus.fi/kalran/ OK No recent update
Estonia -        
Greece -        
Hungary -        
Poland -        
Portugal -        
Romania -        
Yugoslavia -        


Top of this page

Nakagawa's Report (Mar. 28, 2019)

Sample descritions

Summary of the examination of sites

Document of the examination (.docx)

Base Document (Selected 120 TRIZ Links) (2008)

Preliminary Internet searches (2nd round) (Mar. 2019)



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Last updated on Apr. 2, 2020..     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp