WTSP Working Material: | |
Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites (2D) written in French in the world |
Posted: Mar. 31, 2019; Updated: Apr. 6, 2019 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 30, 2019)
As explained in the Index page , the (2nd round) Preliminary Internet Searches have been carried out. The process of the Search and handling of the output results are explained generally in the Index page .
The present page shows the results of the survey for the TRIZ-related sites written in French in the whole world.
98 sites are output by the survey.
The sites are visited quickly to see their structure, contents, volume, etc.
In this HTML page, 90 sites are listed with the information of Name of the site, URL of the site domain, and the number of TRIZ-related pages hit by the Site search. ( 8 sites irrelevant are omitted in this list.)
For the ease of further work, the .docx file is attached, where the original output of the 98 sites are shown together with the heading information shown in this HTML page.Further work is necessary. Visit the sites again one by one, describe the introductions of the sites, evaluate the sites, include many more important sites, etc.
This list will become an important base manuscript for the WTSP Catalogs of France, Belgium, Morocco, etc. and also of the whole world.
Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 6, 2019): The Data Part is shown in a tabular form. By the ordinary 'Copy & Paste' operation of the whole table into an Excel file, you can get the Table of sites, in a form handy to edit and sort as you like. The data of sites in different pages (2A) to (2F) may be merged easily (with some ovbious care).
Japanese page |
Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites (2D) written in French in the world
Preliminary Search for TRIZ sites in the French Language in the whole world
Mar. 23, 2019, Toru Nakagawa
Mar. 30, 2019 Simplified for posting in the Web Toru Nakagawa
Conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: TRIZ
(b) Language of the sites: French
(c) Location of the sites: Not specified (i.e., the whole world)
(d) Searcher's location: Not used (i.e., neutral from Japan)
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.japan(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the search for TRIZ-related pages inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxDirect outputs of the survey:
98 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. The outputs are copied into a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Survey again with the keyword site:[URL of the site domain] and TRIZ .Further working process (already done):
Visit the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Then click the URL of option (f) to see the result of Site search, and take a glance at the list of pages, and record the number of pages (shown at the top of the survey).Name of the site, URL of the site, and number of TRIZ pages in the site are recorded.
--- This record of each site title is put at the top of the survey result, with the style of Heading 2.Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines each.
Note that the same site may have pages written in English or in any other languages.
Description of the ‘representative’ page is deleted, because of no significant information any more.Then the sites are roughly evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ □ △ -
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog
□ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog
△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs
- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP CatalogsThe sites are rearranged with the evaluation, and are shown in some categorization.
Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Do further surveys (a) with keywords in wider scope for the sites written in French language, (b) for the TRIZ-related sites written in English or in any other languages, and merge the results.
Note (Mar. 30, 2019): On the process of the internet search and handling the results, please refer a general instruction in the Indec page .
Survey Results: (Simplified for posting in HTML (Mar. 30, 2019, TN)) ==> .docx file
90 sites in the output order. ( 8 sites irrelevant are omitted in this list. )
Site name; URL of the site domain; Number of TRIZ-related pages hit by the Site search
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Site search pages |
Note |
Wikipédia |
https://fr.wikipedia.org/ |
46 |
TRIZ40 by SolidCreativity |
https://www.triz40.com/ |
5 |
L'Usine Nouvelle |
https://www.usinenouvelle.com/ |
30 |
Knowllence |
https://www.knowllence.com/ |
30 |
E-marketing.fr |
https://www.e-marketing.fr/ |
18 |
Sciences et Technologies Industrielles Academie de Caen |
https://sti.discip.ac-caen.fr/ |
2 |
Confere 2016 |
https://confere2016.sciencesconf.org/ |
13 |
YouTube |
https://www.youtube.com/ |
50 |
Erwan NEAU |
https://erwan.neau.free.fr/ |
6 |
Éduscol |
https://eduscol.education.fr/ |
100 |
Des idées à la carte |
https://www.180-360.net/ |
279 |
https://rb.ec-lille.fr/ |
6 |
TheInnovation |
https://www.theinnovation.eu/ |
11 |
Academia |
https://www.academia.edu/ |
60 |
TRIZ-France |
https://sites.google.com/site/trizfrance/ |
23 |
Cours et MOOC de gestion de projet |
https://gestiondeprojet.pm/ |
20 |
Wikilean |
https://wikilean.com/ |
360 |
Technifuture |
https://www.technifutur.be/ |
9 |
Mouvement québécois de la qualité |
https://www.qualite.qc.ca/ |
9 |
Académie de Poitiers |
https://ww2.ac-poitiers.fr/ |
10 |
BioTRI Belgium |
https://www.biotriz.be/ |
15 |
ISTE OpenScience |
https://www.openscience.fr/ |
10 |
Industrie Techno |
https://www.industrie-techno.com/ |
13 |
MeetSys |
https://meetsys.com/ |
22 |
https://www.linkedin.com/ |
229 |
Techniques de l'Ingénieur |
https://www.techniques-ingenieur.fr/ |
422 |
TEL (Multidisciplinary Theses Server) |
https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/ |
172 |
Research Gate |
https://www.researchgate.net/ |
1,110 |
Science & Vie |
https://www.science-et-vie.com |
75 |
INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquees) Strasbourg . |
https://www.insa-strasbourg.fr/ |
32 |
01net.com |
https://www.01net.com/ |
3 |
Euro-Symbiose |
https://www.euro-symbiose.fr/ |
4 |
Universite de Lorraine |
https://rp2e.univ-lorraine.fr/ |
5 |
Guides (Université du Québec à Rimouski) |
https://guidesaideconception.uqar.ca/ |
5 |
Jarry.Biz |
https://www.jarry.biz/ |
5 |
Gladys |
https://gladys.com/ |
3 |
UBI Clouder |
www.ubiclouder.com/ |
8 |
Exelop |
https://www.exelop.com/ |
44 |
https://www.creax.com/ |
8 |
https://triz-experience.blogspot.com/ |
179 |
Substance |
https://substance.etsmtl.ca/ |
3,160 |
SolidCreativity |
https://www.solidcreativity.com/ |
29 |
https://fr-fr.facebook.com/ |
33 |
*** Note: Many of these are irrelevant |
Etudier.com |
https://www.etudier.com/ |
19 |
Le Parisiene. Sensagent Dictionnaire |
https://dictionnaire.sensagent.leparisien.fr/ |
38 |
Creation et Innovation Technologiques |
https://secondelmb.free.fr/ |
2 |
Wikiwand |
https://www.wikiwand.com/ |
14 |
Maintenance and Co |
https://www.maintenanceandco.com/ |
3 |
Slide Player |
https://slideplayer.fr/ |
125 |
Grenoble Energie |
https://grenoble-energie.com/ |
146 |
Méthode de créativité ASIT |
https://www.asit.info/ |
2 |
ENSA de Marrakech (TRIZ Future Conference 2019) |
https://www.ensa.ac.ma/ |
37 |
MP Solving |
https://www.mpsolving.com/ |
6 |
MATRIZ (International TRIZ Association) |
https://www.matrizfrance.org/ |
15 |
Amazon.fr |
https://www.amazon.fr/ |
1,260 |
MFQ (Mouvement Français pour la Qualité) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté |
https://mfq-bfcasso.fr/ |
14 |
Académie de Paris |
https://www.ac-paris.fr/ |
10 |
Blog Gestion de Projet et PMO |
https://www.gestion-de-projets.net/ |
12 |
Agritrop CIRAD (Agricultural Research for Development) |
https://agritrop.cirad.fr/515395/ |
28 |
UTBM (Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard) |
https://www.utbm.fr/ |
13 |
EMLV (École de Management Léonard de Vinci) |
https://www.emlv.fr/ |
3 |
List CAE Tech |
https://www-list.cea.fr/ |
3 |
Liberating Structures |
https://www.liberatingstructures.fr/ |
38 |
Le Moniteur |
https://www.lemoniteur.fr/ |
2 |
BnF Catalogue général |
https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ |
4 |
OATAO Universite de Toulouse |
https://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/ |
32 |
ConsultingNewsLine |
https://www.consultingnewsline.com/ |
8 |
Business Commando |
https://www.business-commando.com/ |
20 |
Cabinet Pinot |
https://www.cabinet-pinot.fr/ |
9 |
*** Can not open |
HAL CCSD (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe) |
https://hal.inria.fr/ |
159 |
www.pinterest.fr/ |
3,600 |
** Note: many relevant and many irrelevant |
Strasbourg Curieux |
https://strasbourg.curieux.net/ |
4 |
Reseau des Carif-Oref |
https://www.intercariforef.org/ |
3 |
Lexique du Management |
https://www.lexiquedumanagement.com/ |
29 |
Le Worklab |
https://media.worklab.fr/ |
203 |
ecoute-juive.com |
https://www.ecoute-juive.com/ |
3 |
STI Academie Amiens |
https:/ sti.ac-amiens.fr/ |
6 |
L'Express L'Entreprise |
https://lentreprise.lexpress.fr/ |
2 |
eN Direct Université de Franche-Comté |
https:/ endirect.univ-fcomte.fr/ |
9 |
Institut National Polutechnique (INP) de Toulouse |
https://ethesis.inp-toulouse.fr/ |
16 |
https://www.sogesal.be/ |
3 |
https://catalogue.cesi.fr/ |
4 |
Cegis |
https://www.cegis.be/ |
4 |
Medical Device Suite by Knowllence |
https://medical-device-suite.com/ |
7 |
i2Kn |
https://i2kn.com/ |
3 |
Best Practices SI |
https://www.bestpractices-si.fr/ |
5 |
SII Rouen |
https://sii-technologie.ac-rouen.fr/ |
5 |
Japanese page |
(A7) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Apr. 2, 2020.. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp