Creativity education: CID Course for Children, Top

Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID) based on TRIZ: Methodical Guide-Books and Children Workbooks for Three Grades

Natalia V. Rubina (Petrozavodsk, Russia) 1998, 1999 [published in Russian]
English translation by Irina Dolina (Tokyo, Japan) 2000, 2001
Technical Editing by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) 2000, 2001, 2002 Posting: Started on: Jan. 30, 2001, Finished on: Feb. 17, 2002

Japanese Edition:  Translated by Toshio Takahara, Chiharu Fukuda, Toru Nakagawa, etc.
Posted in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"; Starting on Feb. 24, 2019

Posted: Feb. 24, 2019

For going to Japanese pages, press buttons. 

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 24, 2019)

The education material I am mentioning here is a set of 6 volumes of Guide Books for teachers and 6 volumes of Workbooks for children.  It was originally developed by Natalia Rubina in the Russian language (1998-1999), and translated by Irina Dolina into English and posted in the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in 2001 - 2002.  It is a nice and vivid document for educating children at the 1st to 3rd grades in elementary school.  CID is 'Creative Imagination Development' developed by G. Altshuller for engineers on one side and for children on the other side.  For children to enhance their natural curiosity and creativity and to educate them to think with systemic understanding.  Such education is indeed challenging and need to be learned from experiences by pioneers.

We have just completed to translate the first volume of the documents into Japanese.  Obtaining drafts in Japanese by Toshio Takahara and by Chiharu Fukuda, I have brushed them up and started to post in this Home Page.  Both the Guide book and Workbook are downloadable in PDF files, which can be printed and bound easily in the pamphlets, just like the original Russion documents.  The task of translating all the six volumes may be hard, but can be done by obtaining voluntary help of Japanese TRIZ colleagues.  --- We also wish to re-post the English Editions in PDF files suitable for making pamphlets easily.

In this page below, I show the table of contents of the 'Introduction' volume of the Japanese Edition.


  Contents of the 'Introduction' Volume          [Note:  jumps to the corresponding page of the English Edition.]


Editor's preface for posting the English Edition in the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"  (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 22, 2001)

Author's Introduction to the Course (Natalia V. Rubina, 1998)

          Contents of the Three-Year Course of Creative Imagination Development (CID)    

1st Grade:  "Fairy Tales School" 
2nd Grade:  "Fnatasy City"    
3rd Grade:  Planet of Unsolved Misteries"  

Author's Message for the English Edition (Natalia V. Rubina, Dec. 25, 2000)

Editor's Note at the Finish of Posting the English Edition in the TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 19, 2002)

On the Start of Posting the Japanese Edition in the TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 19, 2019)


On the Start of Posting the Japanese Edition in the TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 19, 2019)

Translating this "CID Course for Children" from English into Japanese has been my desire for these 20 years since the initial stage.  The big volume of the documents, however, stopped me from the task.  It is my great pleasure to complete the 1st volume of the Japanese Edition and to publicize it in this Web site. 

In February 2013, in fact, Toshio Takahara voluntarily contributed to me his manuscript of Japanese translation of the 1st volume of both Guide book and Workbook.  At that time, I was so busy that I could not brush it up for posting.  And, to my regret, the translation work did not appear publicly.

In October 2018, Chiharu Fukuda, being impressed with the English Edition, made a draft of Japanese translation of the 1st volume and send it to me.  She is a qualified patent attorney and currently raising two daughters and a son at home.  For not diminishing the efforts by the two volunteers, I have carefully brushed up the whole manuscripts of the 1st volume.  We are now posting the 1st volume of the 6-volume set publicly here.  Please read it and use it in your educational or everyday life situations.  We are going to keep the Japanese translation work of all the 6 volumes.

Our policies of making the Japanese Edition are summarized as follows:

(1) Structures and contents of all the volumes and chapters are kept as are in the Russian and English Editions, by faithful translation into Japanese.

(2) In the Guide books for teachers, we paid much attention to express the concepts of TRIZ and CID correctly in our translation and inserted some notes wherever appropriate.

(3) In the Workbooks for children, we try to make the course material understandable by children, by carefully selecting expressions/terms and using easy Kanji characters, and attractive and interesting for the children.  For instance, the name of the Course is shown as "CID Course for Children: for Learning to Think and Imagine Something New", without using the term "Creative Imagination Development". 

(4) In the original text, there are a lot of stories, verses, proverbs, etc., reflecting Russian culture.  Relying on the English translator's notes, we try to keep such atmosphere. In cases of riddles and word-plays, however, the Russian words are replaced with different Japanese words, after leaving translator's notes, so as to keep the original intention by the author.  Chiharu contributed much in this aspect.

(5) In the Guide book, 3 kinds of information are clearly distinguished; i.e., actual talks and actions to children in the class (in black fonts), instructive descriptions for teachers (in blue fonts), notes by the author, by the English translator, and by the Japanese translators (in green fonts).    (Some confusions in the original texts in this distinguishment are corrected.)

(6)  Expressions of terms and concepts in TRIZ are often difficult for children to understand.   Especially, the definitions of important concepts enclosed in boxes in the Russian/English Editions seem too difficult for children.  So I often revised the expressions with wording easier for children, while keeping the author's intention.

(7) In posting the English Edition in the Web, I made HTML pages separately for individual chapters, and put many hyperlinks for referencing.  In the Japanese Edition, however, I have chosen to make the texts handy to use in schools, groups, and at home in the shape of booklets.  So I am posting the Japanese Edition in a PDF file for each volume.  By downloading the PDF file and printing it in the 'Pamphlet print' mode, you can easily make pamphlets for yourselves.  In future, we are planning to publish the textbooks in printed and bound booklets.

(8) It is most important to have experiences of teaching children with these textbooks.  For such situations, the Author repeatedly advise us that teachers should be friendly to communicate with children and flexible in the contents and style of class activities, without trying to stick to the original plan.   With various trials, we should keep improving our style of class activities and contents of our texts, etc.

(9) Chiharu Fukuda tried to teach some contents of the 1st volume to her 2nd-grade daughter, and found quite difficult to teach, she says.  A group of several children or a class of around 15 children may be more suitable to teach pleasantly, instead of 1 or 2 children.

(10)  To teach children with the present theme of "Creative Imagination Development (CID)", the teacher not only should master the thinking ways/techniques with TRIZ, but also should have ability of rich imagination, flexible and joyful mind, child-like heart, etc., I suppose.

(11) We wish you, people in various positions, to try to educate children in this CID course, for “Learning to Think and Imagine Something New", in various occasions.

(12) On making the Japanese Edition, we wish to express our sincere thanks to the Author, Mrs. Natalia Rubina, and the English translator, Mrs. Dr. Irina Dolina, for their valuable works and efforts. 

(13) We wish to have several more colleagues who would volunteer to work for the completion of the Japanese Edition, particularly for translating from English into Japanese and for editing in a printable form.   Please access to the Editor:    Toru Nakagawa:


Top of this page

Table of Contents of the Introduction Volume

On the start of posting the Japanese Edition


English Edition (Index page)(2002)

English Edition (Japanese page) (2002)

Japanese Edition (Index page)(2019)


Japanese page



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Last updated on Feb. 24, 2019.     Access point:  Editor: