World TRIZ Sites Project     


World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP):  Index Page (Old A)

Editor:  Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader, Osaka Gakuin Univ.),  Dec. 21, 2017
Latest Update:   Feb. 13, 2020


Archived: OldA version  Mar. 31, 2020

See the Current Active page   (Apr. 1, 2020)

Posted:  Dec. 27, 2017;
Updated: Jan. 30; Feb. 7; Feb. 11; Mar. 17; Apr. 4; Apr. 24; May 19; Jun. 25; Aug. 22; Sept. 21; Sept. 25; Sept. 27; Nov. 11; Nov. 21, 2018;
Jan. 13, Jan. 14; Feb. 6; Feb. 14; Feb. 28; Mar. 18; Mar. 31; Apr. 4; Apr. 9; May 18; May 24; Jun. 2; Jun. 10; Jun. 14; Jun. 23; Jun. 25; Jun. 26; Jul. 6; Jul. 7; Jul. 14; Jul. 18; Jul. 25; Aug. 4; Aug. 25; Sept. 7; Sept.12; Sept. 19; Sept. 30; Oct. 20; Nov. 4; Dec. 31, 2019;
Feb. 13, 2020

For going to Japanese pages, press buttons. 

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 1, 2020) 

This page has been Archived (Old A).   See the Current Active Page


Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 20, 2017)

This is the Index Page of the World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for announcing its activities and outputs to people primarily outside the Project.  WTSP intends to Build a (big) page of introducing/linking Web Sites in TRIZ (and its related fields and methodologies) in the world, by the voluntary cooperation of TRIZ Leaders/Colleagues in the world.

This page intends to show two types of information:  (A) basic WTSP information (e.g., policies, organization, platform, guidelines, accesses, publicized outputs, etc.) in its up-to-date form, and (B) up-to-date announcements of activities, invitations, outputs, etc. 
For making this page compact, it mostly serves as indexes with hyperlinks to separate pages of contents.


(A)  Basic WTSP Information

Ref.   Proposals of World TRIZ Sites Project (1) (1A) (1B) (1C):  Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 21-27, 2017 (Dec. 9, 2017)
         Plan and Invitation to World TRIZ Sites Project:  Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 2, 2017 (Dec. 9, 2017)
         WTSP Appeal: An Appeal for Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (WTSP Global Co-editors: T. Nakagawa et al.), Jun. 25, 2018
         WTSP Paper:  World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for Building and Maintaining Catalogs of Global TRIZ Resources (WTSP Global Co-editors: T. Nakagawa et al.) (ETRIA TFC2018) Nov. 11, 2018

  (A1) Policies 

Aims ,   Goals of Outputs ,  Documentation process ,    Organizing the Project Team Time schedule (Tentative) (Nov. 11, 2018)

 (A2) Organization

Invitation to Membership  ,   Joining as a Member  (Latest updeate: Feb. 13, 2018),   Organizing a Team and Roles we need  ,
Current organization , List of Members
(Latest update: Feb. 28, 2019)

Project Leader:  Toru Nakagawa (OGU, Japan);      
Global Co-editors:  Darrell Mann (Systematic Innovation Network, UK), Michael Orloff (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ, Germany), Simon Dewulf (AULIVE, Australia), Simon Litvin (GEN TRIZ, USA), Valeri Souchkov (ICG Training & Consulting, Netherlands)

All other roles will be assigned and announced later.

 (A3) Platform (for working as voluntary members) 

Outline of the Bitrix24 Groupware System  
Our WTSP Platform in the Bitrix24 system
Brief Introduction of using the Bitrix24 platform for documentation ,

 (A4) Guidelines 

(1) Guidelines of describing Sites and Lists of Sites , [** Note (TN, Feb. 7, 2018):  A more practical way is recommended at the present, initial stage.]
(2) Handling the documents in 3 main stages (i.e., drafts, manuscripts under internal review, and output publicized openly) ,
(3) Handling documents in countries,regions, and the world ,
(4) Handling documents in English and also in various non-English languages ,
(5) Structuring documents in a categorized system
(6) Proposal of the WTSP Database System   (May 24, 2019)
(7) Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019 (Jun. 10, 2019)

 (A5) Accesses to the Project outputs by people outside the Project   

Public Links to the Output Documents in the WTSP Platform ; (to the Open Public (Main Folder):  )
Usage of the Outputs Documents

 (A6) Publicized outputs (Interim and Final Results) 

Basic information of the WTSP Project
Interim Output Documents of the WTSP Project   (Posting started on Feb. 11, 2018)
Current Working Manuscripts of the WTSP Catalog (to be updated every 1-2 weeks) (Apr. 24, 2018)
Working Material:  Records of Preliminary Internet Searches in Various Countries  (Sept. 21; Sept. 25, 2018)
Working Material:  Records of Preliminary Interner Searches (2nd Round) in the global scale (Start posting: Mar. 31, 2019)
Working Material:  Records of Preliminary Interner Searches (3rd Round) in the wider scope in the global scale (Start posting: May 18, 2019)
Working Material: Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs and Relevant Documnts from Various WTSP Teams ( Start posting: Jun. 23, 2019)

World WTSP Catalogs: World WTSP Catalogs Top Page (Toru Nakagawa)  (Aug. 4, 2019)
World WTSP Catalogs: (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Aug. 4, 2019)

World WTSP Catalogs: (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Toru Nakagawa) (Sept. 30, 2019)

World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) (2) (ETRIA TFC2019 Presentation, Toru Nakagawa et al.) (Oct. 20, 2019)

 New WTSP page: (A6-A) (A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 26, 2019))

This page is started in place of '(A6) Publicized Outputs', for the purpose of encouraging the building, review, and revisions of the WTSP Catalogs openly.  Any  readers, TRIZ colleagues and users, are encouraged to contribute their information, suggestions, and thoughts about various TRIZ-related Web sites to be introduced in the WTSP Catalogs.  Please communicate with some nearby WTSP members or directly to the Project Leader.

World WTSP Catalogs: Source Documents of the World WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa)  (Aug. 4, 2019)

 New WTSP page: (A6-B) (A8) Preliminary Version of the World WTSP Catalogs (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 25; Sept. 30, 2019)

This page intends to give the overview of the Preliminary Versions of the World WTSP Catalogs (Aug. 4 and Sept. 30 versions).  It covers:
(1)  Source Documents and Document Structure of the Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs
(2) Top Page and Usage of the Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs
(3) A set of Word Indexes of the Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs
          (A) World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019)
         (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Sept. 30, 2019)
(4) Announcements, instructions, papers, communications, Q&A, etc. for building and improving the World WTSP Catalogs


  (B) News of WTSP:  activities, invitations, outputs, etc.  (Latest announcement at the top)


(B4) WTSP News 2020

Attractive and Useful !! Our WTSP Catalogs Will Be !! Plans for our 3rd year, 2020. (Toru Nakagawa) (Feb. 13, 2020)

What and how should we do this year?  (1) Forming WTSP teams in each country to build up County WTSP Catalogs, as I proposed last October is certainly the orthodocs bottom-up way we should work.  In addition, I would like to suggest another way, based on the "20 - 80 percent rule" again:
Let's pursue to make our WTSP Catalogs Attractive and Useful !!  We may not pursue Full scale nor Completeness at first.   We just need Attractive and Useful introductions of Attractive and Useful Web sites in the world.  We should invite owners (or any keypersons) who are proud of their sites being Attractive and Useful for many readers/users to describe Attractive and Useful introductions of their sites (in faithful, non-commercial attitude) and to contribute them to the WTSP Catalogs. Once 5 or 10 sites demonstrate such Attractive and Useful introductions of sites, then many more sites will follow.
In practice, for describing/introducing individual sites, we will add the third level (c) to our previous (a) and (b):
(a) Single line in the Index table of the WTSP Catalogs --- Required for every site in the WTSP Catalogs.
(b) Site Description in the Standard Format (about 1 page of A4 size): --- Required for every site in the WTSP Catalogs.
(c) Close introduction of the site in free format (about 2-5 pages of A4): Describe remarkable features and articles. Introduce important/useful articles briefly and attach hyperlinks to them. --- Desirable for world important sites (◎○)in the WTSP Catalogs, and optional for □△ sites.
An example of (c) has been made for Nakagawa's site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", and has been inserted in the Current WTSP Catalogs. List of sites with such introductions (c) are shown in this page.
We are planning to give a presentation at ETRIA TFC2020 (Oct. 14-16, 2020, at Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

(B3) WTSP News 2019

Current Active Version of World WTSP Catalogs (A8) are updated (Dec. 31, 2019)

World WTSP Catalogs are accesssible as before in its Current Active Version, which will be kept up-to-date with additions and revisions.  Users may set the following URLs in their bookmarks to access the WTSP Catalogs in its Current Active Version.  Its main pages are:
The mangement page 
The top page (for users) ; The source document page ;
(A) World TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page ; (C) World Around-TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page
Updating is going to be carried out every 3 months.  The update this time is very minor unfortunately.  We wish to improve the World WTSP Catalogs much further and to report the results at ETRIA TFC2020 in Oct. 2020.

Archived World WTSP Catalogs: (A8-A) (Archived 2019 Oct Version) Revised Preliminary Version of the World WTSP Catalogs (Dec. 31, 2019)

Main pages of the World WTSP Catalogs in the version of Oct. 20, 2019 (i.e.. Revised Preliminary Version) have been duplicated, and one set  of them are stored in the Archive with the version name (A8-A). They are:
The mangement page 
The top page (for users)
(A) World TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page  ; (C) World Around-TRIZ Basic Index (◎○) page 
Note: Many subsidiary files, including the files of lists of sites and sites descriptions, will be updated in their Active Versions.
Every year, some main pages of WTSP Catalogs will be stored in the archives, for the purpose of record and backing up without any further changes.

WTSP Mails and Letters: Nov. - Dec. 2019 (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Dec. 31, 2019)

There are 6 items. See  eWTSP-B3-News2019-index  for the table of contents.

Please note: (5) TN: [WTSP] Letter (15C-1) For starting the WTSP work in each country: UK, Netherlands, Taiwan, Korea, and Italy (Nov. 25, 26, 27, 28)

WTSP Mails and Letters (B3-News2019): Significance of the WTSP Project and its WTSP Catalogs: Communications with Bill Fowlkes (Bill Fowlkes (USA) and Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 4, 2019)

Dr. Bill Fowlkes is VP of (USA) and was an active user of TRIZ software (Tech Optimizer and IWB) many years ago.  While looking for new information about TRIZ software, he met my Web site (probably the page of 'World 120 TRIZ Links' (2008)).  So he sent me a message via LinkedIn.  I mentioned him about our WTSP project and the newly-completed WTSP Catalogs (2019).  He found it a terrific reference.  On my request, he wrote the introduction of his site (coded as TN3E-23 in WTSP Catalog) in our standard Site Description Form.  Since it is a so nice example written by a professional in Intellectual Properties (i.e., an area AROUND TRIZ), I asked him to write a message of his impression of WTSP.  For doing so, he wanted to understand the structure of the WTSP project and the WTSP Catalogs.  After my explanation he sent us his message.   It expresses the heart of the WTSP project and WTSP Catalogs.  I am very grateful to Dr. Bill Fowlkes and very happy to cite his message below. 
All the communications between Dr. Bill Fowlkes and myself are posted in the English page.  In the Japanese page, I explain the communictions briefly and cite his message in Japanese translation.

To the World TRIZ-related Sites Project (WTSP) Global Co-editors:

I welcome the work you are doing to collect, organize, describe and link to the many internet sites that are of interest to students and practitioners of innovative methods such as TRIZ.

I have created a new bookmark folder with links to the WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ sites and the WTSP Catalogs of AROUND-TRIZ sites, and I expect that I will be referring to them frequently.

The aggregation of these sites is much better than trying to find the data with a Google search, because the information is curated and brief descriptions are provided.

I encourage TRIZ providers and other content creators working in TRIZ related fields to participate in this project and make the World TRIZ-related Sites Project the best it can possibly be.

Dr. William Y. Fowlkes                                                            Oct. 30, 2019
VP, Analytics and Workflow Solutions|

WTSP Mails and Letters: Sept. - Oct. 2019 (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 4, 2019)

There are 14 items. See  eWTSP-B3-News2019-index  for the table of contents.

For Further Revisions of the WTSP Catalogs: Practice Guide and Schedule (Toru Nakagawa) (Oct. 20, 2019)

Now that the goals and processes of building the WTSP Catalogs have become much clearer and convincing, we wish to get voluntary cooperation by many TRIZ colleagues in every country to revise and improve the WTSP Catalogs.  We should list up TRIZ-related sites and introduce them one by one in evry country. Manuscripts/updates by any country Teams or methodology groups will be accepted at any time by the WTSP Project Leader and will be publicized quickly in TRIZ Home Page in Japan.  And every 3 months such manuscripts will be integratged into the World Indexes for publication .  Let's work Together ! Connected !! and report much more useful WTSP Catalogs at the TFC2020 next year in Romania!!!

Presentation at ETRIA TFC2019:  World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) (2): To Build World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov)  (Oct. 20, 2019)

Presented at TRIZ Future Conference TFC2019, held by ETRIA, on Oct. 9-11, 2019 at ENSA, Marrakech, Morocco.  Based on the progress of completing the World TRIZ sites Basic Index (A) and World AROUND-TRIZ sites Basic Index (C), we gave the WTSP presentation in a much advanced form than the paper in the proceedings (submited on Jul. 24).  The following items are posted in the present page: (1) Abstract of the paper with a short note, (2) Link to the full paper published by Springer: DOI: , (3) Summary slides of the presentation , (4) Slides of the presentation

World WTSP Catalogs: (C) World Around-TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Toru Nakagawa) (Sept. 30, 2019)

WTSP Catalog of "Around-TRIZ" Web sites in the world has been completed and posted aa an important component of the Revised Preliminary Version (Sept. 30, 2019) of the WTSP World TRIZ-related Sites Catalogs
This reflects our philosophy that we should think and work with a wider scope not limited to (classical and moderninzed) TRIZ but covering various methodologies and practices having common purposes and goals.  So we made intensive Internet surveys with the keywords including: Creative Thinking Method,  Creative Problem Solve; Innovation process/strategy,  Quality/value/cost/productivity,  Patent/Intellectual property, etc. In 6 cases of surveys, we detected 1008 sites in total and visited them one by one for undrstanding them roughly.  Thus we got and evaluated as ◎ 36 sites, ○ 137 sites, and □ 287 sites (allowing overlaps among the survey cases).  In addition, for the sense of 'TRIZ inclusive", some of ◎○ sites in the area of TRIZ (especially having some extensions from TRIZ) are included.  Also ◎○□ sites arround TRIZ in Japan are also included for showing the intention of the scope.
In the present 'World Around-TRIZ Basic Index', we took the ◎○ sites and categorized and arranged them according to their (main) roles of sites.  The categories are: (a) Information sending sites,  (b) Promotor organizations, (c) Public organizations, (d) Academia, (e) Developer organizations, (e5) Training organizations, (f) Publishing organizations, (g) Information sharing, (h) User organizations, (i) Personal.  The present version includes ◎ 34 sites, ○ 128 sites, and □ 13 sites.  All the sites are described to some extents mostly by using the excerpts of the top pages or 'About us' pages of the sites. 

  Preliminary Internet Search (3E) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Patent OR IP OR "Intellectual Property") (Analysis OR Protect OR Circumvent OR Mapping OR Strategy) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Sept. 19, 2019)

This is the 6th survey with the keywords around TRIZ, and focusing on Patent or Intellectual Properties. 186 sites were output, and 95 of them from the top are visited and used.  Information in 'About us' and top pages is excerted as the quick alternatives for introductions. After tentative evaluation, we obtained ◎ 5 sites (including 4 L sites), ○ 18 sites (including 3 L sites), □ 37 sites, △ 15 sites, and - 17 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file . See also the sample description of the and sites in the HTML page.  The data are also set in the Index-TN3E file and the Site-TN3E file inside the documents of the World WTSP Catalogs (Preliminary vrsion).

  Preliminary Internet Search (3D) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity) (Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis) (Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")  (Toru Nakagawa)  (Sept. 12, 2019)

The main theme in the top-down survey has been extended further. These Key words are designed to specify the goals first (i.e., Quality, Value, Cost, or Productivity), then the action for achieving them (i.e., Deploy, Engineering, Management, Control, or Analysis), and finally the ways of processing (i.e., Method, Technique, Theory, Process, or Case study). These Key words intend to complement the former Key words, and have resulted in 223 sites most of which are new and not overlapping with the former surveys.  Among the sites, I evaluated as ◎ Most important 16 sites (including 8 sites L already listed elsewhere), ○ Important 38 sites (including 6 L sites), □ World Catalog 86 sites (including 2 L sites), △ Country Catalog 36 sites (including 0 L site), and - Irrelevant 41 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file . See also the sample description of the and sites in the HTML page.  The data are also set in the Index-TN3D file and the Site-TN3D file inside the documents of the World WTSP Catalogs (Preliminary version).

Presentation at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2019:  World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) (2): World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (Toru Nakagawa and Global Co-editors)   (Sept. 7, 2019)

Japan TRIZ Symposium 2019, held by Japan TRIZ Society, on Sept. 5-6, 2019 in Tokyo.  The slides in English  (PDF ) and in Japanese (PDF ) are posted. 

From the start of our WTSP project in Dec. 2017, we took the Bottom-up strategy to build TRIZ sites Catalogs in each country first and then to build the World Catalog containing selected sites.  Even though we have about 70 TRIZ colleagues from 30+ countries who signed to work for WTSP, forming WTSP teams with Country Editors and drafting Country WTSP Catalogs were not achieved in most countries by the end of Mar. 2019, because active TRIZ colleagues are always too busy in their various jobs.
So we started Top-down approaches also. Realizing the necessity of a concrete image of the final product, we set in mid Jul. 2019 an urgent goal of completing the First Preliminary version of World WTSP Catalogs quickly.  We have completed it on Aug. 4, 2019. Manuscript documents contributed by Japan, Malaysia, China, and Russian region and two top-down surveys (in the world and in USA) are used.  WTSP Catalog of World TRIZ Sites Basic Index now contains 19 ◎ (Most important) sites and 41 ○ (Important ) sites.  It is remarkable that we have established a feasible, expandable and maintenable structure of Catalog documents, a flexible and practical ways of categorizing/rearranging the sites, and a useful top page of showing and handling WTSP Catalogs with various types of indexes.  We are going to improve it further by adding many more sites evaluated as ◎○□, extending our scope to the sites around TRIZ, and adding introductory descriptions of individual sites.  Emergence of bottom-up activities in every country is the crucial issue for our further success.

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Q&A on World WTSP Catalogs: (1) Jul., Aug. 2019   (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 25, 2019)

(1) Michael Orloff <==> TN:   Q: Forms for Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs (Jul. 18)
(2) Michael Orloff <==> TN:  Q: Table of Sites  (Jul. 19)
(3) Michael Orloff <==> TN:  C:  Table of Selected Sites (in a combined format) (Jul. 19)
(4) Michael Orloff <==> TN:  Q: A List of Sites in Japan written in English ? (Jul. 22)
(5) Shireen Al-Jaouni <==> TN:  Q: Sites in the Middle East ? (Aug. 7)
(6) Tim Schweitzer <==> TN:  Q:  Login account to the WTSP Bitrix24 platform   (Aug. 21)

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Aug. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 25; Nov. 4, 2019)

(1) I. Gutkovich, T. Sidorchuk (Russia) ==> TN: Preschool TRIZ (Aug. 2)
(2) R. Benmoussa (Morocco) ==> TN:  TRIZ in Morocco (Aug. 3)
(3) [WTSP] Letter: (13M-1AB,DE) World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) uploaded !!! (Aug. 5)
(4) S. Al-Jaouni (Palestine) <==> TN:   Appreciation to the WTSP project; TRIZ Web sites in Middle East ?
(5) TN ==>Readers of THPJ in Japan (in Japanese):   THPJ Update Announcement in Japanese pages. World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) uploaded !!! (Aug. 8)
(6) Posted in LinkedIn: World TRIZ Sites Catalog (Preliminary version) is now posted, including 19 ◎ sites and 41 ○ sites. Document and display structures are established.  (Aug. 17)
(7) TN ==>Readers of THPJ in the world:   THPJ Update Announcement. World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) uploaded !!!  (Aug. 21); Introduction to World WTSP Catalogs (preliminary version) (Aug. 21)
(8) Jim Bradley (USA) <==> TN:   Important work ! (Aug. 21)

(9) [WTSP] Letter: (13M-2) On our preliminary World WTSP Catalogs. Plan of revision (Aug. 26)
(10) [WTSP] Letter: (13GC-1) Urgent request for manuscripts of Revised World WTSP Catalogs (Aug. 26)

World WTSP Catalogs: World TRIZ Sites Basic Index (◎○) (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019)

This is the basic Catalog (or Core Catalog) of the World WTSP Catalogs.  It shows the sites in TRIZ in the world with the evaluations of ◎(Most important, about top 30) and ○ (Important,about top 100).  60 sites are arranged after categorizing them with the Roles of site.  The Index is shown in a tabular form.  By clicking the site code (or site number) in the table, description of the site will be displayed.  This is a preliminary version containing the data from only 4 countries (Japan, Malaysia, China, and Russian region) and 2 top-down surveys (TRIZ in the world, and TRIZ in USA).  By getting contributions from many more countries (hopefully 30-40 countries) and by improving the site descriptions, we are sure that this core part (World TRIZ Basic Index) of World WTSP Catalogs can tell us rich and useful information about TRIZ activities and their achievements in the world. 
Minor revison (Sept. 30, 2019).

World WTSP Catalogs: World WTSP Catalogs Top Page (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4, 2019)

This is the top page of our new World WTSP Catalogs !!!.   The World WTSP Catalogs form a system of various Indexes to the descriptions of sites.  Its structure (for the users) is illustrated in the following figure.
On the basis of the data of Table of sites and Descriptions of sites contributed by various country Teams and by Top-down surveys, the World WTSP Catalogs provide us with additional Indexes which show the sites in the world after various ways of categorization and rearrangement. We have just built the World TRIZ Basic Catalog, showing ◎ and ○ sites in TRIZ in the world.  We are going to build a few more Indexes containing the ◎○□ sites and also the sites around TRIZ  


World WTSP Catalogs: Source Documents of the World WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4, 2019)

This page manages the source documents contributed by various WTSP Teams to the World WTSP Catalogs.  Such documents have to be examined to make sure that they match with the requirements of the mandatory information, suitable formatting, hyperlinks & anchor points, and working as a small Web site of each Team/Case.  For the document management, the structure of folders of documents has been designed in the figure shown below.  This design ensures easy handling and consistency of data throughout the stages of initial checking, preparation of World Catalogs, usage of Catalogs, and maintenance/updating the Catalogs. 


WTSP Working Material: Index Table of TRIZ sites Written in Russian Language in the world (Michael Orloff) (Aug. 4; Sept. 30, 2019)

I received this manuscript from Michael Orloff on Jul. 24, and sent [WTSP] Letter (12C-2ru) to many Russian speaking TRIZ people, saying: "The present list of Russian language TRIZ sites are really nice and will make the World WTSP Catalogs useful and meaningful...."   35 TRIZ sites written in Russian language in the world are selected and briefly introduced here.  The sites are listed in the form of 'Index Table of Sites' for the preparation of the World WTSP Catalogs.  We can learn that there are many excellent sites written and operated by TRIZ masters which have not been known well in the world because most of them are written only in the Russian language. 
Minor revision by Michael Orloff (Sept. 30, 2019).

WTSP New Strategy: New Strategy of the WTSP Project: To Show World WTSP Catalogs Quickly (Toru Nakagawa & 5 Global Co-editors) (Jul. 25, 2019)

This is an excerpt of Section 4 of the preprint of our ETRIA TFC2019 paper.  It is a comprehensive description of our new strategy since the beginning of June as described in the Practice Guide , its Short Summary , WTSP Mails and Letters etc.  Our original strategy was:  Bottom-up Approach: Build Country WTSP Catalogs first with many Web sites after thorough survey. Then we build World WTSP Catalgos with selected sites. -- This puts much burden on WTSP members. Hence, WTSP Teams have not started well in almost all countries.  Our new strategy is:  Try to show the World WTSP Catalogs quickly, relying on the "20 - 80 % Principle", i.e., "Do rough but essential 20 % efforts and get 80 % results".  -- Looking at the image of our final goal in a concrete form, many people will understand the vision clearly and will join us.   This strategy is explained concretely:  Structure of World WTSP Catalogs, Japan Part of World WTSP Catalogs as an example, Practice Guide, and Plans. 

WTSP Member List is updated (Jul. 25, 2019)

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Jul. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jul. 18; Aug. 25, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-5AB,DE) THPJ Updated: Survey (3C) with Keywords: Innovation (Process etc.) (Jul. 6)
(2) TN==> THPJ Readers in Japan: HP Updated: Progress of the WTSP project. (Jul. 8)
(3) [WTSP] Letter: (12M-1AB, DE) World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part); Please submit your WTSP Manuscripts (of ◎○ sites) by Jul. 28 (Sun). (Jul. 15)
(4) Richard Langevin: Announcement in the Altshuller Institute HP (Jul. 15)
(5) [WTSP] Letter: (12-G1) Plan of the First Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs (Jul. 15)
(6) Simon Litvin: Agree with Nakagawa's suggestion of '20-80' approach (Jul. 17)
(7) Posted in LinkedIn: World WTSP Catalog (Japan Part) is demonstrated with 26 sites. (Jul. 18)
(8) TN==> Russian-speaking TRIZ coleagues: [WTSP] Letter (12C-2ru) Manuscripts of World WTSP Catalogs (Russian-language Part) (Jul. 25)
(9) [WTSP] Letter: (12M-2AB, DE) New WTSP Strategy. Let's make World WTSP Catalogs quickly. (Jul. 26)

 World WTSP Catalogs (Japan Part): WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan for the people in the whole world (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jul. 14, 2019))

Japan Part of the World WTSP Catalogs has been demonstrated in the new page. This posting has 3 intentions:
(1) 'The Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan' posted last year in English was the English translation of 'Japan WTSP Catalogs' for the people in Japan .  Using the WTSP criteria, all the sites are re-evaluated; ◎〇□ sites to be shown in the World WTSP Catalogs (for all the people in the world), while ◎〇□ and △ sites in the Japan WTSP Catalogs (for people in Japan).  This sort of differences in the WTSP criteria between World and Country should be recognized in every country. 
(2) The new page demonstrates the manuscripts to be prepared by WTSP Teams in every country (i.e., Index Table of Sites (in .xlsx) and Descriptions of Sites (in .docx), and at the same time a completed WTSP Catalog as a small Web site (i.e., Index page (in .html) and Descriptions of Sites page (in .html) connected with many hyperlinks).  The final form of the World WTSP Catalog is expected to be the integration of many World WTSP Catalogs (Individual Part) coming from Country Teams and Top-down Surveys.  Index Tables of Sites are integrated into a single Index Table in Excel, and it is sorted/rearranged in Excel to form a suitable Index page in HTML.  The 'Descriptions of Sites' files are converted into HTML files and are simply gathered in a folder. 
(3) For Completing the World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019, I am planning the following 2 steps .  (Step 1) Using the manuscripts submitted by Jul. 28, I am going to make a World WTSP Catalog containing the sites ◎〇 only and post it around Aug. 4.  (Step 2) Using the manuscripts submitted by Sept. 15, I am going to make the World WTSP Catalogs containing the sites ◎〇□ and post them around Sept. 30.  I wish many TRIZ colleagues in the world to contribute their WTSP manuscripts by following the WTSP Practice Guide .  The present page illustrates the manuscripts and the prototype of the completed  World WTSP Catalogs.

 Short Summary of WTSP Practice Guide:  Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs  (Toru Nakagawa) (Jul. 7, Jul. 14, 2019)

Short Summary is posted for the WTSP Practice Guide .  Structure of World WTSP Catalogs is shown, and the documents expected from each country as the country part of the WTSP Catalog are described along with the practical preparation process.   We coordially invite you to join this voluntary project for promoting TRIZ and related methodologies further in the world.

The final form of WTSP Catalogs has been changed from PDF (with links) to HTML (with hyperlinks). Two-step schedule for preparation is announced: WTSP Catalog of ◎○ sites (Manuscripts due: Jul. 28, 2019; Posting: Aug. 4, 2019); WTSP Catalogs of ◎○□ sites (Manuscripts due: Sept. 15, 2019; Posting: Sept. 30, 2019). (Jul. 14, 2019) 

 New WTSP page: (A6-A) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 26, 2019))

This page is started in place of '(A6) Publicized Outputs', for the purpose of encouraging the building, review, and revisions of the WTSP Catalogs openly.  Any  readers, TRIZ colleagues and users, are encouraged to contribute their information, suggestions, and thoughts about various TRIZ-related Web sites to be introduced in the WTSP Catalogs.  Please communicate with some nearby WTSP members or directly to the Project Leader.

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Jun. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 25; Jul. 6, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter (10M-4) WTSP articles posted in THPJ (Jun. 2) Records of Communications; Practical Approaches for WTSP
(2) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-1) Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019 (Toru Nakagawa)
(3) From Nikolay Shpakovsky: List of Selected Web sites in the Russian language
(4) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-2) Practice Guide: Summary of tasks for WTSP Teams (Toru Nakagawa)
(5) Posting in LinkedIn: Vision and tasks for WTSP Teams in every country (Toru Nakagawa)
(6) [WTSP] Letter: (11C): For forming the WTSP Team and building Your Country XX and World WTSP Catalogs
(7) From Eng Hoo Tan: WTSP Materials: D-my-Malaysia: List of 16 TRIZ sites
(8) From Eng Hoo Tan (to 3 countries in SE Asia): Introducing the WTSP project
(9) From Jinpu Zhang: WTSP Materials: D-cn-China: List of 15 TRIZ sites  in China (Runhua Tan)
(10) [WTSP] Letter: (11M-3) WTSP Working Materials: Survey (2B) Sites in Russian, (3B) Creative Problem Solving; Malaysia, China
(11) [WTSP] Letter (11M-4) THPJ Updated: Current Working Manuscripts of the WTSP Catalogs  (Jun. 26, 2019)

Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs and Relevant Documnts from Various WTSP Teams (Jun. 23, 2019)

D-cn-China: Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs of China (Runhua Tan), (Jun. 23, 2019)

Index Table of 16 TRIZ-related Web sites; Site Description: ◎ #1  National Engineering Research Center for Technological Innovation Method and tool (Hebei Univ.); ○□  #4  Innovation Method Website of Hebei Province

 D-my-Malaysia: Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs of Malaysia (Eng Hoo Tan, T.S. Yeoh (MyTRIZ)) (Jun. 23, 2019)

List of 16 TRIZ-relaed Web sites in Malaysia.   ○ Official MyTRIZ (Malaysia TRIZ InnovationAssociation) Website.

  Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019 (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 10, 2019)

This article is our Practice Guide for completing our World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019 (to be held on Oct. 9-11, 2019 at Marrakech, Morocco).  It is based on the last two sections of our recently-submitted TFC2019 paper (written in black fonts), which reflects our recent discussions .  To make this an effective Practice Guide, I have added various notes, referring to existing information (in green fonts) and mentioning new and detailed information (in blue fonts).
This article has 2 important findings.  (a) I have obtained a clear and practical technical vision of World WTSP Catalogs in the form of Interactive Edition; composed of the Index file (.pdf) and many List of Sites files (.pdf), where both types of files can be built and updated easily. 
(b) Forming WTSP Teams with Country Editors in every country is most crucial for the success of WTSP.
We eagerly wish to work Together ! Connected !! with you for further proliferaion of TRIZ and related methodologies.

 Objectives of WTSP and Practical Approaches for Us: In Reply to Michael Orloff (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 2, 2019)

Probably, my recent articles on Internet surveys and Database System proposal give impression to M. Orloff and many TRIZ colleagues that the WTSP project is now expanding too big to follow. This misunderstanding might have come from the difference between my work for thinking about the final publication of WTSP Catalogs at the global level and the work expected for WTSP members to visit and describe individual sites at the country level. 
Thus using the 8 slides we presented at ETRIA TFC2018, I show that our aims and plans etc. are the same and even the difficulties we are facing now are essentially the same as before.  The crucial issues for us exist at the coutry level, to form a WTSP Team, to get Country Editor for coordinating the Team, and to build the WTSP Catalog in the county. Thus in this article I discuss about the practical ways of bottom-up approach for building Country WTSP Catalogs step by step.  I also show the practical process at the global level to build the World WTSP Catalogs manually without assuming the WTSP Database System now at the proposal stage.  

 WTSP Mails and Letters: May 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 2, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter (10M-1) THPJ Updated (May 18) Preliminary Internet Searches (3) of TRIZ-related Sites in wider scopes in the world
(2) [WTSP] Letter: (10M-2) Proposal of the WTSP Database System: As Catalog Generator and Inquiry System
(3) [WTSP] Letter: (10M-3) WTSP DB System Proposal posted in THPJ
(4) THPJ Updated (May 24) Surveys in wider scope / Proposal of WTSP Database System (Toru Nakagawa)
(5) From M. Orloff: Friendly request for understandable work!
(6) Posting in LinkedIn: Proposal of WTSP Database System for building Catalogs of hundreds of TRIZ-related sites
(7) From B. Busov: Situations of TRIZ-related Web sites in Czech Republic
(8) Nakagawa: Objectives of WTSP and Practical Approaches for Us (in Reply to Michael Orloff)

 Proposal of the WTSP Database System (Toru Nakagawa) (May 24,2019)

This is a proposal to build "WTSP Database System". It accepts the description of individual Web sites in a standard format (see ), containing the answers in the aspects of Location, Language, Role, Application phase, Application fields, Methods, and Evaluation. The key to our system is these Multiple sets of Indexing Schemes (see ).  The System can generate WTSP Indexes and WTSP Catalogs in various ways of hierarchical classification and arrangements from these aspects, as specified by the control input. It also serves as an on-line Query System using the same mechanism of hierarchical classification.  The proposal is written conceptually yet thoroughly for implementation.  See the figure of the overall structure of the System .  Once having the WTSP Database System installed, we will be able to concentrate our efforts to survey and describe good Web sites in TRIZ and relevant methodologies.

  Preliminary Internet Searches (3) of TRIZ-related Sites in wider scopes in the world (Toru Nakagawa) (May 18; Sept. 30,2019)

I started the '3rd round' of surveys of TRIZ-related sites in wider scopes by using keywords different from TRIZ.  At moment, I am going to focus the sites written in English and located in the whole world. 

  (3A) with the keywords Creat* Think* Method*  (Toru Nakagawa)  (May 18, 2019)

The keywords were interpreted much widely to include the words: Make, Build, Feel, Way, etc.  The outputs are much diluted, and I obtained the results: ◎ 1 site, ○ 4 sites, □ 15 sites, △ 3 sites, and - 84 sites. 

  (3A2) with the keywords Creative Think Method  (Toru Nakagawa)  (May 18, 2019)

The keywords work well to output 194 sites. I evaluated them as: ◎ 1 site, ○ 15 sites, □ 65 sites, △ 31 sites, L (Listed already elsewhere) 15 sites, and - 56 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file

  (3B) with the keywords: (Creative OR innovative OR Systematic) Problem Solve (Method OR Process OR Technique)  (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jun. 23, 2019)

The main theme has been extended to more objective one 'Creative Problem Solving' in (3B).  The result is very productive to find many useful sites. Among the 173 sites, I evaluated as ◎ Most important 10 sites (including 8 L sites alreday listed elsewhere), ○ Important 26 sites (incl. 7 L ), □ World Catalog 64 sites (incl. 7 L), △ Country Catalog 32 sites (incl. 1 L ), and - Irrelevant 39 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file

  (3C) with the keywords: Innovation  (Process OR Strategy OR Method OR management OR Technology)  (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jul. 6, 2019)

The main theme has been further extended to the hot and big topic of Innovation. The survey outputs many useful Web sites, most of them are not covered with the previous surveys.  Among the 207 sites, I evaluated as ◎ Most important 3 sites (including 3 L sites), ○ Important 36 sites (incl. 11 L), □ World Catalog 78 sites (incl. 8 L), △ Country Catalog 70 sites (incl. 0 L), and - Irrelevant 19 sites.  The sites are shown in the HTML page and in the .docx file

  (3D) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Quality OR Value OR Cost OR Productivity) (Deploy OR Engineering OR Management OR Control OR Analysis) (Method OR Technique OR Theory OR Process OR "Case Study")  (Toru Nakagawa)   (Sept. 12, 2019)

  (3E) of TRIZ-related Sites in a wider scope with the keywords: (Patent OR IP OR "Intellectual Property") (Analysis OR Protect OR Circumvent OR Mapping OR Strategy) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Sept. 19, 2019)

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Apr. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)) (Apr. 9; Jun. 2, 2019)

(1) [WTSP] Letter (9) THPJ updatged (Mar. 31); Results of Internet Surveys of TRIZ-related sites in the world
(2) Mail from Roland De Guio: WTSP Activities in France
(3) [WTSP] LinkedIn Posting: Results of Internet Surveys of TRIZ-related sites in the world

(4) [WTSP] Letter: (9M-1) THPJ Updated (Apr. 9): Survey results (2A)-(2F) in a tabular form,   (Jun. 2, 2019)

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Mar. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)) (Mar. 18; Apr. 4, 2019)

(1) An appeal was posted in Linked In (Mar. 4, 2019)
(2) TRIZ Sites written in Russian language in the whole world are surveyed by Nakagawa, and listed by Michael Orloff.  TRIZ sites written in English in the whole world are surveyed by Nakagawa.  (Mar. 12-16, 2019) 

(3) [WTSP] Letter (8M-4)  Surveys of TRIZ sites in Russian and in English; we need much further extension
(4) [WTSP] Letter (8C-4)   Survey of TRIZ sites written (in German, in French, in Spanish/Portugues, in USA in English); Please extend it further.
(5) [WTSP] Letter (8C-eu4) Checking the TRIZ sites in the Base Document (2008); We should work with new Internet survey

  Preliminary Internet Searches (2) of TRIZ-related Sites in the world (Toru Nakagawa) (Mar. 18; Mar. 31; Jun. 23, 2019)

Surveys of TRIZ-related sites are carried out in a top-down approach by use of Internet Search engines. 
Processes of the internet search and further data handling for understanding and evaluating the sites are devised and described in detail.  Evaluation of sites in 5 levels is introduced as: ◎ Most important, ○ Important, and □ Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog; △ Worthy  in Country WTSP Catalogs; and - Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs.
For confirming the survey strategy, the effectiveness of the 'Base Document' (Nakagawa, May 2008) has been examined.  It is concluded that we should carry out our surveys newly without trying to revise the old documents. 
Results of the surveys (2A) through (2F) are shown in detail in the HTML pages.  The sites written in non-English languages are not evaluated yet, and description of introductions of sites is left to be done by the collaboration of many TRIZ colleagues. 
-- Data parts in these pages are shown in a tabular form, for easier handling of the data. (Apr. 9, 2019) 

Note (TN, Apr. 4, 2019):  WTSP pages (A2) Organization (List of Members), (A4) Guidelines, (A6) Outputs have been updated.

  Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites (2A) written in English in the world  

The sites output by the Interner search are evaluated as: ◎ 6, ○ 13, □ 29, △ 33, - 25. And the top 81 sites are listed with their Evaluation symbol, site name, site URL, and number of pages hit by Site search.  

  (2B) written in Russian in the world   (Toru Nakagawa, Michael Orloff; Nikolay Shpakovsky)  

Internet search outputs 106 sites.  Page title and site name, site URL, and URL for site search are listed without evaluation yet. 
Michael Orloff listed the URLs of 26 Selected sites operated by TRIZ profesionals, and 49 sites/pages of TRIZ users.
Nikolay Shpakovsky examined the Intener Search and made a list of 35 Selected sites (adding 15 newsites). (Jun. 23, 2019)

  (2C) written in German in the world  

Internet search outputs 107 sites.  They are listed without evaluation yet. 

  (2D) written in French in the world  

Internet search outputs 90 sites. They are listed without evaluation yet.

  (2E) written in Spanish/Portuguese in the world  

Internet search outputs 123 sites, but 73 of them are irrelevant because of a female singer's name Triz..  50 sites are listed without evaluation yet.

  (2F) written in English in USA   

Interner search outputs 90 sites, and they are evaluated as: ◎ 6, ○ 11, □ 27, △24, -22

 Examining the Changes in TRIZ-related Sites since 2008 (in Europe as Samples)   

 WTSP Mails and Letters: Jan. -- Feb. 2019  (Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader)) (Jan. 13; Feb. 6; Feb. 14; Feb. 28; Mar. 18, 2019)

- [WTSP] Letters (8M-3): WTSP pages are updated: Need your help to WTSP at the present critical stage
- Communications with Michael Orloff (Germany): On Preliminary Internet Searches and Main Goals for WTSP (Feb. 23 - 27, 2019)
- [WTSP] Letter (8M-G2) Dear Global Co-Editors: Need your help at the current critical stage (Feb. 14, 2019)
- Communications with Helena Navas (Portugal)
- [WTSP] Letters (8M-2): Basic and useful WTSP pages posted in THPJ (Feb. 10, 2019)
- Posting in LinkedIn: Invitation to Voluntary work of building WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites (Feb. 8, 2019)
- [WTSP] Letters (8M): WTSP pages updated, Tasks at moment, and Invitation to WTSP (Feb. 8, 2019)
- [WTSP] Letters (7M): List of WTSP Members, Tasks at moment, and Invitation to WTSP (Jan. 13, 2019)
- Communications with Tan Eng Hoo (Malaysia) etc. are posted (Feb. 6, 2019)

 WTSP News:  List of WTSP Members (83 Members from 30 countries) is posted in the (A2) Organization page (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jan. 13; Feb. 6; Feb. 14; Feb. 28, 2019)


(B2) WTSP News 2018

 WTSP Letters (6C):  Greetings and encouragement of WTSP teams in each country. (Dec. 20-21, 2018) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Jan. 13, 2019)

 WTSP Letters (6M)(6I):  Invitation to WTSP. WTSP pages in THPJ are updated. (Nov. 22, 2018) (Toru Nakagawa)  (Feb. 6, 2019)

 WTSP Letters (5M)(5I)(5C):  Information and invitation for forming WTSP teams and starting the work (Toru Nakagawa)  (Nov. 21, 2018)

 WTSP Mails:  Quick Reports of WTSP at ETRIA TFC2018 (Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 21, 2018)

 Time schedule:  "Report the Completion of World WTSP Catalog (2019) at ETRIA TFC2019 in October 2019" (Toru Nakagawa)   (Nov. 11, 2018)

  WTSP Paper (ETRIA TFC2018): World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for Building and Maintaining Catalogs of Global TRIZ Resources (WTSP Global Co-editors: Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov) (ETRIA TFC2018)     (Nov. 11, 2018)

  Working Material:  Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites in Various (33+) Countries (Toru Nakagawa)    (Sept. 21; Sept. 25; Sept. 27, 2018)

  WTSP Paper (Japan TRIZ Sympo): World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) for Building and Maintaining Catalogs of Global TRIZ Resources (WTSP Global Co-editors: Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov) (Japan TRIZ Symosium 2018)     (Sept. 21, 2018)

 Appeal:  We need Your Help to build WTSP Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Your Country: Toru Nakagawa  (Aug. 22, 2018)

 WTSP Appeal:  An Appeal for Building Catalogs of TRIZ-related Sites in the World (WTSP Global Co-editors: Toru Nakagawa, Darrell Mann, Michael Orloff, Simon Dewulf, Simon Litvin, Valeri Souchkov)   (Jun. 25, 2018)

 Forum:  Letters from Readers (Jan. - May, 2018)/ Starting WTSP Project (May 19, 2018)

 WTSP Letter:  For Forming WTSP Teams to Build WTSP Catalog in Each Country (Toru Nakagawa) (May 19, 2018) 

 Organization:  List of current Members, and the WTSP organization are posted. (May 19, 2018) 

 Work process:  Current Working Manuscripts of the WTSP Catalog are posted (to be updated every 1-2 weeks) (Apr. 24, 2018) 

  Outputs:  Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan (in English) (Toru Nakagawa)   (Apr. 4; Apr. 24, 2018). 

  Outputs:  Catalog of TRIZ-related Sites in Japan (in Japanese) (Toru Nakagawa)   (Mar. 17, 2018). 

 Work process:  Starting the preparation of 'A Catalogue of TRIZ-related Sites in the World' 
(1) Findings through Practices in Japan
(Toru Nakagawa)   (Jan. 30, 2018). 
(2) For more practical ways of preparation (Toru Nakagawa)  (Feb. 7; Feb. 11, 2018).


(B1) WTSP News 2017

 Index Page of 'World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP)' is open in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"   (Dec. 27, 2017).  Basic information and activity news are posted and will be kept up-to-date. 7 sub-pages are also posted:
(A1) Policies  , (A2) Organization ,  (A3) Platform , (A4) Guidelines  ,  (A5) Accesses to the Project outputs , (A6) Publicized outputs  , (B1) WTSP News 2017

 Initializing 'World TRIZ Sites Project' in 'Letters from Readers (Nov. - Dec., 2017)' ' page    (Dec. 17, 2017)

 Plan and Invitation to WTSP  (Toru Nakagawa)   (Dec. 9, 2017)

  Proposals of WTSP (Toru Nakagawa)  (Dec. 9, 2017)


Top of this page

WTSP Index page

(A1) Policies

(A2) Organization

(A3) Platform

(A4) Guidelines

(A5) Access to the Project Outputs

(A6) Publicized Outputs

(A6A) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (A6B) World WTSP Catalogs (Preliminary Version)

(B1) WTSP News 2017

(B2) WTSP News 2018

(B3) WTSP News 2019 (B4) WTSP News 2020

WTSP Proposals (Nov., 2017)

WTSP Invitation (Dec. 2017)

Vision (Network of Public Sites) (2010)

WTSP Database System Proposal (May, 2019)

  Japanese page of WTSP Index page


General Index  (A) Editorial (B) References Links News & activities Software tools (C) Papers, case studies, articles, Lectures, course materials   (D) Forum General Index 
Home Page New Information for children and highschool students for students and the general public for engineers (introduction) for Practitioners CrePS System Documents USIT Manual & Case Studies WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project) Search in this site Home Page

Last updated on Mar. 31, 2020..     Access point:  Editor: