World TRIZ Sites Project (WTSP) (A4) | |
(A4) Guidelines of WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project) (Old A) |
Editor: Toru Nakagawa (WTSP Project Leader, Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Dec. 21, 2017; Latest Update: Aug. 24, 2019 |
Posted: Dec. 27, 2017; Updated: Jan. 30; Feb. 7; Feb. 12; Sept. 27, 2018; Feb. 14; May 24; Jun. 10; Aug. 24, 2019 |
For going to Japanese pages, press buttons.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 1, 2020)
This page has been Archived (Old A). See the Current Active Page
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 20, 2017)
This page shows the Guidelines for building the documents in WTSP in its up-to-date form.
(1) Guidelines of describing Sites and Lists of Sites ,
(2) Handling the documents in 3 main stages (i.e., drafts, manuscripts under internal review, and output publicized openly) ,
(3) Handling documents in countries, regions, and the world ,
(4) Handling documents in English and also in various non-English languages ,
(5) Structuring documents in a categorized system
(6) Proposal of the WTSP Database System (May 24, 2019)
(7) Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019 (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 10, 2019) ==> Summary of Practice Guide (Jul. 7; Jul. 14, 2019)This article is our Practice Guide for completing our World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019 (to be held on Oct. 9-11, 2019 at Marrakech, Morocco. It is based on the last two sections of our recently-submitted TFC2019 paper (written in black fonts), which reflects our recent discussions . To make this an effective Practice Guide, I have added various notes, referring to existing information (in green fonts) and mentioning new and detailed information (in blue fonts).
This article has 2 important findings. (a) I have obtained a clear and practical technical vision of World WTSP Catalogs in the form of Interactive Edition; composed of the Index file (.pdf) and many List of Sites files (.pdf), where both types of files can be built and updated easily.
(b) Forming WTSP Teams with Country Editors in every country is most crucial for the success of WTSP.
We eagerly wish to work Together ! Connected !! with you for further proliferaion of TRIZ and related methodologies(8) Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs has been completed and posted (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4, 2019)
Following the Parctice Guide and adapting it slightly, the World WTSP Catalogs have been completed. The preliminary version is made of contributions from 4 country teams and 2 top-down surveys; the original data are shown for the ◎○□ sites. Integrating such results, World TRIZ Basic Index is completed after rearranging all the ◎○ sites according to their Roles of sites. The Preliminary version has established the structure, formats, procedures, etc. of the World WTSP Catalogs; thus please follow it as examples and guide lines for furthe enhancement.
(9) World Around-TRIZ Basic Index has been completed as a part of Revised Preliminary Versiono of World WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa) (Sept. 30, 2019).
Widening our scope to various relavant methodologies around TRIZ is an important objective for the WTSP project. This has been carried out by various top-down internet surveys, with various keywords, e.g., Creative thinking methods, Creative problem solving, Innovation process, Quality/value/cost/productivity, Patent analysis/strategy, etc. Nearly 500 sites with evaluation ◎○□ are posted, and about 140 ◎○ sites are made into the World Around-TRIZ Basic Index after being rearranged in their Roles of sites. This is the basic catalog we want to improve it further step by step.
Ref. Proposals of World TRIZ Sites Project (1) (1A) (1B) (1C): Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 21-27, 2017 (Dec. 9, 2017)
Plan and Invitation to World TRIZ Sites Project: Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 2, 2017 (Dec. 9, 2017)
(6) Proposal of WTSP Database System |
(A4) Guidelines of WTSP
[** Note (TN, Aug. 24, 2019): For using the WTSP platform, you have to be a WTSP Member (by submiting the WTSP Membership Application Form) and then open your account at the platform by using a specific URL: . See more detail in the (A2) Organization of WTSP page .
--- Public part of the WTSP platform (i.e., in the Open Public (Main Folder) may be accessible by any person without account setting. ]
(1a) Guidelines of describing Sites
This project is to build up the documents describing TRIZ-related Web sites and making Lists of such sites, in various ways of grouping/categorization. Thus, the guidelines for describing Sites and Lists of Sites are most basic.
For describing TRIZ-related sites, please use the Template of Site description (in .xls), which is available here (and also in the Open Public (Main Folder) of the WTSP platform accessible with URL: )
A sample of Site description is provided for the case of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan". It is available here (in .xls).[** Note (TN, Feb. 7, 2018): This Guideline of describing sites was designed to be systematic, but is found somewhat too rigid. For the purpose of accepting contributuions of various TRIZ-related sites, the guideline is decided to be relaxed at the present initial stage as described in the page 'Starting the preparation of 'A Catalogue of TRIZ-related Sites in the World'' (Jan. 30; Feb. 7, 2018). Main points are: (a) MS Word may be used for describing each site. (b) Each site may be described in a simple text format (without using a table) as far as the items are clear. (c) In case of less important sites, you may write the sites in the list of sites directly, without making independent Site description file. (d) 'Single line introduction' is changed into 'Brief introdoction' of about 2 to 4 lines, because the latter is found easier to write. (e) Samples of describing sites may be seen in the Word file 'Selected 120 TRIZ Sites in the World (2008)' .]
Site description should be an Excel file (.xls), as you see in the downloadable files. For the purpose of readiness for reading, the sample description is shown here in an abbreviated form in HTML.
Site Description Sample : TRIZ Home Page in Japan (Version: 2017/12/02 TN; 2018/2/7 TN)
Item |
Description (example) |
Instructions |
Country code, Country name ** |
jp, Japan |
[Country code] is the two-character code used in URL |
Site number (in 2 digits) ** |
01 |
This number may be assigned arbitrarily in the country and is fixed throughout the Project. |
Name of the Site ** |
TRIZ Home Page in Japan |
File name ** |
Site-TRIZ HP Japan-171202.xls => |
File name for uploading and the standard file name in the Project. May also be a .docx file. |
URL ** | in English |
URL for English site, then URL of native language, ... |
Language(s) ** |
Japanese, English |
languages in the order most used |
Active public site in TRIZ since 1998, publicizing many articles by various international authors besides the editor Toru Nakagawa. Selected papers by Japanese authors are posted in English, while those by international authors in Japanese translation. Nakagawa's Personal Reports of TRIZCONs and ETRIA TFCs are unique. His research papers concern Introduction of TRIZ into Japan, Extension of USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking), Development of CrePS (Creative Problem Solving Methodology), and Principal Contradiction of Human Culture. |
Brief introduction of about 2 to 4 lines in length, in a free format.
Type of site ** |
(a) TRIZ-related Information Sending Sites |
Category/Characterization |
Updated every 2-4 weeks; Methodologies, practices, conference reports, etc. in TRIZ (with generalizing extension). |
Owner/Key persons |
Owner & Editor: Toru Nakagawa, Professor (1998-2012) and Professor Emeritus (2012-) of Osaka Gakuin University |
History/Last update |
Started on Nov. 1, 1998 (in Japanese) and on Nov. 15, 1998 (in English). Toru Nakagawa has been editing and operating the site all for himself as the Editor. ** snip ** |
Main features |
This site has over 1400 HTML pages in Japanese and over 1100 in English. ** snip ** |
Particular articles (with URL) |
Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words (2001): |
Further descriptions |
Personal Report of The 16th ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference (TFC 2016), with Introductions of All the 50 Individual Papers (2017): |
Writer and date * |
Toru Nakagawa, 2017/11/25; Rev. 2017/12/02 |
Writer of this draft creation or update |
Note of description * |
Written as a sample; I hope this description is fair, i.e. detailed but compact, and attractive but not advertizing/commercial. |
Intention of writing/update and degree of necessity of further revision, etc. |
General Instructions
File type must be .xls . For the consistency in making hyperlinks, please keep this rule.
File name should be set as: Site-[Region code]-[Country code]-[Site Number in 2 digits]-[Site name].xls
You may upload your draft file with a name of your choice in your PC, and after uploading it you can rename it in the required way.
Cell spaces for description may be expanded as necessary.
The items with ** mark are mandatory and will be shown in the List of Sites file.
The items with * mark are mandatory (inside the Project) but will not appear in the (final) List of Sites files (to be publicized).
Other items are body of description and hence very much desirable, but may be added/revised in later updates.Editorial note (TN, Dec. 23, 2017): The present Template assumes to describe a Web site in a way more-or-less standardized by (a few times of) revisions. On the other hand, comments by visitors of the site may be useful for new comers. Thus we may need some means to accept and link such comments as subsidiary documents connected to each site.
==> At the stage of drafts, comments and suggestions may be shown at the end of site description, using a special style of format. See Section 5.3 of . (Feb. 7, 2018)
(1b) Guidelines of describing Lists of Sites
For describing Lists of TRIZ-related sites, please use the Template of List of Sites description (in .xls), which is available here (and also in the Open Public (Main Folder) of the WTSP platform accessible with URL: )
A sample of List of Sites description is provided for the case of "List of TRIZ Sites in Japan". It is available (in .xls) here .[** Note (TN, Feb. 7, 2018): At the bottom of this section (1b), a more relaxed way of describing the List of Sites in MS Word is shown for practical usage at the present initial stage.]
List of Sites description should be an Excel file (.xls), as you see in the downloadable files. For the purpose of readiness for reading, the sample description is shown here in HTML.
Sample World TRIZ Sites: (Version: 2017/12/03 TN; 2018/2/7 TN)
List of Sites Sub-page: D-jp Country: Japan
Site No. |
Name of the Site |
URL(s) |
Language(s) |
Type |
File |
Body desc. |
Body disp. |
(1) |
01 |
TRIZ Home Page in Japan | |
Japanese, |
Active public site in TRIZ since 1998 publicizing many articles by various international authors besides the editor Toru Nakagawa |
(a) |
1: Site-D-jp-01-TRIZ Home Page in Japan.xls |
1 |
1 |
(2) |
02 |
Japan TRIZ Society (NPO) | (Engl.) |
Japanese, |
National center in TRIZ in Japan (2008-). Holding TRIZ Symposia (2008 - ) and posting their announcements and papers |
(a) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(3) |
03 |
Japan TRIZ CB (Official Page) | |
Japanese, |
Initial national center in TRIZ in Japan (2005-2007). Holding TRIZ Symposia (2005-2007) and posting their announcements and papers. |
(c) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(4) | .... |
Writer & Date: Toru Nakagawa, 2017/11/25 Rev, 2017/12/03
Note of description: Written/drafted as a sample. To be extended and revised much more for the List of Sites in Japan.Instructions:
Cell sizes should be expanded in the row-wise whenever necessary. Desirable to be able to print all the columns in a page.
Sub-page: Either Global, or Region: [Region code]-[Region name], or Country: [Region code]-[Country code]-[Country name]
Site No.: Proper numbering assigned to the site. In strings. Sites may be rearranged in this list for displaying them in some meaningful way.
URL(s): URL of the top page in English, (and URL of the top page in its major language, if any). Do not set a hyperlink.
Language(s): languages in the order of most use in this site
Single line introductionBrief introduction: This introduction should be shown always in this list.
Type of site: Nine types (a) to (i) as defined in Section 3.1 of .File: 1: The file of site description is ready (and the file name), 0: not ready
Body description: 1: The body description of the site is ready (in the site file), 0: not ready
Body display: 1: The body description of the site is to be displayed in this list, 0: not to be displayed.Writer & Date: Name of the person who created/updated this list, and the date
Note of description: Intention of writing/update and degree of necessity of further revision, etc.Editorial note (TN, Dec. 23, 2017): The present Template of List of Sites description intends to be an index page for documenting many (several tens) Web sites in some scope (e.g., Country, Methodology, etc.) We need to consider some actual ways of presenting such Sites in a page (e.g., showing a list of Sites with hyperlinks to detail description of each site, showing a list of Sites where individual Sites are described in some detail, etc.). We may also need, even for a fixed scope such as a country, several List of Sites to match various users' needs.
[** Note (TN, Feb. 7, 2018): This Guideline of describing lists of sites was designed to be systematic, but is found somewhat too rigid. For the purpose of accepting contributions of various TRIZ-related sites, the guideline is decided to be relaxed at the present initial stage as described in the page 'Starting the preparation of 'A Catalogue of TRIZ-related Sites in the World'' (Jan. 30; Feb. 7, 2018). Main points are: (a) MS Word may be used for describing lists of sites. (b) The list (and each site in the list) may be described in a simple text format (without using a table). (c) Samples of describing lists of sites may be seen in the Word file 'Selected 120 TRIZ Sites in the World (2008)' . (d) As shown in the sample file , specified styles of format should be used in description. ]
(2) Handling the documents in 3 main stages (i.e., drafts, manuscripts under internal review, and output publicized openly)
It is important to handle many documents in our Project with clear distinguishing of their stages of refinement. We have specified 3 stages of refinement and set up 3 Main Folders to store documents corresponding to each stage of refinement. The stages and Main Folders are:
(1) Project Drafts (Main Folder) --- Drafts
Drafts of any document. Members are encouraged to upload/write various documents and store them in the Project Drafts (Main Folder), desirably following the standard naming rule. (Overwriting previous file of the same name is safe because of the version control by the platform, but if you prefer you may add some keyword at the end of the (standard) file name for avoiding from overwriting someone else's file.)
The documents in this Main Folder are supposed to be prepared/improved further by the author (and some people close to the author). This Project Drafts (Main Folder) is actually visible and editable by any of the Project Members. For the purpose of transparency and avoiding tedious management, the option of putting any key/password on subfolders/files will not be applied. Project Drafts (Main Folder) is not visible outside the Project.
(2) Project Internal (Main Folder) --- Manuscripts for reviewing and revision
Draft documents which are brushed up to some extent are to be copied into this Project Internal (Main Folder) at the second stage. The documents in this Main Folder are under the reviewing and revision process. All the files are visible and editable by any of the Project Members. You may revise any file (either by directly editing the previous file in Cloud or by uploading a revised file). Or else you may send a comment/suggestion about the Manuscript (either by sending a message to the author inside the Platform (or else via ordinary email outside the Platform) or by uploading your comment/suggestion/revision file having a file name with an extra keyword (such as -comment1) at the end.
The reviewing and revision process will not be formalized. Involvement by Members of natural relevance (e.g., in the same country, working in similar fields/methods, etc.) and by Members who try to visit various sites of interest are valuable. It may be a good idea for the author to ask some Members for their feedback. Revising manuscripts at this stage is much better than correcting them after publicizing. This Project Internal (Main Folder) is not visible outside the Project.
(3) Open Public (Main Folder) --- Output documents publicized openly
The documents in this Main Folder have already been publicized openly, i.e., visible, downloadable, referable, usable, by any people inside or outside the Project. They are the output (either interim or final results) of our Project.
The Manuscripts Documents refined to some appropriate extent through the reviewing/revising process mentioned above are copied into this Open Public (Main Folder). Since this copying is same as publicizing, the action should be decided under the responsibility of at least one of Global Co-editors (including Project Leader).
For the sake of easiness of handling, the documents in the Open Public (Main Folder) are supposed to have essentially the same folder/file structure as those in the Project Internal (Main Folder). People (even without knowing much of our Project) may be guided smoothly to the documents of their interest, where the contents are easy to read and useful for them.
Editorial Note (TN, Dec. 23, 2017):
As a service of the Bitrix24 system in its Standard Cloud plan, I have just noticed that we can have up-to 10 sites and unlimited number of landing pages (See (A3) Platform - Bitrix24 Groupware System ). This means we can build much more attractive Web sites (in addition to the Open Public (Main Folder) showing the documents directly) on the basis of our output documents. We may think this as the fourth stage of our document building.
(3) Handling documents in countries, regions, and the whole world
A natural way for organizing our documents of many (probably over 300) Sites is to group them into countries, regions, and the whole world. We have thus chosen the hierarchical grouping as shown in the following table. For naming files and subfolders in relation to countries and regions, we use the following codes: Countries are expressed by the two-alphabets country codes used in the URL (See detail in Wikipedia (TN, Sept. 27, 2018)), and the Regions are expressed as shown in the following table.
Region code
Region name
Countries (a part) shown in their Country codes
at be ch cz de dk ee es fi fr gr hu ie it nl no pl pt ro se sk uk yu
Russia and exUSSR
az by md ru ua
Middle East
il ir jo lb ps sa tr
chcn hk id in jp kr my ph pk sg th tw vnE
and othersau nz
North America
ca us
Central and South America
ar br cl mx ni
eg ma za
IOthers L
Different Languages (See Section (4) below.) (Feb. 9, 2018) M
Relevant Fields around TRIZ
To be categorized later
Naming Rule of subfolders and files: Using these classifications and codes, names of subfolders and files are to be coded in the following way: [** Note (TN, Feb. 7, 2018): File types may be either .xlsx or .docx . See Sections (1a) and (1b). Here I choose .docx for practical reasons.]
Naming rule
Whole world Folder
List file
Region Folder
Region-[Region code]-[Region name]
List file
ListSites-[Region code]-[Region name].docx
Country Folder
Country-[Region code]-[Country code]-[Country name]
List file
ListSites-[Region code]-[Country code]-[Country name].docx
Site file
Site-[Region code]-[Country code]-[Site Number in 2 digits]-[Site name].docx
Site-A-be-05-TRIZ HP Belgium.docx
As shown in the above table, description of individual sites (i.e., Site description files) is prepared only once at the bottom level, and they are shown in various Lists of Sites in the groups of Country, Region, and the whole world.
(4) Handling documents in English and also in various non-English languages,
Most parts of Guidelines concern with the documents written in English, if not explicitly mentioned otherwise. Though there are many Web sites written in non-English languages, they also should be introduced in English for people in the world.
This section, on the other hand, concern with the documents written in various non-English languages on TRIZ-related Web sites posted in any language (i.e., English, the same non-English language, or different non-English language). Such documents are useful in two phases: First, at the initial phase in non-English speaking countries, it is practical to describe various Web sites (posted in such non-English language or in English) first in their own non-English language, and later prepare them in English translation. Secondly, at the final phase of our Project, it is much demanded to introduce important output documents to ordinary people in the countries in their own non-English language. This means the need of translating the output documents (in English) into their own non-English language.
We assume:
(a) Needs of non-English documentation both in the initial and final phases are high,
(b) There are many languages for this needs,
(c) Joining the WTSP Project (in a small group) has a merit in comparison with working separately,
(d) Our Platform has enough storage capacity to accept ten or even larger number of such non-English language sub-Projects.
(e) We need to set up a folder structure which allow practical operations without being bothered by many irrelevant folders and files.
With these considerations, I temporarily set up the Guidelines as follows:In the Initial phase, draft documents written in non-English languages should be stored and handled not in the Project Draft Main Folder of Company Drive but in 'My Drive' storage area belonging to the WTSP Members who are responsible for the non-English language sub-Project. Members of such a sub-Project can share their own 'My Drive' areas and work together for preparing their non-English documents and translating them into English. Even in 'My Drive' area, names of subfolders and files must be written in English following the standard naming rule with a prefix of additional two-character Language code (borrowing the Country code). E.g., Site description in English: Site-B-ru-01-AltshullerFoundation.xls, while its Russian version is: ru-Site-B-ru-01-AltshullerFoundation.xls . In the 'Company Drive' of our WTSP Platform, only the English versions of Site description and List of Sites description should appear (in the initial phase of the WTSP Project).
In the Final phase of our WTSP Project, we may have several (or even much larger number of) non-English language sub-Project working for introducing the output documents in their own languages. For this purpose, we set up a Folder 'Region-L-Different Languages' in the 3 Main Folders (i.e., Open Public, Project Internal, and Project Drafts (Main Folders)). Under the 'Region-L-Different Languages' Folder, individual non-English language sub-Project may build their own subfolder structure for containing documents written in their language. The naming rule mentioned in the above paragraph must be observed. E.g., corresponding to the English version of folder Country-B-ru-Russia, the Russian version should be ru-Country-B-ru-Russia; and the Site description file in English Site-B-ru-01-AltshullerFoundation.xls should be named ru-Site-B-ru-01-AltshullerFoundation.xls for the Russian version. Except this 'Language prefix' in the folder/file names, we do not need any change in the Guidelines for handling the documents.
Even though this is an image at the Final phase of our WTSP Project, we can actually prepare the 'Region-L-Different Languages' Folder much earlier and hence non-English language sub-Projects can start almost in parallel to the ordinary Project activities.
(5) Structuring documents in a categorized system
One more important issue we need to consider carefully is how widely we should view TRIZ and TRIZ-related methodologies, and their fields, applications, etc. Of course there is no clear-cut borders. TRIZ methodology and its application fields may be located at some core place and extend in various directions while diminishing gradually. In this situation we would like to pick up important Web sites in relevant and in somewhat distant areas, considering their usefulness and importance. And we also want to categorize such methodologies, fields, applications, etc. in some meaningful manner. The issue is not clear yet at moment, but we would like to prepare for the categorized presentation of the TRIZ-related Web sites from the initial stage.
We have temporarily set up a Folder 'Region-M-Relevant Fields around TRIZ' in the 3 Main Folders. We are going to set up subfolders in a way corresponding to the categorization. At the bottom of the subfolders we have descriptions of Web sites, most of them are common with the ones chosen and described by our ordinary Project activities explained in (1) above. There may be some more Web sites chosen and described here. Such new Web sites will also be added in the List of Sites of appropriate Countries and Regions.
(to be announced later some more.)
(6) Proposal of the WTSP Database System (Toru Nakagawa) (May 24,2019)
This is a proposal to build "WTSP Database System". It accepts the description of individual Web sites in a standard format (see ), containing the answers in the aspects of Location, Language, Role, Application phase, Application fields, Methods, and Evaluation. The key to our system is these Multiple sets of Indexing Schemes (see ). The System can generate WTSP Indexes and WTSP Catalogs in various ways of hierarchical classification and arrangements from these aspects, as specified by the control input. It also serves as an on-line Query System using the same mechanism of hierarchical classification. The proposal is written conceptually yet thoroughly for implementation. See the figure of the overall structure of the System . Once having the WTSP Database System installed, we will be able to concentrate our efforts to survey and describe good Web sites in TRIZ and relevant methodologies.
(7) Practice Guide to Complete the World WTSP Catalogs and to Report It at ETRIA TFC2019 (Toru Nakagawa) (Jun. 10, 2019)
This article is our Practice Guide for completing our World WTSP Catalogs before TFC2019 (to be held on Oct. 9-11, 2019 at Marrakech, Morocco). This article has 2 important findings. (a) I have obtained a clear and practical technical vision of World WTSP Catalogs in the form of Interactive Edition; composed of the Index file (.pdf) and many List of Sites files (.pdf), where both types of files can be built and updated easily.
(b) Forming WTSP Teams with Country Editors in every country is most crucial for the success of WTSP.
(8) Preliminary Version of World WTSP Catalogs has been completed and posted (Toru Nakagawa) (Aug. 4, 2019)
Following the Parctice Guide and adapting it slightly, the World WTSP Catalogs have been completed. The preliminary version is made of contributions from 4 country teams and 2 top-down surveys; the original data are shown for the ◎○□ sites. Integrating such results, World TRIZ Basic Index is completed after rearranging all the ◎○ sites according to their Roles of sites. The Preliminary version has established the structure, formats, procedures, etc. of the World WTSP Catalogs; thus please follow it as examples and guide lines for furthe enhancement.
(9) World Around-TRIZ Basic Index has been completed as a part of Revised Preliminary Versiono of World WTSP Catalogs (Toru Nakagawa) (Sept. 30, 2019).
Widening our scope to various relavant methodologies around TRIZ is an important objective for the WTSP project. This has been carried out by various top-down internet surveys, with various keywords, e.g., Creative thinking methods, Creative problem solving, Innovation process, Quality/value/cost/productivity, Patent analysis/strategy, etc. Nearly 500 sites with evaluation ◎○□ are posted, and about 140 ◎○ sites are made into the World Around-TRIZ Basic Index after being rearranged in their Roles of sites. This is the basic catalog we want to improve it further step by step.
(6) Proposal of WTSP Database System |
(A6A) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A6B) World WTSP Catalogs (Preliminary Version) | ||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Aug. 25, 2019. Access point: Editor: