General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving: TRIZ/USIT/CrePS |
A guide to Papers & Presentations by Toru Nakagawa (May 2015 - Mar. 2016) | |
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University, Professor Emeritus) |
TRIZ Home Page in Japan (May-Jun. 2015), |
Posted on Mar. 3; May 8; May 31; Jun. 27, 2016 |
For going back to Japanese pages, press buttons.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 28, 2016)
My own recent articles, which appeared in the present Home Page since July last year, have the focus on the series "Visual Thinking with 'Fuda-Yose' ((1) through (13))) -- Thinking over the poverty in the Japanese Society: [A] Increasing poverty among the elderly". I am trying to extend the application fields of Creative problem solving methods towards social problems from technical areas.
For these 9 months or so, I have not posted my papers nor presentations related to my original theme of methods of creative problem solving. Readers may ask me "have you been not working on your orignal themes?". On the contrary, for these months I gave many presentations on my original themes, and I have been too busy to post them in my Web site, to my regret. So I am now going to post them here one by one.
My presentations, however, are closely related to the one main theme, and describe from some different aspects, and reflecting the step-by-step progress of the work. The language and form of them vary much; some of them are presented in Japanese and some others in English, and some in papers and some others in slides, etc. Thus in the present page I am going to tabulate the presentations to clarify their titles, sources, languages, forms, etc. for helping my readers access suitable references.
References of Papers and Presentations (Author: Toru Nakagawa)
[A] "TRIZ Home Page in Japan": "CrePS/USIT Documents: USIT Manual: USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking): A Concise Process of Creative Problem Solving in the 'Six-Box Scheme'", Second Edition,
Japanese page(May 25, 2015), English page
(Jun. 26, 2015)
The USIT method is described fully in detail, along the process, and with illustrating one standard case study. The Manual of USIT in the up-to-date form (to be kept up-to-date). 31 pages of slides.
[B] "TRIZ Home Page in Japan": "CrePS/USIT Documents: A Collection of USIT Case Studies: USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking): A Concise Process of Creative Problem Solving in the 'Six-Box Scheme'",
In Japanese(posted, May 25, 2015), in English
(posted, Jun. 26, 2015)
Collection of USIT Case Studies, where each case is described in detail in accordance with the process shown in the USIT Manual ([A] shown above). About 20 slides for each case. 10 case studies at moment. (Cases will be added later one after another.)
USIT Case Study 1. "How to fix a string shorter than the needle", In Japanese
(posted, May 25, 2015), in English
(posted, Jun. 26, 2015)
USIT Case Study 2. "How to fix a string shorter than the needle ",In Japanese
(posted, May 25, 2015), in English
(posted, Jun. 26, 2015)
USIT Case Study 3. "Saving Water for a Toilet System",In Japanese
(posted, May 25, 2015), in English
(posted, Jun. 26, 2015)
USIT Case Study 4. "Picture Hanging Kit Problem",In Japanese
(posted, May 25, 2015), in English
(posted, Jun. 26, 2015)
USIT Case Study 5. "Increase the Foam Ratio of Porous Polymer Sheet" , In Japanese
(posted, May 25, 2015), in English
(posted, Jun. 26, 2015)
USIT Case Study 6. "A Mom’s Bicycle for Safely Carrying Two Children", In Japanese (to be posted), in English (to be posted)
USIT Case Study 7. "How to Prevent Unauthorized Persons from Entering the Auto-locking Door of Apartment Building", In Japanese (to be posted), in English (to be posted)
USIT Case Study 8. "A System for Preventing from Our Leaving Things Behind", In Japanese (to be posted), in English (to be posted)
USIT Case Study 9. "How to Prevent Cords and Cables from Getting Entangled", In Japanese (to be posted), in English (to be posted)
USIT Case Study 10. "A Large Variety of Writing Instruments: Studying the Evolution of Technologies", In Japanese (to be posted), in English (to be posted)
[C] ICSI 2015, Tutorial Lecture; "USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) in the Six-Box Scheme"、 The 6th International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI 2015), July 15-17, 2015, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
English pagewith slides (PDF) (Mar. 3, 2016), Japanese page
(Mar. 3, 2016)
Tutorial lecture for 3 hours in English, explaining the USIT method in detail, using the USIT Manual ([A]) and the Collection of USIT Case Studies ([B]). 126 pages of slides.
[D] ICSI 2015, Keynote Lecture: "Six-Box Scheme:New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving", The 6th International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI 2015), July 15-17, 2015, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
English pagewith slides (PDF) (Mar. 3, 2016), Japanese page
(Mar. 3, 2016)
The 'Six-Box Scheme' derived in the USIT method has been found to be the 'New Paradigm' for creative problem solving methods. This finding is explained as the historical development of Nakagawa's research. Keynote Lecture for 60 minutes in English. pages of slides.
[E] Japan TRIZ Symposium 2015, Presentation: "USIT Case Studies in the Six-Box Scheme: - Understanding Various Examples of Creative Problem Solving in the New Paradigm", 11th TRIZ Symposium in Japan 2015, Sept. 3-4, 2015, at National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo;
Slides in Japanese(May 8, 2016), Slides in English
(May 8, 2016)
Report of the development and public posting of the USIT Manual and USIT Case Studies, and explanation of establishing a new paradigm of creative problem solving on the basis of the 'Six-Box Scheme' of USIT. Slides in Japanese and in English were projected in parallel.
[F] JCS Conference 2015, Presentation: "USIT: A Concise Process for Creative Problem Solving Based on the Paradigm of 'Six-Box Scheme’ -- USIT Manual and USIT Case Studies --", Japan Creativity Society (JCS) 37th Annual Conference, Oct. 3-4, 2015, at Osaka University of Economics, Osaka
Paper in Japanese (Proceedings, 8 pages)(May 8, 2016), Slides in Japanese
(May 8, 2016)
Report that a new paradigm of creative problem solving has been established with the 'Six-Box Scheme' and that the creative problem solving process along the 'Six-Box Scheme' can be executed with USIT, which has been well established already with the USIT Manual and USIT Case Studies.
[G] ETRIA TFC 2015, Presentation, "USIT: A Concise Process for Creative Problem Solving Based on the Paradigm of 'Six-Box Scheme’ -- USIT Manual and USIT Case Studies --", ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference 2015, Oct. 26-29, 2015, Berlin, Germany.
English page(May 31, 2016)
Presentation Slides in English(May 31, 2016),
Paper manuscript in English(Extended version, 11 pages) (May 31, 2016)
Official paper in English(7 pages) (published in the Proceedings and publicly posted in the Journal of ETRIA, INNOVATOR in Feb. 2016) (May 31, 2016)
The English version of [F].
[H] Journal of JCS, Paper: "USIT: A Concise Process for Creative Problem Solving Based on the Paradigm of 'Six-Box Scheme’ -- USIT Manual and USIT Case Studies --", Published in Journal of the Japan Creativity Society, Vol. 19, pp. 64-84 (2015).
Paper in Japanese(Jun. 11, 2016)
Full revised paper of [F] after the official peer review process of JCS. Instead of describing the obtained methodology along the historical development, the concept of the General methodology of creative problem solving (CrePS) is shown first, and its significance and necessity are explained later. Then USIT method is described as the process for executing the CrePS methodology in a concise and practical manner.
[I] TRIZCON2016, Presentation: "CrePS (General Methodology of Creative Problem Solving) beyond TRIZ: What, Why, and How?", Altshuller Institute TRIZ Conference 2016, Mar. 3-5, 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA.
In English (posted: Jun. 20, 2016): HTML page, Full paper
, Slides
, and Video
In Japanese (posted:Jun. 20, 2016): HTML page, Full paper
, Slides
Further clarifying the concepts described in the paper [F], I have written a paper and given a presentation on CrePS towards the TRIZ specialists in USA, with the emphasis on the integration of TRIZ and other methods into a generalized methodology. I am answering to the 3 basic questions: What is CrePS ? (or What shall we establish as our new target?), Why do we need it? How can we establish it? For integrating various existing methods of creative problem solving, the introduction of the 'Six-Box Scheme' is crucial and effective as the new paradigm. Collaboration of many researchers/ specialists of different methods is necessary for establishing CrePS. (Note: Due to a pain in my leg, I could not attend the conference and I sent a video presentation recorded on Feb. 27, 2016. TIRZCON2016 regards this paper has been presented at the conference.)
Table of Links to the Presentation Documents
Top of this page | List of Papers and Presentatons | Links to the documents | Japanese page |
Last updated on Jun. 27, 2016 Access point: Editor: