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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 17, 2021)
This page shows the summary of results of the 4th-round Internet Surveys of TRIZ Sites in Individual Countries on which I worked for these 7 months since May 2021. It covers 52 countries and 3 language groups. The raw results are shown in individual HTML pages under the parent page . An Excel file of the data in a summary form is posted there (Nov. 17, 2021).
Here, the 'selected TRIZ sites ( ’)' of individual countries in the world are gathered and shown in a new HTML page and a PDF file . Adding short notes of the data for the countries already shown in the Beta Edition, the Current Status of the Survey Results of WTSP World TRIZ Catalog is posted here. This gives an overview of TRIZ deployment in the whole world.
Editor's Note PS writes some notes for reading/using the present data and for making WTSP Catalogs more Attractive and Useful with the voluntary collaboration of many TRIZ leaders/colleagues in the world. In addition, my personal impressions of the overview on the global deployment of TRIZ are shown.
Editor's Note PS |
Summary Table of Internet Surveys of Selected TRIZ Sites in Individual Countries (Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 17, 2021)
Countries are classified into the Regions and then arranged in the alphabetical order.
A. Europe |
B. Russia |
C. Mid-east |
D. Asia |
E. Oceania |
F. North America |
G. Central & South America |
H. Africa |
Austria 26 |
Iran 64 Israel 24 Turkey 27 Arabic language 22 |
Bangladesh 3 |
Australia 23 New Zealand 7 |
Canada 30 | Argentina 10
Egypt 8 Kenya 6 Morocco 13 South Africa 9 |
Russian language | China Japan Malaysia |
The follwing Figure is the summary of the survey
Results of Internet Surveys of Selected TRIZ Sites in Individual Countries (Toru Nakagawa) (Nov. 17, 2021)
The following figure is a compact summary of the data presented below in the detailed table. Click it to show clearly in PDF.
Current Status of the Survey Results of WTSP World TRIZ Catalog. Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 18, 2021
Published Beta Edition of the WTSP TRIZ Catalog (Jun. 30, 2021) +
Survey Results (4th Round) of TRIZ Sites in 52 Individual Countries + 3 Language Groups (Nov. 17, 2021)Summary of the (Draft-level) Survey Results in Individual Countries in the Whole World (Nov. 18, 2021)
A. Europe
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
26 => 4 |
## ’ |
Jantschgi C&R |
## ’ |
PfI (Platform for Innovation) |
## ’ |
Tritium (by Harald Graf-Müller) |
## |
Biognosis iBiognosis Blog & Tools) (by Elke Barbara Bachler) |
22 |
Not selected yet. | |||
24 => 5 |
## |
ICG (Integrated Consulting Group) | ==> Multi countries in Europe @ |
## |
BUT (Bruno University of Technology) | |
## ’ |
Technický týdeník (Technical weekly) | |
## @ |
TRIZing (by Bohuslav Bušov) | |
## @ |
TUL (Technical University of Liberec) : DSpace (Digital Repository) | |
14 => 0 |
21 => 5 |
# |
LUT (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology) | |
## ’ | : TRIZ | |
## ’ | | |
## ’ |
Viima | |
## |
ECMT+ (Entrepreneurship and Communication in Multicultural Teams) | |
55 |
Not selected yet. There are many good important TRIZ websites |
68 |
Not selected yet. There are many good important TRIZ websites ==> Manuscript of Germany Part of World WTSP Catalogs was built by TN (Dec. 16, 2022) |
8 => 2 |
## |
ATINER (Athens Institute for Education & Research) |
## |
EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) | ==> International (Europe) Around -TRIZ |
13 => 2 -> 0 |
## ’ |
SMARTii (Smart Innovation Institute Ltd.) |
## ’ |
Digitális Tankönyvtár (Digital Textbook) |
11 => 1 |
## |
IJEE (International Journal of Engineering Education) |
50 |
Not selected yet. There are many good important TRIZ websites | |||
33 => 5 |
## |
University of Twente : Research Information |
## |
IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) : TC6 Open Digital Library |
## |
KIVI (Royal Institute Of Engineers) |
## |
Greeni (Library for the green UAS (Universities of Applied Sciences)) |
## |
EC (European Commission) : JRC (Joint Research Centre) Publication Repository |
4 => 2 |
# ’ |
TU (Teknisk Ukeblad (Technical Weekly Magazine)) |
## ’ |
NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) |
50 |
Not selected yet. | |||
15 => 4 |
# |
IBTA (International Business TRIZ Association) |
# |
IPL (Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa) : Repositorio (Scientific Repository) |
# |
NOVA (NOVA University Lisbon) : RUN (Repository of NOVA) |
## ’ |
Altice Labs |
9 => 3 |
## |
UTCluj (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) : ATNA-MAM (Acta Technica Napocensis Series : Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering) |
## |
ICG (Integrated Consulting Group) : ICG - Romania | ==> Multi-countries (Austria ? Finland ?) |
## ’ |
Effective Flux |
27 => 7 |
## ’ | |
## ’ |
Adigai (Adigai Innovation) |
## ’ |
UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech) : UPCommons |
## ’ |
TDX (Theses and Dissertations Onlinej |
## ’ |
TECNALIA : TECNALIA Publications |
## ’ |
UC3M (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) |
## |
UPV (Universitat Politècnica de València) : RiuNet (Institutional Repository) |
19 |
Not selected yet. | |||
21 => 6 |
## |
Zenodo |
## ’ |
Exelop |
## |
PICC Software |
## | (by Peter Schweitzer) |
## ’ |
CM Consulting (Creativity and Methods) (by Claude Meylan) |
## ’ |
39 |
Not selected yet. There are many good important TRIZ websites. ==> Manuscript of UK Part of World WTSP Catalogs was built by TN (Mar. 2, 2022) |
B. Russian Region
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
35 Selected sites are already published in the Beta Edition (Michael Orloff, Aug. 4, 2019) (Some more survey results with additional selected sites (by Michael Orloff) (both in the World level and in the Country level). |
C. MidEast
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
Iran | 64 => 6 | |||
## | SID (Scientific Information Database) | | ||
## Z | IIITS (Iranian Institute of Innovation and Technological Studies) | | ||
## | IAU (Islamic Azad University) Scientific Journals Database | | ||
## | Magiran | | ||
## | Ab o Ayeneh School (Water and Mirror Girls Preschool and Primary School) | | ||
## | UT (University of Tehran) | | ||
Israel | 24 => 4 | |||
## ’ | ORT Braude (ORT Braude College of Engineering) | | ||
## ’ | Technion : TKCI (Technion Knowledge Center for Innovationj | | ||
## | ZOOZ | | ||
## | Campus Junior | | ||
Turkey | 27 => 9 | |||
## | DergiPark Akademik (Journal Park, Academic) | | ||
## ’ | SETSCI (SET Science Conference Proceedings) | | ||
## ’ | Kordinat | | ||
## ’ | Ante Danismanlik (Ante Consulting) | | ||
## | SG (Surekli Gelisim) Consulting & Training | | ||
## ’ | Gazi University | | ||
## ’ | ITÜ (Istanbul Technical University) : Polen (ITU Academic Open Archive) | | ||
## ’ | Slide Player | | ||
## ’ | XLib | | ||
Arabic language | 22 => 6 | |||
## | Dar Almandumah | | ||
## | ASJP (Algerian Scientific Journal Platform) | | ||
## ’ | KAU (King Abdulaziz University) | | ||
## | EKB Journal Management System | | ||
## | EULC (Egyptian Universities Libraries) | | ||
## ’ | Shamaa (Arab Educational Information Network) | |
D. Asia
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
Bangladesh | 3 => 0 | |||
China | ||||
16 Selected sites are already published in the Beta Edition (Runhua Tan, Jun. 25, 2019) | ||||
@ | ||||
Hong Kong | 16 => 5 | |||
## ’ | TRIZ Asia - GEN TRIZ | ==> Multi-national (USA) | ||
## ’ | ISIHK (Institute of Systematic Innovation, Hong Kong) | | ||
## | HKIE (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers) : Hong Kong Engineer | | ||
## ’ | SmartWay (Smartway Management Technology) | | ||
## ’ | PolyU (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) : PolyU Electronic Theses | | ||
India | 45 => 5 | |||
## ’ | Proinn (Proinn Consultancy) | | ||
## | TAA (TRIZ Association of Asiaj | | ||
## | ATTI (Association for TRIZ and Technical Innovation) | | ||
## ’ | Innovators & Leaders | | ||
## ’ | TRIZolver | | ||
Indonesia | 37 => 8 | |||
## ’ | OpenTrolley - Online Bookstore | | ||
## ’ | Itenas (National Institute of Technology, Bandung) : Jurnal Itenas (Itenas Journal) | | ||
## ’H | DOKUMEN.TIPS | | ||
## ’ | UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia) : DSpace Repository | | ||
## ’ | Ubaya (University of Surabaya) : Repository | | ||
## | ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology) : Digital Library | | ||
## | GARUDA (Garba Rujukan Digital) | | ||
## ’ | Nelity (Indonesia's Research Repository) | | ||
Japan | ||||
24 Selected sites ( jand 68 ’@sites are already published in the Beta Edition (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 13, 2019) |
@ | ||||
Korea | 72 | |||
Not selected yet. There are many good important TRIZ websites | ||||
Malaysia | ||||
15 Selected sites are already published in the Beta Edition (Eng Hoo Tan, Jun. 25, 2019) | ||||
@ | ||||
Pakistan | 11 => 2 | |||
## ’ | PU (Punjab University, Pakistan) | | ||
## | KIE (Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise) Conference | ==> International, Around-TRIZ | ||
Philippines | 11 => 0 | |||
Singapore | 15 => 5 | |||
## ’ | Government of Singapore : NLB (National Library Board) | | ||
## ’ | NTU (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) : DR (Digital Repository) | | ||
## ’ | AWS PTE LTD | | ||
## | SUTD (Singapore University of Technology and Design) : Library | | ||
## ’ | 123dok | | ||
Sri Lanka | 6 | |||
Not selected yet. | ||||
Taiwan | 45 | |||
Not selected yet. There are many good important TRIZ websites | ||||
Thailand | 31 | |||
Not selected yet. | ||||
Vietnam | 24 => 10 | |||
## | : Resources about TRIZ | | ||
## | BxInc (B-Excellence Co., Ltd.) | | ||
## | CSTC (Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity) | | ||
## ’ | TRIZ Creative Methodology | | ||
## ’ | Tia Sáng (Light Ray) | | ||
## ’ | | | ||
## ’ | OD Click | | ||
## ’ | TaiLieu.VN | | ||
## ’ | TRÍ PHÚC | | ||
## | TRIZ Kindergarden (TRIZ Pedagogy Center) | |
E. Oceania
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
Australia | 23 | |||
Not selected yet. | ||||
New Zealand | 7 => 3 | |||
## ’ | Free Flow Partners | | ||
## ’ | UC (University of Canterbury) : IR (UC Research Repository) | | ||
## | AUT (Auckland University of Technology) : STEM-TEC Centre (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Tertiary Education Centre) | |
F. North America
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
Canada | 30 => 1 -> 1 | |||
## | TRIZ-Research Journal (Yevgeny Karasik) | | ||
USA | ||||
44 Selected sites ( jand 24 ’@sites are obained with an internet survey and already published in the Beta Edition (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 31, 2019) |
G. Central & South America
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
Argentina | 10 => 1 | |||
## | UTN (National Technological University, Argentina) | | ||
Bolivia | 6 => 0 | |||
Brazil | 41 => 8 | |||
## | PMD (PRODUCT Management and Development) | | ||
## | UNL (The Universidade Nova de Lisboa) : RUN (Repository of UNL) | | ||
## Z | Marco Aurélio de Carvalho | | ||
## ’ | PasseiDireto | | ||
## ’ | UFS (Universidade Federal de Sergipe) : RI/UFS (Institutional Repository of UFS) | | ||
## ’ | Altice Labs | | ||
## ’ | Blog by Nei Grando, Brazil | | ||
## | Aprenda SIT (Learn Systematic Inventive Thinking) (by Sylvio Sylveira Santos, Brazil) | | ||
Chile | 12 => 1 | |||
## | USM (Federico Santa Maria Technical University) : Repository | | ||
Colombia | 19 => 2 | |||
## | Sinnetic | | ||
## ’ | Uniandes (University of Los Andes, Colombia) : Biblioteca | | ||
Costa Rica | 12 => 3 | |||
## ’ | UCR (Universidad de Costa Rica) : SO (West Campus): Repositorio | | ||
## ’ | TEC (Tecnológico de Costa Rica) : eScience | | ||
## ’ | CFIA (Association of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica) | | ||
Mexico | 23 => 4 | |||
## | | | ||
## ’ | SciELO Mexico@iScientific Electronic Library Online, Mexico) | | ||
## | TEC (The Tecnológico de Monterrey) : RITEC (Digital Repository) | | ||
## | Repository CIMAT | | ||
Nicaragua | 6 => 0 | |||
Peru | 13 => 2 | |||
## ’ | PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru) | | ||
## | CONCYTEC (National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) : Alicia (Free Access to Scientific Information) | | ||
Uruguay | 7 => 1 | |||
## ’ | InnMentor | | ||
Portuguese language | 45 => 12 | |||
## | PMD (PRODUCT Management and Development) | | ||
## ’ | IPL (Politécnico de Lisboa) : RCIPL (Scientific Repository of IPL) | | ||
## | UNL (The Universidade Nova de Lisboa) : RUN (Repository of UNL) | | ||
## Z | redalyc (Scientific Information System Redalyc) | | ||
## Z | Marco Aurélio de Carvalho | | ||
## ’ | PasseiDireto | | ||
## ’ | UFS (Universidade Federal de Sergipe) : RI/UFS (Institutional Repository of UFS) | | ||
## | SILO.TIPS | | ||
## ’ | Altice Labs | | ||
## ’ | Blog by Nei Grando, Brazil | | ||
## | Aprenda SIT (Learn Systematic Inventive Thinking) (by Sylvio Sylveira Santos, Brazil) | | ||
## ’ | Revista Espacios | | ||
57 => 7 |
## |
Neuronilla |
## | |
## | Consulting & Training |
## ’ |
Gian-Lluís Ribechini Creus |
## |
UniRioja (University of Rioja) : Dialnet (Dialnet Foundation) |
## |
FUNIBER (Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana) |
## ’ |
Improva Consulting |
H. Africa
Country |
Detected => Selected sites |
Site Eval |
Name |
Egypt | 8 => 2 | |||
## | EKB (The Egyptian Knowledge Bank) | | ||
## | EULC (Egyptian Universities Libraries Consortium) | | ||
Kenya | 6 => 2 | |||
## ’ | UoN (University of Nairobi) : Digital Repository | | ||
## ’ | Kiota (Kiota Innovation Accelerator) | https:// | ||
Morocco | 13 => 7 | |||
## ’ | ENSA Marrakech (École nationale des sciences appliquées de Marrakech) | | ||
## | MUN (Maroc Universite Numerique (Morocco Digital University)) | | ||
## ’ | EMG (Ecole Marocaine d'Ingenierie) | | ||
## | IMIST (The Moroccan Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) : Revues (Revues Scientifiques Marocaines) | | ||
## | UM6P (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University) | | ||
## ’ | UIC (International University of Casablanca) | | ||
## ’ | USMBA (Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès) : FST (Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Fès) | | ||
South Africa | 9 => 6 | |||
## | SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) : SciELO-SA (SciELO South Africa) | ==> (International (Brazil)) | ||
## ’ | Novation Now | | ||
## ’ | IITPSA (Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa) : InnovationSIG | | ||
## ’ | UJ (University of Johannesburg) : IR (Institutional Repository) | | ||
## | Academic Website of Prof. Maria Jakovljevic | | ||
## ’ | SAIMechE (South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering) | |
Editor's Note PS (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 20, 2021)
1. Notes on the 4th-round Internet Surveys:
See more details in the Parent page and in the Individual country pages.I used Yahoo!Japan Search engine in the Windows 10 OS. The option of showing only one (representative) page from each website is used.
Keywords are TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" in most cases; In some cases SQIH (in Russian), "Innovación sistemática" (in Spanish), "Inovação Sistemática" (in Portuguese), etc. are also used (but not so consistently enough). In some countries, TRIZ is a name of an adhesive or a (part of) name of female musician, and MATRIZ means matrix in English. Irrelevant websites coming from such noises need to be eliminated (mostly after detection).
Yahoo engine has an option of specifying the location (country) of target websites for about 30 countries. In late August I found a way to specify any country (outside the standard list), and hence extended the survey to many more countries. Typically I specified one country as the location and any language as the language in the website.
After getting the outputs of several tens of websites in a country, I visited the detected web page and then main pages of the websites one by one. This is tedious and hard work, especially because in many countries (probably, about 3/4 or 2/3) in the world use their own non-English national languages. I get the translation assistance with Google Translator (until September) and DeepL (since October); they are really helpful. It takes much time to find some appropriate pages to go and to find and read the contents representative for the website. Visiting the top page of the website (or its parent website), we can read 'About Us', intentions, main areas, main methods, activities, etc. If the website has the site search function, we are happy to check TRIZ-related pages and see how many and how much relevant/useful articles there are. After such efforts, we can write the site name and domain URL of the website and evaluate the website tentatively (in ’[j. For introducing the websites, I usually take excerpts from pages of the website. Sometimes the 'About Us' page of website is lengthy, and I borrow the description in Wikipedia.
Pages may be detected by the search engine in the cases of briefly mentioning TRIZ under the contexts of some other main topics, announcement of TRIZ seminar/trainings, short stereotypical introduction (in a few pages) of TRIZ, etc. Websites are evaluated as ’ or higher only if it has some significant TRIZ articles or several pages related to TRIZ. There are many websites which discuss various methods of problem solving with very small weights on TRIZ; such websites are taken out with the marks '==> Around-TRIZ'. Big websites, e.g., Amazon, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, etc., are detected in many countries with their domestic URLs; they are marked as '==> Global' and will be introduced only once in the World WTSP Catalog. In this manner the TRIZ websites evaluated ’ or higher are listed in the summary, as shown above .
2. For making better Manuscripts of Country WTSP TRIZ Catalogs:
Please note that the survey results are just a rough draft of Country WTSP TRIZ Catalogs, made by a surveyor from other country who are not familiar in general/industrial/academic situations of the country, in history of introducing TRIZ (and other) methodologies, in TRIZ activities by universities/consultants/users, and who are reading websites in short time with the assistance of language translation software. Please check and revise the tentative website evaluations. More importantly, some good TRIZ-related websites might have been missed in the surveys; please list up any websites you recommend.
Please follow the Guidelines for preparing the Country/World WTSP Catalogs shown in . Forming a group of volunteers (or a WTSP Team) is important.
You may note the following countries are marked as 'Not selected yet' in yellow background:
Belgium, Poland, Sweden, Sri Lanca, Thailand, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, UK, Korea, Taiwan, -- There are many good important TRIZ websites. Making the lists of Selected TRIZ Websites for these countries (especially the 6 countries in bold face) is crucial for the World WTSP Catalogs. We wish TRIZ leaders/colleagues in these countries to voluntarily work in collaboration.
3. For making the World WTSP TRIZ Catalogs more Attractive and Useful:
After making reliable lists of Selected (or Recommended) TRIZ websites in individual countries, we should go further:
(a) Write brief introductions for all the websites (by surveyors/recommenders). ==> Useful at the minimal level.
(b) Write introduction of each website in our WTSP Standard Form (1 page in A4), mandatory for the site owner. ==> Useful !
(c) Optionally, write introduction of website in free format (2-5 pages or more in A4), by the site owner. ==> Really Attractive !!Please submit the list and introductions (a)(b) by the group/Team to the Project Leader. Will be posted quickly in a page in the WTSP Catalogs and later incorporated into the World WTSP Catalogs.
Please submit the introductions (b) and (c) by the website owner to the Project Leader. Will be posted quickly as an independent page in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" (in addition to the World WTSP Catalogs).In the summary table above, the following countries are shown as 'Already posted' in blue background.
Russian language (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.), China, Japan, Malaysia, USA
Even in these countries, the list of websites and their introductions (a)(b)(c) need to be updated and improved further.
4. Overview of Deployment of TRIZ in the World (My personal impression)
Here I will write some impressions after making the survey work.
(1) The surveys of TRIZ-related websites in about 60 countries in the world have given me rough but general overview of the deployment of TRIZ in the whole world.
(2) In many developing countries, e.g., in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, TRIZ is spreading gradually, steadily and widely. In such countries the governments put much efforts in education. Various university websites post introductory articles, theses, research papers, and even announcements of courses on TRIZ (among other approaches), but in a rather occasional/disperse manner reflecting still very weak groups in TRIZ. Occasional seminars/workshops are announced in websites of municipal/professional organizations, inviting foreign consultants/professors.
(3) Digital repositories are getting popular in both developing and developed countries in the institutional levels and in the national/international levels. Thus most of research works in academia are already registered in some (or multiple) repositories. But searching TRIZ-related articles in institutional repositories is often not so fruitful, either because of much noise or because of very few matching. Repositories of country level or international level are more useful.
(4) Searching the works by academic people through their official university websites are often fruitless (except in the repositories). Staff members, courses, research interests, list of publications, CV, etc. are not easily accessible through the site search of their university. Academic groups in TRIZ (and related methods) often do not operate their own websites (cf. see the survey results). Thus their works can be found only piecewise in repositories of their institute, journals, conferences, etc. It is much recommended for academic groups to have their own websites (or sub-sites) for recording/presenting/promoting their own thoughts and works.
(5) Vietnam is a special case having 10 websites selected in the survey, because Dr. Phan Dung, a former direct student of Mr. Altshuller, has been teaching TRIZ for these 50 years in a center of national university. There must be similar cases (besides in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus) in neighboring countries, but I am not familiar with.
(6) TRIZ websites in TRIZ Mother Countries (especially Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.) are surveyed by Michael Orloff and published in the Beta Edition of World WTSP Catalogs. We would like to learn various situations of TRIZ-related thoughts, activities, applications, developments, etc. in these countries. We are not familiar enough with them, even though many TRIZ professionals from these countries are working globally as consultants, professors, engineers, etc. Introductions of websites in the WTSP Catalogs will reveal them gradually.
(7) In many developed countries, we may think of the roles of three main bodies in deploying TRIZ; they are academia, consultants, and industrial users. Academia plays an important role in European countries, by means of cooperation with industrial users and consultants and also organizing ETRIA TFC conferences every year. In USA, on the other hand, TRIZ research/education activities in universities seem to have almost faded out.
(8) Consultants (mostly based in USA and Europe) play the most important roles in developing/teaching/training/applying TRIZ in global scale. They operate their own websites to show their methods/processes and their activities. They also give presentations at international conferences and post their papers in their websites. Thus websites of such globally active consultant firms are most important items in our World WTSP Catalogs. We wish such site owners to introduce their websites in faithful and attractive ways. Our WTSP Catalogs are good platform for their Competition & Collaboration, resulting in further development of TRIZ and related methodologies in the world.
(9) Industrial user companies are of course real players in applying TRIZ (and related) methodologies for solving their actual problems. Many big companies in USA, Europe, Asia, etc. are known to have used and are still using TRIZ. Case studies of their problem solving were reported openly in international conferences in '00s but not much lately. Case studies in SMEs (often supported by universities or consultants) are often presented in conferences. Industrial users seldom operate their websites for posting their TRIZ (or other methodologies) applications. Thus users' case studies need to be found in academic repositories, conference websites, or consultant's website, etc.
(10) International and domestic associations dedicated in TRIZ (and some other methodologies) are important organizations for promoting TRIZ. We have three international associations: i.e., MATRIZ (International Association of TRIZ, originally based in Russia and now more-or-less globally), AI (Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, based in USA, initially covered the whole western world but lately north America mainly), and ETRIA (European TRIZ Association, based in European countries). Several countries have active TRIZ associations in the national level, such as Japan, Malaysia, France, etc. In some countries, national TRIZ associations have dissolved lately in spite of high TRIZ activities, e.g. Germany, Italy, Korea, etc. Lack of national TRIZ associations in many countries causes a difficulty in organizing WTSP Teams.
(11) Conferences dedicated in TRIZ are held by international/regional/national associations and consultant firms. TRIZfest by MATRIZ, TRIZCON by AI, TFC (TRIZ Future Conference) by ETRIA, and ICSI (Int'l Conf. of Systematic Innovation) by SIM (Society of Innovation Method, based in Taiwan) are the four active international conferences. Each of them (except TRIZCON) holds the conference intently in different countries in the world by getting local organizers (mostly universities). Thus official websites of such conferences are built in different domains, and sometimes eliminated after the conference. Conference organizers should make the conference papers accessible openly and permanently in some websites or repositories.
(12) I should mention about China. Professor Runhua Tan (Hebei University) submitted the WTSP data in Jun. 2019. He led 'National engineering Research Center for Technological Innovation Method and Tool' in the Hebei University obtaining big support from the national government. He shows 15 'Innovation Method' websites located in various cities/provinces all over China. He introduces his website in the WTSP Standard Form, and presented a paper on their 'Innovation Method' in TRIZCON2017. Recently MATRIZ is trying to deploy TRIZ in China actively, I am told. We need to update much 'China Part of World WTSP Catalogs'.
(13) Another focus point is India. According to our survey, there are 2 associations. One is ATTI (Association for TRIZ and Technical Innovation). It says 'India's Regional MATRIZ Association' and operates MATRIZ' certification training intensively in India, by the cooperation with a consulting firm Proinn. It has held India's Annual TRIZ Conference since 2016. The other is 'TRIZ Association of Asia', intending to be a community of individuals & teams dedicated to TRIZ and Systematic Innovation. Its leader is P.V. Narayan, who obtained 'TRIZ Champion Award (2021)' from MATRIZ. With the background of India's high capacity in ICT, TRIZ seems to be deployed quickly in India.
These are my rough overview of global deployment of TRIZ. I learned a lot especially about the situation in developing countries, through the surveys. (Globally active TRIZ consultants (including those joining MATRIZ) must have much vivid and detailed overviews. )
When the World WTSP Catalogs grow Useful and Attractive step by step, we will learn much more about TRIZ and related methodologies and will be able to have good basis of collaboration in the global scale.
Let's work Together ! Connected !!
Editor's Note PS |
(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | World WTSP Catalogs Top Page | ||||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | (B5) WTSP News 2021 |
Last updated on Nov. 20, 2021. Access point: Editor: