WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-G-Brazil

Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Brazil

(1) Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" NOT Pariz
     Language = Portuguese   -- Excluding Located in Portugal

(2) Keyword = "Inovação Sistemática" OR "TRIZ" NOT ("Triz" OR "triz")
     Language = Any,   Location = Brazil

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
Jul. 15; Nov. 15, 2021

Posted:  Nov. 17, 2021

Press the button for going to Japanese pages.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 15, 2021)

This page has a special history:

(a) On Jul. 15, 2021, TRIZ Sites are surveyed by specifying 'Language = Portuguese, Location = Any', because Yahoo engine does not provide a stadard option of specifying Location = Portugal or Location = Brazil. 
(b) Later in Sept., I found a way to specify any individual country in the Yahoo Search.  So I made a search with Location = Portugal.   Thus after excluding the sites in Portugal, most of the sites left are supposed to be located in Brazil.
(c) For improving the list further, on Nov. 14, 2021, I made a second search by specifying 'Location = Brazil, Language = Any' with improved keywords.   New sites found in this search are added to the list in this page.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 15, 2021)

This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Portuguese Language. 
See the general instruction in the parent page

Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Portuguese Language, TRIZ, Sept. 2018) (.doc)

This  page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL' 
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).

Here we list 45 Websites.

I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Portuguese language to construct "Portuguese Language Part of World WTSP Catalogs".

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 15, 2021)

This page reflects the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites located in Brazil and written in any language, as explained in the Editor's Note at the top.

See the general instruction in the parent page

Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Portuguese Language, TRIZ, Sept. 2018) (.doc)

This  page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL' 
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).

Here we list  41  Websites.

I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Brazil to construct "Brazil Part of World WTSP Catalogs".


Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Brazil

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country




 (A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Brazil

location= Any,      language = Portuguese    
Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" NOT Pariz
Toru Nakagawa  Jul. 13, 2021


##      Amazon       https://www.amazon.com.br/  ==> Global

Systematic Innovation: An Introduction to Triz (Theory of ...
Compre online Systematic Innovation: An Introduction to Triz (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), de Terninko, John, Zusman, Alla, Zlotin, Boris na Amazon.

##      Research Gate        https://www.researchgate.net/  ==> Global

Differences between systematic innovation and trial-and-error ...
This chapter investigated the ability of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) to foster design creativity by infusing effective creative design strategies onto ...

##  □              PMD (PRODUCT Management and Development)             https://www.pmd.igdp.org.br/

Creativity in design and process problems with triz (theory of ...
theory of inventive problem solving, systematic innovation, product development, fabric softener distribution, pipe welding. 586fc529f7636eea018b4625 pmd ...
About Us:  About the Journal:  An International Journal fro Technology Research in Innovation
Mission:  PRODUCT is an international and open access publication platform dedicated to the dissemination of original, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research on innovation. 
Scope:  The broad scope of the innovation concept is what sets it apart. The journal accepts research with different levels of analysis to promote the relationship between theories. It publishes research in the macro-level sphere, such as innovation environment, national and regional policies, ecosystems, networks and organizations; further, it considers research in the micro-level, involving various aspects of users and consumers, agents (teams, designers, and engineers), intellectual property, technology, and products. It particularly focuses on issues that bridge the gap between theories generated at different levels of study, thus creating a space for interaction between macro and micro-level researchers in innovation.
The journal encourages contributions from various areas of knowledge that exist in the field of innovation, such as the following: Technology Management; Project Management; Entrepreneurship, Creativity; Engineering Design; Design; Systems Engineering; Knowledge management; Ergonomics; Systems Engineering. Manuscripts from all these areas of knowledge are welcome. In addition, other fields on Technology, Sciences, Engineering, Business, Administration, and Economics will be well received if connected with innovation. 

##      Science Direct        https://www.sciencedirect.com/  ==> Global

Systematic Eco-innovation in PSS: State of the Art and ...
Keywords. PSS. Eco-innovation. TRIZ. Product-Service Systems. Systematic innovation. Recommended articles. Citing articles (0) ...

##      UTFPR (The Federal University of Technology – Parana, Brazil)           https://www.utfpr.edu.br/

Triz e Inovação Sistemática - UTFPR
Applications of TRIZ and Systematic Innovation in product development and processes. Bibliografia. ALTSHULLER, G. S. Innovation Algorithm. Worcester: ...
About Us:  The Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR) is a higher education institution with over 110 years of trajectory. It was founded in 1909 as a Technical School, transformed into a Center of Technology in 1979, and then, in 2005, into University of Technology.  The presence of the University on 13 cities of the State of Paraná is contributory for regional development. It has over 33.000 students and 3.800 professionals acting on academic and administrative areas.

##      Production              https://prod.org.br/ 

QFD and TRIZ integration in product development: a Model for ...
Hands-on systematic innovation . Cleverdon: IFR Consultants Ltd. Terninko, J., Zussman, A., & Zlotin, B. (1998). Systematic innovation: an introduction to TRIZ .
About Us:  About Production:  The journal Production (formerly, Produção or Producao) is the flagship journal of ABEPRO - Brazilian Association of Production Engineering. Production was created in 1990 to provide a communication medium for academic articles in the Production Engineering field. The journal is among the top Brazilian journals in Operations, Manufacturing, Industrial and Production Engineering and Management.  The journal Production is Open Access and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), and it is digitally preserved by SciELO.

##      Google Scholar       https://scholar.google.pt/  ==> Global

‪Helena Navas - ‪Google Académico - Google Scholar
Integrating TRIZ in project management processes: an ARIZ contribution ... The 2015 International Conference on Systematic Innovation, July, 15-17, 2015.

##      USP (University of San Paulo, Brazil)         https://www.usp.br/

Jupiterweb - Sistemas USP
Ciências Básicas e Ambientais. Disciplina: LOB1251 - Introdução a Inovação Sistemática com TRIZ. Introduction to Systematic Innovation with TRIZ ...
Top Page:  USP, as the major institution of higher learning and research in Brazil, is responsible for educating a large part of Brazilian Masters and Ph.D's. On our site, you can find information about our structure, ways of entrance and services offered to the foreign community.



##      Elsevier       https://www.elsevier.es/  ==> Global

Inovação sistemática aplicada a sistemas industriais de ...
Systematic Innovation Applied to Industrial Polymerization Systems. Visitas ... Triz. systematic innovation. polymerization. productivity. contradiction. El Texto ...



##      Blucher Open Access         https://openaccess.blucher.com.br/       Y

Referências - Blucher Open Access
BOGÉA, L. C. Avaliação da TRIZ (Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas) e da ... MANN, D. Hands-On Systematic Innovation for Business and Management.

##      Knowledge E (KnE Publishing)                  https://knepublishing.com/ ==> Dubai AE 

Design of a Continuous Improvement Model in a Portuguese ...
2020/6/2 -Keywords: Continuous improvement, Lean, TRIZ, Management tools, Model proposed ... Systematic innovation: an introduction to TRIZ.
About Us:  Welcome to KnE Publishing:  Helping you globalise your findings through open access
We are an open access publisher, based in Dubai, and we adhere to international publishing norms and ethical guidelines.  We help regional scholars reach the global research community through training, manuscript editing, publishing academic journals and conference proceedings, and indexing them in global databases.

##      Group P & A             https://grupo-pya.com/            ????

Como pensar fora da caixa com a metodologia TRIZ - Blog P&A
2020/2/19 -Cómo pensar fuera de la caja con la metodología TRIZ ... livro The Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity, ...
Our History:  Grupo P & A was born in Vigo in 1993 as a result of the restless and entrepreneurial spirit of our founder Pablo Riera and his passion for management.  We started our activity in the automobile sector and, from there, we grew and evolved, expanding across the Iberian Peninsula and giving response to clients from all sectors with action-oriented programs, the improvement of commitment and the achievement of results business.  Since 2008, thanks to the international strategic alliances with Zenger Folkman, Louis Allen and ISPA, we offer our services in more than 25 countries.  Throughout all these years, the satisfaction of our customers and their recognition has been our reason for being, and their loyalty in our engine to continue advancing

##      LinkedIn     https://br.linkedin.com/  ==> Global

Jose Jorge Monteiro - TRIZ Champion - TRIZIS | LinkedIn
A practical application of the Systematic Innovation based on TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) focusing on generating alternative ways of improving ...



##      Wikipedia : Wikiwand         https://www.wikiwand.com/  ==> Global

TRIZ - Wikiwand
TRIZ é uma sigla russa para теория решения изобретательских задач, ... The Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, systematic innovation, and technical creativity.
Note:  Wikiwand on desktop :  An award-winning beautiful interface for Wikipedia. Used by over 100,000 people worldwide, Wikiwand overhauls Wikipedia's interface, making it more convenient, powerful and beautiful
Wikiwand on mobile:  The fastest way to find answers on the go. Quickly access information on the go using Wikiwand's powerful search and quick facts display, presented in a beautiful award-winning interface.

##  〇              redalyc (Scientific Information System Redalyc)         https://www.redalyc.org/ ==> USA

Redalyc.A metodologia criativa TRIZ analisada por meio de ...
na TRIZ referentes ao uso da base de patentes, clusterização de princípios inventivos e soluções de ... systematic innovation & technical creativity. Tradução.
Mission:  Redalyc is an indexing system that contains open access journals of scientific and editorial quality. After 16 years of providing visibility and supporting the consolidation of journals, it now incorporates exclusively those journals, from any part of the world, that share the non-profit publishing model in order to preserve the scholarly and open nature of scientific communication.
Redalyc advancing Diamond Open Access owned by the academic community :  Redalyc, arises in Latin America but indexes and provides services to certified quality scientific journals that do not charge for reading or publishing, and it provides worldwide Open Access to scientific articles. The model followed by Redalyc is based on the approach of science as a common and public good where scientific communication and publishing is non-commercial and is led and controlled by the academic community in order to achieve a sustainable, insclusive and participatory scholar and scientific ecosystem.

##      AEDB (Dom Bosco Educational Association)        https://www.aedb.br/

Metodologia Triz uma Opção para Solução de ... - AEDB
Problemas Inventivos o método TRIZ que organiza a tradução de um ... V. G. TRIZ: Design Problem Solving with Systematic Innovation, Advances in Industrial.
About Us:  Vision: To train men with a high degree of critical awareness, allowing them to know reality and act on it, with a view to changes in social relation.  Mission:  Train professionals of recognized quality and competence, including scientific, technical, social, ethical and cultural aspects.
Institutional Organization:  The Dom Bosco Educational Association is headquartered in Resende, a municipality of 130 thousand inhabitants, located in the Vale do Paraíba region, in the south of the State of Rio de Janeiro, on the banks of the Presidente Dutra highway. Located in a strategic geographic position between Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, the city of Resende is at the heart of the main macroeconomic axis of the country, responsible for 65% of the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product.

##  〇              Marco Aurélio de Carvalho             https://www.decarvalho.eng.br/

A TRIZ - Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas
Contém muitos exemplos e exercícios. Mann, D. Hands-On Systematic Innovation. London: Creax, 2001. Darrell Mann fez um excelente e extenso trabalho ao ...

##      ABEPRO (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção)              http://portal.abepro.org.br/

Problemas (TRIZ) como uma nova metodologia de estruturação da ... R.; MANN, D. Systematic innovation and the underlying principles behind TRIZ and TOC.
About Us:  ABEPRO is the representative institution of professors, students and professionals in Production Engineering. The association has been operating for over 30 years, assuming the following functions: to clarify the role of the Production Engineer in society and in its market of activity, to be an interlocutor with government institutions related to the organization and evaluation of courses (MEC and INEP) and development (CAPES, CNPq, FINEP and state research support agencies), as well as private organizations, along with CREA, CONFEA, SBPC, ABENGE and other non-governmental organizations that deal with engineering research, teaching and extension.



##      CORE           https://core.ac.uk/  ==> UK or Gobal

Aplicação da Metodologia TRIZ e da Manutenção ... - CORE
The TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) methodology promotes systematic innovation and seeks for new solutions to existing problems. Being that ...
Top Page:  CORE :  The world's largest collection of open access research papers

##      UNESP (São Paulo State University - International) : Repository of UNESP            https://repositorio.unesp.br/

SP 2015 Metodologias de Inovação: Soluções da TRIZ ...
Neste trabalho abordam-se as teorias da TRIZ e do Design Thinking, assim como a ... NAVAS, H. V. G. TRIZ: design problem solving with systematic innovation.
About Us:  Repositório Institucional UNESP (UNESP Institutional Repository) aims to store, preserve, disseminate and allow open access to scientific, academic, artistic, technical and administrative documents produced by UNESP researchers and students.

##      UFJF (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) : Periodicos (Portal of Scientific Journals)        https://periodicos.ufjf.br/

Sistematização do processo decisório em projetos de ...
2021/6/1 -... e construção baseado na TRIZ. Autores. Diana Regalla UFRJ - COPPE; Ricardo Manfredi Naveiro; Roberto Machado Correa. DOI:.
About Us :   The Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) is a public university, headquartered in Juiz de Fora (MG), with an advanced campus in Governador Valadares (MG). The institution is positioned as a scientific and cultural hub in a region of more than three million inhabitants and is ranked among the best universities in Latin America, with national and international recognition.    Present in the daily lives of students, from elementary school to graduate school, UFJF invests in the qualification of its faculty and administrative technicians in education, seeks to constantly update laboratories and classrooms and prioritizes dialogue with society, meeting all the precepts of the teaching, research and extension tripod.   The UFJF currently has 93 options for undergraduate courses, 36 for masters and 17 for doctoral courses, in all areas of knowledge. More than 20 thousand students circulate daily on the UFJF campus, not counting the approximately three thousand distance education students.   Constituted as a research and knowledge production center, the UFJF seeks to train ethical, critical professionals with high quality to work both in the labor market and in academia, and committed to a fairer and more egalitarian society.

##      Semantic Scholar               https://www.semanticscholar.org/  ==> USA or Global

Inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ) é considerada um tipo de teoria inovadora, que funciona ... Systematic innovation and the underlying principles behind TRIZ and ...

##  □△          PasseiDireto            https://www.passeidireto.com/      ????

APOSTILA UNIDADE 03 - Resolucao de Problemas e ...
A solução desenvolvida foi baseada na TRIZ – Teoria da Solução Inventiva de ... The innovation algorithm: TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical creativity.
About Us :  Passei Direto is the largest study and sharing network in Brazil. Here, you will find more than 5 million content shared by students and experts at all levels of education.  Our purpose is to facilitate access to knowledge to empower people and transform the future.
Where it all began:  In 2012, Rodrigo Salvador (CEO) and Andre Simões (CTO) took Passei Direto off the paper when they were still students at PUC. The mission was to create a social study network. Since then, there have been several achievements and evolutions, all with the objective of further empowering students.

##  △              UFS (Universidade Federal de Sergipe) : RI/UFS (Institutional Repository of UFS)        https://ri.ufs.br/

Por fim, o trabalho propôs uma relação da TRIZ (Teoria da Solução de ... ALTSHULLER, G. S. Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical ...

##      SlideShare               https://pt.slideshare.net/ ==> Global

Introdução à TRIZ (Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas)
Informações sobre a TRIZ: o que é, para que serve. ... (1a ed. russa, 1969). </li></ul><ul><li>Mann, D. Hands-On Systematic Innovation. London: Creax, 2001.

##  □              SILO.TIPS     https://silo.tips/                  ==> USA

Metodologia TRIZ Aplicada em Projetos de Consultoria
A metodologia TRIZ conhecida como Teoria de Resolução Inventiva de ... Terninko, J, Zusman, A, & Zlotin, B. Systematic Innovation: An Introduction to TRIZ.
About Us :  Today, download and exchange of information between students is an essential part of study. It is the reason that SILO was born; to act as a gateway for those requiring this aid, and to provide a simple and fun platform for students to exchange, download teaching materials whilst getting to know each other.

##      UFPR (Universidade Federal do Paraná)                https://www.ufpr.br/portalufpr/

análise sobre a aplicação da TRIZ no desenvolvimento de software. ... TERNINKO, J.; ZUSMAN, A.; ZLOTIN, B. Systematic Innovation: An Introduction to TRIZ.

##      SINGEP (International Symposium on Management, Project, Innovation and Sustainability)           https://www.singep.org.br/

2015/11/10 -TRIZ como uma importante metodologia de suporte ao processo inventivo, ... The innovation algorithm : TRIZ, systematic innovation & technical.
Event:  9th SINGEP to be held on Oct. 20-22, 2021

##      APREPRO               http://aprepro.org.br/portal/

Aplicação da abordagem híbrida Lean-TRIZ para ... - APREPRO
hybrid approach of the theory of inventive problem solving – TRIZ – and Lean concepts, identifying the ... Systematic innovation in a lean management.
Event:  XI Brazilian Congress of Production Engineering:  Engineering in Smart Cities, Dec. 1-3, 2021, online

##      Marco de Carvalho              http://marcodecarvalho.net/

Marco de Carvalho
Organizado pela Associação Mexicana de TRIZ, o evento aceita trabalhos ... on Systematic Innovation & Computer-Aided Innovation (em Hsinchu, Taiwan).
Blog site.  Active in 2013-2014 (?)

##      UFSM (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil) : Manancial (Digital Repository of UFSM)       https://repositorio.ufsm.br/

2012/1/18 -utilizar a Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ) como ... MANN, D. Systematic innovation and the underlying principles behind TRIZ ...

##      FDocumentos          https://fdocumentos.com/              ????

fdocumentos.com > Home > Documents
2014/4/23 -SOBRE A FERRAMENTA: TRIZ uma sigla de um termo russo que pode ser ... G. InnovATIon ALGoRITHm: TRIZ, SySTEmATIc InnovATIon And ...
Top page:  FDocumentos:  Find your study resources:  Search for books or documents
Our mission is to empower everyone to excel at their studies by providing the best documents to study more efficiently. Study anytime, anywhere, on any device  Because your planning is not always perfect, you need to be  able to study whenever, wherever.  Just practice your exam one last time on your tablet or phone while you're on the go



##  □△          Blog by Nei Grando,  Brazil           https://neigrando.com/

janeiro | 2014 | Blog do Nei
2014/1/8 -A Inovação Sistemática e os Princípios Inovativos TRIZ ... Hands-On Systematic Innovation : For Business and Management, by Darrell Mann ...

##      ACPN (Advances in Cleaner Production Network)       http://www.advancesincleanerproduction.net/ ==> International (Around TRIZ)    Brazil

Aplicação da Teoria da Solução Inventiva de Problemas como ...
Inventiva de Problemas (TRIZ) como método suporte de identificação e geração de ... Systematic innovation and the underlying principles behind TRIZ and.
About Us:  The ACPN is a multi/interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of information and research results on technologies, concepts and policies based on Cleaner Production and conceived to assist the desired transition to a sustainable society.   The Advances in Cleaner Production Network (ACPN) is an international network of researchers in different disciplines involved in sustainability issues. The ACPN is organized in the form of network formed by Sustainability Centers, which are administered by researchers at the Paulista University (UNIP) and its partners. ... Currently, the ACPN involves approximately 220 educational and research institutions from 51 countries in 5 continents.
Our Vision:  The ACPN is a multi/transdisciplinary forum that is built upon the perspective that Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption are powerful tools for continuous applications of integrated, preventive strategies when holistically applied in process optimization, and in ethical product and service design and delivery in "Accelerating the Transition to Equitable, Sustainable, Livable, Post-Fossil Carbon Societies."

##   □             Aprenda SIT (Learn Systematic Inventive Thinking) (by Sylvio Sylveira Santos, Brazil)             https://aprendasit.wordpress.com/

O que é SIT, Systematic Inventive Thinking | Aprenda SIT
2015/5/21 -De fato, enquanto que a TRIZ se ocupa em pesquisar exemplos e ... de Problemas Criativos para SIT, Systematic Innovation Thinking 25 de ...
Note (TN):  A series (about 14) of Blog articles written by S.S. Santos in May-Jun. 2015 on SIT.
Introduction of the first article:  SIT, Systematic Inventive Thinking, ... is a structured method aimed at creativity and innovation developed in Israel in the mid-1990s.  One of the most important publications about this methodology is the book "Inside The Box,: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results, written by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg and edited by Simon & Schuster, in 2012, in the USA ...

Aprenda SIT
2015/6/4 -"A TRIZ inclui uma metodologia prática, conjuntos de ferramentas, uma ... de Problemas Criativos para SIT, Systematic Innovation Thinking.

##      IEEE R9 (IEEE Latin America Transactions)           https://latamt.ieeer9.org/

Ranking of Fault Mitigation Techniques for Spatial Radiation ...
o método de ideação da TRIZ (Teoria da Resolução Inventiva ... [69] G. Altshuller, The innovation algorithm TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical creactivity ...
About Us:  IEEE Latin America Transactions is a monthly edited Journal focused on the dissemination of quality research papers and review articles (Reviews) written in Spanish or Portuguese in three main areas: Computing,  (Electric) Energy and Electronics,  papers reporting emerging topics or solving problems of Latin America are preferred.

##      Web Artigos (Web Articles)             https://www.webartigos.com/       Brazil

Metodologia TRIZ como suporte para analise e solução de ...
2011/7/20 -Na definição de Savransky (2000): "TRIZ é uma metodologia sistemática, orientada ao ser ... MANN, D. Hands-On Systematic Innovation.
Top page :  Publish articles and monographs in minutes! Create your author profile on Webartigos.com to submit articles, monographs, abstracts and other texts for publication today.
Reach millions of people who visit our portal in search of useful information on a wide range of topics. Be part of the 78430 authors who together have published 106515 texts on Webartigos.com. The entire process of registering and sending your material takes just a few minutes. Create your free account!



##      Brazilian Journals               https://www.brazilianjournals.com/

Brazilian Journal of Development - Brazilian Journals
2020/5/2 -O uso dos Princípios Inventivos da TRIZ permitiu idealizar esse veículo que, ... Key-words: creativity, systematic innovation, development of ...
About Us:  Portal of indexed scientific journals, linked to Brazilian Journals Publications de Periódicos e Editora Ltda.  The magazines on our portal are partners of the Faculty of Industry, the Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná (FIEP), as well as the Faculty ISEPE, and were recognized as official magazines of academic works by the São José dos Pinhais Trade Association ( ACIAP).

##       □△      Revista Espacios                https://www.revistaespacios.com/    ==> Venezuela

O Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos em Startups ...
The systematic innovation has been considered one of the most important practices in ... (2005) "Innovation on demand: new product development using TRIZ.
About Us :  Revista Espacios is a publication refereed by senior experts, dedicated to disseminating original works that present results of studies and investigations in management, education and related areas.



Sites located in Portugal are Excluded:

##      Yahoo!Search (Images)       https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=%22Systematic%20Innovation%22%20TRIZ%20-Pariz

"Systematic Innovation" TRIZ -Parizの画像をすべて見る


##  □△          IPL (Politécnico de Lisboa) : RCIPL (Scientific Repository of IPL)              https://repositorio.ipl.pt/

Aplicação da ferramenta metodológica TRIZ no ... - RCIPL
Inovação Innovation Resolução de problemas. Problem solving. TRIZ DNP. Data de ... This methodology promotes systematic innovation and the search for new ...
About Us:  IPL – Politécnico de Lisboa is a high-level institution of higher education whose aim is to create, convey and disseminate knowledge, culture, arts, science and technology of a professional nature by integrating study, lecturing, research and experimental development.
The aim of this Scientific Repository is to disseminate the scientific production produced by the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa academic community, to increase the visibility and the investigation impact, to ensure the storage of the intellectual memory and to promote the open access to the information.


##  □              UNL (The Universidade Nova de Lisboa) : RUN (Repository of UNL)       https://run.unl.pt/ 

Metodologias TRIZ e Lean numa Indústria de unidades ... - RUN
Título: Metodologias TRIZ e Lean numa Indústria de unidades de tratamento de ar ... âmbito de The 6th International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) ...


##      AI (Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies)                https://www.aitriz.org/  ==> USA 

Who is Altshuller? - Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies
Genrikh Altshuller grew up in the remarkable city of Baku, Azerbaijan, in the former USSR. Baku was a cultural ecotone where European, Islamic and Asian ...


##      UC (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) : Estudo Geral (Scientific Repository of UC)    https://estudogeral.uc.pt/

JOÃO VALAMATOS (2020-f). - Estudo Geral - Universidade de ...
Inventive Theory of Problem Solving (TRIZ), a recent instrument, with a large number of ... TRIZ: Design Problem Solving with Systematic Innovation. Advances.
About Us:  ESTUDO GERAL is the name of the Digital Repository for the Scientific Production of the University of Coimbra, a initiative that intends to provide access to the digital scientific contents from authors of the University of Coimbra (master degree and PhD thesis, scientific articles, etc.). Its creation falls within the movement Open Access to the scientific literature, which originated several Declarations and Recommendations, from which stand the Budapest Open Access Initiative and the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge. ...

##  □△          Altice Labs              https://www.alticelabs.com/     ==> Portugal

Notícias - Altice Labs
2016/8/8 -... e aplicações relacionadas com inovação sistemática, como TRIZ. ... com o título "Building a Long Lasting Systematic Innovation Ecosystem", ...
About Us :  Altice Labs  creating the future  Innovation catalyst
Delivering key telecommunications technologies since 1950, Altice Labs has been shaping the future of technology, enabling Communications Service Providers and Enterprises to offer advanced and differentiated services to their customers and users.  Altice Labs is an innovation and transformation catalyst supported on a strong and dynamic Innovation Ecosystem. Through technology, we are committed to improve people's lives and the way in which companies do business.
We are a solid team of Telco experts and IS researchers;  Lead the development of new ICT solutions and technologies;  Our history is linked to the evolution of the portuguese telecommunications sector;  R&D is part of our DNA;  We are recognized as a superior technological partner;  We are recognized by our customers







(B) Summary Table:  Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Portuguese Language

location= Any,       language= Portuguese
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"  NOT Pariz
Toru Nakagawa  Jul. 13, 2021

Site Code

Site Name

Site Domain URL



https://www.amazon.com.br/  ==> Global


Research Gate

https://www.researchgate.net/  ==> Global


PMD (PRODUCT Management and Development)



Science Direct

https://www.sciencedirect.com/  ==> Global


UTFPR (The Federal University of Technology – Parana, Brazil)






Google Scholar

https://scholar.google.pt/  ==> Global


USP (University of San Paulo, Brazil)




https://www.elsevier.es/  ==> Global


Blucher Open Access



Knowledge E (KnE Publishing)

https://knepublishing.com/    ==> AE (Dubai)


Group P & A




https://br.linkedin.com/  ==> Global


UNL (The Universidade Nova de Lisboa) : RUN (Repository of UNL)



Wikipedia : Wikiwand

https://www.wikiwand.com/  ==> Global


redalyc (Scientific Information System Redalyc)

https://www.redalyc.org/   ==> USA


AEDB (Dom Bosco Educational Association)



Marco Aurélio de Carvalho



ABEPRO (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção)




https://core.ac.uk/  ==> UK or Gobal


UNESP (São Paulo State University - International) : Repository of UNESP



UFJF (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) : Periodicos (Portal of Scientific Journals)



Semantic Scholar

https://www.semanticscholar.org/  ==> USA or Global

##  □△



##  △

UFS (Universidade Federal de Sergipe) : RI/UFS (Institutional Repository of UFS)




https://pt.slideshare.net/ ==> Global

##  □


https://silo.tips/   ==> USA


UFPR (Universidade Federal do Paraná)



SINGEP (International Symposium on Management, Project, Innovation and Sustainability)






Marco de Carvalho



UFSM (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil) : Manancial (Digital Repository of UFSM)





##  □△

Altice Labs


##  □△

Blog by Nei Grando,  Brazil



ACPN (Advances in Cleaner Production Network)

http://www.advancesincleanerproduction.net/ ==> International (Around TRIZ)

##   □

Aprenda SIT (Learn Systematic Inventive Thinking) (by Sylvio Sylveira Santos, Brazil)



IEEE R9 (IEEE Latin America Transactions)



Web Artigos (Web Articles)



Brazilian Journals


##  □△

Revista Espacios

https://www.revistaespacios.com/  ==> Venezuela



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(A) Survey results, Portuguese language

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country



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Last updated on  Nov. 17, 2021.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp