WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-G-Peru

Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Peru

Keyword = TRIZ OR "Innovación sistemática"
Location = Peru,  Language = any

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
Nov. 2, 2021

Posted:  Nov. 17, 2021

Press the button for going to Japanese pages.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 2, 2021)

This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Peru. 
See the general instruction in the parent page

Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Spanish language, Sept. 2018) (.doc)

This  page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL' 
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).

Here we list  13 Websites.

I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Peru to construct "Peru Part of World WTSP Catalogs".

Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Peru

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country




 (A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Peru

location= Peru,      language = any  
Keyword = TRIZ OR "Innovación sistemática"
Toru Nakagawa  Oct. 31, 2021


##  △               PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru)     https://www.pucp.edu.pe/

revistas.pucp.edu.pe > index.php > article > view
TRIZ, la herramienta del pensamiento e innovación sistemática
TRIZ, la herramienta del pensamiento e innovación sistemática. Wilmer Córdova Ames Power Lines Group Perú S.A.C. Palabras clave: TRIZ, Creatividad, ...
From Wikipedia :  Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Spanish: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PUCP) is a private university in Lima, Peru. It was founded in 1917 with the support and approval of the Catholic Church, being the oldest private institution of higher learning in the country.
About Us :  Mission:  It is a pluralistic and tolerant academic community, respectful of freedom of conscience and religion, inspired by ethical, democratic and Catholic principles.  It offers a civic, humanistic, scientific and integral formation of excellence.  It contributes to the expansion of knowledge through research and innovation at an international level.  Promotes the creation and dissemination of culture and art, recognizing the multicultural nature of the country.  It is effectively and permanently linked to society and the environment, recognizing the diversity of the country and assuming its commitment to human and sustainable development.
Top page:  University #1 in Peru according to QS World Ranking 2022; 29,082 undergraduate and graduate students;  52 admission careers 2020-2;  109 graduate programs  
[Note (TN, Oct. 31, 2021):  "El Blog de Pedro" seems to have many pages in relation to TRIZ (around 2008 - 2011) but the site is not accessible/found: e.g. blog.pucp.edu.pe › blog › creatividad › category › triz  ]

##        Destino Negocio (Business Destination)               https://destinonegocio.com/   

destinonegocio.com > emprendimiento-pe > triz-metodo...
Triz: método creativo para superar los problemas de tu empresa
El método Triz · El método fue desarrollado por Genrich Altshuller en la década de 1940 y aún es eficaz para diversas áreas del mercado. · La sigla Triz viene del ...

##        UNMSM (National University of San Marcos, Peru) : Revistas (Journal of Investigation of UNMSM)          https://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/ 

revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe > idata > article > download
Aplicaciones de la metodología TRIZ en el diseño ergonómico ...
de los principios TRIZ como base para encontrar ... TRIZ es una metodología, un sistema de herramientas, una ... pensamiento e innovación sistemática. Power.
From Wikipedia :  Also known as the "Dean university of the Americas"; It is the first officially established (privilege by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, in 1551) and the longest continuously operating university in the Americas.
About Us : The Revistas de Investigacion of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos website was launched on May 26, 2011, research and academic journals of its 20 faculties are showing, following editorial policies of open access, peer review and fight against plagiarism.
[Note (TN, Nov. 1, 2021): Need to login.]

##        Ulima (University of Lima)               https://www.ulima.edu.pe/ 

www.ulima.edu.pe > ingenieria-industrial > agenda > mi...
Miércoles de Ingeniería: Innovación. Teoría para resolver ...
2020/11/4 -Teoría para resolver problemas de forma inventiva (TRIZ). Tags: alumnos · docentes · graduados · Ingeniería Industrial · Miércoles de Ingeniería.
About Us :  The philosophy that inspired the founding of the University of Lima is oriented toward the pursuit of scientific truth and the preparation of highly trained professionals with humanistic culture and criteria for continuous updating and improvement. One of our priorities is to train students in ethical standards and democratic principles.   The increasingly intense advance in science and technology represents a constant challenge for any university; therefore, it is necessary to give adequate responses by dedicating significant resources to teaching and research. Both, teaching and research must be supported by the most modern laboratories and equipment.   The vocation for service of the University of Lima urges the institution to build leaders with a comprehensive vision, committed to the country and willing to decisively contribute to the progress and development of Peruvian society.

##        Yahoo!Search (Images)       https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=%22Innovaci%C3%B3n%20sistem%C3%A1tica%22%20%20OR%20TRIZ 

"Innovación sistemática" OR TRIZの画像をすべて見る

##  △              PUCP : IC (Instituto para la Calidad (Quality Institute)) ==> Around-TRIZ > triz-sus-cinco-principios-fundamentales
TRIZ: sus cinco principios fundamentales - Intitulo de la ...
Triz es la técnica para generar ideas ingeniosas especialmente ante problemas tecnológicos. Fue desarrollada por Genrich S. Altshuller (científico, ...

##        La Salle Universidad              https://ulasalle.edu.pe/   

ulasalle.edu.pe > 108-triz-inventiva-desarrollo-productos
Metodología TRIZ: inventiva para el desarrollo de productos
TRIZ es un método sistemático para incrementar la creatividad tecnológica, basada en el estudio de los modelos de evolución de patentes y en otros tipos de ...
[Note (TN, Nov. 1, 2021):  A 7 hour evening course on TRIZ was given on 2 evenings in Feb. 2021.]

##  □             CONCYTEC (National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) :  Alicia (Free Access to Scientific Information)                 https://alicia.concytec.gob.pe/

alicia.concytec.gob.pe > vufind > Record
La técnica triz para desarrollar la creatividad de los ... - Alicia
Se demostró que la técnica TRIZ influye de manera eficaz en el desarrollo de la ... TRIZ, la herramienta del pensamiento e innovación sistemática.
About Us :  The National Digital Repository of Science, Technology and Innovation, called ALICIA (Free Access to Scientific Information) offers open access to the intellectual heritage resulting from the production of science, technology and innovation carried out in public sector entities or with State funding.  From this platform, the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation - CONCYTEC contributes to conserve, preserve and offer open access to the national scientific production (books, publications, specialized journal articles, technical-scientific works, computer programs, processed data and monitoring statistics, academic theses and similar), making it available to the academic and scientific community and society in general.
[Note (TN, Nov. 1, 2021):  Survey with the keyword TRIZ gives 8 graduation thesis, 5 articles, and 1 Master thesis from several universities in Peru.]

##        USIL (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola) : Repositorio (Repository)        http://repositorio.usil.edu.pe/

repositorio.usil.edu.pe > handle > USIL
Aplicación de modelo de innovación TRIZ en tolvas y su ...
Título : Aplicación de modelo de innovación TRIZ en tolvas y su impacto en la durabilidad y la capacidad. Autor : Zelada García, Gianni Michael

##        UniversidadPeru.com          https: //www.universidadperu.com/ 

www.universidadperu.com > empresas > triz-peru
Triz Peru S.A.C. - UniversidadPeru
RUC: 20600991923; Razón Social: TRIZ PERU S.A.C.; Tipo Empresa: Sociedad Anonima Cerrada; Condición: Activo; Fecha Inicio Actividades: 06 / Junio / 2016 ...
About Us :  UniversidadPeru.com is a site dedicated to all young students who want more information about Peruvian universities, institutes with technical careers, language schools, academies for pre-university and in general who are looking to study a technical or university career in Peru.

##        LinkedIn       https://pe.linkedin.com/ ==> Global

pe.linkedin.com > bety-triz-ab5040137
Bety Triz - Perú | Perfil profesional | LinkedIn
Ve el perfil de Bety Triz en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. La información académica de Bety está en su perfil.

## 〇□            StuDocu       https://www.studocu.com/ ==> Global (Netherlands), Around-TRIZ

Uso del método TRIZ en una idea innovadora aplicación de la teoría triz en el desarrollo del identificador biometrico 2019 2019 aplicación de la teoría triz ...
About Us :  Our mission is to empower everyone to excel at their studies by providing the best tools to study more efficiently.  FOUNDED IN 2013: Founded by four students, to exchange study documents with each other and together strive for better grades.   +4.0M DOCUMENTS:  Millions of study documents have been shared by students and are accessible to everyone in the world.  +12.5M USERS:  Currently there are more than 12.5 million students using StuDocu to access our quality materials.  PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT:  Not only view or download the best study materials, you can also practice thousands of subjects.
Here's how it works:  The best documents shared by your fellow students, organized in one place.  Available both on web and mobile.  Everything you need to improve your grades:  Students share their study materials organised by course or by book。Study anytime, anywhere, on any device:  Because your planning is not always perfect, you need to be able to study whenever, wherever.  Practice makes perfect:  For almost every document we create a practice set, consisting of a definition list, a flashcard set and practice questions.

##       LaMula.PE     https://lamula.pe/

redaccion.lamula.pe > 2013/11/26 > albertoniquen
Forman consorcio para impulsar la innovación sistemática en ...
2013/11/26 -Centro de Innovación de IPAE, organizador de CADE, y Tecnalia suscribirán un acuerdo para trabajar en ciencia y tecnología.
About Us :  La mula is a journalism platform founded in June 2009. We have more than million followers and an editorial team that publishes the stories and news that influence your daily life.




(B) Summary Table:  Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Peru

location= Peru,       language= any
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Innovación sistemática"
Toru Nakagawa  Oct. 31, 2021


Site Code

Site Name

Site Domain URL

##  △

PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru)



Destino Negocio (Business Destination)



UNMSM (National University of San Marcos, Peru) : Revistas (Journal of Investigation of UNMSM)



Ulima (University of Lima)



Yahoo!Search (Images)


##  △

PUCP : IC (Instituto para la Calidad (Quality Institute)) ==> Around-TRIZ


La Salle Universidad


##  □

CONCYTEC (National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) :  Alicia (Free Access to Scientific Information)



USIL (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola) : Repositorio (Repository)




https: //www.universidadperu.com/



https://pe.linkedin.com/ ==> Global

## 〇□


https://www.studocu.com/ ==> Global (Netherlands), Around-TRIZ





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Parent page

(A) Survey results, Peru

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country



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Last updated on  Nov. 17, 2021.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp