WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-A-Finland | |
Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Finland
Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader) |
Jun. 2, 2021 |
Posted: Jun. 5, 2021 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 2, 2021)
This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Finland.
See the general instruction in the parent page .Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Finland, TRIZ, Sept. 2018) (.doc)
This page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL'
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).Here we list 21 Websites.
I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Finland to construct "Finland Part of World WTSP Catalogs".
(B) Summary Table |
Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country |
(A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Finland
location= Finland, language= English, Finnish
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"
Toru Nakagawa Jun. 2, 2021
## □ LUT (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology) https://www.lut.fi/
The «Systematic Creativity and TRIZ basics Online» is ... - LUT
TRIZ basics Online. After having completed the course you will be able to: Course consists of 7 main Modules: the role, place and institutions of invention in innovation process/business the trends of technology/technical system evolution.
## TRIZ Future Conference 2017 https://www.lut.fi/web/en/tfc2017
TRIZ Future Conference 2017 - LUT
TRIZ Future Conference 2017 - Bridging Creativity in Science, Entrepreneurship, Industry and Education. The 17th International Conference of the European TRIZ Association. 4-6 October / Lappeenranta Finland. Welcome to Finland's 100 ...
## □△ Innovaatiopalvelu.fi : TRIZ www.innovaatiopalvelu.fi/triz/
TRIZ – Hiilettimet ja hiilettävät tulipaikat - Innovaatiopalvelu.fi
## Adlibris https://www.adlibris.com/fi/
Simplified TRIZ - Kalevi Rantanen - sidottu(9781138700154 ...
The revised and updated third edition of Simplified TRIZ: New Problem Solving Applications for Technical and Business Professionals, 3rd Edition continues to demystify TRIZ (systematic innovation), the internationally acclaimed problem ...
## Innotime-ICG https://www.innotiimi-icg.fi/
TRIZ valmennustyöpaja 16-7.11.2019, Vantaa - Innotiimi-ICG
TRIZ valmennustyöpajassa opit ratkaisemaan teknisiä ongelmia tehokkaasti ja innovatiivisesti. Työpaja antaa osallistujille käytännön työkaluja, joiden avulla pystyy luomaan toimivia kehitysideoita ja ratkaisemaan teknisiä ongelmia uudella ...
TRIZ-valmennus – työkalut ja menetelmät teknisten ongelmien ...
TRIZ valmennustyöpaja. triz. Andritz, Boeing, GE, LG, P&G, Philips, Rolls Royce, Samsung ja Siemens ovat esimerkkejä organisaatioista, jotka systemaattisesti hyödyntävät TRIZ-menetelmiä ja työkaluja teknisten ongelmien ratkaisemisessa.
## Aalto University Open University https://mycourses.aalto.fi/
TRIZ Principles - MyCourses
The functional analysis in TRIZ includes in addition to the beneficial actions also other categories that help to identify a conflict. Beneficial action. Needed action. Harmful action. Page 14. Creativity Techniques. 21.
## Finnish Design Academy https://www.finnishdesignacademy.fi/
Studia Generalia | Luovuustekniikat: TRIZ – Finnish Design ...
2020/9/22 -5.11.2020 klo 12–16. Luovuustekniikat: TRIZ. Kalevi Rantanen Kirjailija ja vuoden 2019 tiedetoimittaja. Leonid Chechurin Professori, Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. Miten ennakoida ennakoimatonta? Mitä tehdä, kun on ...
## Yahoo!Search (Images) https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=TRIZ%20OR%20%22Systematic%20innovation%22
## △ laatutieto.fi https://www.laatutieto.fi/
TRIZ-menetelmän hyödyntäminen ... - Laatutieto.fi
Kirjan on kirjoittanut Suomen johtava TRIZ-asiantuntija ja kouluttaja Kalevi Rantanen. Hän havaitsi, että TRIZ-kurssien osanottajat ovat soveltaneet ja pitäneet hyödyllisinä TRIZin peruskäsitteitä, ennen kaikkea ristiriidan ja ideaaliratkaisun ...
## Technical Experts https://www.tekniset-asiantuntijat.fi/
TRIZ - Tekniset Asiantuntijat
Tämä on myös tehokas työkalu patenteissa olevien teknisten ratkaisuiden kiertämiseen ja murtamiseen. Työkaluna TRIZ on tehokkaimmillaan teknisten ongelmien ratkaisuissa, mutta melko laajasti sitä muunkinlaisten tehtävien hoitamiseen ...
## LinkedIn https://fi.linkedin.com
Kalevi Rantanen - Owner - TRIS Oy | LinkedIn
About. Writing popular stories on science and technology. Technology forecasting. Application of TRIZ to journalism and forecasting. The third edition of Simplified TRIZ published in September 2017. Available, for example, in Amazon : ...
Pentti Soderlin - Consultant Manager - LinkedIn
Specialties: TRIZ and Value Analysis/ Value Engineering, Project Management of ... Editor and Chief at TRIZ-Journal Principal consultant at KOBUS Innovation ... Certified TRIZ Master, Systematic Innovation Developer, Trainer and Consultant.
## Google Scholar https://scholar.google.fi/
Iuliia Shnai - Google Scholar
Journal of the European TRIZ Association 4, 20-31, 2017. 8, 2017. Flipped classroom in the higher education system: A pilot study in Finland and Russia. N Antonova, I Shnai, M Kozlova. Adam Marszalek Publishing House 48 (2), 17-27, 2017.
## TU (Tampere University): TrePo (Open institutional repository) https://trepo.tuni.fi/
että TRIZ-menetelmien soveltaminen teknisessä ongelmanratkaisussa, tuotekehityksen alkupään ... RYÖPPY, MERJA: Applying two TRIZ frameworks to technical problem solving. Master of Science ... Hands on: Systematic Innovation. Belgia ...
### Universities of Applied Sciences : Theseus (Open Repository) https://www.theseus.fi/
Opinnäytetyöt - Theseus
"TRIZ" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytetyöt. 0-9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Å, Ä, Ö. 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z · Å · Ä · Ö. Hae.
## Elomatic https://www.elomatic.com/en/
Innovation Services • Elomatic
Elomatic's Innovation services - Innovation projects, Systematic innovation processes, Idea generation and processing, Concept development, Innovation partnering, Intellectual property rights, Innovation skills, Innovation training.
## □△ Viima https://www.viima.com/
Innovation Management Processes – Figuring Out the Right One
2018/8/20 -Why use a systematic innovation management process? What I've discovered is that there's not only one way to innovate. Different companies rely on different kinds of processes to manage innovation, some obviously being ...
## Hanken (Hanken School of Economics):Research Portal https://harisportal.hanken.fi/en/
Reza Movarrei — Haris - Hanken's Research Portal
Movarrei, R., Vessal, S., Application of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ ) in Customer Relationship Management, 3rd IEEE conference on management of technology and innovation, Singapore, 2006. Movarrei, R., Vessal, S., project ...
## Quality Knowhow - Karelian http://www.qk-karjalainen.fi/fi/
Design for Six Sigma ... - Quality Knowhow Karjalainen Oy
Tähän koulutuksessa vastataan TRIZ-menetelmän - Theory of Inventive Problem Solving - tuomalla viiden kohdan ja viiden näkökulman lähestymisellä: ristiriita, resurssit, ideaaliratkaisu, kehityslait ja innovatiiviset periaatteet. Suunnitelman ...
## □ ECMT+ (Entrepreneurship and Communication in Multicultural Teams) http://www.ecmt-plus.eu/
Blended Module 2: Creativity – ECMT+
For technical people like engineers we strongly recommend the the probably strongest creative technique called TRIZ the theory of inventive problem solving TRIZ began with the analysis if millions of patents over 1500 man-years of research.
## University of Vaasa https://www.univaasa.fi/fi
Pentti Söderlin Consulting. 12. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. ▫ G. Altshuller: Miten keksinnöt syntyvät, mihin pohjautuvat? Tutki patenttijulkaisuja. TRIZ. ▫ 1. Tekninen ristiriita tuoteominaisuuksien välillä. ◇40 innovatiivista periaatetta.
(B) Summary Table: Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Finland
location= Finland, language= English, Finnish
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"
Toru Nakagawa Jun. 2, 2021
Site Code
Site Name
Site Domain URL
## □
LUT (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology)
TRIZ Future Conference 2017
## □△
Innovaatiopalvelu.fi : TRIZ
Aalto University Open University
Finnish Design Academy
Yahoo!Search (Images)
## △
Technical Experts
Google Scholar
TU (Tampere University): TrePo (Open institutional repository)
Universities of Applied Sciences : Theseus (Open Repository)
## □△
Hanken (Hanken School of Economics):Research Portal
Quality Knowhow - Karelian
## □
ECMT+ (Entrepreneurship and Communication in Multicultural Teams)
University of Vaasa
(B) Summary Table |
Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country |
(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | (B5) WTSP News 2021 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Jun. 5, 2021. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp