WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-C-Turkey

Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Turkey

Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"
Language = Turkish

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
Jul. 23, 2021

Posted:  Aug. 5 , 2021

Press the button for going to Japanese pages.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 23, 2021)

This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Turkey. 
See the general instruction in the parent page

Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Turkey, TRIZ, Sept. 2018) (.doc)

This  page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL' 
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).

Here we list 28 Websites.

I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Turkey to construct "Turkey Part of World WTSP Catalogs".

Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Turkey

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country




 (A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Turkey

location= Any,      language = Turkish    
Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"
Toru Nakagawa  Jul. 17, 2021


##   □            DergiPark Akademik (Journal Park, Academic)                  https://dergipark.org.tr/

TRIZ: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and ... - DergiPark
G. Altshuller, "The Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity", Technical Innovation Center, Inc., Worcester, 2000. J. Marconi, ...
About Us :  About DergiPark :  TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides online hosting services and an editorial workflow management system for academic journals published in Turkey via DergiPark platform. Authors can contact editors, if they have any questions about the journal.  Daily visitors of DergiPark is over 100.000
DergiPark is not a index like TR Index or Scopus. All journals can be in DergiPark after meeting some criteria.  JournalPark solely provides an infrastructure to achieve compliance with international standards of academic publishing, which is considered as an important criterion for a journal's inclusion in national and international indexes.
Note (TN): TÜBİTAK is The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Tasarımda Beyin Fırtınası ve TRIZ Kullanımı: Baza Makas ...
1998/4/15 -In this study, We use the TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)approach and ... Systematic innovation: an introduction to TRIZ (theory.

##                   Research Gate        https://www.researchgate.net/  ==> Global

(PDF) TRIZ Yaklaşımı Kullanılarak Hava Araçlarındaki ...
2019/12/26 -PDF | TRIZ is an innovative problem solving technique that summarizes the solutions of ... Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity.
An example of how classical TRIZ contradiction matrix with ...
Therefore, this research work is about applying decision procedures from systematic innovation techniques such as the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) ...

##                   GoodReads             https://www.goodreads.com/  ==> Global

Genrich Altshuller (Author of The Innovation Algorithm)
The Innovation Algorithm: Triz, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity. 3.99 avg rating — 178 ratings — published 1999 — 8 editions.

##                   Facebook                https://www.facebook.com/  ==> Global 

www.facebook.com > ... > Product/Service
TRIZ Turkey - Home | Facebook
TRIZ is a tool for solution to challenging problems, quick problem solving, creativity development and systematic innovation in universities, ...

##    △          SETSCI (SET Science Conference Proceedings)              https://www.set-science.com/ 

Hava Araçlarında Mühimmat Bırakma Sistemlerinde Yapılan ...
TRIZ Yaklaşımı Kullanılarak Hava Araçlarındaki Mühimmat Bırakma ... Altshuller, Innovation Algorithm TRIZ,. Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity.
Top page :  SETSCI Open Access Conference Proceedings :  The greatest expectation of authors in scientific organizations is the worldwide availability of their work. In this context, the workload of the organizing committee is increasing, and efforts are being made to keep the proceedings open.  The SETSCI Conference Proceedings is an Open Access publication created for the storage and indexing of conferences/congress/symposium proceedings.  SETSCI Conference Proceedings provides worldwide availability of conference pages and free access to scientists who remain in the proceedings and whose accessibility is limited. It also reduces the workload of the organizing committee by providing archiving of conferences.  The papers are published on the scientific responsibility of the organizing committee.  There are no article processing charges for authors; all costs incurred are the responsibility of the conference organizers.  All the documents are free to read and download. Copyright is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.  Each document receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and is indexed to Crossref©.
Note (TN):  The Editorial Board is formed by professors mainly from Turkey, and some from Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, and Geermany.

##   △            Kordinat      https://kordinat.com.tr/ 

kordinat.com.tr > ... > Our Services
Generating Profitable Idea – KORDINAT Patent ve İnovasyon
Systematic Innovation. While KORDINAT is using TRIZ and GTI methods, it benefits from expert network related to the sector who knows TRIZ method in Turkey ...

##                   Yahoo! Search (images)      https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=%22Systematic%20innovation%22%20TRIZ 

"Systematic innovation" TRIZの画像をすべて見る

#          KORDINAT            https://kordinat.com.tr/

kordinat.com.tr > ... > Our Services
Technological Competition Analysis – KORDINAT Patent ve ...
Systematic Innovation. While KORDINAT is using TRIZ and GTI methods, it benefits from expert network related to the sector who knows TRIZ method in Turkey ...
About Us :  Kordinat acts as a proxy for the protection of all intellectual property rights, in particular trademark, patent and design.  Kordinat offers value added services in the fields of Innovation, R&D and New Product Development in order to increase the intellectual capital of companies and increase their competitiveness. It guarantees the values obtained as a result of these activities with intellectual property rights.
Our main objective is to increase the intellectual capital values of our customers and to provide them with value-added services under the most favorable conditions in order to contribute to their competitiveness and to provide them with the material and moral gain we deserve.

##    □△        Ante Danismanlik (Ante Consulting)           https://antedanismanlik.com/ 

Triz » Ar-Ge Danışmanlık | Araştırma Geliştirme | Hibe ve ...
TRIZ, Rusça "Yaratıcı Problem Çözme Teorisi" anlamına gelen Teoriya ... Altshuller G. S., The innovation algorithm : TRIZ, systematic innovation and ...

##     □          SG (Surekli Gelisim) Consulting & Training                 http://www.surekligelisim.com.tr/ 

İleri İnovasyon ve TRIZ Metodu | YARATICILIK ve YENİLİKÇİLİK
TRIZ konusunda dünyadaki en uzman kuruluşlardan olan Systematic Innovation Ltd.`nin Türkiye`deki tek yetkili temsilcisi olarak 2005 yılından beri ...
About Us :  As the sole authorized representative of Systematic Innovation Ltd. in Turkey, one of the most specialized organizations in TRIZ in the world, the main purpose of this training, which we have been organizing since 2005, is for the participants to get information about the TRIZ methodology, to use the largest and most up-to-date TRIZ patent database and software in the world that we have the right to use. to gain competence.

##                   SILO.TIPS                https://silo.tips/  ==> See Portuguese

Anahtar Sözcükler: Yeni Ürün Geliştirme, TRIZ, Yenilikçilik, ... The Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity,.

##                   LinkedIn     https://tr.linkedin.com/  ==> Global

Önder Mutlu Yılmaz - Associate Lecturer - İstanbul Kent ...
Systematic Innovation for Startups (Innovation). Adizes Institute. Eki 2015 tarihinde verildi. Systematic Innovation : TRIZ Master Level 2 (Innovation) ...
Dr. Umut Ekmekci – Research & Innovation Management ...
- Designing the corporate guidelines for systematic innovation management, - Aligning HR processes with innovation practices, - Corporate trainings about ...

##                   ESOGU (Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey) : ESOGU Academic Open Access System               https://openaccess.ogu.edu.tr:8080/ 

Bir Mermer İşletmesindeki Problemlerin TRIZ Yöntemi ile ...
2015/1/23 -Altshuller, G., 2000, The innovation algorithm: TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical creativity, Technical Innovation Center, Inc., ...

##   ◎○         Academia                https://www.academia.edu/  ==> UK or Global

(PDF) Mühendislik Öğrencilerine TRIZ ile Yenilikçi Problem ...
J. Terninko, A. Zusman, and B. Zlotin, "Systematic Innovation: An Introduction to TRIZ", St. Lucie Press, Mühendislik dalları içerisinde tasarım, ...
About Us :  About Academia :  Academia is a platform for sharing academic research. Academics have uploaded 22 million papers, and 31 million academics, professionals, and students read papers on Academia every month.
Our Story:  Idea : Richard Price, the founder of Academia.edu, had the idea for the company when finishing his PhD at Oxford in philosophy.  As Richard was finishing his PhD, he decided he wanted to have a homepage where he could say "this is who I am; this is what I have been working on; here are my papers." At the time, Oxford offered a few megabytes of space for personal websites, and you had to write your own HTML, and FTP files to the server yourself. Richard thought "there should be a one-click way of creating a homepage, and uploading papers. Having a homepage shouldn't require technical ability." Richard asked a few of his fellow graduate students, and they felt the same way.   ... Growth (snip)
Mission :  The mission of Academia.edu is to accelerate the world's research. Our goal is to speed up research in every domain - finding a solution to climate change; finding cures for diseases; evolving artificial intelligence. We want to accelerate research in all these fields, and others too.

##                   SlideShare               https://www.slideshare.net/  ==> Global 

Triz sunum - SlideShare
2014/10/9 -U.Mahir YILDIRIM / Nejdet YILMAZ / Deniz AKSOY 65 / 65 •Kaynaklar Altshuller G. S., The innovation algorithm : TRIZ, systematic innovation ...

##     △        Gazi University         http://gazi.edu.tr/ 

Patent Hazırlama Teknikleri
TRIZ,systematic Innovation and Technical Creative And Suddenly the Inventor Appeared. Yardımcı Ders Kitapları. G. Alsuller, L. Shulyak, (2011) CRC Handbook ...
About Us :  History:  ... (snip)  Today, Gazi University is continuing its claim to be one of the best higher education institution that takes its name from Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, with its 11 faculties, 5 graduate schools, and 3 vocational colleges.   Gazi University gives education in a wide range of fields such as Education, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Health Sciences, Science, Engineering, Architecture, Technology, Sports Sciences, and  Applied Sciences. Gazi University, which provides education for 37 thousand students from all over the country, is the university that accepts most of the students from abroad with approximately 1500 foreign students from Turkic Republics, Caucasus, Europe, Middle East, Africa, America and Far East countries. The university is an international higher education institution that meets the needs of its teaching staff and meets the needs of teaching staff of other universities.

##  △               İTÜ (Istanbul Technical University) : Polen (ITU Academic Open Archive)             https://polen.itu.edu.tr/ 

2006/6/15 -TRIZ LE GELENEKSEL PROBLEM ÇÖZME YAKLAŞIMLARININ. KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI … ... The Innovation Algorithm: TRIZ, Systematic Innovation.
About Us :  History:  Istanbul Technical University, which is approaching its 250th anniversary, is one of the oldest technical universities in the world and was established with the name of "Mühendishane-i Bahr-i Hümayun" by Sultan Mustafa the Third. İTÜ, the first technical university in Turkey, is identified with its engineering and architectural education.
İTÜ to date :  With a historical background tracing almost 250 years, Istanbul Technical University is an institution that plays a leading role in science, technology, arts and sports. İTÜ aims to be the center of science, which connects the past to the present by producing projects for the future.

##                   Türkiye Patent Hareketi (Turkish Patent Movement)     https://turkiyepatenthareketi.org/ 

indir - Türkiye Patent Hareketi
PATENT STRATEJİLERİNDE TRİZ. SİSTEMİNİN K ULLANIMI. TRİZ NEDİR? Triz, Genrich Altshuller adındaki makine mühendisi olan bir Rus.
About Us :  Turkish Patent Movement Platform; is a non-governmental organization that carries out various activities and training activities in order to increase the awareness of patents in every part of our society, to raise awareness and to contribute to the increase in the number of patents in our country, since the development of a country, the development of its industry and the increase in its welfare level are directly proportional to the patent wealth of that country.  The Turkish Patent Movement Platform was established under the leadership of the Patent Movement Association in an independent structure, away from commercial concerns.

##    △           Slide Player             https://slideplayer.biz.tr/ 

TRIZ U.Mahir Yıldırım Nejdet Yılmaz Deniz Aksoy. - ppt video ...
2017/12/24 -TRIZ Yaratıcı Problem Çözme Teorisi Kaynaklar Altshuller G. S., The innovation algorithm : TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical ...
About Us :  On our site you can watch and download hundreds of thousands of presentations on any topic for free and without registration!  There is no need to register to upload the presentation, you can get the relevant presentation in Power Point format absolutely free by simply sharing the link on social networking sites.

##   □△         9Lib             https://9lib.net/  

9lib.net > Home > Diğer
Makale: Yenilikçi Ürün Tasarımında Fonksiyon Analizi ve ...
Recently, it is seen that Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, (TRIZ), which has the above-mentioned features, has become quite popular and is used by many ...
About Us :  We believe that "knowledge is power", "knowledge leads you to success" and "knowledge must be shared". With this in mind, we aim to create a document sharing platform where everyone can find what they need for free.   We have built our presence on the most comprehensive, interdisciplinary research. We pave the way for you to find answers quickly, expand your research through our recommendation system, and gain in-depth knowledge of trending research topics.  We offer unlimited storage.   Search from our 5 million documents.

##                   uludag (Bursa Uludağ University) : Open Repository     https://acikerisim.uludag.edu.tr/ 

Keywords : Passive safety systems, side crash Absorber, TRIZ methods, contradiction ... Int. J. Systematic Innovation, 2(2), 1-8 (2012).
From Wikipedia: Bursa Uludağ University (Turkish: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi), located in Bursa, northwestern Turkey, is one of the best public research universities in Turkey. The research and education conducted by the university have an emphasis on International Relations, Medicine, Engineering, Natural & Social sciences and Arts.

##                   Çankaya University : DSpace Repository                 https://earsiv.cankaya.edu.tr:8080/ 

2020/4/5 -TRIZ ARAÇLARINDAN FONKSİYONEL ANALİZ VE KÖK ÇELİŞKİ ... Altshuller G. Innovation Algorithm TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical ...
From Wikipedia: Çankaya University (Turkish: Çankaya Üniversitesi) is a private university in Ankara, Turkey. It was established on July 9, 1997 by the Sıtkı Alp Education Foundation.[1] The university began its teaching in the Fall 1997 semester. Sıtkı Alp is the chairman of the board of trustees. English language is predominant medium of teaching, learning and research at the Çankaya University.  The 2020 Times Higher Education World University Rankings ranked the Çankaya University in the category of the top 401–500 internationally and as 87th among the Emerging Economies Universities.[4] It was the first year that the university was the highest ranked university among both public and private universities in Turkey.[5]

##                   ISAS Symposium (International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Engineering and Natural Sciences)        https://www.isassymposium.org/  (Warning: not secure)

4 International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in ...
2019/12/15 -G. Altshuller, Innovation Algorithm TRIZ,. Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity. Worcester, MA: Technical Innovation Center,.

##                    Ali Çavuşoğlu (Patent - Atty.)         http://www.alicavusoglu.av.tr/

Patentle Kazanmak - Av. Ali Çavuşoğlu
Triz, Genrich altshuller adındaki makine mühendisi olan bir rus mu- cit tarafından. Page 50. Kâr Getiren Patent Stratejileri / PATENT'LE KAZAN! 49. 1946 yılında ...

##                   Firat University                   https://www.firat.edu.tr/ 

Investigation of the Effect of Shear Wall Location ... - IATS 2017
temelli, sistematik bir metot olan TRIZ metodolojisi Genrich S. ... L., & Rodman, S., The innovation algorithm: TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical.
From Wikipedia: Fırat University is a state university based in Elazığ, Turkey. The university was founded in 1975 and named after the Turkish name of the Euphrates River which originates near Elazığ. Being one of the major academic institutions in the Eastern Turkey, the university has twelve schools, four institutes, one state conservatory, three vocational high schools and twenty one research centers with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological advancement and research.

##                   Maltepe University : Open Access Repository     https://openaccess.maltepe.edu.tr/ 

TRIZ : Yaratıcı Problem Çözme Teorisi (Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh ... MANN, Darrell (2002), Hands-On Systematic Innovation, CREAX Press, Belçika.
From Wikipedia:  Maltepe University (Turkish: Maltepe Üniversitesi) is a private university located in Maltepe district of Istanbul, Turkey. It was established on July 9, 1997 by "Istanbul Marmara Education Foundation" (İMEV). The institution has a broad scope of education starting from the elementary level to university. The first students graduated in June 2001.

##                   Turkish Government : Trafic          http://trafik.gov.tr/ 

Stratton, R. ve Mann, D., (2003), "Systematic innovation and the underlying principles behind. TRIZ and TOC", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, ...

##                   Rocketsan.com       https://www.roketsan.com.tr/ 

Hands on systematic innovation. 8. Mann, D. (2001). "An introduction to TRIZ: The theory of inventive problem solving".





(B) Summary Table:  Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Turkey

location= Any,       language= Turkish
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"
Toru Nakagawa  Jul. 17, 2021


Site Code

Site Name

Site Domain URL

##   □

DergiPark Akademik (Journal Park, Academic)



Research Gate

https://www.researchgate.net/  ==> Global



https://www.goodreads.com/  ==> Global



https://www.facebook.com/  ==> Global

##    △

SETSCI (SET Science Conference Proceedings)


##   △




Yahoo! Search (images)





##    □△

Ante Danismanlik (Ante Consulting)


##     □

SG (Surekli Gelisim) Consulting & Training




https://silo.tips/  ==> See Portuguese



https://tr.linkedin.com/  ==> Global


ESOGU (Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey) : ESOGU Academic Open Access System


##   ◎○


https://www.academia.edu/  ==> UK or Global



https://www.slideshare.net/  ==> Global

##     △

Gazi University


##  △

İTÜ (Istanbul Technical University) : Polen (ITU Academic Open Archive)



Türkiye Patent Hareketi (Turkish Patent Movement)


##    △

Slide Player


##   □△




uludag (Bursa Uludağ University) : Open Repository



Çankaya University : DSpace Repository



ISAS Symposium (International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Engineering and Natural Sciences)

https://www.isassymposium.org/  (Warning: not secure)


Ali Çavuşoğlu (Patent - Atty.)



Firat University



Maltepe University : Open Access Repository



Turkish Government : Trafic








Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Thailand

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country



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WTSP Index page

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Last updated on Aug. 5, 2021.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp