WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-G-Colombia

Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Colombia

Keyword = TRIZ OR "Innovación sistemática"
Location = Colombia,  Language = any

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
Nov. 7, 2021

Posted:  Nov. 17, 2021

Press the button for going to Japanese pages.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 7, 2021)

This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Colombia. 
See the general instruction in the parent page

Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Spanish language, Sept. 2018) (.doc)

This  page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL' 
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).

Here we list  19   Websites.

I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Colombia to construct "Colombia Part of World WTSP Catalogs".

Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Colombia

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country




 (A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Colombia

location= Colombia,      language = any  
Keyword = TRIZ OR "Innovación sistemática"
Toru Nakagawa  Nov. 5, 2021


##  □               Movista : Destino Negocio (Business Direction)       https://destinonegocio.com/  ==> Multi-countries ( ), Around-TRIZ 

destinonegocio.com > emprendimiento-co > triz-metodo...
Triz: método creativo para superar los problemas de tu empresa
El método Triz · El método fue desarrollado por Genrich Altshuller en la década de 1940 y aún es eficaz para diversas áreas del mercado. · La sigla Triz viene del ...

##  △               UniValle (University of Valle, Colombia) : Biblioteca Digital (Digital Library)      https://bibliotecadigital.univalle.edu.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ 

bibliotecadigital.univalle.edu.co > bitstream > handle > 11- Uso de la Te...
Uso de la Teoría de Solución de Problemas Inventivos (TRIZ ...
TRIZ tiene otras técnicas para el diseño del producto, como la matriz de contradicciones, el análisis de nueve ventanas y el análisis campo- sustancia. En este ...revistaingenieria.univalle.edu.co > index.php > ingenieri...
Uso de la Teoría de Solución de Problemas Inventivos (TRIZ ...
Resumen. Se presenta una estrategia para detectar oportunidades de innovación en el diseño de productos de apoyo a la movilidad con la aplicación de las ...
From Wikipedia:  he University of Valle (Spanish: Universidad del Valle), also called Univalle, is a public, departmental, coeducational, research university based primarily in the city of Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. It is the largest higher education institution by student population in the southwest of the country, and the third in Colombia, with more than 30,000 students.[1][2] The university was established by ordinance No. 12 of 1945, by the Departmental Assembly as the Industrial University of Valle del Cauca (Spanish: Universidad Industrial del Valle del Cauca), under the leadership of Tulio Ramírez Rojas and Severo Reyes Gamboa. .....
About Us :  Mission :  The mission of Universidad del Valle is to provide higher education through the generation, transformation, application and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of science, technology, arts, humanities and culture in general. In keeping with its character as a state university, autonomous and with a vocation for social service, it assumes non-delegable commitments with the development of the region, the conservation and respect for the environment and the construction of a more just and democratic society.

##        Pontificia Universidad Jveriana (Pontifical Xavierian University), Cali, Colombia            https://www.javerianacali.edu.co/  

www2.javerianacali.edu.co > taller-metodologia-triz
[Taller] Metodología TRIZ | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali

2017/9/14 -El taller de metodología TRIZ está enmarcado en el proyecto Formación e Innovación para el fortalecimiento de la competitividad del Sector ...
From Wikipedia :  The Pontifical Xavierian University (in Spanish Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) is a private higher education institution founded in 1623.[1] It is one of the oldest, most traditional, and prestigious Colombian universities, directed by the Society of Jesus, with its main facilities in Bogotá and a second campus in Cali. "La Javeriana", as it is known by its students, has traditionally educated the Colombian elite. .....

##        Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota, Columbia        https://www.javeriana.edu.co/  

www.javeriana.edu.co > algomez > tag > augusto-ibanez
Augusto Ibáñez | Escribiendo desde el Giraldo - Universidad ...
... buscando la prueba llamada reina, se deje de investigar por la razón, nada creíble, que siempre faltará un triz(a) –un poquitín- de prueba; el triz de ...

## 〇                SciELO : SciELO Colombia             https://www.scielo.org.co/ ==> Multi-countries, Around-TRIZ   

www.scielo.org.co > scielo
Diseño de un escenario educativo para museos con el uso de ...
Design of a Learning Scenario for Museums Using TRIZ and ACT. Desenho de um cenário educativo para museus com o uso de TRIZ e ACT. Solanlly Ochoa Angrino2
www.scielo.org.co > scielo
Metodología para el análisis de problemas y limitaciones en ...
The priorization of solutions that entrepreneurs may apply are taken into account as well based on the Theory of Inventive Problem-solving (TRIZ).
About Us :  SciELO :  SciELO (scientific electronic library online) is a virtual library for Latin-America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.  It consists of a network operating in two fields:  Regional collections (SciELO Brazil, SciELO Chile, SciELO Cuba, SciELO Colombia, etc.), having regular operation sites in each country and developing initiatives.  Thematic areas (SciELO public health).
SciELO Colombia is an electronic library covering a select collection of scientific Colombian journals from all areas of knowledge. SciELO Colombia has a National Consultative Committee consisting of Colciencias (Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología "Francisco José de Caldas"), the Pan-American Health Organisation (Colombia), the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the editors' representatives.

##        LinkedIn       https://co.linkedin.com/ ==> Global, Around-TRIZ

co.linkedin.com > ...
Juan Gonzalo Mejia Duque - Country Manager - GEN TRIZ ...
GEN TRIZ Colombia SASUniversidad de los Andes - Colombia ... especializado en innovación sistemática (metodología TRIZ), comercio internacional, ...

##        Yahoo!Search (Images)       https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=%22Innovaci%C3%B3n%20sistem%C3%A1tica%22%20OR%20%20TRIZ  

"Innovación sistemática" OR TRIZの画像をすべて見る

##  △               UTP (La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Technological University of Pereira))           https://www.utp.edu.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ

comunicaciones.utp.edu.co > noticias > pdf
Convocatoria 5 becas Curso de Manejo del Software Goldfire ...
TRIZ. La Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Innovación y Extensión informa que tiene abierta la. Convocatoria para asignar cinco becas en el Curso de Manejo ...
From Wikipedia :  The Technological University of Pereira (Spanish: Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira) is a public, national, coeducational research university based in the city of Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. The university is located in the southeast of the city.  The university offers studies in Engineering (Industrial engineering, Engineering physics, Systems engineering and Computer science, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering); Science and Technology (Veterinary medicine, Medicine, Chemical technology, Industrial chemistry, Environmental management); Liberal arts (English, Spanish language and Literature, philosophy, Communication and Computer Education); Child pedagogy; and Sports science and recreation.

##        Google Books          https://books.google.com.co/ ==> Global, Around-TRIZ 

books.google.com.co > books
40 Principles: TRIZ Keys to Innovation - Genrich Altshuller
40 Principles: TRIZ Keys to Innovation. Portada · Genrich Altshuller. Technical Innovation Center, Inc., 2002 - 135 páginas.

##  △               Dux Diligens Colombia        https://duxdiligens.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ

duxdiligens.co > calendario > triz-practitioner-bogota-3
Curso preparatorio para certificación: "TRIZ PRACTITIONER" – INNOVACIÓN SISTEMÁTICA BASADA EN TRIZ El programa de formación TRIZ ofrecido e impartido por D.
About Us :  At Dux Diligens we support organizations that want a real transformation of their business and operating models, which require the creation, development and empowerment of their business capabilities enabled efficiently and systemically by technology, through the application of international frameworks and best practices in innovation, enterprise architecture, business process management, governance and IT management, among others.   We are a business and IT management consulting organization founded in 2002. Our management and team of consultants have more than 20 years of international experience in projects and we maintain a profile of specialization in each of the areas we work in, through certifications from organizations relevant to each of them. We have built a network of alliances with leading organizations in the industry that see DUX Diligens as a key partner to achieve their objectives.

## □                Sinnetic       https://www.sinnetic.com/

blog.sinnetic.com > es-co > cognitive_services > metodo...
Metodologías de innovación: Benchmark - Sinnetic
2021/7/8 -En la actualidad las metodologías mas utilizadas son, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, seguidas de SIT y TRIZ (Delloite; 2018):.
About Us :  At SINNETIC, we develop a consultative practice associated with discovering new market opportunities. From here, our team of social and data scientists integrate knowledge to help management adopt analytical thinking for innovation in a digital economy environment.   We have discovered the powerful role of methodologies to unify criteria and enable research and data analytics to play a central role in innovation processes.The objective of this blog is to sweep through the main innovation methodologies that are inspiring surprising designs and challenging products.   Just as the concepts of innovation have been changing, so have the methodologies to apply them in organizations. Currently the most used methodologies are Design Thinking, Lean Startup, followed by SIT and TRIZ (Delloite; 2018):

## □                Educaedu Colombia            https://www.educaedu-colombia.com/   ==> International (Spain), Around-TRIZ

www.educaedu-colombia.com > ... > Centros
Centro Dux Learning Center en Bogotá - Educaedu Colombia
... en toda Iberoamérica sobre: Innovación: - TRIZ - HiiFFi - Pensamiento Lateral, ... "triz Practitioner" - Innovación Sistemática Basada en Triz.
About Us :  About Educaedu :  Educaedu is the leading education directory on the Internet where training centers from all over the world can publish their educational offerings to attract students and fill their classrooms. It currently has more than 137,000 courses in all its networks that can be accessed by users in 9 languages.  The company was founded in 2001 by Spanish entrepreneurs Mikel Castaños and Fernando Bacaicoa, with the launch of three training websites for Spain: www.buscaoposiciones.com, www.tumaster.com and www.canalcursos.com. In January 2008, they decided to expand their project internationally with the launch of the global brand Educaedu.   Educaedu has offices in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Bilbao (Spain), Bogota (Colombia), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Madrid (Spain), Distrito Federal (Mexico) and delegation in Santiago de Chile and has been introduced in different countries and cultures such as Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Korea, India and China. The team is made up of 105 people of 15 nationalities.   What sets Educaedu apart from other similar portals is its concept of globalization. Educaedu is available in 20 countries and in 9 languages and will soon launch its websites for China, Korea and India.   Countries where it is available: Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Poland, Australia, Canada, Germany, Austria, Turkey, United States and Russia.   Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, English, Turkish and Russian.

##  △               UNIRED        https://unired.edu.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ  

unired.edu.co > index.php > noti-red > 170-ecopetrol-y-...
ECOPETROL y UNIRED dan apertura al Concurso InnóvaTe ...
2017/8/4 -... experto en metodología TRIZ, Dr. Juan Gonzalo Mejía Duque con la conferencia: "Innovación sistemática abierta – Metodología aplicada".
About Us :  UNIRED® is a mixed, non-profit corporation, formed by educational, research and development institutions of eastern Colombia, which integrates the departments of Santander, Boyacá, Norte de Santander, Arauca and Casanare.   It is based on collaborative work among its associates, in favor of the promotion of academia and research at the regional level; in addition to promoting the consolidation of strategic alliances between academia, the productive sector and the State, offering solutions to latent needs in areas such as innovation, research and development.   UNIRED®, through its technical team, coordinates the various dynamics of inter-institutional cooperation created at the initiative of the network's directors, to jointly address issues of interest to the institutions or solve regional problems.

##        Red Latinoamericana De Diseño (Latin American Design Network)         https://www.rldiseno.com/  

www.rldiseno.com > la-creatividad-en-pastillitas
La creatividad en pastillítas - Red Latinoamericana De Diseño
La teoría que desarrollo se llama TRIZ que en ruso son las iniciales de: Teoría para la solución de problemas inventivos,.

##        USTA (Universidad Santo Tomás) : Repository                  https://repository.usta.edu.co/

repository.usta.edu.co > handle
Innovación y tecnología como estrategia para las ...
En concordancia con lo anterior, Drucker (1997, p. 64) argumenta que "la innovación sistemática consiste en la búsqueda, organizada y con un objetivo, de ...
From Wikipedia :  Saint Thomas University (Spanish: Universidad Santo Tomás) is a Roman Catholic university located in Bogotá, Colombia. It is the oldest Colombian university, founded in 1580 by the Dominican Order. It has campuses in Bucaramanga, Tunja, Medellín, and Villavicencio, and offers distance education.[1]
About Us :  The Institutional Repository of Universidad Santo Tomás manages, preserves, stores, disseminates and provides access to digital objects, product of all academic and administrative production.

##        ICESI (Universidad ICESI)                https://www.icesi.edu.co/  

www.icesi.edu.co > index.php > article > view > html
Esta inercia es el obstáculo que se opone a la creatividad y debe ser desafiado para alcanzar resultados innovadores (Lerner, 1991). El método TRIZ es, entonces ...

##        UPB (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia)       https://upb.edu.co/  

repository.upb.edu.co > handle
Genoma de la innovación
... empresarial y evolución tecnológica de la metodología conocida como TRIZ(*) y varios niveles de analogías entre conceptos medulares de estos temas.
From Wikipedia :  The Pontifical Bolivarian University (Spanish: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana), also referred to as UPB, is a private university in Colombia with its main campus in Medellín, where it was founded in 1936. Currently, the university has campuses in other Colombian cities, such as Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Montería and Palmira. As of January 2021, the university estimated its nationwide student population at 26,000 [1]   Presently the university offers 74 undergraduate programs, 68 master programs and 10 doctorate programs nationwide.[1] The university groups its educational programs under the schools of Architecture And Urbanism, Design, Engineering, Health Sciences, Law and Political Sciences, Strategic Sciences (Management), Social Sciences, Education and Teaching, and Theology, Philosophy and Humanities. The university also operates elementary and high school programs under its educational umbrella.
About Us :  The mission of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana is the integral formation of the people who constitute it, through the evangelization of culture, the constant search for truth, in the processes of teaching, research, social projection and the reaffirmation of values based on Christian humanism, for the good of society.

##        UIS ( Universidad Industrial de Santander)            https://uis.edu.co/  

revistas.uis.edu.co > revistauisingenierias > article > view
Aplicación de técnicas de desenvolvimiento de producto para ...
2018/1/5 -Palabras clave: Arquitectura sustentable, diseño conceptual, QFD (despliegue de la función de calidad), robótica, TRIZ (teoría de la ...
From Wikipedia :  The Industrial University of Santander (Spanish: Universidad Industrial de Santander), abbreviated in Spanish with the acronym UIS, is a public university, based in a coeducational, and research model. The university serves the Santander Department, being the main campus located in the city of Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. The university also has satellite campuses across the department in the cities of Barrancabermeja, Barbosa, Málaga, Piedecuesta, Socorro.[2]  UIS is the largest higher education institution and is regarded as one of the leading multidisciplinary research universities in Colombia by student population, research groups, academic output, technological development, and number of publications. UIS is one of the most selective Colombian universities and have been ranked as the top university in the North region of Colombia.[3] The university was created by ordinance No. 83 of June 22, 1944, by the Departmental Assembly, and began its labors in March 1948. The university offers many degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, with 124 academic programs, which includes 21 master, 9 medical residency programs, and 6 doctorates.[4]
About Us :  Mission :  The Universidad Industrial de Santander is a public institution that trains citizens as integral, ethical, politically aware and innovative professionals; it appropriates, uses, creates, transfers and disseminates knowledge through research, scientific, technological and social innovation, artistic creation and the promotion of culture; it builds collaborative processes and social trust for the anticipation of opportunities, the recognition of challenges and the construction of solutions to its own needs and those of the environment. This institutional work, energized with diverse and open networks of knowledge and learning, seeks to strengthen a democratic, participatory, deliberative and pluralistic society, with social justice and equity, committed to the preservation of the environment and good living.

##  △               Uniandes (University of Los Andes, Colombia) : Biblioteca            https://biblioteca.uniandes.edu.co/   

repositorio.uniandes.edu.co > bitstream > handle
From Wikipedia :  The University of The Andes (Spanish: Universidad de los Andes), also commonly self-styled as Uniandes,[1] is a private research university located in the city centre of Bogotá, Colombia. Founded in 1948 by a group of Colombian intellectuals led by Mario Laserna Pinzón, it was the first Colombian university established as nonsectarian (independent from any political party or religious institution).[2][7] Los Andes has consistently been regarded as the best Colombian university and has been considered one of the top 5 Latin American universities and one of the top 250 world universities, according to both the QS World Top University Ranking and the Times Higher Education Classification.[8] [9]   The university is academically composed of nine schools, three special academic entities[10]  ...  offering 31 undergraduate, 18 doctoral, and 38 graduate degree-granting programs[4] in areas of human knowledge such as medicine, engineering, science, law and others.[7][12]. ...



(B) Summary Table:  Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Colombia

location= Colombia,       language= any
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Innovación sistemática"
Toru Nakagawa  Nov. 5, 2021


Site Code

Site Name

Site Domain URL

##  □

Movista : Destino Negocio (Business Direction)

https://destinonegocio.com/  ==> Multi-countries ( ), Around-TRIZ

##  △

UniValle (University of Valle, Colombia) : Biblioteca Digital (Digital Library)

https://bibliotecadigital.univalle.edu.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ


Pontificia Universidad Jveriana (Pontifical Xavierian University), Cali, Colombia



Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota, Columbia


## 〇

SciELO : SciELO Colombia

https://www.scielo.org.co/ ==> Multi-countries, Around-TRIZ



https://co.linkedin.com/ ==> Global, Around-TRIZ


Yahoo!Search (Images)


##  △

UTP (La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Technological University of Pereira))

https://www.utp.edu.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ


Google Books

https://books.google.com.co/ ==> Global, Around-TRIZ

##  △

Dux Diligens Colombia

https://duxdiligens.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ

## □



## □

Educaedu Colombia

https://www.educaedu-colombia.com/  ==> International (Spain), Around-TRIZ

##  △


https://unired.edu.co/ ==> Around-TRIZ


Red Latinoamericana De Diseño (Latin American Design Network)



USTA (Universidad Santo Tomás) : Repository



ICESI (Universidad ICESI)



UPB (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia)



UIS ( Universidad Industrial de Santander)


##  △

Uniandes (University of Los Andes, Colombia) : Biblioteca



Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Colombia

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country



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WTSP Project Welcome page

WTSP Index page

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WTSP Paper (2) ETRIA TFC2019

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Last updated on   Nov. 17, 2021.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp