WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-F-Canada

Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Canada

Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ

Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader)
Jun. 11, 2021

Posted:  Jun.  17, 2021

Press the button for going to Japanese pages.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 11, 2021)

This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Canada. 
See the general instruction in the parent page

Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Canada, TRIZ, Sept. 2018) (.doc)

This  page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL' 
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).

Here we list 30 Websites.

I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Canada to construct "Canada Part of World WTSP Catalogs".

Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Canada

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country




 (A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Canada

location= Canada,  language= English, French, Russian
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ
Toru Nakagawa  Jun. 10, 2021


##  ○               Six Sigma Material               https://www.six-sigma-material.com/ ==> Around-TRIZ Catalog ○  

TRIZ. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. There are a few decent lectures on TRIZ (Teoriya ...

##        Idea Connection      https://www.ideaconnection.com/ 

Inventive Principles Illustrated, Part 4 - Interviews with ...
TRIZ Principle #31: Porous materials involves making an object or system porous or adding porous elements. If already porous, you use the pores to introduce a useful substance or function into the object. Use of holes to reduce weight, foams,  ...

Thinking Methods: TRIZ - IdeaConnection
TRIZ. TRIZ is a collection of problem solving tools based on studying world-wide patents. These include: Identifying and Solving Contradictions, Laws of Evolution, Ideal Final Result, Common Solutions, Su-Field Analsyis, Failure Prediction, ...

##  ○               Quality Assurance Solutions -- Spreading the QA Word                https://www.quality-assurance-solutions.com/  ==> Around-TRIZ Catalog ○

www.quality-assurance-solutions.com > ... > TRIZ
TRIZ Separation Principles - Quality Assurance Solutions
Your comprehensive package for learning and training the TRIZ problem solving methodology. Includes mobile app, books, PowerPoints and real world examples . TRIZ Kit. Article written by Andrej Trebar of CREATIV PLUS D.O.O V for Quality ...

##  ○              ATTIC -- BC Patient Safety & Quality Control            https://attic.bcpsqc.ca/  ==> Around-TRIZ Catalog ○

Interactive Triz - ATTIC
TRIZ is an acronym that stands for a Russian phrase: "Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch." In English, this translates into "Inventive Theory of Problem Solving." The basic idea behind a TRIZ is to put a critical lens on thinking about ...

##        Concordia University : Library : Spectrum (Spectrum Research Repository)        https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/ 

TRIZ: A Theory of Inventive Problem Solving - Spectrum ...
"TRIZ" is the acronym in Russian (Теория решения изобретательских задач) for "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving" created by Genrikh Altshuller who was a patent investigator ... TRIZ/Ideation methodology tools for systematic innovation .

##        Amazon        https://www.amazon.ca/

TRIZ for Engineers: Enabling Inventive Problem Solving: Gadd ...
TRIZ for Engineers: Enabling Inventive Problem Solving: Gadd, Karen, Goddard, Clive: 9780470741887: Books ... need to encourage successful, practical and systematic innovation at every stage of the engineering process including product ...

TRIZ: Innovation and Inventive Problem Solving. Handbook ...
TRIZ: Innovation and Inventive Problem Solving. Handbook eBook: Livotov, Pavel, Petrov,Vladimir: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store.

##        Yahoo! Search (Images)      https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=TRIZ%20OR%20%22Systematic%20Innovation%22%20OR%20%D0%A2%D0%A0%D0%98%D0%97 

##        McGilll University : Channels (McGill University News and Activities)               https://www.mcgill.ca/channels/ 

Making Space with TRIZ: Stop Counterproductive Activities ...
2021/3/26 -Try out an interactive model to clear space for innovation by helping a group let go of what it knows (but rarely admits) limits its success through an activity called TRIZ (from liberatingstructures.com). The goal of this session is ...

##        Value Analysis Canada        https://www.valueanalysis.ca/ 

Abstract Introduction: Gas Turbine value - Value Analysis ...
The paper reviews how the TRIZ methodology has been applied to specific case study (Low Pressure Turbine Rotor and Exhaust Diffuser), finding productivity opportunities, followed by a discussion of the DTC strategies that commonly used in ...

##        iJERGS (International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science)         http://ijergs.org/ 

Innovation with TRIZ - International Journal Of Engineering ...
TRIZ origins. TRIZ (a Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) was originated by the Russian scientist and engineer Genrich Altshuller. In the early ... Darrell Mann: Hands-On Systematic Innovation, Ieper Belgium, 2002. 5.

##        LinkedIn       https://www.linkedin.com/ 

Patrizia "Triz" Andreis - Vaughan, Ontario, Canada ... - LinkedIn
View Patrizia "Triz" Andreis' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Patrizia "Triz" Andreis discover inside connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and ...

##        Amazon : Audible                https://www.audible.ca/

TRIZ for Dummies Audiobook | Lilly Haines-Gadd | Audible.ca
2021/3/21 -Are you new to TRIZ and looking for an easy-to-follow guide on how you can use it to enhance your company's creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities ? Look no further! Written in plain English and packed with tons ...

##        Pinterest       https://www.pinterest.ca/ 

www.pinterest.ca > ... > Cool Inventions
List of Triz Inventive Principles | Inventions, Principles ...
Jun 12, 2016 - With these Triz inventive Principles we cover Segmentation, Taking Out, Local Quality, Asymmetry, Merging, Universality, Nesting, and Anti- weight.

##        ETS Formation         http://www.perf.etsmtl.ca/ 

Ingénierie créative pour la résolution de problèmes : les ...
Description de la formation. - Dépasser les blocages lorsque le remue-méninge n'aboutit pas en utilisant ASIT, C-K et TRIZ pour l'aide à la génération d'idées, - Mettre en place une démarche systématique, individuelle ou collective, de ...

##        Prima Performance Ltd.       http://www.primaperformance.com/ 

1 - It must be long: Go to the left most column, "Y" axis, of the Technical Contradiction Matrix locate the Generic Conflicting Parameter that most closely matches lengthening capability to reach the board: (3) - Length of Moving Object,. 2 - It must ...

##        Design WIKI             https://deseng.ryerson.ca/dokuwiki/start 

2015/1/9 -TRIZ was invented by Genrich Altschuller, a Russian patent clerk. He noticed that many patents were solving very similar generic problems. Eventually, he analyzed over 200,000 patents and noted that most inventions were ...

##        Guides (Methodological guide to product development)              https://translate.google.com

TRIZ | Guides
Tirer profit des découvertes du passé pour innover. Le TRIZ, ou la théorie de résolution de problèmes inventifs, est une méthode d'exploration systématiquement des domaines des solutions pour générer de nouveaux concepts.

##       U of T (University of Toronto) : TSpace (Research Repository)      https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/

PEM Fuel Cells Redesign Using Biomimetic and TRIZ Design ...
Problem Solving, TRIZ, were applied to the redesign of a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Proof of concept prototyping was performed on two of the concepts for water management. The liquid water collection with strategically  ...

##        Smart Start.shop      https://smartstart.shop/ 

ТРИЗ — SmartStart Online Bookstore. Книги и игры для ...
Результаты поиска для тега «ТРИЗ». Косолапкина Надежда. Моя первая книга ТРИЗ. Озадачки на каждый день. CAD 12 ... Гончарова Анастасия. 250 занимательных ТРИЗ игр и заданий на каждый день. 5-6 лет. CAD 14. В корзину.

##        BioInspired              https://bioinspired.sinet.ca/ 

BioTRIZ Ltd | BioInspired!
2010/11/30 -Our unique solution-providing technique is based on the theory of invention ( TRIZ) and bionics. It allows to invent using rules derived from living nature: No need to bombard your problem with money, come to us to get ideal ...

##        UBC (University of British Columbia) : UBC Blogs                https://blogs.ubc.ca/ 

Facilitation Tips – Open Education Ethics - UBC Blogs
Use the liberating structure format called TRIZ as it is an excellent format for this conversation, but you will need to actively adapt the format depending on number of remote and onsite attendees. We believe the ethos and format of TRIZ is ...

##        LSS Analytics          https://www.lssanalytics.ca/

Appreciative Inquiry - TRIZ - Lean 6 Sigma | LSS Analytics
Looking for help understanding business terms like Lean Six Sigma, TRIZ and Appreciative Inquiry? How do they impact my business? Click here for information.

##  ○               TRIZ-Research Journal (Yevgeny Karasik)                 http://www3.sympatico.ca/karasik/ 

Anti TRIZ-journal - Sympatico
TRIZ-Research Journal. THE COMPLETE LIST OF ISSUES: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun ...

##        IJITEE (International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering)       https://www.ijitee.org/ 

Improving Queuing System with Limited Resources ... - IJITEE
2020/5/4 -Improving Queuing System with Limited Resources using TRIZ and Arena Simulation. 912. Published By: Blue Eyes ... T. S. Yeoh, T. J. Yeoh, and C. L. Song, TRIZ: Systematic Innovation in. Manufacturing. Firstfruits Sdn. Bhd.

##        Google Scholar        https://scholar.google.ca/ 

‪Ahmed Cherifi - ‪Google Scholar
Methodology for innovative eco-design based on TRIZ. A Cherifi, M Dubois, M Gardoni, A Tairi. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing ( IJIDeM) 9 (3 …, 2015. 35, 2015. Proposition of an eco-design approach for an easy ...

##        University of Calgary : PRISM (University of Calgary's Digital Repository)              https://prism.ucalgary.ca/ 

Inventive Problem Solving OERs: from Students to ... - PRISM
Session attendees were offered the opportunity to practice inventive problem solving tool TRIZ with selected from MBA ... (https://www.amazon.ca/Hands- Systematic-Innovation-Business-Management/dp/1898546738) is out of print, and only ...

##        Polytechnique Montréal      https://www.polymtl.ca/ 

Québec, Canada Éca-TRIZ : une contribution au ...
2015/10/28 -qualitative globale et multicritère permettra la hiérarchisation des impacts. Une application des principes inventifs TRIZ adaptée complétera la réflexion pour le choix de solution éco-innovante. Abstract - In all creating models ...

##        University of Waterloo        https://uwaterloo.ca/ 

40 Inventive Principles With Examples - Home | Engineering ...
2007/6/5 -TRIZ Beginners Succeed") in the April, 1997 issue of the TRIZ Journal. Readers have permission to download single copies for personal study. Principle 1. Segmentation . A Divide an object into independent parts. Replace ...

##         Jesus Mendez        https://www.jesusmendez.ca/ 

Stopping counterproductive behavior with TRIZ | Jesus Mendez
2019/7/18 -So I put my courage on and experimented using #TRIZ, one of the # liberatingstructures, to help us retrospect to stop counterproductive behavior and make space for innovation in the upcoming #PIPlanning exercise.

##        University of Saskatchewan : OPENPRESS.USASK.CA (Open Academic Publishing Platform)          https://openpress.usask.ca/

Chapter 9 – Innovation and Entrepreneurship ...

Innovation is not about making new inventions, but rather about recognizing how to take advantage of opportunities and changes: "Systematic innovation therefore consists in the purposeful and organized search for changes, and in the ...





(B) Summary Table:  Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Canada

location= Canada,  language= English, French, Russian
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ
Toru Nakagawa  Jun. 10, 2021

Site Code

Site Name

Site Domain URL

##  ○

Six Sigma Material

https://www.six-sigma-material.com/ ==> Around-TRIZ Catalog ○


Idea Connection


##  ○

Quality Assurance Solutions -- Spreading the QA Word

https://www.quality-assurance-solutions.com/  ==> Around-TRIZ Catalog ○

##  ○  

ATTIC -- BC Patient Safety & Quality Control

https://attic.bcpsqc.ca/  ==> Around-TRIZ Catalog ○


Concordia University : Library : Spectrum (Spectrum Research Repository)






Yahoo! Search (Images)



McGilll University : Channels (McGill University News and Activities)



Value Analysis Canada



iJERGS (International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science)






Amazon : Audible






ETS Formation



Prima Performance Ltd.



Design WIKI



Guides (Methodological guide to product development)



U of T (University of Toronto) : TSpace (Research Repository)



Smart Start.shop






UBC (University of British Columbia) : UBC Blogs



LSS Analytics


##  ○

TRIZ-Research Journal (Yevgeny Karasik)



IJITEE (International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering)



Google Scholar



University of Calgary : PRISM (University of Calgary's Digital Repository)



Polytechnique Montréal



University of Waterloo



Jesus Mendez



University of Saskatchewan : OPENPRESS.USASK.CA (Open Academic Publishing Platform)



Top of this page

Parent page

(A) Survey results, Canada

(B) Summary Table

Survey results in Sept. 2018 (.doc)


Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country



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WTSP Index page

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Last updated on Jun. 17, 2021.     Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp