WTSP Working Material: A-uk- United Kingdom | |
Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs of United Kingdom |
Posted: Mar. 2, 2022 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 1, 2022)
This is a rather special case that a manuscript of Country WTSP Catalog is built by a WTSP surveyor (TN) outside of the country. In order to promote the World WTSP Catalogs further, it is now crucial to make/get good examples of WTSP manuscripts of individual countries and site descriptions of individual websites. I hope this page shows one example of building a Country WTSP Catalog for a very active country and also demonstrates that we will be able to learn a huge accumulation of valuable information through such Catalogs.
This manuscript has been built in the following way on the basis of the survey results already posted and new survey/editing activities:
(1) Principal source is the Internet Survey (4th round) of WTSP World TRIZ Sites in individual countries. See for all countries. By clicking the country name, you see the raw data (in an HTML page). In case of UK: .
(2) In case of UK (as well as about 10 active countries), the raw data (1) shows several tens of websites, where each site is represented with one (or two) detected web-page(s) and also the Site Name and Site URL (edited by TN). Survey conditions are shown, especially for Keywords (i.e., TRIZ or "Systematic Innovation"), Site location (i.e., UK), and Site language (i.e., English).
Our task is to visit the websites one by one for understanding the website and write brief introduction (in 3-15 lines) for users. Excerpts from top pages, About us pages, etc. may be helpful. Roles of the website, and Evaluation in 5 grades (◎○□△ー) must be written (even on a tentative basis). (Please refer the Practice Guide for mor detail.)(3) Finishing the task (2) for all the websites, delete the raw survey outputs of individual web-pages. Then rearrange the websites in the categories of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ, the latter are the websites with a lot of valuable information on creative problem solving methodologies but only few directly related to TRIZ. For each category, rearrange the websites in the order of Evaluation grade (◎○□△), deleting the ー websites. Then assign the Site Code (i.e., UK-nn) giving unique running numbers. Make an Index table and rearrange the site descriptions in accordance to the Index.
(4) Some TRIZ websites located in the Country (UK) may be picked up in the already posted WTSP pages (See Manuscripts part of the World WTSP Catalogs Top Page ), especially in the survey results of TN2A (world TRIZ sites) and TN2F (TRIZ sites in USA). The survey page TN3A2 (Creative Thinking Methods) may also contain several TRIZ websites in UK (but for about 60 □ websites, their Site location and Roles are not yet shown).
(5) Many Around-TRIZ websites in the Country (UK) may be found in the already posted pages (including the survey cases of TN3A2 (Creative Thinking Method), TN 3B (Creative Problem Solving), TN3C (Innovation Method), TN3D (Quality/Value/Cost Management), TN3E (Patent Analysis/Strategy)).
(6) Web sites picked up in (4)(5) are to be inserted in the Website Index Table, but the website descriptions may not be moved or inserted, because site descriptions are easily accessed from the Index Table by use of hyperlinks. It is necessary to check the duplication of same websites: In such a case, decide one Site Code having detailed site description as the main Site Code and the others as the sub Site Codes. In the sub Site Code write as "See Main", while in the main Site Code write as "Include (Sub1, Sub2, ..)". These reference relationships need to be installed in the form of hyperlinks.
(7) Finally (for the Country Team), (besides the Manuscript in a file of Word/HTML/PDF having the name eWTSP-Output-A-uk-UnitedKingdom-yymmdd) set the Index HTML page (with the file name Index-UK.html) and the Site description HTML page (with the file name Site-UK.html) in one folder (with the folder name eWTSP-WorldCatalog-A-uk ). Set the hyperlinks from the Site Code to (the anchor point of) Site Description of individual websites. These hyperlinks can be made consistent by the Country Team for all the websites in (3). Hyperlinks related to the websites in (4)(5) may be taken care of by the Project Leader (TN). The Manuscript of the Country WTSP Catalogs (for UK) thus prepared are to be submited to the Project Leader.
(8) Receiving the manuscript of the Country WTSP Catalogs (7), the Project Leader will incorporate the Country Catalog as a part of the World WTSP Catalogs (a relatively easy task possibly done in a week or so), and update the World WTSP Catalogs in various points to reflect the additions and revisions induced by the new information in the Country Catalog (a rather tedious work, to be done together with other Country manuscripts).
Please refer the Practice Guide to Build and Enhance the World WTSP Catalogs for further detail.
While surveying and visiting all these websites in UK, I have learned a lot of new approaches in understanding and applying various TRIZ-related methods. You would certainly learn much in this Catalog, regardless of your living in UK or any other country.
Please note that there can be many good websites missing in the surveys so far. For example, Darrell Mann's website "Systematic Innovation Inc." (◎) was missing in (1)(4)(5) and inserted in (4) TN2A by a manual operation. Another example: Nikolay Bogatyrev's unique website "BioTRIZ" (◎)is missing in (1)(4)(5) and not yet included in the present manuscriipt. I feel that many more good websites operated by consultants and academic people are not included in the present manuscript.
We wish that many people working in the fields of TRIZ-related methodologies form a WTSP Team in each country and build Country WTSP Catalogs for all the users in the country and in the world.
Index Table of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Websites in UK (based on the 4th-round survey)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan) Mar. 1, 2022
TRIZ Sites (◎○□△) in UK (4th round survey )
Site Code |
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
◎? |
The TRIZ Journal |
UK |
en |
(a2) Public Web sites, |
◎ |
Oxford Creativity |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organization, (g3) Knowledge Sharing |
◎〇 |
UK |
en |
(f3) Repository, |
◎ |
Amazon.uk |
UK |
en |
(f4) Book sellers, ==> Global (USA) |
◎ |
UK |
en |
(g4) Social networks, (a3) Hub sites, ==> Global (USA) |
○□ |
APM (Association for Project Management) |
UK |
en |
(b1) Dedicated associations, (e5) Training organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (f2) Publishers, |
□ |
Eureka! |
UK |
en |
(g2) Technology news, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
□ |
TRIZ University |
UK |
en |
(e5) Training organizations, |
□ |
University of Bath: Research Portal |
UK |
en |
Roles: (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository, |
□ |
Cogentus |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
□△ |
Brunel University London: BURA (Brunel University Research Archive) |
UK |
en |
(f3) Repository, (d1) Universities, |
□△ |
Cranfield University: CERES (Research Repository) |
UK |
en |
(f3) Repository, (d1) Universities, |
□△ |
University of Liverpool |
UK |
en |
(d1) Universities, |
□△ |
Strategic Innovation Ltd |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e8) Solution providers, |
△ |
SCB Associates |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations, |
Around-TRIZ Sites (◎○□△) in UK (4th round survey )
Site Code, |
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL |
Loc |
Lang |
Roles |
Note |
◎ |
Managing Innovation (John Bessant) |
UK |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a2) Public Web sites, (e5) Training organizations, (i1) Individual researchers, |
==> Around TRIZ |
◎ |
My Mooc |
UK |
en, fr |
(d7) Open education (MOOC etc.), (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
==> Around-TRIZ, International |
○ |
Innovation Portal |
UK |
en |
(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e5) Training organizations, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
○ |
IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) |
UK |
en |
(b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
==> Around-TRIZ、International |
○ |
Solid Solutions |
https://www.solidsolutions.co.uk/ |
UK |
en |
(e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
□ |
R&D Today |
UK |
en |
(g2) Technology news, (a2) Public Web sites, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
□? |
PMM (Product Management Methodology) : Arcturus7 |
UK |
en |
(e1) Method developers ? |
===> Around-TRIZ |
□ |
SPARK (The Rail Knowledge Hub) |
UK |
en |
(a3) Hub sites, (h1) Industrial organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
□ |
RSA (The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce) |
UK |
en |
(b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
□ |
ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) |
UK |
en |
(b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (g3) Knowledge sharing, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
□△ |
RGCL (Robert Gascoyne Consulting Ltd) |
UK |
en |
(e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
△ |
Northumbria University Newcastle: University Library |
UK |
en |
(g7) Libraries, (d1) Universities, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
△ |
Nottingham Trent University: IRep (Institutional Repository) |
UK |
en |
(f3) Repository, (d1) Universities, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
△ |
University of Oxford: Podcasts |
UK |
en |
(g3) Knowledge sharing, (d1) Universities, |
==> Around-TRIZ |
Site Descriptions of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Websites in UK (based on the 4th-round survey)
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan) Mar. 1, 2022
TRIZ Sites (◎○□△) in UK (4th round survey )
UK-01 ◎? ; The TRIZ Journal ; https://triz-journal.com/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (a2) Public Web sites,
[Note (TN, Feb. 22, 2022): The browsers, Firefox and Google Chrome, say "This site is not secure to access" and blocks any trial to access.]
UK-02 ◎ ; Oxford Creativity ; https://www.triz.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organization, (g3) Knowledge Sharing
[TN, Feb. 23, 2022] A popular TRIZ website, particularly because of its unique and witty cartoons. A consultant firm led by Karen Gadd since 1998, with the motto of making TRIZ accessible to everyone. It operates a system of workshops and elearning courses on TRIZ, in the fields of technologies, business & management, IP, etc. Oxford TRIZ apply TRIZ "fast and efficient" by guiding people in their thinking process without using software. The website posts a large number of pages, including course descriptions, case studies, blogs by Karen, etc. It also has a handy tool of TRIZ Effects database, where we may input our query in the form of "function" and "object" then we can have many (often more than 100) (physical/chemical/biological/etc.) principles accompanied with explanations. The site advises to cooperate people who use various other methods (e.g., TOC, Lean, Six sigma) and to use TRIZ tools to complement their weak/missing aspects.
UK-03 ◎〇 ; CORE ; https://core.ac.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (f3) Repository,
About Us : CORE is the world's largest aggregator of open access research papers (currently over 200 Million) from repositories and journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission. We serve the global network of repositories and journals by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open access content. ... We enrich scholarly data using state-of-the-art text and data mining technologies to aid discoverability; enable others to develop new tools and use cases on top of the CORE platform; support the network of open access repositories and journals with innovative technical, solutions; and facilitate a scalable, cost-effective route for the delivery of open scholarship.
[TN, Feb. 24, 2022]
UK-04 ◎ ; Amazon.uk ; https://www.amazon.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (f4) Book sellers, ==> Global (USA)
UK-05 ◎ ; LinkedIn ; https://www.linkedin.com/ , Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (g4) Social networks, (a3) Hub sites, ==> Global (USA)
UK-06 ○□ ; APM (Association for Project Management) ; https://www.apm.org.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (b1) Dedicated associations, (e5) Training organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing, (f2) Publishers,
About Us : APM - the chartered body for the project profession: Association for Project Management (APM) is the only chartered body for the project profession, with over 35,000 individual members and more than 450 organisations participating in our Corporate Partnership Programme. As an educational charity, we are committed to developing and promoting the value of project management in order to deliver improved project outcomes for the benefit of society. There are a number of ways in which you can benefit from what we do, including membership, qualifications, chartered status, publications and events. We're celebrating our 50th Anniversary this year.
The APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition is now available. The APM Body of Knowledge is a foundational resource, providing the concepts, functions and activities that make up professional project management. It seeks to reflect the developing profession, recognising project-based working at all levels, and across all sectors for influencers, decision makers, project professionals and their teams. Key features include: An extended life cycle structure from the strategic case for projects to the delivery of benefits. An expanse of topics covering iterative and linear life cycles, personal wellbeing, PMOs and other strategic functions. Over 200 recommended reading materials, including APM publications, that professionals can use to expand their knowledge. A comprehensive glossary of key terminology that run throughout the book, from topic to topic.
UK-07 □ ; Eureka! ; https://www.eurekamagazine.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (g2) Technology news, (g3) Knowledge sharing,
About Us : About Eureka Magazine: Eureka's unique blend of innovation, technology stories and engineering applications has made it the must read brand for design engineers and design management around the UK. The Eureka group comprises a monthly publication, a community based web site, e-zines, live events, supplements, annuals and an annual Awards scheme. Eureka possesses the most up to date and in depth database of design engineering in the UK. Eureka is the only brand for anyone trying to reach design engineers within the UK, providing the platforms necessary to effectively reach this important industry sector and the decision makers within it
[Note (TN, Feb. 27, 2022): This site has many catalogs of different types of resources including: Products (Control/Automation, Design Software, Fastening & Joining, Materials, Power Systems, Rapid Prototyping, Sensors, Test & Measurement, Industry Sectors, Technology Spotlights), Features, Webinars, Videos, Events, Suppliers, Jobs. ]
UK-08 □ ; TRIZ University ; https://trizuniversity.org/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (e5) Training organizations,
(TN, Feb. 23, 2022): TRIZ University is a newly starting e-training organization, led by Darrell Mann and his Systematic Innovation team. The Course syllabus is: (1) Problem Definition: Characteristics of innovation, S-Curves, Psychological inertia, Time and space, Ideal final result, Function; (2) Solution Generation: Solving contradictions, Managing complexity, Putting it all together.
UK-09 □ ; University of Bath: Research Portal ; https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/ Location: UK, Lnaguage: en
Roles: (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository,
About Us : Research at the University of Bath is improving lives and changing the world we live in. Using our portal you can discover information about all of the research carried out at the University of Bath, from funding through to published journal articles.
[Note (TN, Feb. 24, 2022): The portal has advanced search facilities inside the site. With the Keyword "TRIZ", 61 research papers and 113 students' theses are picked up. The laboratory led by Professor Julian Vincent was very strong and unique in biomimetics (i.e., transferring the information of biology to the fields of engineering) using TRIZ.]
UK-10 □ ; Cogentus ; https://www.cogentus.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (e4) Consultants, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing,
About Us : We were formed in 2008 and are based in Reading, UK. We have satellite offices in Cumbria, Washington DC and Denver. All our staff are degree qualified in science, engineering or the arts and several have over 30 years experience in the nuclear industry - primarily clean up and decommissioning. Key personnel: Paula James, Ian Seed
What We Do: We provide products and services for successful problem solving. We help technology dependent companies plot their way through complex pathways to deliver on their objectives. We so this with our proven systematic methods and software. Our class–leading multi criteria software and unique, industry specific ideas generation software gives us a unique advantage.
[Note (TN, Feb. 25, 2022): Following resources are posted in their website:
Software : "Smart Decisions" (using multi attribute utility theory (MAUT) in place of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Knowledge base: "Idea Catalog" (Lessons Learned Worked Examples, collected (from various information sources in industries and public in the world) and documented one by one, more than 1000 cases, especially in the areas of D&D ( ). This site is designed to save you reinventing the wheel. Someone, somewhere has probably done something to solve a similar problem to the one you need to solve.
Case Studies: About 10 case studies of workshops conducted by Cogentus, using TRIZ, summarized in a compact form.
UK-11 □△ ; Brunel University London: BURA (Brunel University Research Archive) ; https://bura.brunel.ac.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (f3) Repository, (d1) Universities,
About Us : Brunel University Research Archive(BURA) preserves and enables easy and open access to all types of digital content. It showcases Brunel's research outputs. Research contained within BURA is open access, although some publications may be subject to publisher imposed embargoes. All awarded PhD theses are also archived on BURA.
[Note (TN, Feb. 25, 2022): Search with the keyword "TRIZ" outputs 25 articles. To read the text, registration is required but the site says "new user registration is no longer accepted in BURA".]
UK-12 □△ ; Cranfield University: CERES (Research Repository) ; https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (f3) Repository, (d1) Universities,
About Us : Welcome to the Cranfield Collection of E-Research - CERES. CERES contains research undertaken at Cranfield University including journal pre-prints and peer-reviewed journal reprints, digital Theses and Dissertations, book chapters, working papers and technical reports. All items in CERES are full-text. Some items are subject to a publisher embargo but these can be individually requested from the author who may supply a copy at their discretion.
[Note (TN, Feb. 25, 2022): Search with the keyword "TRIZ" outputs 52 articles, many of them appeared in the "19th CIRP Design Conference – Competitive Design, 2009" organized by Cranfield University.]
UK-13 □△ ; University of Liverpool ; https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (d1) Universities,
[Note (TN, Feb. 25, 2022): The 10th International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) was held at University of Liverpool on July 8-11, 2019. I cannot find the University Repository yet.]
UK-14 □△ ; Strategic Innovation Ltd ; https://strategic-innovation.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (e4) Consultants, (e8) Solution providers,
About Us : Strategic Innovation are based in Bristol, Cambridge and Northern Ireland, UK with a team of 8 core consultants and a range of external topic experts. This gives us the opportunity to specialise in innovation with the capability of deep technical understanding across industries as diverse as FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), automotive and energy. ... Our services are: Landscaping, Creative Problem Solving, Sustainability Hotspot Mapping, Innovation Strategy, and Innovation Training.
A brief history: Formed in 2001, initially as Systematic Innovation, we have evolved in line with the natural development of the SI global network and methodology. In 2017, we rebranded and reorganised. Strategic Innovation now focus on client projects, while the Systematic Innovation brand covers the global network and innovation methodology research team. Directors are: Paul Frobisher and Michala Eichner Techau.
UK-15 △ ; SCB Associates ; https://www.scbuk.com/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations,
About Us : SCB Associates were founded in 2007 to provide training and consultancy services in Continuous Improvement methodologies such as Six Sigma, TRIZ and Design of Experiments. Although a relatively new organisation, it is founded on many years of successful experience working in Europe and the US. Our approach is to work closely with our clients during quality improvement initiatives, ensuring alignment with their business priorities and a quick return on their investment. This is achieved through a combination of interactive training and application to client projects. ... Principal Consultant and Founder - Simon Barnard : Simon has more than thirty years experience teaching and consulting in Innovation, New Product Development and Quality Improvement. ... In 1996 he was trained by TRIZ Master Victor Fey and more recently successfully achieved MATRIZ level 3 certification, following extensive coaching by TRIZ Master Sergei Ikovenko. ...
[Note (TN, Feb. 24, 2022): As described above, this consultant firm has a capability of training and consultancy in broad range of methods, including TRIZ, DFSS, Six Sigma, QFD, etc. The Training Benefits Matrix shown in the website and used in the kickstart of consultancy/training is noticeable. ]
Around-TRIZ Sites (◎○□△) in UK (4th round survey )
UK-16 ◎ ; Managing Innovation (John Bessant) ; https://www.johnbessant.org/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (a2) Public Web sites, (e5) Training organizations, (i1) Individual researchers, ==> Around TRIZ
About Us : Managing Innovation: Managing Innovation is an interactive hub for all those interested in creativity, entrepreneurship and the process of managing innovation. Here you'll find a wide range of resources to help explore and engage with the challenges of innovation and entrepreneurship – and we'd be glad if you'd also share your own. Feel free to click on the links to explore and do let us know what else we might offer.
If you're involved in any kind of teaching, training or coaching around innovation and entrepreneurship you might find the Innovation Supermarket worth a visit. https://www.johnbessant.org/innovationsupermarket:
Welcome to the Innovation Supermarket! The idea is simple – just as you might go shopping before putting a meal together, throwing various items in your trolley as you browse the shelves so here, you can find all sorts of resources to help with teaching/coaching innovation and entrepreneurship. Choose from a range which includes cases, tools activities, games, video, audio and all sorts besides. Feel free to wander the aisles and pick whatever you need ...
If you're interested in following a course or developing your knowledge and skills around innovation and entrepreneurship you might find the Craft of Innovation useful. : https://managing-innovation.thinkific.com/courses/craft-of-innovation : welcome to 'Mastering the craft of innovation ' - a course designed to help you with your change quest. What you're interested in is finding ways to create value from your ideas - and this course is designed to help you do so. What you'll learn... (1) Understanding : Innovation isn't like the cartoons - a light-bulb flash and it's arrived! Instead it's a journey from ideas to creating lasting value with them - and this course will give you a map for navigating that journey. (2) Communication: Innovation is a multi-player game and this course will give you the language to talk about and work with others on innovation. (3) Capabilities: This course will equip you with the skills to engage in innovation and tools and techniques to put key ideas into practice
[Note (TN, Feb. 24, 2022): This website contains a lot of resources for teaching/training people or for learning for ourselves.]
UK-17 ◎ ; My Mooc ; https://www.my-mooc.com/ Location: UK, Language: en, fr,
Roles: (d7) Open education (MOOC etc.), (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (g3) Knowledge sharing, ==> Around-TRIZ, International
About Us : What is a MOOC ? MOOC: certifying online training: The MOOC, acronym for Massive Open Online Course, is a new type of online training. It includes videos, text content, discussion forums and validates its achievements with exercises. Open by session or all year, it allows to train for free on a multitude of topics and gather thousands of Internet users. Interventions by the best instructors on the planet are now within everyone's reach. In 2018, 100 million people have already followed a MOOC. This is the opportunity to obtain a certificate from prestigious organizations in order to improve his resume and boost his employability. How to participate ? It's very simple! Register for free browse a MOOC with our powerful search engine and click on "Go to course" button to be redirected to the provider.
What is My Mooc ? My Mooc helps you to browse free and certified online courses. We gather more than 10,000 MOOCs (in English, French and Chinese) from 550 prestigious organizations. Like Trip advisor to find an hotel, You have access to tens of thousands of reviews that will offer you the opportunity to find a learning content that suits you. Project management, IT, foreign language... discover our complete catalog of online resources in the "MOOC" and "Paths" tabs.
The subjects : Professional Development, Personal Development, Art, Design & Creativity, Computer Science, Education and teaching, Health & Medicine, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Data Science, Programming, Engineering
UK-18 ○ ; Innovation Portal ; http://www.innovation-portal.info/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e5) Training organizations, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : Innovation Portal: We originally developed this resource for those like us who are involved in the teaching, learning or practice of managing innovation, and more specifically to support our books: Strategic Innovation Management (1st edition, 2014), Managing Innovation (6th edition, 2018), Entrepreneurship (2018) and Innovation & Entrepreneurship (3rd edition, 2015). The function and contents of the Portal are continually being updated and we're always open to new ideas. On the site you can find a variety of open resources including: Case studies, Media clips, video and audio, Innovation Tools, Activities for individuals and groups to help explore aspects of innovation management. In addition there are support resources for instructors including: Questions and assignments plus a Test Bank of 200+ Q&A, Instructor resources, including suggested course outlines, content and PowerPoint packs. These are password protected; please contact us for access details)
[Note (TN, Feb 24, 2022): Here are good textbooks on Innovation Management which have been revised often. The newest is "Managing Innovation (7th edition, Jul. 2021). Very rich resource for teaching ans studying.]
UK-19 ○ ; IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) ; https://www.theiet.org/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (g3) Knowledge sharing, ==> Around-TRIZ、International
About Us : About the IET : Working to engineer a better world: We are the IET and we inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world. As a diverse home across engineering and technology, we share knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter. It's why we are uniquely placed to champion engineering.
Resources: Inspec: IET Inspec is one of the most definitive databases for subject-specific and interdisciplinary research in the fields of engineering, physics and computer science. Digital Library: The IET Digital Library contains IET eBooks, the IET Journal Archive, conference publications and more, all in one comprehensive and easily navigable platform.
UK-20 〇 ; Solid Solutions ; https://www.solidsolutions.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (e2) Software/tool developers, (e8) Solution providers, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : Welcome to Solid Solutions : Professional Design Solutions: With over 20 years experience, Solid Solutions accounts for almost 80% of all of the SOLIDWORKS CAD software sales in the UK and Ireland. We provide engineering software solutions to more than 15,000 customers with services ranging from engineering software sales and consultancy, training services and 3D printers. With the world's most highly certified SOLIDWORKS support team we are also able to provide best-in-class technical support.
UK-21 □ ; R&D Today ; https://www.rndtoday.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (g2) Technology news, (a2) Public Web sites, ==> Around-TRIZ
About us : R&D Today aims to share knowledge, new approaches and well proven techniques, it is the outreach site for the Research and Development Management Association (RADMA), a charitable organisation that supports research, best practice and education. The intention is to signpost resources, papers and tools that would be of value to someone working in R&D and innovation management. All content is credited and referenced back to the source in line with the fair use doctrine.
We have selected a number of themes that are of wide interest: technology strategy, ideation and creativity, managing the pipeline, open innovation, roadmapping, managing international R&D. For each we have invited two guest editors, a practitioner and an academic, to curate a useful resource for each.
[Note (TN, Feb. 24, 2022): Articles (contributed or recommended) are selected and edited by the guest editors in an way easier to read, while showing the access to the original reference in full text sometimes with charges.]
UK-22 □? ; PMM (Product Management Methodology) : Arcturus7 ; https://www.arcturus7.com/ Location: UK, Lnaguage: en
Roles: ===> Around-TRIZ
[Note (TN, Feb. 24, 2022): Not accessible freely. Limited to members?]
UK-23 □ ; SPARK (The Rail Knowledge Hub) ; https://www.sparkrail.org/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (a3) Hub sites, (h1) Industrial organizations, (g3) Knowledge sharing, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : What is SPARK? SPARK is a free web-based knowledge sharing tool, available to all. It contains an organised library of knowledge and information relating to research and innovation within the international rail community. It also provides a virtual space for researchers to promote their work and network with others with the same interests, therefore reducing duplication and speeding up innovation. SPARK is developed and managed by RSSB and is promoted in partnership with UIC and the International Rail Research Board (IRRB), which UIC facilitates. SPARK is part of the Railway-Research.org portal targeted to all parties involved in rail research and innovation.
What might I find in SPARK? SPARK contains thousands of records: information relating to publications, research projects, initiatives, data sources, centres of expertise and test facilities. These are entered by rail professionals and organisations from across the world, including railway administrations, universities and research institutes, suppliers, government bodies and others. We have agreements which allow us to include abstracts (and in some cases the papers) from major rail conferences eg World Congress on Rail Research and Rail Engineering Forum.
[Note (TN, Feb. 25, 2022): This site has 6 articles on TRIZ and its applications. ]
UK-24 □ ; RSA (The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce) ; https://www.thersa.org/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : We are the RSA. The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce. We're committed to a future that works for everyone. A future where we can all participate in its creation. The RSA has been at the forefront of significant social impact for over 260 years. Our proven change process, rigorous research, innovative ideas platforms and diverse global community of over 30,000 problem-solvers, deliver solutions for lasting change. We invite you to be part of this change. Join our community. Together, we'll unite people and ideas to resolve the challenges of our time.
Areas of Work: The Future Of Work: Work is no longer a guarantee of material security. And powerful new technologies, like artificial intelligence, mean the future of work could be even more unequal. We believe good work should be enjoyed by all. Our future of work programme exists to make sure that everyone, regardless of background or starting point, can pursue good work in this age of technological change. Our principles for good work – economic security, wellbeing, growth, freedom, subjective nurture – are not ambitious in their own right; many people already experience these. However, our ambition is for these principles to be available to all. By bringing diverse people and ideas together, we believe we can influence a new future of work.
Joint the Re-generation: ... it is our intention to stay another 260. But to do so, we must face our current planetary crisis head on, and bring together the skill sets of our community to help shape an equitable future where all of us can thrive as part of the Earth's ecology. The Regenerative Futures programme brings people and ideas together to show how this could look, act and feel, through building awareness and capability and demonstrating in practice. We invite you to be part of this change.
UK-25 □ ; ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) ; https://www.ice.org.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (g3) Knowledge sharing, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a professional membership body that government and industry listen to while providing unrivalled support to our 95,000 civil engineer members. What we do : Discover more about what we do - from supporting expert panels of industry experts across civil engineering, to promoting the next generation of civil engineers - and how you can get involved and support our work.
Knowledge resources: Buildings, Coastal and offshore engineering, Development, planning and urban engineering, Energy, Geology, geotechnical and ground engineering, Professional practice, Transportation, Water, Search all civil engineering resources
UK-26 □△ ; RGCL (Robert Gascoyne Consulting Ltd) ; https://rgcl.co.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en
Roles: (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : About RGCL: Established in 2004, we're a professional Management Consultancy, focussed on optimising our clients' products, services and processes. RGCL undertakes assignments across all industry sectors. Our engagements span from strategy and the board room, down to the nuts and bolts of the shop floor and beyond. ...
We have substantial experience deploying many methodologies, individually and combined, to suit the needs of your business . We offer consultancy, training and coaching in the following methodologies: Lean, Six Sigma, Six Sigma (DMAIC), Six Sigma (DFSS), Lean Six Sigma, Shainin, Kaizen, TRIZ. ... We're practical and pragmatic - our focus is always on getting results (we're practitioners - not just trainers!).
UK-27 △ ; Northumbria University Newcastle: University Library ; https://librarysearch.northumbria.ac.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (g7) Libraries, (d1) Universities, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : Library Search provides a single point of discovery for exploring the Library collection, and enables students, staff and researchers to access our collection alongside wider global resources available on demand via our Inter Library Loans service.
[Note (TN, Feb. 25, 2022): Search with the keyword "TRIZ" outputs 5,504 articles/books/etc. To read the text, user account of the University is requested.]
UK-28 △ ; Nottingham Trent University: IRep (Institutional Repository) ; http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/ ; Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (f3) Repository, (d1) Universities, ==> Around-TRIZ
About Us : This repository provides access to a wide range of work produced by members of Nottingham Trent University, including journal articles, authored and edited books, book chapters, conference contributions and digital and visual media. A full description of all items is provided and, whenever possible, the full text (or equivalent).
[Note (TN, Feb. 25, 2022): Search with the keyword "TRIZ" outputs 14 articles. But very few of them relate directly to TRIZ in recent years.]
UK-29 △ ; University of Oxford: Podcasts ; https://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/ Location: UK, Language: en,
Roles: (g3) Knowledge sharing, (d1) Universities, ==> Around-TRIZ
(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | World WTSP Catalogs Top Page | ||||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | (B5) WTSP News 2021 |
Last updated on Mar. 2, 2022. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp