WTSP: Outputs-survey-4th-A-Romonia | |
Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Romania
Toru Nakagawa (OGU, WTSP Project Leader) |
Sept. 12, 2021 |
Posted: Sept. , 2021 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 12, 2021)
This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Romania.
See the general instruction in the parent page .Please compare with the results at the 1st round (No: Romania, Sept. 2018) (.doc)
This page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL'
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).Here we list 9 Websites.
I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Romania to construct "Romania Part of World WTSP Catalogs".
(B) Summary Table |
Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country |
(A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Romania
location= Romania, language = any
Keyword = TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ
Toru Nakagawa Sept. 11, 2021
## □ UTCluj (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) : ATNA-MAM (Acta Technica Napocensis Series : Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering) https://atna-mam.utcluj.ro/
By bringing methods from Systematic Innovation and mindfulness together and by implementing that into workshop sessions, the paper demonstrates some of the early tangible benefits. From all workshops it can be seen that mindful TRIZ can ...
[Note (TN, Sept. 11, 2021): This journal is publishing all the Practitioner Papers presented at ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference 2020 (and also 2021). Thus about 60 papers in the field of TRIZ are published in two issues.]
## Google Scholar https://scholar.google.ro/ ==> Global Around-TRIZ
Emilia Brad - Google Scholar
Enhancing SWOT analysis with TRIZ-based tools to integrate systematic innovation in early task design. S Brad, E Brad. Procedia engineering 131, 616-625, 2015. 29, 2015. Design of smart connected manufacturing resources to enable ...
Stelian Brad - Google Scholar
Enhancing SWOT analysis with TRIZ-based tools to integrate systematic innovation in early task design. S Brad, E Brad. Procedia engineering 131, 616-625, 2015. 29, 2015. Design of smart connected manufacturing resources to enable ...
## LinkedIn https://ro.linkedin.com/ ==> Global
Stelian BRAD - Technical University of Cluj Napoca - LinkedIn
President of ETRIA (The European TRIZ Association for Systematic Innovation). ETRIA. oct. 2020 - Prezent1 an. Germany. In charge for the period: 2020-2023 http://www.etria.eu/portal/index.php. Element grafic DIH4Society ...
## □△ SRAC (SRAC Group) https://www.srac.ro/ ==> Around-TRIZ
Quality-Access to Success (2021), Vol.22, No.180 - SRAC
systematic innovation development strategy of tourism firms ... Lean TRIZ: how to dramatically reduce product-development costs with this innovative problem-solving tool, CRC. Press, Boca Raton, FL. p. 232.
About Us : The SRAC Group has been the leader in the Romanian certification and conformity assessment market for over 25 years and one of the important bodies in Central and Eastern Europe. Initiated in 1993 by the Romanian Society for Quality Assurance, hence the acronym SRAC, and having strong roots in quality assurance processes in the energy / nuclear field, the organization quickly became one of the pillars of quality infrastructure in Romania. ....
Currently, the SRAC group has a wide range of accredited services that include numerous certifications of management systems, product certifications - having as final application of the CE marking, testing and inspection services, training, having at its disposal a team of approximately 300 auditors and experts from all branches of activity.
## △ UEFISCDI (The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation) https://uefiscdi.gov.ro/ ==> Around-TRIZ
The Innovation Biosphere - Parent Directory
An abstraction of the problem-solving field is implemented in the TRIZ method. It integrates the universal mechanism of ... A strong systematic innovation approach is ... At the same time, the systematic innovation process enables,.
About Us : About UEFISCDI : The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) is a public institution with legal personality subordinated to the Ministry of National Education (MEN). We assist the National Council for the Financing of Higher Education (CNFIS) in elaborating the proposals of methodologies and documentations regarding the financing of higher education; we coordinate, under the scientific guidance of the advisory councils of the MEN with attributions in RDI programs within the National Plan for Research-Development and Innovation for the period 2015 - 2020 (PNCDI III); .....
## Yahoo!Search (Images) https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=%22Systematic%20Innovation%22%20TRIZ%20OR%20%D0%A2%D0%A0%D0%98%D0%97
"Systematic Innovation" TRIZ OR ТРИЗの画像をすべて見る
## □△ KIG (Kaykayoglu Innovation Group) https://www.kaykayoglu.com/ ==> Turkey
TRIZ :: Kaykayoglu Innovation Group
T,R,I,Z; Rusça kelimeler, Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch baş harflerinden oluşmuştur. TRIZ yaklaşımı, İngilizce "Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems" veya Türkçe "İcat Temelli Problem Çözme Teorisi" veya "Yaratıcı ...
Kaykayoglu Innovation Group: Anasayfa
15 Ekim Dünya TRIZ Günü! Yönetim Kurulu Başkanımız Prof. Dr. C. Ruhi Kaykayoğlu TRIZ'i... Bakü'de ...
About Us : KiG, as a problem solver; While mentoring the solution of problems that prevent productivity and competition in companies, it motivates change and offers new road maps. It facilitates the formation of new product/service development creative ideas in private companies, NGOs and the public. KiG, as a mentor; While increasing the self-confidence of individuals, teams and organizations, it enables them to look to the future more creatively and hopefully.
## □ ICG (Integrated Consulting Group) : ICG - Romania www.integratedconsulting.ro/ ==> Multi-countries (Austria ? Finland ?)
Discover TRIZ – Inventive Problem Solving - ICG - RO
TRIZ is a comprehensive, science-based school of thought for finding innovative solutions to inventive tasks – it is designed for innovation teams as well as technicians and engineers who are looking for creative problem solving.
About Us : ICG is a European consulting team with Central European and Skandinavian roots. Together with executives and employees we develop sustainable transformation processes. Our clients are future-oriented companies and public organizations who want to move something. We are experienced change experts that are fully committed to your tasks – with professional expertise, emotion and without any frills.
## △ Effective Flux https://www.effectiveflux.com/
Triz - o abordare sistematica pentru dezvoltarea si ...
TRIZ este acronimul rusesc pentru Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach, adica Teoria rezolvarii inventive a problemelor. Se bazeaza pe doua principii fundamentale: 1. Este foarte probabil ca cineva, candva, undeva sa fi rezolvat ...
About Us : EFFECTIVE FLUX is a Romanian owned company delivering training and consulting services for processes and organizations improvement. The company was founded in 2013 and has it's main office in Arad. Our team has more than 25 consultants, each with at least 10 years of experience in all industrial processes. We have accumulated experience while generating performance in more than 300 Romanian and multinational companies, from the automotive, heavy industry, food service, metallurgy and service industries.
(B) Summary Table: Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Romania
location= Romania, language= any
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation" OR ТРИЗ
Toru Nakagawa Sept. 11, 2021
Site Code
Site Name
Site Domain URL
## □
UTCluj (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) : ATNA-MAM (Acta Technica Napocensis Series : Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering)
Google Scholar
https://scholar.google.ro/ ==> Global Around-TRIZ
https://ro.linkedin.com/ ==> Global
## □△
https://www.srac.ro/ ==> Around-TRIZ
## △
UEFISCDI (The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation)
https://uefiscdi.gov.ro/ ==> Around-TRIZ
Yahoo!Search (Images)
## □△
KIG (Kaykayoglu Innovation Group)
https://www.kaykayoglu.com/ ==> Turkey
## □
ICG (Integrated Consulting Group) : ICG - Romania
www.integratedconsulting.ro/ ==> Multi-countries (Austria ? Finland ?)
## △
Effective Flux
(B) Summary Table |
Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country |
(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | (B5) WTSP News 2021 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Sept. , 2021. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp