Research Note (Guide): From "How to penetrate TRIZ into younger people?" to the new target "Establishing general methodologies for creative problem solving/ task achieving": From May to November, 2012 |
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University) | |
Nov. 27, 2012 (English translation on Dec. 3, 2012) | |
[Posted on Dec. 5, 2012] |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 27, 2012)
This page intends to be a guide to my several related works done for these 7 months from May to November. They contain original documents shown to a group of people (in Japanese), conference presentations (slides and papers) (in Japanese and in English), and a paper published here for the first time (in Japanese). I feel that these works have made an significant step, i.e. "beyond TRIZ", in my understanding of creative problem-solving methodology.
Research Note:
From "How to penetrate TRIZ into younger people?" to the new target
"Establishing general methodologies for creative problem-solving/ task-achieving":
From May to November, 2012
Nov. 27, 2012 Toru Nakagawa (English translation on Dec. 3, 2012)
Related works (authored by Toru Nakagawa) are summarized in the following table:
These works are described briefly below:
[1] Towards "TRIZ for Younger People" and "Fresh TRIZ": Documents for the Future Plan of Japan TRIZ Society: (A) Slides of Models
These slides were made first as the basis of the present series of research. As shown in the title the motive was to think over how to penetrate TRIZ to younger people. I was motivated to think over the future directions and strategies for Japan TRIZ Society in the range about 3 to 5 years and also, in a shorter term, to make a plan of the Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012 with an emphasis of penetrating TRIZ to younger people. Starting on May 1, I made 26 slides (including several reused ones) and a document to explain them by May 6. I sent the slides and the document via email to the management members and education group members of Japan TRIZ Society (about 30 people in total) on May 6. Several of the colleagues replied to me positively. Adding 6 more slides and their description, I sent the enhanced materials ([1] and [2]) to the same members on May 12. All the 32 slides are posted in the page in the present site . The posting may be useful, because in other cases of conference presentations and papers much smaller number of slides can be shown due to the space or time restrictions.
[2] Towards "TRIZ for Younger People" and "Fresh TRIZ": Documents for the Future Plan of Japan TRIZ Society: (B) Description
On sending the slides [1] to the colleagues of JTS, I wrote this document [2] explaining the intention of making slides and the findings with the slides. It was of 14 pages on May 6, and was enhanced to 22 pages on May 22. Among the slides, principal selected ones were described in detail. (I received a number of comments from my colleagues and recorded them in a separate document (C), but I will not post it in the Web.)
First I described the models (or figures) which show the internal (mental and intellectual) steps for a (young) person to learn and accept a creativity method like TRIZ; the models were built in different perspectives. There also is a model which shows the relationships between the company's activities for introducing TRIZ and the personal intellectual growth of a TRIZ leader/practitioner. (Slide group (A)) Then, the TRIZ promotion activities of various promoters in Japan are depicted individually, and also in a slide by merging their activities as a whole for the purpose of considering the future directions of JTS. (Slide group (B)) (made by May 6).
Then, on the basis of the slides and discussions made so far, I went ahead to seek for the desirable directions of promoting TRIZ in Japan. A principal clue was obtained in the model of areas and issues where TRIZ can/should be applied. The model suggested that to such a wide range of problems and tasks we should apply not the individual tools and techniques of TRIZ (or the TRIZ method) but more generally creative thinking and general methods of creative problem solving. This finding has derived me to the statement of our new general target, i.e.,
"To establish a methodology of creative problem-solving / task-achieving,
To spread it widely, and
To apply it to problem-solving and task-achieving jobs in various domains in the whole country (and the world)"I further went ahead to build a conceptual model of activities necessary for establishing such a general method. I also built the models of the general method of creative problem-solving and task-achieving. (Slide group (C), added by May 12.)
As is shown, the documents [1] and [2] are the basis and prototype of my series of works for these half a year. It should be noted that most of the aspects of my later publications have already appeared at this stage.
[3] What Should We Do for TRIZ to Penetrate into Younger People?
-- Education and Training of Problem Solving with TRIZ for Younger People –This is an introduction as the coordinator to the Special Interest Talks session at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012. I have shown the outline of several approaches but do not describe them in detail, for leaving them to subsequent presenters.
[4] Multiple Modeling to Set Up the Problems/Tasks:
Establishing and Penetrating the Methodology of Creative Problem-Solving/Task-AchievingThis work was presented at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2012 in September. It has 34 slides both in Japanese and in English, but no paper (except the Extended Abstract). The paper application was submitted on May 14. The presentation gives emphasis on the process of research rather than the results documented in [1] and [2]. The problem of "What we should do to penetrate TRIZ into younger people" is not a technological but a vague and common-type problem, where TRIZ (and its individual tools) is not well suited. For handling with such a type of problem, the thinking approach with multiple modeling was used and found productive, I claimed. The thinking method does not use any specific TRIZ tools, but it uses the essence of TRIZ where we consider issues in a systematic and systemic manner.
The presentation considers the problem of "What we should do for penetrating TRIZ into younger people", and has reached the conclusion that we should set our general target to establish the general methodology for creative problem-solving and task-achieving and to spread it widely. The general methodology is a super-(super-) system of TRIZ. The steps for reaching this conclusion were guided by the thinking approach with multiple modeling, which was proposed in the present study. The thinking process is recorded well by multiple models, i.e., diagrammatic representations and is useful for reproduction and discussion.
[5] Establishing General Methodologies of Creative Problem-Solving / Task-Achieving: Beyond TRIZ
This paper was presented at ETRIA TFC 2012 held on Oct. 24-26 in Lisbon, Portugal. I submitted the paper late in August and sent the manuscript on Sept. 10. Dr. Tom Veneker kindly gave me detailed advices for brushing up my English expressions, and I sent the revised manuscript on Oct. 10. In the ETRIA TFC Proceedings the earlier version was printed due to my late submission. The final revised version is posted in the present Web site. The presentation was given in a 30 minutes talk with 18 slides.
This paper puts stress on the finding that, after considering the problem of how to penetrate TRIZ into younger people (especially in Japan), we should not restrict ourselves to the framework of TRIZ but rather to establish general methodology of creative problem-solving/task-achieving and to spread it widely. Multiple models were built by viewing from different aspects and were used to proceed step by step towards deeper understanding of the problem and finding the new insight of our general target. The desirable nature and functional process of the general methodology were discussed. It is remarkable that the process used in the present study actually illustrates the process of the general methodology.
[6] Establishing and Spreading General Methodologies of Creative Problem-solving / Task-achieving: Recognition of Our New Target Obtained through a Multiple Modeling Approach
This is a paper written in Japanese as the extension of both the presentation at Japan TRIZ Symposium [4] and the one at ETRIA TFC [5].
Even though most parts overlap with the articles [4] and [5], the chapter of Discussions is newly enhanced. It describes about the implications of the thinking approach with multiple models. The paper also shows that the general methodology of creative problem-solving and task-achieving is a natural extension of the new paradigm of creative problem solving (i.e. the Six-box Scheme in USIT), which has been advocated by Nakagawa. This paper is a conclusive paper of my work for these half a year. It is published as an original paper in this Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".
For the details of the documents, please refer to the linked pages shown in the above table.
Top of the page | [1] Models |
[2] Description |
[3] Younger people |
[4] Japan TRIZ Symp. presentation |
[5] ETRIA TFC presentation |
[6] Paper in Japanese |
Japanese page |
Last updated on Dec. 5, 2012. Access point: Editor: