WTSP Working Material: D-tw Taiwan:  Stage (3a)

Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs of Taiwan

Ming-Hung Sung (Feng Chia University, Taiwan)   (Dec. 2022 - Jul. 2023)
Youn-Jan Lin (Minghsin Univ. of Sci. & Tech.) (Aug. 2023 - )
Support by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan), 
Posted: Jul. 16, 2023; Latest update: Jan. 30, 2024

Posted: Jul. 16, 2023; Updated: Jul. 27; Oct. 27; Dec. 26, 2023;  Jan. 30, 2024

For going to Japanese pages, press buttons. 

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jul. 16, 2023)

This manuscript has some complex history in preparation.  Essential sources of information are:

(1) Toru Nakagawa (Jun. 12, 2021)  Internet survey of TRIZ sites in Taiwan (47 sites)  
(2) Toru Nakagawa (Dec. 18, 2022)  Preliminary draft of Manuscript.  (Only top 3 sites in Taiwan)
(3) Ming-Hung Sung (Mar. 26, 2023) Preliminary manuscript of 9 sites (written in the WTSP Standard Form (b))
(4) Ming-Hung Sung (Apr. 10, 2023) Index table of the 9 sites listed in (3) (◎1, ○5, □3)
(5) Ming-Hung Sung (Apr. 30, 2023) Index (summary) table of 47sites (◎1, ○1, □4, △26, ー15)
(6) Ming-Hung Sung (Jul. 8, 2023) Site descriptions of the top 7 sites in the Standard Form (b) (◎2, ○0, □5)
(7) Toru Nakagawa (Jul 16, 2023) Edited into Preliminary Manuscript of Taiwan Part of World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ Sites by combining the information of (2)(5)(6). (◎2, ○3, □2, △25) ==> This page

This page is composed of the following sections:

Index table of TRIZ websites in Taiwan:   included in World Catalogs (◎○□)  7 sites 
                                                                 to be ncluded in Country Catalog (△) 25sites 
Site descriptions of the top 7 sites (◎○□)

I very much appreciate that Prof. Ming-Hung Sung, WTSP Country Editor of Taiwan, have worked hard to visit 47 websitess detected in the Internet survey, to undrstand and evaluate them, and write introductions to important websites in the WTSP Standard Form,

This is the Preliminary Manuscript, which is shown publicly, especially to the TRIZ community in Taiwan and their site owners, for the purpose of further revision and enhancement. Owners of sites (at any level of ◎○□△) are encouraged to review the site descriptions of their sites and to submit refined manuscripts to Prof. Sung with CC to Prof. Daniel Sheu.  Please refer the Instructions (Call for Contributions) to prepare your site descriptions. 

Here are some Notes:

(1) Evaluation of sites is delicate.  See our evaluation criteria and our way of applying them in the Instruction. 
         ・ When we evaluate a Repository of a University, we evaluate not the University but the Repository, especially on its contents related to TRIZ. 
    ・ If a Website is written in the country's own (non-English) language and working for the people in the country, the Website is usually evaluated as △ (worthy in the Country Catalog), but may be evaluated as □ (worthy in the World Catalog) or higher depending on the contents and approach. 
    ・ In this sense, I feel that some websites (△) in Taiwan may get higher evaluation. 

(2)  Roles of site are important information for us to categorize the websites and rearrange all the websites in the order of (main) Role of site.  Using the hierarchical table of Roles of site, specify a few Roles (i.e., Role 1, Role 2, ...) in the order of significance for the specific website. 

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Oct. 27, 2023)

On Jul. 26, Prof. Ming-Hung Sung wanted to resign from the WTSP Country Editor of Taiwan, and recommended Prof. Youn-Jan Lin as the successor.   On Aug. 6, Prof. Lin took the responsibility of the WTSP Country Editor of Taiwan.

Prof. Youn-Jan Lin is a professor of business administration and director of system innovation center at Minghsin University of Science and Technology. He is also the president of TIDA, a branch of MATRIZ in Taiwan.

We are grateful to Prof. Ming-Hung Sun for his hard work for preparing the preliminary manuscript for about 8 months, and thankful to Prof. Youn-Jan Lin for his taking the responsibility as the new Country Editor of Taiwan.  We wish TRIZ colleagues in Taiwan support Prof. Y-J. Lin to build the Taiwan Part of the World WTSP Catalogs smoothly.

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 26, 2023)

On Dec. 20, Prof. Youn-Jan Lin contributed a list of re-evaluation of 25 websites (from TW-08 to TW-32) formerly evaluated as △.  He found that three of them are to be re-evaluated as □△ (and hence to be added to the Index table of ◎○□ sites) and five other sites are unable to access (thus marked in the Index table of △ sites).

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 30, 2024)          Now at Stage (3a)

On Dec. 30, 2023, Prof. Youn-Jan Lin contributed the site descriptions (in the Stnadard Tabular Form) for 4 websites.  The data were incorporated in the Index table and the Site descrption part of this page by TN on Jan. 30, 2024.  Thus this page is now at the Stage (3a), i.e. the final manuscript of the Taiwan Part of the World WTSP Catalogs to be checked about consistency & overlapping with other already published catalog pages.   I am thankful Prof. Ming-Hung Sung and Prof. Youn-Jan Lin for their efforts.


Top of this page

Index table (◎○□)

Index table (△)

Site Descriptions



Index page of unfinished Manuscripts


  Index Table of TRIZ Websites in Taiwan

Ming-Hung Sung     (and Toru Nakagawa)     Jul 16, 2023
Youn-Jan Lin   (and Toru Nakagawa)    Jan. 30, 2024

TRIZ Sites (◎○□) in Taiwan

       Note:Click the Site Code (TW-nn) to access the descrption of the site via a hyperlink.

Site Code


Site name

Site URL






I-SIM (The International Society of Innovation Methods)




(b3) International conferences, (b1) Dedicated associations,

Note TN (2022.12.19);
Desc. Ming-Hung Sung (2023.7.4)




IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation)       




(f1) Journals,  

Desc. Ming-Hung Sung (2023.7.4)



SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation)



cn (traditional)

(b5) Dedicated regional/domestic associations, (b4) Domestic conferences, (e5) Training organizations,

Note TN (2022.12.21);
Desc. Ming-Hung Sung (2023.7.4)



Taiwan TRIZ Association



cn (traditional)

(b5) Dedicated regional/domestic associations ,  (b4) Domestic conferences,   (e5) Training organizations,

Desc. Ming-Hung Sung (2023.7.4)


NCL (National Central Library) : NDLTD (National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan)



en, cn (traditional)

(f3) Repository,  (g7) Libraries, (c2) National organizations

Desc. Ming-Hung Sung (2023.7.4)


TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office)



en, cn (traditional)

(c4) Professional organizations (Patent offices, etc.),  (c2) National organizations

Desc. Ming-Hung Sung (2023.7.4)


○ ← □ Intelligent Innovation- TRIZ (萃思) (Ming-Hung Sung) http://mhsung.idv.fcu.edu.tw/


cn (traditional)

(g3) Knowledge sharing,  (a1) Dedicated for information sending,  (i1) Individual researchers, (d1) Universities, 

Desc. Ming-Hung Sung (2023.7.4)



NCTU (National Chiao Tung University) : IR (Institutional Repository)


tw cn (traditional)  (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository

Re-evaluated (2023.12.20)
Desc. Youn-Jan Lin (2023.12.30)



NCHU (National Chung Hsing University) : IR (Institutional Repository)


tw cn (traditional) (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository

Re-evaluated (2023.12.20)
Desc. Youn-Jan Lin (2023.12.30)



FEU (Far East University)


tw cn (traditional) (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository 

Re-evaluated (2023.12.20)
Desc. Youn-Jan Lin (2023.12.30)



A powerful tool for innovation-TRIZ (Youn-Jan Lin)


tw cn (traditional) (i4) Personal Blog sites

Desc. Youn-Jan Lin (2023.12.30)



TRIZ Sites (△) in Taiwan

Site Code


Site name

Site URL



NTNU (National Taiwan Normal University) : DSpace (Research Portal)


Unable to connect


NCKU (Cheng Kung University) : ETDS (Electronic Theses & Dissertations Service)


Unable to connect


NCCU ( National Chengchi University) : GEBRC (Global Electronic Business Research Center)




KUS (National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences) : IR (Institutional Repository)


Unable to connect


NAER (National Academy for Educational Research)




CTU (Chienkuo Technology University) : IR (Institutional Repository)


Unable to connect


CJCU (Chang Jung Christian University) : Sites (Web collaboration platform)


Unable to connect


DYU (Da-Yeh University) : Journal




TKU (Tamkang University) : ETDS (Electronic Theses & Dissertations Service)




NTHU (National Tsing Hua University) : IE (Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management)




CSU (Cheng Shiu University) : IEM (Department of Industrial Engineering & Management)




ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) : College




NARLSTPI (Science and Technology Policy ) : IKNOW ( )








TCFST (Tze-Chiang Foundation of Science and Technology)




Asia Learning.com








NAIP (North American Intellectual Property News)




Ideas System




myMKC (my Management Knowledge Center)








Vine Management Consulting






  Site Descriptions of TRIZ Websites in Taiwan (◎○□)


TW-01;  ◎  ;  I-SIM (The International Society of Innovation Methods) ; https://www.i-sim.org/rev/index.html ;  Location : Tw (Taiwan) ;   Language : en
Roles of site :  (b3) International conferences,  (b1) Dedicated associations,

 International Society of Innovation Methods (I-SIM) is the world first and, so far only, international society dedicated solely for research, development, training, and promotion of innovation methods. I-SIM is a not-for-profit society.  Goals of the I-SIM: Innovation methods are important. However, TRIZ is only one major part of the Innovation Methods. There are ample opportunities to integrate TRIZ and non-TRIZ innovation methods for much wider and better research and application opportunities. The goals of I-SIM thus include but not limited to: (1) Providing a platform for Research, Development, and Promotion of innovation methods, tools, systems, and applications. (2) Integrating various innovation methods such as TRIZ, deBono methods, biomimicry, etc., for synergetic usage. (3) Providing complete and in-depth training/consultation/database/tools/knowledge in the field related to Innovation Methods. (4) Organizing related experts and organizations for win-win collaborations.


Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team: _TW  Taiwan_  Site Code: __TW-01___ Writer: _Ming-Hung Sung___ Date: _2023/ 07/04  Rev. Jul.26, 2023




Site Name  **

I-SIM (The International Society of Innovation Methods)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location  

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

en  English

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(f1) Journals

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

I-SIM is a global non-profit org that advances innovation methods through research, training, and events.


Application phase       *

(a1) Capability building,

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(c1) Engineering in general,

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(e) Systems analysis (m) Classical TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

The International Society of Innovation Methods (I-SIM) is a not-for-profit society that focuses on research, development, training, and promotion of innovation methods. Innovation methods are the practical ways in which we can achieve innovation, which is the production or adoption of a value-added novelty in economic and social spheres1.   I-SIM aims to advance the theory and practice of innovation methods by providing a platform for collaboration, communication, and dissemination among researchers, practitioners, educators, and students.  I-SIM organizes conferences, workshops, webinars, publications, and awards to foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge on innovation methods. I-SIM also offers membership benefits, such as access to resources, discounts, networking opportunities, and recognition. I-SIM is the world's first and only international society dedicated solely for innovation methods

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information



Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable


[Note (TN, Dec. 19, 2022): I-SIM is a not-for-profit organization based in Taiwan and operating various international activities as mentioned in its 'Goals'.  Its website is somewhat confusing currently under the revision/construction process.  Its old URL web.i-sim.org shows a list of ICSI conferences up to 2020 and does not show the new URL, i.e., www.i-sim.org .  (The difference looks very small, but actually confusing because I-SIM has various activities/documents as shown below:)

(a) ICSI (International Conference on Systematic Innovation) accompanied with GCSI (Global Competition of Systematic Innovation) is the annual event organized/sponsored by I-SIM.  Starting in 2010, it has been held in Taiwan, China, Korea, USA, Hong Kong, Portugal, Taiwan, UK, Taiwan (online), China (hybrid), Taiwan (hybrid). Universities served as organizers and I-SIM supported it consistently. Records of ICSI in the year 20xx are accessible with URL i-sim.org/icsi20xx/ for the Programs and with i-sim.org/icsi/FullProceedings/ICSI20xx-FullProceedings.pdf for the Proceedings (for years from 2010 to 2019).  ICSI has a policy of accepting papers with quick reviewing and recommending to publishing them later in journals with a peer-review system. 

(b) IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation) is the Journal having a peer-review system.  It is sponsored by I-SIM and published by SSI.  See the website IJoSI www.ijosi.org/.

(c) SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation) is the organization based in Taiwan and preceding I-SIM. It seems that SSI makes various domestic activities, while I-SIM international activities.

(d) I-SIM has a growing database of documents on Systematic Innovation Methods, which are open only for Members, with the Fee of 100USD for life time. 



TW-02 ; ◎○←○←○□  ;  IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation) ;   https://www.ijosi.org/index.php/IJOSI/  ;  Location : tw  (Taiwan)  ;  Language : en ;
Roles of site : (f1) Journals,  

The aims of the journal are to publish high-quality scholarly papers with academic rigor in theoretical and practical studies in order to enhance human knowledge/skills in and promote beneficial applications of Systematic Innovation.  Brief outline of the proposed scope:  "Systematic Innovation" is a set of knowledge/tools/methods which can enable systematic development of innovative problem solving, strategy setting, and/or identification of product/process/service innovation opportunities. The International Journal of Systematic Innovation (IJoSI) is a journal administered by the Society of Systematic Innovation. IJoSI is a doubly blinded peer review, open access online journal with lag prints which publishes original research articles, reviews, and case studies in the field of Innovation Methods emphasizing on Systematic Innovation. This is the first and only international journal in the world dedicated to the field of Innovation Methods.  Editor-in-Chief: Sheu, Dongliang Daniel (Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), supported by twelve Associated Editors from various countries.


Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team: _TW  Taiwan_  Site Code: __TW-02___ Writer: _Ming-Hung Sung___ Date: _2023/ 07/04_




Site Name  **     

IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location         

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

en  English

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(f1) Journals

Refer the codes

Evaluation **


Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **



Application phase       *

(a1) Capability building,

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(c1) Engineering in general,

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(e) Systems analysis, (m) Classical TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

The International Journal of Systematic Innovation (IJoSI) is a journal that publishes high-quality papers on Systematic Innovation, a set of knowledge/tools/methods for systematic problem solving, strategy setting, and/or innovation opportunities identification. It is administered by the Society of Systematic Innovation, peer-reviewed, open access, and online with lag prints. It is the first and only journal dedicated to Innovation Methods. Editor-in-Chief: Sheu, Dongliang Daniel (Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), with twelve Associated Editors from various countries. 

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information



Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable


[Note (TN, Dec. 21, 2022): All the papers may be accessed in the Archives: https://www.ijosi.org/index.php/IJOSI/issue/archive .  This website is evaluated at the level ○□ on TRIZ, while □on Around-TRIZ.]



TW-03  ;  ○□←□  ;  SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation) ;  https://www.ssi.org.tw/  ;  Location : tw (Taiwan)  ;  Language : cn (Chinese (traditional))
Roles of site:  (b5) Dedicated regional/domestic associations, (b4) Domestic conferences, (e5) Training organizations,

The Society of Systematic Innovation (SSI) is an international society based in Silicon Valley that focuses on researching, developing, integrating, disseminating, and applying various innovation methods to create synergy and assist innovation in industry, government, academia, and research


Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team: _TW  Taiwan_  Site Code: __TW-03___ Writer: _Ming-Hung Sung___ Date: _2023/ 07/04_




Site Name  **     

SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location   

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

tw  Chinese (traditional Chinese)

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(a1) Dedicated for information sending (b1) Dedicated associations, (b2) Dedicated (academic) societies, (b3) International conferences, (b4) Domestic conferences, (c2) National organizations (e5) Training organizations, (e6) Seminar organizations, (f1) Journals, (f2) Publishers, (f4) Book sellers, (f6) Software/tool/application sellers

Refer the codes


Evaluation **


Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

The Society of Systematic Innovation (SSI) is a Taiwan-based non-profit organization that provides courses, certifications, and publications in systematic innovation theory and application.


Application phase       *

(a1) Capability building,

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(c1) Engineering in general,

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(e) Systems analysis (f) Use of knowledge (g) Idea generation tools (n) Modernized TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

The Society of Systematic Innovation (SSI) is a non-profit organization that aims to help individuals and organizations improve their innovation and problem-solving abilities. SSI was founded in 2008 and is based in Taiwan. SSI offers various courses and certifications in systematic innovation, such as TRIZ, Six Sigma, and production system design and diagnosis. SSI also publishes the International Journal of Systematic Innovation (IJoSI), which is indexed by SCOPUS. SSI's website provides information about its mission, vision, activities, courses, publications, and contact details. opportunities identification. It is administered by the Society of Systematic Innovation, peer-reviewed, open access, and online with lag prints. It is the first and only journal dedicated to Innovation Methods. Editor-in-Chief: Sheu, Dongliang Daniel (Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), with twelve Associated Editors from various countries. 

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information



Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable


[Note (TN, Dec. 21, 2022):  SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation) was established in May 2008 in Taiwan. SSI soon extended its scope toward international activities and built I-SIM (International Society of Innovation Methods) while remaining itself for the domestic activities in Taiwan. (Thus once SSI operated its website both in Chinese and English, but lately no sites in English.) 
SSI holds its annual domestic conferences.  SSI puts much weight on the training courses, specialized in TRIZ (technical and business), IP (Project/Product), QC, Customer-oriented Innovation Design, Digital Chip Design Verification, Six Sigma, etc., and the annual program of the courses are announced in the website.  SSI is nominally the publisher of IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation), but see it in a separate site code TW-02.]



TW-04  ;  ○←□ ;  Taiwan TRIZ Association   ;   https://www.triz-tw.com/  ;  Location : tw (Taiwan)  ;  Language : cn (Chinese (traditional))
Roles of site: (b5) Dedicated regional/domestic associations ,  (b4) Domestic conferences,   (e5) Training organizations,

The Society was established in 2005 and became a member of the International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) in 2010. It has about 350 members. Its mission is to promote the application and research of TRIZ, publish related materials, train TRIZ professionals, facilitate exchange and promotion of TRIZ activities among academia, industry and government, organize case presentations, competitions and seminars, and liaise with international organizations.


Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team: _TW  Taiwan_  Site Code: __TW-04___ Writer: _Ming-Hung Sung___ Date: _2023/ 07/04_




Site Name  **     

Taiwan TRIZ Association   (中華萃思學會)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location 

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

tw  Chinese (traditional Chinese)

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(b5) Dedicated regional/domestic associations , (b4) Domestic conferences, (e5) Training organizations,

Refer the codes

Evaluation **


Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

The Society of Systematic Innovation (SSI) is a Taiwan-based non-profit organization that provides courses, certifications, and publications in systematic innovation theory and application.


Application phase       *

(a1) Capability building,

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(c1) Engineering in general,

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(e) Systems analysis,  (m) Classical TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

The Society was established in 2005 and became a member of the International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) in 2010. It has about 350 members. Its mission is to promote the application and research of TRIZ, publish related materials, train TRIZ professionals, facilitate exchange and promotion of TRIZ activities among academia, industry and government, organize case presentations, competitions and seminars, and liaise with international organizations.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

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Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable



TW-05  ;  □ ;  NCL (National Central Library) : NDLTD (The National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan)  ;  https://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/   ;  Location : tw (Taiwan)  ;  Language : en ,  cn (Chinese )
Roles of site: (f3) Repository,  (g7) Libraries, (c2) National organizations

The National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan is a special project of the National Central Library (NCL) designated by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to archive and provide online access to theses and dissertations in Taiwan. The project has a long history, with NCL publishing bibliographies and conducting archive projects since 1970. The system has evolved over time, with new functions and platforms being added to improve its services, including a second-generation system established in 2004. NCL has worked closely with the MOE to ensure that the project continues to provide valuable support to researchers in Taiwan.  Up to now (2023/04/30), a total of 1518/1,354,848 master's and doctoral theses were searched using the keyword "TRIZ".


Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team: _TW  Taiwan_  Site Code: __TW-05___ Writer: _Ming-Hung Sung___ Date: _2023/ 07/04_




Site Name  **     

NCL (National Central Library) : NDLTD (The National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan)   (台灣博碩士論文知識加值系統)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location                  

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

cn  Chinese (traditional Chinese) , en  English

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(f3) Repositories,  (c2) National organizations,

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

The National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan is a project of NCL designated by the MOE to archive and provide online access to theses and dissertations in Taiwan.


Application phase       *


Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(a) General/universal, (b) Science, (c) Engineering, (d) Biological and medical fields, (e) Business fields, (f) Social problems, (g) Humanity fields

Refer the codes

Methods     *


Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

 The National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan is a special project of the National Central Library (NCL) designated by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to archive and provide online access to theses and dissertations in Taiwan. The project has a long history, with NCL publishing bibliographies and conducting archive projects since 1970. The system has evolved over time, with new functions and platforms being added to improve its services, including a second-generation system established in 2004. NCL has worked closely with the MOE to ensure that the project continues to provide valuable support to researchers in Taiwan

Free format, in 5-10 lines

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Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable



TW-06  ;  □  ;  TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office)  ;  https://www.tipo.gov.tw/en/mp-2.html   ;  Location : tw (Taiwan)  ;  Language : en ,  cn (Chinese)
Roles of site: (c4) Professional organizations (Patent offices, etc.),  (c2) National organizations

Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO), which was established in 1999 as an agency that combines patent, trademark, copyright, IC layout, and trade secret authorities. TIPO is responsible for IP policy formulation, IP law drafting, and inter-agency enforcement coordination. The file provides information about the different divisions within TIPO and how it works with other agencies and organizations to protect intellectual property rights in Taiwan. Up to now (2023/04/30), in any field search , a total of 37 patents: granted inventions(31), utility models(6).


Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team: _TW  Taiwan_  Site Code: __TW-06___ Writer: _Ming-Hung Sung___ Date: _2023/ 07/04_




Site Name  **     

TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office)  (智慧財產局)


Site domain URL       **

https://www.tipo.gov.tw/      (Chinese) 


Site Location   

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

cn  Chinese (traditional Chinese) , en  English

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(c4) Professional organizations (Patent offices, etc.), (c2) National organizations

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) is an agency established in 1999 that combines various IP authorities and is responsible for IP policy formulation, law drafting, and enforcement coordination in Taiwan


Application phase       *

(f7) Patent/IP databases, (f5) Information retrieval,

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(a) General/universal (c) Engineering (d) Biological and medical fields

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(k1) Patent analysis , (k2) Patent application, (k3) Patent circumvention, (k4) Patent protection

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO), which was established in 1999 as an agency that combines patent, trademark, copyright, IC layout, and trade secret authorities. TIPO is responsible for IP policy formulation, IP law drafting, and inter-agency enforcement coordination. The file provides information about the different divisions within TIPO and how it works with other agencies and organizations to protect intellectual property rights in Taiwan.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information



Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable



TW-07  ;  ○ ← □   ;  Intelligent Innovation- TRIZ (萃思) (Ming-Hung Sung) ;  http://mhsung.idv.fcu.edu.tw/TRIZ/TRIZ_index.htm  ;  Location : tw (Taiwan)  ;  Language : cn (Chinese (traditional))
Roles of site :  (g3) Knowledge sharing,  (a1) Dedicated for information sending,  (i1) Individual researchers, (d1) Universities, 


Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team: _TW  Taiwan_  Site Code: __TW-07___ Writer: _Ming-Hung Sung___ Date: _2023/ 07/04_




Site Name  **     

Intelligent Innovation- TRIZ    (萃思) (Ming-Hung Sung)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location  

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

cn  Chinese (traditional Chinese)

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(g3) Knowledge sharing, (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (i1) Individual researchers, (d1) Universities, 

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

○ ← □

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Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

Promotion of TRIZ Study and Application


Application phase       *

(a1) Capability building, (a2) Team and Organization building, (b) Problem finding and analysis phase (c) Solution generation phase (d1) Improving and implementing solutions (e) Intellectual properties

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(a) General/universal

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(b) Needs and problem finding, (d3) Multi-aspect thinking, (e) Systems analysis, (f) Use of knowledge, (g) Idea generation tools, (i1) Evaluation criteria, (j1) Pilot project, (k) Intellectual properties, (m) Classical TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

The website provides a comprehensive introduction to TRIZ, including its principles, tools, and applications. With easy-to-understand explanations and examples, this website is a valuable resource for anyone interested in TRIZ and innovation.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information



Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable



TW-08   ;  □△←△   ;  NCTU (National Chiao Tung University) : IR (Institutional Repository)  ;  https://ir.nctu.edu.tw/ ;  Location : tw (Taiwan)  ;  Language : cn- Chinese (traditional)    
Roles of site : (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository           ;  Note:  Re-evaluated (2023.12.20); Contributed by Youn-Jan Lin (Dec 30, 2023) (Posted : Jan. 30, 2024)

Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team:  TW  Taiwan    Site Code:  TW-08   Writer:  Youn-Jan Lin   Date:  2023/ 12/30




Site Name  **

NCTU (National Chiao Tung University): IR (Institutional Repository)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location  

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

cn- Chinese (traditional)

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(d1) Universities, (f3) Repository,

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

 □△ ← △            Re-evaluated (2023.12.20)

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

Universities Repository with a series of theses and articles related to TRIZ 有一系列跟TIZ有關的學位論文與文章的大學


Application phase       *

(b) Problem finding and analysis phase, (c) Solution generation phase

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(a) General/universal, (b) Science, (c) Engineering, (e) Business fields, (f) Social problems, (g) Humanity fields

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(b) Needs and problem finding, (e) Systems analysis, (m) Classical TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

After searching for TRIZ, you can find a series of dissertations and articles related to TRIZ, using TRIZ in many different fields.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information


Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable


TW-10  ;  □△←△  ;  NCHU (National Chung Hsing University) : IR (Institutional Repository)  ;  https://ir.lib.nchu.edu.tw/  ;  Location : tw (Taiwan)  ; Language : cn- Chinese (traditional)    
Roles of site : (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository           ;  Note:  Re-evaluated (2023.12.20); Contributed by Youn-Jan Lin (Dec 30, 2023) (Posted : Jan. 30, 2024)

Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team:  TW  Taiwan    Site Code:  TW-10   Writer:  Youn-Jan Lin   Date:  2023/ 12/30




Site Name  **

NCHU (National Chung Hsing University): IR (Institutional Repository)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location  

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language

cn- Chinese (traditional)

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(d1) Universities, (f3) Repository,

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

 □△ ← △                Re-evaluated (2023.12.20)

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

University repository with a series of theses and articles related to TRIZ


Application phase       *

(b) Problem finding and analysis phase, (c) Solution generation phase

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(a) General/universal, (b) Science, (c) Engineering, (e) Business fields, (f) Social problems, (g) Humanity fields

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(b) Needs and problem finding,  (e) Systems analysis, (m) Classical TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

After searching for TRIZ, you can find a series of dissertations and articles related to TRIZ, using TRIZ in many different fields.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information


Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable



TW-15 ;  □△←△ ;  FEU (Far East University) ;  https://www.feu.edu.tw/  ; Location : tw (Taiwan)  ; Language : cn- Chinese (traditional)    
Roles of site : (d1) Universities, (f3) Repository           ;  Note:  Re-evaluated (2023.12.20); Contributed by Youn-Jan Lin (Dec 30, 2023) (Posted : Jan. 30, 2024)

Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team:  TW  Taiwan    Site Code:  TW-15   Writer:  Youn-Jan Lin   Date:  2023/ 12/30




Site Name  **

FEU (Far East University)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location           **

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language         **

cn- Chinese (traditional)

Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(d1) Universities,

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

 □△ ← △                        Re-evaluated (2023.12.20)

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

Universities with a series of theses, reports, books and articles related to TRIZ


Application phase       *

(b) Problem finding and analysis phase, (c) Solution generation phase

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(a) General/universal, (b) Science, (c) Engineering, (e) Business fields, (f) Social problems, (g) Humanity fields

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(b) Needs and problem finding, (e) Systems analysis ,(m) Classical TRIZ methods, (n) Modernized TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

First connect to the library and search for TRIZ. You can find a series of theses, reports, books and articles related to TRIZ, which can be used in many different fields.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information


Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable



TW-48 ;  □△←△ ;  A powerful tool for innovation-TRIZ (Youn-Jan Lin);  https://reurl.cc/OG0WbD  ; Location : tw (Taiwan)  ; Language : cn- Chinese (traditional)    
Roles of site :  (i4) Personal Blog sites           ;  Note:  Re-evaluated (2023.12.20); Contributed by Youn-Jan Lin (Dec 30, 2023) (Posted : Jan. 30, 2024)

Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

    Team:  TW  Taiwan    Site Code:  TW-15   Writer:  Youn-Jan Lin   Date:  2023/ 12/30




Site Name  **

A powerful tool for innovation-TRIZ (Youn-Jan Lin)


Site domain URL       **



Site Location          **

tw  Taiwan

Refer the codes

Site Language          **

cn- Chinese (traditional)

Refer the codes

Roles of Site          **

(i4) Personal Blog sites

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

 □△ ← △           Re-evaluated (2023.12.20)

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

A series of articles related to TRIZ


Application phase       *

(b) Problem finding and analysis phase, (c) Solution generation phase

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(a) General/universal

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(n) Modernized TRIZ methods

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

A series of articles related to TRIZ, including descriptive concepts, technical steps, and case explanations, allowing readers to have a basic understanding of certain innovation methods.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information


Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
          https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/eWTSP/eWTSP-DatabaseSystem/eWTSP-CatalogSystem-IndexSchemes.html   (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable



Top of this page

Index table (◎○□)

Index table (△)

Site Descriptions



Index page of unfinished Manuscripts


Intorduction to WTSP Catalogs

World WTSP Catalogs  Top page

Components from Countries, SIGs, Surveys

Raw data for countries (4th round survey 2021)

Practice Guide for Building Catalogs (Summary)


(A) World TRIZ Sites Catalogs

(C) World Around- TRIZ Sites Catalogs


Top of this page

WTSP Project Welcome page

WTSP Index page

(A1) Policies

(A2) Organization

(A3) Platform

(A4) Guidelines

(A5) Access to the Project Outputs

(A6) Publicized Outputs

(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs  (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version)

(A9) Introductions to WTSP Catalogs 

World WTSP Catalogs Top Page  

(B1) WTSP News 2017

(B2) WTSP News 2018

(B3) WTSP News 2019 (B4) WTSP News 2020 (B5) WTSP News 2021

(B6) WTSP News 2022

WTSP Appeal (Jun. 2018)

WTSP Paper (1) ETRIA TFC2018

WTSP Paper (2) ETRIA TFC2019

Summary slides (TFC 2019)

WTSP Paper (3) ETRIA TFC2020

WTSP Paper (4) ETRIA TFC2021

Japanese page of WTSP Index page

General Index  (A) Editorial (B) References Links News & activities Software tools (C) Papers, case studies, articles, Lectures, course materials (D) Forum   Search in this site General Index 
Home Page New Information for children and highschool students for students and the general public for engineers (introduction) for Practitioners CrePS System Documents USIT Manual & Case Studies Dr. Ed Sickafus Memorial Archives (USIT) WTSP Project World WTSP Catalogs Home Page

Last updated on Jan. 30, 2024    Access point:  Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp