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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 13, 2021)
This is the results of the Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Taiwan.
See the general instruction in the parent page .Please compare with the results at the 1st round (Taiwan, TRIZ, Sept. 2018) (.doc)
This page contains:
(A) Outputs of the search results with the heading of 'Site code, Site name, and Site domain URL'
(B) Summary Table of the Web sites obtained in (A).Here we list 45 Websites.
I hope this draft document is useful for TRIZ people in Taiwan to construct "Taiwan Part of World WTSP Catalogs".
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 26, 2023)
I started to revise this page in last December 2022, and stopped the work on Dec. 18, 2022 at a preliminary stage as shown here. I intended to post this draft on this website, but failed in doing so. I wanted to get a help by the colleagues in Taiwan, and now Prof. Ming-Hung Sung is kindly working for this job. Since I have noticed my failure today, I am posting this page in a preliminary revision form.
(B) Summary Table | Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country |
(A) Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Taiwan
location= Taiwan, language= English, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional)
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"
Toru Nakagawa Jun. 12, 2021Toru Nakagawa Dec. 18, 2022 (Prelimnary Revision) (Posted: Mar. 26, 2023)
The Society of Systematic Innovation - I-SIM
2016/7/20 -Foreword. The organizers of the International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) and ... Conferences on Systematic Innovation resulted from the belief that associated with TRIZ and innovation techniques have been.
About us : Top page: International Society of Innovation Methods (I-SIM) is the world first and, so far only, international society dedicated solely for research, development, training, and promotion of innovation methods. I-SIM is a not-for-profit society. Goals of the I-SIM: Innovation methods are important. However, TRIZ is only one major part of the Innovation Methods. There are ample opportunities to integrate TRIZ and non-TRIZ innovation methods for much wider and better research and application opportunities. The goals of I-SIM thus include but not limited to: (1) Providing a platform for Research, Development, and Promotion of innovation methods, tools, systems, and applications. (2) Integrating various innovation methods such as TRIZ, deBono methods, biomimicry, etc., for synergetic usage. (3) Providing complete and in-depth training/consultation/database/tools/knowledge in the field related to Innovation Methods. (4) Organizing related experts and organizations for win-win collaborations.
[Note (TN, Dec. 19, 2022): I-SIM is a not-for-profit organization based in Taiwan and operating various international activities as mentioned in its 'Goals'. Its website is somewhat confusing currently under the revision/construction process. Its old URL shows a list of ICSI conferences up to 2020 and does not show the new URL, i.e., . (The difference looks very small, but actually confusing because I-SIM has various activities/documents as shown below:)
(a) ICSI (International Conference on Systematic Innovation) accompanied with GCSI (Global Competition of Systematic Innovation) is the annual event organized/sponsored by I-SIM. Starting in 2010, it has been held in Taiwan, China, Korea, USA, Hong Kong, Portugal, Taiwan, UK, Taiwan (online), China (hybrid), Taiwan (hybrid). Universities served as organizers and I-SIM supported it consistently. Records of ICSI in the year 20xx are accessible with URL for the Programs and with for the Proceedings (for years from 2010 to 2019). ICSI has a policy of accepting papers with quick reviewing and recommending to publishing them later in journals with a peer-review system.
(b) IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation) is the Journal having a peer-review system. It is sponsored by I-SIM and published by SSI. See the website IJoSI
(c) SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation) is the organization based in Taiwan and preceding I-SIM. It seems that SSI makes various domestic activities, while I-SIM international activities.
(d) I-SIM has a growing database of documents on Systematic Innovation Methods, which are open only for Members, with the Fee of 100USD for life time.
## ; □△TA ; SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation) ; ; Location: Tw (Taiwan) ; Language: cn (Chinese)
Roles of site: (b5) Dedicated regional/domestic associations, (b4) Domestic conferences, (e5) Training organizations,
中華系統性創新學會 The Society of Systematic Innovation ...
The Joint International Conference on Systematic Innovation & IFIP Computer- Aided Innovation. 2010 2011 2012 ... The Society of Systematic Innovation was established in May, 2008, for the purpose of: ... Systematic Innovation and TRIZ.
[Note (TN, Dec. 21, 2022): SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation) was established in May 2008 in Taiwan. SSI soon extended its scope toward international activities and built I-SIM (International Society of Innovation Methods) while remaining itself for the domestic activities in Taiwan. (Thus once SSI operated its website both in Chinese and English, but lately no sites in English.)
SSI holds its annual domestic conferences. SSI puts much weight on the training courses, specialized in TRIZ (technical and business), IP (Project/Product), QC, Customer-oriented Innovation Design, Digital Chip Design Verification, Six Sigma, etc., and the annual program of the courses are announced in the website. SSI is nominally the publisher of IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation), but see it in a separate site code ## .]
## ; ○□TA ; IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation) ; ; Location: Tw (Taiwan) ; Language: en
Roles of site: (f1) Journals,
About us : Purpose: The aims of the journal are to publish high-quality scholarly papers with academic rigor in theoretical and practical studies in order to enhance human knowledge/skills in and promote beneficial applications of Systematic Innovation. Brief outline of the proposed scope: "Systematic Innovation" is a set of knowledge/tools/methods which can enable systematic development of innovative problem solving, strategy setting, and/or identification of product/process/service innovation opportunities. The International Journal of Systematic Innovation (IJoSI) is a journal administered by the Society of Systematic Innovation. IJoSI is a doubly blinded peer review, open access online journal with lag prints which publishes original research articles, reviews, and case studies in the field of Innovation Methods emphasizing on Systematic Innovation. This is the first and only international journal in the world dedicated to the field of Innovation Methods. Editor-in-Chief: Sheu, Dongliang Daniel (Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), supported by twelve Associated Editors from various countries.
[Note (TN, Dec. 21, 2022): All the papers may be accessed in the Archives: . This website is evaluated at the level ○□ on TRIZ, while □on Around-TRIZ.]
-==::** || 智慧型創新TRIZ 萃智|| **::==-快速提供具智財權與技術 ...
問題解決 · 整合流程 · 產品發展策略 · 智慧型創新 · II系統流程 · TRIZ流程 · 流程說明 · II三性 · II診斷. 市場性. 庶民生活 · 蘋果VS黑莓 · 很乾淨? 何謂市場性 · JTBD · 產業分析 · FRM · SIVA. 競品分析. 競品功能 · 五力分析 · SWOT · 交通工具 · 跑步機 · 3C ...
## ; □△ ; Asia ; ; Location: ; Language:
Roles of site: > 首頁 > 公開課程
《TRIZ for Strategy》萃智策略創新實務應用.TRIZ萃智策略創新的要點是把許多產品、技術、產業的演化軌跡歸納成許多模式。針對某一個特定產品、技術、或產業,我們可以利用這方法研判它過去的發展軌跡,從而推測它的未來發展方向。 在眾.
聯合教育訓練中心- 公開課程- 【網路】萃智(TRIZ)系統化技術 ...
TRIZ中文稱呼為「萃智」或「萃思」,為「發明性問題解決理論」(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)之俄文縮寫,是由前蘇聯發明家Gen...
Note: All other websites listed in the original page (Jun. 13, 2021) are not tatched in this preliminary revision version. (Mar. 26, 2023, TN)
(B) Summary Table: Internet Survey (4th round) of TRIZ Sites in Taiwan
location= Taiwan, language= English, Chinese (Simlified, Traditional)
Keyword: TRIZ OR "Systematic Innovation"
Toru Nakagawa Jun. 12, 2021Toru Nakagawa Dec. 18, 2022 (Prelimnary Revision) (Posted: Mar. 26, 2023)
Site Code
Evaluation Site Name
Site Domain URL
◎ TA ##
□△TA SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation) ## ○□TA IJoSI (International Journal of Systematic Innovation) ttps:// ## ○□ FCU (Feng Chia University) : MHSung ## □△ Asia ##
See other website below:
Site Code
Site Name
Site Domain URL
SSI (The Society of Systematic Innovation)
ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) : College
NCCU ( National Chengchi University) : GEBRC (Global Electronic Business Research Center)
Tiāndì rén xuétáng (Heaven, Earth and Human Academy)
CPC (China Productivity Center)
Manager Today
Yahoo!Search (Images)
Ministry of Economic Affairs : TIPO (Intellectual Property Office)
NAIP (North American Intellectual Property News)
KUS (National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences) : IR (Institutional Repository)
FFTC (Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region)
NCL (National Central Library) : NFLTD (National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan)
Airity Library
TCFST (Tze-Chiang Foundation of Science and Technology)
Ideas System
NAER (National Academy for Educational Research)
NTNU (National Taiwan Normal University) : DSpace (Research Portal)
CSU (Cheng Shiu University) : IEM (Department of Industrial Engineering & Management)
## □△
## ○□
FCU (Feng Chia University) : MHSung
NCHU (National Chung Hsing University) : IR (Institutional Repository)
KPMS (Kris Project Management School)
NCTU (National Chiao Tung University) : IR (Institutional Repository)
NCKU (Cheng Kung University) : ETDS (Electronic Theses & Dissertations Service)
FEU (Far East University)
TKU (Tamkang University) : ETDS (Electronic Theses & Dissertations Service)
NTHU (National Tsing Hua University) : IE (Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management)
CTU (Chienkuo Technology University) : IR (Institutional Repository)
CJCU (Chang Jung Christian University) : Sites (Web collaboration platform)
TILA (Taiwan Intelligent Leader Association)
Vine Management Consulting
myMKC (my Management Knowledge Center)
## ◎
I-SIM (The Society of Systematic Innovation)
NARL (National Experimental Research Institute) : STPI (Science and Technology Policy ) : IKNOW ( )
DYU (Da-Yeh University) : Journal
(B) Summary Table |
Current Manuscript of WTSP Catalogs of this country |
(A7) Current Working Manuscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | (B5) WTSP News 2021 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Mar. 26, 2023 Access point: Editor: