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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 14, 2023)
For developing our World WTSP Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Websites, we need to go through several stages. This page serves as an index of various Manuscripts of Source Data coming from different countries and showing their intermediate stages of processing, for the purpose of easier handling of them by many Country Editors, and preventing any loss of valuable information.
Typical stages are:
(1) Initial Survey Stage:
(1a) Internet survey results of websites (or listing of known/recommended websites)
(1b) Visiting websites one by one and writing brief introductions of each site
(1c) Basic information of each site is well written, especially including Roles of site and Evaluation of site(2) Preliminary Manuscript Stage:
(2a) Table of selected websites, with Basic information and Brief introdction of each site.
-- but incomplete in several respects (e.g., many more websites need to be included, Roles and Evaluation are missing, Brief introduction is missing for many sites, etc.)
(2b) Table of selected websites, before or during the process of review by colleagues (of the country or SIG).
(2c) Table of selected websites and their introductions, but not completed due to missing Roles of site and/or Evaluation.
(2d) Table of selectd websites and their introductions, almost complete but missing some information and awaiting final editing. It is much desirable to include (some) Site Descriptions written by site owners in the WTSP Standard Form.
(2e) Completed Manuscript of Country/SIG websites to be submitted to the WTSP Project Leader.(3) Completed Manuscript Stage:
(3a) Manuscript completed as Country/SIG Catalog in its standard form, but need to check for site duplication with some other Manuscripts already published.
(3b) Completed Manuscript after duplication check and consistency adjustment with other Manuscripts -- but the new Manuscript and related other (adjusted) Manuscripts are not yet published.(4) Published Source-Data Stage:
(4a) Published as one of the Source-Data files, but the checking/adjustment with many other Source-Data files is partially incomplete.
(4b) Published as one of Source Data files, after enough checking/adjustment. --- But (the Index Part of) the main files of World WTSP Catalogs (such as A1, A2, A3, A1P, A2P, etc.) are not yet revised.(5) Published in World WTSP Catalogs Stage:
(5a) The New Source Data are integrated and published in the World WTSP Catalogs of A1, A2, A3, etc.
(5b) The New Source Data are fully integrated and published in the World WTSP Catalogs, including the "Print Type" (i.e., A1P, A2P, etc.)==> The Source Data published are listed in the page "Source Documents of the World WTSP Catalogs"
Note that Stages (1) and (2) are carried out by the WTSP Team and the Country Editor, while Stages (3)(4)(5) are carried out by the Project Leader.
In this Index page, various manuscripts at the Stages from (1) to (5) and published on the WTSP website are listed according to Stages (1) to (5). Stage (5b) is the final/completed document fully incorporated in the World WTSP Catalogs; they are also shown here to record the development process of World WTSP Catalogs.
Note: In each stage (1)(2)...(5), the Manuscripts are arranged in the order of latest at the top. (Sept. 10, 2023)
Manuscripts at (1) Initial Survey Stage: (1a)-(1c)
Summary of Internet Surveys (4th round) of 40 individual countries (TN, Nov. 20, 2021)
Summary of Internet surveys, especially for 40 individual countries that are not major in TRIZ.
For these countries, individual websites were visited quickly to write Brief introduction (mostly excerpts from the "About us" page) and to evaluate them provisionally.
For all countries, the websites evaluated as , , , or ’ are listed, while the site description (with Brief introduction) is accessible via the hyperlink to the original files shown on the preceding Index page. Stage (1b), because Roles of site are not shown.Note (TN, Jun. 14, 2023): TN worked for these 40 countires to prepare for their Preliminary Manuscripts, because the TRIZ community in these countries are still weak to carry out WTSP project.
On the other hand, 12 other countries are active in TRIZ with a number of TRIZ profesionals who can lead the TRIZ community to prepare for their own Country Catalogs. Thus TN asked such TRIZ leaders and colleagues to prepare for their County Manuscripts (on the basis of the survey results at Stage (1a)) for themselves. Such major countries include: UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, and Australia.
Later TN worked to build Country Catalogs for UK (Mar. 2022) and Germany (Dec. 2022) up to the Stage (4b), for demonstrating how to create the Manuscript of Country Catalogs.Internet Surveys (4th round) of 52 individual countries and 3 language groups (TN, Nov. 20, 2021)
Index page of all the 52 countries and 3 language groups. Accessible to data for each country.
For each country the results of Internet survey with the keyword TRIZ are shown. Stage (1a) for 12 countries that are active/major in TRIZ, while Stage (1b) for 40 other countries that are not major in TRIZ.
For example, the results are accessible for UK (39 websites) and for Austria (26 websites) .
Summary Table of countries and their number of detected sites is shown on the Index page .
Manuscripts at (2) Preliminary Manuscript Stage: (2a)- (2e)
Preliminary Manuscript of MENA (Mid-East & North Africa) Arabic Region of World WTSP Catalogs (Khaled Shoaib (Egypt) and TN, Sept. 10, 2023)
The survey results of 15 websites in the MENA Arabic Region were obtained and contributed by Khaled Shoaib (Egypt). Using his data in a big table in .docx, TN set up a webpage in the form of WTSP Manuscript. (at Stage 2a).
Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in Taiwan (Ming-Hung Sung and TN, Jul. 16, 2023) ==> See revised: Stage (3a)
Preliminary Manuscript is built and registered, at Stage (2b).
Index table of TRIZ websites in Taiwan: included in World Catalogs (◎○□) 7 sites ; to be ncluded in Country Catalog (△) 25sites. Site descriptions of the top 7 sites (◎○□)Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in Taiwan (Ming-Hung Sung, Apr. 30, 2023)
This manuscript contains the (brief) Index Table of websites (1, 1, 4, ’25, [15) and site descriptions of 6 of them ( j only; i.e., at Stage (2a).
Because of its draft nature, TN did not post it on the WTSP website and sent some suggestions for improvement, as shown on the WTSP Forum page.Partial & Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in Taiwan (TN, Mar. 26, 2023) ==> See revised: Stage (2b)
Unfinished work of a preliminary manuscript of websites in Taiwan, containing only the top 3 websites well described but missing many other websites; so this page is at Stage (2a).
Preliminary Manuscript (version 0.7) of Websites in Korea (Ming-Gue Lee, Feb. 19, 2023)
Preliminary manuscript of 25 websites (3, 1, 21) in Korea was sent to TN on Feb. 19. It is an Index Table in an extended format (including single-line description, key person, additional information, etc.)
The Editor sent this preliminary manuscript to 11 colleagues in Korea (in CC) for their review. Thus TN did not publish the manuscript on the WTSP website, and sent some suggestions for improvement as shown on the WTSP Forum page .
This is at Stage (2b).Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in A- Austria (TN, Oct. 22, 2023)
Made by TN on the basis of the 4th-round Internet survey. TRIZ Sites: 2 , 2 ’G@Around-TRIZ Sites: 2 , 1 A1 ’. @Jantschgi C&R, Biognosis Blog & Tools (by Elke Barbara Bachler), ’ PfI (Platform for Innovation), ’ Tritium (by Harald Graf-Müller). (at Stage 2d (or 3a)).
Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in A- Czech Republic (TN, Oct. 22, 2023)
Made by TN on the basis of the 4th-round Internet survey. TRIZ Sites: 2 , 2 , 2’G@Around-TRIZ Sites: 2 , 2 , 2’. TRIZing (by Bohuslav Bušov), L ICG (Integrated Consulting Group), TUL (Technical University of Liberec) : DSpace (Digital Repository), ’ BUT (Bruno University of Technology) FDigital Library. (at Stage 2d).
Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in A- Finland (TN, Oct. 22, 2023)
Made by TN on the basis of the 4th-round Internet survey. @TRIZ Sites: 3 G@Around-TRIZ Sites: 1 , 2 . LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT), QKK (Quality Knowhow Karjalainen), Viima. (at Stage 2d (or 3a)).
Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in A- Greece (TN, Oct. 22, 2023)
Made by TN on the basis of the 4th-round Internet survey. TRIZ Sites: 1 G@Around-TRIZ Sites: 1 , 1 . ATINER (Athens Institute for Education & Research). (at Stage 2d (or 3a)).
Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in A- Hungary (TN, Oct. 22, 2023)
Made by TN on the basis of the 4th-round Internet survey. TRIZ Sites: 2’G@Around-TRIZ Sites: 3 , 1 ’. (at Stage 2d (or 3a)).
Preliminary Manuscript of Websites in A- Ireland (TN, Oct. 22, 2023)
Made by TN on the basis of the 4th-round Internet survey. @TRIZ Sites: 1 , 1’G@Around-TRIZ Sites: 2 , 2 . @ T IJEE (International Journal of Engineering Education) (at Stage 2d (or 3a)).
Manuscripts at (3) Completed Manuscript Stage: (3a) -(3b)
(Stage (3a)) Manuscript of TRIZ Websites in South Korea (Min-Gyu Lee, Apr. 16, 2024, May 14, 2024
Index table of TRIZ websites in South Korea: (or Lj@4 sites, (or j11 sites, 8 sites, and ’@3 sites. Simple site introductions for all the 26 site.
(Stage (3a)) Manuscript of Websites in Taiwan (Ming-Hung Sung, Youn-Jan Lin, and TN, Jan. 30, 2024)
Index table of TRIZ websites in Taiwan: 12 sites included in World Catalogs (◎○□) ; 22 sites (△). Site descriptions of all the 12 sites (◎○□).
Revised Manuscript of Websites in the Russian-Language Region (Michael Orloff, Aug. 19, 2020)
Manuscript of Websites in the Russian-Language Region was originally made by Michael Orloff (Jul. 24, 2019) and has already been integrated and published in the World WTSP Catalogs (Preliminary Edition, Oct. 2019; Beta Edition, Jun. 2020). It lists a total of 37 websites (10, 15, 12 websites).
Michael Orloff made a revised & extended version of it, which lists 55 websites (10, 16, 29 websites) (Aug. 15, 2020). Nikolay Shpakovsky also contributed information on 8 websites (Aug. 17, 2020), which was incorporated into the revised version by Orloff.
The revised Manuscript is published on the WTSP site (Aug. 19, 2020) , in the form of an Index Table with single-line description (in 2-3 lines) but without Brief site introductons.
The data of the Revised version are not yet incorporated/published in the World WTSP Catalogs; they have to be checked against other Souce Data already published in the World Catalogs and the Main Role of site has to be verified. Thus, at Stage (3a).
Manuscripts at (4) Published Source-Data Stage: (4a)-(4b)
Revised Manuscript of websites in Malaysia is completed (Eng Hoo Tan, Apr, 27, 2023)
The original Manuscript of websites in Malysia was prepared (by Eng Hoo Tan and T.S. Yeoh, Jun. 18, 2019) and published in the World Catalogs (Aug. 4, 2019).
A revised Manuscript was submitted by Eng Hoo Tan and contains 18 websites ( ’j, including 4 new ’ websites.
The revision was incorporated in the published Manuscript of Websites in Malaysia (Apr. 27, 2023) ; so at Stage (4b).Manuscript of websites in Germany is completed , and then published as Germany Part of WTSP Catalogs (TN, Dec. 16, 2022)
Completed Manuscript of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Websites in Germanyy. Stage (4a)
Germany Part of World TRIZ Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Websites, after checking/adjusting the duplication of sites with other Manuscripts: Stage (4b)
Manuscript of websites in UK is completed , and then published as UK Part of WTSP Catalogs (TN, Mar. 2, 2022)
Completed Manuscript of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Websites in UK. Stage (4a)
UK Part of the World TRIZ Catalogs of TRIZ and Around-TRIZ Websites, after checking/adjusting the duplication of sites with other Manuscripts: Stage (4b)
Manuscripts at (5) Published in World WTSP Catalogs Stage: (5a)-(5b)
Last updated on Oct. 22, 2023. Access point: Editor: