TRIZ Promotion

In-house Promotion of TRIZ Use through Practice

Shigeru Hisanaga, Hiroshi Takenaka (DENSO Corporation)
(English translation by the Japan TRIZ Society)

Presented at 9th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held on Sept. 5-6, 2013
at Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Tachikawa, Tokyo
[Posted: Jan. 26, 2014]

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 25, 2014)

This paper was presented last September at Japan TRIZ Symposium 2013.  It has obtained the 'Best Presentation for You' Award by the participants voting (I missed the presentation due to the double track schedule, to my regret).  The presentation slides are posted publicly in the official Web site of the Japan TRIZ Society .  It is our pleasure that the paper is now posted in this "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" publicly for wider audience under the desire/permission by the authros and the permission by the Japan TRIZ Society.

DENSO Corporation, as you may know, is a big company in the TOYOTA group taking charge of the electronic equipments and interiors.  Last year at the ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference in Paris, it became a topic in discussions that TRIZ seems not being introduced well among automobile industries in the world for some reasons.  In such a situation, this paper reports that DENSO has introduced and applied TRIZ for these 10 years. 

The authors describe their history of TRIZ introduction and deployment in 3 stages:  In the initial stage, they introduced TRIZ mostly in the form of workshops guided by external consultants.  In the second, trial application spage, in-house promoters tried to support real projects by conducting TRIZ practice meetings.  In the third, application stage, the in-house promoters showed simple TRIZ application processes and supported the engineers to do their practices of TRIZ application.

The authors' Conclusion shown in their last slide is valuable.  Unfortunately, the English translation provided by the Japan TRIZ Society (in PDF) is not clear because of insufficient brushing up of the machine-translation version.  So I show the Conclusion slide here in my translation.


Top of the page Abstract   Slides Slides PDF   Japan TRIZ Symp. Report (Nakagawa) JTS site Japanese page

  Abstract   (Submitted on May 15, 2013)         

In-house Promotion of TRIZ Use through Practice

Shigeru Hisanaga, Hiroshi Takenaka (DENSO Corporation)
(English translation by the Japan TRIZ Society)

9th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, held on Sept. 5-6, 2013 in Tokyo


Our company has introduced TRIZ in 2003, and TRIZ use is promoted in-house up to the present. Starting at the introduction stage in which it had centered on the workshop by the cooperation of the initial external consultant, it has shifted to the activity that had centered on practice since about 2006. This is an activity that applies TRIZ to the problem of an actual business by in-house applicants with in-house promoters and aims at the solution. This activity has continued up to the present. The number of tools that were able to be mastered was increased to answer various expectations for various themes with TRIZ from around 2009, and applications of TRIZ in combination with other techniques were tried.

It will be reported on what problem existed during about ten years from the introduction to present in the activities of about 200 themes, the improvements tried and what we are doing now.


Presentation Slides:    Slides in PDF    (22 slides, 1.6 MB)

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1.  History of our TRIZ deployment


2.  Activities, problems, and improvements at each stage of deployment





3. A case study of combined use of TRIZ with other methods: Scenario writing for the technology development in a system A.








4.  Summary




==> See the Summary slide in revised English translation by Nakagawa in the Editor's Note (TN, Jan. 26, 2014) 



Top of the page Abstract   Slides Slides PDF   Japan TRIZ Symp. Report (Nakagawa) JTS site Japanese page


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Last updated on Jan. 26, 2014.     Access point:  Editor: