TRIZ Forum:

Communications and Information from Readers
      (Japan and Overseas)

Editor: Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)

Posted on Feb. 22, 2010; Updated: Mar. 13; Mar. 24; May 9, 2010 

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Feb. 22, 2010)

It's my pleasure to receive a number of messages, communications, and comments from readers in Japan and overseas.  I am going to post some of them here which may be of interest to many readers of this Web site, under the permission by the correspondents/authors.  Please use this page as a communication board among the readers who have common interest in TRIZ and related topics. 

As the editor of this page, please allow me to keep this page compact and useful by posting only brief introduction/summary/excerpt and the hyperlinks to the body of message/articles posted in separate pages or in different sites.  Title of the topic will be put by the editor.  For the sake of avoiding spam mails, the email addresses of the authors may not be shown here unless otherwise desired by the authors explicitly.  In some special cases the name and affiliation of the corresondents may not be disclosed here. 

Official information of international conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. will be posted separtely in the "TRIZ News and Activities" pages, which have been rebuilt and updated recently.

From time to time I also receive information of publications, software tools, etc. from readers or organizations.  I am planning to post some of them here (or in other appropriate pages) which are supposed to be useful for the readers.  Though I am going to keep this site non-commertial, such information may sometimes contain some commercial elements.  If we try to exclude any information with slightest commercial elements, we have to miss a volume of important information.  Thus, please allow me to post some extent of such commercial elements in this (and other) pages.  I would also like to ask for your tolerance for the fact that this page can never be thorough and quick in posting and in languae translation.  Under these limitations, I wish theses pages be useful for you all. 

Contents (latest at the top):

-- Follow-up Discussions on "Current Status and Future Directions for TRIZ" (See Index Page) (May 16, 2010)
      - Comments (Ellen Domb, USA) (May 16, 2010)

-- Important Issues for TRIZ (S. Saleem Arshad, Australia)   (May 9, 2010)

-- TRIZ Activities in Iran (Mahmoud Karimi, Iran) (Feb. 22; Mar. 13; Mar. 24, 2010)

-- TRIZ World Survey Final Report (Denis Cavallucci, France) (Jan. 19, 2010)

-- TETRIS (TRIZ Education at Schools) Project Materials (Jan. 19, 2010)

-- Japanese translation project of Umakant Mishra's "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" book. (Jan. 19, 2010)


  Follow-up Discussions on "Current Status and Future Directions for TRIZ"      (May 16, 2010)

Index Page of the Follow-up Discussions is set up.  See more details   .

Comments on Arshad's Article by Ellen Domb (USA) (May 12, 2010)    (posted: May 16, 2010)
Comments on Nakagawa's Note by Ellen Domb (USA) (May 12, 2010)   (posted: May 16, 2010)

  Important Issues for TRIZ (S. Saleem Arshad, Australia).   (May 9, 2010)

An important article has been contributed by Dr. Arshad, with the title of "The Journey So Far and the Way Forward for TRIZ", and posted in separate pages in English and in Japanese translaton. His Abstrac is as follows:

Increasing global emphasis on innovation as an agent of change and recovery from the economic crises, places new demands on the development of advanced tools for technical innovation. Four contributing causes for the apparent lack of success of TRIZ in mainstream usage are identified and examined. Consequently, eleven aspects are presented to highlight a way forward for TRIZ and for the overall field of innovation sciences.

This is a very valuable article containing a lot of important issues which need to be discussed. My brief comments on this article are posted at the bottom of the article.  I wish many TRIZ leaders in the world to read this and respond to it if possible. 

  TRIZ Activities in Iran (Mahmoud Karimi, Iran).   (Feb. 22; Mar. 13; Mar. 24, 2010)

I received a two-page communication article from Mr. Mahmoud Karimi (Iranian Institute of Innovation and Technology Studies (IIITS), Iran) last Dec. 8.  In Iran TRIZ has become a known term among educated people, he says.  Since this is an amazing story, I am posting his article here in English and also in the Japanese translation 

At the ETRIA TFC 2008, held at the University of Twente, the Netherlands in November 2008, I met Mr. & Mrs. Mahmoud Karimi and became friends in the nearby accommodation.  He was planning to come and join at our Japan TRIZ Symposium 2009, but his emails to me were unfortunately got blocked by my university's spam controller and hence he could not apply to his Japanese visa in time.  It was 4 months later, last December, that I received his email again through a bypass and succeeded in unbocking in the spam controller.  The 2-page article was originally prepared as the outline for our last Symposium and was updated slightly, he says. 

His story on how they intoduced and promoted TRIZ in his country is really amazing.  Please read his original article:  

We now have decided to invite Mr. Mahmoud Karimi as one of the Keynote Speakers in our coming Japan TRIZ Symposium in Sept. 2010.   He is preparing for a visual and vivid talk, he says.   

7 Photoes provided by Mr. Kamiri (mostly taken from Video/DVD records of TV programs) are posted in the page. (Mar. 13, 2010)

Mr. Karimi has written down the "stories" of how he introduced TRIZ in Iran.  Learning TRIZ in the initial stage, and starting to publish a column "Innovation Elixir"weekly in a popular newspaper. Very interesting.

  TRIZ World Survey Final Report (Denis Cavallucci, France)  (Jan. 19, 2010)

                     [Under construction] [English translation is not ready.]

  TETRIS (TRIZ Education at Schools) Project Materials   (Jan. 19, 2010)

  Japanese translation project of Umakant Mishra's "TRIZ Principles for Information Technology" book. (Jan. 19, 2010)




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Last updated on May 9, 2010.     Access point:  Editor: