TRIZ Paper: Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 | |
A Practical-type Approach Applying TRIZ to the Mind Field - Toward the Establishment of a TRIZ Mind Training - |
Hideto Sanjou (DOCOMO Systems, Inc.) Yukie Hanaoka (Wisdom, Inc.) |
The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 9-11, 2010 at Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan |
Introduction (from "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symosium 2010" ) by Toru Nakagawa (OGU), Apr. 30, 2011 | |
Posted: Sept. 25, 2010 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 23, 2011)
This paper was presented last year by Hideto Sanjou in an session of the 6th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010 . Japan TRIZ Society has posted the presentation slides of this paper, among other contributed papers, in PDF in its Members-only page of the Official Site since last March. .
For wider circulation of TRIZ papers, I have selected about half of the papers presented at the Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010 and am posting them publicly in this Web site both in English and in Japanese, under the permission of the authors. Nakagawa's introduction/review to each paper was written and posted in "Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symosium 2010" from November 2010 to April 2011, and is reposted in each page of the paper.
The present page is composed of the followings:
English page (the present page) Japanese page Abstract (in HTML) (in PDF ) Extended Absract (in HTML)
(in PDF ) [Note: Presentation slides were not translated into English for the Symposium. In April 2011, Nakagawa selected nearly half of the slides and translated them into English for citing them in his "Personal Report", as posted on April 30, 2011 under the permisions of the authors. See below:]Presentation slides in PDF (in this Web site) Nakagawa's Introduction (Excerpt of "Personal Report") -- The Authors working for 'Mind Training', e.g., employee training in companies, eliminating individual’s worries, etc., have met TRIZ and incorporated it well. They have rephrased TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles into Mind Principles, and applied them to the training of people to overcome their psychological inertia.
Further interesting extension of this work was presented in a Poster Session by Y. Hanaoka and H. Sanjou .
[1] Abstract
A Practical-type Approach Applying TRIZ to the Mind Field
- Toward the Establishment of a TRIZ Mind Training -Hideto Sanjou (DOCOMO Systems, Inc.),
Yukie Hanaoka (Wisdom, Inc.)The 6th Japan TRIZ Symposium 2010
Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 9-11, 2010
at Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Atsugi, Kanagawa, JapanAbstract
Comparing and selecting various tools for strengthening the problem-solving thought in the mind field such as employee training in companies, eliminating individual’s worries, etc., TRIZ, which aids creative thinking, has proved useful. Psychological conflicts were cleared up following the TRIZ technique, psychological changes were predicted and the 40 Inventive Principles were applied for an approach to the creative ideal result that is not trapped by stereotypical views. As there were parts difficult to apply to the mind field with the traditional TRIZ technique only, an integration with tools which have been used in the mind field followed by optimization made it possible to establish a new field of “TRIZ Mind Training.”
Abstract, PDF in English Extended Abstract in Japanese
[2] Presentation Slides in PDF
Presentation Slides in Japanese in PDF (28 slides, 1.2 MB)
[Note: Presentation slides were not translated into English for the Symposium. In April 2011, Nakagawa selected nearly half of the slides and translated them into English for citing them in his "Personal Report", as posted on April 30, 2011 under the permisions of the authors. See below:]
[3] Introduction by Nakagawa:
Excerpt from:
Personal Report of
The Sixth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2010
Part H. Applications to Soft & Non-technical Areas
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University)
Apr. 23, 2011 (Posted on Apr. 30, 2011)
Hideto Sanjou (DOCOMO Systems, Inc.) and Yukie Hanaoka (Wisdom, Inc.)[J07, O-14] gave an interesting Oral presentation with the title of "A Practical-type Approach Applying TRIZ to the Mind Field - Toward the Establishment of a TRIZ Mind Training ". Let's read the Authors' Abstract first:
Comparing and selecting various tools for strengthening the problem-solving thought in the mind field such as employee training in companies, eliminating individual’s worries, etc., TRIZ, which aids creative thinking, has proved useful. Psychological conflicts were cleared up following the TRIZ technique, psychological changes were predicted and the 40 Inventive Principles were applied for an approach to the creative ideal result that is not trapped by stereotypical views. As there were parts difficult to apply to the mind field with the traditional TRIZ technique only, an integration with tools which have been used in the mind field followed by optimization made it possible to establish a new field of “TRIZ Mind Training.”
[*** This presentation has developed a new field of application of TRIZ and has already well adapted TRIZ to the new field, as I understand. English translation of the slides has not done by the Authors. I would like to introduce this presentation in more detail after translating some of their slides into English. (Mar. 30, 2011) --- Now that nearly half of the Authors' slides are ready in English, I will write the introduction of this interesting paper. (Apr. 23, 2011)]
The slide (right) describes the needs for the Mind Training, by example of the risk management. For risk management in industries, training of employees are necessary on how to prevent human errors. However, conventional training with lectures and with emphasis on knowledge has the limitations of "Knowledge, but no action". So the Authors wanted to make trainings to strengthen the mind. Since the Authors have been working in the field of psychology, they have the model of human errors originating in the depth of human psychology. The two slides (below) shows their model. |
The slide (below-left) is the model of psychology of employees who breach the rules and cause an accident. They know the Ideal and want to observe the rule, but they have, in reality, inner feelings of not liking to do nuisance things. Making it easy, they just pretend to have done it, as a wrong solution of their inner conflict. The slide (below-right) explains the model in a more general scheme. Conscious Ideal and Unconscious Desire make the conflict (or contradiction) in the Percepted Self. For solving such a psychological conflict, it is generally desirable to reveal the conflict clearer in a way shown in the right part. Solutions not-yet achieved (i.e., Ideal) vs Solutions not-yet-recognized (i.e., unconscious desire) are to be solved by 'Creative Self'.
In the slide (right), the Authors discuss how to support the creative thinking for solving such a conflict. The basic process is understood as 3 steps, i.e., Problem recognition, Root cause analysis, and Solution direction. However, in fixed, stereotypical thinking, people can not recognize missing facts and root causes and can not generate good ideas. Thus, the Authors think the tools to support creative thinking should have the capability to destroy fixed ideas of the user, to generate ideas from wider viewpoints, and to guide the way of thinking. |
The Authors looked for tools in the psychology for solving the conflicts. They had two candidates, i.e., Transactional Analysis and NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming). For the tool of solving mental contradictions, the Authors have three requirements; they are Destroying fixed ideas, generation of ideas widely, and guiding the way of thinking. As shown in the slide (right), the Authors summarize these two methods, but they were not satisfied with them. |
See the slide (right). While searching for methods of conflict resolution (in the field of Mind), they encountered TRIZ, which is the method for conflict resolution in the field of technology, originally. They understood the essential steps of TRIZ are: (1) Revealing the conflicts, (2) Refer to Inventive Principles, and (3) Ideals on the basis of Trends of Evolution. They thought "Can't we use TRIZ in the field of Mind?" They found TRIZ is useful but many TRIZ terms are not applicable directly in the Mind Field, hence they found the needs of rephrasing the TRIZ terms. |
The Authors' way of rephrasing (or translating) the TRIZ terms into those in the Mind Field is pretty systematic and interesting for me. The slide (below-left) demonstrates that 'Objects' in the technical TRIZ term corresponds to 'Mind' in the psychological area, and that Stationary Objects is interpreted as 'Thinking' while Moving Objects as 'Feelings'. Similarly, Weight (of objects) is interpreted as 'heaviness' (of feelings), and energy (of objects) as passion (of feelings). As shown in the slide (below-right), the Authors went ahead to translate TRIZ Inventive Principles into the phrases familiar to the people in the Mind field. They named the new ones '40 TRIZ Enlightening Principles'.
The slide (right) shows the standard way of applying TRIZ Enlightening Principles to the problem solving in the Mind field. This is the same framework of using the Contradiction Matrix for solving 'Technical Contradiction'. The three steps shown in the row in the slide (right) are the same as for the technical application, except using the rephrased parameters and rephrased principles. With these rephrasing, the usage of the (technical) Contradiction Matrix has become much easier. The Authors seem to have found the hints generated by the Contradiction Matrix useful/effective in the Mind field. |
Another feature the Authors found useful in TRIZ is the concept of Trends of Evolution (see side (right)). They say 'Technology has been evolved together with the progress of human mind.' Thus it is natural for them to expect some parallelism between the Trends of Evolution in the technical field and Trends of Evolution in the Mind field. Thus, just as the creative thinking in technology can be supported by the concepts of Trends of Technical Evolution, the Authors thought the creative thinking in the Mind field should be able to be enhanced by introducing the concepts of Trends of Evolution in the Mind field. In the slide (right), they show an example of such a parallelism. The trend of 'Introducing a new object' in the technical system may be interpreted as the trend of '(increasing) Communication with a new concept/sense' in the Mind field. |
The slide (right) lists up the 'Trends of Mental Evolution', which the Authors thought of with reference to TRIZ (Trends of Technical Evolution). The Authors have listed 14 Trends in Mental Evolution, as shown in the left, yellow column. [*** I do not know how the Authors actually derived these Trends, and how well these Trends match with general understanding in the Mind field.] The Authors checked the standard mental methods (i.e., Transactional Analysis and NLP) whether they have any tool for enhancing each aspect of the Trends, and they have found the need to develop Mental Tools further in many aspects. |
In the slide (below-left), the Authors discuss the practices of using TRIZ in the Mind Training. For the purpose of eliminating human errors in industries, they introduced the Mind Training of resolving personal mental conflicts. Even though the framework of conventional thinking methods (i.e., TA and NLP) give us stereotypical solutions only, TRIZ Mental Principles (i.e. TRIZ Inventive Principles rephrased in the Mind field) stimulate to generate various new ideas, they say. The thinking framework supported with TRIZ is outlined in the slide (below-right). I.e., (1) Reveal the mental conflict in myself, (2) Search for the roots of the sufferings, and (3) Think of solution ideas from different viewpoints. TRIZ Mental Principles (or TRIZ Keywords) have been found useful, but still insufficient for giving influences on the emotional side, they say. [*** This point is enhanced much in the Poster presentation by the same Authors, which is reviewed next.]
The slide (right) demonstrates another method of using TRIZ in the Mind field. The 9-Window Method in technical TRIZ is adopted here. In place of 'Super-system, System, Sub-system' in the Technical field, the Authors use 'Environment, Behavior, and Thinking'. The order of processing the 9 windows is the same, as shown in the slide. The viewpoints of thinking are described in the right part of the slide, and they are further enhanced with TRIZ Mind Cards, which may be taken randomly at each cell. Practical ways of using TRIZ in the Mind field were demonstrated by the present Authors in the Poster presentation, which are reviewed next.
Top of this page | Abstract | Presentation slides in Japanese | Nakagawa's Introduction (Excerpt from Personal Report) | Poster Presentation by Hanaoka and Sanjou | Nakagawa's Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symp. 2010 | Japan TRIZ Symp. 2010 | Japanese page |
Last updated on Sept. 25, 2011. Access point: Editor: