TRIZ as the Way of Life? | |
Toshio TAKAHARA ( ) | |
The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Held by Japan TRIZ Society on Sept. 10-12, 2009 at National Women's Education Center, Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan | |
Introduction by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.), Jan. 30, 2010 [Posted on Feb. 4, 2010] | |
[Posted on Sept. 23, 2010] |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 19, 2010)
This paper was presented last year at the 5th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2009
in an Oral session. Although I have been trying to post important papers presented at last-year TRIZ Symposium before this-year's Symposium, I have several papers still left at my hand. I would like to finish posting them in my Web site as soon as possible.
This is another excellent paper developed by Toshio Takahara. Since 2002 he has been working to develop his own system of theories on the basis of TRIZ. I realize the importance of his work in 2007 and built a special page devoted for his work: ' "Theory of Resolving Differences", A Collection of Papers Written by Toshio Takahara (2003-2007), Annotated Bibliography: Toshio Takahara (Dec. 27, 2007)'
(posted in this Web site on Mar. 30, 2008).
Every year lately he has presented a new paper at the TRIZ Symposium in Japan. The titles are:
"The General Picture of TRIZ From the Viewpoint of Changing Objects ― A Method of Resolving Differences Based on the Concepts of Functions and Process Objects Part 3 ―",
(Japan TRIZ Symp. 2008)
"TRIZ as the Way of Life?", (Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009) [This page]
"The Ideal of TRIZ - TRIZ as the Way of Life? Part 2”, (Japan TRIZ Symp. 2010) [Will be posed later.]
On the basis of his development of theories on viewing the world and facts, he goes ahead in this paper to consider the ideal of the way of life as suggested by TRIZ. This is really a big issue, and yet is written concisely and clearly. There are various unique terminologies by Takahara. Reading his papers one by one, you will be able to follow his logic and understand what he is saying, I hope.
This page is composed as follows. You may read in any order of your preference.
[1] Abstract by the Author in English, Extended Abstract by the Author in Japanese
[2] Presentation slides in English in PDF (27 slides)
, Presentation slides in Japanese in PDF
Full paper in Japanese in PDF (8 pages)
[4] Presentation slides + talk + complements in English prepared by the Author on Aug. 18, 2010.
The same but in more lengths in Japanese prepared by the Author on Aug. 22, 2010.
Top of this page | Abstract | Slides PDF |
Slides Japanese |
Full paper Japanese |
Nakagawa's Introduction | Talk in English | Takahara's Papers |
Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 |
Japanese page |
[1] Abstract
TRIZ as the Way of Life?
Toshio TAKAHARA ( )
TRIZ is an assemblage of methods (i.e., processes) consisting of changing attributes, solving “physical contradictions” and “technical contradictions”, segmenting and merging of attributes and objects, as I presented at the Japan TRIZ Symposium last year. TRIZ could be applicable to every area including technological area and institutional area, I believe. To live is to change objects to realize our purposes. So the way of life includes our purposes and our attitudes how to realize and change the world. This paper shows that the concepts of structure, function, and granularity (or scope) of objects can build up unified purposes and guideline of attitudes how to realize and change the world. In this sense I apply Nakagawa’s Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words to a much wider area: “TRIZ provides a dialectic way of thinking, i.e., to understand the problem as a system, to make an image of the ideal solution first, and to solve contradictions.”
[2] Presentation Slides in PDF
Presentation Slides in English in PDF
(27 slides, 151 KB)
Presentation Slides in Japanese in PDF
(27 slides, 241 KB)
Paper in Japanese in PDF
(8 pages, 336 KB)
[3] Introduction to the Presentation (by Nakagawa)
Excerpt from:
Personal Report of The Fifth TRIZ Symposium in Japan, 2009, Part H. Non-technological Applications of TRIZ
by Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin University), Jan. 30, 2010
Posted on Feb. 4, 2010 in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan"
Toshio TAKAHARA [J10 O-20] gave an Oral presentation with a unique title of "TRIZ as the Way of Life?". This is quite a philosophical and serious paper with a big scope. I will quote the Author's Abstract first:
TRIZ is an assemblage of methods (i.e., processes) consisting of changing attributes, solving “physical contradictions” and “technical contradictions”, segmenting and merging of attributes and objects, as I presented at the Japan TRIZ Symposium last year. TRIZ could be applicable to every area including technological area and institutional area, I believe. To live is to change objects to realize our purposes. So the way of life includes our purposes and our attitudes how to realize and change the world. This paper shows that the concepts of structure, function, and granularity (or scope) of objects can build up unified purposes and guideline of attitudes how to realize and change the world. In this sense I apply Nakagawa’s Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words to a much wider area: “TRIZ provides a dialectic way of thinking, i.e., to understand the problem as a system, to make an image of the ideal solution first, and to solve contradictions.”
The Author's intention of this paper is to understand the structure of the whole World where we live in and to understand the Ideal Way of Life, from his view point of TRIZ. The Author has been developing a system of theories and presenting/publishing them in the Japan TRIZ Symposia (Please refer a collection of his papers (2003-2007)
posted in this Web site and another paper presented in 2008
In his terminology, anything recognizable is called Object. Thus, as shown in the slide (below-left), the Author recognizes 3 kinds of Objects, i.e., Matter, "Idea", and Movement or Action. Granularity is the scope of understanding an Object (or a system) in space and/or time. The structure of Object is depicted in the slide (below-right), where the inner structure (i.e., elements and their relationships) and Attributes are shown.
Then the Author introduces the concepts of Technology and of Institution (slide below-left). Change is the key word for representing the intentional changes by humans, unintentional changes, and autonomous changes.
Then the Author goes ahead to think of the Way of Life (slides below). In the slide (below-left) he understands the philosophical concepts of value, purpose, recognition of the real world, and intentional changes (i.e., human activities for resolving differences between desire and reality). And in the slide (below-right), he summarizes the relationship of Thought and Method.
Then (in slide below-left) he visualizes each action by humans; recognition and resolving differences. The slide (below-right) shows the structure of resolving differences more closely.
On the basis of all these preparatory consideration, the Author states his view of 'Ideal Way of Life'. The slide (right) is the summary statement of the Ideal Way of Life. The four slides (below) are some more explanations of these items (with somewhat different order). 'No perfect recognition and no perfect method to change' is his basic understanding, which urges him Continuous change, Criticizing existing ideas, and seeking for better recognition. With these understanding the Author derives the 'Roots of Values', in the sense of objective values as well as subjective values. |
The slide (right) is the Conclusion of this presentation. The Author states about the Ideal Way of Life, which is based on the facts, he says. To be modest about facts, and to believe in nothing. And thus to continue to criticize existing idea and myself, but at the same time, to continue to enhance others and outer world simultaneously. *** As far as I understand, the Author derived these conclusions from the viewpoints of TRIZ, and hence the Author is posing that "this is the Way of Life derived by TRIZ, and hence TRIZ as the Way of Life (?)". *** This is an amazing presentation, philosophical, very deep and wide. Recently I received from the Author the Japanese scripts of the presentation. I am told he is going to write the English version as well. You will see them in this Web site in the near future. |
[4] Presentation (Slides + Talk + Complement) [Written by the Author, Aug. 18, 2010]
Good evening. My name is Takahara Toshio. I have little interest in technology since 2002 when I retired from the company. But I have been very interested in TRIZ and dialectics.
(Text in parenthesis are added later for complement. 200910,12)
My starting point is an intention to expand applicable area of TRIZ to wider area.
Although TRIZ had its origin in technology, it has been widely applied to so-called “non-technical” area such as business area.
On the other hand TRIZ as I showed in slide No.9 in 2008, I recognized that TRIZ have a possibility of unified thought and method applicable to every area including not only technical area but also personal area and institutional area.So I intend to apply TRIZ to a way of life or how to live. I reconsider the way of life based on Nakagawa’s Essence of TRIZ in 50 Words [7] ;
“TRIZ provides a dialectic way of thinking,
to understand the problem as a system,
to image the ideal solution first, and
to solve contradictions.”
The way of life is thought and method for life. Practically speaking, to live is to use, manage and change facts.
So it is important to understand what is fact. My opinion is elements of fact are matter, mind and relation (or movement). Facts are real movement of matter and mind and their history.
And intentional change is Resolving Differences between recognized facts and purposes which is derived from value.
We have many technological and so-called non-technological applications of TRIZ. But I think non-technological applications of TRIZ is that of institutional area. In technology we have matter between human being and outer world. On the other hands we have common idea between human being and outer world in institution. It includes politics, economy, law, moral, religion, family, company, nation. Via matter and common idea we can become human being.
In my terminology, anything recognizable is called Object. I recognizes 3 kinds of Objects, i.e., Matter, "Idea", and Movement or Action. Granularity is the scope of understanding an Object (or a system) in space and/or time. Granularity is size, magnitude or scope in space and/ or time.
Function is primarily meaning of movement , secondly meaning of attributes of Object, which is a basis of value.
Structure consists of granularity and inner structure.
For the ideal way of life or to use, manage and change facts ideally, we simultaneously need basic attitude such as
a. Structural Exhaustiveness of Objects,
b. Selection of Granularity of Object and
c. Dialectics as methodLanguage realizes an example of exhaustiveness of Objects but it is not structural. But we need structural exhaustiveness of Objects which can give us complete recognition or solution without leakage of Objects. We have two types of exhaustiveness of Objects; 1) enumeration of kinds of Objects in advance and 2) concrete candidates of Objects according to the situation
Selection of granularity of Object is to an action to designate correct Object at correct granularity to take out Object from the whole world. (Most part of thinking is to decide granularity of Objects.)
c. We need dialectics as method as third action to recognize by making a relation between designated Objects or to find a solution by making a relation between designated Object and solution. (this is a method of recognition and finding solution of solution.)
(Three attitude such as
a. Structural exhaustiveness of Objects,
b. Selection of correct granularity of Object and
c. Dialectics as method
take concrete shape in this flow chart which is a revised version of the one last year in 2008.The first step is to recognize the real world, differences between the real world and purpose and type of purpose simultaneously. Types of purpose are making new function, solving issues and idealization.
The second step is to transform type of purpose to type of Object change. Types of Object change are changing one attribute, solving physical contradiction and technical contradiction, changing number of attributes and Objects.
After types of Object change are fixed, the third step to find the solution is taken using existing tools of TRIZ.)I have no intention to touch existing tools of TRIZ. But once I touched ASIT to enhanced ASIT in TRIZ Journal.
Existing TRIZ is not ideal of course. Existing TRIZ or TRIZ as the way of life have dialectics although it is not perfect one. We are entirely imperfect on the way how to decide granularity. Although TRIZ is good at handling granularity sometimes. Nine windows or merging or multiplexing method show this.
In 2007, I investigated the types of Objects change within one attribute and one Object to find the unified structure of Resolving Differences consisting of making new function, solving problem and idealization which is dealt with separately in usual TRIZ.
Types of Objects change within two attributes and two Objects were examined based on the studies about technology, institution and contradiction in 2008.Hierarchy is the framework of Objects change.
A1. Change of number of Objects is shown in the right orange color.
A2. Change of number of attributes in the center brown color.
A3. Change of attributes in the left blue color.I think TRIZ is splendid because A1, A2 and A3 cover all area of human behavior, if A3 was recognized as consisting of changing one attribute, processing two values of one attribute which is a expansion of physical contradiction and processing two attributes of one or two Objects which is a expansion of technical contradiction.
Following after Ideal Final Result in TRIZ, let us think on Ideal Final Way of Life.
We have no final target and no ideal state, no final target and no ideal state of the way of life. Therefore, Important things are:
Continuous effort, action or change, not result,
Thought that bring about continuous change both of which TRIZ originally have and
(If possible) Method that deal with change or movement.
The second Ideal Final Way of Life for continuous change is attitudes for better change.
Attitudes for better change are:
To continue to verify input and output,
To accept facts including existing idea and purposes of others modestly and
To believe in no existing idea and to continue to criticize it.
Modesty and criticism is a contradiction and difficult to solve of course.
The third is to seek what? We need:
To criticize exhaustiveness of types of Objects and Objects Change
To criticize existing granularity
To criticize existing idea; especially dogma of religion, thought or philosophy, text of dialectics.
Another contents of criticism which are to be investigated continuously are:
Objective Value (at middle granularity): Number of Life, Love, Liberty, Zero Load on Nature
Subjective Value: Modesty, Sincerity
Love is a sense of unity into history and others which consists of nature, institution and others and effort to enhance others
Liberty is an ability to recognize, judge and act.
An unified thought and method applicable to every action in every area is necessary. TRIZ has a possibility for this. It lacks in unified method, structural exhaustiveness and viewpoint to set granularity.
Ideal Final Way of Life based on facts:
To be modest about facts,
To believe in nothing, to continue to criticize existing idea and myself objectively and
To continue to enhance others and outer world sincerely with love.
(This is the relation between types of Objects change within two attributes and two Objects and means to realize change in TRIZ especially 40 Principles, shown in two sheets .
(It is important that we have this table as that applicable to every area including technology and institution.
But notice that these are a mixture of development of Object and various granularities of Object and point of view. This is a weak point of this table.The 40 Principles are the means to change Objects re-interpreted as
1. Kinds of Objects are
Matter ; System Object,
“Idea” ; System Object and
Movement or Action; Process Object.
2. Segmentation, discarding and merging are available for Object and attributes.
3. Attribute 1= Attribute 2 + Inner Structure (in 2.2))1) Changing number of Object 0/ 1, 1/ 0 is achieved by Principle 24 “Intermediary” and Principle 34 “Discarding”.
2) Handling one attribute seemed to be easy for me at first, but it was most difficult.
2*1) and 2*2) is around “physical contradiction”. (“Physical contradiction” can be a real contradiction. “Physical contradiction” having opposites which are not separated is already moving itself or begin to move itself. See 4.1.2))
223) and 2332) is to change attribute. 40 Principles include many principles dealing with changing attribute. (Please note that attribute include inner structure. (see 2.2))
Deleting attribute is by Principle 34 “Discarding”.3) Changing number of attributes 1/ 2, 2/ 1 is rather simple.
Increasing number of attributes is adding attributes or functions by Principle 6 “Universality”, Principle 25 “Self-service” and many others. (Attributes 2 correspond to functions.) Or segmentation of attributes or functions by Principle 1 “Segmentation”.
Decreasing number of attributes is deleting attributes or functions by Principle 2 “Taking out” or Principle 34 “Discarding”. Or merging of attributes or functions by Principle 5 “Merging”. )
(Two attributes can cause no change of attributes, changing two attributes simultaneously or changing one attribute independently. Changing one attribute independently is the case of previous 2).4) Changing two attributes simultaneously.
One case is “technical contradiction”. (This is not a real contradiction in any cases. See 4.1.2))
Next case is to change attributes qualitatively. This example is transformation of use-value and exchange-value of useful thing. This type is not fully treated in TRIZ, I think.5) Increasing number of Objects is by segmentation using Principle 1 “Segmentation”.
Decreasing number of Objects is deleting by Principle 34 “Discarding” or merging of Objects by Principle 5 “Merging”. )
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Nakagawa's Introduction | Talk in English | Takahara's Papers |
Japan TRIZ Symp. 2009 |
Japanese page |
Last updated on Sept. 23, 2010. Access point: Editor: