Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Sept. 9, 2002; Translated into English on Mar. 7, 2003)
This document shows the outline of the 76 Inventive Standards of TRIZ. This document was composed during the process of reorganizing TRIZ Solution Generation Methods into those of USIT and is now posted here as a basic document for making links among various methods and documents of TRIZ and USIT.Original source of the Inventive Standards is:
"TRIZ: The Right Solution at the Right Time", by Yuri Salamatov, edited by Valeri Souchkov, Insytec, The Netherland, 1999. (See) [Japanese version, translated by Toru Nakagawa and Mitsubishi Research Institute, Nikkei BP, Nov. 2000.]
The hierachical structure of the Standards is shown according to the Salamatov's Textbook. Indivisual Standards at the third and lower levels are described by Nakagawa in an shorter form for the purpose of easier understanding of overall structure of the Standards.
(Note 1): With reference to Darrell Mann's new Text book "Hands-On Systematic Innovation" (2002), cross references are made to Mann's Standards and to Altshuller's Standards in "Creativity as an Exact Science" (1984). Salamatov's text seems to match Altshuller's almost exactly.
(Note 2): Cross-references to USIT Solution Generation Methods are shown in a form like: [USIT 1a]. See more detail in the document of "USIT Solution Generation Methods (Extended Version)".
Refer to the list of various TRIZ tools in the parent page.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 19, 2012)
TRIZ Inventive Standards were developed originally by Mr. Genrich Altshuller
(Ref. G.S. Altshuller: "Creatrivity as an Exact Science!", Gordon & Breach Science Publishing, NewYork, 1984;
G.S. Altshuller: "To Find an Idea", Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1986 (in Russian).
They are referred here in the form of Salamatov's textbook which is more commonly available in Japan both in English and in Japanese.
I am happy to upload this page again under the permissions by Mrs. Larisa Komarcheva & Ms. Yuna Komarcheva and by Dr. Yuri Salamatov.
Top of this page | 1. Compostion and decompositiion of SFMS | 2. Evolution of SFMS | 3. Transition to Supersystem and Micro-level | 4. Measurement and Detection | 5. Helpers | Note 3. Mann's new items |
TRIZ 76 Inventive Standards (according to Salamatov's textbooks)
1. Composition and Decomposition of SFMS1-1. Synthesis of SFMS2. Evolution of SFMS
1-2. Decomposition of SFMS2-1. Transition to Complex SFMS3. Transitions to Supersystem and Micro-level
2-2. Evolution os SFM
2-3. Evolution by Coordinating Rhythms
2-4. Complex-Forced SFMS (F-SMFS)3-1. Transitions to Bisystem and Polysystem4. Measurement and Detection Standards
3-2. Transition to Micro-level4-1. Change Instead of Measurement and Detection5. Helpers
4-2. Synthesis of Measurement System
4-3. Improvement of Measurement Systems
4-4. Transition to Ferromagnetic Measurement Systems
4-5. Evolution of Measurement Systems5-1. Introduction of Substances under Restricted Conditions
5-2. Introduction of Fields under Restricted Conditions
5-3. Use of Phase Transitions
5-4. Use of Physical Effects
5-5. Obtaining Substance Particles
TRIZ 76 Inventive Standards (according to Salamatov's textbook)
1. Composition and Decomposition of SFMS
1-1. Synthesis of SFMS
1-1-1 Construct a minimum S-Field Model system.
(Altshuller 1.1.1/5.2.1) [Mann A1] [USIT 1e, 2d]
1-1-2 Insert an additive to form an internal complex S-Field Model system.
(Altshuller 1.1.2) [Mann Da1, Dd1] [USIT 1e, 2b]
1-1-3 Add an additive to form an external complex S-Field Model system.
(Altshuller 1.1.3, 5.1.13) [mann Dd2] [USIT 1e]
1-1-4 Use a substance taken from the environment..
(Altshuller 1.1.4) [Mann Cc3, Dd3] [USIT 1f]
1-1-5 Use a substance taken from the environment with modification.
(Altshuller 1.1.5) [Mann Dd4] [USIT 1f]
1-1-6 Apply a maximum action and remove the surplus.
(Altshuller 1.1.6) [Mann Da2, Dc1] [USIT 4a, 3f]
1-1-7 Apply a maximum action to the attached substance.
(Altshuller 1.1.7) [Mann Dc2, Dd6] [USIT 3d, 1e]
1-1-8-1 Introduce a protective substance for achieving a selective action.
(Altshuller [Mann Dd7] [USIT 1e, 3i]
1-1-8-2 Introduce a substance for selective enhancement of an action.
(Altshuller [Mann Dd8] [USIT 3i, 1e]
1-2. Decomposition of SFMS
1-2-1 For removing the harmful effect, introduce a third substance between the existing substances.
(Altshuller 1.2.1) [Mann Cc1] [USIT 1e]
1-2-2 For removing the harmful effect, introduce a modified substance between the existing substances.
(Altshuller 1.2.2) [Mann Ca1] [USIT 1e]
1-2-3 For removing a harmful effect, introduce a new substance to draw the harmful effect away.
(Altshuller 1.2.3) [Mann Cc2] [USIT 1e]
1-2-4 Introduce a new field to neutralise the existing harmful effect.
(Altshuller 1.2.4) [Mann Cd3, Ce2] [USIT 3d]
1-2-5 Introduce a physical effect to turn off the ferromagnetic property.
(Altshuller 1.2.5) [Mann Cb6] [USIT 3f]
2. Evolution of SFMS
2-1. Transition to Complex SFMS
2-1-1 Transform a substance of the current system into an independently controllable S-Field.
(Altshuller 2.1.1) [Mann Df1] [USIT 4f, 4a, 3i]
2-1-2 Add a second, more controllable S-Field.
(Altshuller 2.1.2, 2.4.11, 2.4.12) [Mann Ce1, Df2] [USIT 4a]
2-2. Evolution of SFMS
2-2-1 Replace an uncontrolled field with a more controllable one.
(Altshuller 2.2.1) [Mann Cb1, Cd5, Dc3, De4] [USIT 3i]
2-2-2 Increase the segmentation of the Tool substance.
(Altshuller 2.2.2, 5.1.2) [Mann Da3] [USIT 1c]
2-2-3 Transition from solid substance to hollow to porous capillaries.
(Altshuller 2.2.3) [Mann Da4] [USIT 2g]
2-2-4 Make the system more flexible or movable.
(Altshuller 2.2.4, 2.2.8) [Mann Da5] [USIT 2f]
2-2-5 Make a uniform or disordered field into non-uniform and/or ordered fields in space and time.
(Altshuller 2.2.5, 2.4.9) [Mann Cb2, Dc4] [USIT 3e, 3f]
2-2-6 Make uniform or dis-ordered substances into ones which are non-uniform and/or ordered in space and time.
(Altshuller 2.2.6) [Mann Da7] [USIT 2g]
2-3. Evolution by Coordinating Rhythms
2-3-1 Match the frequency of the field to the natural frequency of the Product/Tool.
(Altshuller 2.3.1) [Mann Cb4, Dc6] [USIT 3f]
2-3-2 Match the frequencies of multiple fields in use.
(Altshuller 2.3.2) [Mann Cb5, Dc7] [USIT 3f]
2-3-3 For two incompatibel actions, perform one action during pauses in the other.
(Altshuller 2.3.3) [Mann Cg6, Di6] [USIT 3f]
2-4. Complex-Forced SFMS (F-SMFS)
2-4-1 Use a ferro-magnetic substance and a magnetic field.
(Altshuller 2.4.1) [Mann Df4] [USIT 1e, 3d, 2b]
2-4-2 Replace a substance with ferromagnetic particles, and apply a magnetic field.
(Altshuller 2.4.2) [Mann Dg1] [USIT 2b, 1e]
2-4-3 Use magnetic fluids.
(Altshuller 2.4.3) [Mann Dg3] [USIT 1e]
2-4-4 Use ferromagnetic substances with a porous structure.
(Altshuller 2.4.4) [Mann Dg4] [USIT 2b]
2-4-5 Introduce magnetic additives to form internal/external complex Ferromagnetic S-Field.
(Altshuller 2.4.5) [Mann Dg2] [USIT 1e]
2-4-6 Add ferromagnetic elements to the external environment and use a magnetic field.
(Altshuller 2.4.6) [Mann Dg5] [USIT 2b, 1e]
2-4-7 Make use of physical effects associated with the magnetic substances for better control.
(Altshuller 2.4.7) [Mann Dg6] [USIT 3i]
2-4-8 Make the system more flexible or adaptable for improving the efficiency of the F-SFMS.
(Altshuller 2.2.4, 2.2.8) [Mann Da5] [USIT 2f]
2-4-9 Make the field non-uniform and/or ordered in space and time for improving the efficiency of F-SFMS.
(Altshuller 2.2.5, 2.4.9) [Mann Cb2, Dc4, Dg7] [USIT 3e, 3f]
2-4-10 Match the rythms of the fields and substances in the F-SFMS.
(Altshuller 2.4.10) [Mann Cb3, Dc5, Dg8] [USIT 3f]
2-4-11 Form an electro-magnetic SFMS.
(Altshuller 2.1.2, 2.4.11, 2.4.12) [Mann Ce1, Df2] [USIT 4a]
2-4-12 Introduce an ER fluid to form an electro-magnetic FSMS.
(Altshuller 2.1.2, 2.4.11, 2.4.12) [Mann Ce1, Df2] [USIT 4a]
3. Transitions to Supersystem and Micro-level
3-1. Transitions to Bisystem and Polysystem
3-1-1 Combine the system with another to form a bi- or poly- system.
(Altshuller 3.1.1) [Mann Cg1, Di1] [USIT 4f]
3-1-2 Increase/improve the links between the elements in the bi- or poly- system.
(Altshuller 3.1.2) [Mann Cg2, Di2] [USIT 4f]
3-1-3 Increase the differences between system components in the bi- or po;y- system.
(Altshuller 3.1.3) [Mann Cg3, Di3] [USIT 4f]
3-1-4 Integrate systems and reduce auxiliary components in the bi- or poly- system.
(Altshuller 3.1.4) [Mann Cg4, Di4] [USIT 4f]
3-1-5 Distribute incompatible and/or ‘opposite’ properties among the system and its parts.
(Altshuller 3.1.5) [Mann Cg5, Di5] [USIT 4d]
3-2. Transition to Micro-level
3-2-1 Transition from the macro to the micro level. Look at S-Field at the micro level.
(Altshuller 3.2.1) [Mann Cf1, Dh1] [USIT 2f]
4. Measurement and Detection Standards
4-1. Change Instead of Measurement and Detection
4-1-1 Modify the system to make the detection or measurement unnecessary.
(Altshuller 4.1.1) [Mann B1] [USIT 3g]
4-1-2 Make the detection or measurement on a copy of the object.
(Altshuller 4.1.2) [Mann B2] [USIT 3h]
4-1-3 Transform the problem into one involving successive measurement of changes.
(Altshuller 4.1.3) [Mann B3] [USIT 3h]
4-2. Synthesis of Measurement System
4-2-1 Enhance an existing or add a new field to provide an easily detectable parameter related to the parameter required to be measured or detected.
(Altshuller 4.2.1) [Mann B4] [USIT 2b]
4-2-2 Introduce an easily detectable additive for making the detection or measurement.
(Altshuller 4.2.2) [Mann B5] [USIT 1e]
4-2-3 Introduce into the environment an additive which generates an easily-detectable field, and detect or measure the new field.
(Altshuller 4.2.3) [Mann B6] [USIT 1e]
4-2-4 Obtain an easily detectable additive by decomposing/modifying the environment, and make detection/measurement of it.
(Altshuller 4.2.4) [Mann B7] [USIT ]
4-3. Improvement of Measurement Systems
4-3-1 Make use of physical, chemical or biological effects.
(Altshuller 4.3.1) [Mann B8] [USIT 4a]
4-3-2 Use resonance in all or part of the system and detect the change in the resonance frequency.
(Altshuller 4.3.2) [Mann B9] [USIT 2b]
4-3-3 Attach something in the environment to the system and use changes in it’s resonant frequency to make the measurement.
(Altshuller 4.3.3) [Mann B10] [USIT 2b]
4-4. Transition to Ferromagnetic Measurement Systems
4-4 Introduce a ferromagnetic substance and a magnetic field to improve the measurement or detection.
(Altshuller 4.4) [Mann B11] [USIT 1e]
4-4-1 [Details are not shown in Mann]
4-4-5 Use physical effects associated with ferromagnetics for improving the detection/measurement efficiency.
(Altshuller 4.4.5) [Mann B12] [USIT 1e]
4-5. Evolution of Measurement Systems
4-5-1 Form a bi- or poly-system for improving the measurement efficiency.
[Not Shown in Mann]
4-5-2 Measure the derivative of the function for improving the measurement efficiency.
5-1. Introduction of Substances under Restricted Conditions
5-1-1-1 Introduce voids instead of substances.
(Altshuller [Mann Cc5, Da9, Dd9] [USIT 2g]
5-1-1-2 Introduce a new field.
(Altshuller [Mann Cd2, De2] [USIT 3d]
5-1-1-3 Attach a substance externally instead of inserting it internally
[Not Shown in Mann]
5-1-1-4 Use a small quantity of a very active additive.
(Altshuller [Mann Cc6, Dd10] [USIT 2b, 1e]
5-1-1-5 Introduce additives in concentrate at selected places.
(Altshuller [Mann Cc7, Dd11] [USIT 2d]
5-1-1-6 Introduce an additive just temporarily and remove it afterwards.
(Altshuller 1.1.2, [Mann Dd1] [USIT 1e]
5-1-1-7 Introduce a copy of the substance.
(Altshuller [Mann Da8] [USIT 1e]
5-1-1-8 Introduce a substance which can be decomposed later.
(Altshuller [Mann Cc9, Dd13] [USIT 2b, 1e]
5-1-1-9 Introduce a substance by decomposing the substances in the system or in the external environment.
(Altshuller, 5.5.1, 5.5.3) [Mann Ca2, Cc10, Da10, Dd14] [USIT 1a]
5-1-2 Use the object (after segemnting it) as the Tool.
(Altshuller 2.2.2, 5.1.2) [Mann Da3] [USIT 1c]
5-1-3 Add a substance which will disappear or become indistinguishable after it has fulfilled its function.
(Altshuller 5.1.3) [Mann Cc11, Dd15] [USIT 1e, 2b]
5-1-4 Introduce a substance and voids in the foams or inflatable structures.
(Altshuller 5.1.4) [Mann Cc8, Dd12] [USIT 2d, 1e]
5-2. Introduction of Fields under Restricted Conditions
5-2-1 Make use of the field already present.
[Not shown in Mann]
5-2-2 Make use of a field that already exists in the environment.
(Altshuller 5.2.2) [Mann Cd1, De1] [USIT 3d]
5-2-3 Introduce fields for which the substances present in the system or external environment can act as media or sources.
(Altshuller 5.2.3) [Mann Cd4, De3] [USIT 3d]
5-3. Use of Phase Transitions
5-3-1 Employ a phase transition for improving the effectiveness of the substance.
(Altshuller 5.3.1) [Mann Ca4, Da12] [USIT ]
5-3-2 Employ substances in which the phase transition occurs during the delivery of the useful function according to the operating conditions.
(Altshuller 5.3.2) [Mann Db1] [USIT 2g]
5-3-3 Use the physical phenomena occurring during the phase transition.
(Altshuller 5.3.3) [Mann Db2] [USIT 2f]
5-3-4 Replace a single phase state with a dual phase state.
(Altshuller 5.3.4) [Mann Db3] [USIT 2f]
5-3-5 Introduce physical or chemical interactions between the different phases of the system.
(Altshuller 5.3.5) [Mann Db4] [USIT 3d, 2f]
5-4. Use of Physical Effects
5-4-1 Use reversible phase transitions to improve the functionality of the system.
(Altshuller 5.4.1) [Mann Db5] [USIT 2f]
5-4-2 Place the transforming substance at or close to its critical condition and make the input act as a trigger.
(Altshuller 5.4.2) [Mann Db6] [USIT 2f, 3i]
5-5. Obtaining Substance Particles
5-5-1 Decompose one of the substances or the external environment to obtain substance particles.
(Altshuller, 5.5.1, 5.5.3) [Mann Ca2, Cf2, Da10, Dh2] [USIT 1a]
5-5-2 Combine elements from a lower structural level.
(Altshuller 5.5.2, 5.5.3) [Mann Ca3, Cf3, Da11, Dh3] [USIT ]
5-5-3 Obtain substance particles by decomposing the nearest macro-level substances or by combining nearest micro-level substances.
(Altshuller 5.5.1, 5.5.3) [Mann Cf2, Cf3, Da10, Da11, Dh2, Dh3] [USIT 1e]
(Note 3): The following items are added by Mann in his textbook (2002):
Cc4. Introduce new substances with special properties.
(Altshuller ) (D2) [Salamatov ] [USIT 2b, 1e]
Ce3. Use substances with special properties and add an associated field to use those properties.
(Altshuller ) (D2) [Salamatov ] [USIT 3d, 2b]
Da6. Make use of ‘transformable’ elements of substances.
(Altshuller ) (D3) [Salamatov ] [USIT 2b]
Dd5. Introduce new substances with special properties.
(Altshuller ) (D2) [Salamatov ] [USIT 1e]
Df3. Use substances with special properties and add an associated field to use those properties.
(Altshuller ) (D2) [Salamatov ] [USIT 3d]
Top of this page | 1. Compostion and decompositiion of SFMS | 2. Evolution of SFMS | 3. Transition to Supersystem and Micro-level | 4. Measurement and Detection | 5. Helpers | Note 3. Mann's new items |
Last updated on Apr. 3, 2003; [Reposted on Dec. 22, 2012] . Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp