TRIZ Forum:

Southbeach Forum
on Southbeach Notation and Modelling:
A Forum for Introduction, Communication, and Evaluation

CrePS-SB Project (in and outside of Japan);
Open information from SB;
SB Notation; SB Modeller;
Describing rules; Modelling applications;

Edited by:
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.)
Started on Jun. 9, 2013; Updated: Oct. 3; Oct. 20, 2013;  Apr. 2, 2014

For going back to Japanese pages, press buttons.

  Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 9, 2013)

This page intends to be a discussion forum on Southbeach Modelling.  In the present site two important White Papers on it are already posted both in English and in Japanese:
"Overview of Southbeach Modeller 3.0 : A Genaral Purpose Software for Building Thinking Models"
"Red, Green, and Blue - Situational Improvement Using Southbeach" (by Howard Smith)
Being impressed with these papers and its software tool, I believe it worthwhile to introduce the Southbeach Modelling widely and to try to use it in various cases of problem solving and group decision making.

This page will post introductory information from the developer and various communications and reports from users, including myself.


  Index of the present page

[1]  Southbeach Trial & Evaluation Project (in and outside of Japan): "CrePS-SB Project"

[2]  Open Information from the Southbeach Developer (Web information, Information in the free-downloadable software tool, publications, etc.)

[3]  Southbeach Notation and its usage

[4]  Software tool "Souhbeach Modeller" and its usage

[5]  Rule description in Southbeach Notation and its relationships to various thinking methods

[6]  Southbeach Modelling: Examples of models and application case studies

[7]  Communications on trials and applications of Southbeach notation, software tool, and modelling


Top of this page CrePS-SB Project Open Information from SB SB Notation SB Modeller Rule description Applications Communications
SB Modeller overview Paper by Howard Smith       SB Newsletter   Japanese page

 [1]  Southbeach Trial & Evaluation Project (in and outside of Japan): "CrePS-SB Project"

For the purpose of encouraging the trial use and evaluation of the Southbeach Modelling, I started the "CrePS-SB Project" in Japan.  For reducing the cost barrier for the trial of making models with the software tool, I have arranged to offer free '3-month Editor mode license' to a group of volunteers.  (Jun. 9, 2013) [Now open outside of Japan.   (Oct. 20, 2013)]

The first report of trial use of Southbeach Modelling tool has been submitted by Mr. Morimasa Okada, a managing staff of a supermarket company, and posted in the Japanese page .  He is trying to visualize the situations/problems of developing smaller supermarket stores for adapting the increase of aged population in the Japanese society. (Oct. 3, 2013)

The offer of the free '3-month Editor mode license' is now open to the users outside of Japan, with the understanding by the Southbeach Solutions Co.  Why don't you try to use the Southbeach Modeller for building your own models?  Please communicate with Toru Nakagawa following the instructions written in the separate page  (Oct. 20, 2013)

 [2]  Open Information from the Southbeach Developer (Web information, Information in the free-downloadable software tool, publications, etc.)

See the rich contents in the Web site Southbeach Solutions Ltd. .

The Newsletters published by SouthbeachSolutions Ltd. will be re-posted here for the purpose of wider penetration.  (No Japanese translation is planned.) (Oct. 3, 2010)


[3]  Southbeach Notation and its usage


 [4]  Software tool "Souhbeach Modeller" and its usage

When I translated Howard Smith's White paper into Japanese, I myself drew the 27 diagrams in Japanese with the use of Modeller while looking at the printed English versions. The drawing work was done in less than a day, thanks to the software tool in its easiness to learn and convenience to use. I have posted a note on how to use the Modeller for beginners (in Japanese) .


 [5]  Rule description in Southbeach Notation and its relationships to various thinking methods


 [6]  Southbeach Modelling: Examples of models and application case studies



 [7]  Comunications on trials and applications of Southbeach notation, software tool, and modelling

Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 9, 2013   -- First use of the Modeller

The 27 models shown in the Japanese page of Howard Smith's paper were built by myself with the Southbeach Modeller while looking at the original English models. The drawing work was finished in one day. I was much impressed with the software tool in its easiness of learning and using.  I am posting a Japanese page of beginner's guide of using Southbeach Modeller . (English translation: Brief Guide of How To Use the Southbeach Modeller (in the Editor Mode)   posted Apr. 2, 2014)

 Morimasa Okada, Jun. 19, 2013  -- Applying to the CrePS-SB Project  (snip)

 Morimasa Okada, Jul. 22, 2013  -- Interim report of trial use of Southbeach Modeller   (snip)

 Morimasa Okada (YorkMart Co.), Sept. 18, 2013  -- Report of 3-month trial use of Southbeach Modeller

Thank you, Prof. Nakagawa, for giving us the information of the Southbeach Modeller and for the chance of free trial use of it for three months.

Purpose of use:  To make models of the functions of a supermarket for the purpose of visualizing how to reform the conceptual design of deploying supermarkets and how to develop new business models.

Impressions of usage:  Even though the problem situations are vague and complex, the software tool supports us to build the model of our vision intuitively and smoothly.  Thus it is pretty useful for constructing new functionality of the stores and business.  (snip)

Examples of models constructed: For readers' reference, I am showing three of the models I made. They are: (1) Conceptual design of a smaller-scale supermarket to be deployed in downtowns and residence areas. (2) Model of retail functional units, (3) Model of roles of Visionary, Knowledgeable, and Implementing persons in the case of problem solving in retail functions. (snip)

Finally, I wish to accelerate the evolution of supermarkets by using this Southbeach Modeller. With a Japanese edition of the software tool, it would be much easier to use.

==> The full text, together with the three constructed models, is posted in a separate Japanese page .  (Oct. 3, 2013)




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Last updated on  Apr. 2, 2014.     Access point:  Editor: