TRIZ Software:

Overview of Southbeach Modeller 3.0 :
A Genaral Purpose Software for Building Thinking Models

Southbeach Solutions Ltd., White Paper (2013) Overview.pdf

Introduction and Japanese translation:
Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.),
May 27, 2013
Posted on May 29, 2013; Updated: Jun. 9, 2013

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, May 27, 2013)

Here I am introducing 'Southbeach Modeller 3.0', i.e., a general purpose software tool for drawing and handling thinking models.  It has been developed at Southbeach Solutions Ltd., UK , by Howard Smith, M. Burnett, Chrysogon Young, et al. 

The software seems to be developed under the influence of modern TRIZ software, especially Ideation International's tool for drawing cause-effect diagrams.  It is now much extended to draw different types of thinking models smoothly and comprehensively.

In the Web site of Southbeach, very rich documents of the software and its applications are publicized openly.  The developers are mainly working for Business Process Management and aim at improving the business process innovation methodology by introducing modern TRIZ.  In their 2006 blogs they describe about the ideas of P-TRIZ (Process Innovation TRIZ).  In 2008 they established the 'Southbeach Notation' for generally describing models of ideas in diagrams, and started to implement it into a software tool.

In January 2011, Howard Smith published a White Paper "Red, Green, and Blue - Situational Improvement Using Southbeach" in BPTrend.  It describes that the modelling by use of the Southbeach Notation can much improve the understanding and communication of ideas for business and technological issues.  I was impressed with the paper and wanted to learn the software and to introduce the paper in Japanese translation; but over 2 years have passed to my regret. [Note: The White Paper is now posted   (Jun. 9, 2013)]

Getting the permissions from the author and Southbeach, I am now posting here some of their documents in Japanese translation and in English.  First I am posting their White Paper "Overview". They have released their new version 'Southbeach Modeller 3.0' in April 2013, in free Player mode and in licensed Editor mode.  The Overview slides are posted in Japanese translation   (please refer SB site in English ).  The 2008 White Paper will be posted here in a couple of weeks, in Japanese translation and in English PDF.

I am planning to form a group of volunteers (mostly in Japan) for trying to use and evaluate the software, as a vehicle for promoting better creative problem solving in a whole range of issues. 

[Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jun. 9, 2013): A new page Southbeach Forum is now posted as the parent page for the introduction, promotion, and communication on Southbeach modelling. ] Web site  ==>  

Overview of Southbeach Modeller 3.0  (English)   ==> SB 


Overview of Southbeach Modeller 3.0  (Japanese translation)   

Introduction in HTML (Toru Nakagawa)

Slides in PDF (Japanese translation by Toru Nakagawa)


Top of the page Southbeach Web site Southbeach Modeller Overview (in the SB site) White Paper(Howard Smith)   Southbeach Forum in this site   Japanese page


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Last updated on Jun. 9, 2013.     Access point:  Editor: