Methods and Examples of Applying the Business Management Related Evolution Trend Proposed by Darrell L. Mann |
Hisataka Izawa, Ikuo Yoshizawa, Osamu Ikeda, Xiaolei He, Fumiko Kikuchi, Yasuo Moriya (Business and Management TRIZ Research Subcommittee, Japan TRIZ Society) |
Posted: Mar. 27, 2015 |
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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 22, 2015)
This paper was presented last September at 10th Japan TRIZ Symposium. In my Personal Report of the Symposium
, I have introduced this paper as follows:
The B&M Study Group of JTS reported last year how to generate 'hit products/services'. Since they found the tool of 'Trends of evolution' effective, they tried to make the 'Trends of evolution' tool more useful.
(1) They have made a booklet in Japanese for introducing the Trends of evolution in Darrell Mann's "Hand-On Systematic Innovation for Business and Management".
(2) They have clarified the relationships of the Trends of evolution with several other methods often used in the B&M fields: they include
Nonaka's SECI model,
4 viewpoints in the Balance-score cards (i.e., finance, customers, business process, and learning & growth), and
SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat).(3) They made a case study of applying the Trends of evolution:
To transfer the technologies of some abandoned business for starting a new business model of servicing the technologies. They have found the examination of 3C (i.e. Customers, Company, Competitors) with respect to the 32 Trends of evolution very useful.In the Japanese page
, the full descriptions of the extended abstract (of 1 page) and the presentation slides are shown in HTML. The presentation slides in PDF are openly posted in the Web site of Japan TRIZ Society; click here
In this English page, only the Abstract is posted in HTML. The presentation slides in English (translated by Japan TRIZ Society) are publicly accessible through the link
in the JTS Web site.
Methods and Examples of Applying the Business Management Related Evolution Trend Proposed by Darrell L. Mann
- Translating the Evo lution Trends from the World of TRIZ into the Daily Business and Management –Business and Management TRIZ Research Subcommittee (Japan TRIZ Society, NPO):
Osamu Ikeda (Nikon Corp.), Hisataka Izawa (Sony Corp.), Xiaolei He (Taize Ltd. Co.), Fumiko Kikuchi (Pioneer Corp.), Yasuo Moriya (Fujitsu Advanced Technologies, Ltd.), Ikuo Yoshizawa (The Sanno Institute of Management)Presented at 10th TRIZ Symposium in Japan, Sept. 11-12, 2014, at Waseda University, Tokyo
Abstract (English translation by JTS)
Most TRIZ application examples exhibited so far were, even if considered worldwide, technical subjects. In order to expand and spread TRIZ further in the future, it is necessary to verify that it is also applicable to the subjects in the business and management fields.
In this study group, we are working for the purpose of helping spread and development of TRIZ aiming at researches and guidance construction for utilizing TRIZ, such as application methods and case studies on the subjects in business and management fields. As the 2nd phase, we have applied TRIZ thinking and a technique in analyzing "hot-selling products and services" among the TRIZ application domains, and created a fundamental framework design of a generation method for a "new product and service".
At the 9th TRIZ Symposium (2013), we have showed this framework. In the shown fundamental framework, we have applied the evolution trend of business management systems proposed by Darrell L. Mann. In the examination process of the application, it became necessary to make the evolution trends of business and management systems proposed by Darrell L. Mann into a tool which was effective and also one that improved convenience.
Therefore, we decided to try the following examinations:
1. To make a description as easy to understand as possible about the definitions of the evolution trend for business management systems proposed by Darrell L. Mann and the definitions of the evolution level.
2. To consider the application of the evolution trends for business management systems proposed by Darrell L. Mann in order to raise the validity and to improve the convenience maintaining the fundamental structure of the strategy tools and management tools which are often used daily
3. To consider the application examples of the evolution trends proposed by Darrell L. Mann
Presentation Slides ==> PDF
(in the Official Web site of Japan TRIZ Society; English translation by JTS)
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Personal Report of Japan TRIZ Symp. 2014 (Nakagawa) |
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Last updated on Mar. 27, 2015. Access point: Editor: