TRIZ Forum: Collabo

Collaboration Pages with the Promoters of TRIZ and Related Areas

 Aims and Call for Contributions

Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.),
April 12, 2010 ; English translation: Dec. 15, 2010
Posted on Dec 24, 2010

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Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 15, 2010)

As posted on May 9, 2010, I started the "Collabo Pages" (i.e., Collaboration Pages with the Promoters of TRIZ and Related Areas) in this Web site, "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  For opening them, I sent an email message to about 20 TRIZ promoters in Japan and started them only in Japanese pages.  We now have the possibility of opening Collabo Pages in English with the contributions by overseas promoters and readers.  Thus I would like to describe the aims of these pages for possible authors, by translating my message written on Apr. 12, 2010.  If you agree with the aims and wish to open your own 'Collabo Page' in this Web site, please communicate with me via email.

"Collabo Pages": Aims and Call for Contributions  (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 12, 2010)

Dear TRIZ Promoters,

Hello, how are you?

Recently I have been trying in my Web site "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" to activate the articles on TRIZ activity news and on feedbacks/contributions by readers.

Under such a context, I would like to propose you a new plan for the purpose of delivering useful TRIZ-related information to many people (including those not yet readers) by the collaboration between you and "TRIZ Home Page in Japan". 

The outline of my proposal is:

(1) Receiving your contributions to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" more or less regularly, your articles will be posted on the "Collabo Pages" of the Web site.  Uploading the pages will be done by Toru Nakagawa.

(2) In your article in the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", links will be made to your own Web sites, Blogs, etc. so as to guide the readers of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" to access to your original work.

Backgrounds of my proposal include:

(3) "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" is getting rich, voluminous, and rather professional, and yet needs articles easier to read for novice readers.  For easy and attractive articles, we would like to have new authors.

(4) Even though "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has pages of 'Japan/World TRIZ Links', where links to your Web sites, Blog's, etc. are placed with short annotations, your thoughts and your articles do not appear in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  It is desirable to make your thoughts/works more visible to many readers.

(5) The number of monthly visits to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" seems not increasing in recent years.  Thus we are missing to obtain new readers (i.e., new users of TRIZ), I feel.

(6) Reading the recent article by Mahmoud Karimi (Iran), I recognized the valuable effects of continuing and introductory articles, such as columns in newspapers/magazines.  However, it is very difficult for us to write a column article every week in a newspaper.  Thus I am proposing the present plan which we will be able to start immediately and perform for a long time in future.

Details of the procedure for the Collabo Pages will be:

(7) It is supposed that you have your own media for announcing/promoting your activities, e.g., Web sites, Blogs, News Letters, Magazines, mail services, study groups, etc.  The present plan will not interfere with them at all.

(8) You will contribute to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan", under your own decision, your articles/communications which may be delivered/posted already in your media (7) (or other forms of publication) or may be newly written with/without the intention of publishing elsewhere.

(9) The contribution may be done occasionally or more or less regularly every 1 to 3 months, with the length of one page (in A4) or so.  It may be desirable to be continuing for some time without too much burden on the author. 
Note: Larger articles or papers may be contributed to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" in ordinary pages.

(10) Articles should contain your full name and date of writing.  No signature or pen-name will not be accepted at moment. 

(11) The copyright of the article belongs to the author.  "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" posts the article under the permission by the author, and the Editor (Toru Nakagawa) of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has the copyright of the posted article.  Since the author has the copyright of the article, the author has the right to post/publish the article at any place including his/her own site.

(12) The author is responsible for keeping the article not infringing other party's rights.  For example, when you quote/introduce some other person's work, you should better show the original reference and obtain permission of quoting their figures. 

(13) Whether your article is written recently/newly is not a matter.  Articles written (a few) years ago may still have values in many cases. 

(14) An article may contain only a part of the information in your site.  Readers who want to read more should just visit your site.  Nevertheless, the article contributed to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" should be a clear message/information by itself. 

(15) The articles should not be commercial advertisements.  It is understood, of course, that there are some commercial activities in the background, the articles are contributed as the service of providing useful information publicly.  The Editor will not post commercial advertisements.  

(16) The themes of the "Collabo Pages" may be chosen differently by the authors.  My intention in this proposal is not to limit the themes within TRIZ strictly, but rather to extend the scope of "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" to wider relevant areas.  For example, it is desirable to write about ecological issues in series with the intention of extending the application of TRIZ to solving ecological problems.   

(17) If you agree to contribute your articles in accordance to this proposal, I am planning to make a Collabo Page for you (e.g., 'Collabo Page by XXXX') in "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" and to accumulate your articles there in a page a year.

(18) Please send me your article via email attachment in MS Word format, together with figures and photos in separate files in GIF or JPEG format with the width less than about 700 pixels.  Nakagawa will work to build an HTML page and to upload it in my Web site.  No author's proofreading is applicable.  After my posting, if you have found any point to improve the page, please communicate with me.

(19) Please accept that contributions of articles and posting them on the Web site are done without any payment.  In the "Collabo Page of XXXX", banner(s) will be posted with the link to your Web/Blog site, etc.

(20) I am planning to update the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" every 2 or 3 weeks, but not in a regular manner.  Please pardon me for any case when your contributed article is not uploaded in the earliest updating but delayed in posting, due to various causes. 

By establishing the relationships, as described above, with you and many other TRIZ promoters individually, I would like to open the Collabo Pages one by one.  In short, my proposal is to change the present separate existing of your Web/Blog sites and "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" into a collaborative existing of them by using the latter as a hub.  If this plan starts working, the burden on myself will become even heavier.  In such a case, however, some voluntary people will come to help me, I hope. 

Thanking you for taking time and consideration on this proposal, and looking forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes,

Toru Nakagawa,
Osaka Gakuin University, April 12, 2010

On Starting the Collabo Pages: Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, May 9, 2010) 

In the Japanese pages, new categories of pages are now started.  I asked several Japanese promoters of TRIZ and related areas for the collaboration by their contributing some (relatively) short articles regularly or from time to time to the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".  In this Web site, an HTML page will be opened for each contributor for posting their articles.  The contents of the page are to be made by the contributors, while Nakagawa will serve as the Web master.  The readers who are interested in the articles will visit the contributor's original Web site or Blog site. 

In this manner a collaborative network of TRIZ promoters Web sites can be built with the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" as the hub.  This network intermediated with regular short articles will be stronger than the simple networks intermediated only by 'collection of links'. 

Currently the following Collabo pages are opened:

-- Masahiro Kuwahara (IDEA Co.)      (Opened: May 9, 2010)




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Last updated on Dec. 24, 2010.     Access point:  Editor: