WTSP Working Material: | |
Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related Sites (2A) written in English in the world |
Posted: Mar. 18, 2019; Updated: Mar. 31; Apr. 7, 2019 |
For going to Japanese pages, press buttons.
Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Mar. 15, 2019; Mar. 30, 2019)
Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related sites were carried out and posted in September 2018 . My main intention at that time was to survey many/important TRIZ-related sites located in various countries for building the WTSP Catalogs in a bottom-up manner by the collaboration of many TRIZ colleagues. However, the team formation and actual jobs of survey and describing individual sites have not started smoothly. Through the recent communications with Michael Orloff, I realize that some rough image/drafts of WTSP Catalogs are necessary/useful, which can be build in a top-down manner as well So I started this '2nd round' Preliminary Internet Searches of TRIZ-related sites.
As written in the index page: Preliminary Internet Searches (2) of TRIZ-related Sites in the world (Mar. 31, 2019), this page is restructured to show the Search results of the TRIZ-related sites written in English in the whole world.
Refer to the index page on the process of the internet search and handling the results for showing the sites in a compact way.
Internet Search with Yahoo.Japan has resulted in 106 sites. And the sites are visited one by one quicky to get their basic information, and are evaluated tentatively in the 5 levels:
◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog --- 6 sites
○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ------------ 13 sites
□ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog --------------- 29 sites
△ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs ---------------- 33 sites
- : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ------- 25 sitesThe top 81 sites are listed here, in a rearranged order of their evaluation levels and site types.
Each site is shown with evaluation level, site name, URL of the site domain, and the number of hit pages in the search site.You may find that many good sites are missing in this survey results. We are going to merge the results of other surveys, of the '2nd round' as well as of the '1st round' carried out in September 2018.
Describing the introductions to individual sites is also a big job. We should perform the tasks in collaboration of many TRIZ colleagues, including you, the readers. Please join us and work Together ! Connected !!
Note (Toru Nakagawa, Apr. 6, 2019): The Data Part is shown in a tabular form. By the ordinary 'Copy & Paste' operation of the whole table into an Excel file, you can get the Table of sites, in a form handy to edit and sort as you like. The data of sites in different pages (2A) to (2F) may be merged easily (with some ovbious care).
Report Introduction |
Japanese page |
Preliminary Search for TRIZ sites in the English Language in the whole world
Mar. 15, 2019, Toru Nakagawa ==>.docx
The conditions of survey:
(a) Survey Keyword: TRIZ
(b) Language of the sites: English
(c) Location of the sites: Not specified (i.e., the whole world)
(d) Searcher's location: Not used (i.e., neutral from Japan)
(e) Search engine: Yahoo.Japan(f) Option: Only one representative page is shown for a site, with URL for the search for TRIZ-related pages inside the site
(g) Browser: FirefoxResults:
106 sites are listed, with 2-3 lines per site. Recorded in a Word file.
Underlined words have hyperlinks, which are active (at least in my environment)
Note: URL of option (f) is the hyperlink attached to : このサイト内で検索
Survey again with the keyword site:[URL of the site domain] and TRIZ .Further working process:
Visit the representative page, and then the top page of the site, and several more pages of the site quickly.
Then click the URL of option (f) to see the result of Site search, and take a glance of the list of pages, and record the number of pages (shown at the top of the survey).Name of the site, URL of the site, and number of TRIZ pages in the site are recorded.
--- This record of site title replaces the page title obtained in the survey.Then the sites are roughly evaluated, with the evaluation symbols: ◎ ○ □ △ -
The sites are rearranged with the evaluation.
Description of the 'representative' page is deleted, because no single page can represent the whole site in several lines.Interim Search Results for the World WTSP Catalog:
Evaluated ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 6 sites)
Evaluated ○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (13 sites)
Evaluated □ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (29 sites)
Evaluated △ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs === (33 sites)
Evaluated - : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== (25 sites)Further tasks to be done:
Visit individual sites again and describe its introduction in 5-10 lines.
Note: TRIZ-related pages inside a specific site [site URL] can be easily surveyed with Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine by using the search keywords:
TRIZ site:[site URL] E.g., TRIZ site:https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/Do further surveys (a) with ‘TRIZ’ in English, (b) with ‘TRIZ’ in some other important languages, (c) with keywords in wider scope, etc. and merge the results.
Pre2-(2A)-English-World (Mar. 15, 2019, Nakagawa Toru) |
Eval |
Site name |
Site URL | Site search pages |
Note |
====== Evaluated ◎ : Most important in the World WTSP Catalog ===== ( 6 sites) == |
International TRIZ organization |
◎ |
MATRIZ (The International TRIZ Association) |
https:// matriz.org/ | 328 |
◎ |
The Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies |
https:// www.aitriz.org/ | 906 |
◎ |
ETRIA (The European TRIZ Association) |
https://etria.eu/ | 76 |
------------------ |
Important public Web sites in TRIZ |
◎ |
The TRIZ Journal |
https://triz-journal.com/ | 3,030 |
◎ |
TRIZ Home Page in Japan (English) |
https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/php/nakagawa/TRIZ/eTRIZ/ | 1,170 |
◎ |
ICG Training & Consulting |
https://www.xtriz.com/ | 132 |
====== Evaluated ○ : Important in the World WTSP Catalog ====== (13 sites) ==== |
Organization |
○ |
Japan TRIZ Society | http:// www.triz-japan.org/ | 188 |
(Mostly in Japanese) |
○ |
Design Society |
https://www.designsociety.org/ | 481 |
---------- |
Consultancy / Methods |
○ |
Oxford Creativity |
www.triz.co.uk/ | 263 |
○ |
https://www.gen-triz.com/ | 31 |
○ |
Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ (AiMTRIZ) |
http://www.modern-triz-academy.com/ | 32 |
------------------------- |
Knowledge sharing |
○ |
Wikipedia |
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ | 1,580 |
○ |
YouTube |
https://www.youtube.com/ | 68,600 |
Many Irrelevant |
○ |
SlideShare |
https://www.slideshare.net/ | 2,920 |
○ |
https://www.linkedin.com/ | 9,630 |
Social Networking Service, mostly for professionals. The site search may be useful for checking TRIZ-relevant companies, persons, sites, etc. | |
------------------ |
Publication |
○ |
Research Gate |
https://www.researchgate.net/ | 42,900 |
○ |
Science Direct | https://www.sciencedirect.com/ | 2,030 |
○ |
SpringerLink | https://link.springer.com/ | 2,890 |
○ |
Amazon |
https://www.amazon.com/ | 5,390 |
====== Evaluated ☐ : Worthy in the World WTSP Catalog ===== (29 sites) ==== |
Organization |
☐ |
TRIZfest2018 | https://www.trizfest2018.com/ | 7 |
☐ |
TRIZ Future Conference 2015 Berlin (ETRIA TFC2015) |
https://www.tfc2015.com/ | 23 |
☐ |
Apeiron (Association for Reason-based Innovation) | https://www.apeiron-triz.org | 55 |
(Note: https://www.apeiron-triz.org works, but not https://www.apeiron-triz.org/ ) |
☐ |
TRIZ Future Conference 2018 (ETRIA TFC2018) | https://tfc2018.fr/ | 59 |
----------------------- |
Academia |
☐ |
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ | 92 |
☐ |
University of Twente Research Information |
https://research.utwente.nl/en/ | 76 |
------------------- |
Consultancy/methodology |
☐ |
Ideaplant | https://ideaplant.jp/ | 20 |
☐ |
InnovationManagement.sa | http://www.innovationmanagement.se/ | 32 |
☐ |
The TRIZ Group | https://trizgroup.com/ | 29 |
☐ |
TRIZ-RI Group | https://www.triz-ri.com/eng/ | 40 |
☐ |
Innovation-TRIZ | https://www.innovation-triz.com/ | 53 |
☐ |
InnoSupport | http://www.innosupport.net/ | 167 |
☐ |
Liberating Structures | http://www.liberatingstructures.com/ | 135 |
☐ |
IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) | https://www.theiet.org/ | 18 |
☐ |
TRIZ Consulting, Inc. | https://www.trizconsulting.com/ | 22 |
☐ |
Emeraldinsight | https://www.emeraldinsight.com/ | 87 |
☐ |
Technical Innovation Center, Inc. | https://www.triz.org/ | 54 |
☐ |
TRIZ XXI (TRIZ 21) | https://www.triz.es/ | 0 |
Search site 0 in English |
☐ |
12Manage | https://www.12manage.com/ | 16 |
☐ |
Google Play | https://play.google.com/ | 28 |
☐ |
Free Flow Partners | https:// freeflowpartners.co.nz/ | 27 |
☐ |
The QFD (Quality Functional Deployment) Institute |
https://www.qfdi.org/ | 69 |
---------------- |
Social Networking Servoces |
☐ |
ToolsHero |
https://www.toolshero.com/ | 12 |
☐ |
Meetup | https://www.meetup.com/ | 681 |
A Social Networking Service |
---------------- |
Knowledge sharing |
☐ |
KS Toolkit (Knowledge Sharing Toolkit) | https://www.kstoolkit.org/ | 6 |
----------- |
Publication |
☐ |
MachineDesign |
https://www.machinedesign.com/ | 15 |
☐ |
IEEE Xplore Digital library |
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ | 1,680 |
☐ |
Hindawi | https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ | 53 |
Open access publishing |
====== Evaluated △ : Worthy in Country WTSP Catalogs === (33 sites) ===== |
Organization |
△ |
https://trizti.org/ | 9 |
△ |
ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
https://www.asme.org/ | 12 |
△ |
USAID ASSIST Project (USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems Project) |
https://www.usaidassist.org/ | 3 |
△ |
SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics) Digital Library |
https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/ | 25 |
----------------- |
Academia |
△ |
LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology) |
whttps://ww.lut.fi/ | 24 |
△ |
Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI) |
https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ | 6 |
----------------- |
Methods |
----------------- |
Consultancy / Training |
△ |
TRIZ40.com |
http://www.triz40.com/ | 12 |
△ |
Solid Creativity |
https://www.solidcreativity.com/ | 6 |
△ |
NPD Solutions |
https://www.npd-solutions.com/ | 11 |
△ |
Udemy |
https://www.udemy.com/ | 7 |
△ |
IS (Innovazione Sistematica) |
https://www.innovazionesistematica.it/ | 9 |
△ |
Mycoted |
https://www.mycoted.com/ | 8 |
△ |
PRIMA Performance |
https://www.primaperformance.com/ | 3 |
△ |
Open Badge Academy |
https://www.openbadgeacademy.com/ | 4 |
△ |
TRIZmeta.com |
https:// trizmeta.com/ | 17 |
TRIZmeta is a playing card game based on TRIZ |
=====Evaluated - : Irrelevant/neglected in the WTSP Catalogs ==== (25 sites) (Omitted) |
◎ Most Important | ○ Important | □ Worthy World | △ Worthy Country | Preliminary Search (Sept. 2018) .docx files in USA: in English , in Ger/Fr/It/Sp , in Russian |
World TRIZ Extended Index |
World Around TRIZ Basic Index |
World Around TRIZ Extended Index |
Source documents for World WTSP Catalogs |
(A7) Current Working Manyscripts of WTSP Catalogs | (A8) World WTSP Catalogs (Current Active Version) | |||||||||
(B3) WTSP News 2019 | (B4) WTSP News 2020 | Japanese page of WTSP Index page |
Last updated on Apr. 3, 2020.. Access point: Editor: nakagawa@ogu.ac.jp