TRIZ paper: DE-03 MTRIZ site - Full Site Introduction (Michael Orloff)

Essay:  The Concept of Modern TRIZ and
Description of the Content of MTRIZ Website(s) by Prof. Michael Orloff

Michael Orloff (Modern TRIZ Academy, Germany)
Close Introduction of DE-03 MTRIZ Site in the World WTSP Catalogs

Contributed to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" on Dec. 22, 2022
Slightly revised on Jan. 25, 2024

Posted:  Dec. 29, 2022 ; Updated:  Jan. 30, 2024

For going to Japanese pages, press buttons. 

Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Dec. 28, 2022)

This page shows a close site introduction of the "Modern TRIZ Academy" website (Site Code: DE-03) contributed by the site owner, Michael Orloff, to the WTSP World Catalogs and "TRIZ Home Page in Japan".

In Dec. 2017 when I posted the initial proposal of WTSP (World TRIZ-related Sites Project), Prof. Michael Orloff quickly volunteered to join WTSP and to serve as a Global Co-editor.  I was surprised because I did not know him well, but happy with his joining.  He contributed much for these 5 years to survey and making Russian Language Part of World WTSP Catalogs and to our internal discussions on the policies of WTSP.  I read his (former) website and learned about his simple ways of teaching TRIZ and also his Training coure at Tech. Univ. of Berlin handling with SDGs problems.  Recently I visited his (renewed) "Modern TRIZ Academy" website for building the Germany Part of World WTSP Catalogs and was much surprised with his many articles of deep and extensive information. In this situation we are very happy that he wrote and contributed a close introduction of his own website. 


This page is composed of the following articles supplementing the WTSP Catalogs:

(a) Index and Site Introduction (by a suveyor) of the website.

(b) Site Description by the site owner in the WTSP Standard Form (one page in A4).

(c) A Close Site Introduction by the site owner in a free fromat ; PDF    (slightly revised version, Jan. 25, 2024)


Editor's Note (Toru Nakagawa, Jan. 30, 2024)

The Author, Prof. Michael Orloff, sent to me his slightly revised version of (c)  Close Site Introduction, for correcting typos etc., on Jan. 28.  I have updated this page by replacing the Close Site Introduction with the new version, without changing the file names, hyperlinks, layout, etc. for the sake of smooth access by the readers.


Top of this pag

(a) Index and Site Introduction

(b) Site Description

(c) Close Site Introduction

PDF of Close Site Introduction

DE-03 ModernTRIZAcademy

Germany Part of World WTSP Catalogs



(a)  Index and Site Introduction (by a surveyor) in Germany Part of World WTSP Catalogs

Site Code Eval

Site name

Site URL






Site search pages



Modern TRIZ Academy (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ)



(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations,

  Including: TN2A-11  


Modern TRIZ Academy (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ (AiMTRIZ))    Germany en

(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations,

  See: DE-03


DE-03   ;  ◎TA ; Modern TRIZ Academy (Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ)     ;  ; Location: Germany ; Language: en ;
Roles:  (a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (e4) Consultants, (e5) Training organizations,

[Note (TN, Dec. 13, 2022):  This site was not detected in the Internet survey, and inserted here lately.  This site is operated by Michael Orloff.  I knew the pages of his activities of SDGs discussion project with students at Technical University of Berlin and also simplified format of applying TRIZ in lecture courses.  But they are only a very small part of his activities and website contents, I found recently.  The website really has a huge accumuration of  knowledge and documents, which have been applied/proven and shown here in detail.  I would like to rewrite this survey after reading the site closely.  Please give me some more time.]

[Note (TN, Dec. 26, 2022):  The site owner, Michael Orloff, has contributed today a full set of site descriptions: (b) Site Description in WTSP Standard Form (1 page) + (c) Close Site Introduction in Free-format (26 pages).  I am posting them here and am relieved from updating my site introduction as a surveyor.]



(b) Site Description (by the site owner) in the WTSP Standard Form

Site Description Form     WTSP (World TRIZ Sites Project)    (Version: 2021/ 3/25  TN)

Team: DE (Germany)  Site Code: DE-03  Writer: Michael Orloff  Date: 2022.12.26




Site Name  **     

Modern TRIZ Academy


Site domain URL       **,


Site Location       **


Refer the codes

Site Language


Refer the codes

Roles of Site

(a1) Dedicated for information sending, (e1) Method developers, (e5) Training organizations,(e4) Consultants, (f8) Handbooks,  (h3) Educational organizations

Refer the codes

Evaluation **

Refer the codes
Use ◎〇□△- marks

Single-line Description **

Training in TRIZ fundamentals with educational methodology and models of Modern TRIZ


Application phase       *

(c1) Idea generation, (c2) Solution building, (c3) Solution evaluation and selection, (d1) Improving and implementing solutions

Refer the codes

Application Fields       *

(c1) Engineering in general

Refer the codes

Methods     *

(m) Classical TRIZ methods, (n) Modernized TRIZ methods, (a4) Training methods, (d1) Creativity training, (f5) Use of knowledge of technology evolution, (g2) Use of contradiction analysis for guiding toward possibly effective idea generation principles,

Refer the codes

Description of Introduction

Key scientifically and socially significant ideas of the site:
organization of mass training in fundamental ideas of TRIZ based on reasonably simplified structures;
development of procedures for studying effective creative solutions (extracting and reinventing);
standardization of the presentation of information about the main components of the process of creating an inventive solution (in the formats of extracting and reinventing);
accumulation of information about the main components of inventive process using the standardized structure of the Meta-Algorithm of Invention "Trend-Reducing-Invention-Zooming" (MAI T-R-I-Z), also focused on the invention of new ideas and solutions;
development of educational complexes fully provided with textbooks, examples and samples, distance learning mechanisms.

Free format, in 5-10 lines

Further Detailed Information

See SiteIntro-DE-03-ModernTRIZAcademy.pdf : "Essay: The Concept of Modern TRIZ and Description of the Content of MTRIZ Website(s) by Prof. Orloff"


Note of description 


Remarks for further revision

Note:  Adjust/expand the cell spaces as you need.
       Refer the codes in "Multi sets of Indexing Schemes for the WTSP Catalog System"
     (2020/11/20 TN).                ** Mandatory,   * Desirable


See Closer Site Introduction:  "Essay: The Concept of Modern TRIZ and Description of the Content of MTRIZ Website(s) by Prof. Orloff"    SiteIntro-DE-03-ModernTRIZAcademy.pdf   (Dec. 26, 2022)   Also see  eOrloff-MTRIZ-Essay-221229.html        (Replaced with the slightly revised version, Jan. 30, 2024).



(c) A Close Site Introduction (by the site owner) in a free format

Essay: The Concept of Modern TRIZ and Description of the Content of MTRIZ Website(s)

   by Prof. Michael Orloff (Modern TRIZ Academy, Germany)

Close Introduction of DE-03 MTRIZ Site in the World WTSP Catalogs
Contributed to "TRIZ Home Page in Japan" on Dec. 22, 2022   
             (Replaced with the slightly revised version, Jan. 30, 2024)


Prof. Michael Orloff



Reference website:


2022.12.22   2024.01.25 (Slightly revised)


The purpose of the essay and websites of the Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ (AIMTRIZ) is to inform potential visitors (readers) about the following aspects of activity:

1. Preamble
2. Purpose and meaning of TRIZ.
3. Purpose and significance of Modern TRIZ (MTRIZ).
4. Methodological foundations of MTRIZ.
5. MTRIZ paradigms.
6. Instrumental methods and models of MTRIZ.
7. Advantages of the educational paradigm of the MTRIZ system.
8. Educational programs MTRIZ.
      8.1. Program MTRIZ Junior
      8.2. Program MTRIZ Practitioner
      8.3. Program MTRIZ Teacher
      8.4. Program MTRIZ Master
9. Main publications in the field of MTRIZ.


1. Preamble

The impetus for writing this essay about Modern TRIZ (MTRIZ) and the websites of the Academy of Instrumental MTRIZ (AIMTRIZ) was the call by Professor T. Nakagawa to the owners of TRIZ sites around the world to tell about their motivation for creating their sites, and at the same time about their interest in TRIZ and activities with TRIZ.

For starters, I can recall that I met the future TRIZ when I was 16 years old and I was a student at the Minsk Polytechnic College. In 1963, our class teacher once brought a small soft book (Fig. 1) with a black cover into the classroom and said (rather colloquially, even rudely, which was his manner of exerting a frighteningly-educational influence on us): Here, who is not a fool, run now to the store and buy this wonderful book!

I have carried this book through my entire life. The name TRIZ appeared only in 1971.

Fig. 1. The world's first book by Genrikh Altshuller on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ),
which then (in 1961) did not yet have this name

And in general, for us, students of a technical school, and then students of the Minsk Radio-Technical Institute (University), the application of the methodology for creating inventions was a common thing, devoid of excitement. In 1969, the head of the patent department of the institute, Z.I. Lozneva, at her lectures on patent science, distributed the first catalogs and tables of G.S. Altshuller for use in term papers and theses. Which is what we did.

Much later, in the mid-1980s, having 30-40 invention certificates each, we began to understand the importance of TRIZ as an unsurpassed toolkit for engineering creative thinking. At this time, Valery Tsourikov began to create his famous and unsurpassed software "Invention Machine", which later became really a "machine" for creating inventions, rising after the first versions to the "TechOptimizer" stage, and then to the not-fantastic height of the software "GoldFire", which continues to be improved to this day (by a large group of programmers in Minsk, despite the fact that since 2022 the ownership of this software belongs to S&P Global, which acquired IHS, which owned the software for the last approximately 10 years or more).

Due to my various administrative abilities, I helped Valery to make the "Invention Machine" software, and then, after he created the famous "Invention Machine" company in Boston, USA, and in 1992 I created my joint venture with a German partner in Essen, I began to work on promotion of MTRIZ and "Invention Machine" software in Europe, and, in fact, in the world, as he represented and sold this software at several international exhibitions, for example, CeBIT in Hannover.

In 1996, I founded a TRIZ company in Berlin, which in 2000 was renamed the MTRIZ Academy. The number of co-founders has grown.

My first publication [1] on MTRIZ took place in 1996 (with additions until 1998) by the WEKA publishing house and included 100 pages, on which a sketch of TRIZ was given and my scheme of the four-stage Meta-Algorithm of Invention (MAI) was given. Major subsequent publications are listed in section 9.

Since 1997, a lot of research work has been carried out to refine the A-Matrix and A-catalogues, to develop software for various purposes (now it does not continue due to insufficient funding, since much more powerful software is needed), and to create educational programs. A lot of work was done in the interests of SIEMENS (1997-2004), then almost two years of work for SAMSUNG (2005-2006, trainings were held in Suwon and Berlin for engineers and managers and 4 predictive projects were completed with a total starting market prospect of more than $ 15 billion), then two years of work in China for dozens of enterprises (2007-2008), including for HUAWEI, and further distance learning, consultations, trainings, projects for dozens of enterprises. Our activity since 1997 covers a period of 25 years.

Particular experience since 2006 has been working on master's programs at the Technical University of Berlin (TUB), including for almost 7 years for the TUB Center in El Gouna, Egypt, in a number of specialties: Global Production Engineering, Energy Engineering, Water Engineering, Urban Development, etc.

In the early 2020s (during a global downturn in demand for educational programs due to the impact of the covid epidemic), we began a complete reorganization of all our activities with a review and revision of all our educational programs. This work has been going on for two years already, so the launch of new sites and programs in a new structure and content is being prepared.

[1] Konstruktionsmanagement / Prof. B. Klein (Hrsg.). WEKA Fachverlag, Augsburg, 1996-1998; 2 Bände – Losebl.-Ausg.; Inkl. Orloff, Michael: Ein Instrument für innovatives Konstruieren: CROST™ – Constructive Resource-Oriented Strategy of Thinking, ISBN 3-8111-5592-X


For further texts, See  the PDF file:

Images of the PDF pages are shown below:










Top of this pag

(a) Index and Site Introduction

(b) Site Description

(c) Close Site Introduction

PDF of Close Site Introduction

DE-03 ModernTRIZAcademy

Germany Part of World WTSP Catalogs



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Last updated on Jan. 30, 2024    Access point:  Editor: